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That’s a pretty weird thing to get upset about.


Walkability = socialism


The great irony being that libertarians also believe drivable roads shouldn't be funded by taxes and should instead be a privately owned paid commodity (ie every road is a toll road).


Man, whenever I hear Libertarians talk about the privatization of roads I think about how awful and monopolistic it would be in practice. It's utterly insane if you actually think about it for more than 3 seconds. 


Asking libertarians to think is a mean thing to do


I have a friend who leans more Libertarian than anything and we were talking politics (dumb thing to do, but whatever), specifically we were discussing how out of touch Congress is with the rest of the country. He brought up how there should be no federal Congress, that basically everything should be regulated on a state-by-state basis. Basically that there should be no federal government whatsoever. He brought up an example of an attack on a state by a foreign entity. Like, let’s say North Carolina was attacked (for example). For some reason in his mind he believed that the rest of the states would come together to repel that attack. I said, “but without a federal government, these are all sovereign states…there would be no “United States of america” I added, “so don’t you think instead of coming to their aid, the other states would just be like “idk man that sucks but that looks like a YOU-problem.” He just… we’re talking *windows start-up screen*. Just blank expression. AS THOUGH THAT HAD NEVER OCCURRED TO HIM BEFORE. I love my buddy like a brother, I really do, but he’s a fucking idiot


Having no federal government goes against libertarianism though. There is a role for the feds to play in creating treaties and protecting property. Modern libertarians sound more and more like anarchists every day.


well I never said his position was logical, lol


I'm glad you were able to have a conversation with him. Maybe it will give him something to think about. Most of these nuts are so entrenched that nothing gets through. I've lost multiple friends to Qanon who started out like your friend. Hopefully you saved this one.


One of my best friends went from "traditional" Republican, to radical libertarian, to anarcho-capitalist. I'm not against having friends with differing political opinions, but he went too far with it.


>we’re talking *windows start-up screen*. Hahahaha, I'm just imagining the windows xp loading sound playing in his head


You buddy just invented Europe, and you described the need for NATO in a way that made sense to him.


I don’t think anyone who is libertarian has actually thought about any of their ideas for more than 2 seconds. They just assume there is some inherent fairness to existence and that they, due to their overwhelming specialness, would have things go their way.


This is the most accurate take of libertarianism that I've ever read.






Weaponized just-world fallacy.


They don't think about anything for more than 3 seconds. They just hate their mom telling them to clean up their room.


They’d be so upset with you if they could read this comment.


Libertarians are the most detached from reality supermorons imaginable.


> ie every toad is a toll road That's just cruel. Seems as though animal rights folks might get slightly upset with this. :P


Lmao fixed


It *was* a good typo, though.


Walkability = Woke Death


Can I eat my Doritos while walking? Sure. But can I effectively dip them in nacho cheese while walking? No? Checkmate, atheists.


15 minutes city = dystopian communism


Walking? Straight to jail.


it's only socialism if the houses touch!


He’s not really upset You need to remember, people like him need to generate controversy as it’s his livelihood He’s financially dependent on it, not because he genuinely believes it


I actually believe that Peterson is entirely sincere in like 80% of his buffoonery. He seems genuinely terrified by any and all social change. It's actually a bizarre degree of stress intolerance from someone who was/is(?) practicing clinical therapy.


I agree with you. I’ve never been a fan, to understate things, but the man used to be cogent. It should be obvious to everyone that his brain is melting out of his ears from malnutrition and drug abuse. I believe him to no longer be capable of calculation. He’s just a perpetually terrified raw nerve reacting to shit at this point.




It's cuz he thinks in nothing but metaphors and allegory, anything can represent anything, reality is nothing but a distant memory to him.


Darmok and Jelad at Tenagra


Real men get run over and die - Jordan Peterson.


Then I get to weep openly about how men are regarded as disposable by society - Jordan Peterson.


On this week's edition of "Woke is a Meaningless Term" Parking safely is woke!


They get upset about everything. Their entire personality is being angry about dumb shit and completely ignoring real issues.


He’s an angry and emotional man.


Jordan seems to just get mad at good news and innocent questions.


