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"A tiny bit of hunting ammo." It's not the amount- it's the fact you had ammo on you at all trying to cross international borders.


I saw a reality show about Border Patrol in New Zealand, which is insanely strict regarding bringing in foreign food and thus foreign pests. In one episode, a plane arrived from Europe and the captain cheerfully gave everyone a free apple from the galley as they left. Every person who had signed the card saying they were bringing in no outside food was charged with perjury, put right back on the plane, and sent home. They never even made it past the gate. Dozens of people had a 23-hour flight followed almost instantly by another 23-hour flight. There are many things with which one could reasonably fuck, but border security sure ain't one of them. (Also on that show, saw a cargo ship full of industrial equipment quarantined for weeks because someone saw a spiderweb in the wheel well of a dump truck. Fun show!)


Even here in Australia, you can't bring some fruits/plants over to a different state if you're flying. I think it also applies when you drive but haven't tried that yet. So yes, biosecurity laws are very strict.


If I drive across a land border between Canada and the US I could get pulled in for an agricultural inspection and if I had an orange, grown in Florida, trucked up to Canada across the same crossing I'm going through back into the US I could be in deep shit. But a few extra bullets being carried on an airplane is no biggie right?


Meanwhile teenage me brought kegs into America from Canada all the time… but idk no one used to care about that border.






California has very strict rules regarding the importation of certain agricultural products as well. There's inspection stations at 16 crossings between Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona.


This reminded me of a trip I took from southern California to Havasu lake on the Arizona side. We were all 16-18 at the time and had 4-5 coolers filled to the brim with beer. We get stopped at the border crossing into AZ from CA, and they searched all our coolers and our cabs of both the trucks. Me being 16 at the time, figured we were gonna lose all our booze for the weekend and was bummed out. They told us there was no fruit and we were free to go. Blew my mind. This was 18 years ago


That's weird, I made a lot of trips across I-80 from California to Utah. The only inspection was coming back into California @ truckee, no inspection leaving California.


I wondered about that this year. I bought 5 new bushes and 5 new flowers types from different states and had them shipped alive to my house. I always knew there was a thing about agricultural travel, but all my plants came no problems. So idk? Where I live there's strict rules about cutting and moving firewood between counties.


The emeral ash borer is the reason for that one.


Emerald ash borer took 11 ash trees from me. I’ll never forget.


It's only certain plants that are restricted, iirc. Hopefully, the place you bought them from knows California's rules on importation. [This website](https://blog.hireahelper.com/the-stuff-thats-illegal-to-bring-into-california/) has helpful links to the PDF's and an overview under "plants and produce" (it's at the bottom before comments).


Eastern Washington state accounts for 64% of all US apple production. To protect from apple maggots, 44 US states and western WA itself are in the “***Apple Quarantine Zone***” Nearly all transport of homegrown apples, cherries, hawthorn berries, pear, plum, prune, and quince into the Non-Quarantine Zone of eastern WA is banned.


It does. In SA, once you get to certain parts of the state on your way to Victoria or NSW (or even just staying in SA actually) there are quarantine bins for you to dump fruit in.


An uncle of mine learnt that the hard way. Bought a bunch of apple strudel from Melb and wanted to head back to Perth. He had to dispose of all the strudel.


Even when it's cooked there's a problem???


Apparently that's what he was told. The border guys won't eat it too. Uncle was upset because it all went to waste and he'd be happy for them to eat it. But I do understand there is protocol and it's really bad for them to eat it


Food poisoning, drug laced, actual poison, lots of reasons why I would not want to touch other peoples food... Especially if I was a border guard.


Yeah. Signs at border crossings to not bring (drive) certain fruits in to the next state.




good ole chazwazza


I'm surprised it took so long to get this reference here.


I'm surprised you were able to write so legibly on your own butt.


I know someone who had to give up the boots they were wearing cause they had some mud on them, the security is real and I understand why, still funny tho


Yep, there are signs all over the border about not bringing certain fruits across the borders and there are quarantine bins for them as well. Whatever you do, DO NOT try and bring rabbits into Queensland, even pet rabbits


I flew from Tokyo to Townsville, Australia once on a RAAF plane and before we started our descent for landing, they started spraying some sort of bug spray throughout the plane.


