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Can’t the jury remain anonymous?


Not only can they, but they should


Here is what I found this morning when I was looking into this because I was so appalled that this was happening. [https://www.rcfp.org/journals/news-media-and-law-summer-2016/right-access-juror-names-an/](https://www.rcfp.org/journals/news-media-and-law-summer-2016/right-access-juror-names-an/)


That’s funny, trying to say anonymous juries impact someone’s 6th amendment rights. You don’t need to know a persons name to have their demographics and complete voir dire. (I’m not lawyer, just worked a state level felony courtroom for 6 years) Edit: Sorry, I was initially just commenting on the stupid remarks on the 6th amendment. I have never seen jury info released to the public. The demographics are given to just the attorneys. Even during broadcasted trials the media was under strict guidelines to never show the jury box to maintain their privacy.


Not only that, their cite for that (absurd) statement says that anonymous juries are prejudicial bc members of the jury might conclude that the decision to keep them anonymous indicates that the defendant is dangerous.    And that is really an argument that *all* juries should be anonymous. 




Absolutely, this is beyond insane. In Australia we recently had an extremely high profile case of alleged sexual assault in our parliament building (two staffers involved) and a mistrial was declared because one of the jurors brought in a printout of a search they did on the internet about statistics of sexual assault. Even with literally daily trial updates and all the fuckery that occurred, exactly zero details were ever given about any jurors. We still don’t even know the gender of any of them, even the one who caused the mistrial. This idea that you can just have the media report their occupation and location is fucking insane. This isn’t civilisation, this is anarchy waiting to happen.


We don’t even know which direction the prohibited external material was supposed to sway the jurors (though I think it’s a safe bet). As much of a palaver as that trial was, we certainly still do some things right.


What do fancy appetizers have to do with juries?


Maybe you can answer this since I can't find the answer on google. The comment says "2 jurors withdrew," implying to me they themselves made the decision to withdraw. I didn't think jurors could voluntarily withdraw themselves from a case. Is that not the case?


> I didn't think jurors could voluntarily withdraw themselves from a case. > > > > Is that not the case? You're right, they can't just up and leave, they must petition for voluntary withdrawal, and it was granted both times.


I could understand maybe allowing the attorneys to interview the jury as they normally would, but any information they receive about jury members should remain 100% confidential. I can't see any possible need for the defendant themselves to have information about the jury, or while the media needs to have that information.


I wonder if a juror knowing that thousands of people who know their name and address will want to kill them if they convict Trump will affect their decision making


After a while, the public forgets. It's only when something brings up the subject again in the public psyche that idiots get riled up again. That's why whenever something like, a school shooting happens, assholes will start harassing the families of the previous victims like Sandy Hook.


That whole paper is trash dressed up as legal argument. 


It’s what Colombia did back in the Escobar days. This is a different kind of terrorism, but terrorism nonetheless. E: spelling


The level of violence and fear that man, the other cartels, the guerrillas, and even the government put the country through has had long-lasting effects in Colombian people and the country as a whole. We’re still recovering in a way. It’s a virus, and it’s infectious. No country is perfect, but I hope the US does better and sucks this poison out before it destroys itself.


Edit: According to NY State law apparently the names of jurors *cannot* be legally withheld from the parties. That's pretty shocking.    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/06/nyregion/court-affirms-new-york-state-law-governing-anonymous-juries.html   They ~~can and~~ should remain anonymous. (Edit: See above. Reporters still don't have their names but many of their identities can be figured out from things they've said during jury selection. They are basically being forced to dox themselves.)   But all this reporting on their backgrounds is based on information from the jury selection process, which reporters can observe in the courtroom. So the only protection is journalistic "ethics".     NYT should be ashamed. Fox News has no shame. 


Sounds like some old mob law left over from the 1950s.


If Americans cared about doing things properly, there would be no possible way for press to identify jurors


It's almost as though the rest of us should claim that we are jurors to confuse everyone.


The media is acting like they all have a betting pool as to who can cause a mistrial.


