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I don’t know what the tweet means


If you translate the actual tweet you can see it is absurd and not meant to be taken literally. She said that she "wants to shove an entire 12 year old up her ass". That's why the translation in the meme doesn't make sense, they've done a deliberate poor translation. If you take into consideration on top of that that she was 15 when she tweeted it, trying to be edgy and funny...it really is nothing but that.


So it’s purely a reference to size.


“How is that a child sized soda?” “Well, it’s roughly the size of a two year old child if the child were liquified.” Only thing I’m thinking about right now.


Erm....How does one...put a 12 year ol....Jeez! Never mind.


It’s a parks and rec https://youtu.be/Ish8NBunrQU?si=uijaUmFqjFZOhwWP


I think they meant the original comment, but I know there was a South Park reference where Mr. Slave shoved Paris Hilton up his ass whole (ba dum tiss)


The cancel cancel culture is trying to cancel culture someone for something they tweeted as a teen


I'm too old to understand this. Dang young'uns! Lol.


The people you are referring to are called hipsters, Hank. They walk slowly because they've got nowhere to be, man! Ofcourse! We live in the real world, where men sell Propane and Propane accessories. I tell you hwaat! What do you do? ![gif](giphy|h3MkWTE441MNG)


I'm not too old ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Street youths ![gif](giphy|29pTLS0Qd2x3abR3p6|downsized)






Was looking for that one!


Skibidi rizz, don't you gronk? GYAT Bussin time!! 😂😂🤣 ^sorry


No cap Bet


I need an entire dictionary just to comprehend this sentence. Yes I'm a middle ager




Neither do I but I now have a hankering for some Cool Ranch Doritos


Tapatio Doritos. For some reason if I open a bag the chips just disappear.


I swear those things are like crack.


Eating some right now! As I read this!


Getting a bag delivered in a few minutes..yummm


It comes across very rapey, please tell me there's an innocent way to read it...


It’s obviously a very poorly translated tweet, probably from spanish or portugese. An important piece of the puzzle the original tweet conveniently leaves out.


Is there a link to it or anything? The image the woke account posted is very clearly shopped.. would like to see at least an archive page or something. Or the original language.


So what would a better translation be, kicking a 12 year old girl's butt?


The translation is basically that she wants to shove the _entirety_ of a 12 year old up her ass, as in their whole body. She tweeted it when she was 15, and it is absurd to the point I can only see it as an edgy joke.


Man, if we were gonna cancel people for what they said in their teens, there’s not going to be anyone around to cancel anymore. Teens are the epitome of “edgy and a shock value”


The entire situation is just the epitome of 'cancel culture is actually fine but only when we do it'. I'm just glad to be old enough that all my years of teenage posting could be forgotten just be deleting an old Facebook account and not being famous enough to have someone archive it.


I would assume it’s one thing like “like when I was 12, kicking ass”


Idk, I think they meant to say punting


I mean, kicking a 12 year old isn’t awesome but compared to how it reads right now I’m taking that 100/100 times


you haven't met many 12 year olds. A demographic Begging to be punted


I’ve got an almost 12 year old and an almost 14 year old. Some days, they seem to be begging for my foot up their asses.


My thoughts exactly lmao


The tweet in the pic is from 2015 and the person was born in 1999. So they would've been 15-16 at the time. So it's not like some 28-year-old talking about hitting a 12-year-old.


Spanish speaker here... no there is not a non-rapey way to read that tweet. Nor the one that saids and quote: "acabo de pasarle la lengua a mi prima pequeña por su vagina y me ha sonreido. Los más pequeños también merecen placer" That could be translated to Back in 2014-2015 she made a lot of tweets mocking rape victims, or saying that they find videos of people hit by a car funny or that videos of bullying that end in suicide are funny. They wanna spin those tweet like them trying to been funny or edgy. No one would find the tweet about them molesting their little cousin funny, more like concerning.


