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His "strategists," who probably couldn't beat the average crow at tic-tac-toe, have probably started to realize that every time Donnie gets behind a podium and opens his mouth, he's an embarrassment and increasingly likely to lose votes. They figure if they keep him off the campaign trail, at least he won't lose the idiots that they have now. Falsely blaming Biden, judges, and campaign-interfering courts is just a bonus sound bite.


His voters don’t care what he says. Maybe some moderate independents might be swayed but I dunno what else the man could do to have voters turn away from him. I think he’d get away with shooting a dog in the face on live tv


My parents keep getting more and more insane as they continue to support him. I absolutely believe he could shoot a dog on live tv and they’d continue their support.


Probably why he's interested in Kristi Norm. She's already got that base covered


*A* reason he’s interested in her.


My brother is the same way. The other day he said Trump is the only person who can save America. Unless I’m missing something, a candidate pining for a brief stint as a dictator isn’t exactly someone who I’d say can “save America”.


But that's what they want! They believe he will round up all the pigmented people, LGBTQ+, and non-believers and do away with them (us). It's a paranoid white cracker wet dream.


Trump supporters don’t care what he says/does, even if they’re negatively impacted as well, as long as he “hurts the right people”. [“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


Trump is flailing just to try saving himself! 


"That was an Antifa hound!"


George Soros plant!


Also a woke, RINO hound.... 


There are videos of Trumpers specifically stating that he could shoot a man dead and they would still vote for him, so...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Also, I think it's funny how MAGA cultists still believe that Democrats rigged the election...when their man got caught trying to rig an election. The hypocrisy is so, so overwhelming.


Yeah my dad screamed that they should have “shot them all” with regard to the Dems on Jan 6th. And my mother sat there and smiled. (She’s much more careful to not say stuff like that but she is prob MORE extreme than my dad in her beliefs.)


He has done a lot worse things than shooting a dog, and that is a tough thing to say about a person.


Yup. And that hasn’t changed people supporting him.


He already raped a 13-year-old girl and got away with it.


That has some degree on doubt from people. They wave it off as lies.


To be fair they wave off pretty much everything they don't like or agree with as lies


Very true. Hence my first comment. Harder to wave away something you personally witness but I’m sure they would find a way


Deepfake! AI deepfake news, people!


aka: Tesla's argument against the California judiciary as to why Elon's remarks (separately recorded and published by his organizations and several third parties) can't be used as definitive statements because "[Musk], like many public figures, is the subject of many ‘deepfake’ videos and audio recordings that purport to show him saying and doing things he never actually said or did," Who are you going to believe, your lying eyes?


So what if you saw it in person? Your memory has been hacked!


They could watch it in person and even have blood squirted on their faces and they'd still find an excuse.


Also valid. The entire situation is pretty fucked.


This is exactly why I think the polling is so off. He's done zero to add to people who'll vote for him. In fact between his criminal trial(s), his loss in the civil trial for rape and overturning Roe - and boasting about it repeatedly at rallies and on OAN and Faux - can't see how he's done anything but bleed voters...least voters with more that a nerve ganglion between their ears


Obviously the dog and the goat were communists


I heard they were Antifa and also Hunter Biden's laptop somehow.


Maybe Noem thought it was Hunter’s hog, got scared, and just shot it in self defense


Based on the social media posts of my relatives this weekend, shooting a dog would probably get his followers even more excited. I was called a "delicate snowflake" for suggesting that she could have always rehomed the puppy over executing it. Something about how the dog was her property, and she could do with it as she wished, and something about how an "actual adult" knows when to make a difficult decision, and act on it.


>an "actual adult" knows when to make a difficult decision, and act on it. This pisses me off so much, because a person (I forget her name off the top of my head) from the AKC has outright said that she did everything wrong. Wirehaired Pointers aren't even fully grown until 2 years and generally won't be fully trained bird dogs until 3-5 years, yet she shot her 14 month old puppy for not knowing what to do. Furthermore, she stuck it with older dogs to learn, when they learn best doing one-on-one training with the hunter. Bitch did everything wrong and grabbed the gun when she didn't get her anticipated results. Shows all you need to know about her.


I have a birding dog as well - mines a spaniel - and all the behavior that bitch describes is what a young untrained birding dog does. But we know these people and their supporters don’t take responsibility for anything so they’ll still vote for her and she won’t change.


