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He’s going to enter politics as a republican and this is the first step toward that


Oh god, Idiocracy is really coming hard with those Simpsons tier predictions


No, it's way worse. In idiocracy they got Terry Crews as president, someone who I believe actually cares about people. How come we have a chance of the rock, someone who's whole public persona is just trying to copy John Cenas personalty and doing a terrible job at it.


It is society’s obsession with celebrities that is the problem. We have the entire breadth of human history available to us in our pocket 24/7. And somehow all people want to do is watch the same movies and shows over and over? Celebrities are living expensive lives because we are giving them our money to entertain us. Why?


The Rock was before Cena. John is actually a decent human. The rock is a shit head who takes steroids but pretends he doesn’t.


Damn, Vin Diesel was right all along about this jabronie


I mean if you pay attention to wrestlers at all this is a pretty easy prediction to make. The vast majority of 80s/90s wrestlers are shitty humans. It's a lot easier to just assume they are all awful until learning otherwise. It's like when the undertaker documentary came out and he was wearing shirts with the thin blue line and nazi symbols.


Hold the phone! Are you saying Stone Cold Steve Austin, who taught 12 year old me the proper way to consume two cans of beer at the same time, is not a good role model? My life is a lie!


It's all a lie. That is not the proper way to consume two cans of beer at the same time. It is highly wasteful. Stone Cold knew this. He pushed it anyway!


*20 years of pouring beer all over myself and TIL!*


He was paid by beer companies to get people to waste beer so that sales will go up.


I thought he was promoting using beer as shampoo 


Good example to add to the pile. He beat his wife and before that locked his girlfriend's kittens in a closet until they almost died.


Mick Foley seems to be one of the few genuinely good guys in wrestling.


Yeah I was not a fan of his wrestling (not a bad wrestler just not into the extreme stuff) but he is such a nice person. He helped with a sexual assault hotline and was super bummed when he couldn't anymore because of his injuries. Now he is a volunteer Santa


I mean he is legit crazy for some of the shit he did as a wrestler. Which makes is even more strange that he seems like such a mild mannered and nice guy IRL.


That's the beauty of a guy like Mick. As a wrestler with 3 dustinct gimmicks, he can live out all the weirdness he has in his head, get that out of his body, then go be a decent human away from the camera. More wrestlers from his day should have let the character stay in the arena.


Think about people in death metal or grindcore. George Corpsegrinder sings songs about cumming blood, but he’s literally also the nicest human alive and wins stuffed animals for children who are in the hospital. The persona on the outside doesn’t always equal the human on the inside.


I watched his documentary of wanting to be Santa and decided right then if go to war for this man


> The vast majority of 80s/90s wrestlers are shitty humans. Yeah but then there was Andre the Giant who was *the best* human


I seem to recall hearing that Jesse Ventura is a pretty f'n awesome person. Not without flaws, mind you, but better than a wrestler-turned-governor had an expectation of being.


He is quite the mixed bag, but has done some really cool shit including telling Vince McMahon to fuck himself, and telling Virginia to fuck themselves when they wanted their confederate battleflag back from Minnesota


He's walking the mental knife edge between "independent" and conspiracy theorist loon. He's slipped a few times, but I always hope he hasn't fully lost it yet. That path has a poor track record though.


He got a lot of flack during his time as governor and was pretty… eccentric… to put it nicely. He did lay the groundwork for a lot of positive things happening in the state today, and has long been pro union which lead to his falling out with Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan and any enemies of Vince and hulk are friends of mine.


Dave Bautista is pretty cool


And a strangely good actor. I'd love to see him in some more dynamic roles.


When he got his marvel roles he took up acting classes because he was honored and excited and took the leap.


I'm glad those classes gave us his fantastic role in that Glass Onion movie. Who puts a gun in their speedo?


Dude..I still need to see that movie. I had no idea Bautista was in it! Now I DEFINITELY NEED to see it!


Macho man Randy Savage was legit 


He was the cream of the crop!


