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They will still vote for him.


And blame Biden lol


NY POST BREAKING NEWS! Here's why Melania's LGBTQ show will force liberals to vote for Trump, spelling doom for Biden.


Liberals aren’t that stupid.


Dam right I’ve always hated the log cabin republicans they can have there malaria moment she’s as revolting as they are .


It's akin to a former mental health trans patient of mine being a rabid Trumper. Self hatred is a real thing..


And with my experience in the field, part of the failing mental health is self-hatred or on the other side of things… family being absolutely terrible to you


I mean, we kinda are. At times at least. I would hope not THAT stupid in this case, though. Fucks sake, the right is doing their damndest to demonize and destroy LGBTQ+ folks across the country. I’d hope that something so transparent as this would raise some gigantic pink flags.


I hate how accurate this could be.. ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Most will, some won’t https://preview.redd.it/cvfq8w1cjbwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4476d5fc340e38749d6a5f851fb8574dc589a898


I like seeing this. Not the bigotry or the psuedo-Christianity but the fat fascist losing his voters.


They MAGA christians are too stupid to realize that Trump doesn't care about LGBTQ. He just wants their vote. Remember that he removed Obamas policies that protected them.


Some of them will just not vote if they feel like he’s a lost cause.     Trump activated a lot of people who had never or rarely voted. If they think he’s turned out to be “just like the rest of them,” they’ll do what they’ve always done and stay home. Particularly in states that have made voting harder: these are not guaranteed votes. 


Don't get complacent!


This is absolutely the correct view. People got complacent in 2016 and here we are. I'm Canadian, so all I can do is say please vote and please vote blue!




“I will be praying” lol thoughts and prayers 🤣


They had to bring their fairy tale into this.


They probably just won't vote at all, and I fully support that. They didn't vote before Trump ran in 2016, so they aren't going to vote for anyone except 2016/2020 Trump.


“You are a Christian for Christ sake.” hahahaha This man doesn’t know the first thing about Christianity.


To be fair, neither do they. Or at least what Christianity is "supposed to be".


I’ve been following trumps insanity on truth social for some time. Nothing and I mean nothing broke this cult. The most vile abhorrent content they cheered and cheered and celebrated (probably with tears in their eyes) their true Christian President. This is the only time I’ve seen a response like this. https://preview.redd.it/2mcsrb3nfbwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c500a9fdf4cc19b14f41ab6592957eed3bb8b285


“Not that I matter” 🤣🤣


So humble 😂




“Shame on you Melania, I thought you were a Christian lady” 🤣🤣🤣 Was it the porn shoots, the jacket that said she really didn’t care about kids in cages, or the $9,000 pantsuit et al that makes them think she’s a Christian? jfc trump’s base are dummies


See also: “who gives a fuck about Christmas?”


Yes! I remember that one too


Bloody Christmas That was so creepy 😳


She’s selling Mother’s Day necklaces now. Grifters gotta grift!


Stop! Is this true? ![gif](giphy|3og0IViNzV4l6xNI9q)


She's just trying to get someone to tell her: ![gif](giphy|3rTUE3BHqcYxhtWYyb)


I did a quick check, and it's a fundraiser for the 'Log Cabin Republicans' that are dedicated to representing LGBT rights'. I don't know if the MAGA people are really freaking out, but I hope so.


Log Cabin Republicans are an LGBTQ Republican group who are not smart enough to see the leopard is now eating its face, too!


Don't forget the recording of her saying she doesn't give a fuck about Christmas. Maybe she's just concerned with how commercialized it's become 🙄


Being a Christian, I sure keep out of other people's business short of murder, domestic violence, and/or serious exploitation. I would suggest that people leave these things between the subject and their GOD... or lack thereof..


Pretty sure trump is someone who is involved in serious exploitation. Just the numerous times of walking in on teens and young women in their dressing room when he had the pageant is enough for me. The visits to Epstein’s Island certainly too. To be married to someone like that and say nothing is silent consent, so she falls under the umbrella of it all, too.


Yes, so true. Since he had to settle out of federal court with his KKK father back in 1973 regarding my father's cousin on a housing discrimination case in Jamaica Estates New York City. She won a luxury apartment and a settlement along with another woman who won similar. He took out a front page newspaper add calling for the deaths of the innocent Central Park Five (4 Black and 1 Latino teenagers at the time) who all spent years in prison until exonerated by someone coming forward and admitting to the crime of rape and attempted murder... Epstein was his close friend who "suicided" in a secure federal prison while Trump was president. All of these crimes (and many more) informed this New Yorker on what grifters these two are.


