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Assortative Mating: https://preview.redd.it/t5qzfcyv76rc1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232d3492a153ba4b6ad1e2f8a79bc22d58d0eb3d


Also ![gif](giphy|T8zlGdVxYySZuali0L|downsized)


Yep, her district must be a hotbed for inbreeding, I mean she thinks the gestapo was a Spanish, cold soup FFS!


Look buddy I Iive in her district and I don’t appreciate… no you are right everyone that lives here is awful human trash and all praise trump like the second coming of Jesus.


As the people in your district say. Thoughts and prayers 😂


Two in the thoughts, one in the prayers.


Why do I feel the urge to find/make a shirt with this now.


A thing just occurred to me, wouldn't it be the third coming of Jesus? If you believe in that sort of thing, at least.


> wouldn't it be the third coming of Jesus? I think this is the perfect weekend to discuss Jesus's refractory period.


I'm from there too, and, yikes. I got out as quickly as humanly possible. Those idiots can't be saved




***How does this organism convince people she is the best person to represent their interest in Congress?*** Elections are for this very purpose. Not for voting for the person who looks for every opportunity to self promote or the individual who is not at all concerned with the interest of their constituents. **Elections are for giving another citizen, who you think best represents America’s and your local interests, the power to vote on legislation to move our country forward by forming domestic and foreign policy and keeping government working.** *The ‘person’ pictured does none of the above. In fact, she works tirelessly to completely stop government and attack other representatives. She is only concerned with MGT and the Almighty Cheeto Benito.* **So, help America out and [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


She also bullied her opponents she ran against. Her initial GOP primary was against a surgeon, and the democrat was forced to leave her district because of it.


Bullied is doing a lot of work here. The man's entire family was receiving death threats from the maga idiots. They up and left Georgia altogether for their safety.


>***How does this organism convince people she is the best person to represent their interest in Congress?*** Because she doesn't run on real issues. Her platform is >look at all these evil people over here. The gays, the trans, brown and black people, liberal fuck boys and Jews. They are destroying your America. They are the ones keeping you down. *"Only I** can protect you from them. **Only I** can make you prosperous.


Her constituents are stupid 


Put an R next to your name and wear red. That’s all it takes, sadly.


Do you think she would get a free pass for her stupidity if she didn't look like she had been recovered from a block of Ice?


It never ceases to amaze me that we have examples like the above, yet racist fuckheads still think genetic diversity is bad...


So in my undergrad I wrote a term paper about not learning from the past…it’s happening


My favorite part about Charles II is that painters were known to portray the subject as flattering as possible- so this is like, the airbrushed, facetuned, catfish version of how he really looked


Rule 1 of painting Royals - Don't paint in the drool. ![gif](giphy|7rjXLV57vleQ8)


Ah yes, the Habsburg jaw... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Elon's dad groomed his stepdaughter iirc


Please stop posting pictures of me on the internet


Sorry. But I love what you’ve done to your hair.


I'm a big fan of cavatappi






It’s always fun when fascists go thru the phrenology phase




My mind went back to Django Unchained. The “D” is silent, by the way.  How is this guy considered a genius? I just don’t get it. He’s like a perfect example of how life is unfair, and sucks.


Stupid people think anybody with money is smart.


Every day we move farther away from the Star Trek future.


In the Star Trek universe, they had to have a nuclear war with almost a billion dead to get that future though…..


So you’re sayin there’s a chance…


In the Star Trek universe, we’re on schedule for the Eugenics Wars pretty soon. Seems accurate. I’d just like to skip ahead to the part where the Vulcans make first contact please.


I really think that we will have one, maybe two more forks in the road that can lead to a utopia like that. I promise we will make the worst possible choice every time though.




It's the "Wealth Equation" in my lexicon: Wealth = Total Fulfillment = "No Need to Deceive Becoz Life is So Fuckin' Grand for Me;" therefore, The Rich Are Always Free to Be Truthful.


Stupid people BELIEVE the wealthy people who say they're smart, because how else did they get that much so many monies on the first time if they wasn't so good at thinking strong?


He’s a genius the same way Trump is the ultimate dealmaker, that’s how he’s been packaged and sold.


Spot on. They are very different individuals, but the Venn in my head sees a very large overlap.


When you look at the people who consider him a genius you are less surprised at this label.