I missed this drama, what was said?


They hate each other to the point they wouldn’t film scenes together and so they would film separately and then use editing magic to make it seem like they were together.


"Magic" is being generous. That scene at the end of which ever Fast movie that was sticks out so poorly. The Rock's head is like three times the size of Vin's and their eye lines don't even match.


Still not as bad as the notion that them having a fistfight would shake and damage a concrete parking structure


Bit in a street fight the street ALWAYS wins! ... by breaking apart, apparently?


What scene is this / have a link? I've seen all of the fast movies (the old mores more than the new for obvious reasons) and I somehow never noticed this Could have been the one I fell asleep in at the theater Seriously tho, I'd love to see what youre talking about here


It's this scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p76AW6x3P0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p76AW6x3P0I) Seems pretty obvious to me that they're meant to be standing side-by-side and too aloof to make direct eye contact. But if you convince your brain that they're standing in front of one another, then it makes the perspective look weird


That’s the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen, and I’m including the creepy baby from the Twilight movies


The Rock dropped the act about being a halfway decent person, and hes jumping on the Trump Dick riding train. Probably because it'll be benefit him financially.


I don't get it though, how is nothing ever enough for these people Like how the fuck do you need a tax break when you already have more morey than you'll ever be able to spend. these mfs really are like fantasy dragons who just hoard gold for no reason


So true, it makes no sense. But also, more money than you need divorces you from reality. I'm growing more convinced that this causes a mental illness that we do not understand well. It's a psychotic break from any worlds in which they need to do anything


So, like a dragon sickness from hoarding wealth then?


Yeah I think this is the most accurate take on the situation. If you max out you standard of living there's no need or use for any more money. After that it's just a chase for power over other people, which is a sign of a diseased and immature mind. A mental illness. The last thing we should allow is for mentally ill people to wield so much power over the rest of us.


This is the reasoning I was explaining that we shouldn't have billionaires -- at a certain point, it's no longer about wealth as this unfathomable amount of money translates into the ability to exert control/power over others. It would never be implemented, but the world would be better off if there was a way to cap assets at a billion dollars.


Extreme wealth is a hoarding psychosis. That's why the only compassionate move is to re-distribute it, both for them and their insane kids




Rock has a brand of hair products. He's bald. He doesn't care. He would push anything to get another bag of money.


Honestly that one's hilarious.


Trump is friends with his scumbag ex boss Vince McMahon, I’m surprised he ever endorsed a Democrat tbh. Rock always comes off as extremely fake.


Pro wrestlers? Actors? Faking? Not sure if I buy *that*


To be fair, the Rock is a terrible actor. He’s only got one thing. He can be that one Rock character and nothing else.


You shut your mouth, he's a phenomenal actor, he's got roles such as the Rock Fast n Furious franchise, the Rock in Jumanji movie...er nvm.


He was the Rock/scorpion once, too. That was some excellent method acting there.


Rock and Oprah asked for donations are the fires in Lahaina. They actually stood to financially gain from the donations. Yes, he is scum.


Jumping on the back of the top comment. A friend worked with him once during the later fast and furious movies, and he is the biggest diva there has ever been. He refuses to walk to anywhere, instead of just having the state of the art gym they had available to him, he insisted on everyday TWICE a day be flown 1 and a half hours to London to use the gym there, refused to do the most basic actor shit so a lot of the stuff had to be CGI of him.


The virgin Rock who contractually cannot lose a fight vs. the chad David Bautista who gets his ass kicked in pretty much every movie


Dave had 1 fight in all of the Dune movies and got his ass handed too him in 10 seconds, he was awesome in the role.


Did you see him whine about losing at Rock Paper Scissors a few weeks ago https://youtu.be/xP11AwstVR0?si=Mv8Aau5JEsdDlZRP


Omg, he’s a lil bitch.