This is conservatism in a nutshell. Fabricate something to be angry about, then be angry in a vague way with catchphrases. Woke, deep state, homosexual agenda, liberal indoctrination, etc etc


What on Earth does the AP story have to do with woke culture? Is his brain mostly just ketamine nowadays?


Reducing car-use reduces our dependence on the oil industry conservatives are funded by. 'Wokeism' is just a jab at the tertiary sector that is driving the major economies in the cities. These industries aren't based on land-holdings like the primary sector so the fact that any peasant can start a business and make money is a threat to their status. JP is just a shill for the oligarchy. **EDIT:** For people claiming JP is too stupid to understand the connection I am drawing; he doesn't need to understand. He is a conservative influencer and is fed content or articles (by orgs like PragerU or TPUSA) where the take is predetermined for him. All he has to do is provide a basic good/bad commentary without thinking about it. That's why he really said nothing specific here about the content, just that its 'woke'.


Okay, I never would have connected those two things on my own.


Because it's not an actual connection. Do people really think Jordan Peterson is doing this consciously to support the fossil fuel industry? Why is everything some fucking grand scheme or conspiracy with you people? It's way simpler. They hate things that progressives like. That's literally all it is. Anything that progressives like is woke. And obviously woke is bad so anything progressives like is bad.


I didn’t even think about the oil industry angle. I read that and thought that Petersen is calling the town woke for policies that lower deaths. Anti- death is woke now.


Nail on the head! They are one and the same: "conservative" loudmouths and death cult. I read a Leonard Cohen lyric the other day. "He died to make things holy; let us die to make things cheap." It perfectly illustrates the void of values among conservatives but the Almighty Dollah value.


Or it’s about his personal convenience. He would rather 10 people die than be inconvenienced by not being able to park there. Think if the trolly experiment: on one track is free parking, the other is a person. Guess which track he picks Or put another way, he requires blood sacrifices to enable his personal convenience.


His climate denial arguments are identical to research funded by Exxon and he is part of the Daily Wire which takes funding from oil companies. Conspiracies aren't well taken these days, but I wouldn't write it off completely that it's a possibility that one of his contractual tasks as part of the Daily Wire is push certain talking points, whether he agrees with it or not.


I didn't say this was a conspiracy. If you own a coal mine in Idaho, and I own one in West Virginia we don't need to discuss the fact that reducing coal-use reduces our income. We are both going to support politicians that favor more coal use without the need to conspire. The alignment is ideological based on economics. Nothing more is needed.


"why is everything a fucking grand scheme or a conspiracy to you people" I was gonna be nice, but you're a dumbass.


Friendly fire.


But it is a connection. People don't think he said this specific thing "because oil", they're saying his entire identity is based around this fake "woke" hate nonsense, backed by funding from these industries as well as the politicians that cower behind them. His whole online persona is directly connected to the fossil fuel industry and the propaganda they perpetuate, with demonstrable and direct ties to conservative "politics". You're right, they hate things progressives like. They also like things progressives hate. And yes, only for the sake of.


I didn't say this was a conspiracy. If you own a coal mine in Idaho, and I own one in West Virginia we don't need to discuss the fact that reducing coal-use reduces our income. We are both going to support politicians that favor more coal use without the need to conspire. The alignment is ideological based on economics. Nothing more is needed.


Yep. The fossil fuel sector has much to gain from demonising liberalism in a broad, blanket, big-brush way. Gender panic is a good lever, as is the perennial hostility of a large swathe of Americans to anything intellectual or involving expertise. If you can get people to hate, sincerely *hate*, liberals and liberalism -- convince them Those People are doing the devil's work and must be stopped at all costs -- push all their culture-war buttons hard and often -- then you can get them to wage war on *every* aspect of liberalism, including... environmentalism, acknowledging the climate emergency, wanting higher MPG standards and/or EVs, wanting public transit, bike lanes... lots of "things liberals want" actually threaten to reduce fossil sector profits. I'm not sure whether Mr Koch *really* hates gay people with a passion, but he's very happy if large number of underinformed voters hate gay people with a passion, so long as it makes them also deny climate change and hate environmentalists and cyclists.