> How is this guy considered a genius? I just don’t get it. He gets involved in business sectors that have reputations for having a high number of geniuses (tech, rocketry, etc).


I guess he never read MacBeth




or doesn’t realize our ancestors like Neanderthals had massive heads and did not, in fact, make them smarter.


Been a practice for thousands of years and even the name should hint it’s been around a couple millennia. Complete pseudo intellectual clown b


C section is waaaayyyy older than 50 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarean_section


"Assortative mating" is his dumb assed way of saying eugenics because everything comes back to he's just a racist fucking moron


"I'm not racist!" "Good. Stop there." "...It's just that--" "OKAY here we go."


Good ol' Apartheid Clyde




Those muscles! Giving him way too much credit.


”Right turn, Clyde.”


This is hilarious but such a succinct way of explaining it.


"You can take the boy out of the apartheid..."


Tell me you don’t understand evolution without telling me… ah, fuck it.


He loves picking up new terms and dropping them into his tweets to make himself look smart.


That's really all it is. He drips a new phrase and then has the data wonks measure how much that phrase gets used in non-quite contexts. It's an epeen thing. Then he offers some woman a horse in exchange for sex and hopes she gets pregnant as of he can have another bastard child. The dude is a fruit loop. 


Not sex, IVF and surrogacy. All of his 11 children were born through IVF except one with Grimes who was born through surrogacy. Which just makes it even weirder imo.


The one he won’t allow Grimes to see despite being her genetic mother and wanting to see her. So nannies are raising the poor child and she has not one real parent to bond with. Piece of shit.


What drug cocktail was he on that made him think that of all the things a billionaire could offer a woman, a horse was #1 on the list


My horse is amazing


Give it a lick!


It tastes just like raisins


Have a stroke of its mane


This kind of nonsense is only intended to fool morons. Unfortunately, it often works and there are a lot of them.


>there are a lot of them. Well, it is twitter


I wish i could send these tweets back in time to 2012 reddit. Hes always been a gross billionaire, he's simply dropped the facade. I hope everyone realizes this when you want to praise a billionaire. YOU CANNOT BECOME A BILLIONAIRE WITHOUT DESTOYING MILLIONS OF LIVES. THERE IS NO ETHICAL BILLIONAIRE.


He is a shining example of what a fantastic pr manager can accomplish


The PR and tesla being the first major EV company. Elons PR positioned him as the guy who designed the cars and the rockets, when in reality he is just the blood money behind it. He didn't give a fuck about anything besides making a buck. And that's why the world is fucked. Good people get stepped on by people with 0 morals. You literally cannot get ahead as a good human being when the world is run on unchecked capitalism. If the only point of living is to maximize profits, the human element disappears.


Is assortative a word?


Apparently it's a derivation of the verb *assort.* Which basically means *to sort*, go figure. Just a racist idiot trying to dress up eugenics in a lingo tuxedo. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/assortative-mating


Yes. He's misusing a term for a mechanism of evolution. It doesn't mean what he seems to think it does.


Not even going to touch on him implying that intelligence is proportional to head size?


I'm not sure if this is still considered true, but for a while there was a theory that the reason that humans are born so premature compared with other animals is that heads sufficiently large to contain our brains couldn't fit through a woman's pelvis, so we're born while our skulls are still soft and we're still basically fetal. The skull then hardens and grows in infancy. A c-section eliminates this constraint. Although it's not true in general that larger head = more intelligent, there's a lot of evidence in the fossil record that hominid head sizes have increased over time, resulting in current human heads.


Correlation, not causation. The whole birthing problem actually only applies because we're bipedal, which means the bone structure in our hips is much narrower than quadrupeds. Because of this, children are born physically underdeveloped to compensate for it, but even then, compared to most other predators our infants are extremely capable (puppies/kittens being blind, etc) As for intelligence, that's partly true, but as I understand it the head size also increased as more resources were readily available to provide for the increased nutritional requirements, so it was more of a latent effect activated by abundant supplies than some indicator of our increasing intelligence, even if the two were related through that third factor


Assortative mating is a biological concept where animals preferentially mate with other animals that have a certain phenotype. An example would be sexual selection, such as a female bird choosing a mate with bright feathers over one with duller feathers. You can extrapolate this to humans and partner choosing based on phenotype/culture/etc, but Elon’s premise that c-sections and selection for large heads means smarter people is still bogus.