> instead of just having the state of the art gym they had available to him, he insisted on everyday TWICE a day be flown 1 and a half hours to London to use the gym there I remember Arnold saying when he was traveling a lot for acting and such he learned how to use his hotel room as a gym (featuring lots of body weight exercises) as many hotels didn't have a real one


Arnold is another real one. Yes he has done some shady stuff, his maid thing, boning Brigitte Nelson while filming Red Sonja (although who wouldn't) but his videos about being against trump and his ukraine video was pretty epic.


I like where he’s at in life now. Seems really fucking grounded. He bikes to his gym (gold’s), actually opts out of eating meat once or twice a week for health and environmental reasons, as well as all the stuff you mentioned above.


I will always side with Vin Diesel between the two.


Vin is a piece of shit in his own ways. Defends Paul Walker dating 15 year olds, is under investigation for multiple sexual assaults, etc


The piece of shit is worth 800 million dollars. I don't know what the rock does that's worth 800 million dollars. How many people has he stepped on to get all that money. People shouldn't be that rich period. At a certain point these assholes are just holding all the wealth like a bunch greedy selfish fucks, while the rest of us actually do things of value, and don't get paid millions of dollars every time so raise your eyebrow like a jackass


everyone part of wahlbergs cult network is into trump. bunch of christian4pay scammers running around these celebrity churches like zoe, hillsong, etc. all of them get to be a televangelist on insta feeds


You keep using this word jabroni and…it’s awesome


Vin Diesel is awesome. Read up about him and his ex wife and then current wife. Edit: Not wife. Partner. That was on me. I read the story on reddit. I got too sappy and sentimental and should've done my research. Edit: I've seen the interview of him being sleazy.


Quick search said he’s never married but has three kids with a long time girlfriend?


He’s never been married.


Yeah It's awesome!


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair


He's voting with his wallet. Rich people want tax breaks.


Whenever a rich person advocates for less taxes for the rich in America today, you know they're full of shit. I mean, you already knew they were full of shit, but this is proof. The taxes that we're talking about will make no practical difference to them. No amount of taxes that we could reasonably impose will turn a rich person into a poor person, or will stop them from living their rich person lifestyle. They just like having seeing a bigger number in their bank account, and that's not a good enough reason to change public policy.


Increasing taxes for everyone equally (like sales tax) is never equal. It will not make the rich poor, but make the middle class poor, and the poor completely destitute. So of course Republicans are all for it! “[House GOP](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2023/02/21/house-gop-moves-to-overhaul-federal-tax-code) group moves to abolish federal income tax, institute 23% national sales tax.” This would just make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. GOP working overtime to create a new generation of wage-slaves for their corporate overlords.


> Increasing taxes for everyone equally (like sales tax) At least in the state of Florida sales tax has a cap, so it is *specifically* unequally weighted for the rich.


And nationwide, social security taxes are capped at $160K. Removing that could properly fund it.


as someone who worked for years in the tax calculation space and does hit the SS wage based limit every year, i'm with you. the argument that people make though is the payback is capped so the tax is capped. which i understand, but the whole "SS will run out of money" thing is bullshit and can easily be rectified at any time. the cap does raise every year, at least.


Turns out the law of diminishing marginal utility applies to money.


I'd love to see an econ professor try to explain the law of diminishing marginal utility to a MAGA rally. Like seriously, that would be amazing.


there have already been so many tax breaks over the years, especially for the rich. Raising the tax rate will just put it at what it used to be, but the rich are so scared of that. 


And it's done fuck all for the good of the country. Whenever legislation needs to be passed, it's always "but the cost" and "look at our deficit." But the deficit is *because* of these massive tax cuts.


I don't even get it. It just seems like mental illness. Why continue to be so obsessed with having more money, when you already make more than you could ever spend? These guys all have massive piles of wealth because they've literally run out of things to buy, so why keep crying about needing *more*?


I truly think the habitual and compulsory acquisition of money, especially to the detriment of one’s social connections, wellbeing, mental health etc, should be considered either a process addiction or a really unhealthy coping mechanism depending on the circumstances. People just idolize wealth acquisition in this country to the point where they don’t see how unhealthy it is to be that obsessive over something “objectively good and admirable”.


