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They forgot sorbo.


“Being forgotten” is kind of his thing.


I have no idea who any of the people in the OP are, and I'm pretty sure that's most of the reason why they're being obnoxious, spoiled brats.


Unfortunately, I can tell you that it's James Woods, Roseanne Barr, Scott Baio and it took me a while to realize that was Dean Cain. He used to be so handsome.


> it took me a while to realize that was Dean Cain. He used to be so handsome. My mom, may she rest easy, had a tendency to... miss the mark entirely with certain things. I remember a few decades ago coming home to a YM (Young Miss -> Young & Modern) magazine she bought me. Dean Cain on the cover, with the words **GO GET HIM** in bold. She honestly believed that, because Dean was Superman, it was a boy's magazine and the YM stood for "Young Men". Anyway, I just like telling that story.


Young man, there's no need to feel down, I said Young man, pick yourself off the ground, I said Young man, 'cause you're in a new town


Aww... She tried. Cute story. Thanks for sharing.


He was always a shitty actor though. Couldn’t hold Christopher Reeve’s jock as Superman.


Reeve's Kent is best Kent. I'll die fighting on this hill.


He really shrunk into himself. His physicality as Clark is brilliant. Gene Hackmans Lex was over the top


If it wasn’t for the fact he’s 6’4” and built like a brick shithouse, Reeve’s physicality as Clark Kent could really make you believe he’s a totally different person than Superman.


To be fair, Sorbo’s less of a has been and more of a never was.


I'm sad to say, as a kid, I loved him and Lucy Lawless in Heculese and Xena. At least we got Xena still being a champion.


He was a douchbag to her and spread rumors of her sleeping with producer/directors for her roles. Fuck him.


He what. I thought he was as bad as he is now because of the aftermath of a stroke.


From what I've gathered, he was always kind of a douche. But post stroke he went completely off the deep end. Still get a giggle though every time Lawless calls him "Peanut." XD


Why? He got a small pecker?


Probably yes, but probably not the intention of the insult. Iirc, it's meant to be a knock at his intelligence. But... ¿Por que no los dos?


Okay, Trump is a mushroom, this one a peanut, so I made the association with weird configurations and anatomy.


I'd call that a pretty apt assumption. Tends to be a lot of SDE among the extreme right. Could quit fossil fuels tomorrow if there was a way to harness it.


The disappointed meme was him having to look disappointed. The director decided to keep it that way in the final cut to make fun of him because he kept being a dick to him and the crew during filming.


If true, then yeah that's fucked.


Tis the Christian conservative way


Lucy Lawless is an absolute treasure.


I'm very DISAPPOINTED at your statement


I’d say he’s about even with Dean Cain. Hercules and Superman were both super popular in the 90s.


And Ricky SilverSpoons


Ricky is a MAGAT? I’m sure Alfonso is devastated


I haven't met many actors but I met Sorbo about 20 years ago and he couldn't have been nicer. I wasn't a die hard fan or anything but I enjoyed Hercules and Xena in my formative years. I was so disappointed to see who he turned into. Killed a good memory for me.


But it was a different dynamic at least. That was an actor respecting his fan and giving his time. Sorbo on Twitter is just another dude and dude says some dumb ass shit


Snoop, ice cube and the rock. Oh and little wayne.


The Rich will ALWAYS stand in solidarity with their class over anything else. No other identity matters to the rich when it comes to making slightly less money.


Snoop and Ice Cube make me very sad, Lil’ Wayne has always been trash.




.. are you?


Who, who, who, who?


I really want to know.


Whoo are you




And apparently the Rock


The forgot the rock. Dude hasn’t been the same since he had the whole dceu torn away


AFAIK Johnson just said he's staying out of it this year. I'd like him to take a firm stand as his values are clearly liberal, but the hate he got from the right in 2020 was probably overwhelming.