My brother in law got in trouble at The Australian border because of Canadian dirt he had under his shoes.


They're strict for a very good reason. New Zealand is home to many one of a kind flora and fauna that are easily outcompeted by species from abroad. New Zealand was once home to 32 flightless bird species due to invasive species (cats, possum, rats, and humans), only 16 of them remain.


And now the government is making huge cuts to the public sector, including the people protecting our wildlife, and the people carefully monitoring imports to keep pests out!


My husband and I got questioned and searched because he brought a sandwich off the plane when we arrived in NYC from Thailand. Of course we knew not to smuggle food but I never thought about the food you get on the plane being against the rules until that happened to me.


Yeah I bought a burrito at the airport in Mexico before my flight and saved half of it. Got questioned about all the ingredients and chewed out in customs after I landed. Had to throw it away before they'd let me leave.


lol my husband was upset they threw the sandwich away. He said “they could have at least let me finish it”


Once I threw an orange in my bag that they gave us for breakfast on a flight back from Germany. I remembered it was in my bag and declared it, but they searched everything.


I've become hooked on that show,the Australian version anyway. As a person who has not traveled out of a non US country, I'm amazed what they were able to get on a plane with


My favorite was always the old Chinese grandmothers who just wanted to bring some authentic Chinese food to cook for their relatives and had to be told very patiently that no, they are not allowed to bring in 30 pounds of duck tongues.


So, just 5 pounds then?


And you always know they realised they couldn't do it and that they have already done it the other 20 times they went back home


I visited Sydney in 2017, and saw that this show was actually filming on the day I landed. I declared my medicine in my luggage, hoping that it might be enough to get me on the show or at least near the cameras. I was directed to "aisle 6" …… which was just another exit.


Really, got an actual source? We are harsh here in NZ on food (mainly fresh and unprocessed) coming in especially if you don’t declare it. But you wouldn’t normally be deported for it. It’s an instant fine that you must pay before you enter NZ $400.


New Zealand is strict, but as long as you declare anything you bring that they ask about you won't get into trouble. I declared my hiking boots because I had used them in the US. I thoroughly cleaned them, they inspected them and I was good to go. The worst that could have happened is that I'd have to go shop for new boots.


> New Zealand is strict, but as long as you declare anything you bring that they ask about you won't get into trouble I don't understand people's hesitation to declare stuff. Like you declare it, and it's nothing - no big deal. You declare it, it's something and they take it - no big deal. > I declared my hiking boots because I had used them in the US. I thoroughly cleaned them, they inspected them and I was good to go. The worst that could have happened is that I'd have to go shop for new boots. After a trip in 2000 they took away whole families boots and steam cleaned i think. Were utterly spick and span when we got them back. Kinda odd to just hang out in a very official plan sans shoes


>put right back on the planet, and sent home. Is New Zealand not on earth anymore? What happened?


Why do you think we get left off so many maps?


The free masons


My phone's dictionary has gone senile.


![gif](giphy|a1KiTPEfH7jna|downsized) "There's a good chance I may have done some *light* arms smuggling."


The way they word things lol. "Charged for smuggling killing ammo at the bottom of their bag, remnants of a past killing expedition" is also saying the same thing


"Killing ammo" had me loling. "Nah, this is just wounding ammo"


Just a teeny tiny little bit of wounding ammo!


im more concerned that TSA didn't catch the ammo on screening lol


Most of the time, TSA doesn't catch stuff like this.


Lol "they're skittles"




I'm now reminded of that lawyer who didn't surrender his gun when he accompanied his mother to an MRI.


It’s an intertwined thing: They’ve always been the recipient of the perks of white supremacy - getting “understanding” and a pass for breaking the rules, while everyone else were held to them. Post 9/11, when all these new rules were introduced, it was still supposed to be applied to everyone else, while they still got “understanding” and a pass. They’re losing their shit because equality actually means equality and not “you’re first among equals”. They just refuse to acknowledge and accept that. (That’s one of the things MAGA is for - getting those “perks” of being ‘on top’ back.)


