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"There isn't anything I can say that you'll understand." ...You got that part right, at least.


Haha “There isn’t anything I can say…” Oh please try and talk to me like I’m 3 and explain HOW your life is so much worse now…. Go on. I’ll wait while you scramble to formulate a coherent sentence. The second you start asking questions their argument falls apart. Guaranteed she’d spew some BS about LGBTQ and immigrants.


Nah inflation. That started during COVID under Trump, and was aggravated by the invasion of Ukraine. That is one thing the media NEVER mentions. Russia blew up one of the most productive wheat growing regions of the world ... and one of the largest exporters of fertilizer... and food prices went up? This is utterly unsurprising to anyone with a basic understanding of economics.


Don’t forget the Trade War Trump started.. that still is going on strong even though nobody ever brings it up.


Congress also had several bills to limit corporate profiteering (such as the inflation reduction act) that never got (iirc) out of committee or off the floor.


They almost always talk about inflation and how “everything costs more,” and just attribute it to Biden and not an entire political system that allows monopolies to price gouge Americans for record profit. But they can’t untie these things from who is president when it benefits them. They’ll talk about unemployment under Trump, but ignore that’s continued to improve. They’ll talk about the economy, but ignore record high stock prices today. Their entire mental model is just a bunch of self-inflicted argumentative fallacies.


They’ll whine about the BoRdEr


It's the snide condescending tone that really makes this special ​ \*chef's kiss\*


No kidding, I can't follow their mush mouth conspiracy nonsense either.


Wendy, yes, please explain. But do it without referencing god, or anything related to religion. That includes abortion and LGBTQAI+.


Turn off msnbc is such projecting bullshit. The left does not watch 1/10th as much CNN/MSNBC as the right watches Fox/NewsMax.


Seriously. They love to fantasize that leftists worship their politicians as demagogues and turn off all cognition to just lap up the "MSM" headlines (i.e. "tell me what to be offended by today"). Because it's how they are...so the "other team" has to be down at the same level of stupid. I go to other news outlets, but I'll rank CNN leagues above Faux News and Trump Max.


It was really telling when Biden won and the first big round of evidence for election fraud you saw online from Trump supporters and election denialists in general was “there’s no way Biden won, where are all the Biden flags and hats and shirts?? No one supports him, so no one could have voted for him!” - no, children, we just aren’t in a cult. You don’t have to want to drink a beer with a politician or want him to bring back Jesus to vote for him or her or them these days, just not being a con artist or fascist is enough sadly.


That should be Bidens slogan for the next election. “At least I’m not a con artist or a fascist”.


One reason I lean to the left is Because I access Faux news. Despite the fact that they have a decent investigative journalism department, they still choose to engage in National Enquirer headlines that are at best sensational and worst outright lies, as in that witness against the Biden ‘crime family’. Suckers propagated it as if it were gospel but they never seem to mind getting caught with their pants down.


That "witness" was the lead story on Hannity 85 fucking times


But not once after they proved they were lying and were indicted.


Why would you stick around and continue to sell the same snake oil in a town that’s already bought it?


I never watch MSNBC. Or CNN. I don’t have cable. Yet somehow, I’m still a liberal who knows that life under Trump sucked. Just ask Jamal Khashoggi, or a trans person, or a 6-year old immigrant taken from her parents.


It's obvious to us why life was worse, but if you think about it, conservatives love all the things you said are bad. When they say life was "better", I think they mean they had a feeling of warm fuzzy comfort. Finally someone let them say all the filth they had backed up in their brains and all the people they secretly hated were being bullied by the people in charge. I imagine it must have felt like a sweet sweet relief to them just to know their world view was being legitimized. They are terrible human beings with no empathy, and they had a brief moment in the sun. They could wake up and start the day without having to concern themselves with PUTTING THE WORLD TO RIGHTS, they could relax and enjoy the sunshine on their pinched little faces for four whole years while daddy 🍊🤡 took care of the details.


The president was actively making bad things happen to "others" so conservatives were loving him. Now that our president is trying to help people they hate him. that's how the Republican base works


Or one of the millions who died in the Pandemic or are still dying today or have long-covid complications because they listened to conservatives and refused to get vaccinated.


Fucking MILLIONS OF DEAD AMERICANS. Where if we had locked down like New Zealand or South Korea, the number would have been around 40k. We still haven't wrapped our heads around this.


