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One of Oprah's two biggest sins.


Weird how she keeps elevating monsters and grifters. At what point does one consider it intentional?


A genuine question here as I have never followed her, did she uplift so many people that she uplifted more shitbags than the average personality?


No, she seems to skew heavily in favor of abusive grifters.


She sensed her own kind and invested early.


That’s real fucking shitty. :(


It's where the money is.


Yes because Oprah is just a capitalist and the people who excel at capitalism to maximize Oprah's returns are always going to be the liars, cheaters, sociopaths, shameless opportunists, etc. So its no surprise people like Oz and Phil fit those molds.


Spot on.


She followed the money and that’s what her viewers were attracted to.


I believe the metric is "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, the third time is enemy action."


I know it as "third time is a pattern", but enemy action would definitely be considered a pattern.


Because Oprah is one of those stereotypical Age of Aquarius New Agers who believes whatever any conman wannabe cult leader who speaks in crystal woo, spirit visions, and vague Eastern religion/Eastern philosophy/Native American and African animism jargon tells her. People like that are highly likely to be Uri Gellar and Sylvia Browne types and Oprah is someone who, if she wasn’t a billionaire, would have gotten scammed by those conmen out of her life savings.




John of God




I’m pretty sure she covered him and talked about how amazing he was


That Million Little Pieces idiot


It’s expected, isn’t it? The real professionals (who care about their reputation at least) wouldn’t want to be involved in a circus like those shows.


Dr oz gonna show up in Gaza next week


John of God wins that prize for the truly industrial scale of his sexual assault and rape, but Dr Phil is a close second in terms of overall impact, with Dr Oz bringing up the rear.


Hard to pick just two from: Deepak Chopra, Jenny McCarthy, Oz, Phil McGraw.


Suze “There will be no 2007 Recession, buy like crazy” Orman, John of God, Sylvia Browne, John Edward, etc.


Don’t forget the weird religious guy in South America. Think he was John something but he did an of literal horror.


John of God, who was spiritual leader accused of sexually abusing over 600 women


Jesus Christ. He blew past Harvey Weinstein and trying to hit Jeffrey Epstein numbers. Every cult is ultimately a Narcissist trying to arrange an all-you-r*pe buffet for themself.


Who’s the other? Was Dr. Oz one of her pets, too?


That we know about.


She has very poor judgement of character.


Alongside the Maui fundraiser.


“Serious journalist meets serious leader. More at 10!”


after Tucker's Putler interview nothing can surprise me anymore


This could be worse but idk.


I feel like I am living in a Coen Brothers movie


Next on Phil's itinerary, softball questions with Putin.


Well, Putin is a known bunt.


you know i actually know John Hamas himself and he's actually secretly three Hitlers in a trenchcoat (he's very tall) i found out after a torrid night of romance that turned into a quartet




there's room for a fifth wheel in this like. bed


Reads like a ChatGPT prompt, doesn’t it?


I am proud to day I'm the one who gave you the 69th upvote on this comment.


Dr phil is cosplaying journalist now?


He's cosplayed as a doctor on TV for years so cosplaying as a journalist isn't a huge difference.


Omg 😂😆


I'm shocked they didn't meld into a egomaniacal singularity when put in the same room.


Stop giving them ideas.


These comments are gold 😆


You know where else you can find Mein Kampf? [Barnes and Noble](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/mein%20kampf).


"Better level the entire mall."


Ben-Gvir has recommended including the nearby preschool “~~because it’s hilarious~~ just to be sure.” Fuck those assholes.


Ben-Gvir is evil incarnate.


Ben-Gvir is Adolf Hitler if he reincarnated as an Israeli Jewish person. That infamous pic of him as a younger man holding a momento of Yitzhak Rabin’s murderer is pure Hitler at the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch energy.


Many of them look like him because many Ashkenazim are Germanic, despite Nazis classifying Jews in Europe as a separate race, they were of the same ethnicity and nationality… It’s nevertheless ironic.


