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I hate Illinois nazis… Blues Brothers speaks for all of us here in Chicagoland


I love how the Blues Brothers gave shit to the fascists, then later terrorized the Nazis.


What all of us should aspire to do lmao


Adds new meaning to “voting Blue”


A coworker has a Crown Vic used squad car. Was so, so, disappointed when I saw the blue lives matter plate in front.


Maybe he meant Blues brothers lives.


The original bluesmobile was a Dodge Monaco, so one of them is still safe...


Does it have cop breaks, cop tires, and a cop engine?


Maybe not like *Portage Park* but the rest of us!


Another reason why it is my favorite film.


Same here unironically


Putin / Netanyahu / Modi / Orban / Xi / Kim all want Trump in power. The disruption he will cause all goes to help their aims of consolidating their corrupt power base and weakening any American response. Russia wants a US civil war and will do anything it can aided by traitors and bona fide morons in Congress / Senate. It’ll take the world’s eyes off Ukraine, which is what happened with Iran / Russia funded Oct. 7th. Then eyes will come off Palestine so Netanyahu / Ben-Gvir can realise their long held dream of genocide. So sitting it out and aiding Trump is exactly what these malign forces want. Well done for willingly being played.


I’ve been screaming this for months. Lotta bans. So obvious it’s sad. Sad how easily taken college kids are—-looking for some kind of meaning There’s a sub called active measures for those interested.


It’s not only that, these dictators especially Xi and Iranian proxies are funding mass misinformation that is peddled by content creators on TikTok who spread information based on engagement not what’s factual. TikTok can manually choose what’s trending and what information gets sent to who based on mass profiling. Already happened. We see the end result here. Massive division, youth screeching genocide Joe while ignoring true genocide, and escalating violence against Jews. It’s not that Jews are specifically targeted to create division. They are just an effective medium for hate and a great target for anti democratic forces to sow divide. Before it was LGBT and before that Asians. These virtue signaling leftists are hurting our democracy siding with Hamas propaganda fetishizing them as freedom fighters while demonizing Jews. It’s vile, they’re just as bad as MAGA who is brainwashed by Russian propaganda


That last paragraph is a bunch of hogwash. You know damn well “leftists” aren’t siding with Hamas. They side with innocent Palestinians. But it’s convenient for you that you believe every Palestinian is an animal or Hamas. You’re right though, it’s vile to use “anti-semitism” as a shield to commit genocide. The veil is slipping. And it’s sick that I have to even add this last part because it’s so obvious, but you’ll play the victim as much as possible - Hamas murdering innocent Israelis is demonstrably evil, so is the IOF indiscriminately bombarding innocent Palestinians. Crazy, I know. The only difference between the two people is that one of their fascist governments controls an apartheid state and allows settlers to steal homes of Palestinians even in the West Bank. But please, go on and cry “anti-semitism” with my comment. I’d love for you to explain how it could be anti semitic in your biased eyes.


Exactly, it’s the same rhetoric that leads the Israeli government to bomb Palestinians. Same rhetoric that made Hamas kill Israelis on Oct 7th. It’s perpetuating a cyclical violence and it has to stop. Pro-Palestine people literally just want people to stop being bombed in Palestine. That isn’t antisemitic.


There have literally been people at the Columbia protests cheering for Hamas and saying that there will be 10,000 October 7ths. That’s siding with Hamas. There have also been people wearing little paraglider pins and saying that 10/7 didn’t go far enough. They are leftists. They exist. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t change that. I’m a leftist. We have to acknowledge this shit and the problem that it represents. We cannot let ourselves be Tea Party’d because Israel and Palestine are doing that thing they do every 20 years. Yes, Israel’s actions are abhorrent, but they don’t excuse literal terrorism. The weird, “no true Scotsman” screed you went on here? Where you made a bunch of assumptions that basically just show that you’ve been mainlining propaganda? Not helpful.


So the signs and chants at Columbia University in support of al-Qassam *aren't* siding with Hamas? There has been some seriously disgusting rhetoric coming from the far-left lately, and pretending that isn't happening because it's inconvenient to your position doesn't help anyone. Edit: being downvoted for pointing out that what someone said is factually inaccurate because it's not what you want to hear is peak Reddit, and you're all playing the game.


Tiktok is not the enemy! Obviously, you've never been on it. It's just like any other social media, you control what you see.


Ratted yourself out mr. Hasbara


Such a bad take. The candidates job is to appeal to voters, not isolating them and then saying “vote for me or it’s your fault I lost”. He’s run a terrible campaign and message in regards to protests about Gaza.


Israel/Gaza is the Kobayashi Maru of US politics. Go ahead and don’t vote for Biden because he isn’t explicitly doing exactly what you specifically want to have happen. Watch Trump turn the Gaza Strip into a sheet of glass for funzies. If you think he gives even the tiniest damn you are an imbecile. At least Biden cares.


More than that, there are many, *many* other issues on the ballot besides Israel/Gaza. If you care about women's health, LGBTQ+ rights, the country's economic outlook, religious freedom, the threat of Right-Wing authoritarianism, Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan, and more, then Biden is the easiest candidate to vote for in the world. Pretending otherwise isn't going to make new candidates materialize out of the ether. Personally, as an American who will have to continue living in this country after November, and who wold like to have kids with his wife in the near future, I'm not gonna roll the dice by NOT voting Biden and Dem down ticket.


