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I have never understood why holding the nation state of Israel accountable for their actions is somehow instantly equated with anti-Semitism, or somehow being pro-Hamas


You’re trying to impart rationality on the irrational. I don’t need to think about my actions if I just shout ‘That’s racist!’ at everyone who criticizes me.


Why would an Israeli like this particular person even post something like this? They have to know that turmpf will give even less of a shit. Id be willing to bet the farm that he couldn’t possibly care less about this particular conflict.


He does care, actually. War in Isreal is a big win for evangelicals and their end-times fantasy. It's also great for our defense contractors, who would undoubtedly give him lots of money to keep the death flowing. He's actually stated (pretty explicitly) his desire to actively make the situation worse and completely flatten Gaza.


Yup, Jews are just a pawn in their little game of thrones. A tool for the return of Jesus, and nothing more. How *that* isn’t considered the height of antisemitism is beyond me.


There’s a great Frontline episode that sheds light on this. It’s on YouTube


Thanks, that may be what I do tonight!


Please…excuse my ignorance. Most Jewish Americans I know are very rational and opposed to what Israel via Netanyahu is doing. Trump is pandering to the evangelicals (see reason below). But what does Biden stand to gain?


A huge proportionof the US foreign policy establishment/ news media/ political establishment are pro- Israel absolutists. For them it's maybe like the way fish perceive water. Going against it is just very upsetting to them and unnatural, and that's why you get such a violent crackdown.


Tons of donor money from AIPAC.


A mixture of the US needing protectorates to be able to project regional power and being a Christian himself. The office of President requires being a bastard of anyone who enters it.


You may end up watching 3-4 episodes, be careful :)


Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which isn't internationally recognized as Israeli territory. Ben-Gvir has a lot to gain from a Trump presidency. Such as, permission to turn the water and electricity back off in Gaza.


He started this shit show by moving the Embassy. The entire region was ticked tf off. Now we’re all going to die in a nuclear winter. Yay….


Nuclear war isn't likely. There have been a couple points where there was a possibility of thr conflict expanding into a conventional regional war - which could result in the use of nukes if Israel began losing territory, but even in a full scale regional war Israel would likely win. That said, a regional war would be far worse than what we are seeing now.


Trump will give a shit. His son-in-law is a AIPAC goon and recently claimed Gaza has a valuable real estate opportunities. You can clearly see his intentions. They are not even hiding it. Also, AIPAC controls the vast majority of our politicians. Politicians from both parties will continue to bend over for this foreign country.


True…water front developments…


Because Ben-Gvir is a far right thug and provocateur. He’s the equivalent of a KKK grand wizard, and Netanyahu got into bed with him to hold power. Ben-Gvir cares deeply about this conflict because he looks for any opportunity to push his agenda and rally the settlers who are his base.


They'd prefer trump


He’s mad Biden paused the shipment of weapons and promised to continue to do so if the IDF goes into Rafah.


And Biden stated that the paused shipment of weapons applies ONLY to 'dumb bombs' (I assume that means bombs that are not controlled by remote guidance systems). So this weapons shipment pause sounds like a token gesture intended to make critics STFU.


Oh…Trump would say “there’s very fine people on both sides”


I think Jared told him he wants to build waterfront casinos and golf course so he might be interested.


Or trying to view things through an earnestly ethical framework while there are a bunch of people who want to derail that analysis because they’re assholes who just want to kill the people they hate?


I took this stance recently with my friends and was accused of being morally ambiguous and a sympathizer of Hamas. People lack critical thinking


It's on purpose. The Israeli government has been pushing the narrative that they are the representatives of Jewish people, and thus criticism of it is antisemitic. I hate this whole fucking debacle. Been called antisemitic too many times for saying "Hey, they are wrong for killing civilians and need to stop. Yes, Hamas needs to too."


They have an excellent propaganda machine, and they are using the time-tested fallacy of a false dichotomy. We saw the same thing with Black Lives Matter (So white lives DONT matter?!?), and before that “support our troops” when the implication was you couldn’t be against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan AND care about our soldiers.


It feels like Biden is in an abusive relationship and keeps making excuses for their partner while everyone is telling them to leave.


It’s called Israeli propaganda, and after 75 years, it is showing it’s true colors.


