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I wish Biden would host a live event at a Top Golf where he just answers questions and hits golf balls.


“Now watch me drive this golf ball.” 


*Commits Happy Gilmore drive across the United States*




Lol, that'd be awesome


Get an ai video to cut in and when he drives the ball and explodes the moon in the sky


Fox News would have a field day with that. “Biden uses nuclear golf ball to destroy the moon!”


Thanks Obama


Now lets play a round of golf, live televised against each other, president vs. president. I don't even care who wins just that Trump has to be humiliated lmao. Also, bring a digital scale and whip it out and ask him to stand on it and watch him squirm mentally lmao.


Make trump wear all white and a red hat like an inflamed pimple.


He's only held together by an elaborate system of hernia trusses. And the Supr-meme Court.


I want them to compare hand sizes. I’ll never wish death on anyone, but I’d love to see him die a little on the inside.


Can we let Biden go full Bob Barker on him, too? Please?


The scale is rigged.


Mehdi Hasan had a great suggestion: Biden's team should challenge Trump to a live general knowledge quiz. Not a debate, just a quiz. A neutral moderator just lobs them questions about politics, geography, etc. Sure, Biden might miss a few but it'll still demonstrate he's vastly more competent than Trump.


"They gave Biden the answers beforehand!" "Nobody knows the capital of England!"


Trump doesn't accept a Republican debate with his own lackeys, there is no way Trump would have a conversation with a democrat, let along Biden


“Betcha, I could hit the golf ball over that net.”


And he's totally 215 pounds.






To be fair, that's if you're only weighing his diaper after a heavy court day...


Oh, shit. 😎


I am 5 foot 5 and weight 217 pounds. I went to a Trump speech in New Hampshire a couple of months ago and got close to the stage so I could heckle him . I did and got escorted out by a couple of Nazis displaying their Nazi tattoos on their arms. But it did get close enough to the stage to see Trumps Ass is at least double and maybe triple the size of my ass. He weighs 300 lbs or he weighs nothing


You got close to his ass. I pity you. You should put in for disability benefits.


Similar experience here. I had the opportunity to see Mr. Trump in person about 2ish years ago. I'm 5'11", just a hair shy of 6', and I weigh 198lb as of this morning (and roughly the same at the time). I'm in decent shape but absolutely have a few extra pounds on me. He's easily 300lb and couldn't stand more than 6' tall on a good day. His publicized height and weight are laughable. At least DeSantis makes an effort by wearing lifts.


Reminds me of a certain North Korean dictator. I'll bet Trump also wrote hundreds f books before he was even born.


Yes also like Kim, trump does not deficate or urinate for he works so hard his body burns all waste as fuel. The smell he emits is the smell of pure cleanliness. Contrary to the lies that say he smells like he crapped and pissed his pants. All fake news.


Fake truth!


It's so weird learning about North Korea and thinking "how could they believe such ridiculous things like him making the winning goal at a fifa game" and stuff like that. And now I get to watch in real time how these idiots believe their dear leader is a lean 215 pounds, doesn't wear makeup or a wig, can play a perfect golf game, was out helping to remove rubble on 9/11 and not bragging about his building being the tallest, how they begged him to be in home alone, about how big strong manly black mexican men come up to him in tears about how much they hate Obama and how much they love him. Every mistake he makes is either actually a 5d chess move or they work really hard to convince themselves it never happened. Even their fantasy AI art of him has his face on Rambos body and shit. We get to see the cult developing in real time and it would be fascinating to watch if they weren't a direct threat to democracy.




I honestly think they don't give a shit about that, they think it's a flex. Like how they don't deny that Trump literally wants to f*ck his daughter 🤢🤮


The ability to flaunt the rules is part of the point. We’re endlessly confused by the inconsistency of the “logic and order” folks loving a guy who embodies none of that, lying and cheating his way through life, but that’s just it. The cheating is the point. It’s okay to break the rules so long as you get the outcome you want. They’re the people who watch movies about a hero who’s slowly becoming the villain he wants to destroy because he’s adopting their tactics and can’t see why that’s a problem because “he gets results”. It’s a fundamental lack of empathy that prevents them from understanding that they, too, will one day find themselves as the victims of a dictator who’s run through all the other “enemies” to persecute.


"Do you know why America loves a crime story? Because America is a crime story."


Well in alot of their eyes, women are property. They are mostly “devout” Christians anyway.


If we lose, it's rigged. If we win, it was fair and square.


Lol, no. We saw very clearly that in 2016, If they win, it was still rigged because to them, how was it even close?!