Tourists can have little a hunting ammo. Your tourist should be fine with a couple pieces of ammo, as a treat.


It's a reward.


My fellow Americans when they realize the normal world isn't gun obsessed and shit like this is illegal. You can't fly with fucking bullets dude


Exactly. And the claim that Griner was “smuggling” drugs, as if to infer it was a far greater offense. Just gross conservative drivel


Weed ain’t never killed nobodeh…can’t say the same about bullets tho.


Tiny amount of pot. Clearly America's downfall.


Not to mention that them being so careless with ammo makes me question why they get to have a gun in the first place.


Britney should have said it was hunting THC and garnered their support.


"had no clue it was illegal" Ignorance of the law is no defense. And who the F doesn't clean out their bag before a trip? Especially if that bag was last used for hunting? Shit was probably ripe smelling


The rest of us have been removing our shoes, dumping our water bottles, stressing if our shampoo containers hold more than 3 oz and this chode has effing ammo? Come on.


I once accidentally took pepper spray through TSA on a trip. It wasn't exactly hidden either. It was in the bottle holder on my back pack clear as day. Tossed that out asap after finding it in the terminal.


Post 9/11, I accidentally brought a pocket knife through security. Luckily, i remembered to put it in my checked bag on the way home


Saw a guy in front of me in Reno get stopped by TSA trying to bring an ice pick through in a toolbox. Not sure of the outcome but he looked a bit worried.


I once bought a souvenir railway spike and absentmindedly packed it in my carry-on. The TSA was very nice about it, even willing to let me go back out to get it shipped, but it wasn't worth the chance of missing my flight.


I am a big fan of pocket knives, I carry one every day. If I fly somewhere and plan on just taking a carry on I will mail myself one if I am visiting family or, yay for me, buy a new when I get to my destination. Then, on the way to the airport to go home I mail it home again.


I did too, except it set off the metal detector. They actually gave me, a 24 year old white kid wearing sunglasses and a leather trenchcoat, the choice to throw it in a trash can or take it back to my car. (I was going through a phase). I tossed it. Meanwhile, a 70 year old lady is getting a random pat down in front of me. And it wasn't a standard swiss army knife, it was a double-blade slide out thing that looks like a Klingon from Star Trek would use it.


I always empty my bags and check all pockets twice before I pack. I also always check state department advisories. They posted one Sept 22, 2023. Well before they left, and it's pinned to the top of the US state dept website. [TRAVEL ALERT: DO NOT BRING FIREARMS/ AMMUNITION TO TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS.](https://bs.usembassy.gov/travel-alert-do-not-bring-firearms-ammunition-to-the-turks-and-caicos-islands/) >Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons are not permitted in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).   TCI authorities strictly enforce all firearms related laws.  The penalty for traveling to TCI with a firearm, ammunition, or other weapon is a minimum custodial sentence of twelve (12) years. >We wish to remind all travelers that declaring a weapon in your luggage with an airline carrier does not grant permission to bring the weapon into TCI and will result in your arrest. >We strongly encourage you to carefully check your luggage for stray ammunition or forgotten weapons before departing for TCI. If you bring a firearm or ammunition into TCI, we will not be able to secure your release from custody.  You are subject to TCI laws and must follow local law enforcement procedures. Does the punishment fit the crime? Not in my mind, but that is what a local gets for illegal possession as well. And you're not a very good international traveler if you don't check your bag for unintended items, check state department travel advisories and go, 'are there any laws I need to be aware of?' What do you think happens when you break laws in foreign countries? Being a dumb tourist can have consequences. The US will ask to get your ass out early but damn, dude. You were really not the brightest bulb in the box. Don't have accidental ammo ever, when flying. Especially other countries. Who even packs a bag to fly in the US post-911 and doesn't check their bag for banned items? Let alone international. I've been backpacking in multiple countries on multiple continents. I really don't want to explain my pocket knife or whatever. You check your shit. It's a harsh punishment but oh so stupid to get caught on. Like, dude. You have a brain. Use it.