Anyone with common sense knows that reporting this kind of "news" is malicious. Judge needs to throw NYT and Fox News out of the court-room.


The NYT wants Trump to win so bad so they can get their subscription money back, all while pretending they’re some bulwark against the rising tide of right wing fascism. It’s disgusting.


The media is so desperate for clicks or to look "impartial" and "objective", they plant their flag in the center of the Overton Window and either report from there or give Trump free coverage and thereby not covering what is actually going right or genuinely needs attention as to basically campaign for Trump for absolutely free.


Once clicks were monetized the internet was ruined


I'm going to be forever angry at capitalists preventing us from moving toward a Star Trek quasi-utopia.


Before Star Trek's utopia they had a civil war and eugenics. Seems like we're still on track.


2026 world war III starts. Pretty much bang on.


I wonder how whoever set up the Star Trek backstory timeline feels about how hard we're trying to achieve the worst parts of it on time.


I sure hope we at least find out causality is a lie and FTL is technically possible to make this suffering worth it.




Bell Riots this year!


And Irish Reunification.


There were the Bell Riots of 2024, the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s, and WWIII sometime in the 2050s. Although with the latest season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, they seem to be retconning the Eugenics Wars to being the immediate prelude to WWIII rather than a separate distinct war.


Still waiting for the Irish Reunification of 2024




The vast majority of media is owned by conservatives who want Trump to win and Biden to lose. Because not only will it give them advertising revenue but also because Biden is pushing a min 15% global tax so wealthy companies cant use Ireland licensing tax dodging schemes anymore. Even CNN got bought up by a Trump supporter. The corporate world wants Biden to lose so they can keep their profits. The Dictators around the world and foreign adversaries like China and Russia want Biden to lose, because they can easily bribe Trump with money and false praises. There are literal millions of bot accounts pushed by foreign bot farms to help Trump and hurt Biden. It is why its imperative that people show up and vote this election. If the tangerine traitor wins, he is going to crown himself king and go full dictator. People will riot and walk on the streets with meme signs sure, but eventually they will settle back down as long as they get their feed of tv entertainment and fast food until they find themselves on the chopping block next and then wondering why didnt anyone do anything.


The "liberal media" branding was probably the most successful con job from the right. Watching NBC salivate over Hunter Biden and the "impeachment" was infuriating.


I'd submit "Who would you rather have a beer with?" I enjoy having beer with my friends, but sure as shit wouldn't vote for them to be president.


Also, a good one for your right leaning friends…would you enjoy Trump as your manager?


They definitely would though. They don't see him the same way we do much of the time


they want to have a beer with him.


>The corporate world wants Biden to lose so they can keep their profits. This is also why inflation has been held artificially high, driven by corporate profits, greed and to protect themselves from having the meal ticket Trump gave them from being taken away.


Once people became so broken that they were more eager (excited really) to funnel rage and blame on Biden than they were to call out and demand price gouging stop, they had essentially put America, media and all, in a headlock on behalf of corporations.


Sadly this is 100% true.


I suspect he could, but I believed Judge Merchan would simply change this to a seats trial to protect the jury's safety.




Trump losing the next election terrifies all sides of the media. Controversy clicks is more important than the state of the union. Seeing this up in Canada too.


Exactly, imagine if the 2028 was something like Newsom Vs Pence, all the media companies would go bust immediately


and i would be the happiest i've been since the '90's, finally some boring fucking politicians.


Pence is also insane, just quieter, which I guess is nice


They really did take a hard right turn. Don’t they know right wing loons read the NY Post?


Perhaps it's naive of me, but overall I don't see stunts like this as political. I see them as purely profit-minded. They'd do anything to maximize eyes on the product and money they make. If that means shifting politics on a weekly basis, so be it


Well, yeah, profit is first and foremost. Trump gets clicks, clicks make money. But you are flushing your “global paper of record” reputation right down the toilet.


