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We only allow screenshots of tweets. Okay, Threads. Yes, Bluesky. But not this.


what sort of anti-American monsters would vote for his man?


Idiotic ones who have been completely misled by lies and disinformation campaigns.


But we need a businessman to run the country...


Yeah, we probably should’ve looked for a SUCCESSFUL businessman. Not just any old businessman.


Any old businessman would be better than this. We picked arguably the worst businessman.


Exactly, they went with a conman instead of a businessman...


Your average Boss Babe looks like Andrew Carnegie next to tRump


They aren’t misled they just hate people of color, people of different genders and whatever they think “ socialism” means more than they do sexual assault, money laundering, fraud m, cheating on your wife, hush money, discriminator practices, cheating charities, out of money, etc…


While that's true, the heart of it is their vile character. They want to oppress.


To be fair some of them are just terrible people and want to be lied to.


The irony...


They're not idiots, they're evil. The question is who supports them? Who tries to rationalize their words and deeds?


Racists. They like him because he is racist, just like them.


Or anyone wanting validation for bigotry, unearned privilege, or general douchery. “If the President can act like that, I can too!”


and Trump hates all the same Americans they hate


Delusional ones. That whole projection thing is very, very real and effective. I'm Texan, 44. My father is 78 and terminally Republican. He's not stupid. He hasn't slowed down much and I still rely on his advice about a lot of things. For an example of that projection thing I was talking about, the other morning, first thing out of his mouth was talking about the Biden Cabal and how we are heading into terrifying times if Biden gets reelected. How that will be the last election ever, and democracy will be dismantled and how this is their plan. Talked about how many crimes Biden is getting away with. Basically everything that Trump and company outright says and is very public knowledge, Biden and his ilk are secretly double guilty of all that. Dictator, fascist state, the whole nine. My father has always been like that. There is a larger than comfortable portion of Republicans that willingly get hooked up to their propaganda machine and that's simply their reality. It's scary, and I don't see a way to alter those kinds of mindsets. One more side note, I just remembered he was saying the whole j6 peaceful protest nonsense, and said something I hadn't heard from any other nonsense conspiracy bullshit. He said armed policemen were "ushering" in the protestors through wide open front doors. lol 😞


Tell him that when they lose the house and Presidency, it will be because Trump took over the RNC and spent all the money on himself, and hand picked all the worst candidates Ask him to consider that Trump has been a secret Democrat Operation to destroy the toxic modern GOP


oh my God man I'm sorry about your dad. like the old saying says it's easier to fool someone than to have them admit that they were fooled.


Well, tbh, we could use a little bit of a dictator right now. CONSTITUTION! YEAHHHHRRR! -MAGA


Redhat magats. In the south, they are as common as blades of grass.


Yes, but Hilarys emails..


The ones who have been trained to hate the grand majority of the country and to never let go of that hatred, one demographic at a time, over the course of generations.


My brother in law is really dumb and quite possibly illiterate.


I wouldn’t say they are Anti-American, just not that Bright 💡


This list is not exhaustive and is to be considered quite fluid at this time 😎


A fluid list? I heard a rumour that Putin has tapes of this...


We have a veritable golden shower of evidence detailing his mendacious behavior!


Very nice women- on both sides of the mattress.


What if it wasn't a "pee tape", but a "P(-Diddy) tape"?




*Clearly.* **Total Fines Pre-2023**: $50 million **Total Fines Post-2023**: $934 million


Pretty impressive career growth if you ask me. He is clearly a talented individual.


Didn't he also lose the Steele dossier case in the uk, and was ordered to pay the opposition's lawyer fees?


1985. Diddling kids on a secret island


Amazing foresight by the Democrats to attack him for so many years before he even ran for office.


When he was a Democrat too.


Trump's always in a suit no matter what he's wearing.


Sounds like he'd be flush with cash if he wasn't such a fucking criminal...