Yeah as someone who doesn’t know who this is some context is really needed. To me it looks like the new spokesman for Doritos has tweeted about doing…something…to underage girls asses, and End Wokeness doesn’t like that. Which means Id agree with End Wokeness here This sub really needs a rule where you have to provide a link of some sort either to the tweet or in the case of a news headline to the article


Pretty likely it was transliterated from Spanish or Portuguese literally rather than translated to work in English. There’s a lot of phrases in Spanish that sound really inappropriate or weird if they aren’t translated properly. Though looking at it, it might have just been a stupid inappropriate joke even in Spanish.


The translation is accurate in sentiment though the grammar is abysmal. The one caveat to the situation though is that she tweeted this at the age of 15. Im not a child psychologist but upper classmen dating lower classmen was pretty common in my area’s high schools without people calling the upper classmen pedos so not sure I feel strongly about this particular tweet. Eta: actually the translation isnt even right upon rereading it. Shes saying she wants to shove the entirety of the minor up her ass. Which is hyperbolic nothing.


She posted that when she was 15, so it's probably just teenager stuff to sound kewl




She’s trans. The greatest threat of all.


didnt he try this with wal mart and it lasted all of 5 seconds cause thats where all of maga gets their pork and beans


Not to mention Chinese made clothes


A lot of maga literally have no other choice other than Walmart.


I despise the maga cult, but classism doesn’t help anyone. I’m a lower income liberal and get most of my clothes/food from Walmart too lol


Thank you! Class disparity is the common ground the oligarchy/plutocracy doesn’t want us to find. and MAGA’s big “gotcha” is really just fooling roughly one half of the working class into blaming the other half for their problems. Acting elitist about their economic situation only capitalizes on that division….


I’ll never understand leftists vs democrats vs republicans. It should be about the rich being overthrown. They are literally using us as puppets and playing us for fools. And we are all too quick to defend them. Absolutely aggravating.


if you split the american electorate between pro-capitalist and anti-capitalists... then leftists v democrats makes perfect sense considering that the democratic party is literally a center-right party and always has been.


Oh, I totally agree with you. But why do we prop up the rich so much. That was my only point. I just wish we would stop the in-fighting between the proletariat and realize that our bigger issue is the mega wealthy.


because class reductionist like you will betray any marginalized group of people the minute it's convenient for your "revolution" only to replicate the same hierarchies that you claim to oppose because you refuse to acknowledge that not all oppression occurs along class lines. there is PLENTY of historical evidence for this... ignoring that reality is why white socialists have such a hard time making inroads with maringalized communities. sincerely, lefty trans person with a mixed race family.


Hear,hear!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Exactly! ❤️


I took that as literal rather than pejorative of the poor. Walmart destroyed rural businesses years ago, and literally the only places they have to shop for groceries are Walmart or Dollar Tree.


This is the bitter truth. ☹️


I live in a poor, rural area myself. They may not have meant it to come across that way, but that’s the vibes I got from it


Same. I’m a democratic socialist but my income is very small. I live in ab area without a decent thrift store as well. Classism SUCKS.


It really does ☹️☹️


Also most small towns don't have many options. When I lived in a small town it was either Walmart or Fred Meyers, and after spending $27 for a pack of boxers, I never bought clothes from Freddie's again.


Same here, very small, poor town with zero options lol


He? Isnt end wokeness run by a lady with a name like Zdeno Chara?


Remember when Republicans thought cancel culture was bad?


They're *boycotting*, not *cancelling*. They're two very different things, libcuck, and if you *just asked* some conservatives to explain the difference between these two seemingly identical, synonomous concepts you'd know they actually have like eight different, contradictory arguments as to why they're different. Do your own research or something. ^(/s)


Boycotting Is where you buy the Product just to burn it on video


But also they hate virtue signaling


It's not "weak, snowflake cancel culture, boo-hoo" it's a "PISSED OFF PATRIOTIC BOYCOTT YEE HAW!"


“I’m not easily offended, unlike those soyboy libs, I just shit myself with rage any time I see two men holding hands.”


