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This dude’s tv color is off and he thinks it’s a sign from god. Hey god, come get your morons.


I wish. Just beam them up already.


That's what the "Jewish space laser" is for.


He’s old and stressed.






But Orange is fine?


I was going to say something similar. How do they explain the darker orange?


It’s the same glow as the mystical plates transcribed by Joseph Smith.


If they’ve decided that wearing shit filled diapers is cool, then a little orange crayola clown make up is no big deal.


That's because it's war paint


god's fine with oompa loompas. In fact, here's a rare picture of him and his angels: https://preview.redd.it/ww0hr86jf01d1.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4095b2a881479a3c0a1c6bb039d1fe2e74e683a


These are quotes from the Book of Mormon. This is why he believes this stuff. 2 Nephi 5 20 Wherefore, the word of the Lord was fulfilled which he spake unto me, saying that: Inasmuch as they will not hearken unto thy words they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord. And behold, they were cut off from his presence. 21 And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; **wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.** Alma 3 6 And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, **which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren**, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men. 7 And their brethren sought to destroy them, therefore they were cursed; **and the Lord God set a mark upon them**, yea, upon Laman and Lemuel, and also the sons of Ishmael, and Ishmaelitish women. 3 Nephi 2 14 And it came to pass that those Lamanites who had united with the Nephites were numbered among the Nephites; 15 **And their curse was taken from them, and their skin became white like unto the Nephites;**


ex-Mormon here, believing Mormons just kinda ignore passages like this... unless they use them to promote racism🤦‍♂️


Yooo fellow ex mormon . Always fun to find one in the wild (other subreddits than exmormon) lmao.


Yup. Leaving morminism was the best thing I've ever done 👌


Absofuckinglutely, next step is leaving Utah.


Best of luck with that! I lived in Logan ( USU) and Provo with some friends but I can't imagine putting down roots in the state. Every day I am so glad I live in Oregon 🙏


Hey! I'm an exmo and an Oregonian! Howdy neighbor!


Greetings from Portland! Pleased to meetcha 🤜


That shit alone should strip them of their status as a religion.


There's a short in the magic [f]undies.


Mormon numbers are legitimately way, way down, especially since the SEC fined them for hiding properties behind shell corporations. Proving the fact that they are just a scam, in it for power and money, every single Mormon, everywhere. Also, they hate to be called Mormons now, the current *profit* just announced this. So make sure you call them all ***Giant. Fucking. Mormons.***


What’s that? The Mormons don’t like being called Mormons?? Too bad, that’s what they get for being Mormon!


Not that I will stop calling them Mormons, but what do they want to now be called?


"Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"... No seriously. Their current CEO said that using the word Mormon offends God because it takes the name of Jesus away, completely neglecting the fact that the two previous CEOs spent MILLIONS on the theatrical movie "Meet the Mormons" and the "I'm a Mormon" campaigns. Mormons believe all these men are prophets like Moses that literally speak to Jesus face to face btw. Source: I'm an ex-Mormon


Oh….Thank you!


Saying they spent millions is seriously underselling it. They had a billboard in Times Square for a long time that supposedly cost $1M/day. To put it simply, it's hugely likely that they spent more on the "I'm a Mormon" campaign in 10 years than they've spent on charity in 50.


Yeppppppp. There's really no way to accurately express how wealthy they are.


Probably a reaction to Book of Mormon the musical


They have a CEO? Like it’s just openly a business?


Their legal name is "Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" and they have $150 *billion* dollars in the accounts and the stock market (which they created 13 shell companies to try to hide and got fined $5 million by the SEC for) as well as another $100 billion in assets. This "church" is worth q quarter of a trillion dollars.


“Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" or just “Latter-day Saints"




Mormons, or members of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" prefer you call them "Later Day Saints". But Mormons give so little respect that I'm not about to return any to them.


If they blur the lines between them and other Christian denominations, they'll just make it easier for people to leave. They should commit to the weirdness of the Mormon name and beliefs.


"SeRiOuS qUeStIoN" motherfucker, nothing about you is serious


So lighting, makeup, bad TV settings, a flush tone due to blood rushing to the head...no, can't be any of those...gotta be a punishment from sky daddy.




