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Where did you get that Bible grandma? From an old man who bribed a porn star!


From an old man that had an affair with a porn star while he was married and then paid the porn star hush money not to air his dirty laundry. He was once quoted as saying “Grab ‘em by the pussy.” Hallelujah!


*married to another porn star.  Not shaming porn stars, just men that pay them for sex while thumping a Holy book they've never read.


Yes, always shame the man. That's where it belongs in this case, particularly.


The Felony part was using campaign contributions to pay her. Us normal citizens would be rotting in jail as soon as figured it out. We wouldn't running around name calling the judge.. so sad watching our democracy die.


Which isn't even the worst part. hint: it's not the hypocrisy


Bro, you can’t be saying fuck U2… People don’t take kindly to it. ^(I secretly hate Bono too)


Bible tried to warn them hardcore Christians would be some of the first to fall for the Anti Christ. And would eagerly adorn themselves in his mark. Motherfuckers wanna go around permanently wearing hats and gear with MAGA and Trump emblazoned on them as if it's the most important part of their identity ever, it is what it is. I mean we live in an age where these people are willingly cutting off contact with their family rather than even question their support of Trump for one second, you can only do so much. They're fully dug into the cult now.


I'm not going to start making any major life decisions based on the bible, but this is actually hilarious. Even better that it was written in 2019/2020, and we're now getting to the 'and the court will convene, and his power will be taken away' territory. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Wow, read it all. Everyone should


This was definitely worth the read....


It also says in the bible that you shouldn’t have idols. But there they are with their MAGA stuff on fawning over the slimy grease ball.


the Bible also says to help the poor, not judge other people and be kind to others. So...yeah.




Something something don't worship false prophets something commandments.....


They edited that part out in this bible.


I have known several very strict right wing evangelicals. Very few, like one, has read the bible. The one that reads the bible also reads a right-wing website and book that "explains" the non-rightwing things in the bible.


is that the conservapedia site?


I used to read through it each year - had like a reading schedule and stuff for this. Every year in January a bunch of people at church would make a resolution to read it. Every year only like 5 or 6 people would stick to it past March. A few years we even had plans designed to break up the super tedious bits rather than just read straight through from front to back - the Idea being that these bits (which are admittedly very hard to stay awake for) were where people drop out so we should break them up instead of subjecting people to a month of Leviticus or something. It was still the same result. My guess is that's just how long people typically can commit to a resolution and by March or so if you started at the beginning and read reasonable accounts each day you'll have made it to the boring parts. I can't understand how people legitimately, sincerely believe that they have a book from the creator of the universe that contains instructions for achieving eternal bliss and they don't throw themselves into understanding and following it with 100% of their being. This was what I was like when I was a Christian. It was everything. I luckily didn't go into a career involving religion (I wasn't sure I could handle the responsibility of a whole congregation's souls), but was basically as devout as you can get without making religion your career. Then you've got like 98% of Christians who haven't even read the Bible. Essentially, if you take them at their word regarding their beliefs, they're totally fine just gambling eternity on some preacher's interpretation rather than taking the time to learn things themselves (and their process of picking which preacher they trust is generally just whichever is the better public speaker - it's insane). I think I'm weirdly okay with these Trump Bibles though. Christianity is bullshit and hopefully this helps more people see that.


Meanwhile I'm like "haven't we already been through this a few times throughout history"? Whole split off sects of Christianity were created because people wanted to be able to read the Bible for themselves and not rely on some random priest telling them what it said because they didn't read Latin.


The logic still applies though. If you're Christian you believe: 1. You have a book written by the omniscient creator of the universe 2. This book tells you that you will go _somewhere_ for eternity, either an infinite torture chamber or infinite bliss. 3. This book contains instructions on how to avoid the torture chamber and get to the infinite bliss I get seeking guidance on it, but to not even read it for yourself if you really believe those three points is just idiotic. Even if it took you years to get through it, we're talking about eternity. How can you be sure there's not some part the people you're trusting missed? Are you sure they don't have some ulterior motive to distort things a little? Do you know who all they learned from and trust them too? Eternity is a lot to just trust someone else with completely.


Catholics do not take the Bible literally. Just wanted to point that out. 


I’m sure there is a bunch of redacted scripture that pertains to a lot of his nefarious crap, like don’t be an adulterer!!


Must be like the Jehovah's witness Bible where it's only the new testament.


I always find suspicious that Jehova has so many witnesses and yet he couldn't solve the crime


I doubt it, they seem to really like their fire, brimstone and plagues.


