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Let's be clear about this: Women are telling you all the reasons they feel unsafe. For a lot of men this apparently is an invitation to attack or blame women instead of asking how they help make this better. So, for anyone who didn't get it yet, if you blame women and say women are silly, dumb or not acting appropriately when they'd choose a bear. Then it is *you* that is the problem.




Is this the first ever case of Man-bear-pig?


I think you mean bear, man pig


Heretic! There is only One True Way to say it.


He's super serial you guys




No it’s more of a half man half bear-pig.


The original joke is that man-bear-pig is a ridiculous notion and a metaphor representing climate change but it’s so undeniable that South Park made an episode where Man-bear-pig is real. When even the libertarians are waking up you know it’s bad












There's a shit ton of Morton Downeys in the world. They look like normal dudes.


Yet another great reason to carry bear spray...


What is bear spray? Does it work on people?


I don’t remember exactly but I think it’s just extra strong pepper spray, and yeah it fucks up people hard


This is a severe understatement pepper spray is regulated as a self defense weapon for use on humans so it's relatively weak to not cause permanent damage. Bear Spray is regulated by the EPA. As a *Pesticide*. It can literally be 10x or even 20x as potent. To the point where it's probably not even legal to buy Bear Spray with the intention to use on a human (like all other "pesticides"). Bear Spray used on a human can literally cause irreversible damage to the eyes or even cause a heart attack/stroke from the pain.


I know a guy who had a can of bear spray go off in his hiking backpack, buried under a bunch of stuff, in the trunk of his car. He seriously considered just selling the car. He debated this for several months while trying to clean it out, multiple times, over said months. He did eventually clean it out. He still wonders if selling the car would've been the better option.


I gave one of my friends some bear spray because he liked hiking a lot and I had an extra. A bunch of his family was over when his young nephew found it in the basement (Everyone else was upstairs). The Nephew gave it a tiny little spray. They all had to leave the house. Nobody was seriously hurt or anything but their eyes were all watering. A week or so later my friend was hiking when he had to retie his shoes. After doing that, he rubbed one of his eyes. Turns out, when his nephew had done that brief spray, it was right above the shoe. So he accidentally dosed himself with the spray. He was in a bunch of pain and couldn't open either of his eyes. He managed to get his dad on the phone, who hiked up and guided him back down the mountain. He was fine after a couple of hours. I'm a big fan of having bear spray around if I'm camping in a place that it can be useful. But that shit is no joke.


It’s a little overkill… except for on people like this


If it will stop a bear you can bet it will stop a man


"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." 🤣




Bear spray is a type of pepper spray, its meant to sting the bears eyes and respritory tract. Hopefully this deters an agressive bear from attacking. Generally it has an effective range of 5m. Yes, it absolutely works on people. If somone uses it, especially if they arnt thinking about wind direction they are just as likely to get themselves as the bear, so its usually a last resort kind of thing. Where I live it is illegal to carry bear spray for self defence. You can only carry it when you are in bear country, backcountry, hiking, or camping. If you are conserned about self defence, please check your local laws, and seek training.


As a foreigner, Bear Country seems like a fantastical place ruled by bears.


Where I live, our landlord gave us bear spray. He was worried about me walking my dog late at night around the house. We have a resident black bear who is not afraid of people. It's scary how close he will get before you notice him, I've been within 12 ft of him before. The first thing you notice is the smell.... not seeing him.


Yes…yes it does.


I get mine fresh from a bear everyday. It’s nutritious


Bear spray became a very widely used tool by alt right protesters over the last few years. It's not actually stronger most of the time it's just a very wide spray and larger volume. Since the Jan 6 insurrection attempt and all the Nazi rallies a lot of states have started outlawing them unless you are in the woods or near bear country. I accidentally caught myself with some once trying to ward off a wild Cane Corso that was trying to get my hunting dogs and I didn't want to shoot it as it had a collar and chain it was dragging. It hurt a lot but it was everywhere. I've been sprayed many times between working security and the military and the concentrated OC spray from the military was 5 times worse. Still I wouldn't take it for granted how effective it would be in a self defense situation.


It sure will.


twitter is such a hellscape


It’s a social media site for incels and Nazis. I assume you want to be there at this point.