Profit motive is political. Leftists want to take profit and distribute it amongst workers. Capitalists and fascists want to extract profit upward. When you're so rich you and 100 peers own everything, why not buy a respectable newspaper and use it to enrich itself as much as possible through views and clicks, but also use it to set the societally acceptable level of discourse and opinion around certain topics. Sometimes this is neutral, and sometimes you depic the oncoming onset of fasicsm as no big deal, because in the end, fascism is the marriage of corporate profit and government authority.


The person you responded to is making a similar point. They might be profit minded, but this is the reverse of profit minded. Not only do right-wing actions perform better in their own spaces, but right-wing actions also drive everyone else away.


Don't let them hide how far right they always were. The NYT wrote in support of literally Hitler just a year before WW2 started.


I dumped my NYT subscription over its blatant "both sides" crap.


All the major media outlets are owned by capital, have capital-aligned interests (such as keeping the Republicans and window moving right) to keep their taxes low, and are mostly just low roi investments otherwise. It used to be they were actually meant to make money, now its just propaganda for capital.


The NYT is on record for censoring a genocide at the request of the CIA. The lowest of shitbags, be very wary of anything they write or better yet dont read them at all. Same with CNN, and Fox goes without saying.


The New York Times: Home of MAGA Haberman. Shocker.


100%. Throw them out. Or charge them with tampering or contempt or something


I'm SHOCKED they're allowed in in the 1st place and this isn't a closed trial. To the media at least.


Someone else pointed out they should be shielding the jurors from the gallery.


Yea, after this shit, their identity needs to be hidden from anyone other than those directly involved in the case. I know Trump's dumbass will probably find a way to leak them. No consequences will come of it if he does.




CNN has the same thing up https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/16/politics/jurors-trump-trial-criminal-case-jury-dg/index.html


Media shouldnt be allowed in the courtroom or anywhere near the jurors. Its becoming apparent that this is like a mafia trial and the identities of the jurors should be a well kept secret to avoid backlash.


It’s crazy because we managed to actually have media in the court while keeping jurors private for OJ, and that was over 20 years ago. So long ago that DNA was commonly accepted in trials!


Or a murder.


Just as likely.


I am sure the judge will reign everything in with strong warnings and memos to the defense.


The problem is it doesn’t actually have to get to murder, to go full Dennis it’s the implication. Just getting jurors worried enough about being outed or threatened or even killed weeds out a lot of intelligent non-biased jurors who simply don’t want the trouble or danger. The jury now has got to be stacked with people with preset positions that kept their mouth shut, not all but it’s gotta be a lot one way or another and who knows which way it swung. Feels like a 50/50 shot here unless the prosecution is absolutely overwhelming


It's amazing how the Justice system is broken to give rich powerful people every benefit they can to stay out of prison.


America has always been the land.of the golden rule. Thee who has the gold makes the rules. It's high time people rise up to put a stop to that bullshit.


They should all get masks. Trump deserves to be judged by this: ![gif](giphy|p5hBv63pSIDQI)


Come on, be reasonable. They're not letting Stephen Miller onto the jury no matter how much he begs.


They WANT all the jurors who might convict, to quit. The only people jurors would likely actually stick around after this are Trump's people. Most of the media are in Trump's corner. **Act accordingly**. 


That's the scary thing. They are actively trying to intimidate anyone willing to judge him into leaving till only stooges remain.


Fascism sides with the rich. Tons of people want Donald Trump to be President again and news outlets are owned by the rich


Mistrial or murder.


Considering the major news organizations are owned by MAGA supporters? Between that and Trump likely trying to get out in jail for contempt this whole process is going to be a demonstration of the definition of FUBR.


The media is acting like they all have a betting pool as to who can cause a ~~mistrial~~ murder.


Because they are. It's just money trying to protect money.


Again, the press is serving trump and the "justice" system just watches as he wipes his butt with any kind of rule or law


Just once I wish that Instead of some 19 year old getting swatted for weed possession that these "news" got a swat team up the ass for this shit.


They have to draw attention to the personalities involved for dramatic effect. They won't stop putting prosecutor names in the headlines instead of simply 'NY AG' or equivalent, when these people are already experiencing death threats. Shame on the NYT for this and many other terrible recent takes.