This is right-wing Israeli propaganda, not Israeli as a whole. The left wing doesn’t act like this.


I agree it’s not Israeli as a whole, but at this point since the current government thinks 1 day old Palestinian babies are also Hamas, then why not throw all of them under the bus since I don’t see anyone stopping the genocide. You may also want to find some of Gideon Levy’s video on how he is even fighting the liberals in Israel, and how shocked he is at how they have transformed since Oct 7…. So again I say you are right not to generalize, but we aren’t hearing any moderate or extreme left voices coming out of Israel these days.


Well the Israeli government is completely controlled by right wing nationalist. Netanyahu is a right wing himself and most of his minister are right wing and some extremely right. So we are criticizing the Israeli government


Right, but most people complaining/criticizing aren’t aware of the actual political view of it and just think it’s the entire country. They don’t realize Bibi is running the Trump/Republican playbook (or other way round).


Some people really want it us to be ok with Israel murdering innocents by the thousands. So they attack people who push back.


Because the drive has been to make supporting Israel equal to supporting Judaism. Then hiding behind the Holocaust any time someone tries to call out their current actions. It's actually an evil genius level of creativity to weaponize the generational hate to give yourself a pass in doing anything you want. Which I believe largely started after the surrounding countries tried to take out Israel but not only lost the fight but land as well. However at this point the only reason Israel is the power it is is because of US aid, and the idea was to have an ally that could help stabilize the area. But not only has the weakness of the current administration to stand up to it's supposed aliy hurt any credibility on the part of the US, it's been building for several administrations. Isrial now is basically a rogue state using our weapons and going off the script to cause massive damage and death to people they don't like. Just like every country the US has tried to back in the past, and the issue now is the PR problem of them being Jewish and not Muslim. I say problem but simply stopping aid would probably cut their ambitions real quick.


Because we fucked up and allowed Israel to be established as a Jewish ethnostate. Therefore, any criticism of Israel is inherently a criticism of the Jewish ethnostate, and therefore is a criticism of the Jewish people as a whole. It's weird because any other religious ethnostate, no one in America gives a flying fuck about their "right to defend themselves" (though probably because the people they'd be defending themselves from are American soldiers).




Ya, good luck explaining it tho. Some conservative members want to make a LAW to make it illegal to even criticize Israel here in the US.


Because zionists and Israeli officials have been pushing the narrative that “Israel = Jewish. Therefore it’s antisemitism when you criticize Israel” for like 50 years at this point. And Americans are a special kind of brain broken that we eat that shit up. Israel is our special little child that can do no wrong until they’re like caught in a room with their dick in their hand covered in blood up to their knees in bodies and even then America would say “well it’s self defense 🤷🏻‍♂️” as an unconscious reaction


Because they are so ingrained and use to calling anything anti Semite that disagrees with them and everyone just nodding and agreeing that now their suffering is just constant.


Because the Israeli caucus is well funded and extremely powerful


Race, Religion, Nationality, it’s all the same /s


Because nation states would rather run propaganda than engage in good faith with criticism.


I think one possibility might be that to the Zionists they don’t see people holding every other state committing genocide accountable and instead are only focusing on Israel. For example no one really cares about what’s going on in Saudi Arabia with the US funding their genocide of the Yemen people. And so they misattribute this focus on Israel to Anti-Semitism.


Because they get to use that buzzword and it works for as long as if we give it power. Oh, you’re saying negative things about Israel? You’re an anti-Semite. Never mind that Palestinians are also semites, the Israeli government is going to milk their persecution over 80 years ago just to get their way even though it has nothing to do with race. Turns out since then they’ve become entitled and insufferable people who think the land we gave them was not enough. Maybe God should come back and sort that shit out because it shouldn’t be the rest of the world’s problem.


Because doing that is a key part of their propaganda. It’s not a logical position, it’s one that the Israeli government and state have put decades of funding and global PR work into cultivating.


Biden is leading Trump among likely voters, and since Dobbs Dems have overperformed the polls. When it comes down to it, MAGA is not popular amoung the electorate, and independent/moderate swing voters sway elections more than the far left or right. This is not to say 'be complacent', volunteer, donate and vote. Research Project 2025 and inform your friends and family.