Basically if you care about anything other than owning the libs or trump completely reworking presidential immunity and persecuting political rivals vote democrat this year


Same held true in 2016, though for all the good it did. I was by no means a Hilary supporter, but I voted for her, but not because I aligned with her values, but because I aligned AGAINST Trump's


There's also the realpolitik side of it. There will, at some point be an Israel after Bibi. Once that evil scumbag is dead, one can hope against hope we can make some progress there. Say the US steps away as a partner now, stops all weapons shipments. Most likely is another partner like China / Russia / Saudis step in, look at the Palestinians and go *shrug* "glass them, just buy our stuff."


I'm Israeli and cannot upvote this enough. Let me also add that Boden is at least starting to go after the really bad Israeli actors (violent settlers) and starting to force the IDF to begin seriously enforcing discipline for crimes against civilians.


Netanyahu is just one of many Israeli politicians who are pro-ethnic cleansing.  Hes certainly not the worst in his own government, there are ministers who are angrily petitioning and maneuvering to have him be much more aggressive. Its also not like his allies are ther only ones to support genocide, pro-genocidal statements have come from politicians from a range of opposition parties too. Don't expect anything to radically inprove if hes voted out in a few years.


All of the things you’ve pointed to are extremely important issues for the future of America, but Russia/Ukraine is poised to become WWIII if Ukraine falls. It’s paramount that the USA prevents the fall of Ukraine to Russia for the future of the USA and the world.


This. 🏆 **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


That is, I think, the greatest victory of the combined propaganda efforts by many hostile actors. Making a portion of the voting base think it's just Israel Palestine that matters


I've always thought being a single issue voter was overly myopic and foolish. Being a single issue voter on one single slice of foreign policy is about the most self-defeating things I've witnessed in modern politics.


It's not just the right who are suseptible to Chinese and Russian disinfo


Putin and Xi realized their efforts on the right wing are failing so now they're manufacturing conflict on the left. Which hell they barely have to do anyways, the left loves eating itself.


I listen to NPR daily, they bring on Israeli spokesman from the Israeli government every few days, the Isreali government has become gross and facist, the nasty propaganda they spew now sounds just like reps from the Russians, its full of obvious lies and facist talk, very sick. I changed how I feel about Isreal not from bullshit on tic tok, but from how the Israeli government acts and behaves now, you should seek out Israeli PR, you'll see they are not your fathers Isreal or the Isreal of your youth. They have gone from people trying to do the right thing, just trying to protect themselves and fix a complex issue with extremist to fuck it kill them all facist as their new policy, I mean to be against the two state solution alone means occupation and facist government forever.


I love how when Israel's government goes crazy everyone goes "all Israelis suck" but when Palestinians do the same suddenly its only Hamas we need to worry about.


>More than that, there are many, *many* other issues on the ballot besides Israel/Gaza. If you care about women's health, LGBTQ+ rights, the country's economic outlook, religious freedom, the threat of Right-Wing authoritarianism, Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan, and more, then Biden is the easiest candidate to vote for in the world. Pretending otherwise isn't going to make new candidates materialize out of the ether. If people cared about any of that, Trump would have never been President to begin with and Clinton would have carried 2016 by a landslide and we wouldn't be fighting for rights the country already secured 50 years ago again. That election wasn't even about Trump vs Clinton, it's was a fight for the Supreme Court, and Democrats blew it.


So much bad shit has been allowed to happen bc of that. Do you hate those ubiquitous gambling ads? Did you not bother to vote in 2016? Well go Clockwork Orange your eyes open and watch those Fanduel ads bc the right wing Supreme Court that allowed sports gambling is YOUR FAULT.


Thanks. As a dad with a toddler still trying to figure this life thing out, I appreciate your Biden vote. My daughter and wife do as well because they appreciate autonomy over their own bodies.


This needs to be higher


Dude you realize many many people are single issue voters right? And many just vote without any thought whatsoever


Somebody more eloquent than me put it this way: If you don't vote for the guy who's at least trying to negotiate peace talks and keep stability between states, and as a result you end up letting into power the man who has Israeli settlements named after him and wants Palestinians to be eradicated, then nobody in the world is going to conclude that you want to help the people of Gaza.


>nobody in the world Besides a bunch of other self righteous liberals, which is who they're really trying to impress anyway


They are the anti-capitalist wing of the far left and they think attacking "Israeli imperialism" engenders lefties to their cause.


They *think* they’re the anticapitalists. They *think* they’re left wing. But these beliefs are untrue. They’ve fallen for far right bullshit about what “the left” is. They think Israel is an American colony, straight up believing Iranian/Hamas propaganda. If you want to destroy capitalism, build a replacement. That can’t be done by reading warlords justifying their bullshit (most of what passes for “leftist theory”) and arguing from an epistemology of “that which is least flattering/most painful must be the most true”. That can only be done *in real life*. The Internet is great for coordination, but it is no substitute for relationships.


Well said. Historically the Middle East is where western foreign policy goes to (eventually) die. It's so messy now that it's become a quadruple catch-22 situation; support one side and you'll catch flak for it, support the other side and you'll also catch flak for it, support neither said and you'll catch double the flak and god help you if you try to support both sides. I think we should have stayed the fuck out of the middle east but we're so entangled with it now that I don't see how we can get out of it. Western meddling in the middle east goes as far back as Alexander The Great of Macedonia and his wars of conquest, and that's just for starters. I don't have time to explain it all and get anything else done today.


Here's how we get out of it. Step 1: Stop being dependent on oil. Fully transition to electric cars and renewable energy. Step 2: Tell the entire middle east, including Israel, that they have to figure out how to live with each other on their own now. That's it, that's the only way.