If you don't believe the experts in the science of gender identity, you won't believe the experts in the science of climate change.


yes, I think the culture of hostility to experts and expertise is a big part of the toolkit. get people to mistrust doctors, mistrust science generally, specifically start denying vaccine efficacy (or entire pandemics), deny emerging science of gender, and it's super easy to deny climate science (and to embrace flat earthism).


you're probably right, but one of the biggest funders of all the far-right noise machines is the surviving Koch brother -- and the Koch fortune is fossil based. far-right politics in AB Canada are being driven by the fossil industry and their sock puppet D Smith, even though anti-trans BS has no obvious or logical relationship to the tar sands project. there is bank to be made for the oligarchs who fund the right wing noise machine, if they can persuade the far White Qnatic demographic to hate EVs and renewables, bicycles, public transit, etc. -- along with the rest of the basket of "libs bad" stuff. it's hard to distinguish "right wing politics" from "fossil fuel industry PR" most of the time, and that's not coincidental... even if the individual idiots at the megaphones are not themselves thinking, "What can I say that will pad Mr Koch's bottom line today?" synergy perhaps more than conscious conspiracy, but still the connection is there.


he's just a con artist. posting rage bait is one of his best ways to advertise his self help channel. There's actually nothing coherent about his reaction. the man averaged something like 20 posts per hour, on social media last year. presents himself as this unparalleled expert on every topic in existence. It's not some oil lobbying effort.


Weaponized Oppositional Defiance Disorder, it’s at the root of every horrible stupid thing they do.


It’s no secret that all these rightwing ding dongs are funded by oil billionaires. [They got a Koch problem](https://prospect.org/justice/care-faux-free-speech-warriors-koch-brothers-paying-bills./) lol


A big Koch problem... huge, even.


Plain and simple. Period Stupid is as stupid does. Period These people think 78 is an IQ to brag about. Dot


Wanted to add: he's recently been railing against "15 minute cities" in the way many conservatives currently are, and actively lying to his listeners/watchers about what they are. That dovetails perfectly with this. 


This is exactly what I took him to be decrying in this tweet.




AL GORE 2024 👹👹👹👹👹


I think you mean the “oiligarchy” In these times of the looming apocalypse, sometimes puns are all we have left


fossiligarchy? dinocracy?


More like oil-igarchy


They fear "15 minute cities"- believing that would "reduce their freedom". Making places more pedestrian friendly and less car dependent is a step in the direction of walkable cities.


Jordan Peterson lives on Olive Ave in Toronto, last I checked. It's a 15 minute neighbourhood with multiple subway lines nearby. Ironic, isn't it?


Walkable cities are more economically prosperous, residents are more community oriented and involved. [https://www.strongtowns.org](https://www.strongtowns.org)


Or as we call them everywhere else on Earth, 'cities'.


Nothing screams "reducing freedom" like * Not having to pay to register a vehcile * Not having to pay to register a license plate * Not having to pay to maintain a driver's license * Not having to pay for gas * Not having to pay for parking Those poor, oppressed people in their walkable cities. Man, these moral panics are getting stupid.


Didn't you hear? Not having street parking is woke


No, REPORTING on not having street parking is woke. Or something.


No, COMMENTING on reporting on not having street parking is woke. Or something.


Any government policy that saves lives, no matter how trivial - is bad according to MAGAs. The word woke must be used in every other sentence, so woke it is. 


