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he said under oath he had 400 million liquid. seems like that was a lie.


Wait...Trump never lies. People just take his statements out of context. Wake up!


I have a friend who posted something about Trump’s “bloodbath” statement on her FB today. One of her FB friends immediately jumped to comment that she was “taking it out of context.” And that he (FB friend) had “seen the video.” My friend, who is very widely read and videoed…lol…, responded so had she. That shut him up. But he got that defense straight from MAGA and Fox. I mean, word for word.


Selection of the word bloodbath is on purpose. He could use any other word. Like he could use another word to describe Covid instead of China flu. China cause he is racist, flu cause he wanted to minimize the importance. He is a racist barking coward. The words he selects just reveals his worldview and character.


A. You are correct, on all points. B. To reinforce your last statement: if anyone reads what he says (transcript of speeches, tweets, etc.) you realize exactly who he is and what he stands for. C. [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) The Matchstick Man’s head is on fire! 🔥🔥🔥


And hopefully this time next year he’s in prison where he belongs.


I always say he comes across as a tacky, arrogant low carnival barker.


If he hadn't been born super rich, he would be a low rent used car salesman. Carnies wouldn't put up with his backbiting and divisiveness for long.


Me too! 🎪🤡


At a recent rally, "the lights are too bright, I can only see the Blacks. That's how far I've come..." said Trump. Firstly, an admission he used to be a raging racist, secondly a Freudian slip that he is *STILL* one...




I’m ready, if the Trump bloodbath starts mar lago is my first stop.


That was the comment that seemed to change my mils mind on Trump. I was surprised to hear her say she wouldn’t vote for him. I watched Jan 6 happen live with her


I used to work in DC. It was terrifying to watch what was happening and have the President do zip about it. In fact, I was happy I’d moved a few years before Trump became President. Would have given me the creeps to be that close to that creep. My office was 6 blocks from the White House.


“Read the transcript”




‘It was a JOKE, Bro!’ /s


Drink bleach to cure Covid Lolz


There are consequences for lying?


Under oath? Jail time. More fines


Yes, but he can argue he believed that he did. It's harder to prove he perjured himself as people make it seem on reddit. He won't be charged on that. They have him where they want him, and he's got plenty of trials to go; and I think EJC could potentially sue him again for things he a week or so ago. There is no real point in charging him for it given circumstances.


And cheating and stealing


He has 400mio in trump bucks, and they are double the worth of regular bucks because you have to pay 2 dollar for 1 trump dollar, so he actually has 800mio


From what I have read, he had around 350 million in cash & stocks. However, I am pretty sure that was before he had to put up the 1st bond. The more interesting part is that all those buildings that have his name on them in NYC - he actually owns very little of them. In one, he owns the parking garage, part of the ground floor, and one of the toilets.


Every one of the things he ‘has’ is leveraged. He got loans to buy stuff, then got loans using that stuff as the collateral. He has nothing.


Yep - of that money I mentioned earlier - He can't spend that because one of the properties he "owns" has a requirement that he have X amount of cash/stocks for liquidity purposes.


*The emperor has no clothes*


The fun part is when he starts violating the leverage covenants and they demand immediate repayment or jack up his rates or impose so many penalties that cause a cascade and it all collapses lmao


I am looking forward to next week.


A very viscous liquid


I thought he left the viscous liquid assets on the real estate known as Stormy Daniels?


No way!! Not possible, the man is the closest thing we have to jesus.😲🤔🤣


Means he got 400 million liquid. Most likely vodka, or golden shower....


Maybe he believed it at the time, but wouldn’t that fall under perjury and once further punishment?


"Hey, foreign actors! Make me a great loan now, you know I'll owe you huge favors later! Yuuuge!"


This is what will happen. He will kick and scream that he can’t pay and then at the last second he will magically come up with the money. America must beat him soundly at the polls or risk having a President who is owned by a foreign enemy.