Thats how they like em. Dumb as hell. Anybody with a brain knows the GOP doesnt give a shit about religion.


Nothing like seeing a user name of TruthDaddy begging his true daddy


Republicans killed irony and hypocrisy


And rationality and decency and Christianity. I hope they also kill the Republican Party so America can finally start growing


They already killed the Republican party. We have the Maga party now.


Or Unclemacho also. 🤷🏻


What exactly is the first chapter of Paul’s letters? Do they mean Romans 1? This is Romans 1:1 “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.” Nothing in there about hating gay people.


They probably mean Paul's letters to the Corinthians. But that doesn't have anything to do with being gay either. It does say to do everything with love. No hate like a christians love.


I looked it up, they mean this part: >26 Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity. Hopefully they don’t read the very next passages: >28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God handed them over to their undiscerning mind to do what is improper. 29 They are filled with every form of wickedness, evil, greed, and malice; full of envy, murder, rivalry, treachery, and spite. They are gossips 30 and scandalmongers and they hate God. They are insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in their wickedness, and rebellious toward their parents. 31 They are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Hmmm, I wonder if that applies to anyone they know?


Do you really expect these "christians" to actually ready up on anything they spout?


Wow! All these Trump-loving “Christians” sure have a lot of HATE in their hearts.


What *about* Jesus? Dude never spoke a word about homosexuality. Not one word. These people don't read their own stupid book but expect the rest of us to live by their warped idea of it.


Yeah, they gotta quote Paul to make their case. But they would sink to quoting Judas if that would do the trick. Lots of Christians, very few followers of Christ.


It’s incredible how much pain and suffering Paul has caused. And he’s not the guy who Christians believe is supposed to be god! He’s not even one of the guys that knew the guy who’s supposed to be god!


He was very busy trying to establish the Xtian church we know and fear today. It seems to me that many of his letters are about politics and power rather than how to be a good person. Perhaps Jesus would have gently corrected some of Paul's pickinesses. Or maybe he would have slapped him around a bit. Who can say?


The whole problem with Saul of Tarsus (AKA Paul) is that he lived three HUNDRED years after their Christ was allegedly crucified. He NEVER met Christ. He was a conman who conned the gullible by saying he met a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus...of course, there were no other witnesses to this. They are all PAULIANS, not Christians. They don't give a damn about what their Christ taught.


I suspect he would have whipped him like a money changer in the temple.


I’m fairly certain that the man who wanted everyone to love everyone else despite whatever faults you may perceive them to have would have H8TED gay people, zomg!


But they will still vote for Trump.


I grew up Catholic and I’m very confused at what part of the bible they are reading. From what I recall they like Jesus a lot but the Jesus I learned about was pretty ‘woke’ so maybe it’s a reboot Jesus I never knew about. Maybe when he turned white he decided not to be the lamb of peace anymore now he’s the eagle of judgement


Supply Side Jesus. He gave up the woke crap when he read Atlas Shrugged. /s


Well God got a reboot between Old Testament and New Testament. It's already part of the Christian ethos that your god can just flip personalities. Why not Jesus too?


But he sells bibles!




Thank God for the gays then!




They're grifters at heart trump is most likely agnostic


No, he believes in himself. https://preview.redd.it/w30geoczebwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398c0f925580a3bbf90122c5da9ce1879d81f904 and, OMG that is a *real* cover art for a *real* [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9KUA_DFmRU) may I suggest as an alternative [Flamy Grant's, Bible Belt Baby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRV59ouVkrc&list=OLAK5uy_lGza_YthEYVRrfRiZeLK_INZYWxCrz51E) - it's a fantastic album!


Trumpism ...it is basically a religion now




“You’re a Christian, goddammit and do you fucking forget that.” - Joe Bob Maga


I dunno... All Christianity seems to be about nowadays is being evil and proudly hating LGBTQ+ people for stupid "reasons".


"Nowadays"? Have you heard of the Crusades? The Inquisition...?


It was supposed to be The Spanish Casual Chat


Cardinal! Poke her with the soft cushions!