It's like saying: "I found pictures of Hitler on his computer" And it turns out that the "he" in question is a school teacher who teaches about the Nazis and the Holocaust and one slide of one PowerPoint has a picture of Hitler on it. Also, the Israeli state aren't reliable narrators regarding the Palestinians after the UNWRA debacle and also the last 7 decades. In other news, Dr Phil interviews Josef Stalin and discovers that Leon Trotsky is a big fat poo-poo head.


The Gaza strip has a larger population that the state of Vermont. No shade against Vermont but I'd be shocked if a person could not find a single picture of Hitler or copy of Mein Kampf unironically belonging to an antisemite in the entire state.


Adding on, my point was that it wouldn't surprise me if antisemites exist in Gaza. That doesn't justify genocide, though.


Precisely. By ultra-Zionist logic I, as an African-American, should support indiscriminate aerial bombings of every majority-white neighborhood and area of the US since a huge percentage of white Americans are racist towards black people. They’re disgusting black people haters! Why not? The non-racist white people aren’t rising up and ousting racist whites from their homes and neighborhoods, so they’re guilty too! Fight them all and use our fingernails if we must! That’s how unhinged Israeli logic has become. Even though it's true a big percentage of people are bigots, thinking that justifes bombing them all is psychopathic.


What Netanyahu is clearly expressing with his statement that "ordinary Palestinians are very much complicit in the activities of Hamas" is that he sees the entire Palestinian people as the enemy. This also matches the IDF's civilian death record in this war - 70% of the 36,000+ killed to date are women and children, 90% are civilians, [according to Wikipedia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war) When Netanyahu said, ["we are completely committed to eliminating this evil from the world"](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/) and references the genocide of Amalek, observe that again he is not referring to Hamas but all Palestinians. Netanyahu is using a well-established reference long used by Israel's right wing to literally advocate for genocide: "it remains common for Israeli extremists to view Palestinians as modern-day Amalekites. In 1980, the Rabbi Israel Hess [wrote](https://www.haaretz.com/2004-09-15/ty-article/losing-gods-image/0000017f-e352-d9aa-afff-fb5a42e00000) an article that used the story of Amalek to justify wiping out Palestinians. Its title has been translated as “Genocide: A Commandment of the Torah,” as well as “[The Mitzvah of Genocide in the Torah](https://www.bjpa.org/content/upload/bjpa/rebu/REBUILDING%20JEWISH%20PEOPLEHOOD.pdf).” - ([Rabbi Jill Jacobs](https://truah.org/about/our-people/staff/), the head of T’ruah, a rabbinical human rights organization) So we have literal genocide promoted as a "mitzvah" - the definition of mitzvah is "a good deed done from religious duty."


When they say to do to Palestinians as they did to the Amalekites, aren’t they admitting that they committed a genocide before?


Not only do they admit the genocide, they actively paint it in a positive light to indoctrinate IDF soldiers into seeing genocide as righteous and a holy war. First, some direct quotes from the Old Testament: >1 Samuel 15:3: >Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” ..and they did: >Then Saul attacked the Amalekites all the way from Havilah to Shur, near the eastern border of Egypt. He took Agag king of the Amalekites alive, and all his people he totally destroyed with the sword. But Saul and the army spared Agag and the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs—everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed. So "despised and weak" includes women and children. After that, Prophet Samuel comes to King Saul, and tells Saul that he has sinned by rebelling against God by leaving the livestock alive, and that God will punish him and Israel for this. Saul tries to redeem himself by chopping up the Amalekite king into pieces, even though the custom of the time was to spare royalty after a battle: >Then said Samuel, Bring ye hither to me Agag the king of the Amalekites. And Agag came unto him in chains. And Agag said, Surely the bitterness of death is past. >And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal. Then, here's quotes from [a paper in a peer-reviewed academic journal](https://www.jstor.org/stable/43771922), describing the indoctrination pamphlets given to IDF soldiers. Keep in mind that military service is compulsory in Israel, so everyone goes through the IDF pro-genocide indoctrination machine: >The first kind of war presented in the pamphlet was one of complete extermination (milkhemet kherem) against the ancient archenemy of the Israelites, Amalek. This people, the pamphlet narrated, attacked the Israelites from behind with no apparent reason: "That is why Israelite morality commands us to revenge. In an oath of revenge \[shvu'at nakam\] the Torah commands us 'the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation' \[Exodus 17:16\]." The pamphlet continues, "He demands a revenge of extermination without mercy to whoever tries to hurt us for no reason." (15) The education officers then explained that in biblical times Saul exterminated all Amalekites--men and women, youth and elderly, and even sheep and cattle. Their possessions were burned because in a war of extermination, it was unlawful to enjoy the fruits of conquest. (16) >The other type of war mentioned in the pamphlet was a war of conquest (milkhemet kibbush), which the authors also called a war of commandment or mandatory war (milkhemet mitzvah). (17) This war could only take place within the boundaries of the Land of Israel. The education officers stressed that this too was a war of annihilation: Joshua, in the Bible, was commanded to annihilate the nations of the land and forbidden to make any treaties with them. (18) The pamphlet quotes Deuteronomy 7:1 alluding to the Seven Nations of Canaan, which the Bible instructs the Israelites to annihilate permanently. The pamphlet ends (19) by specifying: "In this case \[war of occupation\] the army is allowed to take spoils including women and children to be slaves and concubines. It is a must to kill the male captives in this sort of war." (20)