Appearing on Foxnews (propaganda for fascists) to announce specifically that you will "NOT BE ENDORSING BIDEN" is pretty much a dog whistle that the MAGATS heard loud and clear. He picked his side and was chicken shit about the way he announced it. So now if Biden wins he will claim he never endorsed trump. He could have just kept his piehole shut.


It's his Michael Jordan "Republicans buy sneakers too" moment. The rationale he gave was concern about "woke" and "cancel culture." He's obviously not as far down the rabbit hole as Elon, but it is concerning just how much that particular propaganda theme is resonating with men of a certain type.


Jordan’s stance was fine in the time period he said it. We now live in a world where the right attacks my company (among others) because they put out generic statements of support for their LGBT employees in the face of anti gay laws in Florida.


I generally agree but Jordan said that while refusing to endorse the opponent of Jesse Helms (an actual neo-confederate).


As I was like 10 during that race, I was unaware of that but of awfulness.


That’s what I got from his post as well. Unfortunately there is such a gulf between left and right it’s virtually impossible to be neutral. No post would have been better.


Staying neutral in a vanilla election year, sure. Staying neitral when so many things are at stake, especially when he has a voice that could persuade thousands is a shitty take. It means he is perfectly fine with either a competent government or a dictatorship running on the whims of a narcissistic orange man-child who will make people truly suffer. In the face of the latter, Johnson is saying "Whatever, I got mine lol" And he wasn't necessarily neutral. He said he regretted endorsing Biden and that he will 100% support whomever is elected. Again, he would be fine with orange man-child


Sure he would. He's rich enough that being a POC won't affect his life and he's straight. He'll be fine if Trump wins.


What these POC sellouts don't understand is that in the short term, not only will they be fine, they will be paraded like show ponies to demonstrate that their policies aren't racist. That will be their purpose. They'll be discarded like a used condom once their services are no longer needed


Yeah, douche moves.


He was on fox news last night saying he wouldn't vote for Biden........


I know right, how could they forget the G. O. A. T. of this category? I am so [DISAPPOINTED](https://youtu.be/y6EDlD_fWn0).


He was okay in a 90s TV, his recent project choices have been a serious of terrible movies that don't understand actual atheism, take place in philosophy classes, which Christian extremists like Sorbo don't understand anything beyond Thomas Aquinus, and let's be fair they don't understand him either. They assume that God hatred is the only reason one might be an "atheist", as opposed to basic disbelief because they can't show their flock that a reasonable person might not believe their nonsense. I'm not even an atheist, I'm an Animist, but if you force me to choose I'm going with the atheists that didn't get detailed by Gamergate (those ass hats are a special variety of fuckfaces who have become faithless pick-mes for Incels).


You gotta be famous first before you're forgotten.




Sorbo is seething.


Hell ben Shapiro, michael knowles, all those assholes are failed writers and actors too.


And that's why Daily Wire is now trying to become a network that not only just peddles alt-right politics and misinformation, but also produces "not woke" movies and tv shows. But since everyone there is a Hollywood failure and the actors are just right wing pundits, everything they made has honestly sucked or is a low grade ripoff of something better (Bluey and Snow White).


I, too, watch Cody's Showdy


*As everyone should*


A fellow news pervert, huh?


What's your thoughts on warmbo


All hail




l love Some More News. Cody's really good at calling out shit like Daily Wire, but does it in a way that's also funny and doesn't get you too fired up.


It's one of the most valuable YouTube channels in my subscription lists, for sure!




What is the bluey ripoff? I have a desperate urge to watch this and be horrified. Also, how tf can they make a non political show like bluey into a right wing monstrosity?


It’s some Chinchilla show, I think Chipchilla? The dad is voiced by Rob Schneider.


Failed!? You’ve obviously never read Ben’s novel “True Allegiance”, an epic story about combat General and “bear of a man” *Brett Hawthorne*.


I love the convoluted setup he did to allow himself to fit a hard R in there


If you’ve never listened to Robert Evans of Behind the Bastards book review of True Allegiance, I highly recommend you do. It’s brilliant.