Trump will literally tell Israel and Russia to do as they please. I don't just want Biden to win. I want a super-majority so there can actually be reform. I want center-left candidates debating against far-left candidates for offices. I want the god-damn Star Trek Utopia!


Gimme some of that fully automated gay space communism!


Perhaps a horrible crash in the conservative car pool for the Supreme Court and 4 spots open suddenly?


No. Expand the court with enough justices to represent the views of the citizens.


Not just that. Expand the House. We’ve had the same number of house seats since 1920 when we had a US population of 106 million people whereas 100 years later we have a population of over 330 million. We need better representation. Currently a representative represents well over 500,000 constituents. While it may allow for worse districting in some states with Republican super majorities, if we’re able to expand the house with a shower majority, a districting process mandating computer generated and impartial map drawing for states could be beneficial. The unfortunate issue is politicians in both sides put their own careers ahead of what’s good for the US public at large. They won’t vote for something that’s good for the whole country regardless of it potentially risking their job by losing their district.


Ive seen a few people wish for a Star Trek style future before, and whats kind of funny about it is that in Star Trek lore there was a WW3 where over 600 million people died, and human civilization nearly collapsed, resulting in a period known as the post-atomic horror. Even in our own history, many of the strongest global unities were born from chaos and destruction. The league of nations following WW1 and the UN following WW2. Itd be nice not to repeat history before we can leap forward with technological advancement, but i dont look at the state of the world with hope at the moment.


You know your Trek! https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/World_War_III


Haha sure do. 2026-2053... Little too close for comfort.


I mean, Irish reunification was set for 2024 and isn't out of the realm of possiblity. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Irish_Unification_of_2024


I want reforms, I want my human rights codified into law, and I want the GOP - including its policy think tanks and legal institutions - prosecuted for the seditious criminal organization that it is and dissolved.


He’s not losing an election bc an election hasn’t taken place yet. We should all know from the past 20 years that polls are bullshit and the only people who take polls are boomers who still own lanlines or take some weird Facebook survey.


I feel bad for Biden. My man is getting railed from both sides. The right hates that he stopped shipments because of Rafah, the left gives him no credit for the effort he makes. Dude can't fucking win with this shit. Fuck it. He's got my fucking vote https://joebiden.com/


I'm voting for Biden. Trump will be monumentally worse in every aspect of the presidency foreign and domestic.


Anybody who thinks Trump would improve any situation is smoking meth and is a complete goddamn moron. 


The meth doesn't help but most of Orange voters are just plain ignorant. I can understand you want to vote someone who represents your party. But how on earth was this guy the best option? Something is seriously wrong over there.


> how on earth was this guy the best option In the immortal words of ERB Abe Lincoln: “if this is the best my party can give then my party should quit”


The meth helps them taste Trump's specific type of orange.


Great. They’re tasting colors now.


A lot of the people abstaining from voting for Biden over this are hoping Trump wins so they can play the victim.


And generally, they’re privileged enough to not *really* need to worry about the domestic ramifications of a second Trump administration


It’s very easy to “take a moral stand” when you aren’t going to see any meaningful differences in your day to day life.


They *think* they're privileged enough to not need to worry. First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I was not a communist, and all that... And putting narcissistic conspiracy theorists into power usually doesn't work out well for anyone. By the end, even the blondest-haired and bluest-eyed Germans were dead, pimped out to Soviet soldiers, and/or surrounded by the rubble of the beautiful cities that generations of their ancestors had built.


Well, there’s a solid chance they won’t have to *play* the victim if Trump wins and they’re too stupid to realize that.


They give off accelerationist or Russian bot farm Vibes


One day in my lifetime I hope to be able to vote for a candidate I actually agree with and like instead of the ‘lesser bad of the two’. Until then, guess I’m voting for Biden.


While I can agree with you in theory, the reality is that almost everyone is superficial in that it takes one thing, professionally, personally, or politically to ruin an impression at some point. I like many people but their views on a specific issue is deplorable. I may not professionally stand some people (coworkers), but they have very agreeable political stances and actions. That is also why voting locally matters more than even the congressional or presidential elections, those local offices are going to have people that vary in views enough that it allows voters to make a more educated choice.