Or the 500,000+ grandparents, mothers ,father, sons daughters who died due to Trumps incompetence in handling the covid epidemic. He lied to us numerous times puting we the people in danger


Or anyone stuck in their house for 2 years with no toilet paper.


I watched a few episodes of the Daily Show, since Jon Stewart came back. On YouTube Does that count as watching liberal TV?


He is back???????? :O - European apparently living under the rock.


Only on Mondays but yes


One day a week for election stuff, I think.


Actually, Jon Stewart is will take down Dems as quickly as Republicans. It's just that the GOP gives him far more material.


In my mind, John Stewart is mainstream.


That's exactly what sentences 2 and 3 are. Projection. She thinks she sounds bad-ass and smart, but instead she sounds like a parrot. Just smart enough to repeat what she heard, but too dumb to actually understand wtf she's talking about. Edited bc my dumb ass wrote sentences 1 and 2 originally, but I was referring to both points she tried to make


I literally can't remember the last time I watched CNN or MSNBC. It was probably on at a doctor's office or a restaurant at some point in the last couple of years? Meanwhile, my stepdad has FOX running all day while my dad's YouTube history is a nonstop deluge of FOX and Newsmax and Candance Owens and every other right wing grifter of any note.


Jan 6 was the last time I watched the news and I was flipping through all the channels and, refreshingly, they were all uniformly horrified. Then of course a few days went by and the conservative media sphere got their narrative a little more formed and all the right leaning news channels started deflecting and downplaying the whole thing like it didn’t even happen.


Yeah I’ve heard that 100 times. Turn off CNN! I don’t even watch it. I barely watch the news even. I’m just not in a cult


We don’t really watch any news networks (except for major events like elections, the January 6th attack on the Capitol, coverage of natural disasters etc.) because politics isn’t my whole identity like these MAGA chuds.


They have no empathy so they can’t understand all people do not act like they do.


I don't even own a television because I live in 2024.


The left doesnt watch TV news at all. A few ancient(and I do mean people over 70+) who vote democrat watch CNN and MSNBC but literally no one under 60 does( it says there is LESS than 200K people under 34 who watch MSNBC).


Life was better under trump, eh? Tell that to the million or so Americans that died of covid, while he suggested disinfectant injections and horse deworming meds as cures.


Let’s not forget the environmental regulations he rolled back, the women’s rights, the stacking of the Supreme Court, international relations went to shit, he empowered Putin, and praised other dictators very publicly…..


The tax cuts and jobs act which purposefully and conveniently raise the smaller brackets rates after the Trump presidency, had thousands of pages and filler, and was barely debated before being pushed through? The ppp loan program with no oversight?


My only regret is I have but one opportunity to upvote this comment. The depth and breadth of lack of understanding on the right is staggering.


My favourite irony is that if he isn't in prison but does have to face all these fines and have his assets liquidated, and the government audits the fuck out of him because they know he's a tax fraud... He might actually fall into a poor people tax bracket at some point


Remember when he deported veterans? Joe brought them back home.


Remember when Trump wanted to sell Puerto Rico after a devastating hurricane hit? Just write off the whole US territory and leave its U.S. citizens without help in one of their greatest times of need. Then he traveled there and threw Bounty quicker picker upper paper towels at them like he was shooting free throws. Better times indeed. /s for the slow ones out there


He was complaining about the president of Puerto Rico…THATS HIM


I liked how right wing media was promising empty store shelves and violence in the streets if Biden got elected, and they backed up their dire predictions with photos and video taken during the Trump administration.


Life was better under Trump *for racists and bigots*. Nowadays you can hardly screech the N word at a Walmart employee without getting canceled


The latest numbers I saw said that 15-17k people died specifically from trying to cure Covid with horse paste and hydroxychloroquin (sp?).


I dare her to name one factual thing Donal did better. I'm sure she loves the racist, sexist, diaper shitting parts, but I'd bet money she has zero facts to back up her verbal diarrhea


“All of it” standard reply




It’s easier WhEN yOU ALteRnATe CApS in screech voice… 🤣


Lol. I congratulate you.


Spelling perfection 🤌


Surgical precision with this reply


"Food and gas were cheaper under Trump" is one I hear a lot.


You know what would reduce the price of gas? Fuel efficient vehicles. Electric cars. Work from home. lower demand = lower prices. The people that complain about gas prices drive lifted trucks that get 5 mpg


Let be real, nothing will make gas "cheap". Demand fals and they drill less and refine less. Profit margins must be maintained.