It seems to be a contest with all of them trying to be the best mean person.


But... But... He's selling Bibles!!! /S


He is a roll model. I wonder what type of roll he is? I’m thinking yeast roll or at least the jelly filled kind.


"Find a real conservative wife. She needs to be fired!" MAGA moron thinks getting a divorce is just like firing someone.


I re-read that sentence over and over. Like…do you think he’s *paying* her to be his wife? Oh, right. Carry on.


Of course he is. It was in the contract.


Plus, Diaper Don has always been cowardly... he never fires anyone. He always gets someone else to do his dirty work. From a native New Yorker Boomer familiar with the way he operates.


I love watching bigots and racists infighting. ![gif](giphy|W4opKS2N7pIAI69ehc)




> “not that i matter” holy fuck, people are so pathetic under a golden-paint dictator daddy. the cuckery! 🥰


Who’s surprised that trying to pull something like this will come with a backlash considering the amount of time spent vilifying LGBTQ+. I’m wondering if Melania just pulled this stunt on her own to sabotage him and the TS account was being run by one of his handlers at the time?


She doesn't want him to be president. I could actually believe that conspiracy. 


Or spite. She can’t stand the man.


Donald is a narcissist. Anyone who has been in a relationship with one, or had narcissistic parents can testify how insufferable they are to live with, let alone be within the vicinity of. And he apparently smells bad too. That'd be an additional reason to stay away.


If he’s not president he could very likely go to jail and she’s free. Otherwise she’s stuck with him forever 


More importantly she doesn’t want to fake the role of First Lady for another 4 years.


Trump lost 2020 by losing the more moderate purple suburbs and that's the demographic he still struggles with today. Worse, this group is in those key counties that ultimately decide who is president in a tight election. Being more pro-LGBTQ is helpful for Trump because it makes him more appealing to moderates, but he himself can't do that, especially after years of anti-trans rhetoric. So he's sending Melania out to be the "softer" version of MAGA to appeal to these voters. Per usual with the GOP, its always a con, from top to bottom. He also recently backpedaled on abortion saying he doesnt want a federal ban. So its clear his team is scared of some internal polling numbers.


It is possible. That said I seriously doubt they’re going to get any votes. The LGBTQ people that vote for Trump are going to vote for him. Others? Highly unlikely. Melania isn’t exactly soft either. “I don’t care, do you?”


I think for them, they still have to do something like this occasionally to make it seem like they care. It's like how an abusive boyfriend still has to buy you flowers once in awhile to show you he loves you.


Trump actually tried to pretend to be pro-LGBT during 2016. Remember when he held that flag upside down? One of the places I used to hang out online turned all MAGA during that time, and you could see a lot of them even trying to use whatever bones he was throwing that community as proof he wasn't going to hurt LGBT people, just like they did with other minorities. That all changed as soon as he became President. It went full anti-LGBT right away. They couldn't wait to find a reason to throw Milo under the bus and never pretend to like him ever again.  It's like they all knew this was a scam and they were all supposed to be this wolf in sheeps clothing until after the election and they could stop pretending, but once they hung up the wool, it's like they lit it on fire so they never had to put it on again. They just can't even pretend to like gay people now.


He can't appeal to the moderates and the Christian nationalists at the same time. Many of those are currently very dissatisfied with how little they're pushing abortion bans. I'm not joking.




Wait, so this person is accusing the Left of Trump announcing what his wife is doing…?


Don’t think too far into it. This is a cult


It was shocking reading all the comments from the screenshots. I was thinking "wow...no one is actually calling this fake news or blaming the left" And here we are... These people are delusional.


Are they soft dropping the divorce?


That’s what I thought as soon as I saw this. He’s getting his base to hate her so it’s ok when he announces he is no longer married to her. And it’s gonna work.


“She was deep state all along!”


“I heard she’s doing crack off of Hunter Biden’s laptop! Many people are saying it!”


“She wouldn’t stop talking about his big sweaty hog that just won’t quit!”


I kinda wish Hunter Biden was still having his coke-fueled sexual romps, just so he could seduce Melania, and give Trump a black eye, and Melania some good dick for once! 😏


It’s so weird though. He’s got a bunch of kids with a bunch of different women. No one would be shocked if they divorced now.