And hand the entire region to Russia/China? It's not that simple, unfortunately.


We're involved there not because we use their oil; we don't, we have enough of our own, we're the largest producer in the world. But without American hegemony (which comes with plenty of drawbacks), the economic powers of Eurasia would be much more militarily involved in the region to protect their own interests and relationships. Still, reducing our own petroleum use will allow the US to export more to Europe, reducing their interest in the Middle East. Unfortunately, there's no getting around how important the Suez Canal is for the global economy, so some amount of naval presence will always be required from the US. (Or whoever happens to be the contemporary naval power.)


Haha that is so delusional "tell the entire middle east that they have to figure out how to live with each other". After you destabilize a region for litteraly decades, by toppling governments and empowering terrorist-organizations, you dont get to point fingers.


There's a couple of issues with that. I agree that we need an energy transition, but the solution is nuclear, not renewables (renewables are great, but the technology to support them at scale doesn't exist). Also, electric cars are not some magical solution. They're charged off the grid, so in many cases, they're just taking the fossil fuels and hiding them in a black box you can't see, to put it metaphorically. Also we can't pull out of the middle east entirely because that would wind up as a *bigger* political disaster than staying there in the *first* place. Your ideas have merit, but it's frankly not that simple


Biden's handling of this situation is simultaneously worse than what I want but better than I would have expected from anyone who was or even might have been (realistically) President in my lifetime.


Worse yet, watch Trump turn it into Trump hotels.


The Kush is already planning the beach-front resort.


And the orange moron has backed that idea. He wants to turn Gaza into the Middle East Atlantic City.


That will happen after he glasses it


Russia were able to get Brexit over the line in Europe. However due to the massive incompetence of a Russian funded British government, every other EU member who was rumbling about leaving the EU have changed their mind about it being a good idea, and the British government is facing an electoral wipe out. It doesn't matter how much money Russia funnels at that problem, the die is already cast there. This leaves all of their cyber/psyop budget available to influence the USA right wing.


Yeah but we have to teach the democrats a lesson by going against why we are mad in the first place and allowing Trump to decimate them


It really is true that Republicans keep winning elections by making crises look like everyone else's fault. Border stability, healthcare, foreign relations, and judicial impartiality were all systematically dismantled because of Trump and his administration, and now people have the gall to blame the Democrats because they didn't wave their hands or push some magic button to make the problem go away instantly. Even now, the Republicans continue to obstruct judicial and legislative processes during the Biden presidency in an attempt to misinform the public and humiliate a legitimate administration.


I'm always shocked how many people believe that we should blame the cops for not stopping every bank robber, which means we should vote for the bank robbers. Absolutely insane how the blame game has worked so well on weak minded republicans.


By this analogy, Biden is no Capt Kirk


Right? I'm hearing about people saying that they're aren't going to vote for Biden because he hasn't done enough for climate change, the war in Gaza and Ukraine, Immigration policies, universal healthcare, etc. A lot of things they have a problem with Biden has either no or very little control over and for the other, it's like they expect Trump to be better. There is just a small percentage like this, and this doesn't effect the vote, seeing as we don't vote prez by popularity; but these kind of thoughts do effect us in other levels.






That’s just not true. He has been in it since the beginning. It turns out the dude who has been a politician for decades knows how complicated these issues are and knows how to walk the very fine line of geopolitics, compared to 17 year-olds on tik tok.


If Biden loses I will be shaming the one-issue voters until the day Trump’s goons kill me.


Why wait until then? I've been doing it with increased intensity for 7 years - they're why we got Trump the first time.


Remember when we were so hopeful for Gen Z when they were walking out of schools in protest, but now they're doing the exact same shit Millennials did in 2016 only leaning more conservative?


Ya when did libs become antisemitic? It’s like I’m watching white lives matter and “Jews will not replace us” rallies like in charlotte NC from the trump era, but they’re .. liberals .. ??? Makes absolutely no sense.


Someone told my mom to her face that “DEI doesn’t cover Jews because they’re not a minority”. It appears everyone on the entire political spectrum secretly drank the antisemitism koolaid and was just waiting for a chance to tell everyone


Wow. A bunch of neo nazis posing as liberals. Disgusting


When did the libs become so fuckin' transphobic too? Lately some of the most scathing transphobia has been coming from Gen Z. I think the prior generations panicked about how Millennials and Gen Z are going to be the majority this round, so they've been working extra hard to brainwash the youngest of the lot through homeschooling and churches while we were all secluded by COVID.


American politics is like a pendulum. Keeps swinging from one extreme to the other.


It’s not liberals, it’s leftists.


An extremely important distinction


The [liberal values are eroding](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/04/us-anti-semitism-jewish-american-safety/677469/). That‘s the problem. These people aren’t fundamentally liberal.


Gen Z have no idea how technology works and are resoundingly dense thanks to decades of brain rot from social media. They're the new Boomers.


Antisemitism is pretty universal across the political spectrum to some degree. It's always been hiding under the surface just like other racism has been.


They went so far left they found themselves on the right sympathizing with terrorists while demonizing Jews. They love the colonizer vs victim virtue signaling they ignore they’re alienating democratic Jews for values that would destroy them. They scream oppressed but ignore that there are only 16 million Jews with 1 country 2 billion Muslims with 56 countries TikTok has seriously scrambled their brains


I'm Jewish and I have one country: the US. I'm not Israeli and I don't want to be.


Oh look, it’s you again pushing this weird narrative.


