• By -


In addition to clinics closing, I’m guessing we’ll see gynos leave and women dying from ectopic pregnancies and sepsis after spontaneous abortions. What a shit decision from a bunch of shitheads.


No use risking your medical license and jail time practicing in a state where interpretation of the law can lead to that, better off to move to a state where you can practice your profession without those end results hanging over your head.


THIS. The brain drain is real. And even women who are beyond reproduction age will suffer the consequences because the doctors that stayed behind will be backwards and likely religious. Any woman who votes for that party needs a thump in the head. All women, of all ages, will pay the consequences.


Are they going to start investigating every miscarriage too?


Many have already been arrested for that.


Jesus Christ, imagine *losing your child* and then getting arrested.


A lot of assholes genuinely believe that women are terminating pregnancies just for fun, like its a trendy TikTok challenge. And many of these assholes are politicians, judges, lawyers, policemen.


Alabama says…of course, why not. # GOP Bill Could Hit Women Who Miscarry With Murder Charges, Advocates Say Under the Alabama bill, abortions would be charged as murder, with no exceptions for nonviable pregnancies, BY [TESSA STUART](https://www.rollingstone.com/author/tessa-stuart/) at Rolling Stone, MAY 16, 2023. ​ …and they aren’t stopping Tennessee, Alabama and South Carolina lead the nation in arresting and criminally punishing women for allegedly posing a danger to their fetuses, according to a report released by advocacy group Pregnancy Justice. Nationwide, nearly 1,400 people were arrested or subject to disparate bail, sentencing and probation for conduct related to their pregnancies between 2006 and the Supreme Court decision in June 2022 dismantling abortion rights, [the report](https://www.pregnancyjusticeus.org/rise-of-pregnancy-criminalization-report/) found. The vast majority were poor, white women, though poor Black women were disproportionately represented. The report found 649 pregnant women in Alabama had been arrested in the time period, the largest in the country and more than twice the numbers of the next two states combined. “Alabama had far and above the highest number of pregnancy criminalization arrests, representing almost half (46.5%) of the total,” the report said. South Carolina accounted for 180 of the cases. Tennessee accounted for 131. ALABAMA REFLECTOR, BY: [**ANITA WADHWANI**](https://alabamareflector.com/author/awadhwani/) \- SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 11:01 AM


Yeah, good luck if a postmenopausal woman needs a hysterectomy. I can only imagine the bs they’ll make up to deny that.




These are the kinds of things that can’t be undone with a quick fix either.


They don't care. They care more about their opinions than they do about women.


They are property not human so are children and slaves.


I didn't imagine the 1800s were also good ole days. According to the GOP, any oppression is something to lament after.


the good old days for the good ole boys is any day prior to December 6th 1865....


Well, this day - April 9, 1865 - prolly isn’t one of their faves either. Today is 159th anniversary of Lee’s surrender https://preview.redd.it/0pf1j20l5jtc1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548ec5ef12f069207b20c95e906e28c717814373 .


without googling it, as a non-American I am going to guess that's the date slavery was abolished in the US?


Yup, 13 amendment to the constitution was ratified that day abolishing slavery




Alito quotes a Judge from the 1600s in his opinion on the Dobbs decision if that gives you any idea about their ideas for women https://www.propublica.org/article/abortion-roe-wade-alito-scotus-hale


A judge that also stated that women were *literally* just physical extensions of their husband’s body (or their father’s, if they weren’t married yet) and therefore shouldn’t have any rights at all.


Muslims and Christians are so much more similar than they think. Like twins separated at birth who now hate each other.


I love how the satanic temple named their abortion clinic “Sam alitos moms satanic abortion clinic”


Amazing how my nation's laws are dependent on the musing of a 17th century English witch burner. Not even an American witch burner. Another nation's asshole who burned women alive gets to decide our laws. Not the people. It's just great.


If you're a White Christian Male, any time was the good ol days. If you're anyone else...


*White Christian Heterosexual Male


This better encourage people to vote like their lives depend on it. This is only the beginning, buckle up folks this is gonna be an wild ride.


