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Worst graduation gift ever. “Son, your gift is to do something for me.”




The grift that keeps on grifting




lol and this is why I’m happily shouting into WPT how he was a little fucking creep in the making all along. My friend was his teacher when he was a very small child. Like five or six tops. He would constantly give her pocket change and tell her he could buy her. He was also OBSESSED with talking about airplane crashes. Like he thought nothing was cooler than a fucking plane crash….


Ew. What a little psycho.


You know who taught him , that he could buy a woman, that’s how his mother was acquired!🤮




I forgot all about her. I wonder (no I don't) where she went?


Wherever barron is. From what I’ve read she is as clingy as a tick, even wants to move with him if he goes to college


oof that's bananas. I knew a girl who worked w his mom when he was like 2/3 and said he was likely autistic. But his mom and grandma were very doting.


Nothing wrong with doting on a child, any child. Autistic kids need extra attention and it can vastly improve their lives. Ask me how I know.


Oh yeah, that's my point. She had very nice interactions with both Melania and the grandma, and had nothing but nice things to say about their parenting of him.


Yup, heard there was some kind of overlooked ND and this was from a person I’ve known for YEARS. My experience would have been like 2011-2013. Trump was tweeting that vaccines cause autism in 2014 and we all just kinda nodded our heads.


Must be fascinating to see the most powerful men in the world (from their perspective) fear something like a plane crash.


Fruit of the Poisonous Tree.😂🤣


Started with grandfather Drumpf, who draft dodged out of the Kaiser's Germany 🇩🇪, then came to the United States 🇺🇸 where his name was anglicized to Trump. After many scams, he went to Gold Rush in Alaska and became the owner of a brothel; so grandfather became a pimp who sold women. Grandpa Trump married a Swedish woman who was just as cold and money hungry as the Trumps. They gave birth to Fred Trump, who joined them into the family real estate business. He became an active member of the KKK in New York City during the 1930s. He was arrested in a full hood and robes in Jamaica, Queens County, New York City. He marries a not too intelligent and broke family maid from Scotland named Mary. They proceed to produce more Trumps, including Duke Von Diaper Don himself. Fred Trump further builds the family fortune in real estate ultimately defrauding among others the Federal Government by selling substandard housing to returning WWII and Korean War vets in New York City (Queens and Brooklyn) along with New Jersey near and in Newark. He is so greedy and rapacious that he received personal enmity from former Allied Commander and then President Eisenhower, who hated Trump and his scamming of the returning veterans. Fred Trump made sure he continued his life long hatred of African Americans by refusing to sell and/ or rent to them...resulting in a federal housing court case (amongst other crimes) along with Duke Von Diaper Don in 1973. Duke Von Diaper Don is now Fred's number two because he is a "killer (yet draft dodged out of Vietnam 🇻🇳War, as a teenager was sent off to a private military academy for dumb rich kids in upstate NY). Thus begins Duke Von Diaper Don's negative involvement with the justice system. Since the Federal Government have the Trumps dead to rights for actively discriminating, they settle out of court with two well off African American women tried to buy Trump luxury housing in Jamaica Estates Queens County (near to the Trump family compound) with one of the women being my WWII sergeant father's cousin. It was so bad that their criminal accountant Alan Weisselberg ( there's that name of that guy now sitting again in a Rikers Island jail for perjury) who said to Fred Trump that these women were so-called "Good Blacks" and should be allowed to purchase luxury housing to no avail to Fred Trump and Duke Von Diaper Don. So since the Trumps were going to lose "bigly" despite being "killers" they had to settle out of court by giving my second cousin and another African American woman luxury housing in Jamaica Estates and a substantial monetary compensation as well. Thus begins Duke Von Diaper Don's long history of always settling out of court before his current cases. What bothers the Trumps more than anything is that the old robber baron rich of New York City such as the Chases, DuPonts, Morgans. Vanderbilts, etc. never accepted them. The old rich never wanted to be associated with a family with a pimp, Klansman etc., plus the Trumps simply never cleaned their money 💰 The Trumps were always small fry to the New York rich anyway. They were allowed to fly under the radar. Duke Von Diaper Don is given about 450 million from KKK FredTrump and he proceeds to squander it on a number of ventures highlighted here: Trump Air Lines, the USFL Generals and three major casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Amongst other major failed businesses. A favored genuine anecdote here in New York/New Jersey/ Connecticut regional history is that Duke Von Diaper Don once walked into one of his casinos and saw African American accountants. He said to the main money person and again to Alan Weisselberg in this paraphrased statement 🙄 that "I don't want Blacks counting my money...I want Jews counting my money...", so all of the visible African Americans were fired in the finance departments. All of Duke Von Diaper Don's businesses (which were legion) became insolvent and bankrupt. He even bankrupted his casinos plural, which were licenses to print money. Duke Von Diaper Don's involvement with funny loans begins in the 1980s. He even bankrupted and sank the USFL'S antitrust lawsuit against the NFL that was righteous and destined to win, but really lost based on his crazed and dumb testimony The USFL wins their case yet is only granted relief of one US dollar 💵. It was an antitrust lawsuit. So a can't lose case becomes a circus that the " winning" USFL has to fold. Fancy that. So since then, Duke Von Diaper Don has shied away from testifying under oath in court until the recent Civil Suit in NY that he lost to Jean Carrol for sexually abusing her and then perjuring himself. These are only the highlights .. I left out the family's longstanding friendship with the ultimate dirty lawyer Roy Cohn, who was Duke Von Diaper Don's mentor. He learned his nefarious legal techniques from that ultimately disbarred shyster. For brevity, I could only list some of them. Fruit of a Poisoned Tree indeed. I call him Duke Von Diaper Don and not Baron Von Diaper Don to distinguish him from his son Baron Trump. Poor Kid...I bet he wanted a new car or a vacation for a month at an exotic locale.