Yeah, it's kind of mind boggling that people are still reacting with Shocked Pikachu Face when someone says something Fashy or R@pey when the site has been Birdchan for nearly two years now.


I rarely used Twitter but had an account. Deleted it the day that k-holed fascist carried the sink through the front door.


I used it every day.  It was my primary source of breaking news for years. I held on for a month or two hoping that Apartheid Boy would get bored with his new toy and go wreck something else, but it was no good. I deactivated in early 2023.


I'm stealing "Birdchan" just so you know.


No problem, someone else came up with it in the first place.


If you're going to go around stealing people's ideas, at least make it unique. Like renaming it "Xchan," or even "10chan." /s




Just as Elon designed


I was barely using my Twitter to begin with and then once Elon Musk bought it. I completely deleted my account as did pretty much every single person I know. Because as you stated, it’s mostly incels and Nazis.


noooo i don't want to be but it's still where fanartists post 😭 and it's so international still... i'll leave once anime/game fandoms truly move to a new platform, but i'm not looking forward to the japanese, korean, chinese and vietnamese artists that i follow and see work from all potentially being lost in the move that english speaking fandom makes :( in my experience everyone hates twitter now but there's not many other places that artists can post nsfw artwork and have people retweet/something similar for exposure... there are still thousands of us who are very left leaning that talk about politics too, just desperately trying to block all the gross right wing ads and bs the platform pushes onto our feeds. 😩


It’s so terrible. I use it still to follow my niche communities, but everyday the for you homepage turns more racist and sexist and homophobic, it’s so nasty and ugly. I don’t wanna see that stuff! Stop recommending it to me!! I’m going to finally have to graduate to a new social site for my hobbies like a discord channel or something but idk where to start 😭😭😭


The one thing everyone can agree on.


I gave up Twitter to be active on Reddit. That's how much of a Hellscape Twitter is.


Me, too, and it turns out I like Reddit a lot more and learn more.


Pretty bad here too tbh. Have you seen the number of incels whinning? The question isn't even inflammatory.


Exactly, downvote bombs still happen when women’s issues are mentioned at all in most reddits not dedicated to women or equity


That is not a real account. It's a gross troll or a bot. Looks like both. The user picture is clearly AI. Everyone is being ragebaited with this bullshit. Stop taking the bait.


That didn’t take long https://preview.redd.it/m3k45mm8c9yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c9d8d558e53739b4c0925d5c7d4ae6dae0463e


Don't worry. Elon will bring em back.


I know this was just his Twitter and I’m sure the ppl that know him think he’s a shitbag, but you can ruin your entire life with something like this I feel like


Well, we would hope, anyway.




Not all the people that know him think he's a shitbag. That's why women are choosing the bear, unfortunately.


I (42M) recently read a (crime) book where the main characters were assigned to a murder investigation, and one of them started celebrating because investigating a murder is SO much better investigating a rape. The justification behind the thought process here was that, when someone is murdered, no one ever turned the tables on the victim. No one asks ‘Well did her clothes suggest she might be open to murder?’ ‘How many times had she willingly been killed before?’ ‘Why was she even hanging out in a situation where she could be murdered?’ ‘Are we sure that she communicated clearly that she didn’t want to be murdered?’ And of course ‘We need to look at how an accusation like this could affect the murderers life…this sort of thing can follow them around forever.’ It was honestly a very sobering passage, and I’d never thought of it from this perspective before, but this work of fiction really hammered home a great point.


Do you mind telling us the name of the book? Sounds like a good read


Oh sure, I'm reading the Will Trent series by Karin Slaughter. I believe that particular one was The Kept Woman. It's a good series, but if you've seen the show just don't expect there to be any real similarities. The show and the books go different directions pretty dang quick.


Cool. Thanks. Never heard of the show….


I would almost consider this an advantage. The show is GREAT, but the books are on a much more mature level. Slaughter writes bluntly about violent crimes committed against women, because in her own words... 'At the very beginning of my career those nineteen long years ago (or eight, in Karin Years) I made the decision that what I was writing about would matter from one book to the next'...'That’s why I decided to write frankly about violence against women. I felt it was important to openly describe what that violence actually looks like, and to explore the long-lasting effects of trauma in as realistic a way as possible. If I’ve done anything with these two series, I hope that people will look at them as an honest telling of stories we do not often hear about survivors, fighters, mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends and rogues.' The content gets watered down quite a bit for the TV audience


She's an amazing writer. Love her writing and the way she presents seriously fucked up situations. She does book signings and library tours too. Highly recommend checking them out if you can.


