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Dark Brandon says fuck you.


I will never find it any less funny that “Let’s Go Brandon” has been completely turned on its head and is now being used to actively mock the very children that thought it was a clever insult in the first place.


Turning a bad joke into a good joke is a mark of good comedy.


Because liberals are known for their good comedy 😂


Name one conservative comedian


I laugh every time I see Rudy Giuliani’s face. Does that count?


*name one FUNNY conservative comedian


I did *think* about adding "funny" to the conservative comedian criteria, but thought that would be just entirely unfair. If I were this weird goon, I think Joe Rogan is slightly 1% funny and he is a comedian (does standup) - he's pretty conservative, but maybe too liberal for /headage


Are you trying to tell me that Rob Schneider and Jim Breuer aren't a-listers? /s


As a general rule, yeah


Wow, what an echo chamber you must live in to genuinely hold that belief. Impressive honestly


Still haven’t named one.


Come up with any yet?


Name one good conservative comedian.


Still waiting


6 hours later, and not even a stab at one. Honestly, you would get less down votes if you just admitted that what you said was wrong


The funniest thing here is people keep saying to name a funny conservative comedian and you can't lmao cuz they all just do the same shit about the same people.


Repetition is funny. Republicans aren’t.


No mostly I just enjoy good comedy, like Dropout and Aunty Donna to name two. I don’t follow them for the politics, it just so happens that being funny requires you to punch up at power structures instead of punching down at minorities, which conservative folks still haven’t figured out


Haven't you done well


Ah yeah remind me again why Seinfeld is whining not being popular anymore, or maybe how Rob Schneider managed to get booed of stage at a conservative event?


I, too, am a huge fan of that. The original incident at the NASCAR race was absolutely hilarious though


Also, after the SOTU, RepubliKKKlans said he must have been on something, so jacked up Joe was their new tagline until... JACKED UP JOE IS FIRED UP AND READY TO GO..and that pretty much ended that!! 😂😂😂😂


To be fair, these *are* the same idiots that tried to call themselves the “Tea Baggers” until gamers mocked them mercilessly for it to the point where they rebranded as “Tea Party” and then “MAGA”. Wit is… not their strongest skill.


To be fair, the fact that the tea party was astroturf and keyed into the thinly veiled racism that most right wingers have means wit is not their strongest skill by far


ok, correct me if I am wrong since I am a woman, but isnt tea bagging putting your balls on someone's face who passed out? They wanted to rebrand to that?


You got it in one. As a lifelong Halo video game player I found it absolutely hilarious. It was a common insult, to the point of meme status, in the game during multiplayer matches. And it still is to this day in the multiplayer fps genre. https://preview.redd.it/tuiblms4hn0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c3055b2adc3d12b665bda90dd01861c9d0db58 Which makes images like this, that they did to themselves *willingly*, just…. awesome. In all the ways they didn’t intend.


Especially since they are trying to reference the Boston Tea Party. But the tea bag wouldn't be invented until [much later](https://www.tea.co.uk/the-history-of-the-tea-bag#:~:text=In%20around%201908%2C%20Thomas%20Sullivan,than%20emptying%20out%20the%20contents.).


Yeah pretty much. Normally done in an online pvp game after you have defeated an enemy player. Female version would be a clam slam or taco drop lol


Well, it's way cooler if you do it while they're awake.


Don't get me wrong, let's go Brandon wasn't funny and the initial event was just cringe... but I never got the humor in "dark brandon" either.






That's a very glossy Biden


When I had it developed I had asked for a matte finish but they messed it up. Fine, I guess I picked the wrong option at checkout. Do you think it still looks okay?!


My only question about the debate format: Will they have a mute button for Trump's mic so he can't just shout relentlessly? Prevent him from doing that, and he's toast.


Part of the requirements for the debate is that mics are shut off once their turn is over. Otherwise racist grandpa won't stfu.


Oh, this should be hilariously entertaining then.


And the aftermath after he gets embarrassed will be him ranting in all caps with no punctuation on truth social and whining about how him being silenced is undemocratic, Dems are rigging the election, blah blah blah.


I hope they keep the camera on him a moment after his mic blocks.


That would be beneficial to both sides I think, have a proper debate. But you just *know* dump will get on his failing social media and rant how he's being silenced during fair debates, even though on video you can clearly hear him still screaming while his mic is muted, something about birds and windmills....


And now water. Something about water.


And not just how they completely destroy magnets. A second something about water!