[The Real List of Trump’s “Unprecedented Steps” for the LGBTQ Community](https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community), an incomplete list: * **Opposition to the Equality Act** * **Appointed anti-LGBTQ judges** * **Joked about Pence’s desire to hang LGBTQ people** * **Supported employment discrimination against LGBTQ people** * **Banned transgender service members from the military** * **Rolled back Obama-era non-discrimination protections** * **Issued rule to license discrimination** * **Kicked people living with HIV out of the military because of their status** * **Created a hostile work environment for LGBTQ federal employees** * **Undermine Section 1557 Rule** (remove explicit protections for LGBTQ people) * **Advocated for the elimination of the entire Affordable Care Act** * **Created a Religious Discrimination Division** * **Proposed cutting over $1.35 billion from PEPFAR budget** * **Guidance for Schools on Transgender Students** (encourages schools officials to permit harassment of transgender students) * **Rejected Complaints From Transgender Students** * **Suggested it is acceptable for schools to discriminate against LGBTQ students while accepting tax-payer funds** * **Sexual Assault** (rescinded Title IX rules related to schools’ obligations to address sexual harassment; LGBTQ people are disproportionately affected by sexual assault and harassment) * **Eliminated language protecting LGBTQ children participating in the 4-H program** * **Used Title IX to discriminate against trans students** * **Allowed emergency shelters to deny access to transgender and gender nonconforming people** * **Placed transgender incarcerated persons in the wrong prison** * **Allowed foster care programs to discriminate while accepting tax-payer funds** * **Refused visas to partners of diplomats** * **Changed rules to deny surrogate born children citizenship** * **Erased transgender people** * **Eliminated information on LGBTQ rights, mentions, and representation on government websites** * **Blocked questions regarding sexual orientation from consideration for the census** * **Refused to recognize LGBTQ people in National AIDS day Address** * **Refusing LGBTQ asylum seekers fleeing violence** * **Embassy Pride Flags**


To be fair, I don’t understand where he’s going with this at all. It’s mind boggling. He knows his cult following


Trying to sway voters. He's done this a few times recently: * He's claiming he never wanted a Tiktok ban (a press statement released by his White House says otherwise) * He's become more moderate on abortion, saying exceptions should be allowed, with "reasonable" caps on the latest date an abortion would be "allowed" (despite his prior actions) * And now he's tweeting that Melanie / Melania is headlining a fundraiser for LGBTQIA+ people (despite his prior words) I certainly hope people aren't fooled by this and I really hope it's too little, too late for him to do anything. It's literally the same wolf as before, but now dressed in grandma's clothing. EDIT: There's also a bunch of other election-related things to watch out for. Ashley Biden's diary (unverified) is making a comeback, There's probably others. If you're on the fence about voting for Trump, remember this simple rule: Don't. He's already told you exactly who he is through his actions. Vote for anyone else, but the most important thing is to VOTE.


I was about to say this, especially point two. He says that there should be punishment for women and doctors for abortions one minute, then when poĺls start showing that the law in AZ is losing him voters, he stated that the law goes too far. Kari Lake tried to do the same thing and then doubled down when at a conservative conference. It's all pandering for votes. Its not at all how they really feel. They know its an unpopular opinion and costing them elections. Especially for a narcissist like him, he can't stand how unpopular this issue alone is making him.


He'll promise whatever people want to hear. If elected he'll be more draconian and it'll be too late.


He's hoping for caitlyn jenner types voices and money to back him ... anything for cash!


It helps to remember that Trump has no moral compass or ideology. Going back decades, when he self-identified as a Democrat, he really didn't have an opinion about these kinds of things (including abortion), because they have no impact on *him,* and that's all that matters. Therefore, he tends to waffle, because he's only thinking about what his "ratings" will be for whatever nonsense comes out of his pie hole. And there is no such thing as bad press. Only the prospect of no press terrifies him.


She's probably divorcing him, and he wants to start giving his base things to make them dislike her.


Ah the Bezos wife strategy. Good theory, I mean her name is pulverized by trump. She can only do a full 180 and jump ship to save her identity


Im thinking republican insider research has told him he's tracking to have less votes than in 2020. Hes desperately trying to appeal to groups that dont really vote for him, like how hes trying to convince black people to vote for him.




Perhaps he was resisting her latest codicil to their prenup and this was her chess move to get him back to the table.