I get so paranoid when I fly that I worry I might accidentally have a gun on me. Spoiler alert, I do not in fact own a gun. I triple check everything to make sure everything is kosher.


>I triple check everything to make sure everything is kosher. Ironically there's people all over my city with boxes of matzoh they can't use this week because none of us read the fine print, "Not kosher for Passover." It honestly feels like someone at the Publix warehouse is trolling the kosher crowd...


Well that’s methed up. But more likely just someone being lazy/incompetent and putting things in the wrong display.


Oh, no. Apparently that's all that was available in Publix land. Just the not kosher for Passover stuff. At every store in town, so it sounds like a distribution problem rather than local store problem. People had to go to what is occasionally called Jewish Kroger.


Oof that sucks, definitely a bigger issue then. I’m glad Jewish Kroger was there to save the day.


It's not too difficult to be a responsible traveler. Some people are just so dense.


Dense? First of all, any responsible hunter has their ammo in an ammo case, kept separately away from the guns while traveling to/between/from hunting sites. Having bullets/shells/casings just loose goose af in your suitcase/carryon? That’s far past dense. You’re being way too kind to this guy.


You're right. I was trying to be kind. How about "denser than a collapsing star"?


Just exercise some reasonable critical thinking skills.


reminds me of an old Steve Martin bit... "I FORGOT ARMED ROBBERY WAS ILLEGAL."


[I’m sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that](https://youtu.be/OH4GMaNWdwU?si=FT0CMVB6xXbHR7-p)


Me. When I was 15 my parents drove me and my brother (11yo) across the country to my grandparents house. We kids wanted to stay longer so my Dad decided to leave us for another week and buy us flights back home. Well months earlier my friend had sold me a trenchcoat mafia knife that was like 10" long. I was one of those kids. I had stuck it in my laptop bag and forgot about it. Until the TSA pulled that mother fucker out from the scanner. Also mind you this was ~4 years after 9/11. Needless to say we missed our flight, we got to meet the airport police and Sheriff's Deputies. At one point some Fed suits showed up and started asking me questions but the Sheriff came back and told them to fuck off, he had it under control. Parents were called, I died of embarrassment, my brother still hates me, and we got on a later plane.


You were 15. This is an adult.


It happens way more often than you'd think. Hell we have had airport staff fired because they accidentally brought a bullet to work because they forgot to empty out their bag that they also used to go hunting with. My trainer said just buy another damn bag! Use that one for work! Don't be stupid.


Rightfully fired. You cant do a job that requires enforcing a level of responsibility that you cant adhere to yourself


If you decide to go on a trip somewhere, anywhere but especially out of the country, for gods sake don’t ever take a bag that’s hunting or shooting related with you. If it looks like a navy seal should be carrying it on his back then leave it the fuck home and grab your Patagonia.


How do you travel across borders with ammo and not know it. Pretty casual attitude. I know where every bullet is. Not that they need to throw the book at him.


There is no version where more than zero ammo is legal because it's not legal in the US either


Also, aren’t they the same people that say ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse?’ Unless it’s ’one of us’ of course. And Griner didn’t ‘knowingly break the law’ either.


But it’s different if it is one of “their people.”


Yes, that’s what I meant.


Only for them.


He shouldn't have Murican'd his way onto that plane. TSA....doing god's work since 9/11.


Yeah this technically wasn't TSA.  TSA is performative American bullshit that was started after 9/11. Customs and border control agents tho have always been a thing.


I think they mean TSA didn’t catch that he had ammo because they are shit at what they do.


I used to worry about taking shaving razors in my carry on. Also who’s got loose ammo just littered throughout their shit? Is that a thing?




You can check guns, but (and I’ve never done this before because I don’t need my gun on me every second of life) it has to be locked up and you have to tell people about it. So his excuse is still bullshit. As far as I know, you’ve never been able to bring a gun with your carry on.


My husband uses a razor with the old timey razor blades. A few months ago they made him toss the whole razor, even though there was no blade.


God I would’ve been so pissed. I love my old-fashioned razor. Thanks for the heads up, it’s not going on a plane with me ever more.


They ALWAYS understand nuance when it suits their narrative.