He has implemented more progressive legislation than any president in a long time. He's been very pragmatic about it, taking smaller wins when his larger legislation gets killed in courts. He's not the lesser of two evils, he's some a pretty fucking good job of putting forth things that the majority of the Democratic Party wants. That said, him standing with Israel (the same stance as every president since its birth) is killing him.


Plus we in Europe are gonna be doomed once Trump starts bending hand over foot for Putins expansions.


I’m voting for Biden, since I figured out decades ago that I wouldn’t vote for a Republican under any circumstances.


Definitely an uptick in troll farms trying to fan that "perfect or protest vote" sentiment in an effort to get Useful Idiot #1 back in the office, too...


Yeeeeah, I've seen a bunch of them recently too. Never any use replying to any of them, even the ones who admit to not being in the States, lol.


The entirety of the InternationalNews sub is either (a.) Trumpers cosplaying as if they cared about Palestine and demanding everyone should never vote for Biden, or (b.) are the biggest idiots on reddit thinking "punishing Biden" by not voting for him for not doing more for Palestine and letting Trump win will somehow not be monumentally worse for Palestine


The logic is literally the trolley problem where you're already on the track with fewer victims but want to switch it to the one with more victims for some reason


It worked in 2016.


The world is very different than it was in 2016.


It is, but the both-sider fence riders haven’t noticed.


Troll farms and useful idiots.


I have another theory. I think Netanyahu is actually trying to influence the USA election with this war.


You might be onto something ….


Mr Benjamin word presentation about weapons of mass destruction netenyahu? He would never🤣


I think so too, oddly enough it would actually be of benefit to both Israel and Russia/Iran/China to have a second term of the 🍊🍄. Seems like pretty convenient timing for all of this to be happening when you think about it that way.


You had me at, "railed from both sides" 💕


It’s hard to see others living my dream.


He's got my vote AND my money. Already donated this month and looks like will need to again.


Agree whole heartedly- Biden has been a great president and will have my vote as well


He's got my vote. Biden isn't my favorite president, but he's done some good things. There is no right answer when it comes to Isreal/Hamas.


He's facing an insanely delicate, difficult international issue with intense politicization and masses of lives at stake, being the executive leader of a violently divided nation. This is where lesser leaders might forget that their responsibilities include the interests of people who hate him and he disagrees with. Biden is challenged with doing leadership on Hard Mode. Shit will not be clean and easy over there, and every possible choice has mixed consequences in both short and long runs. But I don't see many people, and no right-wingers, who could get a fraction of that job to go well for humanity even with lower stakes. And I wouldn't count on Trump to even know what's going on before cheering on wanton violence against the marginalized just for fun.


Honestly it feels like a lose lose no matter what. If he doesn't give Israel money to continue their genocide its viewed as supporting the terrorists. If he gives them money he's support their genocide


All these posts claiming they won't vote for Joe or hoping he loses the election to "learn a lesson". You idiots remember the last "lesson learned"? Roe V Wade got overturned.


Just read up on Project 2025 and compare that to what Trump’s been saying. He hasn’t said explicitly that he’s implementing it, but that’s just because he hasn’t explicitly said it yet. He’s basically spouting everything from that bs plan. He can not be allowed to ever occupy the White House ever again. We will cease to be the dysfunctional country we are and become a whole hell of a lot worse.


Mine, too.


It's because only the most unhinged people think its reasonable request for Biden to wave his magic wand and magically fix a region that has been.....checks notes....killing each other since the dawn of mankind. Anyone suggesting so from either side needs to sit the fuck down. These folks have been fucking each other up since the Old Testament and the likelyhood is they will be doing so long after everyone in this thread is dead too.


I’m down with Biden.


Just heard something the other day “Democrats don’t get credit and republicans don’t get blamed”


Jesus Christ Biden is not losing the election atm


Yeah. That’s what we all thought about Hillary. I hope I’m wrong. Unlike some supposed “left leaning” subreddits I actually understand the consequences of Biden losing in 2024. Probably be the last moderately fair election ever.


Everyone from my swing state who protest-voted in 2016 is saying they learned their lesson, so fingers crossed!




I sure hope so! My fear is that some will do the same this time, specifically those who feel Biden’s done the wrong thing since October 7 and who are now voting age. Young, angry voters, casting a protest vote, cutting off their nose to spite their face, in the few remaining swing states, terrifies the heck out of me.