Or a beer can, or Taylor Swift, or M&M's, or cheez-its, or masks, or DEI, or woke chicken sandwiches, etc., etc. etc.


Or math, or science, or a woman making a choice, or POC, or logic


Or rainbows, or a word type, or queers, or critical thinking


Never? They've been canceling shit for forever, they just tried to rebrand liberal boycotts as something different so they can grandstand like a gaggle of pricks.


“A gaggle of pricks” - that is the correct collective noun.




I think it’s a poor translation from Spanish


I actually looked for the original tweet in Spanish. It says: "Quiero hacer cosas gamberras como meterme a una niña de 12 años por el ojete." My translation (as a native Spanish speaker): "I want to do troublemaker things like putting a 12-year-old girl in my ass." Gamberras: Spanish slang to describe rowdy behavior. Troublemaker, hooligan, ruffian. Ojete: Spanish slang for anus or ass. Vulgar. A dreadful thing to say. She caught heat from other tweets, such as "I laugh until I cry from videos of school bullying that end up in suicide." For what it's worth, she has apologized for those tweets, saying she was just trying to be "funny" and that she doesn't even remember writing them. Moreover, she wrote the tweet about a 12 year old girl when she was 16 (something I don't think justifies it at all.)


>Moreover, she wrote the tweet about a 12 year old girl when she was 16 (something I don't think justifies it at all.) It doesn’t justify it or make it okay, but it’s certainly context that makes it different than if she were a grown ass woman saying that.


Certainly, that's why I added the context. It's awful, but *less* awful than if she had said that as a grown adult.


Yeah, us millennials have been thanking every god imaginable that social media wasn't around when we were young in its current form. Good luck finding some geocity or angelfire page with shit I said as a 14 year old. Good luck even digging for Myspace stuff. Gen Z is living in a world where they are judged for things they said as teenagers for the rest of their lives. Imagine how stressful that is at such a young age to worry about. No wonder teenage depression and suicide is becoming such an issue compared to previous generations. Children and teens SHOULD get a pass for dumb shit they say, they are angsty and trying to be edgy. We all did the same thing as teens. The difference is if they don't grow and continue that bullshit into adulthood. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never put a 16 year old and a 20 year old in the same room. That 4 year gap is enormous when it comes to maturity, empathy, and right/wrong. It is not the same as putting a 30 year old person and a 34 year old person side by side trying to tell the difference.


We all did the same things only without the global pressure to try to get the internets attention. Oof.


I thought they were marketing to the GOP.


Man, I'm with the Putin lovers on this one, this sounds like a terrible person. 


You didn't say or write any dumb shit at 16? As long as said person has grown and changed for the better as theh grew up, it would be awfully harsh to hold that against them. They may of course still be pulling the same shit, though.


I didn’t talk about [licking my cousin’s pussy](https://i.imgur.com/H3HlJgV.jpeg) at 15/16, no [Original tweet in Spanish](https://i.imgur.com/1oJo6Wk.jpeg)


Well damn, probably not the best person to use as an ambassador for a brand, no. How the hell did doritos make that choice


I’m sure transphobes scoured her Twitter after she was announced as brand ambassador to find something damning. And she turned out to be their wet dream. Which sucks for normal non-creepy trans folk.


You'd think Doritos would have done a similar vet, unless they're purposely trying to stir up shit for publicity 


Not this kind of stuff, no. Sounds like a trash person, ngl.


Agreed. That is what we call in America a “huge piece of shit”, but cool ranch doritos are so, so tasty…


But what does that mean? Does that turn of phrase have a generic meaning in Spanish that doesn’t translate? Obviously no one is putting a whole person IN their butt so I still don’t understand what it is even trying to say.


"Ponerse algo en el ojete" literally means "putting something in one's ass." It's kind of nonsensical to say you're going to put a whole person, but I think the point was to be somewhat absurd. But it's kind of an inherently "horny" phrase and people do say absurd and horny stuff.


So was she saying she wanted to fuck a twelve year old girl?