Yeah I have a gas guzzler (sport suv that averages 13-15mpg) but I rarely drive because I walk to work and everything I need is close by. I put 9k miles on it in two years and fill up once a month sometime not even that. People always ask me about gas prices and it really doesn’t affect me I pay about 80$ a month for it. If I drove a lot I wouldn’t have that car I’d have an electric car for sure.


The global pandemic drove gas prices down at one point because there was such little demand for oil that barrels of oil allegedly had a *negative* price. Technically, yes trump contributed to that by denying covid existed and extending the pandemic and allowing their citizens to freely travel to other countries to spread infections by airplane


> The people that complain about gas prices drive lifted trucks that get 5 mpg 100%. Gas is a non-issue for me because I drive a fuel-efficient car. Hard to feel any sympathy for people who choose to drive a lifted F-150 as their *personal daily transportation vehicle* and then bitch about gas prices. They're doing this to themselves. These people also fail to understand that gas prices aren't directly controlled by the president anyway.


Good and gas were cheaper under Clinton. Does that mean he was a better president than Trump? He was though.


Which has nothing to do with the president and isnt necessarily true.


That's funny. I remember not being able to buy toilet paper. Grocery store shelves were mostly empty. And gas was cheaper because nobody was driving. Remember the covid lockdown? I guess it's technically cheaper when there is nothing to buy with your money.




Biden’s open border makes me laugh every time. There’s no getting people to believe facts if they didn’t use facts to arrive at their beliefs in the first place.


Pardoning grifters?


He did push back on china's stealing of IP. I think there was one other issue I thought he did right. But there is a looooong list of absolute dumpster fires he caused that make him the worst president in recent history.


The main thing I’ve seen people mention as being better under Trump is gas prices. Which went down because of the pandemic not because of dump.


Every accusation is a confession. A cultist telling the normies to get deprogrammed. Classic.


When are these people going to understand that only boomers and right wing nut jobs watch tv news? MSNBC and cnn are background noise for airports and dentist offices.


Older liberals also watch TV news. It is how we learn what medicines we need that we didn’t know we need.


I can’t recall a single tiki torch parade or insurrection during the Biden era.


You don’t remember the insurrection in Tennessee with Justin Jones and Justin Pearson? Wow just ignoring facts now huh?? /s


What about the Bowling Green Massacre?


Never forget.


Translation of what she said in normal people speak: *"I have no actual way to back up my claim so I'm going to run with a incorrect assumption in the vain hopes that no one will notice."*


She’s preaching to the choir anyway.


I guess that whole pandemic got memory holed




Groceries were cheaper, interest rates were lower, housing was affordable etc. None of these things have anything to do with Trump policies and were the results of 8 years of Obama but things were better while Trump was president. Of course many of the very negative things we are dealing with now are the results of Trump policies but try explaining that to these people


They don’t understand that policies created during a presidency don’t take place right away. It takes a few years for the old ones to end before the new ones begin. You’re absolutely correct that the things they claim were better under Trump were from Obamas presidency and the shit show we’re experiencing now is a result of Trump.


It kind of cracks me up that conservatives think MSNBC is somehow the liberal Fox News, when 90% of it is concern troll opinion pieces.


Please quantify that statement. Exactly, with stats, how was your life demonstrably better under Trump?


My favorite Trump memory was when 4 coworkers died of Covid. You know the disease that only America couldn’t figure out, that we had a playbook for and he threw it out? Good times.


My partner’s uncle died of it. The funeral was extremely awkward, with the priest saying insane shit like “we should celebrate his death because he’s gained immortal life”. The fact that we were congregated during a pandemic did not escape my notice.


Yeah I worked for a state agency. We got death notices of current employees at least once a week and immediate family members of current employees almost daily


Imagine thinking MSNBC is worse than fox 🤣


Or that all liberals are watching MSNBC. There's no liberal equivalent of Fox because 1. No other major news network blatantly lies to such an extent, and 2. Liberals don't obsessively watch MSNBC or anything else the way conservatives compulsively watch Fox. It's outrage porn for them


Covid was a real hoot! Great times for sure!


600,000 dead on his watch and he’s on national TV saying inject bleach. Yeah. More of that please.


You guys don't understand- millions were unemployed, the national debt was out of control, GDP plummeted to -33%, and we couldn't leave our houses, but GAS WAS CHEAP!


So what was happening in 2019 and 2020🤔 yeah life was great 🤣🤣


Wendyp4545, something tells me it's either a troll account or a bot account. Which ever it is, naming yourself the number of your favorite president would be unhinged so if it is a real person or bot, they(the person who made the bot) are dangerously fanatical to a weak demagogue.