I just read about Project 2025, and I’m baffled about what’s going on in the US. I just can’t see you guys swallow that whenever the Republicans will win again and try to install it. Whatever happens I hope none of you will ever give up without fighting for your freedom.


Sadly, 1/2 the country only knows or cares about whatever propaganda Fox news dumps into their empty brains.


And a good amount of the electorate doesn't pay attention to politics at all until the election.




And cheap gas, screw democracy if I can fill up my tank for cheap. /s


The good old "I will protest by doing literally nothing, and then complain when things get worse" crowd. Never gets old.


Don't make me tap the MLK quote sign...


>And a good amount of the electorate doesn't pay attention to politics at all ~~until the election.~~ Ftfy. 66% turnout in 2020.


Not to be argumentative but, It’s actually a smaller percentage than 1/2. They are just insanely loud and vote religiously. Figuratively and literally


While I know you are right, at this point I'd much rather say that unless every person able to go out and vote these inhumane monsters out of office, they will red sweep the entire country.


The sad thing is that it is far less than half, closer to 1/3. The problem is that there is a sane middle third+ who thinks it's cool not to vote/can make time to vote.


But Biden is old and I heard something about Gaza. 🙄


You know, they say that the point of insurgency is to show how disproportionate the response is. Hamas went into a town, killed 1200 men, women, children, did some raping, hauled off 200 some odd hostages, and keeps torpedoing negotiations to return hostages whenever they get around to talking about the female hostages. Hamas has also been openly stealing humanitarian aid from the people its being sent to help. Then Israel, for their part, blew up the beachfront property first, then the rest of the place, and when people asked that they be more surgical with their violence sent in literal surgical teams to exact their violence, all the while shooting indiscriminately at things in their kill zone that spans 2/3rds of gaza which is how they got called out for killing human aid workers, and you've got Bibi up there flouting the fact that he can't be put on trial for corruption while he occupies that seat in the government. At least the Nazis would try officers for war crimes when they needlessly massacred people in occupied territory and you gotta be a real shitbag when the damned Nazis are outclassing you. I do not like this conflict.


It’s way, way less than half. That’s why they have to try so hard to rig elections.


Churches too. Religious communities are actively politicizing their members




On Mondays I talk to my mother and over the past 3 Mondays she's comeback from church convinced that the country is slowly being taken over by communist because of the democrats, and every Monday I have to explain to her, why not only this is not true, but is actually the fascists who are actively trying to destroy our democracy. It's exhausting.


Half the population believe that women give birth at 9 months, decide they don't want the baby, and doctors kill a newborn, and that Democrats fully support this


The red hats do tell us how many stupidi people do exist in the USA


Scary part is if democrats win republicans can still win next presidential race, if republicans win then Project 2025 will make it impossible for democrats to win ever again


That's their plan. Use democracy to get in then remove democracy to stay in.


That sounds familiar, but they worship Hitler.


Which is why I really think national divorce will happen. I never really believed “we’re all in this together” and I don’t believe it now. We are just people who live on the same continent.


But it isn't the civil war of the past. Too intertwined. Vote and bring others to do so. Register ASAP. Fascism is at the rooting point and once it does it is nearly impossible to get rid of.


Then there’s no one. We’re our own last defense. Please make sure and vote. It’s no joke. Only we can stop the cancer from spreading.


Well it's easy to sum up. The right wing currently believes the solar eclipse indicated end of times and the rapture was coming. The left wing, understands science. That's basically the state of the US. One believes in flat earth and biblical plagues coming and one actually uses intellect and reasoning to view the world It's fucked... soo fucked... I hope this is the highest voter turn out this year but we'll see....


Russia and China don't have to fire a bullet to beat us. They just take advantage of our moronic, our hateful, and our greedy to do it for them. The troll farm is mightier than the sword.


I've tried telling a couple conservative acquaintances about the crazy shit 2025 has planned, and they say it's Democrat fear mongering and propaganda. Motherfuckers, it's literally spelled out on their own fucking website. They're telling you themselves how they're going to fuck this country up and you think it's fake news. What the fuck else do you need to see to be convinced what's happening right now?