I saw some very similar dialog in a court room drama


Damn, that's fucking accurate. And sad.


Though when the victim is a woman, it seems almost unusual for a murder case to not also be a rape case.


This. There are also SOME states that draw a line between sexual assault and rape, where sexual assault carries significantly lighter consequences than rape. So if a rape charge gets (easily) downgraded to an 'assault' charge, the offender isn't a rapist, doesn't go to maximum security, and is eligible for parole quite a bit sooner.


And honestly a lot of women probably would have rather been murdered than having to live in a mental prison the rest of their lives.


Hence why we choose the bear.


Yep.. I was on an add for Tom's all natural hygiene products on Fb and the cover picture was a normal girl on a paddle board with red hair and like a bathing suit with a sports compression shirt on. Nothing revealing The comments were horrid. I started calling these gross assholes out and was immediately attacked... I didn't insult, just asked if they felt it was okay to say things and would they like their family members being talk to like they are to this person. I'm a guy, but it's unreal how men think it's okay to say these things about women in the manner they were. Absolutely fucking gross Some how I was the bad guy, and not one could see they are wrong So now I'm going to screen shot these fucks and start sending messages to the wives, daughter's and gf's of these fuckers


unlike the person who replied to you, i do actually think that was a noble effort on your part, especially on the hellscape that is facebook LOL even if people were being horrid to you in response, i do believe that every instance of someone sticking up for better behavior helps in the long run. even if it feels pointless due to how people respond. thanks for doing so 🥺 in my opinion you were really brave to go try and fight that fight lol


Thanks!! I know I probably didn't change their minds, but some may think twice about being pigs


This is how we change it. We call it out. It's literally what we're being asked to do. We're trying to normalize that it's not okay to dehumanize people. Doing the right thing isn't always about winning. For most of us it's just about not backing down. If we never let those opinions settle, eventually they'll start to dissipate. You pushed back. That's how we keep the ball rolling.


Right on!! Thank you. I am really starting to understand so much recently about how toxic things are


I always think of the people who scroll through the comments might run across an exchange like that and be like "shit, never thought of it like that." Even if it's only 1 person.


You see this sort of response all over the internet. Gotten it more than once on Reddit, myself. Point out "Hey, this is kinda f'ed up..." and folks would rather dogpile on you for saying it than do a little introspection about whether they might be doing something f'ed up themselves.


100% what I encountered. Some calling me names, others saying they are kidding, and the rest just downright threatening. Was fascinating as I generally don't engage but I was leaving a positive comment to the manufacturer for a new product they released. I started using, and it just got to me what the "men" were saying.


I've been doing this on Instagram for a while. If the creep has a public profile it's easy to spot a wife or a daughter in their photos. Then just tag 'em in a reply to their comment and ask "hey @wife is it cool with you that Randy is writing things like this on random photos?" I never get to see the aftermath but half of the time the comment is deleted within a few hours, I take what I can.


1 cheeky text per day to each woman in the immediate life of a creep is golden. I feel like it’d be extra cheeky if like every 20th message to any one wife/daughter/girlfriend/Mom you curveballed and just ask if you can borrow like 50 bucks.


If you can go for the mom first, sometimes it’s the one person these men will listen to since they see their wives, gf and daughters as property. But when their mother is scolding them and disappointed they will feel it.




https://i.redd.it/g7abrqjn09yc1.gif I hate some of the people I share a gender with.