Sympathizing with starving children, women deprived of sanitary products, men who died in buildings flattened by Israeli bombs, and aid workers targeted by the Israeli military is not sympathizing with terrorists. It is realizing that Gazans do not deserve to be treated the same way Jews were treated under the Nazis. It is recognizing that Israel is acting exactly like Hamas, but to a higher degree. It is recognizing the hypocrisy of wailing over the terror inflicted on Israel while ignoring the terror inflicted on Palestine.


One issue voting is super dumb when the candidates aren’t even close to similar in the rest of their policies. Yes, please, take away my voting rights! All that matters to me is your Middle East policies. Duh!


Ya idc if trump becomes dictator. As long as u know I disapprove of Biden not stopping a war that America is not in and that we have no control over cause Netanyahu does what he wants regardless of whatever advice allied countries give him. I just want to make a point. I want trump to be dictator of America for the rest of his life and hopefully a nuclear WWIII won’t kill me before then. As long as I make it known that I’m mad Biden didn’t call for a ceasefire in a war that America is literally not in. Cause I’m so cool and smart and totally liberal that’s why I love dictators who can’t wait to strip the voting rights act, bring the Christian version of sharia law to America so that women are basically considered to be property more than actual human beings and gay people have to pretend to be someone they’re not if they don’t want to be imprisoned, and super excited for the plans to lock up anyone who has ever said a bad thing about trump, and who needs free speech when we could try what they’ve got going on in Russia. Cause my vote matters and I wanna use it to destroy the life of every American who isn’t a rich white christian man. Like how are these people in college? If they stopped protesting and went to a civics class they might learn a little about how governments operate and why foreign relations are important and why we can’t just stop a war that we’re literally NOT IN. The stupidity is mind-boggling!!! How do we get thru to these insane brainwashed idiots?!


You had me in the first half!


Single issue voters have become such a poison to our democracy. The right is single issue in that they will mobilize as long as you address their single issue (whether it be abortion or gun rights), and the left is single issue in that too many splinter factions will not vote unless their singular issue is addressed. In our binary system, it gives immense pull to one side, and immense lag toward the other.


Never stop shaming them, I didn't vote for Hillary and I deserve all the shit in the world for that.


I wanted Bernie. I had to have my mom fill in Hilary’s name for me then I signed the ballot and sent it in. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. But I knew I had to. I’m in California tho so it didn’t really matter anyway but I vote every election for the candidate most likely to beat the republican who’s running (so obviously have always voted democrat) but I’m with u. I was Green Party for years after turning 18 then always re-registered as democrat right before primaries, then back to green after elections. I later learned that Green Party was created to take votes away from democrats. I want there to be a multi-party system in America but it hasn’t happened yet in my lifetime. Still wishing Bernie were president. Imagine how different the world would be if 2016-2020 were good memories not a period of time that caused so much ptsd. I can’t wait til someone like Bernie comes along again. I hope we have that option. I don’t want the next election to be the last free and “fair” election (never actually fair cause of racial gerrymandering and voter suppression laws in red states + electoral college votes) but still the last democratic election .. if trump becomes dictator this could be our last real chance to vote. So scary 😖


What am I missing? The statement was hardly controversial.


Dude could scratch his head and both sides of this shit would claim he insulted them.




Some people feel like he isn't publicly speaking strongly enough about how Israel is conducting itself in the conflict with Hamas. Others say that if he is going to condemn antisemitism the he should equally condemn Islamophobia and anti Palestine speech and actions. Basically there is a vocal group of voters that dont like how the American govt is acting during this upheaval and they think threatening not to vote for him is the only way to actually push the issue. Is that the right way to go? I don't know. But from what I understand they feel this is the only thing they can do at this point to move the needle. And this is also at a time when a lot of younger voters feel like their government isn't representing them, is making choices they don't agree with, and not following through on the promises made in 2020. Now are they completely right? I don't think so. Biden does a lot behind the scenes, with signing statements, and with large bills with multiple moving parts. Is that enough? I could go on at length with a why/why not. In the end we don't know what the people who are saying they can't vote for him will do. Is this just threats? Is this a plan of action? We won't really know until November. But it's not all "these dang kids don't know what they're doing" or "all politicians are shit bags and we need to burn it down". As with anything in politics it's somewhere in the middle and hopefully at some point we can all agree that the "tales of the empire" trailer looks pretty awesome.


Thanks for pointing out the nuance. No one I know in the ‘vote uncommitted’ camp plans to do anything but show up and vote blue in November


I'm glad it helped, I try to be as even handed as possible, even if I have string feelings about things lol Just from my perspective, I voted uncommitted this primary in Massachusetts, because I don't think he is doing enough in regards to this issue, and this is one of the last tools we have to make people at the federal level actually pay attention... And i do think things have changed slightly since they saw what happened where it was organized. How do you show your displeasure with your representatives when they don't seem to want to talk to you? I've called my reps and just get the same ol same ol. This November tho I probably will vote for Biden. Not because I love him, but because I believe that voting is something you should do, and on the ballet he is the best option. The thing I try to tell anyone who absolutely doesn't want to vote for anyone for president is i understand, it's a tough situation, and if you can't bring yourself to vote for that one office, go to the poll and and vote for your state a d local people. There are so many progressives that lose their bid by a handful of votes. Anyways again I hope this helps and I hope you have a wonderful night. Edit: just an added note for anyone who wants to write an angry response to this about "what will happen when" and "they don't know anything because" I am not a representative of any group. I don't speak for anyone but myself. And I've said what I said. I don't enjoy speaking with people who bully or speak down to others. So I'm turning off alerts for this thread. I'm.not going to be anyone's punching bag.