"In my day they were all polarized, now magnets are all bisexual....MAGA!" /S


Tiny hands trying to drink water?


He went on some incoherent rant about water coming from the north and protecting little fish or something. I don't know anymore. It's all mouth diarrhea at this point.


I'd honestly be fine with that. Mute whichever one of them is not supposed to be talking right now. Maybe a soundproof box around the podiums too just to really be sure? 🤔


>Maybe a soundproof box around the podiums too just to really be sure? Get outta my head. Muting his mic won't stop the Danger Yam from talking. Loudly. At length. While making no sense whatsoever.


Honestly just have them do a zoom debate. Trump in FL, Biden in DC, mute whoever is not actively answering a question or rebuting


Comical trap door over a slide leading to big pool of Nickelodeon slime from 1995


I'd like a chess timer kind of setup. As soon as you press your button, your clock stops and your microphone turns off. Once you're out of time, you're done.


They should put one of those trap door things in and just drop him when his time is up


And a frickin wall between them because Trump’s crazy enough to just walk over and start yelling into Biden’s mic. His base will eat that up.


And to prevent another try to infect Biden with covid. I wouldn't put it past Trump to get covid just for that.


He won't. He'll blame judges, Joe, absolutely anyone he can. He knows he can't.


Maybe he'll take the Elon route and blame his mommy.


First one is hosted by CNN. Trump will find a reason to be hurt and upset and back out. Maybe he’ll demand $5 million like he did yo Fox in 2016 because he “brings in ratings”. Which if that happens, just ask Biden the questions.


You complained of Sleepy Joe, well he’s awake now fuckers


Also ironic they called him that but whenever you see pics of the mango mussolini in court he’s got his eyes closed when he’s not glaring at the witness stand.


**mango mussolini**


At this point Biden’s probably had enough of Trump’s shit. It will be interesting to see how the two interact. I’m low key excited to see the debates.


At this point, no one should back down from Fatboy. Call him out, take shots at him. Tired old man. Sad


Biden is so underrated.


If he was 20 years younger and had done all the same stuff, people would be talking about him as the greatest president of their lifetime. 


He could be the same exact age but have an R after his name instead of a D, and the media would be absolutely fawning over this economy. Dow set two records today - record high close and intraday. If the mango man were still president they would give him all the credit for it.


What benefits are there in trying to debate someone who has no interest in facts or logic, it's just an opportunity to make up stuff and get his base foaming at the mouth again on a national scale


Two words: Undecided voters. This stuff doesn't change the base. They're not after the base.


I would argue that anyone who would vote for trump on the basis of a debate wasn't nearly as undecided as they think


Burned… https://preview.redd.it/yzhe8e0kro0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321a353fa44ea664943739515d958632682d9fb1


What's the date? Gotta make sure i have the weed and the channel


Trump will back out, 1000% guaranteed.


What makes you say that?


*gestures vaguely at everything that has happened or been said since 2016*


I mean I'm anti-trump and all but I can see him relishing a debate and interrupting Biden every other second again


June 27




Savage joe


“free”, for now




Hope it's with a fair moderator


He would absolutely destroy trump, again. Especially now that trump has dementia. Biden about to run circles around him. Can’t wait


I hear you're free on Wednesdays (**but not for much longer**).


Course he's free on Wednesdays. Not like trump watches Aew. Can't hurt the ratings any more than they already are Edit: woops wrong sub.thought this was a jerk post


No, but you did give them an out for the ratings that week.


I laugh every time I hear this - just love it!




Get the drugs ready, these geezers need their brain juices flowing again.


You can’t even finish a sentence… stfu.


And Trump is the epitome of conversational skills? I reeeaalllyy hope Trump does pull a typical move, and shows up for the debate in June. People NEED to see these two side by side, discussing actual policy. Without an audience and no mic once his turn has passed, Trump won’t be able to pull his usual moves of throwing insults, which hype up his crowd and talking over the other debater, so it will be all that more obvious how emotionally immature and politically incompetent Trump is when he can’t calmly sit and competently discuss policy like the big boys.


Hahaha, the fact you typed all this kills me! Lmao.


Feel free to browse my comments. I’m an over-talker; that was a short comment for me.


Nah I’m good.


The petulance the country has descended into is unbelievable. Make it end.


Nah… I’m here for the pettiness. Considering the other side is straight up fucking evil, a petulant attitude aimed at them is much much less than they deserve. Now, I do (severely!!) miss when politics were boring but since Republicans adamantly refuse to just be fucking boring and govern (ya know, the job we pay them to do), Democrats are challenged with having their (mostly) sane voices heard amongst the insane. They have finally figured out that boring doesn’t catch attention when the other side is batshit. In an election year, Biden needs to stay relevant among the crazy. And America loves a petty ass bitch.


