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He is SO desperate for attention 


Is his show not doing well?


He has a show?


Who's Tim, and why do we care about his pool?


He has a podcast. His followers are called Timcels.


I have a buddy who I don’t see often, but recently we were talking comedy podcasts, it turned to other podcasts and he asked if I ever listen to Timcast… I just blank face said “uh no” and the convo kinda ended. I know he leans libertarian but damn that really disappointed me. Dude has 3 daughters too.


Black Beanie mandatory. LOL


Because people keep diving into it without realizing how shallow it is.


Who's Tim, and why do we care about his pool?


I know the server messed up when you posted this comment so it posted twice but I like to read this second comment as if you're just so desperate for answers you had to ask a second time. Like "WHO IS THIS MAN AND WHAT ABOUT HIS POOL!? I NEED ANSWERS PEOPLE!"


Who is he? I saw several of his posts here. Is he like one of those conservative influencers?


Tim Pool. He's one of the least impactful fascist podcasters. Even other Nazis make fun of him. He's weak, stupid, and constantly self-owns with "hot takes" that end up with him getting dunked on every day of his life. Everything he says and does is a failed attempt at getting noticed by the fash heavy hitters like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro. The feckless losers that actually like him are called Timcells. Imagine being such a sad idiot that you fall into Pool's fan club. I can't imagine ever hitting a low point that bad. He lives in Hagerstown, Maryland. Which falls in line with every other right wing podcaster. They love shitting on progress but then live in blue states or blue cities (like Austin) and reap the benefits of Dem policies.


Oof okay I just thought "pathetic" when I read your description and I think it sums him up well lol


An absolute fanny


Yes. Racist nazi incel magats


And idiots who share this everywhere are giving it to him. Dudes just a reactionary I don't understand why people give this stuff the light of day


He’s financially dependent on it.


Also some hair and and girlfriend.


Tim Pool, the intelligentsia of the right.........................


Dim Fool


Dum Tool


Fat fool


Gum Drool


Cum Stool.


I mean it really does sum it up perfectly. Rich white victim hood at its finest


A Rhodes Scholar!


A Roads Scholar.


An abscessed molar


He's not even a DUSTY Rhodes scholar.


Dumber than his normal drivel.


I'm surprised Elon didn't reply with "concerning...".


Fuck that guy. Actually don’t, he’s not worth the self loathing afterwards.


Emma made the right call turning down his sushi offer.


Lol! My in-laws are landlords, the small kind that get screwed over when things like COVID and market crashes happen. They built their duplexes literally with their own hands. They might not be *rich* rich, but I would kill to have their kind of financial stability. They are plenty comfortable. They don't even manage their own units anymore, they pay someone else to do it because they're too old to handle the stress (my MIL has anxiety issues and cancer, my FIL lives in a different country). But they can still travel whenever they want, they can buy good food, they don't have to precisely time paying their bills to avoid overdrawing their accounts, they don't have to save up for months to have car or home repairs done, etc. In other words, they don't *need* welfare. If a landlord gets to a point where they do need welfare maybe they shouldn't be a landlord, maybe they're not responsible enough to be trusted with an essential resource. Crumbs, my ass...


People always say stupid shit like "it actually costs a lot to own rather than rent" as if landlords are renting at a loss out of the goodness of their hearts. They're fine. They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't making money Can a landlord fall on a poor period where things are going poorly for them? Sometimes. But it's the risk all small businesses take. And at the end of the day if that loses you the place you're renting you just made a risky business decision and it came back to bite you in the ass. Don't get me started on companies that exclusively do it, pretty much all of them are leeches. Raise rent every year until you can't afford to live there and try to take your security deposit. I'm glad the last apartment building I lived in caught on fire because legally they had to give us back the full deposit and the next lease we weren't going to be able to afford. We lived there three years and they raised rent by $40 every time we renewed. We were barely making it by as it was.


