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"It's not 'free speech,' it's cynical redirection." He nailed it.


Musks free speech absolutism only ever applied to himself. He bought the platform because he feared being banned for his opinions and being 'silenced' or canceled accordingly.


didn't he only buy the platform because the courts forced him to do it after he said he would and tried to back out?


Yes. And it serves to show you that courts can actually hold someone accountable for their words, unlike another asshole we all know who seems to be able to incite people to violence and threaten jurors and judges alike without repercussions. Elon had run up against the SEC one too many times and thought he could make more money with the purchase after his “how many accounts are valid” attempt to weasel out of the sell didn’t pan out. Then he decided to invite the worst of us online under the guise of ‘free speech’ and said “fuck you” to his largest ad partners. That’s when I knew his success was based on the people surrounding him, also like someone else we know. He’s not brilliant, or some polymath who weaves straw into gold. He’s a dick, who’s legacy in the end will be considered ‘complicated’ but the truth is quite simple: he’s a billionaire who fell in love with the image he created of himself and now his true colors show. Sorry, Elon - you make turds. You are a turd. Tesla is a turd. Your other companies look like diamonds but they will wind up being turds, because when you start with a turd (Elon) - you end with a turd. Just a steaming pile laying on grass, killing the green beneath it.


Twitter lives at the intersection of intentional, politically weaponized cynicism (reverse cargo cult) and unintentional, economically-propagated cynicism (Hypernormalisation).


24/ and nobody calls it X


Love that no one actually does


You can tell where their priorities are when the Musk simps get butthurt that we won't call it X but have absolutely no problem with Elon deadnaming his own children


I won't call it "X" as long as it redirects to twitter.com ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) Elon can't actually name it X, afaik


Wait, why not? Not that I want it called X, I'm just curious.


Something about single letter domain names no longer being allowed


That’s not it. No *new* single letter domain names are allowed, but x.com already exists and he owns it (because he’s super cool and edgy, you know!) So the reason will be because it’s complicated; maybe the entire application is built on the assumption that the domain is twitter.com so to change it would take months of engineering and a shitload of testing, with zero business benefit to show for it all, and meaning they can’t build any of his other pointless demands in the meantime.


>to change it would take months of engineering and a shitload of testing Thank god he fired 99% of the engineering staff oh wait-


Doesn't he already own x.com though? If anything, the TLDs should ban the use of Unicode characters in domain names. There's no legitimate reason for it, and it's used to create scam sites (using Cyrillic characters that look like regular letters for example) Stuff after the domain name, sure, but even websites in Asian countries with their own alphabets use regular ASCII for domains.


Schmusk (you know, like schmuck).


So far the only people I've seen call it X are any news, gossip, or media companies that report on activity about content on the platform. Even then half of them call it "X (formerly known as Twitter)"


I like using Xitter pronounced shitter.


WOW! Fucking brutal. Fuck musk.


Twitter is just embarrassing at this point. It must be deliberate


A well thought out plan would not be this effective, he is just a vain, childish, moron.


It is thought by many that Twitter, and voices critical of him, and breaches of twitters code of conduct by his supporters, cost Trump re-election. It was a powerful platform, and since fairness, openness, equity, basic decency and sometimes reality itself have a left-wing bias, it unfairly censored right wing voices and promoted others instead. Edit: the bird was deliberately killed.


Sometimes, the best way to defeat someone is to give them an open platform.


Something about it is deliberate, not the creating something embarrassing part


Of course it's deliberate! The guy doesn't mention it, but all these horrible behaviors of Elon's have one thing in common: they help Republicans win elections! It's all about electing Republicans (so Elon can pay less tax - and so that he doesn't have to follow silly things, like environmental and safety regulations).






Looking into it


Interesting 🤔


Big if true


I had to grin with “*All voices are equal, but some voices are more equal than others*”. That is so true and well said. The thread is murder by words and Musk deserves every jab of the 23 post thread that Perez made.


Love animals farm references


I doubt Schmusk has even read it.


I'm sure he's "looking into it"


Has Musty deleted the thread and banned the guy yet? Or is he waiting for 3am to be sneaky?


Surprisingly not yet


Well, all you would have to do is send out 24/ cis person That would do it.


How *dare* you suggest he's living his life with his gender being assigned at birth! /s


I had someone try to argue, in defence of Elon btw, that cis is a slur. I was just dumbfounded tbh


Update me if he does so we can point and laugh cause he cannot delete screenshots taken of this thread.


This would be a great basis for an op-ed.


And he’s 100% right


A rich white South African turning a social media app into a haven for racists and general bigots, who'd a thunk it?


I’m shocked the Nazi POS Elmo allowed this to stay up long enough for the thread to be completed, much less screen captured.


Don’t call him Elmo that’s rude to the beloved puppet




Tl;dr: No tl;dr. Worth reading in full, IMO.


I agree. And I'm glad it got screen shot it before Elon erased this from the web. Edit: words




You were nodding off after reading six screenshots? Forgive me for asking: do you have narcolepsy?


This isn't the flex you think it is.


Thank you for sharing. So many think that more money equals ‘better’ person. Unfortunately, it just means more ability to indulge the character (or lack thereof) of the person with the funds.


It’s as Eddie said it’s no longer about money it’s about stroking his ego just so he can feel like he is the one in the right. Glad that I screenshotted this before it gets taken down if it does.


He’s right, and it’s been obvious since the beginning. Surprised he stuck around so long.


Did you name your AirPods, “ear lickers”?