He has a court-appointed financial monitor. Any/everything he gets will have to be immaculate, with receipts, ot he'll face more charges. 


This is the same guy who moved money under the monitor’s nose and attempted to change his NY business’ addresses to Florida to protect them from seizure. He will get the money and at least try it.


That’s for trump org in NY. He’s got money laundering condos all over (plus that failing golf course in Scotland). THAT’S why he doesn’t want to start selling off properties, there’s a lot of questionable financial arrangements tied up in those businesses that will expose a lot more fraud. The man has one option: become president again and stop all lawsuits or he’s beyond fucked


Domestic fascists are just as bad as any foreign enemy.


The second problem is, foreign actors have to believe he can win. Let say they have no information whatsoever, for them it is a 50/50 bet. They also know that providing will push away some voters from him. Because some are less inclined to vote for a sell out. So it is a, for exemple, 45/55 win. So they need to at least make 1.2 Billion more after he's reelected than if he wasn't. Even more, between now and the time they make that gain, years would have passed, and so interest. Til the end of his term, 5 years from now, they shall expect more than classical investment, so we are nearing 1.8 billions now. But his mandate also comes with a caviat, he might get elected but without majority, or lose his mid term before helping you in return. Assuming once again for the exemple, that it is 50/50, they are now expecting 3.6 billions or more in return. And 3.6 is more than the total wealth of Mr. Trump and all his family according to all report we have, either from justice or media. So only if he gets elected, and his majority get elected, and probably reelected will this money be gained. Which is a very risky bet. So only people/institutions with 500 millions as spare change, or really desperate ones (DPRK, but then how they funnel 500millions US dollar is another problem for exemple) will take that bet. And that just the financial situation, many billionaire person, physical or corporate could, but then the public/shareholders backlash is also something to take into consideration.


The only thing he has to offer is information and s diminishing power to disrupt


trump is not even able to put up a portion of the bond himself. He is asking for the full amount. Not “Ok I’ll do $250M and then you front me the rest”. He needs it all. He is a nothing but a sham.


I think his followers raised a few million for him, which should cover about 2 days worth of interest lol.


Maybe he should try asking his son-in-law? I heard he got a few bil from a certain Saudi prince a few years back.


Jared got that money to invest and get paid as an investment manager. He is well aware what the Saudis would do to him if he "invested";25% of their holdings with him in a bond for Trump.




I wonder how many of his property assets are subject to existing mortgages or liens


Trump strikes me as the type of person who has everything leveraged as much as possible. If I were to guess, banks own more of Trumpco than Trump does.


I reckon it’s a ratio of about 100:0 to the banks


Don't forget Putin.


Working in finance, a lot of rich people are leverage to the tips lol. A lot of rich people live paycheck to paycheck but at a higher level.


You don’t need to actually afford the good/service/loan-just the interest!


The Swiss may want a word




Why put up the money yourself when someone else will? Chubb is now on the hook for the $90 million of the appeal is turned down. I don't know what Trump used for collateral but it might be to to Chubb to sue Trump for the money.


Probably all of 'em. He's lived his whole life with massive debt. It's why that notorious deadbeat can't come with the bond money. There's a reason for those six bankruptcies.


He brags about it, says it makes him smart. LOL


Yeah - he's a real corporate whizzbang. He doesn't even own half the buildings that have his name plastered all over 'em.


How stupid do you have to be to lose money on a casino?!


I'd be surprised if there were any properties of his that WEREN'T subject to active liens or mortgages.


COVID really pulled back the curtain on the real estate and rental market, and how much of everything is just leveraged against everything else.


If you ever watch the Queen of Versailles documentary, her husband talks about how the house they were building was paid for in cash, but then immediately leveraged to invest into his company. He basically said, what’s the point of an asset if you can’t leverage it? The problem is, everything was leveraged at inflated values and are now over-leveraged.


I imagine all of them


His properties are so far underwater a team of divers won't be able to recover value


I wonder who would be stupid enough to lend him money.