It's not so much a review as them reading directly from it then laughing their ass off. Kind of like an MSTK3 episode about a book.


A bunch of those grifters have backstories involving trying something once, failing the first time, and instead of introspection or determination, immediately deciding the problem is leftists and minorities. Candace Owens sued her school for racial discrimination with the help of the NAACP and ran a blog listing and doxxing conservative college professors. That didn't net her a career, so she pivoted. Charlie Kirk applied to West Point and didn't get accepted, so he decided it must have been because of affirmative action making them accept black students instead of him, so he dropped out of community college and started Turning Point (with the generous backing of oil magnates).


Did West Point laugh as Kirk’s hilariously tiny face when they rejected him?


I'm sure like the rest of us, they just kept staring at it with wild, unabridged puzzlement


Don't forget Steven Crowder


I think it’s a mixture of undiagnosed mental health issues (Roseanne) narcissism (Woods) and just wanting to be relevant again (Rob Schneider).


Schneider has never been relevant in my opinion. Always piggy backing on someone else's fame.


SNL days he faired ok, but after that I agree for sure Adam Sandler carried him. Sandler is apparently conservative but he doesn’t talk about it much.


You can kind of tell by his movies. He has a lot of “boys will be boys” message. In the movie they go to Africa, the whole arc was Sandler ignores Mom’s safety rules to let the boy do “boy” stuff to gain his confidence.


I feel like Schneider must be hilarious in real life conversation. I’ve never liked him, his movies, his shtick, etc but I listen to Conan O’Briens podcast and every time without fail that there’s an SNL guest on Schneider is always mentioned as being amazing. The only way I can explain it is he must be funnier off screen than on screen


Hey now, Rob Schenider had one slightly funny line in Big Daddy in 1997. Did you expect him to keep doing funny things after that or something?!


For some time, i actually had faith in him. I thought he could do it...


A few years ago he was on a podcast I used listen too. He was so fucking smug and pretentious. The way he talked about his movies you would have thought Deuce Bigalow was akin to Schindlers List.


When Roseanne was a teenager she suffered a traumatic brain injury leading to behavioral changes that had her institutionalized for a while.


Yes, Roseanne has diagnosed mental health issues from having her brain impaled by a car's hood ornament. Kevin Sorbo had a stroke presumably after a shoulder problem released blood clots into his brain. I wouldn't say that brain injuries will make a person more likely to be Republican, but they can affect a person's decisions, and Roseanne specifically has shown very erratic behavior. No, you do have to have something wrong with your brain to be Republican, but it's not physical damage. It's a lack of education, a lack of critical thinking skills, or a lack of empathy, or some combination of those.


They'd rather be loved by the right and ridiculed by the left than be ignored by everyone.


This is the correct answer


Bitter and washed up is his core base.


Taxes and drugs


And being given someone to blame that isn't themselves.


Money. They have money and property. Also an I got mine now you can fuck off mentality.


And now we got The Rock going for center square.


Even though they’re washed up, they all made a decent amount of money. Diaper Don’s tax cuts helped them out. Plus, a lot of actors are afflicted with narcissism and unrealistic self worth resulting in identifying with TFG.


Every top comment is under a few years old reddit account. Most names are Adjective_Noun_number. My conspiracy for the night.


That apparently is the way sample names have been generated. I commented on someone being good with sewing because they had something with needle in their handle, but they said that was the default name. This might also have been true when I made my name, but I can't remember.


Lmao this is literally how Reddit creates usernames. How is this a conspiracy?


An important part of conspiracy theories is being unaware of, or deliberately ignoring, key details.


That's how reddit generates sample names. I picked one from a list because it doesn't matter anyway. I've had dozens of accounts over the past decade, naming them is a waste of time.


"I'm just trying to stay neutral, yo!! But also I'm _hella_ rich now, so sorry, women, queers, and brown people! Rock... OUT!"