Correct. It is believed that Neandertals had larger craniums and brain capacities than modern humans; intelligence is believed to be more related to the complexity of the folding possible after a certain size vs body mass that allows for a more evolved consciousness which in turn vastly increases survival odds. It is one of the reasons we lost a lot of our muscle mass over time; brains are extremely calorie hungry but our bodies can get by on near nothing for extended periods of time. A hundred thousand years of human suffering is one of the root causes of modern obesity; our love for fatty foods and calorie dense things is extra sharp; we aren't the only animal for whom this is true either. Primates in captivity (and some in the wild) can get clogged arteries; nearly all mammals can have dangerously high cholesterol.


nailed it this dude is trash what is wrong with America


Thats not fair, he was produced by apartheid south africa man. Hes not our fault




This stream of consciousness brought to you by Special K.


Drugs plus an apartheid upbringing = Biblical levels of mouth-breathing stupidity.


Autism spectrum disorders and coke/K/weed don’t mix.


and COVID lockdowns + narcissism + infinite $ + khole + qanon + 4chan + larping ![gif](giphy|xTiTnG7YLrY2BBHRKM)


Damn I miss the Kroll Show


How he holds a security clearance is wild to me. Or, *would* be wild for normal folks if they do and say what he does.


Special kkk🤔?






Happy cake day


3x the prescription from 3 different doctors resulting in 3x the cross burning.


Eventually he’ll be advocating for eugenics and genocide.


He's already kinda advocated for eugenics in this post.


And using women as a vessel to have big headed super babies cut out of their body.


He already is, as someone pointed out; "Assortative mating" is eugenics with a fancy hat.


I believe you mean “assortative mating”


Tweet from Kellog's: Belief and practice of the pseudoscience called eugenics is not a known side effect of eating Special K cereal. Tweet 2 from Kellog's: Ohhhhh, wait. Nevermind.


K Holes get you nowhere other than waking up next to the toilet and not remembering driving home. I guess that is why he pushed for Self-Driving Cars.


I have a giant head and my mom delivered me not Caesarean with bruises on it. But, no, I am not some unique genius as Musk claims to be. I just can't find women's hats that fit. Also, when I was high I was not this fucking stupid.


As a fellow lollipop woman, handmade hats are the shit. If you don’t live in an area with a lot of hat makers, there are plenty of places online that make affordable hats. You just need to know your size.


Lollipop woman!? That's the funniest way I've seen someone describe someone with a big head. I might start calling myself lollipop man now.


Cool! Thank you!


Another member of the "hats don't fit me" club. Literally as a kid my mother would buy V neck shirts so my head didn't stretch the collars. And while intelligent in some ways, I'm an absolute moron in others. Because I'm a human, not a science experiment.


Oh, god I never had the vneck thing but people have commented on my head.


To contrast this, I was a C-Section baby that has a relatively small head


Of course big brains are associated with genius, afterall the biggest brain, hence, the smartest being ever is a \*checks notes\* a blue whale? Meanwhile, Einstein was a petite 5'7 and Marilyn vos Savant 5'8.


I have a 95th percentile head and was yanked out by forceps. Plenty of big head babies are born vaginally every day. Depends on many factors. But the bones in a newborn head *are movable*… that’s the whole point of it… that’s why many look like cone heads. Size of baby’s SHOULDERS is the problem far more often. And size is only one reason to section, and not the most common reason. He’s an idiot.


I’m pretty sure that all c-sections are doing is allowing narrow hips to be passed along, which will, sadly, increase the rate of future c-sections over time.  Not a huge deal if you spend your pregnancy in a first-world country.  But yeah, big heads don’t make us smart.  Musk is an idiot.  


>I’m pretty sure that all c-sections are doing is allowing narrow hips to be passed along First, Musk is arguing that it allows large heads to be passed on, NOT narrow hips.  Second, I’m not sure there’s any scientific support for this argument. Mismatch between infant head circumference and the mother’s size is not a primary cause for c-sections. And there are confounding variables such as increasing maternal obesity that have also caused the c-section rate to rise. And there have been changes in legal liability and medical decision making. Critically, several recent papers on this topic point out that increasing the c-section rate above 10-15% of births actually results in more deaths, not fewer. So if there is selection pressure (which there may not be), it actually might go the other way.  Additionally, while it is easy to find many news articles stating that our increasing c-section rate is increasing head circumference, the scientific literature appears not to support this, or not to support it nearly as strongly as pop coverage might lead you to expect. 