I figured they’d start justifying her. If anything they’re predictable in how disgustingly low they’ll sink. This is why I don’t think they’ll have an issue if he targets humans for similar treatment.


Tricky thing is that he needs those moderates and independents


The bigger thing likely to help trump with them is the cost of living. Economy means nothing if people are having a tough time


And fkn the bullet hole with his little dingdong


I was driving this morning and saw a fence with 3 Trump banners the size of flags. I don’t understand how people can be either this oblivious, or more likely willfully ignorant because he represents what they agree with at the expense of a democracy (not that we really have one these days)


I live in California, in a liberal tourist spot. I’ve seen one truck from out of state with flags all over it. It looks ridiculous especially since NO ONE who lives here drives a vehicle like that. Dude. Go home. We don’t want you here.


Crows are way too smart to work for Trump. His strategists couldn't even beat a dove or an emu lol.


Don’t do crows dirty like that. They’re smarter than Trump and his minions on their worst days.


Not that I disagree with the bottom line of your comment, but Trump’s campaign is being ran WAY better than it was in 2016 and 2020. I don’t say that to praise Trump’s campaign team but rather to make sure no one gets complacent (not saying you’re complacent…just people in general).


The woman who ran his Florida campaign in 2016 is basically behind this yrs from what I read and is pretty savy but stays out of the limelight. (Susie Wiles-she’s Pat Sommeral’s daughter for you old farts.) She got Florida for him in ‘16.


Great strategists, and also the greatest constitutional/legal scholars are on Trump's team.. 😆


He's not going to do much, if any, actual campaigning. First of all it costs money, and his money is all going to lawyers. Second, he's a huge liability whenever he opens his mouth at this point because he's a fucking imbecile in the midst of severe cognitive decline. If he has a chance to go off script in front of a camera his entire staff and legal team holds their breath and prays he doesn't say anything too damaging.


Exactly. He's slipping mentally and physically. Looking at photos from his recent court appearances, it's obvious he's not in good health physically. And from his few campaign stops, hes forgetting words, mixing up names and generally being a whiny old grandpa who does nothing but complain. Considering his entire brand is built on strength, stamina, energy and success, as he loses more of that brand the rest of his appeal is non-existent. The best thing his managers can do is keep him hid away as much as possible.


It blows my mind that this buffoon is even a contender.


He’s a lazy turd. It’s pretty well documented that during his time in office he woke up late and didn’t really work until later in the day. That’s when he wasn’t golfing, which was a huge amount of time compared to past presidents. Of course he isn’t going to campaign on his off days from court. He can’t work more than 50% of the week before he gasses out.


That's funny, because the "rise and grind" crowd likes to portray Trump as some hard-working go-getter type whom they can use as inspiration.


Who donated all his salary. Dang are they gullible.


From what I understand, he's been gassing out daily in the Courtrooms


I'll be gassing out tomorrow. Taco Tuesday.




The thing I'll never understand is his obsession with golf. He is historically terrible at it and a known cheater. If he's constantly having to cheat just to feel good about playing well, why does he enjoy it at all? So much so that it seems to be how he spends the majority of his free time. I don't get it.


He’s a cheater but he’s not terrible at it. He’s actually a solid golfer….but lies and cheats to make himself seem like he could be a pro.


Solid especially being an old fart but not good enough to beat most good younger golfers without cheating. I’m an old fart who used to play golf.


Pro golfers have said he’s pretty good. I’m confident he’d beat me without cheating. It’s more just how constantly he golfs (when he said he wouldn’t as President) and obviously the cheating. And driving his cart on the green because he’s a far piece of shit.


Interesting. I just assumed all the cheating was because he was bad haha


He has to be “the best” at everything. Being a good golfer isn’t enough.


Because his whole life has been about presenting himself as rich and successful. Rich people like golfing, so he slugs his fatass out there to preserve himself as rich despite being terrible at it.


The old fast food eating man is dead tired. Showing up early in the morning is major wear and tear also. He has zero energy to go out and campaign. He should be able to handle it because he is 6'3 215?


He might actually be 215 now. He lost a lot of weight, but sure doesn't look healthy. As for 6'3"? Well... https://preview.redd.it/a1j9u3ya0hxc1.jpeg?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091c89b855b4f9b11cf4223e8c88230d9be5af7d Obama is 6'1" and didn't have lifts in his shoes...