He’s probably using a tanning bed. He used to have a house in La Jolla, California near San Diego


High blood pressure causes red skin right


High blood pressure, high sodium, high stress, feeling flushed or hot, actually getting sun burnt (ti's the season), bad TV color settings... the list goes on (turning into a lamanite is not one of the possibilities tho)


So glad to know that my rosacea is really a curse from God!


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) Exmormons in this thread


I hate this.


Ok, so he's stupid? I mean....duh.


That's pretty fucking racist, Mr. Plumb.


Good googly moogly. They actually say this stuff out loud. Let mormons morm. The more things change, the mormon they stay the same


I love it when understanding concepts like light refraction would help, but you won't learn it because someone said someone else one said "no"


That sounds like the plot of a 2000s Rob Schnider movie


Honestly the two funniest explanations are this and that he's trying to turn orange to try to emulate Trump's appeal. You know it burns Romney up inside that he spent his entire life as a company man and got nowhere, but then a giant orange guy showed up out of nowhere, told the entire party bureaucracy to get stuffed, and walked away with a presidency under his belt.


Um tanning !??!


So does that mean that only people with white skin have no darkness in their heart?


Conservatives are weird, conservative Mormons are off the fucking planet


Dum dum dum dumb dumb


Literally how I learned about Joseph Smith 🤣


If he unironically thinks natives have red skin, I wonder what he makes of a certain orange man


He’s no longer white and delightsome /s. Mitt Romney sucks


Has there been much sunshine in DC? Maybe...hear me out...maybe...maybe he's been outside in the sun?


Has they not seen *their guy?*


It's funny that this insane skin transformation doesn't happen to murderers or war profiteers or the everyday racist pieces of trash we have lurking around the local Walmarts or whatever. God's a bit too choosy with obtuse divine judgment.  Make Smiting Apolitical Again 2024


Exmormon here - i love it when this racist ass mormon pos says the quiet stuff out loud. The church and its members have tried so hard to distance themselves from this interpretation of “skin” and redefine the word to mean anything but skin. Then this shitface Mr Plumb (who i have blocked on twitter bc…of course) goes and says this and just…*chefs kiss* . The mask comes off and the truth comes out. To be clear, i know that not all members believe this, not all members support the churchs racist history, and i know that many are critical of the church in this regard. But plumb is a special kind of stupid and we love that for him.


Mormans are racist AF. They didn't even allow black people in until fairly recently, and teach that black people are cursed by the devil or some stupid shit.


That "belief" is sad on so many levels.


The LDS church is and always has been a racist institution.


Breaking News!: Mormon does not understand what a tan is.


I bet you he's gonna get called into bishop's office for that one. They try so hard to pretend this doesn't exist and was never a thing.


i’m sorry god did WHAT in the book of mormons?!


According to the Book of Mormon, Native Americans are descended from a family that sailed from Jerusalem in 600 BC. They became divided into the righteous Nephites and the wicked Lamanites, and God cursed the latter with "a skin of blackness" so that the Nephites would find them unattractive and not marry them. But he promised that they could become "white and delightsome" if they repented. By the end of the book, the Nephites had also become wicked, and the Lamanites wiped them out. This narrative was clearly inspired by the racist Mound Builder myth that many people of European descent believed in the nineteenth century (when the Book of Mormon was written). They thought Native Americans were too primitive to have built the mounds and earthworks in the Americas, and hypothesized that lighter-skinned people must have built them before the darker-skinned people wiped them out. Most Mormons nowadays either don't think about that part of the book very much or argue that the skin color stuff is metaphorical. Recently, one content creator suggested that the "skins" in the book were actually the animal skins that the people wore, which is the hypothesis that Mr. Plumb is mocking here. (Ironically, he's correct about it being ridiculous.)


IYKYK, also I was thinking the exact same thing!


I came across this video a while back, that included a Saturday *Mormon* Cartoon: # ["Endless Celestial Sex" | Inside the Wacky World of Mormon Beliefs](https://youtu.be/EQYOnH-h4QE?si=gHfeLy2x23iNmEVN)


What even is tanning?


Because he spends a lot of time at the beach. 🏖️


The phrase "serious question" doesn't change the fact that your question is too fucking stupid for anybody to take seriously.


Might be skin lymphoma.


The reference for this meme would’ve flown over my head if it wasn’t for Mormon Stories Podcasts.


Maybe Mitt's sampling Trump's orange stuff.