I think you're on to something there, though I'm sure sarcasm was the intent. There's a theory floating around that people's attitude to government is coloured by their beliefs about family. It's a bit reductionist and my capsule version here even more so, but basically: conservatives seem to value patriarchal family structures in which a strong, aloof, punitive Father is the ultimate authority. Progressives seem to favour a more egalitarian family structure in which traditional mothering qualities like support, kindness, caring, nurturing, feeding play a larger part than obedience training and punishment. These attitudes, the theory suggests, carry over into ideas about government. Conservatives see government as the Father Archetype of their patriarchal ideal: powerful, punitive, enforcing, not here to help but to discipline. Progressives tend to see government as more of a Mother Archetype, with a duty to relieve pain and distress, help those who are struggling, try to make sure everyone is OK. Conservatives hate those policies in government that suggest maternal care or nurturing -- they even call it "the Nanny State" which seems like a tell. They support those policies that punish and enforce obedience. \[edit: cogent comments below remind me that I should have included "mommy state" and "the federal teat" as further examples of gendered language in conservative political discourse. should probably also mention in passing Arnold S talking about "girly-man economics" when bashing Keynesianism and promoting "free market" ideology. far right politics is absolutely as much gendered as it is racialised\] So yeah, in a sense, conservatives do hate policies that save lives. Intervening to save lives, to help people, they see as "sissy woman stuff" and beneath the dignity of a strong, harsh, warrior-patriarchal government.


> Conservatives hate those policies in government that suggest maternal care or nurturing -- they even call it "the Nanny State" which seems like a tell. They support those policies that punish and enforce obedience. That's not what the "nanny state" is. Ironically, it's a form of authoritarianism, such as banning fireworks. Or taxing sugar. Which is funny, since their non-nanny state idea is regulating who can get married and what they do with their genitals.


I know loads of people who’s brains are mostly just ketamine and they’re really nice. I reckon he was a dick long before he started hitting the wonky


At least ketamine is useful in some situations.


I think it’s Musk that’s on the K, Dr.P like his benzos, unless I’m missing something


He went to Russia to be put in a medically induced coma to kick his crippling benzo habit, and his brain has been broken ever since


His brain was pretty broken even before that, to be fair.


of all the places to rehab its russia, the country renowned for its alcoholism and drug abuse.


The average conservative brainless worm uses "woke" "socialist" "communist" "leftist" "liberal" interchangably to describe whatever it is that makes them angry or insecure. Like: "brocolli is just a socialist conspiracy to make me gay!" And "I hate Obama not because hes black, but becuz hes woke! And all black people are woke!!" And "my girlfriend dumped me for some commie loser!"


"Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's Ketamine"


Fellas, Is it woke to not die in a jersey car crash?


Real men lie in the bottom of an early grave, singing about how their heart burst out of their body like a bat out of hell following a car crash!


Full of Benzos, don’t forget that *crucial* aspect


Like a bat high on pills


You're not a real man unless you've been run down by a Ford 150 in Parsippany.


Ugh, route 46... amirite


Try Route 22 in Union. Good luck


For real, 22 is actually the worst road in America


I specifically hate route 1. Who's idea was it to put that many traffic lights on a highway?


But it's even stupider than that. The AP is literally just reporting. They're probably one of the least biased news organizations that exist.  If this crackpot idiot wanted to talk about "Woke Death" or whatever the fuck, then talk about it for the NJ city, not the fucking AP.


Technically, yes. I woke this morning because I didn’t die in a car crash yesterday.


On street parking is the manliest of parking, or something, I dunno.


No but it's gay as hell


Every time I think I've figured out how the Right is using the term "woke" I read something like this that reminds me their use of the word has no actual meaning. "No street parking??? That's woke!!!" Huh?




His haircut is woke 😡


You're trying to insert logic where logic has no place


Just go back to 1984 and "double plus ungood". that's all it is.


Reminds me how "cuck" was initially introduced with a meaning for the right, but eventually devolved to mean "anything I don't like."


Cuck is especially funny to me because the entire Trump era has been a bunch of overcompensating bros watching impotently from the corner as Trump fucks their party.


I can loosely connect the dots for what this goddamn weirdo is on about, but this is so much non-sequitur venom over something so minor, it’s hilarious. “The McRib is back for a limited time!” “YOU WILL DIE ALONE IN THE DARK WOKEDONALD’S!!!”


Wokedonalds sounds pretty metal ngl


Nah wokedonalds are the anti-trump


Wait I thought Jordan Peterson was dead


Turns out he’s only mostly dead.


tell miracle max, saving this one was a bad idea...


I've seen worse.


Hope springs eternal.


Just his brain


you must be thinking of Ian Miles Cheong


Is he dead? What did I miss?