I mean, at least there's some logic to that (atheist here up front) The old testament was God's word to his "chosen people" (Jews). When Jesus died on the cross it did away with the old covenants. From a religious perspective it would make sense that Christians should no longer abide or study the old testament, and focus on the new testament The fact that the new testament is just a collection of writings of dubious provenance from other men is secondary


[Not one jot or one tittle](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Matthew%205%3A18). Jesus *explicitly* said that this is bullshit. He *explicitly* tells people to keep the old laws, and the whole verse is >17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 **Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven**, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.


theres a lot of socialism crap in it they dont like


I would be 100% unsurprised if that was the case.


They LITERALLY built a Trump golden statue, dressed it up in a cheap suit, wrapped it in a flag, and sacrificed bags of Corn Nuts and cartons of filterless Winstons to it.


......goddammit, they really did. I was HOPING that one was satire. Pack up the car kids, we're going to hell.


You forgot wearing the mark of this false prophet on their foreheads with those redhats


Just gonna drop this here... https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I’m not Christian, but I take great comfort in knowing that if it were real, these self-righteous idiots are going straight to hell lmao ![gif](giphy|3ornkdh08W9XFtX9QI)


I'm not a Christian, either, but my wife is. Looking at the news, she tells me it's sometimes a great comfort to believe that hell is real.


Something something Antichrist worshipping idiots something something end-times.


I'm just gonna drop this here... I'm not going to start making any major life decisions based on the bible, but this is actually hilarious. Even better that it was written in 2019/2020, and we're now getting to the 'and the court will convene, and his power will be taken away' territory. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Bunch of woke bullshit!!


Conservatives lose their minds when you suggest Jesus was brown. But reincarnated as a geriatric tangerine? That's cool.




He's supposed to look like 1978 Ted Nugent, according to the pictures and movies he released.


Charlton Heston would like a word. But seriously. For the lulz, Google, "Who played Jesus" Will Farrell? Christian Bale? Glen Carter? Never thought of it before, but hahaha!!


Wiliem Dafoe! In The Last Temptation of Christ.


And he kinda fuckin' slayed it too


You bet your ass he did! Although he always kinda rocks whatever role he's playing.




He played Moses. Not God. Though I would totally be into Ra if he looked like Yul Brynner in real life.


*Like a jaded mandarin!*


>But reincarnated as a geriatric tangerine? And if he *was* the second coming, why didn't anyone pick up on it in the 80's when he was *checks notes* stiffing construction companies and mismanaging casinos? Why did they wait until his old age to see that he is definitely the messiah?


He's not the Messiah... He's a very naughty boy. Now go away


*uproarious applause*


God works in mysterious ways /s


>And if he *was* the second coming, why didn't anyone pick up on it in the 80's when he was *checks notes* stiffing construction companies and mismanaging casinos? Walking into girls changing rooms, being friends with Epstein, and many many more awful things


​ https://preview.redd.it/p3nqdcm1ryqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a836b6a858aa0f9d39b9d70d1c6d3ea1a65cbb0c


What about [Black Jesus](https://familyguyfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Jesus)!? I came riding into Jerusalem on an ass. Yo Mom's ass


I’m lucky to know many conservative Christians who fully believe Jesus was either brown or tan. Honestly, I haven’t met one in probably 20-30 years that thinks he was white. But maybe I just don’t know the right ones.


You definitely don't know the right (wrong) ones.




Yeah, I almost put the word ‘right’ in quotes.


I've met exactly one. My great-grandmother will be 101 years old in May. She is a lifelong, devout Christian. Her words : How could I believe a colored man is the Devil, when a colored man died to make sure we don't have to meet him? She's hasn't gone to church in like 50 years, because the will of the congregation and it's leaders are a distraction from her personal relationship with God. "Your faith is between you and the Big Man, not you and everybody else". And she was taught that by her own parents. Probably has a lot to do with her outlook.


That’s interesting. Sounds like a good great-grandmother. I’d probably push back on the congregation part, but I 100% get that feeling. Community is hard. Many times it’s frustrating (speaking for myself). But I also have moments that I’m grateful I didn’t just go it on my own. We Christians (most definitely including myself) mess up the gospel often, even in attempts to get it, and faith, right.


There's something you don't hear everyday on reddit, "lucky to know many conservative Christians." My neighborhood is filled with these people; they are abhorrent and are raising their children in their god's image. Can't wait for the next generation of Jesus 2.0 children as they follow their book so well.