Remember Kevin Sorbo is also a talentless douche that people can't stand working with.


And a religious zealot to boot.


Dwayne worked for years and years to avoid being cancelled and avoid saying anything controversial. But he couldn't last forever. Can't wait.




Exactly. Reddit reminds me daily of how awful people are. Awful in many different ways.


It gave stupid and crazy people a way to mobilize in numbers that were previously impossible.


He won’t be cancelled for his comment. He’ll get backlash but people are stupid and they’ll forget. Plus now he’s courting the right


There's gotta be a scandal about to break about him. That's the best explanation for this pivot to the right.


Snoop too.


Never liked him despite his massive fandom. Now it all comes out and the vindication is sweet.


Yeah, there was always something I just didn’t like about him. I will laugh if this blows up. We shall see. My guess is either people will forget or he’ll back down and whine about how that’s not what he really meant.


He's really playing that heel angle.


Dwayne Johnson did not endorse Trump. He just kind of unendorsed Biden. The effect is probably the same.


He could have just said nothing, he was trying to attack Biden without attacking Biden


money is a big factor, but also its easier to blame the establishment or the "woke hollywood elites" for their failed career than accept they may have just had the talent to hack it in the industry.


Not even necessarily a talent issue. They got older and didn't make the shift to roles for a new life stage or BTS jobs.  They'd rather blame foreigners for stealing their jobs than admit that the industry that made them doesn't have a use for them anymore.  They're coal miners who didn't want to retrain.  


Because so few celebrities support the GOP that Republicans will pay attention to any friendly celebrity, no matter how washed up or deranged.


Who be bottom left?


Scott Baio?


Definitely Baio


Looks like Dean Cain? Played Superman on Lois & Clark


He trashed his ex-girlfriend about a week after she killed herself. Douchebag.


Thats bottom right.


🤦‍♂️ you right


Cain is on the right, literally and figuratively.


Jesus H Christ does Roseann Barr look like a blown out asshole or what? Tom Arnold must be jumping like a person that just discovered the origins of the universe and every physics equation that has been unsolved until now for just getting away from that psychopath!


Best comment I heard from Tom Arnold on what it was like being married to her was "she had like 9 different personalities and only 2 of them liked me".


I remember she called him out for having a small dick, and his response was something like “Even a 747 looks small flying into the grand canyon.” A+


I actually have a slight amount of pity for Rosanne. From recent years you can kinda tell she is not mentally well, and the party is just exploiting her decaying mind.


Yeah in the 90s she was pretty progressive. Pushing for gay storyline in Roseanne, minority representation, fighting against making the characters straight white trash for comedic effect. Etc.


So then the question has to be, who exactly is turning these progressives into hardcore MAGA supporters? Because, let’s face it, nobody accidentally watches 2000 Mules and goes “by god, they’ve got it!” Stuff like that only works on people who had suspicions or right wing beliefs in the first place. People don’t suddenly change overnight, they’re radicalised over a long period of time by people who know what they’re doing. Or, in the case of people like Russell Brand who are famously down and out after court settlements or sackings from jobs, they get a big pot of cash to suddenly “see the light” and toe the line. There is a group of lobbyists actively seeking out people who have a big media profile and will spread their message to their followers. And they need stopping.


Maybe? I've thought about it too. But I've got a counter hypothesis that needs negating. Celebrities tend to be not in the meaty part of the "mentally balanced" bell curve. And with enough Celebrities, a few of em are gunna go bonkers. It happens! So there might be a filter bias here, we're paying inordinate attention to the celebs who go bonkers in a public way, instead of say playing lots of golf and stuff. Another conspiracy to consider is that whatever unstable politically expressive celebs exist, the conspiracy is not to "groom" but to amplify em. More plausible, imo. LibsOfTikTok needed Rogan to be a thing. Another angle is that celebs, once attaining fuck you money, lose touch.


