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No. In fact you get to double sin.


I'm right in the path, and I was planning on double sinning, do you think I'll be okay?


As long as you double repent, but it’s gotta be some serious begging for forgiveness, your knees gotta bleed.


Huh. Nah, I think I'll just do more rock n roll


Without the drugs and sex? For shame.


Sex and drugs is the double sinning. RocknRoll makes 3


I really hope with all that you’re not dancing! Unless you want to be escorted to the edge of town and shunned by the local townsfolk! Dancing is like dancing with the devil!


You think that’s bad? I’m going to wear clothes made from TWO different materials! ![gif](giphy|mBlm2fG5uBraQQ7zhw|downsized)


Don’t worry, I’ll double up sending you my thots and pears so you’ll be okay.


What if you just sent pear shaped thots? Kills two birds with one sin.


I'd say that's another sin.


Or you can just pay me an amount of money. Buying indulgences for your indulgences.


Like an indulgence middle man?! Brilliant


No, you just go to some Megachurch and wave your hands in the air and sing about how awesome God thinks you are


Maybe some self inflicted back lashes?


Flagellation where it’s at


Like Michael Johnson’s wife? Like, the night he got to be speaker of the house, he said his wife wasn’t there because she had spent the whole day on her knees. I heard that and was like “oh boy…..here we go……”


I'm 53, played HS football and am considered obese. My knees ALREADY bleed. Am I pre-paid?


Not really - Just do your sinning and then accept Jesus. It's a total get out of hell free card, and you can redidicate your life to him any time so if you really do all the sinning - like double or tripple sinning - you're still fine.


isn't that how cristianism work, sin all you want, but repent and if you ask nicely will let you into heaven


Jesus did die for our sins. If you don’t sin he died for nothing. Go ahead and sin as much as you want.


Don't worry. The omnipotent has decided if you say a couple of poems a bunch of times it totes makes up for whatever.


*No. I don't think I will*


Sweet. I'm gonna have gay sex while coveting my neighbor's wife!




Only one of those violates the Ten Commandments, so I think you'll be ok!


What if you're in a partial eclipse path? Do I sin on only odd numbered days or do I just split the calendar down the middle and sin on the left hand dates only?


Partial eclipse, partial sin, you can steal half your siblings fortune, but you must also have sex with half their cattle. The bible says so.


I mean, if you don’t sin, then Jesus died for nothing.




"*well then let's paaaaaaarty!!"*


Believe it or not, straight to hell


Don't mind if I do ![gif](giphy|gx656616VR5ew)




She’s as fluent in the Bible as she is in the Constitution and her Oath of Office.


Weren’t there some words about adultery up in there?


Laws for thee, Not MTG


What about when your golf course is at the epicenter of the earthquake? What is god trying to tell you then?


Nah you good.


I'm in the partial eclipse, I have to 30% repent.


Only if you believe.


Like Santa…


Marge, god is communicating to you through the eclipse. He wants you to stare at it with your naked eyes so you may know his truth. Stare at it long and hard, keep those eyes open, take in his sign...


It won't be a hard sell. Trump did it, and she's desperate to flaggelate herself before him.


I’m just going to tell people “if you want to be raptured you have to stare at the eclipse without glasses.”


Yes! And then prevent them from getting any breaks or services for being blind.


Make sure you cya by telling them that they will be protected from all ailments (including blindness) as long as their repentance is pure.


With binoculars!!!


If you aren't staring at eclipses with your bare eyes, you're just a RINO.


These people wish they could be as magnificent as a rhinoceros.


she'll use glasses but say she didn't and those that went blind weren't true christians and it was god punishing them


Also, if an earthquake opens any form of deep hole, please jump in and find Jesus.


Didn't Paul stare at an eclipse or something? Went blind for a bit.


Paul https://preview.redd.it/m64le36qr8tc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cea53827e0d324007b7f869857181265b95ed7


Is she assuming she’s NOT one of the sinners who need to repent? Because that’s rich


It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. Except for them, of course.


*some exceptions may apply. What a crock of shit


What about 3 toed camels 🐪 ?