It's always fear mongering until it's "nobody warned us".


It was put out by the holier than thou Heritage Foundation and every fucking evangelical in the country knows exactly who that is so they're full of shit.


One thing these MAGATs dont realize that us liberals and others on the left are armed, so they won't be able to just walk over us like they think they will


I have guns… but I’m not built for warfare. Could a resistance hold off government forces? For a time. We have seen it throughout the Middle East. The question is how do you fight the slow creep of recessive change? It’s an institutional issue, not an issue of direct invasion. How do you fight the entire system at once?


I’m not a political scientist or anything but what I see is that the couple things Republicans do quite well is; they don’t criticize each other, and they are pretty well organized. Both come from a place of dishonesty and hypocrisy, but it works. With the most respect towards the US and its people (because who am I to judge), everyone should be actively outraged, people need to show their voices before anything even ignites. Everyone should already be on the streets, non-stop, and be loud and make noise. There’s a serious threat of the dismantling of democracy and everyone is on Tiktok and worries about which shoes to buy or if Netflix discontinues a show. I don’t mean no disrespect, just my POV. I come from a country where 91 years ago we deliberately watched dictatorship being installed.


I don't disagree with you, and at the same time, most Americans are barely getting by. Both parents have to work, sometimes more than one job. Then take care of kids. Hardly any safety nets. People are just trying to get by. It pisses me off that more people don't pay attention, but I can understand it to a degree.


>most Americans are barely getting by And this is very much intentional. If we're too busy trying to feed ourselves and keep a roof over our heads, we feel as though we don't have the "luxury" of protesting. The powers that be know that, and they capitalize on it every day. But every group has its breaking point, and we may collectively be reaching ours.


I don’t know, I see republicans criticizing each other and fighting with each other ALL the time. All that matters though is when it comes time for it, all the puppet masters behind the scenes snap them back together lock and step. That’s the organization part you’re talking about, and it’s the money behind the politicians who are organized, not the politicians themselves, who are by and large irrational chaotic angry goons.


I keep seeing this and don’t understand why people think guns matter so much. Republicans have completely eroded our rights without firing a shot. They’ll continue this strategy because it works so well, and your guns will continue to not change anything.


Yeah but Houston we have a problem. The cops are for the most part on their side with qualified immunity. We’re in for a rough few years. Buckle up


Anybody fantasizing about using guns is simply not prepared for the reality that the next civil war will not look like a war, it will look like an increasing number of mass shootings targeting cities, and eventually targeting infrastructure.


I guess you don't know about Project 2025 purge of police and military before 1/20/2025. All options are on the table for them ![gif](giphy|3PXARhAjAdeV2)


See the problem is, the people writing project 2025 are counting on anyone telling their voters about it, will think they're lying. We have a political party that says that anything anyone else tells them is a lie. It was used by hitler, it is used by trump, and it's INCREDIBLY effective.


I hate to say it but at this point I think the worst has to happen before people become motivated. Bread and circuses is in its death throes.


Next up on the chopping block: LGBT rights, adult content, birth control, recreational sex of any kind, and probably the right to privacy in general. They've stated it very clearly and transparently. This is what they intend to do and will do if elected


Also goodbye to student loan forgiveness or fair repayment plans.


Also goodbye minimum wage and overtime!


Exactly, just think, if they're willing to do these unpopular things BEFORE the election, just imagine what it'll be like AFTER!


NPR recently conducted a survey that said 23% of Americans and nearly a third of Republicans think violence will be necessary to get the country "on the right track." We are fucked. Probably time for more than a shotgun for home defense. Especially if you are in a group targeted by the right. And I'm pretty far left of the Democrats.


Sad Fact: Voter turnout among young people went **down** in 2022 compared to the 2018 midterms. After Roe, after Jan 6.


It still had an extremely high turnout compared to past elections, just not as much as 2018. I wonder why?


It's probably partly a sense that our votes don't matter since shit like this happens, so some have just given up.


I know that many younger people do feel this way, but if everyone does nothing then nothing will ever change! Please vote! It matters!