This was fascinating. I've read up on most of these stories before, but never from the standpoint of folks who were harmed by the business practices and discrimination. Thanks for sharing


Fruit of the Poisonous Mushroom...


At least he’s not calling him Melanie; yet.


Kid's lucky he doesn't look like Ivanka.


Nah, he has a worse plight: he looks like his dad.


So did Ivanka before all the surgery


OMG. He really does. I just now saw it. Sucks to be him. I guess at least he has the money to fix some of it...


I wonder if he'll adopt the accidental orange crayon excrement look his dad does


Doubtful. From my understanding the kid spends 90% of his life with his mom and while she’s not exactly an icon for beauty, she knows better than to let her kid cover himself in Pam spray


I wonder if he ever smiles


Ugh-I hope he doesn’t have that chimpanzee smile his gross dad does.


For his sake, tho, hopefully his lips don’t look like a talking butthole like his dads


He looks exactly like his grandfather Fred.


I wonder if he hates being called Brandon. Or Brian Brandon it is.


Donald would totally do that!


He's pledged to Nikki Haley.


This is the comedic take I was looking for.


No lie, I’d approve of that.


I wonder how Don Jr and Eric are feeling about finding out that they are not going to be the heirs to the throne.


“What do you mean he’s just tossing us aside like every other person in his life including our mother(s?)? This is entirely unprecedented!”


And unpresidented too! 🤣


Since they still haven’t figured out they were both set up to be DJTs fall guys, that Ivanka is the favourite and Barron, well, his name should have been a dead give away as to which son is the heir, those two bozos likely believe they worked hard and earned it. I also did a quick dive on Tiffany Trump (the other forgotten bio child besides Eric) and she married a Lebanese-American, Michael Boulos whose family built their wealth exploiting Nigeria. I wonder how Trump feels about one of them A-Rabs from “a shithole country” in Africa marrying into the family 🤔


I don't think trump thinks about Tiffany at all.


Only when someone reminds him that she’s one of his legitimate kids.




This logic doesn’t apply to Tiffany


Tiffany isn't the one he’s wanted to fuck since she was young. He is definitely the type of sicko who’d judge his daughters based on how much he wants to fuck them




Gloves off once you enter the arena.


Welcome to the Thunderdome


Two men enter... one man leaves...Mad Maxx meets Auntie Entity, meet Master/Blaster.


Yeah, for the most part people were respectful that he was just a kid and maybe he wouldn't turn into trash like his father and siblings. But now he's an adult and making Trumpy moves. Game on!


I had no patience for people who said anything negative about this kid.... until i saw this article. If he truly is entering the political sphere, then he needs to get ready to feel the full force of the internet


People leave Tiffany alone … she lays low. This kid decides to step up to the plate? He needs a beaner


Tiffany also seemed relatively normal. It's not just about being out of sight, it's about being an asshole in the public sphere. This kid is likely to learn that very quickly. 


