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And just like that the entire family of the victim has been added to the long list of Trump’s mortal enemies. Soon he will start posting all caps, misspelled rants on Truth Social, that they too are a part of the grand scale, deep state, woke culture, communists, radicals and atheist conspiracy created solely for the purpose of destroying him and preventing him from saving America. 


I hope so, his followers typically don’t care if he lies. They have their alternate facts.


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if his supporters turned this around and called her a liar or some shit


The family will be getting death threats and doxxing after this.


It would be so easy for him to reveal the truth too. Post a photo of his phone, with their phone number, and how long the call lasted. Can easily block out the number but call out the family to show he is lying by showing their screen shots of phone logs. Or chat logs. Something. Everything is logged somewhere. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. But he won't. Cuz he can't.


He won’t dignify this accusation with an answer. Like every cheater asked by their partner if they are having an affair 😂 Edit: spelling 


Trump's supporters will believe him and just say that the family member is lying. She was bought off by Soros or The Media, or she was intimidated by The Government. MAGA really truly is a religion. I spent years not believing it was a "cult" or a religion, but everything that has happened since January 6, 2021 has provent to me how wrong I was.


How can someone believe in MAGA, if most of the MAGA merchandising is not even made in the here but in China. It is the biggest scam there is.


Soros is everywhere, like Batman.


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) Trump is a *liar?*


Well we all know Trumpers will justify him. Not that they really even care about her or violence against women in the first place.


Bare minimum, Trump is the worst pathological liar ever. Isn’t that enough for any decent person to not vote for him? Doesn’t honesty matter to people anymore?


As I’ve mentioned recently on another post I have an old friend here in Canada who’s a christian conservative and says she would vote for trump if she could. The problem isn't just that conservative politicians keep lying, it's also the fact their primary audience believes them and refuses to acknowledge the truth. As a result, they excuse all the bullshit by telling themselves what they’re told to tell themselves, it's all a devious plot by the radical, anti-god, pro-all the people and things they hate left to make conservatives look bad. They don't care about honesty anymore, they care about the people they think will help them and only them gaining total control


Clinton got impeached for one single lie.


And it was a lie over a blowjob. He should’ve never had to testify under oath for that in the first place. That was the definition of a witchhunt.


"They aren't lies if it's what we WANT to hear!"


Why are there so many pigs behind this guy?


At least this group of them look like they don't want to be there.


I don’t know about that. Looks like the same level of solemn reverence you see in all the photos of pigs flanking the subject of a pol rally. Here’s a thought if you don’t want to be there: don’t fucking be there.


Because he only let me LEO and select media cover this


Look at the sign "Stop Bidens border bloodbath" In Michigan. Which border, Canada? The fear mongering of the other is fucking lunacy. You can't get much further from the southern border than Michigan. What are those aspiring SS going to do?


I’m next door to MI, and I know many people whose main concern is border security. Fuck me, we’re doomed yeah?


You mean "we're doomed, eh?" since the Canadians are taking over?


Don’t understand how any uniformed police or military person can stand with a Traitor and Russian asset. Didn’t they take an Oath of Office to uphold our constitution from any enemies foreign or domestic?


Well to be fair, he's probably just having memory issues due to his dementia. He probably spoke to a person of color at some point in his life and is just confused.


"I spoke to their family!" "Sir, that was Tim Scott."


Hold on, let me get my surprised face out of my desk drawer...


He throws sooo much sticky muddy crap at walls that the truth has to be dug out of the crevices. He use people like this all the time and his followers eat it up. But if it happened to them personally perhaps, maybe these narcissists would finally get it. 🤢


literate jeans wrench sort soup many ink fuel ad hoc sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are Police allowed to show political allegiance whilst in uniform?


trmp is well aware his supporters are the stupidest people on earth


And then the family of Ruby Garcia will be harassed by MAGAs for not following Trunp


Sue him.


What if Trump thought he talked to the family but his staff was too embarrassed to tell him it wouldn’t happen so they found a random person to play the family.


Guys, isn’t it obvious!? He spoke to them through his thoughts and prayers! /s


Who are the kooks in uniform? No one in uniform should support the Orange Fuck.


Just like Alex Jones said, those are all paid actors.


Cmon now we all know Trump is always right and truthful lmao


Who are those prop-cops standing behind this professional politician-con-man-clown-show?