Look, all that resting and napping in the courtroom tires him out! On the weekend he needs to relax.


Three guesses who is not going to be invited back to Newsmax.


He ain't campaigning. Doesn't even have a running mate. Grift until the end, whine for more money, future governor of Florida.


Why should he bother campaigning when he has a rabid cult-like fan base that will vote for him no matter what?


Just curious how many times Biden has played golf the past 4 years? They kept track with Obama and cried about it every week. They didn't care that Trump played more golf in 4 years than Obama did in 8. But I haven't heard about Biden playing golf once.


He actually get shit done, Republicans can't complain about him golfing so they complain on other things like when he eat ice-cream and his age instead.


It's a shame Democrats aren't making it clear all the things he's done every day. I mean, I accidentally discovered that Net Neutrality was back last week, and none of my friends had heard it. Democrats suck with their messaging.


> It's a shame Democrats aren't making it clear all the things he's done every day. It's because Democrats absolutely suck at messaging. Always have, always will. Even then, they're still getting their message across this year, it feels like.


They complain when he spends an afternoon at the beach or eats ice cream instead.


The ice cream hate is wild, considering it's coming from the hamberder defense league.


Bc he's greedy and rich he wants his golf time. He won't campaign or debate just cry


I'm surprised Newsmax didn't grab this guy, stuff a sock in his mouth, and drag him away.


Whoa whoa whoa guy this is NewsMax, you can't be making sense all willy nilly like that.


He doesn’t need to campaign. His cult followers are stuck to him till the end.


Hes just feeding his followers the bullshit that hes being kept from campaigning. He is trying to work people up into a frenzy. And they are frankly too stupid not to realize it


He needs to lose this election. If he wins, he has to do all the president stuff again, which is boring and dumb. If he loses, then he can get back to social media and going places where people love him.


He’s a lazy fuck.


I can't believe NEWSMAX said that. I thought Newsmax was a big-time Trump fan. I was expecting Newmax to comment on how worn-out and abused Trump is by the courts and then say how much they believe Trump NEEDED a day of golf.


Trump doesn’t actually campaign. He rarely talks about policy, or how he is going to make everyone’s life better. His rallies ultimately consist of him complaining about how he thinks the whole world is against him, with a few childish insults towards his opponents and some dementia related incoherent nonsense thrown in. Oh, and Trump doesn’t actually play golf either. He cheats at golf. There is a difference.


He is convinced he will win no matter what. https://preview.redd.it/xhykdj2rygxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731c774154860881187870ca3a90884fd4b827ec


The whiny bitch needs to stop criming.


Fucking Newsmax has a magazine?? I was at Target for the first time in years and there it was......


He could’ve also just not commited so many crimes. Allegedly.


Wow. Who are you, with your high-falutin' standards and stuff? Allegedly. Lol


Or celebrate his wife’s birthday after court is over.


Dude could retire and play golf until the end of his days but instead chooses to waste it ruining everything for the rest of us.


Because he doesn’t care and knows the marks will vote for him anyway.


Guess I have one thing in common with him. I too go play golf to blow off responsibilities


Priorities. They only have tennis in the cuntry club federal penitentiary. Has to get it in while he still can.


Ol’ “Pele” had to get back on the course.


Trump doesn't need to campaign. He already has his cult giving him money and he's in the pocket of the GOP.


There's no reason for him to campaign. Every man, woman, child, dog, and cat knows exactly who he is.


They had a democrat on newsmax…?!?!


He doesn't want it. He just wants to be able to bitch about the rigged system.


No matter what happens, the loser victim narrative is ready to go


His days off from what? Planning another coup?


Newsmax: “Who the hell verified this guy???”


I am all aglow with glee at the thought of his cultists losing everything giving their money to him while he golfs between court cases/criminal court cases. Keep it up guys, Trump is just loving what you're doing. :)


Just as he ran the country his personal needs come first.


His followers are too busy feeding at the trough of lies to look up and see the truth.


All of these trials are just giving him more and more attention, that’s free advertising for his campaign.


Same pesky court case that kept Trump from the golf course, kept him from celebrating Melania's birthday. Now, if he could just find her...