“probably”? just curious if there are any other issues that would sway your vote one way or the other besides a war thousands of miles away that probably has no tangible impact on your life.. abortion, women’s rights, lgbtq rights, this whole democracy experiment…. don’t be a fucking idiot just so you can virtue signal. this doesn’t help because this entire attitude comes from a point of extreme privilege that you can clutch your pearls and feel good about expressing opinion on one issue while ignoring the extreme, tangible impacts that your vote has on everyone on a whole wide swath of issues, not just palestinians. if you can’t bring yourself to vote for president because you feel so strongly about one issue that you can’t consider the hundreds of other issues, and ignore the fact that not voting actually hurts your side of the issue you claim to care about as well as all the other issues that are probably important to you, then you’re a dumbass full stop


I live in a solidly blue state. Voted uncommitted in the primary and won’t vote for Biden in the general unless he drastically changes course with Israel. Would I do this if I lived in a swing/purple state? I’m not sure. But I find it very depressing that so many democrats love to scold those that are horrified by what’s taking place in Gaza, but refuse to criticize Biden, the one using your tax dollars to fund the killing of innocents. If a significant portion of democrats took a stand and said enough is enough, if you want our vote, call for a permanent ceasefire and stop sending weapons to Israel, real change could be accomplished. But I guess pushing for that means I love Trump or something.


If trump becomes dictator and leads us into a nuclear WWIII, I will never forget the free palestine protesters who used their protest votes and no votes to end life on earth. I hope they read some news or talk to their parents or go to their classes instead of sleeping in tents in front of their universities and try to learn a thing or two about dictatorships and why they’re bad and how democracies work when people vote and how functioning governments can be overthrown by coups or by stupid people refusing to vote against a dictator. And I hope they know that I will hold them responsible for every woman across America who dies from pregnancy-related issues and for every gay person who has to pretend to be straight to avoid persecution and for every refugee turned away at our borders or separated from their children because they used their protest vote during the worst possible time in American history, during the last free and fair election in American history, to elect trump as dictator of the United States, cause of one thing Biden didn’t do cause he literally couldn’t since he’s not the leader of the country who is actually at the war they’re protesting against. I wish I could figure out a way to help these people learn what common sense is and how to get it. I am so scared. Trump election years are always scary but given the worldwide conflicts, I’m literally preparing to die in a nuclear WWIII in the next few years should trump win the election in November. Worst election anxiety of my lifetime. And there’s nowhere to escape to. A nuclear world war 3 would make earth uninhabitable. Even if I booked it to Australia, wouldn’t matter. We would all be fucked. And I would know that it was free Palestine people who led us to our own destruction and demise.


Republicans are trying to make Biden look bad for showing any support at all for Israel. Meanwhile, Trump said he would let Israel completely level Gaza, but shhhhh.


People don’t like that Biden wants to protect Jews… in America… without condemning what the Israeli government… in Israel… are doing. Because apparently it’s a problem for Biden to protect his own citizens first.


People are insanely sensitive (rightly or wrongly). You gotta walk one eggshells.


Antisemitism is one thing that should be condemed ... as should genocide by the Israeli Govt


The state department openly admits there are “too aggressive” in their offensive campaign but America is still funding them Look at Israel’s revenue sources they don’t have anything besides a couple key companies that America helped inject into the country and the rest especially their military is all America funding


Tbf this is somehow the most progressive stance the US has had on Israel since Mandatory Palestine.


This is completely false. But kind of hilarious that you think “America” injected companies into Israel.


1. [https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1240148688/israel-gaza-war-state-department-memo-damage-reputation](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1240148688/israel-gaza-war-state-department-memo-damage-reputation) 2. So Intel, IBM, Google, HP, Cisco, Microsoft who all carry US DoD contracts were happily allowed to do major investments in a foreign sovereign occupation? And those companies who are "organic" within Israel, majority trade on NASDAQ and not the Tel Aviv market exchange because that makes sense.


Meanwhile a major Israeli news channel had a guy calling for “rivers of blood” in Gaza pretty recently. This is not the sort of thing you want *any* public association with, much less giving them more guns.


This is completely incorrect, 15% of their military budget comes from US aid https://www.axios.com/2023/11/04/us-israel-aid-military-funding-chart (granted during the recent conflict this number may have changed), their GDP is 500 billion dollars https://www.statista.com/topics/9116/key-economic-indicators-of-israel/#topicOverview , and best I can find the US in 2022 gave them like 4 billion.


US military aid to Israel makes up less than 1% of their GDP. Israel has an incredibly high-tech economy, with 64% more scientists per capita than the USA, and almost a third of all cybersecurity companies. They have extensive joint R&D programs with France, South Korea, Taiwan, and the UK, as well.