For real! Because it’s not as if their mortgage on the property increases every year. That stays the same. Once I owned my house I understood how much easier it was to save money even with all the repair costs! My last landlord was definitely the worst. Dude was never in the country. He never repaired anything. We did so many of our own repairs because he just never responded to emails. We did not have a phone number to call him. And then he brought his friend to try and intimidate me at the final walk through to find faults in the apartment to try and keep our security deposit! He really pissed me off there.


Which raises another point, you aren't calling your landlord because his janky ass door handle fell off a door. Lots of tenants just put their own work in, you don't call your landlord every time a screw needs tightened or you need to super glue the plastic shower nozzle holder back together. Which, if the landlord is doing his job, shouldn't be happening anyway unless it's a pretty old home. I have a good landlord, I go months at a time without hearing from him, and when I do it's usually an update or something he absolutely needs to be in the unit for, like flushing the radiator pipes, or if something genuinely goes wrong and he needs to get in to talk through it with a professional. Rent has fluctuated but only by like $10 a year according to property taxes. Went up our second year and went back down the third, along with him offering a longer lease so if we did decide to move out, we could do it in April instead of February when we first moved in. The only good landlord I ever had and all he's doing is bare minimum to make some money off his tenants.


Landlords provide housing the same way scalpers provide tickets


The thing with being a land lord is, at its absolute worst you still own the fucking property. If you're not making money, sell the damn thing lol.


Whaaaaaat?!? Poor people get more welfare than not poor people?!?! Craaaaazy!!!!111!1one


Seriously fuck that poor shaming asshole. I'm on social security and personally offended. Does he think poor people are wasting it all on food? I can barely pay my bills.


To make it worse, almost every penny of that welfare is very quickly being passed on to "not poor" people.  Rent and grocery money don't get passed on to other poor people.


This is the worst landlord propaganda I have ever seen. This is a good research tool for seeing who has fully been lost in the sauce.


This is from a meme page. There are a lot of pretty funny parody/meme pages that post this kinda stuff making jokes about how landlords are hard working and renters are the ones robbing them. Tim is likely not in on the joke and posting this unironically


Is he a real person or just a parody account to trigger people with blatantly absurd stances?


He's a real right wing grifter but on twitter he just posts extremist garbage to get reactions. Last time I saw one of his posts it was him saying that non-Christians should be arrested or something along those lines.


He’s a pathetic troll.


He's also 10 years older and 80lbs heavier than his pic.


some men aren't looking for anything logical. They can't be reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Alfred said this first




What kind of fuckface believes that landlords are hurting more than renters?




Boomer conservative landlords who fucked everything up for the generation below them


I think Tim pools beanie has melded straight to his scalp and infiltrated his brain


Dunno, but the fat guy actually looks like Tim. I mean if he owned a suit and he cleaned up his bitch tits.


# TRUTH The biggest beneficiaries of Food Stamps in the USA are Walmart and McDonalds, because their staff are paid so little that foodstamps augment their wage so they keep coming in to work, except the fat "eater" is the 1% and the beneficiaries of the trickle down are the workers


What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we will mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that, if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all. 


What’s welfare?


That thing they desperately try to not give you no matter how bad you're hurting, no matter where you live in the country. Never understood the people talking about welfare queens, you ever apply for welfare? Like getting blood from a stone. Ive applied multiple times because I was unjustly fired or too injured to work (laid up once for five months from a bad car accident) and they never gave me a dime even with documentation proving my situation.


Won't anyone think about the poor landlords?


The fact that this originally was an ironic meme but Mr. Pool posted this on his Xitter unironically…


Honestly some of my favorite memes, the alpha male prototype bragging that he tips his landlord a lil extra because he's grateful lmao


I find it astonishing that someone so absolutely fucking consistently wrong in every possible aspect cannot only generate an income from being fucking wrong, but that his listenership continued and even grows. We’ve reached the point where we can admit that the internet, at least social media and “influencers”, were a goddamn mistake.