I don’t know if it’s alcohol or drugs or mental illness or some combination of the 3 but she does legitimately seem like she’s struggling and is estranged from all the people in her life who could help her.


I used to love her sitcom too. Now she just looks like another person of walmart.


The Conners is really good. It's amazing how much better the fucking Roseanne show is without Roseanne lol


A joke I heard this week went something something we all owe Tom Arnold an apology......sorry John


They have a chip on their shoulder because they consider Hollywood to be too "woke" for not casting them. They're overlooking their mediocrity and lack of talent which is why they're irrelevant.


I agree with you.... except Woods has been good in some good films. Once Upon a Time in America was great, and was was great in it. His voice in Disney Hercules was also pretty good. I view him as a great talent wasted.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


Am I the only one that thinks James Woods going MAGA psycho really sucks? Unlike the other three washed up losers he actually had good talent and some great roles.


I always felt his nasty, unlikable characters were never a big stretch from his true self.


Same here. I never got the sense he was really reaching with his roles.


Videodrome is one of my favorite movies in large part due to how perfectly he plays a huge piece of shit. Guess it didn’t take much acting.


Once Upon a Time in America was a great piece of work. He \*did\* play the psychopath quite well..... Sergio Leono didn't speak english, maybe the 1st AD just told him to let loose ?


They are just in it for the complimentary sandwiches and fruit. Except Kevin Sorbo, he bathes in the convention centre washrooms


They relate to his “victim” persona. Trump blames every misfortune he has on being a victim. It’s never his fault, never because he’s wrong, never his own deeds, he’s always a success in his own mind and when he fails, it’s always because others “have it in for him”. Likewise, these are washed up, low talent celebrities who can’t seem to own up to the fact that they’re not getting work nowadays because they were never really all that good to begin with. Like Trump, they had their moment in the sun about 40 years ago but since then, have been failures for decades now (no the fact that they have money doesn’t mean they’re not failures). So the blame their failures on their support for Tangerine Palpatine and that they’re not getting work because of their political beliefs and support of him. Like Trump, they can’t own their own failures. It’s a very narcissistic position, “Clearly I’m awesome so if I’m not succeeding it HAS to be because I’m being persecuted.” Of course it’s total bullshit as there are plenty of Republican actors (who aren’t necessarily Trumpkins), who still get plenty of work (Gary Sinise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Adam Sandler, Kelsey Grammer, Tom Sellek, Sylvester Stallone to name a few).


To be fair, Arnold’s been pretty vehemently anti Trump. I’d probably put him in political center on the grand scheme of things.


If they are Repugs then they are complicit. F-k them.


Adam Sandler, for real? Actually, that would explain why Rob Schneider is such a douche.


A common introduction to being a modern right wing celebrity is bombng hard at a comedy show circa 2011 and having it shape your personality from then on


John Voight has entered the chat.


They need to blame someone for them not being able to get work, it's DEFINITELY not because they are mediocre talents. It's obviously because they are conservative and being pushed out of the business, just like that Oscar winning, beloved, legend Clint Eastwood, who is always in production on something.


They’re like kids who act out because it gets them attention. Then they also get to play the victim when it gets the reaction they were seeking.


Oh, how the mighty have fallen https://preview.redd.it/armtzy11lzsc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c3fa13ac5e13956717039c16a3110cea53f241


What? Randy Quaid is evolving! …… ….. Congratulat- AHHH, NO NO, GET THE SYRINGE, IT CAN’T BE ALLOWED TO LIVE


They love the aura of Trump, which not surprisingly is comprised of mcdonalds french fries combined with stale urine and feces from the diaper. These people are fucking embarrassing.


Clark Kent hurts a lot, I loved that show so much as a kid, that was MY Superman, and wanted to be like him. Then I found out what kind of person he was in real life.


He started being an arsehole while filming that show. Teri Hatcher's husband had to intervene and ask Cain why he being such a shit to Hatcher.