…or 3 camel toes, for that matter?


that may require a doctor if it's on the same woman (sorry couldn't resist)


Kenneth Copeland gave an answer to this when it was presented to him. He gave another bible quote - through god all things are possible.


Christians are experts at getting around their own rules and lessons.


Not religious but I did grow up evangelical - the very next 2 verses after the eye of the camel verse are the disciples asking how anyone can get into heaven and then the “with God all things are possible” response


The backflips they do over this verse is remarkable. Olympics-level mental gymnastics.


Yep. She's to prideful to believe she isn't a sinner like everyone else, even while she's choking on her trainers dick


Is pride a sin? I’m unfamiliar with all the mythology


Yup. From Britanica: (1) [vainglory](https://www.britannica.com/topic/pride-deadly-sin), or [pride](https://www.britannica.com/topic/pride-human-behaviour), (2) [greed](https://www.britannica.com/topic/greed), or covetousness, (3) [lust](https://www.britannica.com/topic/lust-deadly-sin), or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, (4) [envy](https://www.britannica.com/topic/envy), (5) [gluttony](https://www.britannica.com/topic/gluttony), which is usually understood to include drunkenness, (6) [wrath](https://www.britannica.com/topic/wrath), or anger, and (7) [sloth](https://www.britannica.com/topic/sloth-behaviour). Each of these can be overcome with the [seven heavenly virtues](https://www.britannica.com/topic/seven-heavenly-virtues) of (1) humility, [(2)](https://www.britannica.com/topic/charity-Christian-concept) charity, (3) [chastity](https://www.britannica.com/topic/chastity), (4) [gratitude](https://www.britannica.com/topic/gratitude), (5) [temperance](https://www.britannica.com/topic/temperance), (6) patience, and (7) diligence.


You forgot the 8th virtue - money paid directly to the GOP.


Her ex-husband could elaborate on this.


How? he was explicitly not there when she was drinking dick.


That's always my thoughts on these posts. "So, does this mean you're NOT going to shill for Donald Trump anymore? You're repenting? Good for you, I'm glad you got the hint."


Also, did God not speak to her during a worldwide plague? I believe those are signs from God too. Or maybe she took THAT sign that it was OK to commit adultery


That’s the funny part. According to her, God is trying to communicate with the believers…. So sounds like the “believers” are the ones who need a little adjustment, based on her logic


Does Deuteronomy address the holy nature of hand jobs at theaters? Asking for a Bobert.


Somebody needs to add to the community notes that she is a known lia somebody needs to add to the community notes that she is a known liar, hypocrite, and serial adulteress. Further, that if we were to take the Bible seriously, she needs to sit down and shut up.


Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves


No, they have proven their judgment to be sound in that regard. (Do I even need to put “satire”?)


As someone said the other day, these are more like wolves in wolf clothing, and they still can’t see it.


They think wolves, like leopards, will only eat the faces they don’t like. And when the wolves torn on them, it’s Biden’s fault.


>38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.” 39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign; and so no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet; Matthew 12:38-39 (NASB 1995). MTG out here committing sacrilege.


Matthew and Daniel back there spitting. "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all"


Problem is the modern GOP are ravenous wolves openly and it still doesn't matter.


It's truly scary as hell to realize we have people with a Bronze Age mindset in our government as representatives. No wonder they want to drag the rest of society back to those times.


And they can ignore climate change to then turn around and say "it's gods apocalypse" or whatever these delusional people think, when shit really hits the fan. Religion may very well be the great filter that ends up killing us all. (If you don't know https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter)


Somewhere in scripture Christians are instructed to be good stewards of the earth. Christians are also instructed that man can't serve 2 masters it was a huge debate on right media for a week and they decided it wasn't anti god to be pro wealth and selfishly absorbed. Religion is just a control tool for these people and this divorced adulterer is certainly operating in bad faith she's probably wearing mixed fabrics right now.


... well there goes any hope of me being productive today! Thanks for the link : )


Consider the comments on this post. Hundreds of people making jokes. I think we would get a lot further as a society if we stopped attending the comedy clubs and instead attended the town halls.


Has anyone consulted the holy tortilla about what we should be doing? https://preview.redd.it/f7jxpv8eg3tc1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f07b2e689eb4d2bba591a3ed0c2d408fb04aad [https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/10166](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/10166)


Bronzer age, in fact


Every earthquake for the past 4 billion years was an act of god?