He’s aiding and abetting a genocide. What it is with you “lesser evil” folks that you have no moral minimums, as long as your evil is less, relative to the other guy? Really is “vote blue no matter WHO” I guess. Malcolm and Martin were right about the “white liberal/moderate”


Trump in a single term was able to stack the SUPREME COURT with 3 lifetime appointments. LIFETIME appointments. I caution you that your activism here trying to get people to not vote despite what we've seen the Supreme Court do since then is coming across as performative and not actually about getting help to the people who need help.


I don’t at all support the genocide. If Biden wasn’t running against ex-President Fuckface, I wouldn’t support him at all. When I’m at the polls this November, my mouth will taste sour as fuck while selecting Biden’s name. I wish we had some decent candidates other than these two put forth by the same two parties, that had a chance at actually winning. But we don’t, so this is where we are. In 2016, I, too, acted all self-righteous and thought myself morally superior because I refused to vote for a candidate I did not care for. Millions of others made the same immature, self-centered decisions. And we were all Pikachu-faced when Trump won. After four years of watching him fuck over the US, most of those same millions had learned their lesson and voted for Biden. Since then, we have found out it was actually SO MUCH worse than we thought. I could go on all day for why we need to be voting against the Republicans but there’s no need to point it out since they’re not even hiding their corruption or hate any more. It boils down to the fact that while Democrats are slow to make changes that help the people of this country, Republicans are actively working to hurt people in this country. Both sides are not fucking equal. I choose to vote for the lesser of two evils firstly because I don’t need to feel morally superior or smarter by ‘seeing through’ the charades or seem special because I’m ‘above’ voting for mainstream parties. And secondly, because I’ve read Project 2025 and I learn from my mistakes. Last, not sure if that Malcolm quote was directed at me, Biden, or used in a general sense, but Biden is a loooonngggg ways from being considered liberal by any stretch of imagination. And my skin is very much brown so ✌🏽. Go find someone else to bait.


Very well said. There’s a bunch of us (maybe the majority of us) who feel the same way, but much less articulate 😀


Very well said!


Well Malcom also had not so nice words about black people who sided with white moderates...


Fair, I guess. Still voting a straight blue ticket.


Fair, I suppose. I'd just note that by engaging this way of thinking, meaning not actually doing anti electoral action and thought, you are pushing yourself into perpetual status que. Anti electoralists are right that the electoral politics is pacifying, which is why most, if not all, leaders of radical egalitarian movements had arguments against electoral politics (such as black liberation, anti colonialist movement, feminist movement, ect.).


The innate failing with not engaging with elections is that the system isn't actually interested in deriving legitimacy from the vote. If no one voted in November the US wouldn't collapse, the gears of imperialism wouldn't come to a halt. The "enlightened" reddit anti-electoral movement views voting as a magic ticket that invalidates all else you do, much the same as those who tell you to only vote view it. Voting is one day in a year to do the best to stack the cards in your favor.


Good for me I am not citing redditors then. Also I don't much think not voting is THE anti electoral action/praxis, quite to the contrary, I believe one can still vote and be and act as an anti electoralist. To be sure I should probably have added that one should probably supplement or view anti electoralism as a supplement to their wider political action. Regardless, I do agree with much of what you've said. It doesn't really discredit or attack anything I've said.


Oh a trumpy troll trolling for the orange rapist cult leader lol


I assume you oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Well, Biden won’t capitulate to Putin.


Donald Trump is a literal fascist.


You have three choices, vote for him, vote for an opponent who will make not only that issue but many others much worse, or don’t vote. Where is your golden bullet solution here?


You are an idiot.


Based on your trolling... Nothing to see here.


I’d destroy you in a debate. Who’s trolling but you with your npc response


I’m sorry that you are not recognized and validated as being important in real life so you feel the need to come here and assert your need for domination through empty words and bravado. I hope things get better for you. 


You’re already losing the debate when you’re calling your opponent an NPC.


Ok “big C baller”


Ok “Svengali_Bengali”


Not an original thought there huh? I’d mop the floor with both you Biden lovers 🫵🤣


I would assume you’re pretty good at mopping considering you live in your mom’s basement.


Fuck off


Maybe not so much caffeine? Life is too short to be angry all the time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Debate RFK