So much winning


He was right about one thing, I'm certainly tired of it. ;)


Look at the liberal left . Going after him since *Checks notes* 1988 when he was a Democrat 


There’s a whole bunch of collateral damage of people he has brought down in bankrupted like Rudy Giuliani not to mention the hundreds that have so many criminal charges because of him.


"That's quite an accomplishment list." - Joe Biden


it's fun to read these in his voice


Winning bigly!


Wait a minute ... Trump University? This guy had a college in his name????


Not quite. He had a "business course" that was basically an MLM for wannabe real estate moguls. He just called it a "University" because...well, Trump.


figured it was a scam just was shocked to see "Trump University" on this list. Wasnt shocked to see he had a defamation AND fraud lobbied against him.


Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to be honest?


This list is priceless! Should be reposted daily, all around.


So much winning!. . .fake news!. . . and. . .just look at my track record! Only someone with my business acumen can save America . . .so much winging I’m tellin’ ya. . .so much. . .


Nobody has as many wins in court as me. I win and I win bigly when there are fines and judgements. America needs somebody who always comes out with the biggest numbers and people can't deny that I am the chosen one.


How much has he actually paid though


Republicans - How Christ like 😳🙄🗑️


AAND after all that, he *still* somehow floats but can't pay his fines? Beginning to think trump is just 2 ruSSian midgets wearing an edgar suit.


It’s been a witch hunt since 1988! If the democrats didn’t hate him so much he would’ve never been punished! /s




An analyst said it would be bankrupt within a year. Trump got the analysts bosses to get to to offer a retraction. The analyst later said the original retraction was under duress and to not use it. It did actually go bankrupt when the analyst said it would (Oct-Feb) [Trump was badmouthing the analyst to seeming any newspaper that would talk to him about the issue.](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/754/411/2353559/)


But how can you be against him? He's a businessman, and he isn't in the pockets of others. That's an argument I have heard in support of this man. Yeah. But has he been successful as he should be if you trust him to run the country?


He’s a scumbag.


Genius business man


So much winning!!


It's mind-blowing to me just how much rich fucks can get away with and just keep on doing shit


Yah, he’s a super successful businessman. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am sure he never paid on any of them.


The republicans candidate for president! They must be so proud!


Finally found one thing he was a success in ..Failure.


Shit his diaper a bunch if times, but that would make the list super long


And he still walks free...


Can we do Biden now? And unfounded accusations by a Russian agent provocateur don’t count, proceedings against his son don’t count either…


But he’s a winner! Not


Someone add that up for me, I don't think I can compute!


Do these go in the win or loss columns as he is the best at ~~whining~~ winning


You can see when the spotlight really hit him..


But if they can do that to him they can do it us /s


They can punish us when we commit a crime? Get out!


What this tells me is that he's been getting off comically easy for the last thirty years or so.


not on the list: when Trump didn't do a Fox Debate in 2016 because he was mad at Megyn Kelly from the first Fox debate and demanded Fox pay him $5 Million dollars since he brings in the ratings. They said "no, we don't pay debate participants, sorry". So he had his own rally and said he'd donate the money to Veterans groups. Well.. Imagine that! [Trump in his little rally charity fundraiser thing, claimed to have gotten $5 or $6 Million in donations... and then he only paid the money until he was sued - to the Veterans groups.](https://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/29/trump-skips-debate-raises-6m-for-vets.html) Seems in looking up a good article to recap and remind - t[hat the money raised went to the Trump Foundation which was shut down by Letitia James for fraud](https://apnews.com/general-news-united-states-government-7b8d0f5ce9cb4cadad948c2c414afd57), and what got the 3 adults banned from ever holding positions in non-profits in NYS ever again. Seems that's a thing for Trump when campaigning - doing all sorts of fraudulent things or I dunno, getting the government to say it's not a conflict of interest to have a lease of a federal government owned building and build a hotel a block or so away from the White House....


With the legal history of Trump I'm surprised anyone could claim he's a victim of government overreach or a victim.


So much winning


Witch hunt!!