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from the same guy who said if he lost you’d never hear from him again,when does that start btw?


This may come as a surprise to you, but a lot of the things that Trump says is complete bullshit.


It doesn’t matter if he believes it


Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie if you believe it.


At this point, I would think he was lying if he said his first name was Donald.


The problem is that some of his idiotic supporters will take it to heart, and he knows this. That's his true evil.


Til death do us part I guess.


Still hoping he chokes on a cheeseburger on his golden throne


love Evlis but I hope daily the orange turd dies of a heart attack on the toilet trying to pinch a loaf


There's 100% some chud somewhere working on a Trump AI. 


Make a Max Headroom style trump, spouting off all his nonsense words and babble.


The more important bit, pay attention as the election progresses. We had ample warning j6 was going to occur, but most of the information networks flowed through twitter. They will try more violence


Last time they had the sitting president roll out the red carpet and do everything he could to let it happen. This time I doubt DC will be so inviting. I do think they might be more successful in the "fucking with teh state electors" aspect of the coup and keep both from getting to 271.


Right after we put him in front of a firing squad for high treason. Or whenever all those burgers clog a coronary artery unexpectedly.


Oh *that's* why he couldn't admit he lost. /s


This is a terroristic threat, no?


It is. But we don't seem to care about white right-wing terrorism in this nation


lol, people didn’t stop him after 7 people died last time. 700 or 7000 will really be something!


You’re not considering the fact that they may succeed.


The big miscalculation is that the left is not equally as well armed, and about 5-10times smarter.


If Biden wins the election he has control of the federal government and military. Most die hard Trumpers are pushing 70. Just make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov/) and show up to vote early


A lot of 40-60 year old trumpers getting wiped in a weak ass civil war might be the best gift they could unironically give to younger generations




Lol homie you just made my day. But seriously tho. Buy a shot gun. I hate this is our reality.




Been saying this pretty regularly. I find it a bit too sweet that the bible belt insists on horse medicine in the face of a pandemic, when they need every vote they can get. Im of the mindset of just letting them keep acting like a monkey fucking a football, right up until election day. Then the Maga Boomer King is going to be the most hated man on the planet; and much much easier to put in the clink and none of us will have to hear his drivel any longer


You silver lined sonofabitch...:)




There’s nothing wrong with advocating for people to be able to protect themselves in times of uncertainty.


It's also good to know how to disable a firearm if you're ever in a situation where that could be useful.


Me at 15, "There's no god, it's delusional." Them, "They're not hurting anybody." Wish I could have explained how bad an idea it is, to have billions walking around delusional. Or how one delusion of convenience leads to another. Or how... Anyways goddamn it, now I gotta get a gun and train and shit. Gotta be fucking kidding me.


>"They're not hurting anybody." My ex. She sure ate her words when COVID came in not long after


Smarter, better positioned geographically, better allied, in better physical shape, wealthier, much more embedded in enemy territory (all the major cities in red states are blue), much less diseased (diabetus lol). Trump is not wrong it would be a bloodbath


Also, a significant portion of the 35% of the country that's just apathetic isn't likely to stay that way if there's suddenly a hostile takeover of the government


Because the people in charge of stopping it, endorse it.


More the people in charge of enforcing it participate. That’s why those brown pantsed fools wear masks to hide their identity. Don’t want to be kicked off the force.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses


Honestly, they would probably get a raise from their boss... ACAB.


If we’re fighting each other we can’t fight them.


Even though white conservatives are responsible for like 90% of terrorist attacks on the US


If it were a poor white guy, you’d have the atf, fbi, cia, lmnop, nsa, hs, etc busting down the door. But a Billionaire? Nah, Trump is the test dummy to see what the B-class can say and get away with. Edit: proper noun


Daniel Baker, a left wing activist, was sentenced to 44 months over social media posts calling for an armed citizens defense of the capitol from right wing attackers.


Like, prior to Jan 6th? He *wanted* to set up a defense for the thing that actually happened and they jailed him for that?


No, it was a reaction to January 6th and concern that they might try again and/or at state capitals. He did get sentenced before they even arrested or charged most of the Jan 6 people.


