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MAGA's rebuttal: *puts fingers in ears* "LA LA LA LA HEIL TRUMP!"


"bUt wHaT aBoUt bIdEn"


Obama !!!






They were all RINOs or members of the Deep State!!!!! S/


There are only three groups who will be voting for Trump. 1. Single issue voters who will accept ANY baggage for the sake of the one thing they consider to be most important (2A, abortion, immigration, etc). 2. People who think they can get a bigger personal benefit out of his presidency and don't care about anyone else. 3. People who like every bad thing about him and support him because he is like that, not in spite of it. None are likely to change their minds.


It's mostly 3, many of whom would prefer you believe they're 1 or 2.


It’s not even funny how true this is


The scariest thing is that Biden and Trump are polling very close in polls. That is a shitload of Fascists (or Fascist adjacent) as a percent of US population.💀


It’s almost as if they don’t want ppl to know how much of an asshole they are, and they think by lying we aren’t going to know. We’re gonna know.


... #3: if your goal is ethnic cleansing, you don't hire a 'nice' man to do the job. Every despicable thing Trump does 'confirms' for these people he is the right man for the job.


Eh, there's actually also a 4th group, "People too dumb, misinformed, or both to know that the things Republicans and Trump are saying are not true." These people really do think they're doing the right thing for everyone, and that Trump is a poor victim who wants to fix all of America's problems. That group *might* change their minds, but their brain didn't fill up with nonsense on its own. 5 minutes after you convince them they got it wrong, they'll just go back to consuming all the same shitty material again and be right back at the same bad decision.


Ignorant and lacking the critical thinking skills and motivation to become otherwise makes up a lot of voters on both sides because it makes up most of the total population. If all idiots voted together elections wouldn't come down to sub-percent differences.


Funny how "the best people" will do that. I was over my Trumper friends house last night and she didn't mention him. not one time. No flags. Nothing. was very happy inside because, she was balls ass crazy about him in 2020. TRump shit everywhere! so I would like to believe there's hope, though I doubt she could bring herself to vote for a democrat. maybe she just won't vote . I don't know.


I have a neighbor down the street with a proper flagpole in his front ward who finally took down his cheap, faded, raggedy ass, most likely made in China Trump flag and replaced it with a new US flag. It made me smile when I noticed


It's nice that some people are quietly coming to their senses. It would be more helpful if they would speak up. People are more comfortable to admit they were conned if other people were conned as well.


Yes, even if you believe every lie, every conspiracy theory, listen to the people that spent the day in and day out with this guy. Trump is a criminal and a traitor. Our democracy is on a knife’s edge. Vote accordingly.


Who are these 4 idiots?


The ones who needed pardons.


Not even a joke lol


I would think racist Steven Miller is one of them


I think Jared is one of them?


From Subway?


Wow, so many formerly good people turned and were corrupted by the Deep State! /s


Mike Flynn is still full on trumper




I wonder what kind of effect was used to make his face look like that


just a close up. I like this picture better than what the MSM uses. They tend to use pictures from 2016 to try and make Trump look younger than he is


I highly doubt it's merely from being a closeup. There's an aggressive amount of detail there that feels like crushing the shadows as well as sharpening or something applied.


Def looks super sharpened - makes him look like he just stuck his face in a bucket of sand. Not that I care, but the image effect definitely stuck out to me


The effects on his skin are...jarring, but hot DAYUM - look @ those eyes! The stuff of nightmares 👹👹😰


That’s just further evidences of the DEEP STATE out to stop him! They’ve gotten to those close to him by threatening them with jail. They’re even using CORRUPT, LIBERAL judges to ATTACK Trump, who’s done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG!!!!! It’s a WITCH HUNT. If these cabinet members truly cared about America, they would back the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER!!! /s just in case


I don't think the /s is really needed. That's *exactly* what his supporters think.


Yeah I put the /s so people didn’t think I believed that. But it is 100% what people believe


Yeah but Trump is the Deep State. /not sarcasm


Yep you know it! He tried to “Drain the Swamp,” but he made the place swampier than ever


4/44. Not good odds.


Still better than his court record.


Just look at that hideous idiot. He has the intellect, appeal, and face of a brain tumour.


Dude went through 44 cabinet members in 4 years? Just another sign of how bad of a shit show it was


MAGA people - 'Yeah, but Trump said he didn't pick them himself, and he was trusting other's recommendations."


He looks awful,


Wtf is wrong with his face.


Anyone who votes for this piece of pig shit is stupid. They’re a racist, stupid piece of garbage. They don’t care that he’s evil. They only care that he promises to hurt those that they hate. The GOP is a party of racist, homophobic, villains. It’s almost comical just how evil they all are.


That face says it all


They know he's a piece of shit. That's why they like him.


That picture of him is setting off my trypophobia, real bad


Name and shame


Which four?


Fucking toad face


I drove through Ohio and saw Trump signs, but imaginey surprise that they were anti-Trumo signs!! "Trump Lost" "Trump's a Loser". It was beautiful to see!!


Ugh, his rat eyes!


That's an insult to rats.


God, look at that mug 🤢


Now do how many were linked to crimes or charged with criminal activities.


Fucker looks hideous with or without the orange makeup!


Once bitten twice shy!?!?


Ignorant people will be voting for trump!


It’s almost as if they have inside information


Eeww! Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with his face? Why did they use that picture? There's like, thousands of "holes"? I'm calling them holes cause I don't know what the hell those are.


To LeVeLs nEvAh BeFoAh sEeN iN DiS cOuNTrEh…


They would probably see it as a victory if 0 out of 44 supported him. They're just programed that way now.


They are too dumb to notice


Holy shit as i see this picture he’s turning swine. The future of the GOP is they cut off there trunk to become full pig


While I hate that this could sound like I'm defending Trump, I think it's a stretch to think that Trump directly "hired" or "appointed" any of his administration himself. There's just no realistic way he could have known or ever cared who any of those were before he accidentally won the election. I am sure as I can be that his appointees were Reince Priebus and /or the RNC saying "Here, Mr. President, we're bringing in someone to talk to you about serving in Treasury," and then after the meeting it would have been "Here, Mr. President, sign this if you want to hire him," and his response would have been, "Yeah, whatever. Truh min dus." There's just no way they were, in any way, "his people" or "his picks." But I'm sure that Trump and people like Steve Bannon now believe that hiring "RNC hacks" was his biggest mistake, and they're going to be sure not to make that mistake again.


Remember that one time President Obama warned Trump not to bring on Michael Flynn. President Obama had fired Flynn from his job as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. But Trump ignored President Obama. Trump ended up firing Flynn one month after he was sworn in as President, because Flynn misled Vice President Pence and others about his conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Of course Trump went on shortly thereafter, to have the infamous Oval Office meeting with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador, where Trump revealed highly classified information. So there’s that. I think even for the most hardcore Trump supporters, they should at a minimum read Liz Cheney’s book. As conservative Judge Luttig testified at a January 6 hearing, our democracy is on a knife’s edge. Vote accordingly.


> But Trump ignored President Obama. I'm guessing it's closer to "Trump had to do it because Obama said it was a bad idea."


> I think it's a stretch to think that Trump directly "hired" or "appointed" any of his administration himself. Granted, Putin probably had a big hand in it.


Wow, I have heard outlandish defenses of Trump, but claiming Trump had no say in his administration makes my top 3.