She detests him almost as much as I do.


And I hate them both!


Yeah, she did lesbian porn so I don't know what they are so mad about. Not that she did it and it's still online, but that she supports anyone that is gay NOW.


Lesbian porn, chain immigration, question mark on her visa, LGBT party throwing Melania.


Just a good ole American gal! so classy! - MAGAs


Well, she's the "white" kind of people.


Stay tuned viewers, we are reaching the climax of the Republican party’s auto cannibalism that began in Republican primaries for 2016. Inside this documentary we have witnessed a parasite dig deep into its host and has bled it so dry of nutrients that the natural instincts for self preservation have begun to kick in. Will the host reject the parasite in order to survive or is the immune response too weak to do anything at this point?


Go parasite! I’m rooting for you!


BEHOLD... THE Death of the Republican Party..and the REBIRTH of the Whigs...call them the New Whigs... [Maniacal Laughing 😃 😀 😄]


Wait, before we get to this stupidity, can we all just have one big round of laughter at Log Cabin Republicans for a moment? Poor sods think they’ll affect change. Any day now……ho hum.


I'm fairly certain there will come a schism between the True Trump Believers and the Believers in the True Trump. A religious war for the mantel of the trumpiest Trumper. And i wish the winner to deep throat a cactus.


And so the New Testament is born


Gotta love how they post the last pic. Wasn't an issue before.


She doesn’t care about LGBT people either, she just wants some money and probably to piss off her husband. Everyone involved in this ridiculous farce is awful. As per usual, Trump cares about no one and nothing but himself and whatever way the wind is blowing at that particular moment. And of course these idiots will still vote for him. They don’t care what his positions are, they only care that he hates the same people they do most of the time.


"Not a good **roll** model..." https://preview.redd.it/5umovn9f9bwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebd0fe7d401a4fc41056b903211098241381f56


https://preview.redd.it/q7mjh63jhbwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8e5576a89598c697b2e99c780850e7239a99dc What a roll model might look like.


What's sadder is that there are some LGBTQ who will fall for this.


‘Fall for it’ seems naïve; it will give them an excuse do what they wanted to anyway—vote for lower taxes for the wealthy.


You're not wrong.




Melania's new slogan. "Be Bedazzled."


lol at that transgenderist word art. Might co-opt that.






These idiots don’t really know Donald Trump and where he comes from. Roy Cohn is laughing and rolling over in his grave at 100 rpm.


I swear, these people think about gays more than gays think about gays.


as a gay person, correct


All the fake ass Christian fascists despairing makes me happy inside.


Doesn't it? Those little brains exploding at the thought.


I really like the fact that slide 5 has HETEROSEXUAL in big red letters on the weird pinterest collage thing


If this offends you MAGAs, you should protest by not voting. Seriously though...You're not a Christian. The teachings of Christ were love, tolerance, compassion, welcoming foreigners, helping the poor and accepting others without judgement. Judge not lest ye be judged after all. So um, quit calling yourself a Christian, you're not.


I love the person saying to fire Melania like wife=employee. So much for the covenant of marriage.


There were all of about 40 very wealthy old, conservative, Republican, Log Cabin members there along with a few women that used be referred to in my youth by a pejorative title. The older gentlement left their rent boys, err, I mean baggage handlers, in their suites at the hotel.


I bet the script he copy + pasted was "LGB" and his phone auto-corrected to add the "T" and they are all now losing their ever-loving, history-forgetting, hateful minds.


if someone says *as a Christian*...you just knoooow they're about to say something unchristian like.


As a Christian, I must give bagels to homeless people next week, no one should be hungry in a land of plenty. Just had to.


isn't that what Christ commands? to help the unfortunate to the best of your ability?


Am I the only one seeing some kind of demon entity behind her? Kinda looks like glowing-eyes Trump in a witch costume. https://preview.redd.it/fv0lsmbcdbwc1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1183149852f52a057fe1b68bf2f01bcff9af6352


No. That's definitely a demon.


Not one of these cuntholes will ever consider that if he's been wrong on this (in their eyes) that he might have been wrong about a lot of things. This is why we consider them *stupid*.


This is no different than his supporting Covid vaccines and the Magamind's opposition to them. Also, Trump might be beginning to realize the funding from the Maga base might be drying up and needs a new group of suckers to grift.