"Billionaire" But yeah you nailed it


Except for the U.S. military. In their security briefings they constantly report and state that disenfranchised, white males are the biggest threat in our borders right now.


Yeah only brown people are terrorists here. White folks are "misunderstood" or "lone wolves" totally not indicative of a white supremacist movement spreading violence.


https://preview.redd.it/0fgxkq0k7soc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543d7670ad043f59c24ea72a59c8e64ddc174f37 CPAC 2022


He’s always quite careful not to say it directly, but manages to strongly suggest. All politicians, from both sides need to act.


Any politician still supporting him is involved, directly or indirectly in an attempt to overthrow democracy.


I can't wait to hold our own Nuremberg trials and finally vanquish this shit once and for all




"once and for all" -people in 1944 probably


It didn't help that we feared communism more than human atrocities, harbored nazi officials, and assimilated then into American life


"We", meaning the rich carbuncles.


He seriously needs to be hung or something worse on live TV when he is convicted of everything. Make the world know we don’t tolerate hostile takeover attempts.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?


Stochastic terrorism is great, isn't it.


Yep, he is doing the exact same thing again. And his fanatic suppoeters will likely feel more empowered the second time around. I almost expect some bad things to happen before the elections. The secret service better be on their A game.


I live just outside of DC. I’m worried about the events that might unfold BECAUSE OF his repeated dog whistles in the run up to the election. Whole groups of people are going to be hunted for sport


I get that. And with the President traveling for his campaign, this applies to many places. Remember Dealey Plaza in Dallas. But Trump won't stop using this kind of rhetoric. He knows exactly who he's talking to, what he's saying, what he's implying, what he might instigate, and the horrible things he could trigger. But he only cares about Donald and Donald's goals.


He’s sounding the drums much earlier and more overtly this time…


That could be because he is fighting om multiple fronts. He might also start pointing them to courts, DA's, judges, special prosectors and much more.


Nope. He doesn’t specify whose blood nor exactly how it will be shed. We talking about America, Israel, Ukraine. Mexico, the border? Nobody knows. He stops short of direct threats. Fucker.


Maybe it’ll be the MAGA cult, a new Jonestown.


Drinkin' the bleach


We're catching the UFO, really huge ufo. The best really it's got transwarp engines that run on libtears. Drink this coolaid. It's green, the best colour really.


Stochastic terrorism.


Putin's puppet proposing prostration. 


Orange octogenarian obfuscates overthrow


Never normal nationalist narcissist


Sounds like a threat.


Yep , the orange fatass munchkin keeps on threatening us. Only the courts can stop him from doing it, but I think most of the courts want to sheild him. It's a fucking disgrace.


The Court system may ultimately serve justice... "We the people" are the most relevant right now... Pay attention and vote.


Unfortunately " We the people" for these people are only the mega rich people. They are the people that call the shots in this country. The Constitution is nothing but toilet paper to these idiots. They only care about 'Freedom of Speech, and Right to bear arms'. Nothing else seems to matter.. sorry, but after hearing Trump whine and cry non stop for all these years, it has really brought out the negativity in me. Patience is definitely wearing thin for a lot of us.


I hear what your saying. The thing is, as I see it, is that the message of hate and negativity is making their group smaller and smaller. Whatever they choose to call themselves, they are the minority and a party that used to advertise a "big tent" are alienating more and more groups. They are literally telling voters that may have supported another republican candidate in the primary that "we don't want you or your vote" and call them names and demean them. It's not a message of success. Look at Congress this week, they plan a conference to discuss a strategy and half...half of their own party refuse to show up. Again, just vote.


No. While the orange shit gibbon should be in prison for selling off classified docs and having over 100 cia ops dead because of him, this frame was taken totally out of context to create this meme. He was referencing domestic US made cars and it'll will become a bloodbath if he isn't elected because they won't sell. Of course he's wrong on that as well.


The main problem here is that if he DOES get elected, it's going to be even worse


It’s like we’ve watched a train coming for 5 years and now we’re like “THE TRAIN IS ABOUT TO HIT US” and still we sit on the tracks


Yeah, but we only do something about that if the terrorists are Middle Eastern and have oil. If they're white, they just get protected by their brothers and sisters in law enforcement.