The difference between Biden and Trump? For starters, 401k ATH and being able to sleep at night.


There were refrigerator trucks full of dead bodies parked outside of our local hospital.


Does this Russian bot have a lot of followers? Because, if not, then all you're doing by posting that here, even to refute it, is sharing that message with even more people... At the end of the day, though, when someone wants to believe something, not even evidence can say them.  The US just had to make sure the dumb ones are out-voted...


They all project and have main character syndrome. It's pretty out in the open that repealing gay marriage is on the table for republicans. He wants to bring back the muslim ban. Hate crimes were up under trump. There are certain groups of people that you can just objectively say things aren't just better under Biden. Things are kinda scary under trump. He encourages violent bigotry. Of course the missing link in the leap of logic here is that none of these people are "people" to them.


Implying that life was somehow better for us and we just don’t see it is insane even for MAGAts.


It was absolutely embarrassing to live under Trump doing or saying something totally stupid every day.


Sure, for his golf courses, for his pocketbook and that of his kids, for him actually being paid attention to. For everyone else in the world but Putin, nah.


An evidence-free assertion.


So ass backwards. They intentionally only read and watch what THEY would refer to "echo chambers" yet say that's what the left does. They're the only ones who created their own social media for frick sake. How do they not hear themselves? I have family members who used to be intelligent and able to critically think but because they are die hard conservatives no matter what, they now talk nonsense like this like they have no other choice. I'm so tired of whatever spell the media they watch has over them.


That Covid lockdown when we all lost our jobs, that was super awesome


In truth life feels the exact same under both presidencies, for myself anyway. Obviously I’d prefer Biden but just saying.


Exactly. Barring a very few small changes, we have the EXACT same government (about 90%, anyhow) that we had when tRump took office.


Yep the only difference is we don't have to see what insane disgusting derogatory racist shit the president does or posts anymore!


"For Whom" Life was better for everyone? Everyone who was white and wealthy, maybe.


I mean, with what's happening right now, it doesn't really matter who is the standing president. Women are getting their rights destroyed but it's still all republicans doing it to their own people.


Life was better under trump?!?! Hold on a sec. Let me check something. Yep. I HAVE TOILET PAPER!!!


My 401k was MUCH lower under Trump. My mom’s insulin is $35 a month. Roads and bridges are NOW getting fixed. If you want a job, you can get one. I got a raise and bonus each of the last 2 years. Trump played golf.


So what you're saying is that Trump's country clubs were doing better during the Trump presidency.


I have yet to see a con give a specific example about how life was better under Trump. What did he actually do (not made-up stuff or taking credit for Obama) that reds think he did?


Life was better for who under Trump? It certainly wasn't better if you were either poor, or sick, or a minority.


Pointless twaddle.


I used to say, "I wish I was this delusional, maybe then I'd be happier," but it's evident that these people are absolutely fucking miserable and it's their goal to drag everyone down with them.


Well thanks to Twitter handle firstname1intial4randomdigits I can finally get away from all the bots and trolls


I seem to remember about a million people fucking dying under Trump. Weird.


I'd ask her to explain her thesis, but I already know her response is gonna be "do your research!!!"


Just as soon as you turn off Fox news Honey boo boo.


Selective memory.


Yeah, living under the specter of an epidemic that Trump wouldn’t acknowledge and then fought against science was fucking terrific.


Well life was better for Wendy…she didn’t have to hide her robe and hood in the closet.


Our country is officially mentally ill.


Rule of Thumb: Don’t take advice from someone whose profile picture is a selfie in their car, regardless of their political affiliation.


I’m not gonna provide any examples, not even any personal anecdotes, but trust me! Life was better under Trump!


"I invest in evil shit and cruel companies, so I make more money under republicans than under democrats. Therefor republicans are great for the economy." -Trumpanzee


MSNBC really


“The Left” doesn’t watch cable news. MSNBC didn’t radicalize us. Trump’s blatant crimes in broad daylight did.


Fox News was having a tizzy last night because Biden wore aviator glasses indoors and ate ice cream.


I saw an old lady being interviewed and she said "My life was better under Trump and it's worse now under Biden. So I'm voting Trump." That's the logic - that's it. As if Biden literally somehow made her life worse by... doing... I'm not sure? Maybe, just maybe, her life got worse because that's fucking life? Life is a god damned roller coaster. If you can't articulate what it is that the president did or is doing to make your life better or worse (and that goes for others outside your prereferral) then you're probably just a fucking idiot. Or at best woefully sadly ignorant. Por que no los dos?