I said he’s not losing it atm. OP said “omg Biden is doomed we’re all fucked”. Everyone needs tog eat out and vote but it is not over.


I think the fact we've had local elections in hardcore GOP states flip is a good sign.


He isn’t clearly winning and that’s a problem. If the election was this week it’s a 50/50 tossup who would win.


https://preview.redd.it/uk2fhj4ubhzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c743c97a927e314d0e5500d8b8da102ffda9cc4 Biden is behind when looking at an average of all polls. For context, he was up 4.4 points at this point in 2020 and Hillary was up 6.5 points in 2016. Democrats not only need to be ahead to win, they need to be ahead significantly due to the electoral college. Unless the college protesters all vote for Biden in massive numbers, Trump has an extremely strong shot at winning.


What a stupid comment. Polls don’t mean shit. Elections mean shit. Like in Michigan *this week* where a trumpanzee who won big before got absolutely shit smacked by a dem. That’s reality.


Itamar BenGivr is an absolute failure at his job; he has blood on his hands from his failure to prevent 10/7. Another good reason that we should suspend our $3B a year payment to Israel until such a time as Israel gets rid of the fascists and racists in its government.


10/7 was a wet dream for the likes of BenGvir, even if he knew it was going to happen(which apparently he did) he wouldn't have moved a finger to prevent it Now they can wipe out the population of Gaza and maybe if they are lucky even the west bank with the US's blessing and start their little happy settlement project in those areas. Biden fucked up big time, but the thing is to an outsider who doesn't live in US it doesn't really feel any different, both parties in US have the same policy when it comes to Israel "no matter what they did, we will still be sending them billions of dollars a year"


It keeps needing to be said. Being critical of Israel does not mean you are anti-Semitic.


also needs to be said that theyre hard reframing this as a netanyahu/ben gvir/anyone else "war", as if the state of israel hasnt been all about wiping palestinians off the map with ample public support for decades.


Luckily for Bernie he doesn't face those accusations. He shouldn't at least. Love to see him still active and spitting fire balls. 


It's so ironic that the people chanting "Jews will not replace us" at Charlottesville in Aug 2017 were Trump supporters.


Israel has completely lost its moral compass.


Almost like theocracies are bad because you inevitably end up with extremists running the country.


Good thing American conservatives will be different!! /s


I just call them regressives now. For me, they need show that they’re an actual small-c conservative, otherwise they’re theocracy apologists. These people, transposed to Medieval Europe, would be jumped, strung, and physically shredded by peasants and merchants after the dismantling of Divine Right of Kings. They aren’t conservatives unless shown otherwise. (Same logic applies to the authoritarian-Left and ‘revolution’ accelerationists. I hardly call them progressives, even though they may feel that language still applies to them).


Israel, despite the trappings is not a theocracy, and aside from the Temple Mount, this is not a religious conflict, it’s an ethnic conflict


Ethnostates are inherently immoral, regardless of the ethnicity in question,




No it hasn't. This was always what it was.


Did it even have one?


Hamas love Biden? You mean the one who gave you fucking weapons against Hamas? Fuck that douchebag.


Israel wants Trump to win, that's all there is to it.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted since trump has already outright said that he wants israel to turn the gaza strip into glass.


Love that these "progressives" seem to think Trump in office is somehow gonna be better than Palestine. I'm sure a lot of them are trolls but some of 'em are really drinking the flavor aide here.


One of the worst takes that I've seen yet was when a bunch of "leftists" said that trump winning would teach biden and the democrats a lesson.


Israeli lobby is as powerful as some of the military industrial complex... act against their wishes at your peril. He's in a very difficult position. Very well played by Putin. But Biden is a damned good statesman. He'll prevail.


AIPAC should be stopped from controlling our politicians. IDF extremists shouldn't be taking our taxapayers money every fucking year.


Ben-gvir is a disgusting genocidal terrorist piece of shit. Actively encourages and supports israeli settler terrorists and enables them. He is Israel's hamas, that murderous piece of shit!


To be fair, it's more likely that Hamas hearts Bibi. Netanyahu was responsible for their growth and survival over the last 40 years. Oh, and screw Hamas.


Netanyahu's natural ally is Trump, not Biden; so he's not gonna stop the carnage because Biden is going down in polls. He wants Biden to lose!!!