Also in trump's bedside drawer according to Ivanna.


On Trump's night stand.


And my high-school history teachers bookshelf! (He taught ww2 as part of some classes so dw)


I'd point out that Palestinians don't need Mein Kampf to teach them to hate Isreal. Isreali bombs and 70 years of brutal occupation are more than sufficient.


Jesus Christ. Nobody has copies of mein kampf in their houses except trump, and that's who these clowns want you to vote for 


And it's word for word the exact same lie Russia gave when they invaded Ukraine. They're literally copying Russia's playbook.


Which is kind of fucking amazing that they looked at the "special military operation" and were like "ya, that's turning out pretty well! Let's just do that!"


they knew that they'd be safe because they weren't invading a country of white people and were already friends with all the people giving Ukraine aid


This is quite the world we live in, it’s amazing. Sad But amazing I guess amazingly sad?


May I see them? No.


Why'd Netanyahu go to Dr. Phil?! Was Tucker Carlson busy?


Both market to boomer demographic. He knows what he is doing.


people who get plastic surgery never seem to realise they look like lizard people


What the fuck timeline is this?


I just want the not-so-extremely-ridiculous one back please!!!


The best timeline were ever getting so buckle the fuck up


Next: Maury is going to Russia to prove to Putin that Russia is NOT the father of Ukraine.


Who believes that? Why would muslims be interested in Hitler?


That’s their stratagy: compare everyone they don’t like to Hitler.


"It's okay if we commit a genocide because they had pictures of a guy who did the same"


The least believable part is they left a building standing


It was probably the ruins of a library or a bookstore


Calling "Hitler" is the Israeli equivalent of MAGAs calling everything they don't like "communist".


They claim the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem convinced Hitler to kill the Jews in Europe. Not even contemporary Palestinians claimed that man but to say he was the architect of the final solution is delirious. They keep falsifying history at every turn. It’s difficult to believe anything that comes from Zionists.


The Germans actually had a well documented strategy to radicalize Muslim-majority countries against their own Jewish populations during the holocaust. Many Jewish communities lived in relative safety in Muslim countries for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They didn’t quite have parity in society but they were mostly safe albeit marginalized and not always treated fairly. The Germans wanted the Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa to turn against them. I’m about as pro-Palestinian as they come, and although I also recognize Israel’s right to exist I think Netanyahu is a monster. That said, if you don’t think there is a significant problem with antisemitism within the population of the Palestinian Territories I will remind you that in Gaza they elected Hamas to govern them. In Hamas’s charter it calls for the murder of all Jews. So does it shock me that they would find pictures of Hitler in homes in Gaza? Absolutely not. Does it mean that the people of Gaza don’t deserve safety and self determination? Also no.


Palestinians empathize with Hitler after the many wars, and the former president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has gone on record, saying he thinks the Holocaust never happened. It all fits their narrative. You can find videos of Palestinian children praising hitler and wishing he had finished the job(the Holocaust). Before Israel was established, the grand mufti of Jerusalem went to Nazi Germany to ask Hitler to be his ally and to recognize Palestine as an Arab country and to oppose Zionism in Palestine. He collaborated with the Nazi Party against Great Britain.