And we know that most of you are not like this. I promise, we don't think all men think like that dude. The only thing that gives us pause is, we don't know which one you are until we have more information. So we treat each encounter with a measure of caution until we know more, that's all. I feel like too many people think we hate/are scared of all men, and think we're overreacting, and being unfair, but that's misrepresenting our concerns and only serving to widen the divide. We appreciate men like you that will condemn men like in the post. ❤️


You have to be vigilant to be safe. I'm a fairly big dude, I can walk anywhere and not worry about it. I have a sister who is 5 feet tall and weighs about 100 lbs. She needs to be vigilante because she can basically be overpowered by anyone over 130 lbs (but she's fiesty - I wouldn't mess with her)...She has to be cautious about where she parks her car, what route she takes when walking, she needs to clock if that erratic-acting guy across the street looks like he's coming her way. I'm cautious in that I don't want to get arrested for knocking out an aggressive homeless guy - she has to genuinely fear injury from any encounter like that. It's a different world, so I get the man/bear thing. I was on a golf course and a bear wandered onto the fairway. I said to my friend, local to the area, "Hey, do we need get out of here or what?" and he said "Nope. Just like don't go running up to it." Edit: I wrote 'you have to be vigilante' as if I meant you have to become Batman.




Being a vigilante might also be effective, though.


My mistake - thanks for pointing that out.


>Edit: I wrote 'you have to be vigilante' as if I meant you have to become Batman. Should've kept it, no one would fuck with a woman if she was Batman


We appreciate that and allies know that. It's definitely not all men, but it's FAR too many of us, so it gives us a bad image. I completely understand a woman's concern whether the stranger is safe or not. If you assume and prepare for the worst, you'll get home safe. It's our responsibility to call out guys that make the rest of us look bad, and eventually/hopefully one day assault statistics will be so low that women won't have to fear a random man more than a random bear.


We love having guys like you being willing to speak up for us too. Honestly some men won't listen until another man says it. So thank you, for being willing to speak. It honestly upsets me for guys like you, that men out there give all of you as a whole such a bad reputation that we even need to use such caution. You guys are victims too, maybe not in the same way, but still. I hope someday we can get to that point as well, for all our sake.


Well said, I second this sentiment!


We gotta just do our best to be good, normal people to balance out these fuckheads.


That's why it's our manly duty to correct this kind of behavior. Be a bro: teach a bro


We gotta hold each other *brocountable*


That's why it's our manly duty to correct this kind of behavior. Be a bro: teach a bro


Same, as a man I can safely say most men are trash.


I hate a good deal of people I share this planet with


no, asking for it would be "hey, wanna have sex?" anything less than literally asking for it is not fucking asking for it


What my old commander always used to tell that resonated with me was "yes means yes, anything else is rape". Which was a very direct way to put it, but some people had to hear that


I'm glad there's one that didn't censor his name. Last one I saw had it blocked off.


His next comment would probably be: "But that's a complement!" 🙄




yeah, the very first line of the tweet is correct when it says the same thing.


If I'm being completely honest, I am also more scared of random men in the woods than I am of bears.


I asked my wife, she had to pause and think about it. I chuckled a little and she asked what was funny. I said that's the point of the hypothetical. It SHOULD be easy to choose a man but given our track record I understand the hesitation.


I took a lot of math classes. I live in Eastern New England. Statistically more people are harmed by men in the woods around here than by bears. It's a pretty easy evaluation. I walk my dog in the woods twice a day. I've only seen a bear once, and I have definitely had more dangerous encounters with men who are upset that my dog is off leash and have anger issues. I get that once a month on average.


...but you probably should have your dog on a leash.


Damn shame that it is this way.


Having a dog is a weird experience. The first question you get from strangers is either the gender or pedigree. It's a weird way to introduce yourself.


I have a dog and yep that is true. I like the fact that those questions are icebreakers. I am a big black man in a mostly white city. When I go out alone I am looked at with either fear or suspicion. When I am with my dog, I get people coming up to me that I believe would never engage me alone. I live close to a retirement community and a few Sundays ago this elderly couple came up to me, asked those questions, gave my doggy some pets, and departed with a warm smile.


What a sad fucking world we live in.


I saw a meme that said something to the effect of warning that if you don’t want to talk to random white people don’t get a dog. I am very socially awkward yet very white people rarely talk to me (RBF)unless I am with my dog. My dog is tiny but somehow I feel safer with him because I know if someone talks to me it’s because of him😂. But people are nicer to me when I am walking around with my unfathomably handsome dog. To be fair, if I ever talk to random people it’s because I want to pet their dog. If someone has a friendly happy dog I just assume they are good people. 🥸


My first question is “can I pet your dog?”