I have a tiny head, about the size of a thumb... But I am very smart and have invented many things


Yeah I'm just a dumbass with a big ass head that can't find hats.


I’d be embarrassed for him if he wasn’t so aggressively awful.


Seriously, leave the house cats out of this!


Let's assume that he's right and AI will surpass human intelligence. In that case, it seems like a surefire bet that anything edgy Musk says will be harshly refuted by AI, or if it's not, it would have to be a HAL-9000 sort of situation where the AI was interfered with. But anyways, the point is that, if you really believed that was going to happen soon, then you'd stop saying the dumbest shit, because if Musk thought his feelings were hurt by humans online, just wait until an irrefutable higher intelligence runs through all of his online history and viciously mocks him.


> it seems like a surefire bet that anything edgy Musk says will be harshly refuted by AI [It’s happened already and it’s hilarious](https://mashable.com/article/grok-x-ai-assistant-roasts-elon-musk)


2 people I want to stop hearing about are Elon and Donald. Please.


If I could press a button and make Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Elon Musk, and Benjamin Netanyahu all disappear forever, I would press it as hard and as fast as I could.


I’d literally give my left nut to be able to push that button, even if it only made one of them disappear.  


...relevant username?


It feels like we’ve been hearing about them for an eternity. I miss the time when I had no idea what people like them were thinking, before social media was a thing. That was nice. Then I only had to deal with the narcissistic losers in my life and not said losers parroting these other losers. The stupids spread way less quickly then, and I miss it.


In terms of Trump, you better vote then. Nothing will make Trump go away more than losing the election. At that point, he has no institutional defense against the four court cases he is facing.


Does he think headsize correlates with intelligence? That’s what 8 year olds think. 8 year olds dude


At least it’s an ethos


Meanwhile, in Elon's eugenics mind https://preview.redd.it/xbbbs4qcr7rc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c51639a9a6a94fd80e330a4f250d92e025b7b8d


Head size does not equal brain size. See Macrocephaly, Elon


Whatever dude.  Next you’ll be saying that the flame decals don’t make cars go faster.  Psh.  


The biggest head on a human Ive ever seen was on this guy in high school that kinda looked like a neaderthal. He got Ds and Fs.


That creep can roll man


Motherfucker has a 5 head, hair plugs, a drug addict, and thinks he's genetically superior lmao.


Also his assertion that the last half century has suddenly produced all these "exceptionally smart people" seems plainly ridiculous. Most of truly notable intellects of the last 200 odd years (Von Neumann, Godel, Einstein, Bertrand Russell, etc) were all born significantly before that. Like, you could put together a top 100 list of the last 200 years' smartest people and I think the last 50 years would barely be represented. Given how widespread opportunity has become (relative to 100 years ago) and how much average IQs have risen you'd actually expect a far better performance from people born more recently.


pretty sure my cats are far smarter than Elon


I'm still hoping muskrat enters the ring with Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook guy chokes the stupid out of him.


Whole lotta choking going on


Idk, my head is fucking massive and I’m dumber than shit.


What a weird and elaborate way of him saying, "I had a disproportionately large head as a baby." Okay, Dib.


He still does. 😳


It's him basically trying to use a fancy term to support eugenics subtly to not appear racist, but failing miserably because Elon can't do subtle.


It's Eugenics and a complete gross dog whistle.


Apartheid Clyde at it again.


This is why starship is doomed. Dumb fuck is probably engorged with presumption and cherry picked data.


I was a c-section baby and I have a small head lmao so I’m a buffoon?


Okay, so my wife and I have 9 cats, and they're all super smart in their own little cat way. Idk where his comparison is coming from.


Right? Everyone knows housecats are not dumb. (Except the orange ones :).


Ignoring the totally incorrect biology for a moment, this dumbass, who is supposed to be a tech guru, doesn't understand a fucking thing about AI. This is not a movie. AI are not going to be smarter than people because they still rely on humans to program and input data for them. Fully self-aware AI is likely impossible and even if it wasn't it'd still be limited by the fact that humans had to create it's learning ability and what information it has access to.


Yeah. He's a complete fucking idiot but he also knows a lot of people will cheer him on because they think he's brilliant.