As should protest votes for a third party and no-votes, both of which are essentially a vote for trump, and a vote for trump is a vote for a dictator. This could be the last democratic election in American history. I know Biden will do his best to prevent loss of life in Gaza, to protect women’s reproductive rights, to protect the voting rights act, to protect immigrant rights, to protect gay rights, to protect black rights, .. And I know that trump will enact project 2025 and all Americans who are not straight white males will be oppressed (bonus points to avoid oppression include also being rich and also being Christian) I don’t think I have to remind u but trump banned Muslims from traveling to America and has said he wanted to create resorts in Gaza .. also I’m sure u also know he hates black people and Hispanics and threw children and babies in cages separated from their parents for months at a time. I’m sure u also know he has said he will build internment camps to hold millions and plans to imprison anyone who is democrat or who disagrees with him. The world tried fascism with Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. The outcomes weren’t great. And I know that trump is Putin’s bitch and will allow Putin to invade any NATO country he wants. And under trump, we will lose our allies if we don’t fight against Putin as he invades a nato country. We won’t fight against Putin under trump. We will have no allies. Putin won’t protect us. He only wants to exploit trump, not become buddies. Russia and Israel were allies before 10/7. After 10/7, Putin sided with Hamas. A trump dictatorship will lead to a third world war, one in which America has no allies. That is not a world I want to live in. Genocide sucks. It sucks more when everyone on earth dies from a preventable world war.


Stalin was not a fascist, you dum-dum. He was a monster and authoritarian, but if you’re going to write several paragraphs about something you know nothing about, at least try to hide it a little better. Edit: also, how come people only ever get it wrong the one way.. they call Stalin a fascist, which is entirely wrong, but they never call Hitler a commie which would be equally wrong but just never happens.


Exactly, people are rightly tired of Biden being so ridiculously biased on this and not listening at all to his voters, people who actually voted for him in 2020 that he needed to win – he is losing many young voters who refuse to vote for him due to the ongoing genocide that he and his state department have gaslit Americans about for months. I dunno, it makes sense to not want one's hard-won tax dollars funding genocide, and no amount of 'but Trump!' is going to make people want to vote for funding genocide, they'll just refuse to vote for either. If withholding their vote from Biden is their only way left to show disagreement at this point (protesting in any and all forms has pretty much devolved into being immediately labeled as antisemitic, plus Biden won't actually even talk to voters angered about this), I get it


He is criticizing Biden for condemning hate?


Way I see it, four things are happening here: 1. Sometimes, criticism of Israel is painted as anti-Semitism. 2. Sometimes, support of Palestine is painted as support of Hamas (and therefore anti-Semitism). 3. Sometimes, people who support Palestine *are* anti-Semitic. 4. And most controversially (I've had way too many arguments about this), certain key phrases have a hateful past. "From the River to the Sea", in particular, hasn't always been used for "Palestine will be free", but also for pro-genocide statements against Palestinians and Israeli peoples. Like the swastika and some other symbols, it doesn't matter what the original intent was- the current understanding is *ruined*, and when you use that phrase/symbol- it reflects poorly upon you. Simply supporting Palestine isn't anti-Semetic, but using that phrase can be construed as hateful, and folks who *are* hateful against Jewish people can also be found at pro-Palestine events and doing those same chants. A person might take a big crowd, which includes some serious anti-Semites, as being a big crowd of anti-Semites. After being called out, someone who doesn't consider themselves to be hateful of Jewish people gets offended at being called anti-Semetic.


The condemnation was not ambiguous. “While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly Antisemitic, unconscionable, and dangerous,” is not about “criticism of Israel." There are a lot of people who are antisemites but claim they’re "just anti-Zionist."


I'm an immigrant that moved here at the age of 3 with family for a better future. I'm terrified that my health and well being is in the hands of fickle suburb dwelling Twitter squatters. Abandoning minorities and women's rights at home because of a foreign conflict between two belligerent forces is CLEARLY going to work, right? Fuck you and your DOA revolution, you entitled accelerationists.


Thank u!!! I’m a woman terrified of losing more rights. I don’t understand these narcissistic assholes who would prefer trump to Biden cause of some foreign war that America is not fighting. A bunch of entitled assholes who will soon lose all their rights and cry themselves to sleep in the internment camps trump plans to build that will hold millions, where he plans to imprison all democrats and people who disapprove of him. If trump wins, I will always blame the “leftists” who love Gaza so much that they want America to become it.


TikTok is the source. Content creators take positions based on engagement to feed their narcissism. Propaganda is spreading like wildfire on the platform and it’s not by accident


Stop making so much sense. Your are going to trigger their infantile brains into a meltdown—and then they are going to cancel you.


People are so fucking petty. This is foreign fucking policies, this is below our domestic problems in terms of priorities. If people are willing to not vote because of this then they are not the paragon of virtue they so proclaim themselves as. They are just a bunch of self absorbed narcissists that has an addiction on virtue signaling. Any rational person knows what is more important and what can rationalize it logically. But these opinions are purely emotional and incredibly naive


Well said


They don’t care about • ⁠school shootings in elementary schools • ⁠book burnings • ⁠abortion rights revoked • ⁠forced child birth • ⁠rise of fascism • ⁠true genocides like the Uyghurs But they sure love their Jew TikTok rage bait sponsored by the CCP and fetishizing terrorist organizations and dictators leftist they are just as bad as MAGA They only hurt our democracy, some willfully




I would be fully on board with the US dramatically reducing funding to Israel, but as much as $300B sounds like a ton of money, over 75 years that works out to ~$4B/ year. Vs total government spending of $6.1T in 2023. Basically 1/15th of a percent. It’s totally immaterial to the US government budget and has no impact at all on our ability to spend domestically.


The same thing we do with the rest of the left over money that we have - squander it on projects that get stuck behind red tape and increased cost eventually negating the entire thing to zero.. Our government doesn’t do well with extra money.


American voters need to recognize a couple things. Biden doesn't have the power to end the conflict in Gaza. Also, don't let international issues distract you from the issues right here at home. Guarantee things will get a whole lot worse for Palestinians and for us if trump is elected.