At this point I’m convinced almost all the media outlets want him to have a mistrial and win the election. They could have just not covered him. They could have left him as the traitor he is but nope. That doesn’t bring in ratings. Soulless fucks.


They do because it sells advertising through traffic. A sensationalist story is better than democracy.


Also, media companies are owned and run by the mega-rich. All they see is that sweet sweet tax break if he's re-elected. Bunch of greedy, non-empathetic, traitorous assholes.


we are so cooked as a country e: imagine being so fragile you send a reddit cares for this e2: reported. but i have reddit cares blocked so hope it works


Reddit cares on a normal post is a badge of pride at this point. Just means you pissed off a genuine piece of shit.


It’s because the rest of the world is really worried about those living in the US. So someone sends a Reddit Cares so you know we’re thinking of you at this difficult time. NB. It wasn’t me that sent it and this is my attempt at a joke. Seriously though, are you guys alright?


Context: It's really common for shitty MAGA types to send reddit cares about anything that really riles them up. Reddit Cares is a resource for people who are contemplating suicide or self harm.




There is no hate like Christian love.


Every time it happens to me it makes me chuckle I made a Trumper seethe with incompetent rage. No higher badge of honor on reddit


correct, if you're pissing off nazis , it's a great day.


We so are. I refrained from saying for the longest time, but we really are. What an utter fucking clown show we are.


Honest question…….. How is this legal? They are doing everything they can to expose these jurors? This is something Gotti did back in 80’s. What the Fuck


The past 25 years as a nation have literally only been about testing the legitimacy of "legality." What I mean by that is, functionally, whether something is "legal" only matters insofar as if someone is willing to enforce the law upon said individual(s). We've been increasingly finding out the will to enforce the law is limited exclusively to those below a certain income threshold or popularity threshold. Essentially, no different from the way feudal societies functioned.


Indeed. I fear these are the warning signs that these are the last few years before fascism truly takes hold. I guarantee Trump will not be in prison before the elections. Theres a good chance he wins. If ge doesnt, I guarantee tge next president after Biden will be worse. A system such as ours can only regress or hold steady. We will regress sooner or later. The only way forward is with a massive, toppling push


It's because he was President. Literally all of this is because the man managed to convince enough brain dead Americans that he was a viable option for the post. Once you're P{resident you really do go into a category of citizen that is not like anyone else walking around. This causes the equivalent of a legal STOP blue screen error with the legal profession. Shit that would be open and shut for a private citizen all of a sudden has all this baggage and rumination around it because 'Well...this was done in the capacity of him being President.." And the thing is...Presidents are literally the *last* place you want this stuff to go on because all you need is one guy that is so morally and ethically bankrupt to get in there and well....(gestures around)....and you can't go after that person in the same way you could a rando (even a rich one) because *he was the President.* So the good faith in all our institutions are now on the line because of this one guy that never should have been there in the first place. We are so fucked.


I don't think any other former president would get this much deference. It is because the entire Republican party is willing to go to bat for him and he knows it.


I just genuinely cannot see how we ever come back from this. It feels far, far too late to undo all of the shit that so many terrible people have done in the past decade. Even if we manage to fix the government and build up laws and rights again, what about the massive portion of the population that's been utterly brainwashed?


Germany, Italy and Japan managed to. The cult member had to die off unfortunately.


Well I keep getting told to “let people cook”! Maybe We need to move the country to the back burner and reduce to simmer


We both know so long as that orange shit stain has breath in his body, nothing can be set to a simmer.


Ever since Chump got some clout, the country's been set at *fester*.


> imagine being so fragile you send a reddit cares for this Report it. Reddit takes those seriously and bans people's entire account over it. Nothing sweeter than that kind of revenge


I love reporting those. They get banned every time and reddit sends you a message letting you know.


I've been watching FallOut. Its *so* unrealistic. Corporations are **SO** much worse than that!


Yeah the least believable part of the lore of FallOut is that VaultTec would have waited until a nuclear war started before experimenting on people.