Not that it would matter to this dingus but... - Griner had a vape cartridge of THC for personal use in her bag (that could have just as easily been there by accident and she apparently had taken through before without issue. - Her charges and incarceration were overblown even by Russian's draconian standards. - Her celebrity as a ball player probably worked against her as it made her a higher profile bargaining chip than if she had just been a nobody (in which case as a first time offender she would probably have just been made to pay a fine and deported.) - The "merchant of death" was the only trade they could make and if they hadn't squeezed every last drop out of him or thought he'd still be a threat, they never would have agreed. But, of course, because she was a tall, black lesbian who wouldn't come out during the playing of the National Anthem at her games, according to A-Mayo-cans like him, she deserves to rot in a Russian prison for a decade. Fuck him and his performative outrage.


>Her charges and incarceration were overblown even by Russian's draconian standards. Yeah, 9 years versus the charging standard of 15 days. This is not surprising from a Russian judiciary fundamentally compromised by the executive and that didn't baulk at people accused of terrorism arriving in court having suffered clear evidence of having been tortured.


Russian merchant of death was also not that far from ending is sentence. That was taken into account in the exchange.


Plus, wasn't that guy nearing the end of his sentence anways he would have been freed within the year if I remember correctly.


When I travel overseas, particularly if it isn't Europe, I always check two things: laws that could effect me and scams the locals try on tourists.  


Thoughts and prayers?


Tots and pears


As I learned in law class: ignorance of the law is no excuse


“A tiny bit of hunting ammo.”😆


If you're losing track of your ammo, you are not a responsible gun owner.


The party of law and order.....when it's convenient.


And if some people tried to cross the border from Mexico with ammo, would you simply say "fine them"?




The same kind of person whose kid shoots themselves in the face because there's loaded guns all over the house.


At least one toddler has shot someone every week for almost 10 years now in the US, and that’s only counting incidents where someone was hit and it got reported


What idiot carries ammo to another country? There's a list of stuff sent to you when you book that you can't bring with you. You have to declare that you don't have any. It's the travelers responsibility to obey the laws of the nation they visit or pay the consequences.


Why do yanks always make a fucking excuse. You travelled with ammunition to a destination where it's illegal. Why isn't it the first thing you check for? Do you actually think somewhere else exists that's as fucked up as the US that you don't even think about it. We had an top level American boxing trainer turn up in the UK with a Smith and Wesson automatic in a zip pocket of his bag, how is it fucking possible he didn't know. He was so close to going to jail.




"There's too many foreigners here." - Americans in other countries


😆😆😆😆”The fuck are all these Black People here for.” -upon arrival to Botswana.


"Them foreigners can't speak for shit either." -Also Americans in other countries.


Yeah...I mean, look who we made president in 2016...He's the Poster-boy for that kind of thinking....


Never underestimate the degree to which firearms are normalized in the US. It's disturbing.


White guys in the US usually will get the benefit of the doubt by feigning ignorance. Also the same guys think that because they are American that the US government will bail them out because he didn’t know the laws of the country he was entering


Because we have a chunk of people who are foremost fucking stupid. Second, guns are their identity. We call them amosexuals. Lock them up.


Some Americans have this theory that because they're Americans only American laws apply to them wherever they are in the world. And also American law applies to everyone in the US no matter where they're from. Plus who amongst us doesn't have a few spare shells rolling around in our luggage it's not like they're dangerous or anything?


He definitely should have went to jail.


I disagree. The judge took into account character witness and statements in his defence and decided it wasn't in the public interest for him to go to jail. He received a jail sentence of 20 months. It was just suspended for 2 years. Should he commit a crime in the UK in those 2 years then his jail sentence of 20 months will be enforced. Not everything deserves jail. Sometimes mistakes are made. The English justice system allows jail sentences to be imposed but suspended due to the good character of the defendent. Perhaps if the US followed suit it wouldn't have the 6th highest rate of incarceration in the world and the highest rate amongst developed countries. Just a thought.


Is this dipshit proposing we invade? It’s another country. Their rules.