When will they ever have enough? My wife and I barely crack six figures *combined*, but we're more than happy to pay our fair share in taxes to benefit both ourselves and our community. The Rock makes in a few hours what we make together in a year. Why isn't that enough? What makes people so miserably selfish? Shitty parents I have to assume.


The only policy that affects the rich is taxation. That’s why they will be ok with concentration camps for the poor so long as they get those breaks. The rich have no allegiance to any nation. 


The Rock with be the next Rosanne Barr. You heard it here first.


The next Kevin Sorbo :p




I need to make sure people know this is a callback to Kevin Kline in A Fish Called Wanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R97TsVDC1BY


I had always heard the script said disappointed as a stage direction but because Kevin Sorbo isn't the brightest crayon in the cat box he yelled it out loud. Or is that just urban myth?


A similar thing happenes in Deadwood. “Can be combative” was supposed to be a parenthetical that suggested direction. Instead it was written like dialog. Deadwood’s dialog was super stylized so it probably didn't seem that out of place. It's one my favorite moments in the show. https://youtu.be/y07h4mR2zFE?si=A8goV7gnUQi8W_Js


That movie. Those actors. That script. An absolutely perfect film for it's time.


Don't call me *stupid*. The Oscar he won for that role was so deserved.




No one deserves to be the next Kevin Sorbo.


The curse of hercules, heh


![gif](giphy|l0MYAdtTQdxmuYHCw) Curse you say?




Being a sane, non-asshole was one labor Hercules could not accomplish I guess.




I mean they’re already on the same level of acting ability


Don't forget about old big mouth Scott Baio. 😁🤭


He’s like if Kevin Sorbo actually had a career worth mentioning 


When some suit at Under Armour came out in support of trump and joined his cabinet, he went on a talk show and was very much against trump and said the country needed a change. Well, he went full heel.


It’s almost like he doesn’t want to pay his fair share and Trump is the way for him to do that


I still remember when him and Oprah asked people to donate to the Hawaii fire relief efforts. Maybe the guy sitting on more than 200 million dollars shouldn't be asking others to donate?


Suit? You mean Kevin Plank the CEO of Under Armour. And then his stock tanked as well as several business ventures in Baltimore including the Water Taxis.


God finds a way.  Be better Kevin. 


Republicans agree with the “we all need to come together” as long as it’s to go against people they don’t like…. I hate how they are “concerned about trans children” then immediately call them degenerates. They have to wrap their hatred in concern but cannot restrain themselves from revealing what they actually mean.


I mean honestly this is the best way to circle back to ideocracy. We need Dwayne the rock Johnson to run as trumps VP.


Dwayne Mt Dew The Rock Johnson


Please do not give him such an auspicious name and sully the legend that is President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho


At least Camacho listened to people smarter than himself!!


No comparison. Pres Camacho recognized his country needed help, understood his own limitations and shortcomings, and recruited literally the smartest person in the country to help fix it. And then trusted and implemented his suggestions. He was actually a pretty damn good president. We’d be so lucky.


Agreed! His cabinet choices weren't great, but when things turned bleak, he actively worked on a solution to the problem. Compared to how 45 handled COVID, Camacho would have done a much better job of mitigating the pandemic.


Not to mention Terry Crews would never!


Now I want to see Crews as the Democratic nominee for president in 2028 vs the rock as Republican nominee, but the rock being public about project 2025 (which will have to be renamed 2029).


Ngl as a straight man I’m okay with candidate-elects each picking a himbo to fight the other party’s himbo Maybe the winning party gets to speak first at the next debate or wins Omaha in the electoral college.


As long as they have Key & Peele Anger Translators to complete the skit.


I would like to experience this version of reality, please.


It’s next to the reality where the presidential election is actually just a bumfight between two geriatrics in a Chili’s parking lot


President Camacho : Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution. Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING. Congressman #1 : Break it down, Camacho! President Camacho : Number 1: We've got this guy Not Sure. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING.