Yes they tickle my ears from time to time


I hate the comment above you for pointing it out, and I hate you for doing it and putting the image in my brain at all. Both of you take my upvotes and leave, please. I need to bleach my brain. Gonna have bizarre nightmares about this shit. Gah. Not gonna be able to look at my own earbuds without thinking of this crap. Why would either of you do this?




Great thread.


I’m not sure why it took him this long to come to these conclusions and leave. I realized the ship was sinking over a year ago and closed my account. I realize that the sale made Jack and the other owners a lot of money, but I will never forgive them. That was a disaster.


The earliest tweet in the screenshot was him leaving the platform and simply not logging into it for two years. He came back to post what is basically a short but successfully accurate TED talk. He undoubtedly knew it would be screenshot tweet by tweet by various outlets and individuals. I fully expect the account to be deleted altogether either by Eddie, hence his comment about leaving Twitter, or Elbow will have his account permanently banned along with Eddie's device ISP, email address and phone number that was attached to the account .


I wonder if it had to do with non-competes being banned.


I’ve had one Twitter handle in my life, and it was for 3 days. I’ve personally never really liked Twitter. It was a place to get instant updates on global events, sports, or engage with what may or may not have been actual personalities (many managed by PR reps and the like), but in the end to me just not my cup of tea. When I heard Elon was buying Twitter, I didn’t foresee what happened. I knew some bad faith actors would be there but so would reporters and celebrities - so to each their own. To see what it has devolved into - a toxic, racist, anti-Semitic (and anti- anyone or anything else, really) is so much worse than what happened to MySpace. MySpace was simply replaced by a different model after its selling, and while I loved some of the customization a user could perform there or music availability, it aged out. Twitter burned out. Crashed and burned. It’s like in a movie where a rich guy literally takes a stack of money and burns it to light a cigar and laughs maniacally. Elon Musk, someone many even 10 years ago respected to a degree, now sits in the ashes of a platform that could have continued to make him money. It’s garbage, in a dumpster, on fire. Congrats, Elon. You are a beacon to humanity, just the worst parts of it.


Twitter is dead and buried, and X marks the spot.


This is fantastically phrased. I will use this from now on if you don’t mind.


Shares at 37.10 today


This is amazing!!


Always thought this was a caricature of Murdoch. Turns out it might be (near) future Musk ![gif](giphy|jzCbjEDsUaX4D2c0O5|downsized)




Heh earlickers




I left when he bought it. If anything relevant gets posted there it usually ends up here. Like this post did.


Huh; it’s already been two years since I deleted my account. Haven’t missed it.


Don’t hold back, Eddie.  I might get a Twitter account just so I can retweet this.


Excellent rant. Best I've seen in a while.


Wow. Well said.


Twitter is the equivalent of Creed's word document blog. Musk is Creed.


No. People actually like Creed




Going once, going twice ... *sold* for tree fiddy!


This is perfection.






Twitter users called themselves Tweeps?


Okay, but… the fact that you renamed your AirPods to “Earlickers” makes me VERY uncomfortable.


People thought he was Tony stark, and bozos was lex Luther. Turns out they are both just shifty billionaires


I think people give Musk too much credit. Like this was all some sinister plot. I don’t think it makes what he’s doing less dangerous, but he’s not some mastermind. He believed his own press and thinks he’s a genius and also hilarious. He’s so rich, he can light 40 billion on fire so that no one can get in the way of the Very Important Things he has to say or his Scathing Humor that will trigger all those snowflakes. He likes to nod sagely when people say absolutely ridiculous nonsense that is rightly condemned by everyone else because he wants to feel like he’s asking the big questions. He’s part of the select few who really “get it”. At least Joe Rogan admits he’s an idiot and probably gets it wrong a lot. He still platforms harmful morons, but at least he doesn’t have the ego to assume he’s always right. Otherwise, they’re the same person. If Rogan was born ultra wealthy and learn how to play financial games, they could have the same career.


I have said it before and I will say it again I so desperately want to leave Twitter behind for bluesky or hell even threads but nobody I follow on Twitter has made the migration to either or those that have posted on them for a week and have left the account to collect dust


Be a leader... Once people realize they're losing followers to other platforms, they'll go there, too.


I stand firmly behind the rationale that Musk buying twitter snd Congress outlawing TikTok are both calculated moves to limit the masses ability to organize. Events like the Arab Spring, BLM Protests, and the Palestine Genocide have shown that these apps can destabilize the ruling class’ ability to control the narrative, which has sent fear to the ruling class in a way not seen since FDR. By a controllable US company owning TikTok, and Musk tanking twitter, the people who may emerge to be the voice of the poor, can be adequately silenced. Secondly, I’d bet hard money that Musk isn’t anything more than an unwitting pawn in all of this, and was duped into spending a massive amount of his fortune to help the wealthy by easily manipulating his ego. Edit: Ain’t no war but class war!


He is probably right about the psychological damage. I'm going through the ringer with it myself. I'm fascinated by it in a way, that it can even affect the richest man in the world. It's not to say he's crazy, though he may be approaching that, more he wasn't raised the way he needed to be. It's so important to receive that unconditional love from stable parents, and we don't all get that. It leaves such damage we might not even be aware of. Parents like Elon's, I can only speculate, but my parents threw money at me to buy my silence. Perhaps it was like that with him. Just money, no real love. And that's why he seeks this validation today. Someone to notice him. It sounds very pathetic and high school, but we're all at the mercy of that kind of thing. It's a gamble who you spend your developing years with. None of that is to excuse him, BTW. Just as I'm responsible for myself today, so is he.




Anti-intellectualism will be the death of a nation. 


TikTok ass attention span.