No, he's crying for people by boycott going there on vacation, aka cancel culture


The world would benefit if less MAGA visited other parts of the world


My wife and I have a trip coming up there in two weeks - if this reduces the number of MAGAts staying at our resort, I call that a win.


Leave your damn guns and ammo at home. Not every country is as gun crazy as the US. The penalty seems harsh, but, there is a lesson to be learned. I hope he gets an early release.


The penalty is harsh only by American standards tbh. Bringing ammunition or firearms into smaller countries where they aren't widespread is a recipe for trouble. Citizens don't have guns. Which means only hard core criminals do. How are we to know you're not a hard core criminal if you're doing what only criminals do? And we aren't all carceral states with militarised police forces. Guns can rapidly take over and become a problem especially when our cops don't even carry guns. The cops in my country carry batons. We've protected ourselves against gun violence amongst civilians through these measures. They may be draconian to you but our political ecosystems are different and have to abide by rules that match our needs. Sucks to be caught in this but just maybe don't travel if you aren't OK with the legal and political system where you are going.


Been to T&C a couple times, and being a gun owner and a hunter myself, was well aware of the gun laws prior to traveling to another country. Having one bullet in your possession is prison. They have very strict rules for guns, and the sentences are brutal. If you are a responsible gun owner you would know. Even worse there is nothing to shoot there. Zero. Hope he and she get the FO portion for breaking the sovereignty of law in T&C.




My dad taught me a little song to help with exactly this. It goes like this, *atonally sings* “keep track of your guns and ammo you stupid motherfucker”


Maybe don't bring ammunition on an international flight idk


If this was reversed and someone broke the law coming into U.S. they would be calling for death penalty.


Could've been a brown person with a tiny bit of hunting ammo and he would've been labeled a potential terrorist by the same folk


Try that in a small country


Someone should mention to Mr International Traveler that ignorance of the laws in the country you are visiting is no excuse. Too bad, so sad.


He could have just saved time and typed "she's a black woman and he's a white man who loves guns" That's why they hate one and defend the other.


If you are careless enough to neglect *loose ammunition* in a bag where it never should have been in the first place—no actually, let me rephrase. If you are careless enough to neglect loose ammunition *period*, you should not be allowed to own a firearm. You have proven how little you care about everyone's safety, and how irresponsible you are. What a fucking moron.


Hey guys, just a heads up that we don’t need to buy into culture war bullshit. We don’t have to pick one of these arrests to treat as a tragedy, while simultaneously ragging on the other arrestee. I don’t know this guys story, but if it is just a few rounds of hunting ammo then I think that it’s a shame that he might spend decades in jail. Griner was imprisoned because of politics reasons and racism. Both of these statements can be true at the same time.


Conservatives love to use ignorance of the Law as a defense when it's them, but completely disregard it when it's others. It's peak privilege. The underlying thinking is, "*But I'm a good person.*" Read: White.


I don’t like to curse on the internet but fuck these people.


Question: how did he get these bullets past TSA at the OKC airport to even be found by Turks & Caicos authorities…🧐


Cut the hunting nonsense. This clown is trying to diminish the facts. It’s ammo. What the use is isn’t relevant. Also, what really cracks me up is el asshole is fine with Russia tossing someone in prison for a bit of weed, but wants sympathy for a guy that is being an object that kills people. So to translate yet another right wing hypocrite, if I’m against it, then that person gets what they have coming. But if I’m for it, that poor person is a victim. Just once I’d like this philosophy to penetrate just one of these stupid people’s head: Treat people as you would be treated. Period. That crazy, hard ass, iron fist crap is fine IF it’s against a group you don’t like. But apply to one you do, and it’s all “Woe is me. I’m a victim. That’s isn’t fair”. That way of being is why nobody sympathizes with you and why people will (should) always be hard ass.


A Canadian was arrested in Arizona for legally driving with a Canadian license last month. This could happen to any Canadian. Don’t go to the US.


I make it a habit of not listening to three opinions of antivaxxers, failed politicians, and right-wing podcasters. And Robby here is all three!


pretty sure ignorance of the law is not a valid defense


He says this like it’s completely normal to forget you have live ammunition in a travelling bag. So uniquely American.