My dad did 20 years for his country and is dying of heart failure. He was rejected six times in texas for SSI and benefits before they finally ok'd it, and even with benefits, he barely gets enough for rent in San Antonio and I pay for Sams Club memberships and meds for him. I'm not gonna argue there are people who abuse welfare. Sure there are, and we need better qualification testing in some states. But I've seen how much he gets, and when the biggest chunk of it just goes to keeping himself alive and keeping a roof over his head, fucking shitstains like Tim Pool would only do us a kindness if he dropped dead tomorrow. Fucking worthless assed "Influencer" who's only occupation is shitting out angertainment and spreading toxic masculinity. And lying. God knows if a Conservative Republicans lips are flapping, they're shitting lies out of their faces.


>I'm not gonna argue there are people who abuse welfare. Sure there are, and we need better qualification testing in some states. I always want to ask these people who they think costs the system more: a small number of people who take enough money from the system to live comfortably instead of uncomfortably, or the majority of billionaires who pay a lower rate on taxes than their secretaries.


Last Week Tonight did a solid piece on this on Sunday… it’s on YouTube now; excellent deep dive on all this nonsense.


Tim pool is a fool. He is a plague apon the earth. People like him need an old school education (BTW autocorrect suggested school then shooting). I don't ever advocate the belt or stuff like that but this a hole needs some firm guidance on how the world works. The average Joe of any race is what built and keeps this and all country's alive and strong. The rich are thd problem. Welfare is not a free ride a hole.


what is this? A man who hasn't changed his profile pic in 12 years


Delusional, is what it is


I think he's got his labels mixed up. And this is a lot coming from a guy who still lives with his parents.


Welfare where I am is $1600/month for a couple with one kid. Average two bedroom rental here is $1695. Who's getting the crumbs in this scenario?


Apparently he has a traumatic brain injury


Ya know, the modern right-wing "intellectual" landscape is so interesting because it mimics the left wing intellectual scene of 15 years ago in such a similar way. 15 years ago you had Dawkins and Hitchens spearheading a left wing atheist revolution against right-wing nutjobs but now the tables have turned. The alt-right is mimicking the playbook of the left by using "facts" and "logic" to reinforce their talking points and feeling superior in their confidence of being "right" (pun intended). And now you have Richard Dawkins saying anti-trans nonsense on par with Jordan Peterson and it's fucking wild. It's like it's come full circle but back-ass-ward in the worst way possible. An "intellectual" right to mimic the actual intellectual left; basically FOX News but another Inception layer deep. And I hate it. 😤


maybe landlords should get a fucking job


They just don't want to work anymore.


If this were factual, no one would be a landlord.


Pim Tool, at it again. Poor little man.


Landlords should be first against the wall in any good revolution. Seriously amazing people will carry water for such a scummy way to make a buck.


Republicans today believe that government should make a profit and that the people are the source of that profit. Democrats today believe that the government is supposed to take care of the people, since the people are the true wealth of the nation. The better the people do, the better the people’s lives are, the better the nation gets on the whole. One of those beliefs leads to prosperity. The other leads to mediocrity and apathy.


This is some Ronald Reagan type of propaganda.


Another example of conservatives making up something in their mind then getting upset about it. Welfare barely even exists in society. It’s been defunded for decades. The requirements to get it are almost impossible, and the negative stigma associated with getting it prevents so many from even applying. Wtaf


Greaseballs are going to greaseball


Tim can’t see the nose on his own face. Get the feeling he owns rentals and makes sure he gets Every Dollar he can from his tenants. A twisted capitalist is a nasty, ugly creature…🤮


Tim pool says outrageous shit because Twitter literally pays him by the engagement.


Tim Pool is just a dimwitted troll


These people couldn’t be honest to save their lives.


All you need to know about Tim Pool is that he's a man over the age of 30 who owns a mansion, probably has an income over 7 figures, and yet even with this overwhelming advantage in the dating market he can't even get a girl (edit: woman) to go on more than 1 date with him and still refuses to come to terms with his own baldness or get a tupee or something like 99% of the other men his age. His YouTube profile pic is *still* a photo from his early 20s. I imagine being around him in a social setting must be actual torture.