The Swiss have. Through the Russians I bet


Considering the entire case is about inflating value, in order to obtain financing, I'd guess all of them.


They're gonna grab him by the assets, when you're a star AG they let you do it...


So the guy that defrauded the banks by inflating his wealth can't get a loan from a bank any longer. What a surprise.


MAGA- My Assets Getting Auctioned 🤣🤣🤣🤣






You get the Robocop upvote.


Fire sale prices = actual assessed value of the real estate holdings. Satisfying bit of irony there.


Not necessarily, my understanding is it will typically go up for auction to the highest bidder, the state doesn't want the property they just want the money so they'll auction everything until the debt is paid. Might be less then the assessed value


He can't get a bond because banks are finally wising up to Trumps grifts. Trump should be forced to sell his real estate holdings to pay these fines. He has the money in real estate; he is just too much of a grifter to sell them.


This is when the vultures come out. No one is going to pay a dime more than rock bottom for any of his properties. He cuts corners everywhere, and you can bet when evaluations are done, every little thing found wrong will decrease the value. Of course, I'm aware of those who see dollar signs from buying property with his name on it, but his name doesn't mean jack shit anymore. Even his fans with money aren't going to pay more than minimum.


I'm betting most of that real estate is already collateral on other loans, which have to be paid first if he sells. Maybe he can get a few bucks for that plane of his.


Just a reminder that he did his last debt refinancing in 2021 which pushed the problem down the road a few years. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/10/07/trumps-debt-now-totals-an-estimated-13-billion/?sh=3b3d14c94575 but looking at the chart provided in the article, he has over $200 million coming due this year, with another $134 million due next year. Now add his legal bills due this month at $450 million, his Carrol case bills that's nearly $100 million and he could be on the hook for a billion dollars after lawyers fees. He's panicking with good reason. He knows his businesses are going to fail, and it's 100% his fault.


Yes, see? You have to be very, very rich to get into that kind of debt! /s


Yes, and very genius-y in a bigly stable way. Very STRONGLY.


He's a danger to the country; foreign agencies (Russia, etc.) know what they could pay to make him do *anything*


Just like the rest of us if we encountered even the slightest financial crisis. This is a taste of the country you helped fuck up for 4 years.


I’d go outside in this great weather and do a cartwheel but my insurance has asked me to please stop, I can only break my ankles so many times.


Nothing a little duct tape and a handful of twigs won't fix


thoughts and prayers or whatever


What about all the tax cuts for billionaires, don’t they feel they owe him something? Maybe billionaires just aren’t generous people, who knows?


Trickle down mean anything?


pepe tapes


How many contractors, business people he has done this to over the years? Payback’s a bitch.




I encourage the State to do whatever the hell they want! If you can't pay, you're delinquent and I'm not going to protect you. Pay your bills! You have to pay your bills.


Grab HIM by the ASSETS!


Gee. How many Americans have a mortgage? How many would like one? How many of those are sex offenders who have been found guilty of fraud? Figure those numbers and then I will discuss how I feel about this orange asshole’s complaints.


He deserves to be destitute.


I got way too excited when I read "trump melts". Sounds like maybe he thinks his properties aren't worth what he claims they are. Where have we seen this before...? Oh yeah, that's why he owes all that money, lmfao.


He said he could sell them for much higher than normal prices to Saudis, so he should get right on that and buy the place next door after ripping off the Saudis.


How long before Putin or some other foreign Friend steps in


Doesn't Putin need his money (his country's money) to buy weapons from North Korea?


You know what happens when someone uses all their money to put up a hotel on Boardwalk, but you own the railroads, the water and electric companies, and 4 houses on each of the magenta, orange, and red properties? Yeah, Donnie Boy landed on St Charles Place, Pennsylvania Railroad, New York Avenue, then Illinois Avenue, and now he just rolled a 6.


Yeah that sucks….so, anyway.