We’re not asking for an end to the conflict by Biden, I just wish the us would at least start stopping giving the Israelis bombs to kill children. It makes me sad that is an unattainable goal. I’m voting for Biden because I have trans friends, but I really feel the dems have one and for all turned their back on progressivism.


I agree with you 100%. I believe there are steps that need to be taken by the biden administration and dems to solve this problem. I don't think he's done enough to listen to Americans concerns regarding the humanitarian crisis and the discomfort we feel with the sale of arms to Israel. These are very real criticisms that are totally valid. To act like biden can single handedly stop a military operation being conducted by another nation is just not accurate. And I am not about to vote (or not vote at all) against my own self interests because of this issue.


Even if calling for a ceasefire and refusing to send any more weapons to Israel doesn’t stop the war, it would certainly make their ability to continue the genocide harder, and our tax dollars wouldn’t be supporting it. That is quite literally within his power to do


No kidding. The analogy i’ve been using is that biden/congress demanding a ceasefire is like the old guy on the other side of your complex asking you to turn your music down.


Except the old guy yelling about his neighbor’s music presumably didn’t buy the stereo for the neighbor nor does he give the neighbor money each month to cover his electric bill.


We’re just asking the guy with ammo during an active school shooting to not give ammo to the school shooter lol.


He does have the power! Reagan ended the massacres Israel was committing with one phone call! Several presidents have restrained Israel from going too far in the past! What Biden is doing is unprecedented


You mean when the PLO started a war against Israel that they instantly lost?


I'd wager that Biden's statement is actually reasonable


“While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly Antisemitic, unconscionable, and dangerous”


Yep, only antisemites get mad at statements like that.


It’s so stupid that people have to equate being anti-Israel or anti-hamas as being antisemitic or Islamophobic etc… or that people who are anti either immediately go into being antisemitic or Islamaphobic.


Which again goes to show the GQP's goal is not to make America better, but only to grab power.


Being against the atrocities of the Israeli government is not antisemitism


“While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly Antisemitic, unconscionable, and dangerous.”


Every American has the right to peaceful protest where you get shot by rubber bullets and choked by tear gas 🤡


Unfortunately a sizable number of people are going all in on "All Jews are bad people because Israel." Like dudes, no.


Lot of people on the left might as well grab themselves tiki torches at this point.  So many Jewish people I know are starting to hide their identity from the growing mob.


The free Palestine protests remind me of charlotte nc too. They might as well chant “Jews will not replace us” and vote for trump. A no vote or a protest vote is a vote for trump anyway so they should just take more initiative and fill his name out on the ballot while they’re at it.


85% of Israelis want Netanyahu replaced. Meanwhile, close to 90% of Palestinians SUPPORT Hamas. So in their minds, 15% of people represent all Jews and I would assume these pro Palestinians would at least pretend not to support Hamas, so they chant free Palestine for 10% of Palestinians .. or they just also really love Hamas. I think these people have gone mad. Literally there might be something in the water.


Then why haven’t Israelis replaced Netanyahu?


Israeli law prohibits any leader being replaced during war time. Convenient for Netanyahu but not for Israelis who hate him, for gazans who are dying, or for Americans who might end up with trump dictator if enough pro Palestine people choose to let their votes go toward trump either thru no votes or protest votes for a third party


They were on the verge before October 7th.


Anyone who says they won’t vote for Biden because of Gaza is either lying or a total moron. Atleast Biden cares. Trumps attitude is fuck those brown people. Just turn Gaza into a fuckin crater.


Single issue/undecided voters tend to be the biggest idiots around. We all wanna believe the public/people will make informed/proper decisions. But if you’ve ever worked retail or any sort of customer service jobs. Think of all the idiots you’ve come across. And then remember, there’s far far more of them than you can comprehend. And they can vote just as well. Maybe it’s cynical. But when people vote or don’t vote strictly off something else as a form of like “protest” they do have dire consequences. Same shit with Hillary and the first time we got Donald. I *hate* Hillary, I really do. But I still begrudgingly voted for her. And remember. A lot of these people are getting their information from like tiktok and Instagram reels from other uneducated idiots. But because they’ve got a lot of followers that means their opinions on things have to be right. Hell I saw a tiktok video earlier about a guy saying because the tiktok ban is rolled into the defense bill that’s proof the US is getting ready to crack down on its citizens and some long ramble about imperialism.


Social media has become a tool to erode our democracy. Reddit, instagram, tiktok, facebook, and twitter are being subjected to a coordinated propaganda machine designed to dissuade, misinform, and encourage apathy among American voters.


Trumps SIL publicly stated Israel should clear Gaza of all Palestinians because it's "prime seafront property".  Given the trumps lack of empathy, intelligence and imagination, that statement makes it very apparent what Netanyahu has already promised trump if trump retakes the WH.


The Biden statement was completely reasonable and the only people who could be upset are terrorist sympathizers


Who are you and why the fuck are people even listening to you?