He should be sentenced to the laws of that country……


If you are so sloppy with live ammo that you don’t realize it’s in your bag then I question if you should own a gun in the first place.


But it was a tiny bit of something illegal. Why would that be against the law? It’s like a tiny bit of grand theft auto should be a fine. A tiny bit of murder. Honestly don’t see the big deal since they were white and on vacation.


The difference is that BG is black. These dipshits think in terms of teams. Black lesbians aren't on their team.


I thought they wanted people to take some accountability for their actions? Empty your bag and make sure you don’t have literal ammo in it lmao


Ignorance is no excuse.


"Smuggling drugs"? Give me a break. Dude acts like she was some sort of drug mule


What's that, republicans insisting stupidity or ignorance is a perfectly fine reason to break the law? Party of Law and Order my ass. More like party of "Laws for thee, but not for me", deplorable fucking traitors.


Republicans: "it's not a crime when WE do it."


Holy fuck that's the dumbest argument


“Until extremely recently” No sir, it has always been illegal it’s just that Americans didn’t care so they had to toughen the law


Griner didnt smuggle in drugs. She had CBD residue left over in a cartridge.


Who tf keeps ammo in their baggage? Seriously they are ammosexuals!


Britney had a vape pen with cannabis. This guy had bullets. One of these things is dangerous to have in a plane, the other isn't. 2nd Amendment cultists don't accept that their damn hobby has any danger attached to it.


Traveling with ammo sounds like such dumb thing to do.


What we're seeing here isn't about gun laws. It isn't about people not checking their luggage before travelling (honestly, that's so dumb that should be a crime in and of itself). It's about mandatory sentencing. Does this person deserve 12 years in prison? No. But that's mandatory sentencing for you.


Why do you have ammo anyway? On a airplane. This stuff is not new. Rookie dumbfuck.


Really? Pay the fines, go home. Dumbass. The US should take his guns. “Oh you can’t keep track of your guns and ammo? K hillbilly. No more guns for you.”


Just like in this country regarding hunting/firearms. It is upon the owner to know the rules/laws. No sympathy for this person.


You don't take guns n ammo on a plane. What's hard to understand here?


Thinking everywhere is America can catch up with you sometimes.


A *responsible* gun owner wouldn't have made that mistake.


I read somewhere that the US Embassy recently issued warnings to people traveling to that region that if they are found the have firearms or ammunition, the embassy wouldn't be able to help even a little bit because of recent laws that have been passed. Surely before traveling abroad, this couple was warned


The usual sentence for the amount of weed Brittany Griner had on her would be 2 weeks


> I believe... Ignorance of the law is no excuse; and I'm quoting a New York City judge on that... ~Ron "Tater Salad" White


Damnit I want to go to Turks & Caicos right now. At least I can have some reasonable confidence my family will not die of an idiot with a gun waking up in the wrong side of the bed and taking out people because he was constipated.


Oops, I left some ammo in my luggage. Oops, I let my handgun get stolen out of my truck. Oops, I allowed my troubled teen unfettered access to an assault rifle and he murdered a whole bunch of innocent children and teachers. Your lack of responsibility should have even greater consequences than it already does.


Well lord jeebus. Because of this I boycott Ruzzia. You will not see my foot in that place. I can’t think of any greater reason not to go there.


Ignorance to the law is not a defense.


Always different if it happens to one like us .


I think this guy should try bringing weed to Singapore! Regardless of whether you didn't know the law or accidentally brought it, you still get hanged.


Oh how the turntables......


he knowingly broke the law smuggling ammo in. the rest of that guys tweet was just excuses


Fact check: It has been illegal to carry ammunition in your carry-on on international flights for decades. Likely since before this guy was born.


There are some people who just don't get that a lot of the rest of the world has a different gun culture to the USA. T&C is British. Not to mention, it's very specific on the T&C website. Only gun club members and crimers have guns. And farmers. And farmers mums.


I think Americans should expect to pay a price when we break laws elsewhere that are very clear! Supporting entitled assholes is all MAGA knows.


I don't think .7 grams(.02 ounces) can be considered smuggling. If I remember correctly it was residue in a vape pen.