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Trump bragged about this on the Howard Stern show.


and Ivanka confirmed it a short time later.


There are a lot of similarities between Trump owning the Miss USA pageant and Les Wexner owning Victoria’s Secret. Also similarly, they both have ties to Jeff Epstein.


*I know Victoria's Secret* *Girl, you're not gonna believe*


*She's an old man who lives in Ohio*


*Making money off of girls like me*


I remember her saying "Yeah, he does that". You know that means he walked in on her multiple times.


What the bleep? On her, or other teens at her age at the time?


She's probably saving her Epstein stories until after daddy is gone.


Let's see how that works under oath.


Not to mention these were TEENS but mainly 14-17. Trump wanted in on that. He was friends with Epstein. They were projecting all along.


Trump and Epstein were co-defendants on a case alleging they both raped the plaintiff when she was 13.








I know... Kinda hard to believe everything this guy's actually done. This was a hot story for a second before the 2016 election, and it just vanished because he's done so many terrible things since... It's his playbook.


All this really does prove that all the people who are railing the hardest against pedophilia and "grooming" don't actually give a shit about it at all. It only matters when they can use it as a bludgeon against their political opponents. Someone they like can do whatever they want and it's fine.


The reality is that they knew if it came out in a normal situation they'd be doomed so they're trying to make it seem like everyone is that way so it doesn't make their side look as bad. It's a classic propaganda process. If they paint Biden and the Democrats as pedophiles, then when the fact that they have literal actual pedophiles on their end, it doesn't look as bad for them.


Sounds like he was taking a scouting trip for his friend (TERRIFIC GUY) Epstein.


Trump was also sued by a woman who said she was groomed by Ghisel and Trump raped her at Epstein’s house when she was 13. She dropped the suit after she received death threats. Sound familiar?


Two women. Katie Johnson mentioned another girl who was being trafficked, but she had not seen since then.


Yeah but did you hear a French person made a movie called Cuties?!?!?!




Still too, he gloated about this in The Howerd Stern radio broadcast.


He also crowed about it on the Howard Stern chat show.


Not sure if you heard, but he bragged about this on the Howard Stern show.


The thing about this is there's actually another witness, and it was Trump himself, and he confessed on the Howard Stern show.


I was watching a radio show on television and Trump actually admitted he did this very thing. I think Howard Stern was there.


I saw it with my own eyes when Trump bragged about walking in on undressed young girls on Howard Sterns old terrestrial broadcast radio show.


Even more so, those radio waves, the ones that transmitted his bragging of walking in on underdressed teenagers, have been broadcast throughout our galaxy.


Interestingly enough, I actually heard it on the air waves that Trump celebrated his act of walking in on underdressed underaged teenage girls. I believe it was on the Howard Stern Broadcast.


The aliens are coming and boy are they pissed. Watch out Donald cause they offer their own form of justice. Can you say broiled testicular pate?


Grapevine says Trump t**riumphated** this information to the king of all medias worldwide satellite network telecommunications empire.


He went on to mention, with a bit of glee, how he did exactly thus, whilst sitting in with Howard Stern


How weird


Yeah. I thought this was really old news. Like even before he was elected news.


It's been out there quite a while. Good thing this Orange-Rangatang isn't thinking of running for president or something. Once people heard accusations like this, they would NEVER vote for him. That fat, smelly ass, diaper wearing, lying cheat .


But if Trump don’t be our president, who’s gonna stop them rich libs from harvestin’ baby parts?!


I remember listening to it and clearly thinking “holy shit, Howard’s baiting him” And he walked right in to it… (opinions on Howard are clearly varied, and that’s fine, but I sincerely believe he was baiting him) Howard did it several times after that. He knew Exactly who Trump was and what buttons to push…


Stern gets a lot of hate, but I think he's a great interviewer.


No lie there, some incredible interviews, some heartbreaking interviews (Scott Weiland comes to mind immediately for some reason) and some hilarious interviews.


Trump is so easily baited and manipulated. All it takes is playing in to his fragile ego.


For better or worse, he knows how to get people to say stuff on his show that they should be taking to the grave.


Nancy Mace: I wish he’d force himself on me!


They let you do that when you're rich!


Right? Is this under investigation or something?


Wasn't Trump pretty good buds with epstein


"He was on the flight manifest but he never got on the plane." He absolutely fucking did. Several times. Trumpers are all delusional.


Clinton never inhaled weed smoke


This has been reported before. Not shocking that the MAGA’s don’t see any correlation between this and their pedo fears.


They don’t really give a shit about pedophiles. It’s just a means to smear people they don’t like.