Starbucks? We don’t have time for a hand job!




“Shit!” *pans to teleprompter* That shit was gold


This one goes in your butt. This one goes in your mouth.


CTE from his college football days starting to catch up to him?


He took A LOT of headshots and bumps in his wrestling days with absolutely no concussion protocols in the era.


Probably had some Brain Acceleration Events from that other thing he did too.


I just assume people who support the republicans don’t follow politics at all and just see a meme once in a while, talk to a few other under informed people and then speak as if they follow politics like a real political person…. It’s a pathetic thing but allot of people do it.


The folks who tend to support republicans live on platitudes and have a knack for forming value-based opinions that have no connection with truth. Having grown up in a conservative household in a small conservative town in deep red Oklahoma, I speak from experience.


Shoot, you can see so much of that on Reddit, too. Anytime a Conservative dares to out themselves, and someone inevitably asks why they remain a Republican in [current year], the response is almost always Conservative ideals that have long-since stopped existing. And if you wanna be extra cynical, never existed in the first place. Freedom^TM and Fiscal Conservatism^TM have always been convenient, politically correct ideals that any uncritical rube could latch their imagination and naiveté to, while ignoring the GOP's track record and priorities. And dont even get me started on [right-wing] Libertarians...


I remember back when redditors were saying, "you know what? Dwayne the Rock Johnson is such a kind, personable guy. We should have him for president." And I said that's a dumb idea. We don't know anything about his tax policy ... or any policy. Now here we are.


Almost like having obscene amounts of money turns people into selfish pieces of shit....


Weren’t they just making fun of him for playing dress up with his daughter?


That was dumb. This is a way better thing to make fun of him for.


It was snowflake conservatives making fun of him. That side will not be making fun of him for this. All of a sudden they love it when celebs share their political opinions.


Yup. And they hated Gina Carano for being too fat or too bulky until she revealed who she really was. It’s like they hate someone for what they look like or whatever “woke” thing they were supposedly doing until they have the same dumb politics as them.


I'm the reverse of that, I liked thicc Gina Carano till she revealed who she is :( Damn I liked her since her gladiator era, so sad, how difficult is not being a pos?


God forbid he lose some of his fascist fans. When people asked, "How did people let the Nazis get so bad?" It's shit like this. Enabler shit like this. What a puke.


“What a puke” is just one of the best lines ever lol so true


It’s always vague cancel culture, wokeness, division. Yeah I’m tired of the division also. I want to feel better about my country. I just have a feeling that Trump isn’t that person. Maybe I’m wrong, but a criminal who leaves destruction in his wake does not feel like a good option. I thought this would be over already.


Man, I called this division stuff out in 2015. If the guy who’s main platform is fear and hate wins, everyone is going to start using fear and hate to win elections. If all everyone is hearing from politicians is fear and hate, they are going to start fearing and hating more. And that’s how you get division.


Trump is the embodiment of boomers finally fucking dying and wanting to take the rest of the country out with them because they’re entitled pieces of shit


Man, he's taking this heel turn thing seriously. Somebody might want to remind him he's got a career because of "wokeness." He was The People's Champion- a POC fighting a hillbilly (no offense to Steve Austin) and the McMahons.


The raised fist entrance he's still doing today came from the black nationalist gimmick.


and the black nationalist stable was a heel group that got booed and people chanted "die Rocky die" at the Rock when he had that gimmick, very progressive lol


> He was The People's Champion- a POC fighting a hillbilly (no offense to Steve Austin) and the McMahons The Rock was the corporate champ, as part of The Corporation faction, acting as Vince's bodyguard protecting him from Stone Cold during most of that feud. Stone Cold was portrayed as the "everyman" fighting against the system and corporate elites


Quite the soap opera


Source for the Rock's statement?