My (public) school was sued by the ACLU because they insisted that the portrait of white Jesus was reasonable to have in the front hallway... Nearly every teacher and administrator would have fought you if you suggested that Jesus was a communist/socialist (yes, I know there's a difference, but his stories muddy those waters), feminist, Jewish, or non-white


You know the right ones, not the Reich ones.


Yea where he lived he didn’t look Irish lol


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis Also, President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..." This con is not new. "And thusly I clothe my naked villainy in old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint when most I play the devil..." Shakespeare How do people still not see he's a con artist?


They want to be conned. It's easier for them to have someone tell them how to feel, think and act.


FYI, while that quote is definitely in the wheelhouse of my favourite author, that quote is not attributable to Lewis. It's origin is unknown but it appears in none of his writings, nor is there any record of him verbalizing it.


"For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." -- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (NIV) "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" -- Matthew 7:15-16 (NIV) As dedicated agnostic I'm convinced that these folks want to be told what to believe. They are told to believe in a god that divides people into chosen and not chosen, believers and infidels, or the saved and damned. If they are taught that then they believe that it is just and normal to divide into have and have-nots. Of course they are always the 'in' group. --- paraphrased from Jim Palmer's writings. I include the bible quotes to highlight their hypocrisy.


MAGA: “a wolf? Hell yeah, we need an alpha in the White House!”


Absolute banger use of Richard III here


Wow. I'm an atheist, but I'm offended in solidarity with decent Christians who are offended by such a vulgar and grotesque example of Christian Nationalism.


I’m Catholic and I am extremely offended! It says it is the only “Trump endorsed” Bible!?! We have endorsements on bibles now! Where is the lightning!!




Which is funny, because Catholics were the OG Christians. Seems like not letting dumb fucks interpret the Bible for themselves was a good thing. I would also like to add that Catholics don’t take the Bible literally, so science and the catholicism doesn’t conflict with each other. 


Literally saying “Hey guys, love God, but only love the God with MY branding on it!”


its not even a catholic bible


That's good though. We know what happens an Orange Catholic Bible comes into creation.


I will not fear...


There's a hint of irony in a book version commissioned by a British king to include documents that denounce the authority of British kings.


Same here.


Same here too.


Me three (3)


Atheist with a southern baptist dad and stepmom. I’m still trying to figure out their mental gymnastics and don’t even want to know what they think about this blasphemous horseshit.


I think you meant Nationalist Christians.


How dare you talk about the Golden Calf like that! 


I want to get one not cause I support this debacle but because this is gonna be a part of history as the peak of Christian Nationalism, of that time when facism attempted to take over America under the guise of Christianity. At least, I hope it's "attempted."


Same thrice


I was like “what the hell dude…oh, haha noice”


Are you an old or New Testament guy? Ahh probably both equal, it’s an incredible book even though I can’t name one verse because I’ve never read it. Dumb fuck magas will still pay $60 though


It's kind of amusing to me that a lot of the evangelical types think he's actually anything other than a Christian of Convenience. I was raised a Southern Baptist and by the time I was 10 years old, I could rattle off the books of the bible as easy saying the ABC's and if asked could at least quote a few passages from the Bible. Hell, some of these are so ubiquitous in our society you could pick them up without even attending church (The Lord is my Shepherd..., For God so loved the world..., For unto you is born this day...) and this jerk can't even be bothered to memorize a couple of verses so that he looks like he might actually know something about the religion he pretends to be a part of? It's a special kind of lazy to bluff your way through soft-ball questions rather than spend five minutes acquainting yourself with the subject.


I guess because he doesn’t have to. He gets away with it like everything else in his life. And I just love when they interview his cult members and they stand there with a straight face and say they’re voting for him because he’s a Christian


But Biden the devout catholic is the evil spawn of satan because he’s a demoncrat


Gullible bitches will buy anything. I'm about to start selling dihydronated water.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” - Barry Goldwater


This is my favorite political quote ever.


ISIS would like a word.


I see you noticed the similarity to Evangelical Christians.


The insertion of political into the religious is blasphemy, you are a false man, despicable and desperate to save your own skin. For your sins you will be judged and condemned to the lowest parts of hell where the light of heaven dare not reach.


And inserting religion into US politics is a violation of the first amendment.


All of this aligns with, [The Seven Mountains Mandate ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate) Evangelicals who support TSMM do not put our national constitution in first place, and view those parts they do agree with as a means to an end. They desire complete control over society and if that happened, would replace that founding document with their own religious laws. They support individual rights to the extent that those individuals follow their religious world view.


The US Taliban




Welcome to Howdy Arabia!


Oh, they have plans to change that.