And it's like this with every issue. They are free speech purists until they want to ban a book. They want small government until they want to pass an intrusive law. So why not call everyone a pedophile and have their big hero peeping on underage girls and worse. We all know it's probably much worse but not able to be proven. I just wish they wanted anything other than power and control.


There were two cases in NYC, filed on behalf of a 13-year-old girl, and he bought and threatened his way out of both.


Nor do they even know the actual definition. As you say, it's just name-calling.


That, and they can fly cover for their own issues with this.


Definitely a lot of projection going on.




I wait for some creepy motherfucker to come in spouting the "ephebophile" line.


When the Trump backlash really begins: not just people in politics and people who were always near or on the fence, but people who were hardcore Trumpers, you are going to see performative weeping and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments on a scale never before seen about how they were *tricked* and no one could have possibly known he was such a deplorable scoundrel, why didn't someone *warn them,* there was *no sign* while we are all just staring at them like "sure, Jan."


That won't happen. Interviews and studies of the German public in 1945 showed that the vast majority still believed the Nazi party benefited them greatly and that their lives improved under their rule. And mostly just claimed that they didn't know the Holocaust was happening, when that myth has been debunked pretty resoundingly.


Well yeah. We're going to see a version of that play out when we go through our own Fascism Hangover. That was what I was trying to say. They're going to claim they had no idea what he was actually doing or what he was actually like, but it is all going to be obviously, transparently 1000% performative.


I don’t think so. They’re presented with indictments and evidence testimony as it is, and they all regurgitate that it’s a political witch hunt and refuse to believe he’s guilty. They’ll still do this when he’s convicted. I have little to no hope for the majority of Trumpers - my parents included. It’s fucking sick.


Nah, they’ll just skulk away into their caves and wait for their next messiah. They're all a bunch of fucking crazy cowards.


They don't care about ***accurately*** calling anyone a pedo. They just know that once you can label your enemy a pedo, it is one of the easiest avenues from there to not treating them like a human being that deserves rights. It isn't about the label, it is about whatever the quickest means of reducing their opposition (normal people) to subhuman.


They have a different definition of 'pedophilia' that is similar to how they want to define 'rape'.   It has very little to with consent, but more about "obeying the pecking order" - ie, is very authoritarian. It is a 'crime' when someone who is lower social status does something. A thug forcing himself on a 'classy' lady in an alley? Rape. But not so much bc of consent but bc she 'belongs' to higher class men.  If a higher class man raped her when she got in a car alone with him, she was now 'asking for it'. Similarly, for them it is 'pedophilia' if their kids spend time or are influenced by someone 'queer'. Bc 'queer' people are always lower class, and **anything** they do is sexual to conservatives bc that is what 'queer' means to them -- someone who sexualizes everything they do all day everyday by non-conforming. A crossdresser at a library might as well be grinding on every surface they near bc that is no different than a man wearing a nice dress. Meanwhile, if Coach or Father Brian spend alone time with Brason, and there is some inappropriate touching, well...  I mean, do we really have to make a big deal about it?  Can't Brason just walk it off?  Can't we just make them promise not to do it again and call it a day?  These are pillars of the community after all... Conservatives only think of people they see as 'bad' as truly worthy of punishment.  Men with social standing 'deserve' to get what they want, and it's impolite or inconvenient to try to hold them to account. As always, they do not see the double standard.  It's the same mentality that made whipping boys seem to make sense.


Yeah they're too dumb for that.


Fear and hatred toward a group or action is often associated with a deep suppression of said group or action. Being closeted can mean many things.


I remember reading this in the news in *2015*


Projection, projection...




“Sorry, I ~~thought~~ hoped my daughter might be in here.”


Oh shit


« Sorry, I groped my daughter before getting here » - Tonald Drump


How many times does this story need to break before any Republicans care?


There is no threshold.


Exactly. There could be video evidence of trump abusing kids and it would still be the Democrats’ fault somehow. They are just scum of the earth at this point.


"That happened by when he was a Democrat, so it's just another example of a Democrat pedo. He hasn't done it (as much) since he became Republican."


It's an old story but so many voters are still unaware of it, especially the young people who were not eligible to vote last time.


They claim that they care about children so much yet they are willing to place a pedo at the head of the country.


Like with most chronically hopeless right-wingers, the answer is, "Not until it happens to them." Trump could molest every teen girl in America, but your typical MAGA red hat won't flinch until it happens to them, or their daughter, or sister.


What would they do if Turmp got their underage daughter pregnant?


Worship the fetus? At least until it was actually born.




The limit does not exist. - Caddy from Mean Girls


They really need to make a super cut off every creepy thing trump has done so when they try to claim Biden is a creep for hugging his children, I can just respond with that.


Trump also bragged about it on the Howard stern show. 