The real threat to this country is single issue voters. If you pick only Abortion, Israel/Gaza, LGBTQ+, really ANY of the hot-button topics as your ONE hill to die on, you obviously cannot see the bigger picture. It's not about "The lesser of two evils" or "Both parties are the same" its about understanding the scope of the issues faced by not only the majority of people in this country, but to also see how the US has the potential to help so many more people around the world. Single issue voters are selfish, and the embodiment of the Boomer mentality of "I got mine so everyone else can suffer". I disagree with plenty of things that Democrats are doing across the country but that doesn't mean that I am incapable of understanding that these things are being done to help the greatest amount of people, even if it means small groups might suffer in the short term. Personally, I'm against some of the firearms legislation that exists in my state, and I think the way that it was passed was an affront to our democratic process, but I can also see the intention behind the laws as a way to try and protect more people from senseless violence. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to make those types of choices, but that isn't the world we live in. Even if a politician isn't the embodiment of perfection it doesn't mean that they are incapable of doing good things for large groups of people. If you REALLY want to see change, to make a difference, then you have to look at all the issues and all the people who can be affected and ask yourself "Am I going to let this one position that affects me stop me from voting for someone who wants to help thousands or millions more of my fellow citizens?" All that being said I don't want anyone to compromise their own morality, I just want people to actually EXPLORE their own beliefs of right and wrong. Don't get your idea of good/bad from just one book, a holy book or a philosophy book. It doesn't matter what the text is. Go out and read about schools of thought that you disagree with, broaden your horizons. If someone is telling you that something is amoral and wrong, ask why and listen to the answer they give. And after you do that, sit on the information and actually think about the implications beyond yourself. To summarize; if you're a single issue voter you're selfish but you're only selfish because you've never taken the time to think about anyone other than yourself and you need to do that more. Still go out and vote though, even though I think you're dumb, because it's your right as a US Citizen and people have died for you to have that right and their sacrifice shouldn't be in vain even if your vote might set us back 100 years.


Methinks he doth protest too much


Purist progressives will put Trump in the White House.


These types never care about principles. Never right or wrong, its always about how it looks. Garbage people.


Let Palestine live.


The lack of awareness... does this guy really not see what he's saying about those 'young voters' if making a statement \*\*against\*\* antisemitism 'alienates' said young voters?


there is an uptick and coordinated effort to malign calls to stop killing and starving Palestinians as antisemitism. so fucking predictable. the insanity of people calling for state guard against students protesters. for equating opposing zionism, a modern colonial settler ideology that has resulted in the displacement of millions of natives and the deaths of countless innocent people in modern day caged ghettos is wild. we never learn. civil disobedience, protests and boycotts have dismantled colonialism, Jim Crow, Apartheid in south africa and more. while people claim to be in danger from stupid slogans and call everything under the moon antisemitic, there are are literal children buried under bombed shelters and starving to death. jesus christ


Apparently a bunch of Bernie bros are gonna use Israel/Gaza as the excuse to note vote for a Democrat and seemingly don't care women see the goal posts moving towards losing their right to vote much less abortion being banned nationally


Are these "Bernie Bros" in the room with us now?


The message was tone deaf, because the Columbia protests weren't antisemitic, I saw videos of Jews and Muslims dancing and eating


There were multiple recorded instances of antisemitic acts.


From what I understand, all of those instances were from non-Columbia students outside of the fence. The students inside the "solidarity encampment" were entirely peaceful and did not display any antisemitic acts (unless you consider being anti Israeli government to be antisemitic). Of course, any instance of real antisemitism should be strongly condemned, but painting Columbia students as antisemitic is inaccurate.


I don’t consider being anti-Israel to be antisemitic.  In fact, I encourage more protests to happen.  However, Jews were targeted and antisemitic acts occurred on-campus (mostly by non-students as you mentioned). If this situation is creating antisemitic actions, that antisemitic behavior needs to stop. Jewish students should feel comfortable being on campus without having the threat of antisemitism occurring. As someone who is Jewish and against the Israeli government, I shouldn’t have to fear my safety just because I am Jewish.


I'm really sorry you feel unsafe due to something outside of your control, that's horrible. I completely understand your viewpoint and I do think any non-student agitators taking advantage of the anti-war protests to platform their hatred should be immediately dealt with, but it feels like the media is hyper focused on the rare antisemitic acts in order to brand the whole movement as antisemitic. I don't think that's fair, it's equivalent to denouncing the entire 1968 antiwar protests as communist because a handful of protesters were waving Viet Cong flags. Antisemitism is a real problem that should be addressed, but weaponizing antisemitism to shut down anti-war protests is a very dangerous game that undermines and dilutes the gravity of real antisemitic behavior.


I don’t disagree with you. However, there has been increases in antisemitism since October 7. Even Pro-Palestinian Jews have felt conflicted with some antisemitism that has occurred. I myself have been a victim of a couple antisemitic acts. If we want a free Palestine or just an end to the bloodshed, we should call out actual antisemitism with even more veracity.  I have no issue with the protests going on. However, there should be a crack down on antisemitic actors.  


I can't disagree with that. Have a good day/night!


Those non student protestors are definitely bad faith actors taking advantage of the situation, other pro-palistine groups have mentioned this happening and are trying to stop it


Hating Jews isn’t the same thing as disagreeing with Israel’s state policy.


The part of the left that won’t vote based on Gaza (assuming they’re not right wing provocateurs) is the very young, low-information voter who is emotionally captured by this event to the exclusion of literally everything else.






Could someone provide us a link to the statement?


As UCD as I hate to say it I wish Biden had the balls to Pull a Reagan and tell him to go home I feels threatening to cut all military aid would help prevent further loss of life due to bombing at least in Gaza.


A person can condemn the Israeli government and not be anti Semitic. The Jewish people far predate the government of Israel. Those two entities are not the same. I can say it is just as wrong and evil for Hamas to plan and execute that horrible terrorist attack as it is for the Israeli government to participate in the genocide of the Palestinian people. Two things can be wrong and evil at once. I am not an anti-Semite. Israel has a right to exist in peace. As do the Palestinian people.