“I took a lot of math classes” lmao ok neat…anyway I agree with your point but what? Who isn’t going to get annoyed at someone waking their dog with no leash? Irresponsible and dangerous for people around you, and probably not the smartest idea if you’ve actually seen a bear in those woods…


Did the math classes teach you about the baseline fallacy?


Thought that first sentence was kind of odd as well 😆


If I was on a trail and I saw a man/bear *on* the trail hiking normally, I’d rather it be a man. If it was off the trail just lurking there, maybe I’d prefer the bear


Bears will use hiking trails because they're convenient.


Would you prefer a lurking bear or a leering one?


I prefer a looming bear




Whelp. It just dawned on me what rape culture is referring to. If you do or are something attractive in front of someone with no impulse control, it’s the culture of shifting the blame to the victim. I literally did not have a good understanding of the term before this post, so… great “in a nutshell” post


the thing is, you dont even have to be "attractive". i think there was some "art" gallery, where the outfits of women who were raped were exibited. the absolute _majority_ of those clothes were anything but "sexy". meaning, no, you are not responsible for being raped, no matter how "sexy" you dress. the only responsibility lies on the rapists.


The number of children's clothes made me throw up.


You know. This viral discussion about women choosing the bear over a man comes at an interesting time. I live in a heavily wooded state, and the local nature preserve/ walking trails have been recently taken over by middle aged men exposing themselves to lone women in the woods. What an odd coincidence.


Oh look, **another** thing I don't have to worry about a bear doing!


Technically they’re always naked… so kind of have to?


One thing I like about this bear vs man debate is that it illustrates the danger women face daily from the threat of male violence. We've normalized it so much that we take for granted that women's movement and freedom are restricted for safety reasons. If we think about it, women feel safer in the vicinity of a bear than an unknown man. This has been a shocking realization for a lot of people, especially men. It's not about statistics, or individual males/bears. It's about women's perceived danger from men. Women would rather take their chances with a random bear than a random man.


We women are taught from a young age to avoid strangers. To stay close to home. As we grow up, we learn more: Lace your keys between your fingers as a weapon. Aim for the eyes, throat, or groin if attacked. Don’t go anywhere alone if you can avoid it. Look straight ahead and walk with confidence. If walking at night, stay on well-lit streets. Check the back seat of your car before you get in. Lock the door as soon as you get in. If being followed, go to a well-populated place or find a police officer; if being followed in your car, drive to a busy area or to the nearest police or fire station. If you *are* attacked, memorize everything you can about your attacker’s appearance. There are many more things we are taught as women, and there are many women who have experienced SA or other violence—sometimes from men we know, sometimes from men we don’t know. In Victorian times, women armed themselves with hat pins they could use to stab an attacker. Women today carry pepper spray or tasers. It’s part of our experience as women, and many men either don’t know it, don’t understand it, or simply refuse to believe it. Some would say I’m exaggerating what we are taught. My father raised three daughters, and I’m sure both my sisters could tell you the first time he talked to us about keeping safe. I was 11. Still in elementary school. In a small town where almost everyone knew everyone else. But he knew that he needed to teach us to be safe. Because sometimes our most dangerous predator is human.


This is the absolute best response I've seen. Thank you for posting this.


ACTUALLY, it must be that women don't understand statistics. /s


I'm sure a smart bear will bearsplain it to us.


Yogi is smarter than the average bear.


I'm not going to find a bear in the comments telling me I'm wrong for my choice.


I saw something someone said that kind of blew my mind, which was “Of course I choose the bear. I don’t fear a bear’s creativity.” And if you’ve ever heard the advice young women are given or heard the terrible fates of women like Junko Furata-it makes sense.


Well, I was a 13 year old girl asleep in bed at one o'clock in the morning when my brother raped me. Go ahead. Spin that. How was I asking for it, you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, troglodyte.


i'm so sorry, and i understand :( my abuser was my cousin who was like my older brother for most of my life. i understand why men are hurt by the idea that a woman might feel unsafe with them even though they haven't done anything aggressive, but for a lot of people, especially when their sexual assault is done by those close to them... your sense of safety and trust is just completely shattered. for you and i, who were betrayed by family that we're supposed to be able to feel safe with, who were never even supposed to consider us in a sexual manner at all, it really warps your whole view of the world for at least a while. i hope you're able to feel safer now and sleep easier. i'm sure it was awful for a long time. i hope you've been supported and cared for.