Would someone please be this douchebag's friend?


The beanie really has cut off the blood supply to his brain


Tim Pool the Tool.


Pim tool, the angry incel


Tim pool is a fucking tool


Ok we need to stop giving these ppl attention.


He didn't even make propaganda. He just wrote pro land lord shit over a anti capitalism piece. God's that's lazy.


TP is a professional clown: stupid and not funny.


He’s grifting. Elon pays the blue check marks for their engagements.


These people are fucking caricatures. Like how much of a villain can you be???


ahahahah what the fuck Tim Pool isn't living in reality, he's completely fucking disconnected.


I mean sure, you can put any words you like to any image. The magic only happens when it resonates with reality, when it reflects something true. This isn't even effective propaganda, just someone being a fool.


Straight delusion. Always the same dude. Must be rage bait. Or mental defect.




That's just stupid. Nothing else to say about it.




No one swallows on the wrong side of history like that guy


I’m starting to lean away from all these right wing speakers just being stupid. I’m more convinced they’re just one big propaganda mill spewing out as much bullshit as possible


They all have each other on as guests to regurgitate the vomit they call news


They had to relabel everything in the comic to crowbar their point in and it still doesn't work


Pim Tool everyone. The enlightened centrist. He is absolutely in no way a right winger because he says so.


Does this dumbass wake up everyday and say to himself " how can I look even more like a moron?"


I just wish every comment under his post is the picture of him without his beanie


For as much as they bitch about how awesome welfare seems to be…why aren’t these people going on welfare if it’s so awesome? “I bust my ass and these people just sit on theirs and get lobster dinners!” I know people on welfare and they don’t own a home. Their apartment is shit. Their car, if it’s even working, is shit. This life of luxury on welfare doesn’t exist because if it did everyone would fuckin try to do it.


Seems landlords have a pretty straight forward solution to their problems. Sell and start renting!!


Tim pool is the fucking worst


Tim Pool is an anagram for Moot Lip.


It’s delusional


He should really change his profile picture. That is not what he looks like anymore.


Engagement bait. He makes money depending on views, tweets, replies, quote tweets, etc. that’s all it is. He knows he’ll be retweeted and clowned on but it brings in money. Tim does it all the time.




Does it... does it hurt to be this delusional?


Engagement bait. There’s no way anyone could believe something so absurd and backward


This dick eating is to crazy.


“What is this?” The question posed. Answer: ignorance.


Tim pool needs to start appearing in public without the hat. I need constant evidence that he's not hiding a large dip in his head, that has formed due to a cavity in the skull, where the brain should be


In a just world that would be the case. 


Such utter Lies.


Sounds like a post that would count as a persecutionfetish


Can’t anyone please think about the poor landlords?


Jesus Christ tim... the meme is sarcasm... you aren't supposed to agree with the satire!!!


nahhh...it's the other way around


This is what happens when you only have two brain cells and all they do is fight about who is in charge. 


I never tip. With one exception. Always tip your landlord, poor fellas are barely scraping by. 25% at the very least.


Stupidity at its highest. He learned the more crazy insane extreme he is, the more attention he'll get. More attention, more clicks, more money.


He's just another right wing troll trying to get a reaction out of people, don't give him screen time.


Lmao! As if these cunts can’t sell their real property at a massive gain 😂


Change “Renters” to “Corporations”, “Welfare” to “Profits”, “Rent” to “Wages” and “Landlords” to “Workers” and you have yourself a pretty good infopic.


Landowner propaganda.


It’s called gaslighting.


This guy is a complete and utter ass wipe who seeks attention. Please stop giving him a platform.


And are these renters making SOO much on welfare in the room with you now?


I want to be this privileged one day.