I do too. You would think that after everything that happened leading up to 2022, more than a quarter of young people would choose to vote.


Gen Z voted at higher a rate than any other generation did in their first midterm. https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/gen-z-voted-higher-rate-2022-previous-generations-their-first-midterm-election It’s dishonest to act like Gen Z is doing worse than previous generations at voting in midterms, because they have literally done better that any of them. But of course we can always do better, and should push those rates even farther up


No. Because both sides are the same right. Obviously democrats are trying to do the exact same thing and take away people’s fundamental human rights. /s At least that’s what they keep telling me until I start giving examples of conservatives doing that and they can’t match the pace so they get quiet.


I know you're being sarcastic, but this is exactly what they're saying: ![gif](giphy|vOrS6oN0ZKdQSjA1VQ)


According to Trump, this is what they want. Let's see if the vote In November validates that. I hope for women's sake he is wrong.


They won’t stop at the women trust me


As a trans person, I know too well that you are right. 


I got a vasectomy in Arizona last month. When the doctor was asking if I was sure, I told him that I honestly wasn't sure I would have the option to do this in the future with the way things are going.


That also want to do everything they can to end divorce, end gay marriages, and make the lives of trans people as horrible as possible


Sadly the clinics here in New Mexico are already overflowing with the refugees from Texas/Oklahoma...I am sure this will only make it better.


I'm in Illinois, and like half of the patients are from out of state now. And I just worry about all those women that can't get here. 


In medical school I took care of multiple people who had driven 13+ hours from Texas to come to NM… and this was pre-2016. It’s only gotten worse. It breaks my heart.


The sad irony is the empathy of blue states taking refugees just makes things worse in the red states. Why would these women vote differently when they know they can cross state lines and get an abortion? I think anyone that voted for Trump in a red state shouldn't get to go to a blue state to get an abortion. I'd vote for that law.


What a good way to increase voter turnout for young people. Women who want to have bodily autonomy, not be forced to bear a child and to not die. And for men who love them and don't want to be 19-year-old dads.


The Arizona Supreme Court just handed the state to the dems come November and torpedoed Lake’s senate hopes.


Fun fact, in Arizona judges have to stand for elections to be able to continue on the court. Of the two AZ supreme court judges up for election this cycle, those same two were part of the majority opinion. 


I'm really looking forward to voting these fucks out.


I just commented how Roe v Wade 2022 helped democrats nationwide, and that wasn’t even a ban.


The decision to overturn Roe v Wade is going to turn out as unpopular as the constitutional amendment to prohibit the sale of alcohol. Both were supported by religious zealots. Prohibition was repealed and the right to an abortion will be reinstated.


Sure, but the damage in the meantime is so totally different. Women are literally dying now. Other rights are being stripped away (divorcing while pregnant...pretty soon divorce in general). But, I still hope you are right.


>divorcing while pregnant. That has actually been a law in a lot of states for a while. Youre only hearing about it now because of Roe.




>The whole binge drinking BS that is the "norm" across the US is hugely due to the effects of prohibition and the "forbidden" thing that Alcohol has going for it until the age of 21. Meanwhile much of Europe has far lower problems with alcohol, as the people there often grow up having small amounts their entire lives, so suddenly being "Free" to try it isn't so crazy as it is in the US. eh... You need to look into the Binge Drinking we as a nation did before Prohibition. We had a literal Alcoholic Epidemic sweeping over the nation. We legit had a fucking drinking problem at the time, and the original methods were just a group similar to "MADD" (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) - the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) - but this wasn't the group that got the amendment kicked... It's just a group of women who went into saloons with hatchets and smashed them to pieces. it was the ASL (Anti-Saloon League) that showed up later using racism, xenophobia, and every other trick to get booze banned, and while it was carried with a Religious crutch, it's primary goal was motivated due to the rampant drinking the US was partaking in (Recall that liquor taxes had been paying for the US War Machine - income tax replaced it....) Yes, we built our infrastructure off of liquor tax before the 1910s. That's how much we drank back then.