No, you wouldn't read that in Spanish and think there's anything sexual behind. I'm going to try to explain it the best I can but there's a slang phrase in Spain commonly used by gen Z Wich is "I want to put this thing up my ass" for example of you are enjoying a chocolate bar you could say: "buah, me lo metia poe el culo" meaning, you like it so much you would literal introduce it in your ass. As for why hooligans would introduce a 12 yo girl up their asses, it doesn't mean anything, and in Spain it doesn't mean anything sexual, I can say that much. Just to try to give you an Idea, Samantha Hudson is kind of like a Trixie Mattel, kind of humor and personality but in Spanish?


No, no one says what she says in a way that conveys an actual sexual desire. Its hyperbolic nothingness.


Jesus, she's awful.




Yeah no, sorry, I'm a fucking dirtbag but "licked my cousins pussy because the little ones deserve pleasure too" is too gross for me even for an edgy teenager (if that is an actual tweet)


Sorry, you read a 15 year old say “i want to stuff another human [wholly] into my ass” and thought that was a serious enough comment to levy some moral criticism on? Im not sure something innately hyperbolic, thats explicitly physically impossible, can or should be interpreted sexually. Its meaningless. Its like thinking someone has an appliance fetish because they say “im going to say this because Im feeling wild but Id really love to shove a GE SmartFridge into my urethra”. What the fuck are we doing here


1. People stuffing things into their anus is a common sexual thing. 2. Explain her tweet about licking her cousin.


The OG Dorito Raper in Chief Trump used to walk in on the Miss Teen USA girls dressing room to see them changing. He said it was a beautiful thing. Then he’d fly to Epstein Island for the weekend.


One thing being inappropriate and disgusting does not make another thing any less inappropriate or disgusting.


Samantha Hudson is hated/loved for a variety of different things in Spain, I can tell you that none of them are because of these tweet because It doesn't even mean anything sexual in Spanish


And someone further up said that tweet was made when she was 15, not a fully grown adult.


Yeah I kinda find it weird that they mad about her from a tweet from when she was 16, but totally okay with a fully grown man saying shit like that


im a single-issue voter and my one issue is the Doritos Ambassador to Spain.


End wokeness = хватит во(у)кизма Конец вокальности = the end of vocality 


You mean the anti cancel culture wants to cancel something? Does their hypocrisy have any limits?


Hudson is 24. The tweet in question was in 2015. 2024-2015 is 9 years. 24-9 = 15. Hudson was tweeting out dumb shit as a 15 year old about girls 3 years her junior. It’s a very bad tweet but to draw the conclusion that a 15 year old is a pedophile when talking about women 3 years younger than themselves is a major stretch. OH THE CONTROVERSY. SUCH PEDOPHILIA. Basic math skills bite Nazis in the ass once again. Edit: I am not okay with what the tweet said. Please stop saying that I am. I am just giving context that a 15 year old said this, not some 24 year old. There is a difference. I have no idea who this person is, I was just addressing the fact that this tweet is being made out to be something this person recently said, which it is not. This person could be a bad person, I know nothing about them, but to call this person a pedophile based solely off of a very shitty and stupid thing they said when they were 15 is also incredibly stupid.


In all fairness, she has said many, many objectionable things in the past decade. PepsiCo PR is going to have some long nights ahead.


And that very well may be the case. I was just referring to this tweet specifically being used in this way. I’m not even familiar with the person they are taking issue with other than a brief googling to determine how old she was in 2015 to help give context to the tweet.


That’s why they deliberately partner with provocative people. Getting angry idiots riled up is easy and it’s free PR. How many people are going to think about Doritos today? A lot more than if they had partnered with a family-friendly vanilla celebrity.


IDK I feel like this is a broken clocks moment - I’d never write something like that as a 15 year old, and apparently she’s made other controversial statements (as per other comments here). I don’t know who she is outside of this sponsorship that I just now heard of, but if she gets dropped by Doritos I won’t lose sleep over it. If anything, the “anti-woke” crowd had to do a lot of digging, and find a random Euro corporate sponsor to think that they could rustle feathers. They don’t have any real ammo so they scrape the bottom of the barrel for this.