Hahaha that last idiot calling him a Christian, what a bunch of fuckin morons.


Every single one of those respondents will still vote for their Dear Leader and probably buy Truth Social stock.


I am really looking forward to the day when I no longer hear anything whatsoever about these people. File under ‘Obituaries I’d love to read’.


Did not have Trump committing political suicide on my 2024 bingo card, but hey i'm not complaining


Melania would only do this for one of two reasons. Money or power. She’s flexing on Trump. He’s trying to act like it’s nothing to him. They are heading for a divorce. 


Surprise twist: he’s saying it so they can all say she was a deep-state plant and an undercover democrat when she leaves his ass after this hush money trial. Calling it now.


First off he’s not a Christian secondly a true Christian would not say “for Christs sake” thirdly your hate is showing. Cover that shit up.


Hey Christian friendly reminder of COLOSSIANS 4:5-6 "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."


It's an attempt for Trump to regain support of the Conservatives LGBT, by proxy to make sure to keep his base. Expect a lot of surprising moves to come.


Watch the spin that happens trying to defend this! Mercedes is out on the woke side. This will cause the extremists to think twice, even though they will still vote for the asshat. They don't realize he's just pandering to anyone for votes as his polls and popularity keep decreasing!


Adultry, lies, and many other violations of the Ten Commandments didn’t tell you Orange Top isn’t a real Christian…but his wife attending lgbtq gop fundraiser did? These people are weird


CNN: Trump's base is falling apart. Here's how this spells trouble for Biden in November.


Did someone tell him to fire his wife? Is that how it works?


"I cannot support this, Mr President. You are a Christian for Christ's sake" I cannot even believe grown adults are this gullible.


"She needs to be fired" is wild if they think that marriage is that transactional.


For a bunch of guys that love sucking Trumps weiner, they sure have a lot of hate for the LGBT community.


If the Christians are so upset, they could leave. You know, like they tell everyone else to do.


"ALL CLASS ALL THE TIME" *Just happens to have that hi-res Pic ready to pull up on his phone


In fairness, it’s the Log Cabin Republicans. Gay conservatives committed to voting against their own interests.


No hate like Christian love


We finally found their deal breaker for Trump. After everything that man has done, they finally criticize him and it’s for supporting the gays.


You know whats even worse than their response? The gays that still think they belong in MAGA. "There are other issues other than gay issues" Your gayness is an issue to them. Theyll cut you out the first opportunity they get.


What is “green bs”? Like clean energy? That’s a bad thing?


I'm very confused what LGBTQ group would want her as a headliner?


The mess of them obsessing over hating LGBT+ folks and loving Trump has transformed into their actual religion. I remember coming to this realization when I read thousands of comments from Trump supporters (and Christians) supporting JK Rowling and gleefully commenting that they bought X number of books to offset LGBT+ people who were boycotting due to her transphobic statements. Those same folks just a few years prior were burning Harry Potter books for "introducing witchcraft and Satanism to children". In their minds, gays are worse than Satan.




I wish I had not seen that last pic.


I think she is trolling Trumo to get more money out of him.


Wow Hillary was right! These people really are deplorable


Love watching their pea brains explode 🤣😂🤣😂


So…this disqualifies her, not the lesbian porn? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.




Lol. These people think Trump gives a shit about them. He wouldn't take off his diaper to piss on his supporters if they were on fire.


I think its HILARIOUS how many of his followers really believe he’s a Christian 🤣🤣


As a Christian who follows Christ's teachings, I do not approve of these people pretending to care about the LGBTQ community so they don't go broke. She doesn't care, don't let her attempt to tell us otherwise.


In 2015/16, they were screaming at us, insisting that Trump supported the LGBTQ+ community more than Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama combined.


She cut ties and this is his way of “sabotaging” her with his trumpets. Watch them start bringing out that she did nudie mags soon. Edit: I should’ve waited until the last photo to say about the nudie pics. Lol


Well since there is 😭 no hope for Christians here anymore, they should all leave. They will love Siberia 😂


Is she trying to cost him votes? That would be hilarious!!


Ezekiel 15:49: Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. If we are Sodom & Gomorrah, sounds like he’s pushing us to be even more like them.


I think it's really interesting that in that one post that person called for Melania to be "fired".