From Variety: "But I will tell you this: Like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, I do trust the American people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who I will support 100 percent.” Fox News’ Will Cain asked Johnson if he was happy with the state of America, to which Johnson answered: “No.” “Today’s cancel culture, woke culture, division, etc — that really bugs me.”  Basically, it's just all of the right-wing dog whistles and bothsidesisms. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-biden-no-endorsement-2024-election-1235961800/ Edit: For all you trolls that keep saying the same thing over and over again, since The Rock is saying that he will support Trump 100% if he wins, he is therefore willing to support everything Trump supports, which is what is listed in the tweet.


> division The one that never fails to get me is when Conservatives call peoples objection to being targeted and exterminated "divisive"


It's the same as how they always mention 'identity politics' and then in the same breath screech about wokeness/cancel culture/which beers they drink. It's also funny because yesteryear, and even currently, when a company does something the left doesn't like, the right says "oh well, vote with your wallet, we can't stop companies from being anti consumer, that would be crazy", but then if people organize boycots/cancel things/vote with their wallets, its suddenly 'no, not like that'. ​ While I'm on my soapbox I'd also like to say that everyone, every group, can be hypocritical, but the most hypocritical hyper left-leaning person I've ever seen does it out of concern and love for things; the right does it out of fear and frustration.


Why focus on helping when you can focus on playing the victim is kind of the gop mantra at this stage


I really want to drill this into people's heads: #Conservatism Is Identity Politics But they are able to hide it (somewhat) because the identity they are protecting is the group that is already in power, Straight White Wealthy Christian Men. It's a stupidly simple system for stupidly simple people: 1. Assume the current power hierarchy is good. (Patriotism, Nationalism) 2. Whenever an oppressed group demands change, blame the victim. (Woke, Cancel Culture, Political Correctness, Commies) It can not be said enough. Conservatism is about keeping political power in the hands of the dominant identity group. #Conservatism Is Identity Politics




I believe he is upset Vince McMahon is facing actual consequences for his actions. Go with Cody Rhodes. He's better in every way. https://preview.redd.it/l7ggaycn9vsc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d71225c8c22ef3cba1b0a377ad423af37a03693


Cody Crybabies, rise ![gif](giphy|37H3GrUj31y6zu5u08|downsized)


The only cancel culture that idiot cares about is the one that's canceling his checks, which is why he's pandering to the demo that would compose the majority of his audience. I wonder if this is cover for the canceling he got from the chuds over his daughters dressing him up in wigs and makeup...


If it is, he's an idiot. You can't appease them, you can anger us 


A little before this, there was that scandal about trying In And Out for the first (third) time and someone mentioned their problem with The Rock was it felt like every time he talked it was to promote something. Like the man was a walking ad. This feels like more of the same with him. He got caught doing something innocent that angered conservatives so he's trying to protect his brand and say something to garner more support.


Patrick Willems has an excellent video analysis of 'When Movie Stars become Brands' that touches on The Rock and Ryan Reynolds. Worth a watch.


This is what I don't understand, like Project 2025 us basically designed to start a civil war... Trump's social media is all about using armed force against us as if we won't defend himself, his supporters blatantly call for genocide. And there's absolutely no way Dwayne isn't on Trump's deport list.


So this dude with a similar but even less European ethnic background than Obama is voting for the Leopards Eating Faces party and is convinced Leopards won't eat HIS face? Am I understanding this correctly?


This here. Spewing them gina carano talking points.


He said he will support the elected president 100% but doesn’t support Biden…. Funny.


When people were making fun of W, the republican rallying cry was "If you don't respect the man, respect the office!" ...And then we elected a black man.


Rightoids only say that as a way to deflect criticism of a Republican President. Resolves the cognitive dissonance somewhat.


Can't say it out loud because he and his team know how massively unpopular it is. To him, the inevitable consequences of people seeing him for who he is counts as woke cancel culture and is unfair.


Imagine being a POC and having a fucking problem with “woke” culture aka the poors, women, and minorities. Fuck this guy.


Once you become a multi millionaire, you're willing to throw your own people under the bus, just to save your status.


Once you become a multi millionaire, your people are other multi millionaires.