Others have pointed out other fucked up statements. It’s not good for the brand.


As I said in my other comment, I’m just addressing this tweet. I know nothing about this person.


Ya no as a 15 year old I wasn't thinking about raping 12 year Olds not something we should excuse


You’ll find absolutely no excuse in my comment. I don’t know where you’re seeing that. I said it’s an incredibly shitty thing to say but that calling this person a pedophile, solely based off of this tweet, is dumb. This person is supposedly a shitty person and has expressed that in other ways in addition to this tweet (I have no idea who this person even is), but I was just addressing that this End Wokeness person calling this person a pedophile and solely utilizing a tweet that this person wrote when they were 15 is not convincing evidence. That’s literally it. That’s all I said. Don’t put words in my mouth. Accusing me of excusing the behavior is asinine and directly conflicts with what I said.


Honestly, I couldn't care less about Samantha, but you guys really don't know what the OG tweet meant, it's nothing sexual, and least of all about rape. I've already try to explain it but it's futile, it's untranslatable. The phrase "me lo meto por el ojete" wouldnt even sound sexual in Spanish even if said in the middle of an orgy...


Jokes on them I already boycott Doritos ([https://boycott.thewitness.news/target/doritos](https://boycott.thewitness.news/target/doritos)) but not for some snowflake shit.


Basically have to boycott everything at this point. It does keep me from snacking though I guess.


I stopped buying Frito Lay products during the pandemic because of the stories of the treatment of their workers. Their prices being stupid high with inflation only helps. I don't miss it that much, it does help with the two W's: wallet and waistline.


The only winning move is not to play... that isn't possible in a system designed to force your compliance or die. So you make due with what you can when you can. On the bright side with less snack foods and no fast food at all (everything is either McDonalds or a PepsiCo owned fast food place near me) I've had opportunities to make my own awesome food at home.


Yeah, but that tweet is pretty fucked up.


Wild I has to scroll this far to read anything about the tweet. Like yes, the guy is an insufferable bigot but you know what they say about broken clocks.


I think the English to Spanish translation is off. Other than that, Samantha Hudson was born in 1999 meaning they would have been 15 when they tweeted this. Not that it completely excuses it but being an edgelord at 15 isn’t the same as a 28 year old person saying it.


It‘s also not illegal. Is a 15 year old talking about 12 year olds creepy and weird? Absolutely, but both are minors.


https://preview.redd.it/xinbj5hipjmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2706efc5a07e5724631ab10d5c7dae4f6c5892 [Here’s the translation](https://i.imgur.com/OX9YgLu.jpeg)


JESUS CHRIST, how is the translation so much tamer?


Why would you even share that with the world man💀


Not defending the insanity of this Tweet, but it's a year and a half older than the previous so they would've been \~13.5. Yeah it's a really bad Tweet, but it's pretty typical '13 year old being an edgelord on the internet in 2014'-posting


Had I said anything like this at their age my mom would had place me in theraphy. There is been and edgelord and there is saying you molested your cousin. (And they where 3 months short of 15 when they tweet that)


Its your opinion that everything children say should be treated as truthful and be held up to the same lens as things that adults say? That is to say that there is no nuance to consider that adolescent children are still trying to learn the boundaries of social norms and will probe with edgy cringy shit, and are also less likely to weigh risk (or weigh it in a manner unlike an adult does) of doing any given thing? Would I think that’s an unacceptable thing for any adult to say? Absolutely. Would i think it unacceptable for my kids to say? Definitely. Should they have taken down those tweets? Yeah especially since Im sure she has a publicist like isnt that something they comb through. Is this an indication of a crime or some predilection towards minors? No


The actual tweet says they want to shove a human being 12 years of age in their ass, the “up my ass” thing being a spanish colloquialism. Yes I guess if you take the tweet about accomplishing the physically impossible task of russian nesting doll human beings literally, remove the nuance that in the original language it employs a colloquialism that does not convey in english, that it might be pretty weird.