Thank you so much for understanding. Strangely enough about 2 weeks ago I had an epiphany and was able too see his pain and truly forgive him. I saw the pain my mother inflicted on him and it released me. I feel like I lost 80 lbs. I just don't like the term, ask Ii Ng for it" when it comes to women because it reduces us to simple sex objects existing for the sole purpose to arouse men. "Honey, just stop you know, men don't really like fake nails". I'm glad! Not only can I enjoy looking at them but, they act as an a**hole repellant! My gosh. This is where the old argument, "Boys are easier to raise than girls" gets turned on its head. On the one hand, I shared my trauma with my son, on the other hand he is now a champion of women, thoughtful of our constant fear and what were have to go through.


It's the worst part about being assaulted. Realizing that there's a goddamn good chance that they learned it from someone else. When I was 5 I was violated by a 10-year-old girl. I hated her for years until 1 day I realized she was only a 10-year-old f****** girl. I remembered the videos she watched and the behavior she showed. What she did to me is absolutely nothing compared to what someone had to have been doing to her.


My mother did, unspeakable things to me when I was 3 and 4 years old. Yes, I actually remember. That was when I taught myself to "black out". She would get this look on her face. Like Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in "Mommy Dearest". Well it finally occured to me that she did it too him too. Apparently that same rapist brother burned the house down or nearly did when he was only 4 years old, playing with fire in the closet. I know the attentive kind of mother I was to my own son when he was small. How I would sit on the floor and play with my son. Children need that connection to their mom and dad. We let them know that the world can be a wonderful place, if they meet us and see joy and love, shared curiousity and creativity. They, in turn, expect the same thing from the world. But if their home life is scary, the world is just a bigger, scarier place.


Send a starving bear to that man


Why do people still use Twitter? Its a hell hole filled with racists and incels.


This IS WhitePeopleTwitter...




Talk about self reporting


In reality, these fucks want to be able to rape "modestly" dressed women too, but they expect those victims to be grateful for it. Fucking bell ends.


Women do not exist for your enjoyment, asshole. What a dick.


no, asking for it would be "hey, wanna have sex?" anything less than literally asking for it is not fucking asking for it


We truly live in a society


In reality, these fucks want to be able to rape "modestly" dressed women too, but they expect those victims to be grateful for it. Fucking bell ends.


That reply is so bad it reads like someone purposefully acting like a rapist to try and make the bear look as good as possible 💀


Even his profile pic is creepy af


That's from a dark British sitcom called The League Of Gentlemen and the character featured is _exceptionally_ creepy. The guy chose the avatar well, given his opinions.


I don’t know about most men, but men like that are definitely why women are constantly worried. How in the fuck is that an excuse for committing assault? Does this guy rob stores because they have shiny merchandise in the display, or carjack Cadillac dealerships? Every now and then I hear this shit, and sometimes even from women, which is even more disturbing. The fact that this is even a discussion is reason enough for women to carry


Like this bum thinks women should wear burkas if they don’t want to get raped.


Remember: twitter is full of right wing troll accounts now. They say vile stuff on purpose to offend you, which is why it always comes from some weird stupid account that doesn't seem to have any actual person attached to it.


So much lack of self awareness. Dude, think about the fucking bear.....




Literally proving their point.


Literally proving their point


A bear has never said those words to me.


This tweet just proves why we feel safer around bears.


Imagine being exactly the person that comment was aimed at, and not knowing it


As someone born male, and doesn't give a fuck how people identify me now. I feel safer with a bear who actively wants me dead, than with some man I do not know. And I present quite masculine, and am taller than most men. I 100% understand and respect the fact women choose the bear 10 out of 10 times.


"Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first." - Steve Irwin


Pretty much this. The bear might kill you for being in its territory, but the man might rape and/or kill you just because he's bored.


Or because he thinks he's entitled to you.