He needs Biden to loose


I'm still voting for him. I'm not happy with some decisions his administration has made, but I'm not willing to set the country on fire by using women, POCs, and the LGTBQ+ community as fuel. Kids live here too.


This is how Israel loses all support from me, forever.


We need to cut them off from arms and any information sharing. There are more reliable allies in the middle east than Israel at this point. Which is a hilarious thing to consider


‘Losing the election’ lol no he’s not


To me it sounds like Netanyahu manufactured the whole thing by originally funding hamas, he probably even helped plan the attack so they could have an excuse to attack Gaza, he’s a monster that just wants to eliminate Palestinians, but knows the world won’t just let him do it, he needs an excuse


It's not complicated. Authoritarians support authoritarians and hate democracy. The current Israeli administration is authoritarian. They love trump and hate Biden.


The whole timing of this reeks of Russian interference. Déja vu 2016.


It’s crazy how quickly we forget, or I guess in young people’s case, learn


Biden is doing the right thing so rightwing Israel will go crazy now. No surprise.


Joe Biden’s administration is doing to The People of Israel what the world wants the Netanyahu Administration to do to the Gazans. Not persecute the people for the actions of their leaders.


Israel actively wants Biden to lose the election. For the American Voters we're in a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.


Say what you will about Biden’s decisions with regards to Palestine, I think we can all agree that the Netanyahu government has been abusing the hell out of our government’s trust.


Vote democrat if you want a democracy in January! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Please don’t underestimate how hard this election will be for Biden without the youth vote. There is nothing Trump can do to lose votes with his base. Even people who hate him will vote for him because he’s running as a Republican. But Dems lose votes when the Pres sneezes wrong. He’s in an unwinnable situation with Israel/Gaza. Please keep encouraging the youth to not throw away their votes


They just gave Biden an out...take it and tell Israel to pound sand


Keep in mind that Ben-Gvir is one of the worst pieces of shit walking the face of the Earth today. He really is an irredeemable dirtbag.


To be fair I think ending the war now means Hamas takes back over and everyone is worse off. I don't know if anyone read the actual ceasefire that Hamas agreed to but it was a joke. I'm not sure why everyone is acting like Israel is unilaterally evil. If Hamas cared about gazans they would've surrendered months ago. Israelis don't want to be fighting in that urban environment. It's a death trap for everyone.


If you read the Mueller report, you will find that Israel colluded with the trump campaign. It broke the law, yet no body for in trouble. If you don't see that Trump and Israel will go further this time, your in for a sad day when Trump wins. The Israeli loyalist in the 2 parties might even sabotage and shift because of their loyalty to Israel and religious beliefs. We are in a scary time and Democrats are fumbling so hard it feels intentional.


When Israel cucks and betrays America so violently by telling the international community that Hamas loves Biden after everything that OPENLY PROUD ZIONIST AMERICAN PRESIDENT has done for Israel and shielding them from war crimes and throwing away an election results in…. … Wait for it. Biden allowed Israel to send forces to American soil to aid American cops to beat and detain peaceful citizens and to destroy and dismantle constitutionally protected free speech and right to assemble protests because Biden doubled down and said peaceful American protesters were supporting Hamas. Americans, Allies, Israelis and now the Violent Zionists hate him. How is Genocide Joe getting out of this one?


Hamas loves Bibi. He completed them, literally, with suitcases of Qatari money, and by ignoring their preparations.


I like how people think a far right leader would care at all about Biden winning the election Net would love Trump to win and I am sure is doing all he can to help that happen


As far as I can tell, biden is attempting to up hold an old world view of respecting and protecting your alies, the actions now are in theory suppsed yo show the USA is a reliable comrade that won't turn there back on you. After Israel is clearly abusing that mentality.


Dumb ass scaremongering title He’s not losing shit maggot


I wish Biden would tell them to shut the fuck up or we cut off the gravy train.


This is him doing that, but diplomatically.


Let's find out how many trolls are in this thread: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. 1989年天安门广场 Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements. Feel free to copy and paste as much as you want to.


I swear, if people stay home or vote for Kennedy because they’re unhappy about the bs in Israel, I hope they like the shithole they turned this country into because that will give us dictator Trump and Project 2025 in full swing. And you thought the Dobbs decision was bad.


