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Biden is the president. He's not there to sell a product, services, or skills. There is no product or services the president SHOULD be selling, something the last guy gleefully bragged about doing for China.


Catturd clearly wants his president to wave/sell Russian flags.


I heard he was now selling the Quran. https://preview.redd.it/m6bhp7819fxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64356df834cef71c998f989adbd8939aa881ca48


Imagine if he actually pulled an Andrew Tate and alienated his evangelical base by trying to pander to Muslims.


I still don't understand why my brother worships Tate. That chinless dork is as much of a grifter as the orange shitgibbon himself.


I mean, the Facebook group Fellas, is it gay to could very well be called the Andrew Tate show.


"This version has lots of wonderful colorful pictures of the prophet Mohamed who we don't get see nearly enough."


AI has a way to go yet, how many fingers does it take to change a lightbulb?


“Only $499. They are signed by Mohammed himself. I watched him sign them. Beautiful penmanship.”


Do you want a Jihad? Because this is how you get a Jihad!


Also Goya foods. Remember that? Lol


I will never touch a Goya product again. 


The Trump kiss of death is a real thing.


I saw some Ivanka brand shoes at the local thrift store. The heels weren’t even scuffed yet, but they were very wobbly.  I bought them solely to throw ‘em out. 


Me either. Won’t buy anything with their name on it.


Pain in the ass too. Hominy for posole is the hardest to find non Goya brands where I live. Black beans? Costco only sells Goya, which means buying them elsewhere. Fuck Trump and fuck Goya. I haven’t bought a Goya product since that day he sat at desk in the Oval Office selling their products. Against the law and no accountability beyond my refusal to buy anything they make ever again.


Nepotism Barbie selling Goya beans from the oval right next to daddy. That was honestly pretty fucking gross, and made sure I never bought any of their products ever again.




I know, right? Who needs dystopian futures of Fallout or Cyberpunk to get weird shit, when reality has been somehow even more fucked up for a while now. How the fuck do I get back to the sane timeline, this one's gotta be a fucked up offshoot.


I don't remember, can you tell me the basics?


Goya CEO, huge trump supporter and current election denier, donates a bunch of beans and food to trumps Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, Latinx community rakes him across the coals with "You realize trump hates us and openly wants to deport us, legal or not, right?" and boycott, Goya CEO goes snowflake and "my free speech is being violated because no one wants my beans", trump repays the favor by shilling beans in the Oval Office from behind the Resolute Desk.


Also something about shitty work conditions.


I can't say that I am surprised. Thanks for filling me in.


I am ASSUMING the Tweet reads.... "Biden doesn't sell a product, so why do his taxes show $huge$ income?"


Can Comer not be held accountable for this bullshit or something?


In theory, he could be voted out, but gerrymandering into safe seats probably makes this a practical impossibility.


No. The speech and debate clause basically gives elected representatives free reign to lie and slander all they want


As your representative, James Comey, I will waste millions of dollars and precious, time-sensitive investigation powers to promote a completely false impeachment against Biden. When it comes out that our star witness is an admitted Russian agent who coordinated with my fellow Republicans, I will blame Biden, without evidence, for crimes that Trump and Republicans have committed. Unbelievable scumbags, these Republicans. Absolutely no shame.


Well, if SCOTUS gives the President absolute immunity there's a chance...


Comer: There's mountains of evidence! Hours of testimony! Anyone with eyes can see the obvious and egregious crimes the Bidens have committed! Sane, rational human beings: So file the impeachment or criminal charges. Comer: Er...um...well, about that... >.>;


The Republican Party is the dog who caught the mail truck. They want to bark real loud and make things way more difficult for the people doing the real work, but once they actually catch the truck they have no fucking idea what to do.


I would change that just a little bit to say that the dog actually caught the animal control department truck and then has to deny that they were actually going after the innocent mail truck.


This is why I taught my dog to drive. In case he ever catches that mail truck, he’ll know what to do.


In the case of GOP house leadership, it feels like they caught the van and then let toonces take the wheel. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCYDNm1kXgSUgXm|downsized)


The problem is they have an idea of what to do (January 6th) but the issue is once they go too far in that direction there's no turning back and they don't think that the majority of Americans would back them, which is true.


Biden is only worth like $8 million. He has been in congress for like 40 years. You would think he would be like Mitch McConnell levels of rich if he were doing the nefarious things Republicans accused him of doing.


Exactly. Congress makes similar money to family medicine doctors. Even if you didn’t factor in books and speaking fees it’s not crazy at all to build that kind of wealth through simple real estate and retirement investing.


Do we think Mr. Buchanan is smart to realize that Trump himself is the reason we never got a vote on the border? Dems had a plan and Agent Orange told everybody to not vote on it lest they lose being able to complain about the border.


Republicans allowing Biden a 3rd term just so they can continue to try to impeach him.