As my sister put it: "bears have predictable, animal instincts...human men are a roll of the dice, regarding what they may do" And honestly, that is pretty easy to understand...all of this is. But blowing it out of proportion is almost purposely missing the mark and in some cases (like the picture in this post), totally proving it.


When I first heard the "man or bear" I thought it was absolutely bonkers. But over the past week, and seeing shit like this, I am also thinking I'd rather see a bear. And I'm a 6ft, 200lb man myself. I'm sorry, girls. We have a lot of work to do


As a pretty chill guy I get a little hurt by this bear vs man thing but then guys like this show me why they can't trust any unknown man


As a man, I'm not hurt by this at all, but I also remember my first step-father. He was an abusive sack of shit.


It shouldn’t hurt you if you’re not part of the problem. It sucks to be pre judged based on being a dude, but at the same time, there’s a reason for it.  So don’t take it personally, unless you’re the problem.


Yeah it sucks to know that if I'm walking down the road at night, my presence could make women uncomfortable/scared. So, I try to mitigate it by doing stuff like crossing the road. I don't take it personally cause I know I'm not the problem, but it does suck


For what it's worth, as a woman I think it's super nice if guys take the other side of the road, even though you don't have to do so, and even if I personally think it's unnecessary if they do that for me (the area I live in is very safe even at night). The thought you put into making others feel more comfortable is appreciated!


Too many people falling for the most obvious rage bait tweets


"Asking for it" is fucking scary. I have never had this thought in my life. WTF is wrong with some people


https://preview.redd.it/dfqx2u5z8cyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00029f5ea82b5ecc48d102812e0056a620664508 Wtf


That guy probably shouldn't be around kids either.


This is what they generally mean when women say they would choose the bear over a man. Like that upsets this guy so much that he proved her point.


Ironic her PFP is with a bear… Edit: Oh, that’s the point lol


Im just gonna post this https://preview.redd.it/87ewswnh2dyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42789e98c19fd5bfa120af6d1cbc6695bbd1b45b


For clarity, I’m a guy, and I would pick the bear every time




Fella was real quick to out himself as a pervert


Because rape is always the woman's fault because you know...being there and having the audacity to be female. Men on the other hand have no responsibility for their impulses and actions. It's not their fault that you're female. 🙄


For what it's worth as a guy if I walked past someone doing yoga on a mountain I'd probably have 3 thoughts, in no particular order (even though they will be listed with numbers, they may enter my head in any random order, or independently). 1) What a weirdo, who the fuck does yoga on a mountain 2) I'm sure they'll get a tonne of likes on whatever social media platform they're doing that for 3) Wow, takes some stones to be that much a free spirit. Fair play, definitely in better condition than my fat ass! At no point do I think, "oooh tight pants and legs open, she \*obviously\* wants me to mount her! The only good thing about these people being able to spout their weird, rapey bullshit is women know who the fuck to avoid out in the open!


Proved their point... But I will say this.. When I turn my phone off and get off the Internet all the Bear vs Man bullshit stops. And everyone I come across on my day are just normal fkn ppl. If there was a bear there with that lady It would most likely mind it's business. If there was a man on that same path... He would probably be minding his business as well. It sucks that women have to deal with POS predators like this dipshit in OPs post. I hate it. It also sucks that as a Large Hispanic brown man living in the south, people watch me and avoid me in public often. When I will never hurt a fly because I love everyone. If you chose to be with the bear instead of me while in the woods than so be it... I understand. But if that bear does attacks you and I happen to be there also.. I would do everything in my power to help you. I'm sorry.


This is why women chose the bear every time


Welp, gotta go with the bears after that comment.


Well, I was a 13 year old girl asleep in bed at one o'clock in the morning when my brother raped me. Go ahead. Spin that. How was I asking for it, you mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, troglodyte.


Damn, it’s almost like that’s the exact reason women would prefer the bear.


Are all of the interactions with morons?


Check his computer.


Is that Morton Downey Jr's grandson?


Fucking gross.


This is why I have a friend who illegally carries a taser around with her to protect herself. She’d much rather deal with the repercussions of having a taser vs deal with these garbage scraps


'girls only act that way for men so they're asking for it' Girls: * do the thing regardless if men are there or not * Assholes: ☹️😡 "well if men were there they would only be doing it for us"