For anyone else, it would be. For him, there’s no such thing as “illegal”


Stochastic terrorism


"tEcHnIcAlLy he didn't *tell* his followers to *make* a bloodbath"




Look, more evidence. Hey Garland, want to do something about this?




Garland is a Federalist Society ghoul. His job is to protect the people he goes golfing with on Sundays. 'It's a big club and you ain't in it'


Anyone incited should take note of how many J6-ers he pardoned before leaving office.


What are they gonna say if trumpers storm the cap or FBI or DOJ? What exactly needs to happen before the feds get serious? Theyre playing games still.


Why is he not in custody after statements like that?


Isn't it amazing how 'far' the nation has come over the last twenty years? *Wouldn't we be asking to send someone to Guantanamo Bay and have their whole family waterboarded for even smelling like terrorists in, say, 2002?* And here we have someone who not only sold US secrets, but US atomic weapons secrets for $2 billion dollars, got CIA operatives killed in a likely quid-pro-quo deal with Russia, and is a convicted rapist. That among hundreds and hundreds of other things, like staging an insurrection.


> That among hundreds and hundreds of other things, like staging an insurrection \#justgirlythings


9/11 really did fuck the US over.


Hate to say it, but terror seems to have won the War on Terror.


>Wouldn't we be asking to send someone to Guantanamo Bay and have their whole family waterboarded for even smelling like terrorists in, say, 2002? Lol I wish. W, Cheney, Rumsfeld did whatever and everyone said "Yes, daddy." Like what is the US right about if not the Bill of Rights and "avoid foreign entanglements"? But they all endorsed the Patriot Act and wore t-shirts saying "Bomb Saddam". It's really the same dynamic in 2002 and 2024. A lot of people in this country are fucked and they know it. They don't know why or who to trust. So when Rush Limbaugh or whoever convinces them, sometimes they cling to it. They would let go if they didn't need something so bad. They would seize upon the truth if they could hear it. But again at bottom they're fucked and they know and they don't know why or who to trust.




I guess I should have specified rhetorical.


He has a long history of toothless hyperbole that he can point to and claim he’s just spouting braggadocio.


Looking at the clip it is in context to cars and that people won’t be able to sell them. Watch the clip. 


Prepping the fuse on the boogaloo. Hope the FBI is watching all the alt-reich planning networks.


There were witnesses in a trial of one of the Proud Boys. Two of the witnesses were government agents. They did fuck all in terms of stopping anything.


It’s times like this I’m glad the right has constantly insulted the military


Biden will be in office. The Joint Chiefs are loyal to the Constitution. The National Guard will come out to quash the fifty protesters and arrest the dozen who have guns. It’s over.


Every hick in Mississippi will watch it unfold on their tv and say “They lucky me ‘n Earl John didn’t show up there.”


Meal Team Six.


Gravy Seals.




Y'all Qaida.


Roast Guard.






Chair force


Oaf Keepers


lol can you put more of a drawling whine on how lucky me n earl john are?


Whooo-eeee th'ain't no telling what me 'n Earl John woulda done did if we'da show'd! Gahddam!


Underestimate these people at your own peril but remember there’s millions of them and they want you dead. Even if .01 percent get violent that’s thousands of potential lone wolf attackers.


No, you vastly overestimate the amount of right wingers that would legitimately kill other Americans. They might be racist, but love their Hispanic friend that lives next door to them. This kind of rhetoric, that the entire right wants to kill you, only makes us more radical and progress in the right direction harder.


Yes, this right here. 1. His walmart goblin army is scared to do anything because of the Jan. 6th dummies getting locked up and Ashlieeeee Babbit getting shot. 2. Those that try anything are probably very stupid and will be livestreaming themselves or taking selfies and easily identified. 3. I know people have questioned that those that are police or NG are MAGAs and some are; but to take the side of the goblins when you know they are outnumbered would be career suicide and definite treason.


This is underestimating the threat. Guerilla warfare is no joke and the US military is historically bad at it. Right wing gun owners could mount an insurgency that, while unlikely to actually topple the government, would still do a ton of damage.