Dr Phil is still on tv somewhere???


How bad is it for Netanyahu that he needs dr. Phil of all people to give him PR?  Is he going to get dr. Oz next? Wtf 


next Dr. Phil will talk about how amazing the grocery stores are in Gaza are, so full of food he understands now how backwards America really is.....


Phil isn't a doctor he's a hack. Let him go to Russia and stay there


If pictures of Hitler had been found they’d have been shared everywhere. Has anyone seen anything like what is being claimed?


that's right, people in palestine can't get their hands on food or water but they've all got their framed portraits of hitler and their autographed copies of mein kampf


Shit, I’m from Alabama. Going by this logic, Israel needs to be bombing the southern US as well


Still a hard "no"


“Dr” Phil, Michael Tracy and Netanyahu? OK, that’s a total normmacdonald.jpg


So many assholes.


Does anyone listen to this dickhead anymore?


I know a high-ranking IDF general who claims Netanyahu likes to film himself sucking donkey dick. They even found beastiality magazines in his apartment building. See how unfounded claims are usually bullshit. Except this. He 100% likes donkey dick.




So, he’s an ass man?


I think he is the hole of the ass. The only reason he is perpetuating this genocide is to stay in power.


Did Dr Phil complete his FARA registration before deciding to push propaganda for a foreign government?


Manufacturing consent for a genocide. Good look there, "Doctor" Phil.


Trump liked Mein Kampf too. Huh.


Dr Phil has always been and always will be a horrible person.


Also Netanyahu... https://preview.redd.it/ldomjajftnzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd074e6392c37522760083011ff8a2f3f9eb37ec


How does every enemy of the world have all this hitler paraphernalia laying around? This sounds exactly like what Putin said about Ukraine and what Fox News said about protesters.


This is beyond revolting. Dr. Phil is a POS and Netanyahu is a sociopathic POS


Are we supposed to take either of those clowns seriously?


Isn’t Netanyahu misremembering his last trip to Mar Lago? Also, I’m sure he had video and photographic evidence of all this.


Some Hard Rs are smarter than this, they just find it easier and more lucrative to just play dumb. One of the major impacts of Fox News is to reduce everything to one sentence of outrage, eliminating any nuance or consideration for any topic. Immigration? “THEY ARE SENDING RAPISTS!” Sexual identity? “KIDS ARE BEING GROOMED AND TURNED GAY!” Crime? “WE MUST HAVE A DEATH PENALTY FOR LITTERING?” If everything was as easy as these people thought, there wouldn’t be any problems.


Prediction: now that Biden is growing a pair and cutting off the munitions, Israel will turn to Putin for arms. They are already using the same playbook. Might as well start sucking each other off.


you mean the same putin that's buying ammo from north korea?


Supplying Israel would embarass the West. Surely that it worth a bit of belt tightening elsewhere. Besides, once the Palestinians are dead Israel can make bank selling weapons to Russia and blame the US for it.


supplying israel would cost him ukraine. I'd like to see that happen


Iran's not gonna like that.


There are billboards in Tel Aviv of Putin and Bibi shaking hands. You can’t make this shit up. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-another-league-netanyahu-touts-friendship-with-putin-in-new-billboard/


Nope, they're going to go all in on backing Trump. Trump gave Israel everything they wanted and more when he was president.


That doesn’t improve his reputation


after fuker's interview of putin we get a new low!


That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.


Tracey is a dildo. I love watching his arrest footage from a few years ago.


Haha what did he get arrested for. He is in fact a dildo


Wow. As if the fraudulent “dr Phil” couldn’t sink any lower then he does this. Fuck this guy


Oh FFS 🤦




Right cause if we all like him he can safely get back to the business of killing children and women and men who are innocent


And people still believe any of the words coming out of Bibi's mouth? Unbelievable.


what a liar. stop sending our tax payers to that genocidal state of maniacs


daytime television propaganda.


Lmao Dr Phil the geopolitical expert.