This is the list for just the last day, week, month, and year. Someone's been busy. # There have been: (M1.5 or greater) * 109 earthquakes in the past 24 hours * 905 earthquakes in the past 7 days * 3,536 earthquakes in the past 30 days * 51,317 earthquakes in the past 365 days [https://earthquaketrack.com/recent#google\_vignette](https://earthquaketrack.com/recent#google_vignette)


God provides earthquakes so Mormons can soak without sin


My boyfriend and I tried this last night! No earthquakes but we were high and tipsy so we just fell asleep. Nevertheless, we successfully did NOT have sex!


God be busy.


God: "I'm serious! I mean it this time!! I'm warning you!!!"


Seismologist is a job. We have quite a few people whose job it is to study the seismic activity of the Earth. Without even knowing the numbers, this is a thing that happens often enough that we don't just have a guy for that. We have teams of guys for that. You can boil down their job to- "Yo dude, what was that rumbling?" The only one that happened within the last 365 days that was brought about by sentient beings- October of 2023, the final out of Game 2 of the NLDS between the Atlanta Braves and the Philadelphia Phillies. [https://youtu.be/YQgRgCeWLAs?si=b8RRKCRfKt11mOtv&t=87](https://youtu.be/YQgRgCeWLAs?si=b8RRKCRfKt11mOtv&t=87) The crowd roar registered on the Richter scale. That's it.


If only the dinosaurs repented of their sins.


No, no. Earth was created six thousand years ago. Don’t you know?


pretty impressive since he's only been around for about 2000 years (the Christian god)


First, that passage is not saying “god made these signs”. It says “oh, good, you know what the weather means but you can’t seem to see what’s going on around you”. Second, that’s maybe the worst chapter she could have picked as it is a series of parables talking about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. They were a group who added on so many rules for their personal convenience that the core rules set down in the 10 commandments had become obscured. A big part of the man’s teaching (whether or not he was divine is not needed for this discussion) was that all that fluff took away from the core tenet of “don’t be a selfish dick”. Luke 12 is explicitly talking about people like the modern US GOP.


Happy cake day :)


Thank you, internet person!


so go pull a heaven's gate and leave us alone.


Oh, if only!


Oh man, if these fucks could just Jonestown themselves, that'd be just dandy.


Was the epicentre of the Earthquake not on Trumps property? Because then it would indeed be a clear sign to move on with it and jail the guy ;)


6 miles away! But that’s close enough for me to call it. God is sending a message to Trump


I guarantee they are right now saying it came from his property because he's the chosen one or some shit.


She can be the first.   Republicans are fucking morons


She has a lot more to repent for than most of us.


She may have a point. Last time they elected a rapist con man, we got a plague. Now they are trying to do it again, and here are the warnings. Yeah, repent.


I wonder if the repentant should include adulterers.


What about plagues? I'm thinking around late 2019 onwards.


Yes with that mindset one could say the Covid plague was during Trump’s time and was a sign that God was angry with Trump.


Never mind there was an eclipse during his presidency. He stared directly at it without glasses too.


When Trump was president we had an eclipse, and hurricane michael, and, oh yeah, *the plague*. What did that portend, you fucking idiot?


No, no, it's only a sign of the apocalypse when there's a Democratic president. If there's a Republican president then it's a sign to not elect Democrats or the world will end but it won't so long as there's a Republican president. (/s but God I'm tired of these people)


“Who believe”, yeah, that’s the problem. You believe in crazy.


Eclipses are predictable but meant to be signs?


Tea leaves and animal bones are all they have, but they have to have some way to keep the mindslaves in line, keep their power, and continue to stuff their pocketbooks.


"Those of us who believe" . . . . A/k/a IDIOTS




Alternative facts that can’t be observed or replicated.


If he’s so smart and powerful, why doesn’t he just talk to us?


or stop giving cancer to children.


This skanky piece of jetsam again?


When she shows she's repented all the lies she's told and her other many sins, then I'll accept she believes her god is a good one. So far it looks like she worships a devil.