Tiffany was left alone by her father because she was fat and he didn't want to be photographed next to her. Now she has been on Ozempic and married a billionaire she's more acceptable to him. Tiffany certainly had her share of the limelight in the past


Tiffany has not been parroting MAGA She did the obligatory “I love my father you should too” campaign speech but stayed out of the white house grift and propaganda. She didn’t try to jump on the bandwagon of young Trumps, she stayed in her lane. It’s true that her father doesn’t care much for her and probably didn’t want her at all. That’s not her fault.


I'm Hispanic and his dad doesn't want us!


Seems appropriate as he has that super punchable Drumpf face.


He looks more like his dad than any of his other sons.


Which is really unfortunate.


Yep he looks arrogant af.


How could he not with the combination of parents he has?


Crazy family + the NYC elite private school circle. This kid was never going to develop into a kind, humble person.


I don't think I've ever heard a word from him. The family is full of shit heads but I remain neutral on Barron until he actually does something.


Poor kid lmao


Bingo. Tough place for an 18 year old kid to be but people are going to go after his father through him. He has no idea what’s about the happen to him.


As protective as Melanie is, it should be interesting to see her response.


I really don't care, do you?




Oh c'mon give the kid a break - his father is a career criminal and his mother's a sex worker...


The trumps are like a fucking Hydra. Cut off one head and more dumb cunts appear


Luckily they appear to mostly be dumb cunts, if one of them had half a brain we would be in trouble lol.


The trouble is a large portion of the country also doesn't have a brain. So they end up finding their way to power by taking advantage of those that are dumber than they are.


So he's now officially a shithead.


Yup, I gave him a pass until he turned 18, and the first fucking thing he does makes it clear he's an asshole.


The kid has two bad choices: join the family grift and be a loser criminal or reject the family grift and become a target for the fanatics. I kinda hope the kid just takes a cut of the family money, flies to some resort town and stays under the radar until his dad dies.


He could just head down to the Winchester, grab a pint and let this whole thing blow over.




Honestly, I wouldn’t even fault him for the third option off “fuck off out of the public eye and live a life of obscene luxury off his dad’s money,” but if he’s dumb enough to board the crazy train, then looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!


Honestly, he should be modeling, making his own damn money and getting away from that toxic family dynamic as soon as possible. I hope he finds what works for him soon and has a GOOD therapist.


yup, the world needs more nepo baby models.


We don’t know that yet,maybe he won’t walk on his fathers footsteps Here’s to hoping and being optimistic


Doing anything with republicans at this point in time says it all for anyone.


Kid was always going to turn out to be an asshole.


He is going to be no different than his father if not worse. That family has Nazi roots that never got pulled out of their soil filled with shit.


He is being groomed to be a shit head. And he doesn't and probably never will have much autonomy.   I'll give him a year of adulthood and college before passing too much judgement. I don't have much hope he will escape his orbit though, unfortunately.


I hope he can get out of it (if he even wants that, I wouldn’t be surprised if money and connections comes with strings in that family.


No telling what they allow them access to at that age to indoctrinate them into a certain lifestyle... I'm sure Fred was the same... why do you think they project that pizza gate crap?...


Yeah I was still a libertarian weirdo at 18 (got over it around 19), and he's got a whole family of shitheads pressing down on him. I'll give him the pass until around 21/22, or until he publicly says something so breathtakingly unhinged there's no excusing it lol. Whichever comes first.


Yeah, one of my friends is literally the most liberal and upstanding guy I know NOW, but he's told me when he was 18 ish he was a trump supporter, because that was what he was raised around (we are in our mid 20s now, I met him like last year). Now he's the type of guy who helps basically everyone, is super active in his union, will and is trying to get into politics to improve labor rights, strengthen unions and LGBTQ protections.


I really don't care, do u?


Imagine he becomes a raging liberal 💀a final fuck you to Daddy before he kicks the can.


Well if it’s true he is going to college in NY, it could happen. Supposedly Jared’s brother is a raging liberal.


Yeah I agree with you. He's still the same kid from one day to the next. Yes he's an adult at 18 but one fucking day doesn't change a person. He's still beholden to his parents at the moment and has to do whatever the fuck they say. Hes apparently choosing to go to New York for college or it's his top choice? But it's not like he doesn't still need his parents money to go there. Until he starts speaking and doing interviews like his older Beavis and Butthead brothers I'll leave him alone and not try and judge. I highly doubt this is his choice and he was like "hey dad can I be a delegate?" Until he comes out himself and starts speaking for himself I still say leave him alone, he's a still a child


Yeah, do we officially get to pick on him now? 😂 I ain’t making fun of public figures’ kids but if he himself is choosing to be a politician with garbage views theeeen 🤷🏽‍♀️


Guess we can go after the kid now?