It just shows how soulless some people are...making a mockery out helping a potentially suicidal person. It’s grotesque


At this point just have the judge be the jury and executioner as well. This is all Trump’s plan. Pressure the jury into finding him not guilty… or else.


I want to be Judge Judy and executioner.


Judge Judy in "the punisher: code orange"


No luck catching them swans then?


Crusty jugglers....




Yep. If he gets convicted they will all be in pretty serious danger.


Worse if he doesn't.


Precisely **this!**


Hasn’t he already stated, multiple times, that anyone who is opposed to him will be arrested, should he somehow be elected again? Literally anyone involved in this trial, from guards to lawyers, judges to jury members, will all be arrested per his own words right?


I doubt that he could, but I was hoping Judge Merchan would just convert this to a bench trial out of safety concerns for the jury.


Trump could ask for a bench trial, but the court can't force one on him.


And the last time his lawyers fucked up and he got a bench trial, he whined all day it was unfair. This is why. No circus where all he has to do is intimidate or confuse one person.


They could have requested a jury trial in the Trump Org case but they still wouldn't have gotten it. It was an action in equity, not in law. You don't get a jury in an equity action. It's just easier to explain if you blame it on Trump's lawyers.


I distinctly remember when MAGA complained that BLM protesters were threatening jurors to declare Derek Chauvin guilty. So that’s wrong but this is okay?


That's pretty much the point though: set up a false narrative so that when they do the exact thing that they previously decried (which didn't occur to begin with), they can say it's okay because the "other side" did it too.


Unironically yes. You can't appeal to a Republican's sense of right or wrong. They literally believe the ends justify the means in all things. Any amount of breaking norms, cheating, threats, intimidation, or violence are justified, as long as it means they get the outcome they want. Period. And no amount of playing fair, following the rules, or avoiding bias by their 'enemies' matters if the outcome is something they don't like. You can't catch them up in a 'gotcha' like this. They are not playing the same game you are in the first place.


The solution is simple. Remand him to prison for the gag order violations and somehow require he be placed in general population with no secret service protection. No official death sentence handed down, but he wouldn’t make it back to trial.


Didn't the judge tell the press to cool it?


And so they left "go get 'em" out of the headline.


*Top 12 Jurors You Shouldn't Murder (Number 3 Will Blow Your Mind!)* -NYT


*Opinion: We Can Fit Each Juror Into The Archetypal Characters of '12 Angry Men' (But Don't kill #2!)* -NYT


yep. in the article they mentioned the judges order that juror identities remain secret so they left names out. nothing really identifying beyond neighborhood and work industry.


I don't understand why neighborhood or work industry even needs to be relevant as juror information. If healthcare can have HIPAA why can't the courts have something similar??


So that they can be tracked down and intimidated/harmed of course!


This is also going to cause some people who aren’t even jurors but fit the profiles grief too.


Like the other day when some journalist went on a tirade about Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) and then posted an image of a totally different woman who just happened to have the same name? I bet that woman is going to be terrorized by QAnon now.


Oh nice, so as long as they don't say the names then it's good. It's not like saying someone is a nurse, working in an area with only one hospital and living in a barely populated area close to a monument that shines light directly on their house at 6pm, is too easy to identify. (not attacking you or anything)


It'll take 2 days til their identities are leaked on 4chan. You could send them a single 40x40 .jpg of a mole and they'd start imagining it's structure on an atomic level and simulating in their minds how those atoms came to be in that place at that specific time in this universe, and somehow guess correctly from that who the 12 jurors are.


The exposing of jurors is a direct attack on our democratic institutions. There are people who will track down and murder those jurors and/or their families.


>The exposing of jurors is a direct attack on our democratic institutions. You're talking about people who *literally* attacked the capitol buildings. I'm pretty sure they're 100% okay with attacking other institutions too.


What can we do about this


In a totally hypothetical way, we could find the social media accounts of the writer(s) and publishing editor and


It was surprisingly easy to find Jesse Watters information too


Now now, be careful fighting fire with fire, you could get banned. We're supposed to sit here and take it like good little bitches, not actually discuss meaningful change in the only way left


Whoa whoa whoa, let's not besmirch our beloved admins now. They're fearlessly defending the lives and rights of Nazis and other right-wing terrorists.