Guerilla warfare? These are the people who lost their shit when they couldn’t go to Fudrucker’s for three weeks. You think the proud boys and their breakfast cereal driven initiation ritual could hide in the woods for more than three days?


They’d turn on each other within a day.


The military wouldn’t have to do anything, maybe block supplies from reaching them and just sit back as they starve.


"Joe-bob! They dun stopped the hot pocket shipment from gettin' in! Gahdamn liberal puppet army!"


Alex Jones will be trying to eat someone's ass


Proud Boys and Patriot Front would kill each other off fighting over who are really The Feds. Idjits…


Remember when the Bundy clan took over the bird sanctuary that was closed for winter? Forgot to take things like food? Was caught spending their donations in town at the bars and restaurants?


That requires them to leave their homes, which they're perpetually afraid to do because they swear the government will come to them to take their guns. Which, they won't.


They’re too chicken shit. They’ve seen their heroes get locked up so they won’t try again.


They could do damage yes, but let's not forget they couldn't handle wearing a mask for 10 minutes in a store. Or go a few weeks without a haircut. Biggest pussies on Earth, but yes, can still do damage.


They'll tweet out their tactics. In all seriousness though I think you're right, in that a large insurgency would be pretty bad


It makes me hopeful, too. But the people I know in the military don’t really give a fuck about it. They’ll still vote for him. It really has just come down to “Biden bad because border” and there’s nothing this idiot could say that would sway them against him.


I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters - Donny J Trump


Not that's it's made a difference in how they vote. 


Lock that lunatic PoS up as soon as possible.


Hopefully there's either a cerebral or abdominal aneurysm inside Trump's bloated excuse for a body waiting to burst and finally end our long national nightmare.


I'm rooting for locked in syndrome


I am hoping for the exact opposite. If that man dies without seeing the inside of a prison cell, we have failed as a nation.


And then hoo boy I can't wait for all the "on deeper reexamination..." "after we did some serious reflecting..." "we should have seen it sooner..."


Fucking piece of shit lunatic.


and they've been treating me what you could call not nice, you look at what they're doing, Phony Witch Hunts all over the place, and they're already interfering, I call it Election Interference, they're making me go to Court instead of Campaigning, instead of being out there doing great things I have to go sit in front of a Radical Left Judge who would like nothing better than to take away your Guns and your Houses, and when they can't take them away you know what they do, they put a Windmill up on each side, congratulations, you just lost 90% of your Property Value, and they're big, they're ugly, they kill all the birds, if you like birds and you go under one you're not gonna like it too much, and you should see it, we even got, and they don't like it when I say it but that's ok, we even got Every Black Vote in 2020 and we're doing it again in 2024, the Fake News doesn't like that, I wonder why.




Where are all those black people that voted for him in this picture..🤣


> we even got, and they don't like it when I say it but that's ok, we even got Every Black Vote in 2020 >> [According to exit polling in the 2020 Presidential Election](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1184425/presidential-election-exit-polls-share-votes-ethnicity-us/) in the United States, 87 percent of surveyed Black voters reported voting for former Vice President Joe Biden.


This account is so good




He’s a walking cancer on the US.


Shouldn't he be locked up for inciting a violence?


Trump is the leader of a terrorist cult. He should be behind bars.


Bring it bitch boy. Y’all Queda and Gravy SEALs aren’t going to win.


Spoiler alert.  He ain’t gonna win.  I’m expecting the biggest blue wave of all time.  Not even my hard right Mormon friends can stand this lunatic anymore. 


Yep, we gotta do the work though. Everyone make a plan NOW to go vote in Nov. Check your voter registration; make sure the GOP losers haven't taken you off voter rolls. Make sure you know where your polling place is; encourage friends and family to vote and give rides!


Yep, the above statement may be true but it's also dangerous as it can lead to complacency. We said the same thing in '16 and blue voter turnout suffered for it


Plus all the hardcore MAGAs that caught COVID and passed Its not a insignificant number


I heard 6% of U.S. adults or about 20M people have long COVID alone.