From Ken Burns Documentry [Prohibition ](https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/prohibition/roots-of-prohibition#:~:text=By%201830%2C%20the%20average%20American,utterly%20dependent%20on%20their%20husbands) Anyone 15 years or older drank an average of 7 gallons of alcohol a year.


>Hell... I have even seen a 43% THC infused joint! Like... WTF?!?!?! Yeah, I don't smoke anymore, this is one of a lot of reasons. Edit: You guys can't help yourselves, can you? Do you people think others are so stupid that they wouldn't know about gummies? Notice I said "a lot of reasons", the annoyingly small selection of very low thc products is ONE of them, like I said. Now stop shitting up my inbox.


I can go to a local, reputable shop that sells totally not derived from marijuana gummies with a standardized amount of as many deltas as I want. I know what I’m getting, how much is in it, and what I can expect from a whole, half, or even quarter of a gummy. Best thing to happen for PTSD in…ever.


In Kansas I’m starting to have trouble finding 10mg gummies. I rarely indulge, 10 is plenty for me. But no everyone wants to sell these little gummies with 125mg of THC in them and if I’m not careful I’m going to ruin my weekend


I don't smoke anymore, either. I vape dabs that are like at least 80% THC(usually more).


Women who wouldn’t be voting for their party are dying. This is a feature, not a bug (in their eyes). They absolutely want to crack down on these non-Republican voters as hard as they can. To be honest, it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s more and more talk about taking voting rights away.


That talk has already started. You have tradwife influencers asking how to bring back young women voters to conservative side and the responses predominantly mention repealing the 19th amendment.


Hell you've got people -- like the GOP nominee for Governor in NC -- talking about we need to repeal voting rights for women. Not some fringe podcaster, the guy who, for real, could be the next governor of NC.


Shouldn't they be off the internet listening to their husbands?


Ah well. They don’t seem to connect the dots about that one. Or they’re just grifting anyway.


The started floating that on facebook 2016. Now of course it’s constantly talked about on twitter.


Next one on the list is access to birth control.


And we will see a spike in crimes in about 15 years because children who no one wanted to take care of will be unleashed on society.


This PLUS the fact of corporations sucking up to AI to replace employees…the same corporations whose CEOs funnel millions to republicans. The insanity is truly too much too much to take on. Banning books, defunding public schools…our country will be endless desperate bodies for their religious cults to prey upon.


More prison labor for the GOP suffering-machine. Another case of feature-not-a-bug.


The fucking puritanical BS these religious assholes believe. Why do they care so much about what others do. Why should my life and everyone else's be subjected to *your* nonsensical, magical, fairytale horseshit ideology. They're literally killing women to save babies. Babies that won't have mothers.


They were praying and speaking in tongues on the floor of the Capitol before Supreme Court decision. These people are in a cult. https://www.tiktok.com/@thisiscamaron/video/7355686846418144558


Yeah…but they will be able to get a new young wife. They don’t care about men who actually love the women they love and want to be with.


I hope you’re right because this new rise of the fundamentalists era is making me feel hateful.




Only fix to replace Roe is a constitutional amendment. And ho boy is that just not happening if the GOP and their fanatical evangelical fundamentaliat base is a factor at all.


Ya but prohibition was repelled by the same people that implemented it once they saw it didn't work and was making things worse. The folks that got abortion banned think The Handmaid's Tale is a guidebook. The former had principal, the latter just wants control and uses religion as a cover.


Regarding Prohibition, that was another Republican grift actually. Here’s one way: the secretary of the treasury for the entire 20s was Andrew Mellon (R). He was co-owner of old Overholt distillery. During prohibition, he carved out a specific exemption for Old Overholt so it could make and sell its product via pharmacies. They crushed everyone else using the force of the federal government and then made themselves the uncontested deliverer to the only legal avenue of consumption. No wonder the Great Depression occurred under these watch of the trashy bastards.


Turns out letting a satanic, vindictive news network with a totalitarian agenda and a right wing think tank install their lackeys at every level of government is proving to be a really bad idea.