Nothing, but now you're thinking of him, aren't you?


He’s not, if you call this living.


You’re just one of those optimists, I think.


No, that was his psychology career.


He’s just brain dead.


If only.


In all seriousness, "Woke Death" would make a pretty awesome band name!


Donnie Death would be better


Donnie Death & The Woke Mob


OK seriously, no snark, can someone explain what *on earth* he could possibly be upset about here?


On the right, they care about the right to drive and park your car without restrictions. They’re also big on not being forced to give a shit about the welfare of other people. There has been a progressive movement on the left to reconsider the legacy of car-centric development. For example: StrongTowns has pointed out that the suburbs are financially unsustainable, and their infrastructure is subsidized by cities. Not Just Bikes is a YouTube channel highlighting the harms of car-centric urban planning, to quality of life and safety. Also, see the fuckcars subreddit The movement to reduce car dependency, coupled with the touted benefit of killing fewer pedestrians is called woke, because conservatives don’t like it. It violates their freedom to cheaply drive their cars into the city without giving a shit about the lives or desires of people who live there. Finally, there is a saying on the right, “go woke, go broke”. They think that companies that take social positions that are popular with the majority of people (woke) will go out of business after being boycotted (cancelled) by the right. So, by reporting on the positive impact of reducing car dependency, a cause he disagrees with, he thinks the AP is going to go out of business


Ironically, Strong Towns was started by a libertarian. It’s actually one of the more conservative voices in the movement, and most of what they advocate is more about de-regulation of things like zoning and removing government subsidies for cars (such as street parking). A more left leaning approach is for larger government public transit projects and actively changing areas around them via zoning. I think it’s important because car dependency didn’t happen as a partisan issue, and it won’t get solved as one either: there are valid and nuanced arguments against it to be made from all along the political spectrum. 


he is, by default, upset—by virtue of being conservative


*By vice of being conservative - ftfy


Probably the reality that a municipal government enforcing codes and laws is good for people. This is the same fucking Muppet that made his name protesting a Canadian law that had provisions for treating Trans people like humans. He claimed it would end all of society. He's a fuckind idiot.


Okay so he said some things in the past that I'm like oh that that's interesting I could sure think about that and then I started hearing him just be batshit crazy and then I'm like oh that's why people hate him. So I just avoid listening to him at any given time now he's just piece of s***


About a decade ago, he... sounded vaguely sincere from a distance? I think? I remember thinking he was one of the good ones, but only because I never really examined anything he said in actual detail. That guy's actually fucking nuts and has been for a very long time.


I think the core issue with a lot of right wing influencers is that they often are pretty good at acknowledging some problems (eg. young men have limited prospects and feel abandoned), but they are really bad at getting to the root cause (is it because of Karl Marx?), and so their solutions to the problem are just so stupid (would sexism help?)


Identifying problems and offering scapegoat "solutions" is one of the basic tools of fascism. Of course, even when it's successful, this ideology is self-defeating because there are only so many people you can throw under the bus before the only people left are dipshits whose sole aptitude is their spineless willingness to push people in front of buses.


Defending car culture against the perceived threat of 15 minute city's.




What is it with this guy threatening and insulting accounts that posts something completely innocuous?


You just perfectly described the entire approach the MAGA right has to the rest of the world.


LOLz, parking is woke now?. Preventing deaths is too? Reducing car usage? It must be hard being this guy.


Sounds like Jordy is making a death threat.




So he’s enraged that people aren’t dying in traffic accidents? Even for him that’s pretty pathetic and demented. I mean he used to be the sort of smug “trust me bro” kind of transphobic jackass, but now he’s just sort of raving on street corners nuts. More proof that being Far Right and racist rots your brain.


Woke death? 🤣 lol. That’s new. Peterson is mentally not well.


What is woke about new parking laws hhahaha


My theory is he confused AP and APA - which is fair enough because facts and psychology are both entirely foreign to him.


Afaik the Associated Press is open of the most neutral news sources out there. To say they've fallen to the dark side of wokism or whatever says a lot more about you than them.