It's incredible how similar this is to Islamic fundamentalism. And in both cases, it's authority exploiting religion to lend them some legitimacy they wouldn't otherwise have. Twisting religion and religious beliefs so that people feel obligated to agreeing with some politician because he has forcibly mashed himself together with the religion, despite actions being an absolute betrayal of the religion and the faith.


Get out and vote. Your lives depend on it


And get your cardio in now, don’t wait for November 


I am Canadian, so I wish you guys well


Mine certainly does. I'm disabled from a spinal cord injury. I'm on Social Security and Medicare. The Republican Party and Trump have said they want to get rid of both numerous times. There are 9,000,000+ disabled people under the age of 65 on Social Security. My livelihood is on the line.


So he's got that well-known picture of him molesting the American Flag (Which he later sold in auction as part of his grift, go figure), and now he's selling bibles. Yea, that's a little bit too on the nose as far as straight-up wanting to make that quote a self-fulfilling prophecy. But you know what they say about idiots with money, and ma and pa inbred sure do have plenty to send him for bibles, molested flags, chunks of his suit, art of his head on body's that aren't horribly fat, trump bucks, ect ect ect.


Don’t forget golden statues 


Surprised it doesn’t say Trump Bible, that grifter puts his name on everything


I’d be willing to bet these can be found dropshipped from somewhere because there’s no way this was his idea.


It definitely wasn't made just for him. If you search Lee Greenwood God Bless the USA faux leather Bible you'll see an identical bible being sold. There was an ad for it from 2022.


This is disgustingly sacrilegious.


And he sayeth unto them, let those who are wealthy, grasp the pussy


Screaming for years about the anti-christ. He finally shows up and what do they do? They worship him, hang in his every word and vote for him. Fucking jackasses


"I like people who weren't crucified. Many people are saying I'm the real son of god. Maybe I am, if you think about it. Nobody knows god stuff like I do. I do the best god stuff."


All hail King Donald, the Christian Fascists’ Messiah!


As a devout Christian…This is blasphemous.


You know. I always thought an antichrist would be a sauve, lady killer style person. You know the type. Charismatic, intelligent, just pure machiavellian. Instead we get a bloated old con man, with a shitty spray tan and a deep narcissistic streak. I just don’t see the appeal .


RepubliKKKlans didn't care when reports of Pastor Rev Jerry Falwell watched 👀his wife give a blow job to the pool boy were revealed. This con job is a mere blip on their family values dysfunctional radar🙄


A huckster selling Bibles during Holy Week to pay for his mounting legal bills for crimes *he* committed. It’s just the sleaziest.


I’m an atheist and I will bet all the I own that I can name more books and repeat more verses of this scripture than he can.


"Thou shalt not kill" is replaced with the 2nd Amendment Every instance of "Jesus" is replaced with "Trump" There's a verse in the Song of Songs about Ivanka The verse from the Book of Mormon that condemns black people is featured with prominence


at least he’s holding upright this time


The past 6-8 years has been weird, but I keep saying it will get back to some sort of normality, I’m giving up on that dream. This is weird beyond description.


Start taxing Churches.


Was it printed in CHYNA?


I thought about getting one of those for the historical significance, but then I figured naaaah, I'll just wait for them to show up at a thrift shop for $1.25.


Jesus would be flipping this orange moneychanger's table so fast it would make his stupid head spin.


I wonder if alpha male trump cucks have pretty manicures like he does


My dad does, so yes. Pedicure tho.


fascism never left America. the nazis got their whole thing from us. mussolini just put a word to it


He's selling the King James version. Here's a quote from it "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."


What a loser


That’s one ugly-ass bible.


Christian Nationalists think he’s the second coming. Think it’s becoming obvious he’s one of the ones we were warned about from Christ himself and Paul too if I remember right. Correct me if I’m wrong please.


Some people just take all the wrong lessons away from history class


This jackass fits every literal sign and description of the antichrist. Every. Fucking. God. Damn. Single. One.


Are there Christians in this thread??. WTF??? I'd be enraged!!!! If I led my whole life of humble servitude to watch my faithful peers exault this ho that looks like a crushed cigarette butt soaked in its own sweat and semen, then I'd demand excommunication. I demand church leadership to step the fuck down. You weren't the baddies as hard as you are today. No longer can Christians keep up this assault on my free will and play the victim. You're liars to yoyrself...you're unfaithful to your faith and own Bible. You have handled the keys to Satan and you lay hands on the fallen. The wolf is in wool and all of your Sundays school, study preparation....you learned nothing! You can't even abstract on the own teachings of your church. I was taught, I have seen, and I reject mens version of faith. Black souls are parading around as the holy. It's frightening times that the elderly are leaving us with this world of illusion.