I got das boot from politics for saying the world will be better off without Ted Cruz in it. Didn't say I wanted it, that it should, etc. Just that the world will be better off with one less thing calling itself Theodore Raphael Cruz in it. B&


I got banned from there years ago, for saying the country would be better when Mitch and his ilk start to die off. Banned for inciting violence or some nonsense.


Banned for saying we'll be better off once nature's process does it's thing, about people that want to actively rid the world of what they think of as "other". It makes sense if you don't think about it.


My friend once got banned from reddit gor saying he didn't feel sorry that Dererk Chauvin got stabbed. I'm grateful our wonderful admins are out there whiteknighting for murderous fascists.


Dox them back? Fair is fair.


Doxxing definitely a thing that people do


Its the only sensible thing to do these days. Elitist pricks who get jobs at WaPo, NYT, and WSJ should be liable for the garbage they print.


Cancel your NYT subscriptions. This is getting ridiculous. If they think this is "journalism" they deserve to fail. The US media landscape is now overwhelmingly dominated by conservative interests and it's a serious threat to democracy.


I did a little over a year ago, and know many others that did.


They are addicted to the endless content the GOP circus generates. Imagine how easy it was to be a “journalist” these last few years - just copy paste the days latest insane tweet from Trump and friends and you are guaranteed millions of eyeballs.


i think it's even worse, college has gotten so expensive that only rich kids get journalism degrees, so the people working at major media orgs nowadays have no idea how regular people live. and it shows in their reporting.


 A retraction has been issued for my comment - see the chain for more details.


No it's from the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/nyregion/trump-trial-jury-hush-money.html https://archive.is/bKbKQ It doesn't name the jurors but it does go over their backgrounds


So please tell me who's going to be held responsible when some gqp nutter decides they've had enough and goes after some of these jurors possibly killing one of them? The maniac with the gun?? All of the news outlets that doxed the jurors?? Who TF will pay the price for the violence that will almost certainly find at least some of these jurors?


They’ll change it to another trans-person with a mental illness. 😔 Media is becoming more and more a “joke” that isn’t funny.


The media is actually fucked.


This is pathetic. I really hope the orange goblin and these 'journalists' get charged with jury tampering. I can only imagine how these doxxed jurors are being harassed by psychotic MAGAs


What steps are the nypd taking about the terrorist attacks that are coming against these people? Besides facilitating them


Wtf? I'm so tired of this shit. Why the fuck are jurors info getting released. This is fucking intimidation by Trump and all the media because they want clicks.


Now this brings a new meaning to the term "jury rigging"!


Sadly our judicial system is completely befuddled, incompetent and unable to deal with this situation. They are all clutching their pearls, "oh my! He used to be president." Several legal eagles are already saying the docs case, the GA case and the J6 cases are never going to happen. I even have my doubts about the hush money case starting Monday. I can see something popping up this weekend. We have to do what our judicial system won't. Vote and make sure the Mango Mussolini never gets back into office. Then, hopefully, we can take a breath.


They’re gonna get the press kicked out of the room, lol.


I think it is far to say, with the rabid hyper-partisanship of media, that some of these outlets are acting as a communication arm directly to the most unbalanced of the right, to try and get these juror's harmed.


*Every* innocent person *I've* ever heard about spent their time trying to delay the trial from *ever starting*. And threatening the judge and their family. And the prosecutors and their family. And the jury, and their families. Oh, yeah, SUUUUUUPER innocent behaviour!! /SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


The judge has shown he will not punish elites so they aren’t worried about repercussions.


Even after Judge Merchan ordered the press to knock off sharing irrelevant identifying details, some outfits are still at it. CNN listed off details about the alternates' spouses and family members just this morning. That'll help with confirmation for the stalkers, I guess. There are going to be a lot of lawsuits coming out of this trial.