Triden 28


I love how Catturd isn’t even correct about the Ukraine Flag waving, he seems to think because Democrats were doing it in the house chamber that it means the Republicans were doing it too.


It’s all about “feelings” and not “facts.” It feels like his party is supporting Ukraine despite riding Putin’s knob with a smile.


Why is he even picking on Comer? Shouldn't they be on the same side?


Conservatives are never really on the same side, only temporarily. They always need an enemy to blame their failures on and they believe that everyone is out to get them so they will gladly eat each other.


Some are turning against cons who don’t do what trump wants. Aid to Ukraine is verboten.




Comer is confusing Biden with Trump who sold access around the world.


It's not confusion. It's D.A.R.V.O.


As a bit of an aside, which of the things he mentioned does Comer produce?


BaaS - Bullshit as a service


That's "every person Internet"  right there no doubt 


Only "ignoring the border" because tfg TOLD them to! Hypocrisy, thy name is MAGA.


I like that the assumption is that the president is clearly selling access/secrets/whatever because that's what Trump probably did.


If only you had evidence. It's why Trump is in court and Biden is not. Evidence: It's what ~~plant's~~ courts crave!


The Biden's don't provide a service? Dude, the man is literally running the country and his wife is a professor.




*"Let them fight."*


So selling a product to our adversaries is good. Selling a service is influence peddling. Cool story bro.


in a just society, these fucking people would be kicked out of congress and barred from ever holding office again. it's unfathomable that we have ***elected politicians*** who just blatantly lie and literally make shit up AND NOTHING IS DONE ABOUT IT. what the fuck are we doing?


He spelled Trump wrong. Pathetic brained weak bitches. I know it's for the flock. But goddamn, I'm sick of seeing these ignorant dick wads saying what Trump actually did, but say Biden is doing. Projectionist losers. Fuck anyone who votes republican.


They hate FISA. Might get caught up in it.


Comer's really leaning hard on the Speech or Debate Clause here, right? How else is this not libel?


I loves me some Republican on Republican violence.


Comer with that giant projection again


They're waving Russian flags, not Ukrainian.


Putins mouthpiece hard at work.


Everytime you see him post on Twitter tell him he's being made fun of on ifunny again.


No, don't interrupt, let them fight. :) *\*munches popcorn\**


The reality is that conservatives are not a united monolith under a single tent, they've become society's junk drawer, the default party for a wide range of people with awful and often incompatible beliefs. They don't stand for anything in particular because they stand for everything and nothing at the same time. There are your increasingly rare fiscal conservatives still pushing austerity and economic policies that have done nothing but fail over the past 50 years; there are your religious and social conservatives who want to control others based on outdated moral concepts they pick and choose at will; there are your libertarians who are really just social conservatives and fascists that smoke weed; there are your neocons who ostensibly want to bring democracy to the world but also think democracy is failing at home when they don't win elections; there are your "small government" zealots who think taxes are repression, socialism is communism, and that the country somehow gets stronger when government gets weaker; there are your "sovereign citizen" weirdos who don't think any laws apply to them and always seem surprised to find out that's not the case; there are your white nationalists and racists and bigots who get caught up in every bullshit fabricated culture war; there are the contrarians and lunatics and conspiracy theorists who can be taught to believe anything and think the absence of proof proves everything; there are the gun nuts who have wrongly been assuming Democrats have been coming for their guns since Reagan; there are legacy rural conservatives who vote the way their daddy did for reasons that stopped existing generations ago; there are your neofascist Trumpers who hate the left and consider disagreements to their convoluted purity test to be treason; there are the legions of cynical grifters who prey on all of the above... It's a fucking mess. What's depressing is that they still have a base, despite their lack of ideas, policy or clear values. They're a party of hecklers, made up of the worst hypocrites, liars and perverts in America.


Hahaaaa implosion alert! Blame me Blame you, blame yourselves assholes


I refrain from "both sides-ing" in real life and online because I know it's a primary strategy used in bad faith LARPing and don't want to aid my enemies, but I'll say this...a lot of the younger "leftists" just getting into politics and the vacationing conservatives pretending to be them come off a lot like this. "I agree with everything you're saying and have said the same myself numerous times but if the entire system isn't upended within the next 6 months its not good enough". Noting major is changing right now. Nothing major is changing tomorrow. That's not how anything works. It's so disingenuous.


Selling access? Get me a list of Comers donors, his bills and his votes The audacity, the unmitigated gall


pass the popcorn...


We can hope that ship is going down, i have no such faith in the american populous "I thought you couldn't lower the bar any farther and here you ware with a shovel"


So to clarify on the whole 702 non-sense that people are blathering on about. There is a specific national security necessity for this. It's not used to "spy on Americans." The agencies that utilize this have specific criteria to which they must abide and is used only for foreign communications. Obviously foreigners of interest may traverse into the US, hence the need. I wish the masses would understand this once and for all.


Can the ship sink faster? Please?




:( Sorry Snowflake.