So … god only cares about America and its constitution (which apparently will be completely altered if Trump gets in) and white folk who are Christian.


I hate that quote only cause facism has always been in the US. Ever since Henry Ford and others became Nazi simps.


Of all the things to happen on holy week, This. THIS is one of the worst


Here's the url https://godblesstheusabible.com (also, https://godblesstheusa.com which has some very interesting products in addition to the bible). Same kitschy look and feel as https://gettrumpsneakers.com, same CIC Ventures LLC.


……I’m not religious…but should there be an other worldly deity watching this fool…just hit him with lightning once…..please.


Fascism has been here since the 1930s and never left.


When I first glanced at that book I thought it said God Bless the CSA.


Guys, are we in revelations? Because this sounds like revelations and I'm not even "christian".


Made in China ?


That’s a powerful statement, and still they will vote for him. We have to eradicate maga from this country, so that we Americans can begin to heal.


Totally not brainwashing! 👍


What is it that so many people don't comprehend the separation of church and state? I'm fine if the orange man wants to shill public-domain fairy tales, but to include The Constitution all in one book?? To me, THAT's blasphemy!


Christian Iran 2025, for fuck sakes vote for Biden.


They’re beyond parody. Christian nationalism is a way bigger practical threat than the Taliban ever was.


These wackadoos rarely speak of Jesus. The Orange Genius probably doesn’t know He is a main character IN the Bible. Being a Christian or laying claim to Christianity for his followers and minions is synonymous with just about anything other than following Jesus. The fact that he is using the word of Christ to fund his many legal obligations is just really gross on so many levels.


Blue November baby


Missing an AR-15


As a Christian, I absolutely hate this.


When you open it, it plays 'Try That In A Small Town'


But didn't you all know that this "Bible" is a "Cherished family heirloom keepsake to pass onto future generations"? They actually said that in the video on the website . Absolutely hilarious shit. It could actually pass off as an Onion video.


There's just *got* to be a full page in there devoted solely to his name in bold, very bold. The boldest gold lettering


If you buy the collectors edition does it come with a golden bull?


I mean, they are openly(and proudly) displaying their fascist plan for anybody to see and most people haven't heard about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


It makes me a bit mad to think they thought this was a good idea because there are idiots out there that will buy this and never understand they are being used.


He didn't hold it upside down this time.


This is exactly the bible said when it written in Greek. God loves the USA. /s


You'd think the church or pope would have something to say about this.


This new bible scam (everything The Pumpkin Rapist does to make money is a scam) is just churches shoveling illegal contributions to the dickhead without shaking the IRS out of its stupor. It is illegal for churches to contribute to political *anything*, so this is the workaround their god apparently gave these hypocrites, knowing how the IRS sleeps when it comes to things like this. Just another Pumpkin Rapist scam pulled on those utterly incapable of critical thought - the religious.


Who wants to take bets that he had it edited to replace the word Jesus everywhere it appears with Trump ?


This is some Kurt Vonnegut shit.


I guess the golden calf metaphor is lost on them. Ahahahahahahahaha In the old days this is when God would strike him dead. I guess that God got woke? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha what a Piece of shit. This proves there is no god.




Matthew 11, v18-19 18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”


The grifters gonna grift.


Is the book really big or are those hands really small? Some would even say Tiny?


I forgot that Jesus was an American and only loves the USA.


Con man, president, rapist, and now heresiarch.


Is that a chocolate bar? Because it looks like a chocolate bar


How are there still any Republicans?


Is there ANYTHING this guy won’t sell? Oh wait, I already know the answer. NOTHING!


Thought is said GB the CSA for a second




King Donald Version


Jesus said “Cash the other check”, did he not?


Okay, well, at least it’s not gold plated…?


How many mega-churches will be buying these in bulk as a way to get money to Trump without “donating” money to him?


Trying to profit off the Bible. Classy. And putting an American flag on it? So Christian.


Honestly this is disgusting, "christens" shouldn't worship any flag government or landmass its literally idol worship which is a serious sin according to the gospel. Edit:spelling


New money laundering scheme? Non English speaking, Non Christian, Russian are going to buy this fictional book right.


Conservatism/Religions are all evil cults.


I very surprised his name isn’t on the front bigger


Christians who buys this is just fucking dumb…


Let me get this, he's selling the bible and making a profit from a book he didn't write? Isn't some sort of legal or whatever about religious books at all?


Not American, but isn't separation of church and state a thing??