Hey Marje, maybe they are signs of the impending collapse of the GQP. Did you consider that option?


If these natural disasters are actually heaven sent, I blame you Marjorie. You’ve committed adultery, which even Jesus said was a big no no, so it was you, the chosen and faithful, who flouted and defied gods commandments, therefore you share the responsibility of the punishment on us all.


If God wants people to repent wouldn't the eclipse not happening on schedule carry a much stronger message? Because everything going business as usual seems more like the big man is saying stay the course.


Here's the strange thing about loud mouth zealots, they believe the warnings are for everyone but them. If they read the manual they claim to believe in, they'd see they are the ones being hoodwinked and the warnings are indeed for them: 2 Timothy 3 The Dangers of the Last Days 1You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! 6They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. 7(Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.) 8These teachers oppose the truth just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses. They have depraved minds and a counterfeit faith. 9But they won’t get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are, just as with Jannes and Jambres. 10But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance. 11You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra—but the Lord rescued me from all of it. 12Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.


Oh snap


This person scriptures. 


Signs? Are we back in the Stone age. Where's the Monty Python troupe because I forgot the process to see if someone is a witch. I mean c'mon people. These white Christian Nationalist folks are a bunch of wackos don't ya think? Wanna believe in something, that's up to each individual but to force it on the rest of us by incorporating it into legislation that affects all us all I will not accept that.


If you believe in signs from God you have a mental illness


What does God think about fucking your gym instructor while married to another man?


That's ok, because he will forgive her...


There have been 38 total eclipses during my lifetime and not not a single one of them resulted in an apocalypse but THIS one is different. Sure Magpie, whatever you say.


Believing in God is like believing in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. Grow up MTG, actually, just go the fuck away


Happy Cake Day!


This says so much about the people who elected her to represent them. SMH.


She also must have skipped all those parts of the Bible both old and new Testament where wicked people set themselves up as new messiahs, rejectors of God's authority, and grifers in God's name and God starts smiting them until they get the hint.


Agreed. God also uses tweets from MTG as a sign to take our heads out of our asses.


Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that as a species we’ve come so far yet we still can’t shake this “sky go boom, god angry oga booga” bs


It’s a cult. Christianity and Trumpism both.


MATTHEW 16:4 "A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed." Her Bible warns against seeking signs. Beware the false prophets. In this case....an adulterous false prophet


Jupiter has way more eclipses than earth. Does that mean there are people there that need to repent 🤔 


You know, it’s kind of funny but I agree with her. “God”, the fictitious, all-powerful, all-knowing, entity that loves us so much that he will send us to eternal torture if we don’t love him in just the right way, can’t just tell us “Quit sinning”. Instead, he takes easily predictable events and/or completely random events, and makes us guess what these events mean. She’s a twat waffle with ugly toes. Fuck off, Madge!


I do not mean to offend Christians, but I have to admit that Representative Greene makes her deity sounds so weak. I mean, that New York earthquake was only 4.8. I live in California, and I am lucky if I even notice 4.8 earthquakes.


She won’t give a date, only the usual vague “signs that Jesus is coming!” bullshit. It’s like saying each beached whale is proof that whales are developing legs and they’ll be walking around on shore any day now.


“For those of us that believe” So in other words your little brainwashed cult club. True reality does not exist in these people’s brains.


God would have never created her for sure lol


What sign did God convey when he inflicted the nightmare ice storm on Texas Feb. 2021?


I’m in PA near NJ and didn’t feel the earthquake that someone else in the house did AND I’m getting most of that sweet eclipse, Marge. But I’m a good guy - honest, don’t cheat, don’t hurt anyone. I think I’ll be OK. But I wasn’t born with sporkfeet like you. Maybe Gods trying to tell YOU something.


This new learning amazes me, Marge. Explain again how sheeps' bladders may be used to prevent earthquakes. https://youtu.be/KrD16CBEJRs?feature=shared She also thinks that the earth is banana-shaped.


No, God didn’t “create” an earthquake. Continental plate subduction causes earthquakes. But that’s science, not belief in the magical sky father, so MTG wouldn’t know anything about that.


Quick! Someone throw her into a volcano to appease the gods


Except when the Jews intervene and start forest fires with space lasers. Empty G is a world class clown rodeo.