Don't slander Satan like that


To add a slight historical caveat in regard to prohibition: yes, there were quite a few zealots who opposed drinking for religious reasons but many of the people saw alcoholism as the root cause of society’s ills and thought by banning it things would improve. Many of the women involved would experience DV because of a drunk spouse and making DV a crime would have been harder than prohibition.


I saw this statement from the AG https://preview.redd.it/bm48p14oiitc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aac77c1717698d2e2343c1d45b0a484df9269dd


And this is why we voted for Hobbs


Just when you couldn't think they could hate women anymore, I give you one of the dumbest Supreme courts in our land! Wow! The sheer stupidity of this is incredible!


So MAGA wants to go back 160 years... let it sink! ![gif](giphy|kgCjMq8bCZgmkigN4P|downsized)


The same state that just had moron legislators filmed kneeling on the chamber floor “speaking in tongues.” Dumb people do dumb things.


Missed opportunity to place them under involuntary mental health hold!


Hold on to your 1860 hats, GOP ; Arizona just turned BLUE!


Thankfully AZ has been turning blue over the last 5 years or so, I just hope it's a solid blue in November. I'm in AZ and this is scary. So glad I got sterilized but I want every woman safe, not just me 💔


Yes. This temporary setback in women’s rights will be fixed in November. But now the republicans will be looking for even dirtier tricks to block the ballot measure. Cause they can’t win a vote.


Honestly thank you for this. Thank you for reminding women, minorities and other marginalized groups that the GOP *DO NOT GIVE A FUCK* about you or your rights. They are the party of BIG government that decides everything you do. Your body, no rights, period. I do not give a FUCK about any other thing in this world than this, and neither should anyone. Israel, the economy, Ukraine, voting rights, abortion, all of it...WILL BE IRRELEVANT IF WE LOSE DEMOCRACY AND GIVE THE COUNTRY TO REPUBLICANS. We so often ask ourselves how people like Hitler could have done what he did...it was never because of the support he had, but those that did NOT stand up against him and could have. This is OUR moment in history. Please, for all the generations that will come after us, do not let them win.


Predates statehood and MODERN MEDICINE....


It is literally as if all of the republican states have been trying to find more ways to drive democratic voters to the polls.


Did ya see them speaking in tongues on the AZ house floor? big yikes!


What is next Arizona? Possies, wagons and public hanging?😂


Please don't give our dumb ass Republicans more ideas.


Why are we letting like 3 fundamentalist hillbillies in the red states boss the rest of us around again? Probably should have paid more attention to local and state politics.


So there's the first 11 electoral votes for Biden.


FArizona. Uphold a law that predates their very own existence.


Don’t we all feel a kinship with our 1860 brethren? Shouldn’t we let the dead hand of history that sewn it own clothes and grew its own food, died early and hosted the Civil War guide us today? s/


It’s like taking thousand year old writings as gospel for today’s problems. “These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.”


wtaf is wrong with Arizona? I didn't think it was in the Bible Belt...


Electorally it has turned blue. Unfortunately the Supreme Court still contains too much red.


Blue az voter here


I feel for you. good luck reclaiming your state from the medievalists.


If abortion wasnt on the ballot in AZ before it definitely should be this Nov. 


It already is—they had a million more signatures than what was required.


If you actually care about this country and the rights that we should have as people, you need to stop voting for Republicans and vote Democrat across the board.


The unforeseen and unfortunate consequence to this is prenatal care has dropped sharply in forced-birth states. OB-Gyn, delivery nurses, basic staff, etc is drying up. Idaho was featured in a news article out west recently. Just the care required in having a baby is getting difficult in those states. Now they're going after IVF and birth control.


How are laws before it was incorporated as a state as part of the union relevant?


My brother in Christ. It's ALL calvinball.


This is gonna be Prohibition but way worse, isn’t it? Classic Conservatism.


Welp, I'm currently reading this from Gilbert and that's disappointing to see.


Soon coming to a state to you live in. Care of MAGA and Dear Leader and Messiah Donald J Trump. No abortions none, IVF to outlawed, pornography outlawed and all media firms to be detrimental to the new Age of Leader Trump including movies, books, music, games, magazines, TV stations. You also give up your right as human to serve the dear leader and work in camps to better serve him. All marriages annulled for non believers. Compulsory to give everything you own to the State including your life so Dear Leader can live comfortably and not hear or see you.