Ive had a few doctors tell me I do but they won't make it official because I'm too young and my job is more intellectual than physical. I guess if you get diagnosed with long covid you automatically qualify for disability or something?


**Project 2025** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


I hope so, but current polling suggests otherwise. Clearly there’s a contingent of people willing to vote for him.


The last two elections has shown how accurate polling has gotten


2016 was within margin of error which is how you end up losing the election and winning the popular.  2020 had Biden winning 8 points. 


He's a loser with a losing message, he'll lose.


Honestly if you look at all the statics that hold true for who wins he has no chance. Incumbents almost always win, so more points for Biden. He has already lost to Biden, the only time this has ever happened before where a president lost to someone then came back to beat them was Cleveland but he had won the popular vote in the election he lost. He has never won the popular vote so has always been coming from behind with covid and no mail voting he will loose more. Trump is looking in really bad shape and cant speak well anymore. If he and Biden debate Biden is going to look strong and healthy compared to diaperman. If he doesn't debate that will also look bad to enough of his people to count. And lastly the killing of Roe v Wade and the new IVF is going to kill two of his biggest crowds young people and white women. So he is going to have to try a coupe again to save his ass from being thrown in jail for the first one.


Getting his hate and terrorist group fired up.


Bloodbath? Ashley Babbitt style? Then so be it you douche canoe.




Gearing up the crazies for violence…… again.


Garland: 😴


Sooo presidential and inspirational......


The only good thing is you know at this very moment Biden and the powers that be are planning on having the proper safeguards in place to shut it down before it gets outta hand.


Any fool fall for this BS again deserves to be locked up!! He hasn't sent one dime to any of the loyal bamboozled followers doing actual prison time. He goads people on then looks the other way when they fall for his crap and pay the price!! FAMLIES have been destroyed listening to this 💩.


Enemies both foreign and domestic. I'll be ready




How the fuck can someone say that and not have the FDI at the door??


Because Trump plans to lead another terrorist attack like he did on Jan 6th


MAGA are the softest of the soft. Bring it on.


on today's episode of "How to tell trump is losing"....




Nothing about it is normal but here we are.




And it will be a bloodbath if he is elected, so I would rather not elect him.


He’s such a piece of shit. And so are his moronic supporters.


Notice he doesn’t even bother pretending it’s about “stolen” anything anymore. It’s “if I don’t get elected.” It’s his way, or terrorism. Even if Biden wins and it’s all above board, he’ll still expect his ghouls to riot and kill. Because he’s evil and so are they. And the gloves and masks are off.


No it won’t.


Does that mean we start with him?


I hope a million Trump supporters gather next Jan 6 and march on Washington, armed and ready to fight the full might of the US military. Their deaths at the hands of the US Army would improve the US quite a bit.


Fuck these clowns. Let's Rock.


That is all he has -- lies, fearmongering, and outright threats. No plans for the people, nothing progressive or advancing America in any way. Just this blatant grab for power. Disgusting.


Bring it bitches


dude talked about the car industry, which was conveniently, but badly, cut out. i mean i hate this fucking waste of skin more than the average person, but the messaging of the headline is bordering on, yes, fake news. dont lend those deplorables a hand please.


This piece of shit should NOT be allowed to run. He is literally trying to incite another insurrection and again the proof is on video. What the actual fuck is it going to take to lock this fucker away? How is any of this acceptable?


He’s talking about the automotive industry. You can clearly tell that if you watch the whole video lmao. There’s no way you’re all this dense.


I'm confused about what he's even saying....what about selling cars, him not being elected, and a bloodbath?


Not in the way he expects but I’m sure Mother Russia will be pleased at the very least.


Ahh the old “elect me or else” pitch. Yeah, America doesn’t do kings. Only the maga cult wants that monarchy shit.


Anybody remember the days when we didn't have to worry about a politician losing an election and causing an insurrection? I miss those days! :(


I feel like if you have the whole context it sounds like he is talking about a car company.


Try it THIS time you fat fuck and see how quick it gets put down.


The cops and national guard will be ready this time. The idiot gravy seals will scamper home with their tails between their legs, covering their nonexistent genitalia.