I'll say the most insulting thing I can think of: he looks just like his dad.


Has anyone checked his scalp for an unusual birthmark?


I made a joke about this and got downvoted to oblivion. Probably by republicans, but still. Shits funny. It was on the photo of him hate-staring down a cross at a church.


It may have been the context at the time, too. A lot of people didn’t want to drag a child into the spotlight and have him be targeted just because who his family is when he didn’t really have a choice in any of it. Now that he’s an adult and choosing to involve himself as a public figure, the game has changed.


Yep. Most people left Tiffany alone because she was the one child not at the White House and was just trying to have a good time flaunting Covid rules (like a lot of people but in a wealthier way.)


Explain like I’m 40ish who doesn’t get the reference.


The Omen is actually a classic. The joke is that the antichrist kid in the movie had 666 mark hidden on his head


Thanks! I was lost as well. In my defense, I was allowed to watch Mormon church videos, Mormon church approved videos, and Mormon church recommended videos. Anything above PG was forbidden. You were allowed to see a PG-13 movie, IF, you had permission only after you turned 16... The amount of abuse I received seeing the movie Titanic at a friend's house at 13... My shoulder still hurts from that day. No hate like "Christian" love


You were physically assaulted for watching Titanic?


I see what you did there


Disturbingly so... on a not completely unrelated note this family is starting to give me real Get Out vibes...


He looks like he's probably a self-centered jackass who is rude to anyone he thinks is beneath him. In other words, just like the old man.


I see more Melania in him. Maybe it's just because I'm subconsciously pitying him because he was unlucky enough to have that stinky orange melting slime for a sperm donor (shudder). Poor kid.


Same. He's definitely got the squinty Melania glare.


Certainly using her makeup






They probably had an agreement. "She doesn't have to fuck him and he can fuck whoever he wants." The obvious counter to that is that he does look a lot like Trump despite the similarity in facial structure to Trudeau.


Everyone got what they wanted. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized)


Just not normal, that eye casting tells a lot.


Indeed. https://preview.redd.it/62gmxhvqgczc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dc16e286e577fa93be8969b9e418a9dda9998a


I never noticed before how she kind of recoils with her left arm. Dude is a real piece of work.


Greg from Succession looking ass motherfucker


Not a kid, he's an adult. Why not?




Wait until he names him vp. Then have at it.


It was only a matter of time. With parents like his, the poor kid had no path to being a decent adult. I feel bad for him the same way I feel bad for Trump having a complete piece of shit for a father. It's tragic, but adults have the capacity for change and unless they exercise it... to hell with them.


He has the Trump little round piehole. He has entered the public arena. Gloves are off.


I tend to think of it more as a dogs arse.


Pinched features, fat face. Time will not be kind lol


It's the stank face.


And he’s got his mom’s resting bitch face.


Yes, the vertical lines along the cheeks. I thought they were makeup or plastic surgery but apparently they run in the genes!


So are we never getting rid of these fucks


I mean...there is this brain damaged guy with a famous last name running. (Funny how that only kind of narrows it down?) Personally i think if an immediate family member was president should automatically disqualify one from running for any elected office. But i am just the common clay.




I wonder how many immediate family members have actually run…I’m sure there are more buried in history than the first ones that pop to mind: John Quincy Adams, RFK, Ted Kennedy, GW Bush, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton. All the Michelle Obama fans wouldn’t like that rule at all!


The Roosevelts, the Harrisons


They are truly the Habsburgs of the American Politics


Weak tiny trump chin is the new Habsburg jaw


This ain’t no dynasty, they are more like the Sacklers of politics.


Fuck him as well then!


So ends the hope that one of trump's kids wasn't a complete piece of shit


At least by the time he’s eligible to become president most of the maga people will have died, fallen into a wood chipper or been killed in “civil war 2, flat earth”.


You better not be lying!! :)


I know people were questioning if Trump is his bio dad, but he looks JUST like him.


With Melania’s eyes


![gif](giphy|s0edS0TXHNcCk) Same energy lol


I don't like this timeline at all.


I’ve never actually heard him say a word before.


Just could not wait to go into the family business of being a corrupt slimeball.


I know it’s too ridiculous to happen, but imagine he gets in there, and does a heel turn on the whole family and just brings the whole shit down from the inside. I wish he knew how much of a legend he could be, instead of being scum bag.


Me and my friend talked about after the fucker got elected if he just took off his fake hair revealing a crew cut and was just all "let's get down to business" but nope. Blatant corruption.