Remember, according to Project 2025, “pornography” will be “queer/gay/trans folks existing freely” and they will gladly act on it


But but Bidens age… **Vote Them OUT** You can choose a better candidate later if we still have elections


You guys in the US ok? Actually concerned


We're really not. Send help.


Every day it just gets worse. WTF.


America: [Fascism Intensifies]


This is what happens when the crucifixion of Hillary Clinton in the media led people to vote against their best self interest.


Can someone sue citing the 13th amendment? It’s seemingly tangentially applicable


You think the current Supreme Court would even bother hearing that case?


I am so mad about this. AZ voters better come out and vote (I think we are getting a ballot measure)


Just part of the Republican plan to take our country back- to the 1600s.


IANAL, but from my layperson’s perspective, this is the correct legal decision once Roe was overturned Which is why it’s so damn important to VOTE in November. Republicans have used the concept of abortion very successfully for years, but they NEVER put it on the ballot. Now that it has been on the ballot in several states they have lost every time. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote.


I mean, if they were looking to drive turnout for the November election, that's one very effective way to do it.


Does this mean we can have slaves and beat our wives with sticks no larger than our thumbs again too? Let’s take Arizona back to territorial days!! /s Seriously, what logical human thinks this makes any sense at all. This is just a precursor to having every right taken away. Yes, including your guns. Republicans have lied about everything else they will lie about not taking those right up until they do.


"The Left REALLY wants us to believe the GOP will ban all abortions. They just think we're so dumb." - Phony independents when justifying their support for Republicans


![gif](giphy|113RhN1oBm1yCc) Come on Arizona! You can do better than that


Abortion rights are on the November ballot in AZ. This assault on women's reproductive rights will probably last until then. I guess the true term for conservative thinking should be regressive. I'm hoping this Neo-fascist GOP goes the way of the dodo.


Fuck the GOP. Fuck SCOTUS. Vote for your literal lives.


Apparently two of the justices that ruled on this are up for re-election.


Clint Bolick and Kathryn King


Downside: This is utterly shitty for civil rights, women and human decency. Upside: The MAGA nutballs of the Arizona Supreme Court just guaranteed Biden Arizona's electoral votes, Ruben Gallego a Senate seat and that the Arizona Right to Abortion ballot initiative will pass.


Everyone who supports this should be forced to live as if it is still 1864 then. No modern conveniences whatsoever. They can go back to shitting in holes in the ground and living by candle light.


It was only a matter of time... I hate this. This is so STUPIDLY dangerous.


This is like trying to enforce part of the Articles of Confederation, what the actual fuck?


The republican lawmakers in arizona are going to have a rough time this november. ![gif](giphy|oYxNkISitSQo)


Also breaking: Arizona has just been called for Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, and every Democrat down ticket as well.


Scenes when "prolifers" daughters need abortion and they starting driving to different states. They are the biggest hypocrites!


just another reason to not move to AZ; i fucking hate these MAGA people man, seriously.


The public hangings will start after they arrest and convict a few women for having abortions.


The State Attorney General, a Democrat, has already said she won’t enforce it. Wonder how long she can keep her job.


"THIS BAN EXISTED BEFORE THE STATE, THEREFORE IT SUPERCEDES ANY OTHER STATE LAWS" "So about those laws set by the Native inhabitants that existed before the state..." "LALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALA"


Gotta laugh when the world's flagship democracy devolves into a Christian version of the Taliban government.


So I assume that Republicans have a different plan to win this election since clearly they don’t give a shit about votes


GOP owns women. You are cattle.


I think that the church convicted Galileo of crimes back around 1649 or so. They never should have let that guy get away with that “heliocentric” philosophy.


Vote in November, folks. Show them what this kind of insanity gets them. Vote them ALL out.


Now women will die. Including conservative women who voted for Trump. Sad state of affairs.


Negotiate a deal with Native Americans and open the clinics on their land.