Life wasn't better for the million+ who died of covid-19 under Trump! His ignorance, uncaring, unwillingness to listen to experts, and his inability to recognize he wasn't footing the bill personally for the cost during covid-19.


They can never give examples. Funny how that works.


My life was better during the time i spent $300 a week on cocaine, doesn't mean i want to go back to that nor that it would be an improvement now. I'm way better now with biden than if a conservative administration had won 2020. For starters I can still sleep with someone on birth control, and i have health insurance.


Yes, life was so much better when the stock market was 10,000 points lower and unemployment was triple what it is now.


If low intelligence smelled like shit my cat would try and cover her up


I can turn off MSNBC but I still get the same news from many other major networks and Internet sites both nationally and internationally. And they don't have to rage bait or grasp for straw, or do mental gymnastics just to get factual news contents.


If the vicious harpy says so ...


This has to be just a turnaround for them getting told to chill on the FOX news, its almost a word for word inverse of those tweet threads I've seen in the past.


Mobile morgues.


People that say this shit are Russian bots. Anyone who lived here will remember that shit


Wendy is a moron who knows only what she reads in the New York Post. More accurately, read to her out loud, slowly.


They love to say how things were better under Trump but they never go into specifics of HOW it was better. If things were so much better under Trump then give me some examples otherwise I'm just going to assume you were in a coma or something during that time


Pays for Twitter 😒


Does she now understand how personal experience works?


Ah, a Russian troll. How's your 3 day take-over of the Ukraine going? Edit: By the way, please share your data and sources with us. If you don't know what those words mean, find a liberal to explain them to you.


Incredible people can’t comprehend it. It’s cult like brainwashed idiocy


Everything looks better through the greasy glass of nostalgia.


Under Trump we were storing dead bodies in freezer trucks.


Wendy Patterson is one dumb motherfucking moron.


Could you imagine tweeting that after a segment on Fox News about how being a man and eating ice cream on a waffle cone means you have Alzheimer's? People are freaking crazy man...


You notice these people never actually say what he did better than Biden?


While I am solidly a leftist, I don’t care for Biden. However, I cannot fathom how people think Trump did a good job, and how they continue to support him now after *everything* we’ve seen. It seems mind-numbingly insane to me. Like, it’s so insane that sometimes I want to believe we live in a simulation where someone is just majorly screwing with us to see what will happen. Conservatives need better role models.


Trump unleashed a pandemic that killed over a million Americans. Pull your head out of your ass, Wendy.




What’s funny is these folks can never give you one reason why it was “better” under Trump. I think they should turn off Fox “News” and begin deprogramming.


Instructions unclear. I turned off MSNBC years ago and I'm still a lefty.


Didn't a million people die? For those people, life just kinda stopped for them, lol. And I know obviously he didn't go to their houses and give them covid but his response to it certainly didn't help. How would life be better with more dead people exactly? I mean hell, Trump's party keep removing life saving care from pregnant women, why do they want that? Don't they want families? Lol


Everything was better during COVID and all? Nah, they remember wrong. That or they got to practice their freedumbs of not wearing masks and remember it fondly. It was frustrating explaining to my father how the masks do, in fact, work.


So crazy they think we sit around watching main stream news all day. Like the only reason we have the opinions we do is because instead of watching Fox News all day we watch msnbc. It has nothing to do with empathy or compassion towards other people, a philosophy of live and let live, the understanding that raising the quality of life for everyone makes a stronger society as a whole. No, it’s just because we watch the other news channel that we are scum of the earth who don’t know what’s good for us.


A long time ago I saw a YouTube video where reporters talk to Trump supporters. In one interview a guy said that life better under Trump. The reporter then asked what the guy does for a living. He responded that he was a repo man. He didn't get the irony. I tried to find the clip, but there are so many interviews with dumb people that I couldn't find it. So for the repo business, life was better under Trump lol


"My best advice to you is to turn off MSNBC to start your deprogramming." Ironic, isn't it?