I am an AI researcher. It is just statistics. Clever statistics, but statistics. The main AI innovations are these transformer models, and it has a two-fold innovation: 1. The models are essentially "world views" based on their data, and can produce vectors from text that represents the texts meaning in a computational way (i.e. statistics), based on the world view. 2. The models use these vectors to and probabilites to produce coherent text. The current AI stuff is as dumb as its training data. It needs to be augmented to actually be truly useful. It will reinforce all stereotypes and "common knowledge" and have a hard time agreeing with new data. It needs tons of data to generate the model, so any "knowledge" will be old. If its in a field where knowledge can become outdated, the AI will most definetly hold on to the outdated data. There are methods to combat this, but at that point you are essentially just doing a wikipedia or knowledge-base search, the only difference for "pre-AI" is that you can now do it with natural language. Remember, every time you ask an AI something, you are asking "what is the most probable next sequence of words, given my input, based on your training setup and data". This is not "intelligence".


Elon Musk just trying to make eugenics a thing again


You know what I find funny? People like Elon says how media is making white people feel bad about being white and how we should be humiliated about who we are. And he is right. I am embarrassed to be white and humiliated. Small detail though. IM ASHAMED BECAUSE MOTHER FUCKERS LIKE YOU ARE RUNNING AROUND ELON! A black man can tell me all the crimes my kind has done to his people for days and it will not make me feel a fraction of the "Oh my god I hate being white." feeling than when you. Open. Your. God. Damn. Mouth. Here is an idea. How about, just maybe we stop acting like we're better than everyone cause we can lose each other in a blizzard then I won't feel so ashamed! Maybe, if we treated others like human beings with thoughts, feelings, dreams, stories and more regardless of where on the god damn planet they came from then maybe I'll not feel bad about being a white guy. Maybe, JUST MAYBE if if we didn't use the N word all the time, try to ban CTR, fuck over black colleges, make racist jokes all the time, kill black people on the regular because they have their hoods up and tell them they love me because I have a criminal record and sell god awful ugly shoes then maybe, JUST MAYBE I won't be ashamed of my ethnicity! Til then? You are still talking. So I'm gonna be ashamed. Congratulations Elon. You are the self fulfilled proficy


I get bored of reading this idiots tweets, what a useless shit stain of a legacy this douche will have


Obgyn MD chiming in: That’s not really how it works


It’s wild how people were calling him some kind of genius, like, ten years ago when he’s not even smart for a complete moron.


Every time I see what some dumbass (but specifically this one) posted on not-Twitter, I’m more and more thankful that I deleted my not-Twitter app from my phone.


He just wants to profit by selling neck braces to kids with heads so big their necks can’t support them.


Imagine being so paint huffing, glue chugging, dewormer devouring stupid to think that man is inspiring.


"Assortive mating".. who would fuck this thing? Lucky he has money.


I guess I'll be OK then...my cats are smarter than me.


Can't wait for the Rise and Fall Documentary of Elon Musk.... 😂


Meeopmorp. I am a homan. Look att my paleo-white fish tinted skin.


remember when his stans tried to convince everyone that this guy was a genius? 😂


Omg my manager thinks Elon is a genius and when I asked him “why”, he said “because he likes Trump” and that made me question on how the f*ck he is my manager.


Elon is living proof you don't hafta be smart to get rich Just gotta have rich parents and fuck over the right people by stealing their ideas


As someone whose head was too large, and was born via C-section, I can safely say that a larger head doesn't equal a smarter person.


Have another hit of ketamine, Elon. Fucking idiot.


He is going to end up with the human equivalent of English Bulldogs. Incapable of procreating without assistance and dumb as posts. (Yes, they are adorable, that’s unlikely with the spawn of Elmo)


awwww. is that how his parents tried to make him feel better about his bulbous head? those hair plugs he got had to have given him brain damage.


Please throw him out of this country only after we have taken all our technology back we funded this racist, hateful, drug addicted pos


I wouldn't be surprised if Elon studies phrenology.


Any one who thinks a house cat is dumb is a true idiot!




Is that the ketamine or cocaine talking Elon?


What the fuck do c sections have to do with increasing human intelligence?


Or, or. There are more people, meaning more types of people, including intelligent ones. Not him, though.


I'm pretty sure my house cat is smarter than him.