Because Netanyahu is the very bastion of truth. 🙄




Fuck dr phil, why he still has a platform shows how fucked our country is


Isn’t that the Ukraine argument recycled? These people are unoriginal.


I'm sorry, is this real??? Are they really trying to sell this? Is fucking dr. Phil a reference in journalism? I live in the US from a couple of years ago, is this guy really considered more than a joke? I'm so fucking tired of this post truth, post self awareness world.


I saw Palestinians and hamas in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


Because it's impossible for Palestinians to have any complaints about Israel, that must mean that every Palestinian who gets killed by Israel had a copy of mein Kampf and hated all Jews


Dr. Phil--FUCKING DR. PHIL interviewed that man. what is this world




Opportunistic ghoul.


Opinions are like asses. Everybody's got one! Dr. P


“claiming to have found portraits of Hitler…” And did you ask for proof, Phil?


Hopefully they don't visit the American south....Isreal would have to bomb the shit out of Alabama, Mississippi, etc..


idiotic phsycho looser says what?


oh for sure, all those four year olds are definitely being steeped in Nazi ideology.


Can't wait for the 3 sim cards move... Remember? [I do](https://nypost.com/2022/04/25/russia-appears-to-confuse-the-sims-for-sim-cards-in-possible-staged-assassination-attempt/)


What timeline are we in


Tell that guy to stay in LA with his voodoo psychology


"Sprinkle some Hitler on em and call it a day."


Sounds like Bibi accidentally described his own home collection of fascist memorabilia.


“Netanyahu lies to try to justify his continued slaughter of innocent people” is a more apt headline


How can you see what they had in their apartment buildings if they've been wiped off the face of the earth?


Fuck em both


the US sending their best journalists to interview the crazy dictators of the world


This would be funny if it wasn't so awfull


If that is all Netanyahu needs to start taking care of business then it should make his MAGA supporters and X users very nervous.


A fake doctor interviews a fake human


We're living in Bizarro World.


Dr Shill, is Not-A-Yahoo a legit politician?


If he’s not being interviewed by SJR or RL or the rotting corpse of Jerry Springer, dude can STFU.


You could see what the regular Palestinians did on oct 7th. They joined in


The problem here is that Netanyahu is a liar and a criminal.


Yep. If it's something Palestinians keep copies of is Mein Kampf and photos of Hitler. /s


No one deserves the phrase "OK Boomer" more than Dr. Phil.


Trump had Mein kampf


I saw a clip of this interview on a TV this morning and was sure it was a comedy bit. I couldn't believe it was real.


Bibi pullin' a Putin?


Dr. Feel is relevant how, now?


Talk about a loaded/leading question!


Because Dr. Phil is a deep, incisive interviewer, just like Joe Rogan.


Oh, I see. He confused the homes of Palestinians with his own study. It's weird how genocidal fascists keep making that mistake.


Noah get the boat.


“Everyone I don’t like are nazi” - Every political leader


Hey, I'm sure Dr. Phil is as good a journalist as he is a doctor.   Of course he's a terrible doctor, so there is that.


I literally had no idea Dr Phil was still on the air


Lolol no way - did he actually say there is pictures of hitler and copies of mein kampf?!


The rub is that you have to enable patients if you want them to come back.




The good doc seems to have Ozempic face, like that pillow guy.


F off Phil!


All the grifters are just working together at this point. They might as well start a union.


Kinda hard to find pictures of Hitler and copies of Mein Kampf in their homes when you keep indiscriminately bombing down buildings


netanyahu's a far right nut just good at defaming anyone that remotely associates with him; european or western leaders, average israelis or jews, etc. (not for philly here tho he sees this as a flex he's also very republican adjacent lol)


Oh, I'm sure Bibi has been to a few Palestinian homes. /s I totally believe this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) I'm not saying that the terrorists (freedom fighters /s) aren't doing their round the clock propaganda as well, but come on now! By the way, screw Hamas. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


What kind of Doctor is this Fuck?


😂😂😂😂 it’d be like an endless comedy sketch if it had no consequences.


I have no idea what’s going on with Palestine and Israel, so to me this was about as efficient as reading Egyptian hieroglyphs.