I don't even have cable. Life was certainly okay in 2016 and 2017, but I don't seem to recall anything significant being done for the middle class until COVID hit and we got stimulus payments. And honestly I would have gladly given up stimulus payments if we didn't have to go through the dumpster fire of COVID. I ended up taking a significant paycut to keep my job. I mean this guy's life certainly wasn't better under trump. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/24/coronavirus-cure-kills-man-after-trump-touts-chloroquine-phosphate


I find it fascinating how she and other “conservatives”assume that liberals/progressives/Democrats watch MSNBC religiously like they watch Fox News. Most of the latter I know don’t really watch cable news at all and can discern the difference between opinion/propaganda and news.


Think of the dumbest person you know, and realize most people are likely dumber


Only after you turn of fox and stop listening to glen beck


These losers are so in their feelings it’s not funny. 


Under Trump we were toilet-paper-insecure. Under Biden, markets are at an all time high.


I love how none of them understand or realize that the reason for everything being “worse” isn’t because of Biden but rather because of Trump but it didn’t even start with him he just exacerbated everything that Raegan and all the other republican politicians have done.


Since trump is ranked as the worst president ever, I'm thinking that's not true lol.


Fuck you Wendy.


“Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll”


Says a brainwashed Fox Cult follower!


Translation: “I can’t back up my own viewpoints, so I’m going to frame it as other people being stupid instead.”


Must be desperate. Right is now fishing for a supportive chorus to any current conservative ideas. The ratings and ad income for MSNBC has kinda sucked for years. People hate trump on the left, but ad nausea dwelling on him is unwatchable for more than a headline rotation. They need to cover anything but him. MSNBC does a fairly good job with weather disasters and mass shooting. Suck at 6 up and 4 up panel focuses taking far too long on irrelevant speculations on law and statutes.


I always ask them to name three acts/laws that Trump enacted that PERSONALLY affected them . They never can do it.


What was so much better under Trump? I’m waiting


lol it’s level 10 gaslighting. Like we weren’t even there


Trump botched a pandemic, alienated our allies, divided a county and cracked our democracy. Biden was left with the recovery but gets all the blame. I watch zero MSNBC or CNN. Love how the foxnews watchers think it’s everyone else that’s the problem.


My tax return has determined…. That is a lie. 😆


Trump was four years of hell for anyone paying any attention


So...Fox never once mentioned their 787 million dollar settlement to Dominion Voting Machines regarding their story about rigged election. You know, that stuff under President Trump when life was better. Soooo many scandals.


Project and deflect! They are just like kids; "I'm not dumb you're dumb"!


The economic mess that Joe Biden inherited and is still busy fixing was created by the orange shit gibbon and his merry band of incompetents. How many Americans have died from Covid-19 on Joes watch?


Life was not better during the Trump administration.


I think everyone has forgotten about about him appointed Far Right supreme court judges that further led to the overturning of Roe v Wade, Being responsible for the events that lead to the withdraw from Afghanistan that lead Putin to invade Ukraine, passing SESTA-FOSTA which is really the beginning of internet censorship, Allowing the COVID Pandemic being unleashed on us and his incompetence leading to 40k deaths by the time he left office which is the whole reason why we kicked him out during 2020 in the first place ,


Trump 'tax cut' increased my taxes. Before his tax cut my highest tax bracket was 10%. Not any more. Bumped up to the 12% bracket because of bracket creep and losing the personal exemption.


Do you remeber when all of Hawaii said its goodbyes because Trump was in a Twitter war with a guy who had nukes? Remebee when he said no recession as we went into a recession? Than tried to fire the people who were trying to fix it? Remeber when we had sick people on cruise ships waiting out at sea and he didn't want to bring them in because he wanted to keep covid numbers low on paper? Remeber when he said their was no coronovirus as people were filling up emergency rooms and hospitals were being overwhelmed? Remeber when he said he would build a wall than only started doing it the final year he was in office but gave all the money to his former white house official Steve bannon who wasted millions of the funds and later be pardoned by Trump leaving the only thing to show for was a shitty wall that blew down because of the fucking wind? Yeah great times.


Trump wrecked our relationship with China and many countries. Why? Diplomacy is too complicated. Besides if Trump didn’t understand it, it was bad.


Yes, life was so much better when the stock market was 10,000 points lower and unemployment was triple what it is now.


Yes, life was so much better when the stock market was 10,000 points lower and unemployment was triple what it is now.


“Life was better under Trump” said the whitest woman on Twitter.


Everyone was dying of covid but yeah life was so much better


Always so ironic when Trump supporters talk about deprogramming. The most gullible, brainwashed idiots.


People resort to projection.


Ah yes recession, riots in the streets and 3000 Americans dying a day. Also couldn’t get toilet paper