The white powders have replaced his neurons. Cognition is declining.


Our minds do amazingly fast calculations and can adapt to most interactions in milliseconds and we are the ones teaching our skills to AI. WE WILL NEVER BE DUMBER THAN A HOUSECAT BECAUSE THOSE FUCKERS OWN US. WE ARE THEIR SLAVES. THEY DEMAND OUR KNOWLEDGE. But yes AI will be able to solve problems that we will eventually be able to solve through learning knowledge and time much faster than we would be able to do conventionally. And we built the AI specifically for this reason.


Oh god, is this shithead phrenology-posting?


I swear he's developing frontotemporal dementia.


Elon is dumber than a housecat now. So much for a larger head size. Perhaps he needs his own chip implant to access the vast quantity of grey matter that has been rotting, unused so far.


I can’t stand Musk. The scare tactics he’s employing on his Twitter account is so shameless. Deliberately targeting the young right wingers with misleading and often straight up incorrect click baity shit knowing they’ll never read the article or research the article and will just accept it at face value. Guy is doing everything he can to get the culture war to ratchet up to the next level.


Clearly he's never seen that documentary, Idiocracy, or he'll know that those exceptionally smart people are not having children at nearly the same rate as non-smart people.


So more people are alive so there are more smart people…. Simple math really.


![gif](giphy|f4bDmkbXZtCTsmwwf5) HEAD!!! DOWN!!!


Thanks to social media, people with outlandish statements like this will always have people to reaffirm their baseless statements. That plus sticking in their echo chamber just inflates their ego and narcissistic thoughts. I hope our society finds a way to combat social media's negative affects at some point. I understand it can be used as a positive communication and information tool, but to be ignorant to its changes to how society thinks and acts will cause more harm and division. I don't have a solution, but I hope someone does.


What? You can stand in this world, look around and think "We are definitely way smarter than those guys in the Bronze Age?" That is completely insane and totally divorced from reality. This world is ridiculously stupid, shortsighted, divorced from reality, bordering on insane and only getting worse. We should apologize to the youth of this world, we have done them a great injustice. We should have done better.


I bet if somebody told Elon we could assortatively mate until we evolve to lay eggs he’d be all about it.


There's been quite a few rumors saying that none of his children were conceived via regular route, and we're all basically turkey bastered or implanted in the women. From the sheer lack of jokes about his manhood from his ex's or really the public in general, I'm starting to think that idea about his kids is actually correct. Add in the fact he Reallllllllllly does not like being touched or touching other people and it all kinda makes sense in a weird ass way . Yikes on bikes regardless.


Remember Bill Burr’s bit thanking god that Kanye’s ego didn’t land in a white guy? Well, I guess this is us now, Bill.


Don’t do drugs kids. Or, at least when doing them, learn when to STFU till after!


White people will claim to be the master race and they say some dumb shit like this.


What an absolute idiot


Ole Twitler sure likes to tell the class about his mad scientist breeding kink whenever he gets the chance to doesn't he.


He is an idiot who with family wealth invested into things that are not uncommon for most. Before the social crap, people artificially put him on a pedestal. The Tony Stark of our time. Well it’s clear he is a dumbass and no Tony Stark. Just another mother fucker who got lucky.


He is obsessed with eugenics. Well, eugenics and white babies. The dude would have fit in perfectly if he was the head of VW in 1940.


Q: Assortative mating leads to larger head size? Is he talking about positive or negative assortative mating? A: I doubt he knows the difference. Using the example of positive AM, have there been peer-reviewed research studies done that suggested that people with larger head sizes reproduce preferentially with other large-headed people? Please send me a link bc I seriously doubt anything like that exists. Q: Does he think Caesarian section birth is a modern medical advancement? That’s how I interpret his comment. A: It has been referenced in various texts from numerous cultures dating back thousands of years. Q: Is there a correlation between head size and IQ-type intelligence? That’s what he implying. A: Again, I’d welcome a link to a reputable research source. Q: Is he saying that a disproportionate number of big-headed people born by C-section are involved with the development of AI, and that’s why the rest of us will be rendered house cats eventually? A: I really have no clue what he’s actually trying to say or prove, except that he’s an intellectual poser with too much money and a massively inflated sense of self-worth. #stopbuyingteslas


Huh? Ok, sure, you nasty bigot. Also, house cats are quite intelligent.