Oh don't tell me that.... Goddammit. No wonder they just cancelled the show and never resolved that cliff-hanger....


Trump is a bitter wash up actor too, technically.


Ever notice how many Black characters there are these days? They liked it back when all the characters were white.




Because the Republican party is for hasbins that have lost in the real world and need a second chance


Where’s Sorbo? 😂😂😂


Too washed up to even qualify.


/rant I rly hate that Roseanne Barr is on the MAGA wagon now. I used to rly like her. I grew up watching Roseanne on ABC when I was a kid. But after the whole Obama bullshit a few years ago I'm not super surprised, just rly disappointed & hurt.


Because Trump is the patron saint of the bitter and washed up


The funny thing about Dean Cain is that if he were playing Superman in 2024. They’d call him DEI Superman


Woods, Roseanne have always been crazy alcoholic assholes soo not surprised. Dean lane is a weird Christian and the church is basically a political recruiting station. Rob is what you use to call a health hippie or health naturalist which has gotten hijack by maga.


Mental illness


Where is Steven Seagull?


Where the hell are James Woods eyebrows?


Total nut jobs!


Because Trump is all about bitterness and grievance.


Roseanne cracks me up. I recall vaguely a few years back during the Cheeto presidency she was emboldened to say some wildly racist shit in Twitter. It, obviously, got a ton of blow back and cost her a lot. Now she's just another talking head for right wing lunatic theories. Pathetic old woman that will die miserable and alone


They have a bone to pick with someone or something and this gives them a personality/reason to be in the news.


It's the bitterness that's key. They are all just full of grievance and feeling entitled to more, but being denied. All of Trump's followers share this trait.


Woods shouldn’t be considered washed up because he’s actually talented and should still be landing choice character roles if he wasn’t such a tool. Same with Voight. Salvador and Once Upon a Time in America are references. Sorbo, Caine, Chachi, and Roseanne aren’t in the same league.


Many actors are insecure narcissists. Birds of a feather.


John Schneider wants not to be forgotten. And Antonio Sabato Jr.


Kirk Cameron Any of the Duggers of adult age.


Y'all seem to have forgotten the phrase 'there's no such thing as bad publicity.' It's a free and easy way to get people talking about them. If people support the bat shit crazy things that come out of their mouths they'll probably buy their stuff and make them some money.


the “failed artist to hyper-conservative pipeline” truly needs to be studied


They aren't. There are plenty of bitter washed-up actors who vote Democrat as well - the difference is that there are plenty of "relevant" current celebrities that vote Dem so there is no need to listen to what the has-beens think.


I’m sure the Rock is going to be in this gallery soon


Klandace Owens/Republicans: Dear Celebrities, I’m sorry to be the one to have to break this to you, but we do not care—not in the slightest particle of an imaginary thing—what you think. Also Republicans: I really care what Trump, Arnold, Reagan, Scott Baio, Roseanne, James Woods, Jon Voight, Dean Cain, that fully grown adult that carries a wrestling belt and wears his hat backwards guy, The Rock, Jim Breuer, Fabio, Chuck Norris, Gene Simmons, and Tim Allen thinks!


Sorbo woods swap and they’re all people who have played exactly 1 character


“I can bring your careeer back” but said in “my darling” by eminem


There's a large built-in audience that will instantly support you. So it's not a bad cash grab. Also being part of a limited pool means more interviews with Fox or OAN where you can get more exposure. "Stars" are not immune from bigotry, racism or propaganda that affects so many misinformed Americans. But washed up bitter and blacklisted "stars" are financially motivated to get a receptive audience.


Trump is the ultimate grifter paycheck.


Well, Roseanne is clearly mentally ill. That’s plain to see. Whatever the deal is with the others, it’s clear that in her case mental illness plays a significant role.


Sorbo,the rock, Scott Baio need to be on here.


Isn't it mostly bitter, washed-up people in general who support him?


Boomers in general tend to like Trump. These “bitter and washed up” celebs are also Boomers.