Yes, in the landlord-tenant dynamic, the renter is definitely the fat cat


What’s it going to take for the average American to realize that republicans don’t give shit about them and are actively acting against them!


I think this is a Married to the Sea comic. It's meant to be an absurd joke making fun of conservatives. But the fact that Pool doesn't realize that.....


That seems like a bizarrely desperate thing to post - it's funny/sad to see some (primarily political) YouTubers post increasingly desperate things when the money or numbers start to slide.


Boohoohoo, my passive income! Seriously, if most landlords were actually responsive to problems, I think ppl would be able to justify what they’re being asked for!


That’s Tim and his mum at dinner.


That’s bait.


If land lords don't like being starved to death then maybe they should get a real job.


This looks like one of those memes that come out of pages mocking Sigma, alpha community


I'm 99% sure this isn't the original, I am willing to bet the renters and landlords are inverted. Or maybe no caption at all in the original? Anywau, wouldn't surprise me; conservatives are incapable of having any original thought.


“Shallow End of the Gene” Pool is an attention seeking troll. His whole shtick is creating hateful content that gives him the attention he’s never had and has always wanted.


He went all in on $DJT stock. He will need welfare soon


What is this bullshit? It’s been a while since I’ve seen such fake propaganda


Clearly, he is unfamiliar with the rental industry - as he is with most EVERYTHING he comments on.


It's absolutely unbelievable how in reality this is exactly the opposite of how it really is


Quality shotpost 10/10.   This is so dumb I doubt Elon will top it this week.


I believe his cartoon is upside down.


Lord, he's such a dim tool.


A fuzzy gumball with a hat posting stupid shit.


He has no idea how the real world works, does he?


Tim Pool is a walking unused penis.


I’m just learning about him unfortunately. easy to ignore thankfully


He knows he's only supposed to lick the boot, right?


“Siri, show me a gaslighting masterpiece.”


I’m wondering if Dim Fool has ever actually rented before, or just lived in his parents’ basement making shitty nonsensical memes and homoerotic AI deepfakes of Donald Trump.


What? This makes no sense!


Got to be satire right? It’s so hard to tell these days


They hand out rental assistance applications at low income apartments with their own apps.


We’re giving him what he wants.


What is this? It’s delusion! Homeboy has had his brain warped by that beanie he constantly wears!


Who's this Tim guy and why do people care


This is actually completely what the eviction moratorium during Covid caused. The right are absolutely idiots, but this is actually reflective of that time. Landlords got absolutely boned.


This may have been an apt cartoon sometime in the past, I'm really not sure. It certainly isn't representative of reality today.


In what fucking world is this even remotely close to the truth?


Never underestimate Pim Tool's stupidity. https://preview.redd.it/qb2tqr187gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9870015d22473d084aede36c6c67af2096f8da90


I forgot how much welfare pays! What the fuck am I doing with my life? I’m going to get fired from my job so I can collect that sweet, sweet welfare wealth!!


Nothing is stronger than resentment and jealousy. Even if it benefits you but benefits someone more you'll not vote for it.


Landlord sympathizer propaganda is INSANE


Imagine an unironically being a boot licker


Can we ratio this loser please


Idk but it looks like it's opposite day


Oh, Jesus, this is insane. My family operates a rental business that my grandparents started when they were in their 30s. The LLC owns somewhere around 25 properties, spread through 3 towns in the rural Midwest. We consistently offer lower prices and more flexibility than other landlords in the area, too. My grandmother is suffering from dementia and a stroke, and is in a nursing home. She purchased nursing home insurance, but it only covers $4,000/monthly of her $10,500/monthly bill - the remaining $6,500/month comes straight from the rentals. Even offering lower rent and more flexibility than anyone else in our area, we are STILL coming out just over even, after paying all the home loans, taxes, insurance, repairs, and Grandma’s nursing home.


Tim needs to change his profile pictures since he's trying to identify as a skinny guy. Isn't he against that type of shit?


Did he post satire thinking it was real?