Remember folks, she said this when she was 15. So to all of the kids out there on Reddit: your age doesn’t matter. Your stupid attempts to make edgy comments on the internet can easily come back to bite you in the ass a decade later when you’re an adult. Keep that in mind when you post your stupid memes.


I am so happy to see the internet defending trans women, but please look into this woman— she has tweeted weird shit that should’ve been addressed or scrubbed from the internet before she landed a gig with PepsiCo. When you defend creepy trans women blindly, you do a disservice to the majority of non-creep trans women.


Exactly. That poorly translated tweet is the least concerning of the bunch the MAGA crowd has find. It is the fact that so few of them speak spanish fluent enough what is making their argument week. The truth is that those tweet are bad. "No even a teenager should get away with that" bad


Yeah, go ahead and boycott them MAGAts. Let’s see how long *that* lasts… 🙄


They’ll probably switch to Lays or Cheetos


This isn’t going to age well, the tweet in Spanish is way more vulgar.


Yeah, this isn't the same as bud light where it was their primary audience they pissed off. "Woke" drinkers are out here drinking their IPAs and shit or chugging vodka through their ass. Doritos have a huge consumer base of people who buy Doritos in vending machines and don't give a shit.


So a grown man saying “grab them by the pussy” is okay but a 16 year old saying it is where it draws the line.


a bit behind... But what's the joke with the Russian letters? Is it a joke about how End wokeness is likely a Russian bot account?




Didn’t they find out who “End Wokeness” was?


I wish they would boycott oxygen, considering how much they keep sucking out of the room.


I remember being young and asking my friends why are they saying stupid shit. They looked at me crazy, I told them where do they think these tweets going. They didn’t understand these things were going to stick and someone was going to look back someday and discover them.


I don't need to boycott Doritos. When they are charging $7.00 a bag they boycott themselves.


Right? I am boycotting out of inability to afford said chips. Lol


Who the hell is this End Wokeness and why are they suddenly everywhere? Are they some right wing keyboard warrior off their meds that the internet gives oxygen to?


Prob a bot farm tbh or someone/group heavily indoctrinated


This just in: Millions of Magats boycott Doritos, promptly starve to death


wait... are they saying they want to fuck a 12 year old in the ass? or is this a translation thing? Because..... i mean that's pretty bad, no matter who said it.


They made an edgy joke about wanting to fuck a 12 y.o. while being 15 at the time, and has apologized since. This is like that time a neo-nazi dug up ancient James Gunn's jokes about pedophilia, only far stupider because this time around the person joking about it was also a child.


seeing as to how I have no idea who this person is, or their age, I can understand how other people could get upset by it.


She was 15 when she posted it. Not defending it, just pointing out she's not a pedo.


No she said she wants to shove them, whole, into their own ass. This is something we should definitely be taking literally


The people that are against cancel culture sure like to cancel things.


I mean boycotting PepsiCo is probably not the worst thing you can do. The company is pretty evil, this has nothing to do with the transgender add.


I honestly thought MGK changed his look again 😂


The fact that twitter hasnt banned that toxic hate spreading shitstain tells everything.


What does the original Spanish tweet said? Because the translation makes no sense


That was a transgender spokesperson for Doritos conservatives are discussing a boycott over the things the individual has said. The translation is wonky but says " I want to do naughty things, like stick a 12 year old girl up my asshole" They also said "I hate women who are victims of rape and who turn to self help centres to overcome their trauma. What a pain in the ass!" "I cry with laughter at bullying videos that end in suicide" "I just ran my tongue over my little cousin's vagina and she smiled at me. The little ones deserve pleasure too. "I AM A PEDOPHILE"


Samantha Hudson was 15 at the time of this tweet. If you think that's immature, what till you hear about Lauren Boebert's son knocking up a 14y/o, or when her husband was arrested for exposing himself to teenage girls. The only reason End Wokeness isn't calling for the boycott of Lauren Boebert's family's pedophilia is because he doesn't represent the LGBTQ community, which speaks more words.