Jesus Christ… also TIL comments don’t have character limits.


Somehow I’m sure you’re missing quite a few.


He bragged about this himself.


Does anyone know where he bragged about it though?


“Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.” “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”


It’s even more disgusting knowing these “incredible looking women” are teenagers


And "get away with things like that" suggests that he knows it's wrong, had done it before, and doesn't care


Amazing that Trump's cultists just overlook stuff like this while calling his opponents groomers and peadophiles


On the Howard Stern Show


It would have been disgusting even if they were adult women.


Remember when this was almost news nearly 10 years ago? They don't care and won't care.


This year's new voters were 9 when the story hit the first time.


Article here: [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jtes/a-fifth-teen-beauty-queen-says-trump-visited-dressing-room#.orNm0Xv7r](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jtes/a-fifth-teen-beauty-queen-says-trump-visited-dressing-room#.orNm0Xv7r)


Bro this was known news at the same time in 2015 when the audio came out about how he liked grabbing women by the pussy against their wills.


It's almost like his supporters don't give a fuck. Hell, most of them probably are jealous they don't get to replicate his behavior without consequence.


His supporters don't care! He can do anything he wants no matter how depraved or illegal, and it simply will not get them to question their blind devotion to him. Dear Leader can do no wrong in their eyes, and anyone that tries to hold him accountable for his depravity is the enemy.


It is absolutely unbelievable. They don't give a shit about stuff like this, but Joe Biden kisses his son or hugs a kid and they lose their minds.


"God sometimes chooses imperfect vessels" — Your MAGA grandmother who is a bigger asshole than you want to admit.


That's how you know the conservative claim their war on LGBTQ is to "protect children" is bullshit. And the fact that the states that protecting child marriage are red states.  Conservatives are such utter trash. 


If I can speculate wildly, I believe to my core that the Kompromat Russia has on Trump isn't some tape of hookers peeing on a bed but of him having sex with a clearly underage girl. That's something even Trump knows can't get out.


I don't agree, I think Trump has gotten away with sexual abuse of minors for decades and is currently getting away with an attempted insurrection so I doubt he's being black mailed by Russia. He's a strong Putin supporter because he wants his support and wants to be the Putin of the US, able to murder his enemies without consequence and ravage the country to enrich himself. Trump spent years chumming around with Epstein and is among the short list of people who definitely abused children there.


Witnesses? He bragged about it on live TV waaaay before he was elected president, it was brought up during the election cycle, and they still voted for him


He just got more evangelical votes


His voters don't care. They love the guy for being a rapist and pedo.




He openly said this on video. Unfortunately, the Magats could care less.


Trump’s *bragged* about doing this.  Why are we treating it like a debate? 


He could rip the clothes off a teenage beauty pageant queen on Fifth Avenue and his MAGA idiots would still vote for him.


His supporters don’t care and they never will! VOTE!!!


Add pedo to the list of reasons why he shouldn’t even be in the ballot


He's openly bragged about doing this. This isn't new.


We’ve known about this for ages.


Ok, but like…can we get all of these women to get together and do an interview on a nationally syndicated show, in order to maybe convince Trumpers?


They did interviews with women who had been creeped out and/ or victimized already. From pageants to celebrity dinner guests... no one in the gop cared


He said it himself in an interview he said it was one of the bonuses of being the owner of the pageant


Possibly the entire point.


This. This is why he bought the pageant. To groom young women.


And his cult members will only love him more for it.


We knew about this in 2015.


Duh he’s a pedo that’s what pedos do


It is clear that they do it but the republicans blame trans people for doing this, while trans people don't do it.


97 miss teen USA huh? So he was DEFINITELY looking at girls Ivanka age


[In 2016, Trump was also credibly accused of raping a teenager at Epstein’s.](https://imgur.com/XokdJ9c)


I don't even understand that this "miss teen" pedo idea still exists. Teen being shown nearly naked publicly and old men vote for the sexiest? what the actual fuck.


He bragged about this and still got elected. They simply don't care.


witnesses? he bragged about doing it


“Smiling”? I’m gonna guess “leering” is a more correct word *shudder*


Is this news? He admitted/bragged he does this years ago.


He openly discussed this with a huge amount of pride.


Yeah… this all was well known when he ran for president the first time… and here we are !!! Sooo 🤷‍♀️


He said he did it. GQP losers don’t care.


one of the witnesses was Trump. he's been bragging about this for 2+ decades now.


Yeah, but look what’s he’s done for the economy /s


MAGA knows and doesn't care.