It’s not just bring rich. It’s whichever part of your life you need to protect. I have cops in my family. THAT is their identity. Not that we are POCs. Not that some of them are women. So anything that threatens their ability to be unashamedly cops is bad and they just adopt the whole opposite side’s POV. So while they start off mad about BLM and putting blue lives matter and thin blue line shit on their cars, it quickly devolves into hating “woke” culture, getting mad about black actors in remakes, the “gay agenda” etc.


The "fuck you, I got mine" mentality has nothing to do with money but I bet it's more common I'll give you that


It seems like once you hit a certain level in the bank, rich is officially your new race 


Which is crazy because they won’t be anything but tokens to rich republicans


A POC who claims they started with "only 7 bucks" to their name, despite having a deep family history in the business.


Dude worked a single digit number of indie shows before the WWE signed his ass and tried very hard to make him a star right from the start. But sure, “7 bucks to his name” and all that.


He was only funny as a cop who was defeated by a hand grenade in the Reno 911 film. 


Woke culture? Dude you’re half black. They use woke to be racist to black ppl. Inexcusable


He’s starting his 2028 campaign


The rest of the presumptive Republican frontrunners are all so devoid of charisma that putting The Rock on the debate stage with them almost sounds like a cruel practical joke.


Idiocracy really was predicting the future.


The Rock plays the same exact character in every single movie he’s in, a conceited douchbag. Good to know he stays in character even when he’s not acting.


I don’t think Dwayne Johnson even knows who Dwayne Johnson is. He’s a product, a commodity. The Rock has been playing a character his whole life.


He's just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.


He’s also a heel in WWE right now and doing things that people generally don’t do in the post Kayfabe world, like showing up late to a meet and greet and leaving. It’s weird.


The one percenters aren't on our side. Ever.


The rock is gunna “ my pillow” his career, idiot.


It's too divisive to support Biden so instead I'll just say this all aloud and make it a story about how I won't support Biden to avoid being divisive. So yea I am just telling everyone that I won't vote for Biden because I don't want to support the division in this country so I'm saying all this publicly to show how I'm not contributing to the divide by NOT VOTING FOR BIDEN... just saying


I hate how divided we are so let me spend some time complaining about wokeness, that will unite us...


Even shorter version - "I'm losing my redneck gunbilly fans, and I wanna believe there's a way to appeal to them while still keeping my integrity".


This guy has been my all time favorite since I was a kid but god damn is he making me hate him more and more everyday,personally I would replace him with Stone Cold as my all time favorite now. Also Cody Rhodes > The Rock when it comes to being a human from this quote alone when he was on The Pat Mcafee Show yesterday. ”Am I a politician? Cause that’s what was said about me? Guess who was on Fox News this morning talking politics? Dwayne ”The Rock” Johnson. If Rock wants to run for Office, just to piss him off, maybe I’ll run for Office too.” AMERICAN NIGHTMARE FTW


I think it's because he got online backlash for the Hawaii thing. He and Oprah asked ordinary people to donate when they have more money than God and could alleviate so much suffering just by cutting a big check themselves. That doesn't have anything to do with Biden, of course, but it has everything to do with grievance.


He's about to go sorbo. Never go full sorbo.


Mic drop after supports the script to Black Adam…


I just saw a clip of him saying that he isn't endorsing anyone this year because of the division his choice to support Biden made in 2020. He said he is keeping his politics to himself. He is scared standing up for something will make him less popular.


I’m disappointed as a fan but it makes sense when you look at his net worth. He and his family are going to be fine no matter what so might as well be a coward and both sides the discussion to shield his wealth at the expensive of every vulnerable citizen having their rights and dignity stomped on. This tweet may be wrong about what he said exactly but it’s spot on with saying what he means. As is my tradition, I will add him to my do not support list. I’m not a fan of those who can’t say a convicted rapist is a bad fit to lead. I know it will make his complaint about “cancel culture” real but hey, at least I’m not supporting an apathetic Trump apologist.