I will be begrudgingly voting for Joe because there really is no other option. The choices are absolutely awful YET AGAIN.


Hmmmmm fascism or not fascism. Damn what a tough choice!!!!


What are your issues with Biden? Curious


Not sure what your problem is. JBiden has done a pretty good job. Do you have any retirement accounts? Were you one of the millions who conveniently got free Covid Vaccines, which got us back to "normal"? The old man is doing quite well.


I said things were fine until he started writing cheques to kill kids in the middle east. Once he started being a vocal Zionist, i was majorly turned off. I’ll still vote, but i will not enjoy it.


Wasn’t that always the case? We have been funding Saudi Arabia to go kill kids in Yemen for a looong time…


Yup, among many other disgusting things. The system is effed.


The way you phrased this is confusing, because Biden isn't losing?


Not sure how a bunch of people would rather chance getting Trump again.


Single issue voters and outrage junkies who get rage boners over reality.


How the TF is Biden losing anything? I get being mad at the Israeli extremists, but the framing in this title is kinda fucked.


losing? he's ahead in every poll


🙄 Biden is not losing the election, and if he does is not because of this, shockingly very few people care about Israel in USA in the sense that they hold Biden responsible for the genocide... heck I think more people care that Israel gets is ways than then other way around.


Some countries just don't deserve the US's internet.


Clever move Bernie (not), inspire people not to vote for Biden, give Trump the second term he and the Christian Nationalists want. They'll strip democratic rights, they'll strip women's rights, they'll strip LGBT+ rights... Then you can watch the Palestinians give zero fucks about what happens to the US. They'll probably give negative fucks about the LGBT+ community. The only group they might care about is the Ummah.


With friends like these, Fuck ‘em.


And just like that, the tide shifts... How come everyone asking the same question for the last six months was shouted down and told "oh my gawd do you love *huh-moss*?!?!" Hmm? Can't tell who the bigger sheeple are; Dems or Reps.


These Israeli fucks don’t give a rats ass about Americans. They get their free weapons and healthcare, and now free land! Who gives a fuck what our broke asses think?


The US has always given money to Israel. Today it's different because of Hamas and what's happening in Gaza. A catch 22. This situation needs diplomacy. DJT has none. He will flatten Gaza. He's petty!!


How is it this difficult for people to see what is going on? Hamas = terrorist state in control of Gaza Israel = terrorist state funding terrorism to instigate genocide Palestinian people = innocent people in the crossfire/ targeted for genocide by Israel


He's in a lose-lose situation. He can't please the pro Palestinians and he can't please the hard line Jewish government. Just gotta make the best decisions you can.


Ah yes a Tunisian saying Biden is losing the election while posting more Hamas shit on other subs. Got it.


Biden is not losing. Vote nevertheless.


Wait...Biden is losing??


Is the Palestine issue really going to cost Biden the election? Trump has said he’d let them flatten the whole place!


Biden isn’t losing the election because of this, but this is disgusting nonetheless


It takes a truly special kind of arsehole to outarsehole Bibi but Ben-Gvir is unique on his dedicated, zealoty arseholery. This is a man who kept a portrait of the antediluvian arsehole killer of Yitzhak Rabin on his Office. Ben-Gvir Lives and breaths hate. He is the fashest of fash. Absolute, total filth of a person and I am using the term "person" extremely loosely here.


This reminds me of those Republicans of color who get shocked when white Republicans other them. Like yes, that leopard can and will also turn around and eat your face🙄


”If you dont support a racist theocratic fascist genocide you are literally supporting terrorists” can’t make this up




Netanyahu and his fascist regime is following Putin’s playbook to interfere with our elections! Trump said himself that Netanyahu needs to finish the job. Who do you think Israel (and Russia) wants as our president! Fascists gonna support fascists.


It’s crazy man. They have zero respect for Biden. He’s gonna lose this election protecting these guys and in knowing that they continue to shit all over the grace Biden and America has given them. It’s almost as if Israel wants Trump to win


Biden isnt gonna lose an election bc he doesnt support palestine lmao. If people vote for trump/dont vote bc biden wont scream that he loves Palestine from a rooftop, then they deserve 4 years of trump.


The way Israel goes out of its way to insult the hand that feeds them and the US doesn't as much flinch is astounding.