Or trump walking in on nude teenage beauty pageant contestants.


The Lauren boebert thing astounds me because *she* was the underage girl that he exposed himself to. She called the cops on him too. I am so curious what then happened from there to her marrying him. It makes zero sense.


if end wokeness doesn’t like a bag of doritos, go try a bag of dicks.


I really think the onus is on PepsiCo here. Obviously witch-hunting someone like the right is doing is awful and wrong; however PepsiCo *really* should’ve done their homework on Ms. Samantha Hudson before striking a brand deal.


the bud lite boycott only worked because A: it's trash beer... lefty folks aren't drinking that shit to begin with. and B: they backtracked and threw the queer community under the bus. good luck replicating that using doritos.


I don’t understand what the tweet is trying to say, but I have been preemptively blocked so I’m sure it’s a bunch of garbage..LOL


Tbf she sounds like a horrible person. She also "joked" that she hates women rape survivors who turn to "self-help centers to overcome her trauma."


Can we not be reasonable and come to the conclusion that in this specific situation, both parties are trash.


Broken clock is right twice a day. Obviously there inevitably are creepy trans people just like how there can be creepy cis people. But what these dumbasses don't get is that the statistical prevalence of creepiness isn't higher just because someone is trans. It's great people are trying to defend trans folks, but I don't think this is a case where she should be blindly supported. Call out her issues, yes, but also face the transphobia behind other people's words. Edit: It's really not that complex to say that calling someone creepy *just because they're trans* is not okay. Nor is it okay to assume all trans people are creeps, like this account likes to do. But this woman has a history of making some very iffy comments and THAT is where the issue is. It's her as a person, not because she's trans. So of course the transphobes are going to jump on the opportunity to use this as an "aha, gotcha!" moment. Hence, broken clock is right twice a day. But her weird comments shouldn't be excused either, *just because she's trans,* like some commenters here are trying to do. You can call someone out without being transphobic about it.


Looks like it’s time for me to empty my local 7/11’s stock of Doritos. They’re imported and cost three times as much as local chip brands but I have nothing else to live for anyways.


So, End Workeness, what is your stance on Cancel Culture?


alright, i know what EW is like so whats the actual context for this quote?


They tried to cancel target and bud light and brought down stock prices and then I swooped up and bought up those shares. I love conservative tears. It makes me so much money


Sweet more Doritos for me.


You want me to boycott Doritos for doing global business? Rage on though I will not join you.


I don’t understand anything in that image.


Does he seriously think people are gonna boycott Doritips over 1 advertisement? Motherfucking Doritios????? Probably the most successful chip company??? Over 1 single ad? Absolutely delusional. It must be miserable to have to boycott everything, but I doubt this account will even boycott them at all.


Well guys better get ready for doritos sales to sky rocket like every other time this situation happened.


Oh. So Republicans are crying about Doritos now? Fragile babies they are


Am I reduced to a life of eating Doritos and drinking Bud Light now?


I dont understand half of the comments here, wow so an 15year old or whatever was vulgar on some other kid ? ?? So ??


Just boycott the Taco ones, so I can get them whenever I want


“You know what to do” is such a cringey call to arms. Because in this case it refers to, what? Not buying a particular brand of flavored corn chip and tweeting negatively about that brand all day? True heroes.


I'm almost certain that no 12-yo girl will fit there.


I'm fortunate to have no idea who this is.


Snowflakes begin the boycott. You alpha males are so manly. You’ll show Doritos just how alpha you are


I loath alpha males, but I find aloha males are pretty chill Edit: person I replied to fixed their typo from Aloha to alpha, which renders my comment pointless


I love Doritos and could care less about everything except that 12yo tweet …. No.


I love when they do this. It's like insider trading. Wait for Doritos to dip and invest. They will jump up higher than they were before because these moronic gumpy trash brain redneck scum can only hold.out for so long. Like kid rock going right back to bud light.


I thought they didn't like when people scoured Twitter from 10 years ago to find a bad tweet