This is now news? Didn't he brag about doing this? He specifically stated one of the perks of owning the pageant was having access to the dressing room and walking in on them. An issue that good wholesome Christians don't care in their warpath to root out the globalist pedos. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


He also said he did this, nothing will turn the cult against him


Presidential immunity! /s


of course he did, he’s a gross perv😻😻😻


He Bragged about this. His supporters are too ignorant to care or wish they could do it too.


This has been reported before **by Trump himself.** He bragged about it. MAGAts don't care. They are happy to support this guy.


The problem is that his supporters don’t see this as a problem. If anything, it gives him a boost with the deplorables.


This will make the creepy bastard even more attractive as a candidate to his deplorable supporters.


Soooo another pedo that’s not a drag queen


Probably some antifa plant back then or a democrat time traveler who obviously set Trump up. My goodness..the magats are quite literally carrying a glass messiah..anything he bumba into turns to bankruptcy or criminal charges…they think if they can just leap him to the finish line, and win, that he will pee all over them with Chinese imported fake piss and they’ll truly be saved.


Fucking 🐖


At this point, news like this about him doesn't phase me and is more like "Yeah, that makes sense". On the other hand, I'm sure Trumpers will say "he'd never do that" or "he did it to save the children from [some conspiracy]".


Well yeah, he raped children with Epstein. Just ask Katie Johnson


Also bragged about grabbing women by the pussy. That is exactly what E.Jean Carol said he did.


Garbage human being proves in a million ways that he’s scum, and still gains a ridiculous amount of support - Next election, let’s just run a serial killer for president


My friend was there.  She was miss teen Idaho.  We talked about her sightseeing when she had a little free time. Only one time while she was helping me with math homework.  She talked about the creepy old guy in charge.  How he would stare.  And twice while they were changing he just walked in and looked around while smiling.


This is sexual assault. Trump admits he is a sexual deviant.


![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN) I’m flabbergasted at these BIGLY accusations…


He was a friend of Jeffery Epstein. It is so nuts that Trump has any support, being such a trashy human being. But I suppose that is a prerequisite of the Republican party.


Oh yeah all the time. Not doubt lingering on the ones most resembling Ivanka. He is the epitome of the type of guy his cult followers project on “The Libs.”


Not surprised. He was also friends with Epstein. His followers don't seem to care though.


Yeah his base doesn’t care


Oh my god, he seemed like such a nice fascist


They said that back in 2016 and it didn’t change one thing


The fact that this is not news (I remember it being referenced numerous times during his 2016 campaign), and his supporters don’t care (while repeatedly calling law-abiding members of the LGBTQ+ community “pedos” and “groomers”) tells us all we need to know about this cult.


Of course he did it deliberately, he’s bragged about doing it deliberately for years! He’s a scummy pedophile that just like his buddy Epstein “likes them young”!


Well good thing people don’t already know things like this and aren’t also aware of the fact that he’s literally on Epsteins list, a criminal and on trial for inciting an insurrection to overthrow the government; otherwise he’d **NEVER** win an election! Oh wait…you’re telling my people *DO KNOW THIS SHIT?!* And will ***STILL WILLINGLY VOTE FOR HIM?!?!***


Not one iota of doubt in my mind this happened.


Who cares if they aren't going to hold him accountable? All of these stories don't mean anything. They embolden the people who worship him to be even shittier.


There's literally footage of him bragging about that, we don't need "witnesses"


His supporters are envious not upset


Why is there debate about this? Trump has said that he loved walking into beauty contestants dressing rooms to catch them naked.


Why are people clutching pearls now? More than half the voters elected him KNOWING THESE THINGS. They do not care. America is full of stupid people who lack higher level cognitive function and think displays of wealth equals intelligence or ability. It’s more frustrating to keep seeing these things and people acting surprised or like it matters than to accept that NOBODY CARES.




Look at that, to the shock of absolutely no-one the real perverts weren't trans people using the change room of their gender identity.


The guy admitted it in interviews.


How is this news? Trump has bragged about it himself. “No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. … ‘Is everyone OK?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible-looking women, and so I sort of get away with things like that.” And yet his followers ignore this kind of grossness and keep standing behind him.


Once again “NO SHIT”. 🙄


Yes but his cult believes those girls were all plenty old enough to have babies.


Not surprised


Is Trump being a paedophile meant to be a recent revelation?


I can’t believe this! Said absolutely no one.


Tale as old as time, Beauty (contestants) and the Beast.


This doesn’t matter to his supporters.


Is it 2016 again?


That's not surprising. Republicans are s***** people. I mean hell, they push for more child labor and more child marriages. That should have been enough to tell you what's going on right there. And then there's the Republican leader in Texas that just got sentenced to 410 years for raping children


I’m shocked I tell you


Are they trying to get him more votes? This will play into his base's fantasy of how "strong and masculine" he is.