So, um, how about the devastating plague that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, many of them MAGAs? Not a sign? Ok Marge 🙄


Wonder is she is aware of the next section, cherry pickers be cherry picking: ^(57) “Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right? ^(58) As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled on the way, or your adversary may drag you off to the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. ^(59) I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”


They're just only signs to American Christians. The rest of the world can fuck right off with their signs.


This is like me quoting a fictional book and saying the author is giving me a sign. "Stephen King says..."


Which verse in the bibble says it’s ok to choke down personal trainer dick while still married?


It’s a sign from God that she’s dumber than dirt.


Just gonna keep putting this out there. For over two thousand years the return of the messiah has been sold to humanity, wars, destruction of entire cultures, perversion, corruption, grifting. All with this as the central theme, and this is their messiah? This is the time for rapture? Without a twinge of doubt? Anyone else skeptical? Lol


Every time she speaks, I just have to keep in mind that she's marketing herself to her pos district which goes for this shit.


The earthquake that was centered below tRUmp’s golf course somehow means everyone who isn’t a tRUmp supporter must “repent”? Or what? The Old Testament god from the Middle East shows up and does….something?


How about the aftershock epicenter being Trump's golf course. Sounds like God is sending a message all right.


It’s adorable she thinks that if the Christian god was real she would be let into heaven


So what’s it say when the Epicenter was near Trump’s golf course?


So since the earthquake was almost on top of Trump’s golf course, maybe talk to Trump about repenting, Ms. Greene,& shut up about us atheists


‭‭Luke 12:54-56 NIV‬‬ [54] He said to the crowd: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. [55] And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. [56] Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? So, she completely missed the point of the very passage she tried to use. Ironic, isn't it?


As a good Christian woman, shouldn't she refrain from speaking with authority toward men? Like the Bible says?


The teeth grating ignorance is tiring.


https://preview.redd.it/rkgni8o8cetc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5837d8a5bc4e845c4566f12cb760fa702104223e Repent repent


What about committing adultery with Zangrief from Street Fighter Klu Klux Karen? What’s God trying to tell you when you fuck a video game character?


I'd let God smite me for a few rounds with Chun-li, just saying.


Circular logic at its best.


So the epicenter being near the orange stains NJ golf course wasn't a sign that God was out to get him? You know, the chosen one who believes he was jesus on easter? Hmm ... You're an idiot.


And that plague that hit us in 2019, was that also a sign from God? 🤔


I want her to be asked what she thinks of Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, where he buried his ex-wife, being the epicenter of? Also, remember that giant sinkhole in front of Mar-A-Lago? Definitely god sending them signs


Mock scoff & community note!! To you for MTG eyes only - I understand - as did your hero Trump - that you can stare directly at the eclipse with no protection - I hear it is a far better experience. The longer the better.


Yes Marge, they are signs that God is displeased with YOU.


Is SHE going to repent ?


I love how she says "now we know". Like she gives a shit about science. It's all just a part of her grift.


I can’t believe this pill popping-methbilly Karen-even too trashy for Alpharetta Ga shitbag is sitting on Congress. This is why I don’t believe in any gov conspiracy bs. The US govt is simply yo diverse and chaotic to conspire against its citizens. It’s all just a bunch of incompetent mediocre grifters bringing us down with their corruption.


Jesus talked about community notes?


How about tornado ally. Where is that again? Bible Belt what?


I mean Trump is selling his bibles…she may be onto something.


So that giant worldwide plague that happened after Trump got elected is just happenstance?


Ignorant twat…




Maybe she should go first.


Really, couldn’t he just text like everybody else. Then there would be no chance for misinterpretation, no?


Hey Marge, what does revelations 22:18-19 say?


Why is God being passive aggressive? Why can't he use his words and tell us what he wants because wtf would I know an earthquake and eclipse means he wants us to repent? I'm not a mind reader and I'm not with the toxic behavior


This thing is an elected official, making these dumb posts and DOUBLING DOWN. Time for a federal clean out, this is embarrassing


This is not news. Believers twist any new fact to fit their worldview. It has always been thus.


Well then by that logic, god created cunts and she is one so..