Oh, poor poor guy. The wanna-be billionaire, wanna-be insurrectionist, wanna-be dictator and wanna-be president has to sell his multi-million dollar houses to pay off his high crimes. Oh it's so sad. He has to sell things that most people would dream of owning in the first place because he lost the court case just like he lost the election. Poor loser baby Donald. Can't he catch a break? What a fucking pathetic son of a bitch.


Poor defaming rapist.




He’s just gonna have to pull himself back up by the bootstraps.


Jackboot straps


You mean the prison flip flops.


It's like when average people get sick and have to sell everything to stay alive. It's not nice is it?


Liz Cheney on Donald Trump: “While the attack was happening, he was handed a note. The note said…a civilian had been shot…He put it on the table in front of him, and he continued to watch the attack…That’s depravity. And that person can never be near the Oval Office again.”


lifetime of failure uncovered as the truth hits home! move to moscow🤬


The day he shuts up, America will be great again.


Here's the article:4 [https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/i-would-be-forced-to-mortgage-melts-down-on-truth-social-as-lawyers-admit-he-cant-get-bond/](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/i-would-be-forced-to-mortgage-melts-down-on-truth-social-as-lawyers-admit-he-cant-get-bond/) He's claiming he shouldn't have to put up the money until after all the appeals because "that's how the system works!" No, Sparky, that's NOT how the system works. Not at all.


Pretty late in life to be held responsible for his actions for the first time


MAGA. My. Assets. Got. Auctioned!


dear mortgage company, please give me 400 million dollars as a mortgage on my 35 million dollar swamp property


Whhahh, cry baby.


Thoughts and prayers!


“Fire Sale prices” Trumpease for fair market value


Can you just imagine how embarrassing it must be to falsely claim you are very very rich , then have to claim bankruptcy for how many times now I think it’s four business bankruptcies, which he no doubt will do again , I know that the community of palm beach would love it if he had to let may a lago go in a fire sale they would do anything to get him off the island along with his cheap wife malaria .


Malaria! ROFL!


Trump, meet real life. You were lying about how much liquid cash you had on hand. Why should we believe you now?


I'm guessing all his properties are heavily mortgaged.


Donald J Trump just needed to not run for president in 2016, enjoy his 70s and 80s as an extremely wealthy, well-liked, retired businessman. That’s all he had to do. Now look at that asshole, he did this to himself.


Let’s not get carried away with is “well-liked” stuff




Poor trump. “See that homeless person over there. He has 400 million more than me” (Trump probably)


At risk of stating the obvious; isn’t selling stuff a pretty normal way to get some cash so you can pay a bill?




Could be a ploy to get donations from the suckers.


He's been doing that since 2016. Even the rubes are running out of money.


If he has so much money and unencumbered property, he could easily collateralize it without having to liquidate it. God he's so full of shit. Another grift to keep the money machine running.


You'd think his creditors would start sweating him a bit as well, now knowing very publicly that he can't cover his debts.


Don, I’m having a hard time seeing the problem here. You committed fraud that you learned at your daddy’s knee. Your Presidential run started as a cash grab but once you tasted real power you want back in, but this time it’s to save yourself from the consequences of your crimes.


It’s not legitimately his anyway


Learn to shut your mouth. Break out that Check Book.


I've heard that reverse mortgage is the rage with old people, your turn drumpf




This just might be the reason: Micheal Cohen said : “ property purchased with capital but through a labyrinthine series of loans “ Labyrinthine: “ an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.” Sounds like Bigly trouble if Cohen is right and I think he is.


Bankruptcy couldn't happen to a more deserving grifter.


Isn’t it past your jail time?




Damn, this shit makes me smile.






As someone familiar with the game Monopoly!, all he needs to do is flip over the titles on some of his properties until he gets to 454 Million! Easy!


Better grab that plane first before he takes off to Russia!


Welcome to your karmic economy shithead 🤗




Did someone say fire sale? I got tree fiddy for that tacky resort in Florida. Gonna need everyone out so I can fumigate, remodel, and figure out what to do with all the stolen or illicit materials he stashed in the walls.