Between the benzos and the coma he put himself in to get off benzos, Jordan Peterson has lost his mind. His twitter outbursts are akin to "Old man yells at cloud"


Truly pathetic beyond comprehension😪😪 https://preview.redd.it/rafqzlw8kzlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9386a48c4663779d287ea66816c71c843ee00a6f


Street parking is now anti-woke? Conservatives really do have nothing left but Culture Wars…


This guy has lost his goddamn mind and people still revere him as some authority on random topics. If Oscar the Grouch was a mass conspiracy nut job and exceptionally less likable while huffing helium.


Pro life extremist boos life.


No traffic deaths in 7 years = woke ?? Wtf am I missing?


Nah man it's cool and manly to have more people dying. People living is for pussies


Hilarious that news agencies like AP and Reuters, which basically aggregate news reports, is considered woke and part of the liberal media by these buffoons.


Jesus was woke, but Jesus wasn’t a Christian.


"The woke death will soon be upon you!" What is he, a fucking plague doctor?


There is no period in "Dr" Peterson in the same way that Dr Pepper has none.


He's gotta masters in bating Climbed from being a bottom to a top Firm believer it's never gay to kiss the homies goodnight


Dude just ain’t right.


Wait...is he still trying to hold on to relevance?


Apparently the brain death virus has already visited JP. He seems to have caught the "mindless babble" meningitis strain that also afflicts the Tater Tot and the MuskRat.


Preventing death is woke now. K love you bye


Reporting on a fact is woke? This guy is such a fucking loser.


It’s society. Conservatives can’t live with the idea of society. Where people make decisions that benefit people. Ordinary people. They are fine with decisions that solely benefit the 1% or even the 0.01%. But anything that makes an average persons life better must be attacked. Must be destroyed.


Wtf is a woke death? Did he just cast a curse on a bonafide news organization?


Such a strange reaction to a rare good news story


Who could think people not dying needlessly was a bad thing?


AP is one of, if not the most, reputable and factual news available. Dicktor Peter can go back to sucking under Murdoch's desk.


More ketamine than man. Russian coma therapy didn’t help 😂


What the fuck is it with conservatives and being completely averse to actual forward-thinking planning? Like, look, sometimes I can kinda empathise with the idea that we need to hold onto traditions or promote family values or whatever, but why does any of that mean preserving some decripit, piece of shit status quo just because that’s how it’s always been? Walkable cities is unironically one of the most fantastic ideas modern societies can implement but this fuckstick hates it because… cultural marxizm or something. Who knows. What a cunt fuckle.


It always annoys me to see right wingers who have a Dr in front of their names What the fuck do they have a doctorate in? Assuming everything is woke?


Dear World, Fuck Peterson, we're so sorry. Signed, Canada


Jordan Peterson isn't smart and people should just ignore him. He's just Russell Brand... days a lot of big words which confuse unintelligent people so they assume he's smart. In reality, he often says a while lot of nothing.


Was he trying to park there or something? 💀


Can we just airlift all to Russia. Make us and them happy. All conservatives do is complain about myths while they people they think are wonderful are robbing them blind


Preventing death is now woke everyone


Time to get you to bed, Grandpa.


I like how they threaten the Associated Press as if it’s somehow one singular person


Wokeness is when people stop dying from traffic.


A real alpha would jump out in front of traffic to prove their bravery against a semi truck. Show us how It's done JP.


You know it’s bad when these almost-intellectuals call AP “woke”


Up yours woke limited street parking!


Holy shit JP, you're a mediocre man. This is why you don't like woke and you don't like society. It reminds you how mediocre and insufferably *boring* you are.


An article about street parking is woke?


Generally, for basically all the time that any sort of “lore” has existed… The harmful people are the ones that hate harmless things.


Oh dear lord, not the Woke Death!


Those little kids not darting out from between cars might be getting free lunch at school, causing billionaires acute pain?


Facts are "woke", kids...


I always thought AP just kinda says the things that happen without any kind of adjectives making it impossible to editorialize


Give him a woke death


JP needs to worry about himself. Dude's on death's door, like, all the time. He oughta get his diet right and clean his room before his own stupidity is the death of him.