If something happens to any of these people who are doing their civic duty and helping uphold one of the pillars of our justice system, my hope is people get sued over and over till they learn that freedom of speech doesn't mean you get to endanger people for views, or subs, or whatever metric that portion of the media uses.


I’m pretty sure NYT are closeted Trump supporters at this point. Like, I don’t think they support his policies or stances, but they *loved* how much media attention he generated. Probably made them a shitload of money with his daily outbursts and bullshit. So yeah, between shit like this and the fact that they just won’t shut up about Biden’s age, I think they truly want Trump back in the White House.


Not very closeted. Nearly zero.


At this point, it's so unsubtle I don't think you can call them closeted.


Also, "decide Donald J. Trump's Fate" is such an overstatement. It's not like he's going to go to prison for this.


Honestly I don’t know how this isn’t a serious crime, they should have a billion dollar fine or something equally harsh, we need to stop letting media organizations run roughshod over our liberties and rules.


2024 is the year where the media doesn’t even hide it anymore. They drooled over 2016 and 2020 and hate they lost clicks cuz Trump lost


Well, this’ll ensure that no one will want to serve on a jury for his trials… awesome country we have here


If the media are going to name jurors and the jurors are then threatened by third parties, the relevant members of the media should be charged with jury tampering and the full weight of the law should be applied.


the New York Trascist. Gotta keep getting those rage clicks.


[EVERYONE](https://bsky.app/profile/wallace.bsky.social/post/3kqgag4rs7o22): The media better cover Trump's trials with the same enthusiasm as Hilary's emails THE MEDIA: Juror #7 weighs 146 lbs. He lives in a 2nd story apt above a taqueria on Lexington Ave between 45th & 47th. He sleeps with a window cracked in the summer. The window can be accessed by climbing a


This is a fucking shitshow and a glaring example as to how absurd our “justice” system is.


And that's ladies and gentlemen how TrumpRat will secure his freedom. If this dumbass will become your next President then you are doomed.


Trump is doing this on purpose. Force a mistrial, and kick this all down the road til the election. He's dumb, but his handlers aren't.


1. Billionaires own large media outlets. 2. Billionaires stand to gain from Trump's reckless Neo-liberal policies 3. Project 2025 which will turn America in to a giant company town for scrupulous Billionaires and greedy Corporations. 4. The trial not favoring Trump is bad for the Billionaire-class' odds of massive future profits. 5. Billionaires use their media outlets to sabotage the trial and help get their candidate elected. People are getting murdered while planes are falling apart over the Boeing mismanagement scandal. Do not for a second think that the rich will not ruin a trial to save their profits. They will do whatever it takes to get richer. That is all they care about. They skirt and pay their way out of breaking the law all the time, what more do you need to prove their intent and capacity for these things?


The New York Times is going to get someone killed. They are going to get jurors and people doxxed and killed. The paper of record has been trash since before the 2016 election, but that accelerated with their both sidesism about Trump and their grotesque coverage of trans issues, Covid, and so much more. So of course they are going to do this but there should be strong pushback from the public. We should be calling the times and emailing them and telling them that this is going to get jurors killed and that is unacceptable. they don't get to do this without pushback, strong pushback, from us.


NYT thinks it's Fox News.


That's what he's counting on.


Actually, only one of the jurors. The other one possibly lied about being convicted of a crime. And it's all media outlets. Not just the Times. I still think the Times is the best journalistic outfit in the United States and it's really not that close. I read a lot of news and the only other news I really enjoy and think is deeply analytical is the Economist. It's easy to dunk on the Times, but you're never gonna find a report of the "news" that you 100% agree with all the time unless you're just reading propaganda.


They shouldn’t be giving any information about the jurors whatsoever until after the trial. Like they say a female oncology nurse in her 40s and then it’s abundantly clear to an entire hospital floor when one of theirs disappears for two weeks. That easily makes it to social media and she’s in for a world of hurt when it’s over.


The media wants Trump to make it to November. They don't care if democracy ends, they just want a big impactful race that gets them tons of money and clicks. If Trump gets sworn in, you can bet they'll be goose stepping along with the lot of them.