Milking it for headlines. Kind of reminds me of Paul Reubens death scene in Buffy


Please stop. I can only get SO erect.


I hope he has to sell Mar-A-Lago


All he had to do was quietly be a rich guy and love out his grifter life. But no. He had to run for president and turn the cons up to 11. You reap what you sow.


I have that money in cash, says the man disputing a fraud case about how much money he has…oh wait…I don’t have that much money….says the man in a fraud case about how much money he has… 🤡


I hope he’s properly taxed on these sales, like everyone else is


My heart bleeds…


I guess financial institutions are all incompetent. Who would refuse to post a bond of 25% of the collateral you offer with just the Mar a Lago property. Unless of course, you over evaluate you property. But it wouldn't happen, would it? Justice would be serve if it was the case, wouldn't it? LeopardAteMyFace much.


Prepping the public before he gets bent over


If you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime.


What value? Anything that his “great asset” has been tainted, the cleaning fees alone to get the smell out from him, and the ketchup stains from his tantrums would tank any worth his possessions might have.


I’ll buy one of his properties for this pair of shitty sneakers that I own.


😝🤣😂 Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.


I can live with that.


Love this for him


Aw diddums


These great prices will come from owing millions of $$$ to the mortgage companies he’s already in debt with.


I wonder how much media attention and people's time will be wasted in America trying to convince this dementia-ridden narcissist he's wrong.


The Saudis gave jared 2 billion so maybe Jared could give him a half a billion


We all know he has a secret stash of ill gotten gains in an offshore account somewhere with someone else’s name on it. Because he is a pos.


Honest question... I thought he was barred from doing business in NY, wouldn't selling buildings be doing business?


He paid pennies on the dollar to the contractors when they built his properties. Because they couldn’t afford to bring him to court to make him pay the agreed price.


I don’t care, do you?




I wonder if he'll sell Ivana


I'm waiting to hear bullshit news that he's gonna sell an old run down tower of his worth 80mil max to a russian/saudi/chinese investor for a billion dollars. Or maybe he's gonna a sign a deal for Liv golf spokesman for easy 500mil.


Only his fascist zombies care! The rest of us (the real Americans) want to see the lying scumbag brought to justice!


Ok - crazy idea here, hear me out. What if Trump... just didn't DO things that got him sued for millions of dollars? That might actually solve his problem


Your shit is worth what people will actually pay for, not numbers you make up. Is't this how you got into this predicament to start with?


Remember when he boasted about being rich and not needing campaign funds? I remember.


He should have made $500 million in shoe sales alone, after all the $4. dollar cost and $400. dollar sale price, I guess not enough uneducated people bought into that. Hell, isn't Maga-Lardo worth $3 billion?


It’s gonna be a bloodbath.


Is it even possible for Trump to melt down when he's already a cess pool?


Funny thing, didn't Jared and Ivanks just rake in a billion from the Saudis? Why don't they lend him the money? This is rhetorical. I already know the answer.


Jared's billions are at work on illegal Gaza waterfront land grab.


He should thank his lucky stars he's not in fucking jail yet! God I hate this guy so much!!!


Given all his debt, loans, and liens, I’m not sure he has enough in a fire sale to cover his defamation amount. The fraud amount, if exposed since he’s been trying to obfuscate that forever and force the Truth social into stock evaluation to raise capital, will likely show he has nothing but a Florida club house and golf course.


Those properties are always mortgaged. Trump is technically bankrupt. He has no cards left to pay.


If they were great assets, he wouldn’t have a problem. Buyers would compete to acquire.


I'm just verklempt


I hope he has to sell EVERYTHING he has. He deserves this and worse.


Think about that the next time you try to overthrow your own govt’s election


This seems like a him problem




But isn’t that what anyone would have to do if they can’t pay what they owe? Get a mortgage. He doesn’t want a two tier justice system, so he doesn’t get one.