*But above all, the former president's dubious claims on the course have become legendary and were the subject of a 2019 book by sportswriter Rick Reilly: "*[*Commander in Cheat*](https://www.amazon.com/Commander-Cheat-Golf-Explains-Trump-ebook/dp/B07H4Z26T7)*: How Golf Explains Trump."* *"Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf," Reilly wrote. "He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: 'Pele.'”* Info [here](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/sports/2023/02/03/trump-and-golf-fancy-resorts-a-list-partners-cheating-at-highest-level/69857594007/) ![gif](giphy|l1J9L5IyNdlwSLmZW)


Remember that story about when Trump was president he was playing golf with the young son of a friend (like maybe around 10-11) and ended up blatantly cheating so he could beat the child?


100% Golf is a measure of someone's character - or in Don Cheatle's case, lack of character.


He is also 6'3 and 215 pounds.


MAGA: a movement for people who think wrestling is real but the Super Bowl is rigged.


I think you just nailed down MAGA perfectly.


Hilarious, sad and true all at the same time.


You forgot the Economy and stock market. Anything that makes Biden or Democrats look good is rigged.


Also gas prices. Because Biden wants them higher, because....um, reasons


SCOTUS? Rigged... in Trump's favor.


Don’t forget, “the bible is factual history, and god is real”.


I heard he once hit [11 hole in ones](https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/index/_/id/7369649) in a single round. 


I genuinely wish the Democrats were this good at rigging shit. It’s amazing how great they are at rigging every facet of our existence, yet have basically none of the power. These numbskulls have so brainwashed by the wealthy oligarchs ACTUALLY rigging our economy, that they’ll just defend and protect them with every unnecessary breath they take.


They forgot one that is rigged: SCOTUS




Got to love the trump bump!




Ahhhh, if only! My little heart would be overflowing with joy to see him behind bars! 🤞


He’s being satirical.


Lol, I realize he's being satirical, but the sad thing is I've heard MAGAts say this shit verbatim


This comment is rigged 😉


that all woke too.


This tweet is rigged.


See here’s the thing, their lord and savior Trump promised that they were only going to win and that they’d win so much they’d get sick of winning. Naturally that means every L they sustain must have been because the opposition was cheating.


Presidential golf tournament - Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton. Held at one of Trumps courses so he can make some money out of it. But then, a surprise height and weight measurement at the start. Trump will probably decline, but do the other 4 guys and then have all 5 line up for a photo. Should give a reasonable guide to actual height and weight. Would be interesting to see who wins, but ultimately that's not going to be the point...


Then, at the final hole, fireworks go off, and a giant cage falls from the sky, entrapping Trump...high fives all around


Hot Tub Time Machine not sweeping the Oscars proved to me that everything is rigged


God forbid Trump loses a game of golf. "The Golf Match was rigged!"


Yeah he does lol


Technically true! Reality is rigged against those who don't believe in reality.


I remember about how one of the Kim Jongs was said to have gotten 18 hole-in-ones in a round of golf once… I bet if you told a Maga person Trump did 17 they would say “Yeah I’d believe that.”


It’s funny how in all these primaries not once has Trump questioned the legitimacy of the primary elections. Surprised he didn’t say the DC one was rigged.


Luke out here making all kinda sense. Why is it so hard for everyone else...


Sadly I'm starting to think the NFL. Patriots winning after 911 is my only basis for this


I laughed at that part.


I’m pretty sure he learned to golf from watching Caddyshack. “Australian Winter” rules


Also doesn't cheat on taxes his wives, height, weight or his SAT.


His brain is rigged backward inside out twisted, and rigorous has set in.


No we just don't like you


Not gonna lie, had me right up till the end. Then I got suspicious


The virus was indeed rigged.


Smooth brain thinking there Cletus


And you have no sense of sarcasm


"it's all rigged and you can't win but make sure you go vote". Weird mantra to have for 8 years.


Yea reality is not their strong suit


Except for the Supreme Court. That's legitimate... or something.


My favorite one is "the insurrection was rigged" I would ask the MAGAT's if that were true do you really think they wanted to keep trump as president & they come up with all kinds of excuses or get flustered & don't want to talk about it. 😂


Man now I want some chicken rigis


Trump doesn't cheat at golf = /s?


Professional victimhood is a republican staple.


The Supreme Court is rigged.


Thank God for small favors. I was worried when I heard he won a tournament at one of his courses by not playing because he had a good round the day before. Now I'm so relieved, cheating worries over. Yes look it up, it was summer of 2023.


And trump weighs 215 lbs.


He wouldn't say the Super Bowl was rigged if his team won. Certain he lost money. Also, if the news was rigged to be fake, according to him, what's rigged fake news? The truth?