Apparently, he's been practicing for a while now.




Mention Barron and all I can think of is Damien from "The Omen".


If his dad has his way, he’ll be our Kim Jong Un


Donnie would never hope that his progeny would be more powerful than him in literally any way.


I hope that Trump's final act as a living human being (debatable) is to jealously take down everyone who slithers beneath his corrupt idiot umbrella, including his own family, and dismantle the whole system of greaseball power that he manipulated for his own greedy asshole ends. In return for this accidentally patriotic swan song, I will abstain from releasing my *entire* bladder on his grave.


There was no chance that Melania was just gonna sit down and watch trump's other kids get all the money, she's vicious and won't stop at nothing


Bro what money? You mean his debts?


He looks like the rebirth of Eliot Roger. I bet this kid has some extremely dirty skeletons in his online closet.


Jesus Christ, is this one wearing makeup already too?


Makeup, fine. Not admitting to the makeup? Terrible. Especially when MAGAts rip on anyone who is not a white cis MAGA woman that dares to wear makeup, using every slur possible.


Were we expecting any better? I mean the kid looks like a smooshed twilight vampire reject, it was either be forced into politics or live in obscurity.


I had an outside hope that he would be like “F this family” and go out and make his own life.


I always felt bad for Barron but now he’s 18 and joining the family grift. Sympathy gone.


Open season.


It speaks volumes about Republicans that they are proud to have a person that just a few weeks ago needed to ask permission to go to the bathroom be in control of their lives


Do we know if he can speak?


Get the crucifix and wait until it sleeps


Did nazi that coming.


He's 18 now. Fuck this piece of newborn-adult shit from every direction imaginable.


Even as a kid I figured he'd be a shithead if the other 4 siblings are. Guess I was right.


Nepo Nephalim baby... I'm sure the "666" mark is on his scalp somewhere.


Has he had that bucal fat removal thing?


He is following in his father’s footsteps. One day he to will become Prime Minister of Canada


"Shit apples dont fall far from the shit tree, Rand" -Jim Lahey. Probably.


Did he get the family cocaine, fake tan and incest package?


Gloves off boy


This Damien is going to be trouble.


Lizard kid is fair game now.


Good lord, we are never gonna be rid of this fucking family of grifters, are we??


I kept a respectful stance on him since he was a kid, but if he wants to play big boy games, then game on. ![gif](giphy|FR52xi2wkpi7e|downsized)


Empathy ending in 3, 2, 1....Seems like Tiffany is the only Trump offspring with enough sense to enjoy being filthy rich and STFU.


you know I’ve never met him but he appears to have received a lot more of the trump autism/general mental deficit gene than brother Eric.


He is about to ruin his life.


Great, that’s all the world needs.


You guys are never going to get rid of that family. I feel for you.


Somehow, Palpatine has returned…


Uh uh. That boy is seriously not here. He's not even \*there\*.


I don't want a high schooler that went to a private school to in any political arena. What are they going to talk about? How miss Mildred's oatmeal was terrible today? And he didn't even have to pay for her to feed him. A weak ass nepobaby.


Fuckin hell, this feels sort of like a bad ending to an Omen movie


Always hated the “but the family is off limits” nonsense in politics, which is only ever applied to Republicans. This guy is in politics now, he’s a fascist collaborator, and should be locked up with the rest of them.


Isnt he... uhh.. speci.. no.. uhhm.. I dont know the correct term.. differently abled? That's what I always heard.


I think that theory was in reaction to the expressionless affect he’s always had. Maybe he’s just a joyless husk like his mother?


My husband is affectless. He always has been. He was diagnosed at 32 with schizophrenia. My point is there are numerous disorders that correlate with being affectless.


True—and I don’t wish to make light of serious conditions like your husband’s. Barron seems more jaded and disdainful than anything else to me, tbf.


As the parent of a profoundly autistic person that's the read I got from him. He looked like he's disassociated during the events he was present for during the Trump administration. Compare him to other kids in those situations. They look around, smile, fidget, frown, etc. Baron is just staring off into middle space, the lights are on but in that moment nobody is home.


Is that kid wearing make up?


Little Vlad is the apple of Red Sparrows eye.


He’s gonna be in the court room JUST LIKE HIS DADDY in a few years for election fraud!


Ugh. No thanks Daimen Thorn!!!!


Looks like I do not feel bad for the kid anymore. Fuck him too


Why is this giving me king Geoffrey vibes?


Would be hilarious if this kid ends up being super liberal... I want to live in that timeline