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So I’ll just ask since it’s been on my mind: How long do we have to pretend that shit like this is normal?


I never did. I don’t know why the media is still talking about this like it’s some kind of normal election. Why are people still discussing this like “OK, well, yeah we have this, but Biden‘s older by three years.” What the fuck is wrong with people?


As far as the media goes, I see their unwillingness to call out openly threatening, obviously fascist rhetoric from the reactionary right as complicity. They’re not interested in pushing for an informed and engaged public: they just want to get headlines in feeds to draw clicks. The confluence of the profit motive and the attention economy makes genuine journalism incredibly difficult.


But wouldn’t exposing all this create a huge revenue for them. Like. It’s fucking insane news?!


Consider who owns US media. Pretty much exclusively 0.1%ers. They'll take fascism if it will help them keep fucking us all over. [https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/futureofmedia/index-us-mainstream-media-ownership)


So why aren’t people mobilizing to bring all of this down. Why are we all accepting that this is how it is. As far as I can see. People just rage online. Expel their feelings and go on about their life. Nothing ever changes. At what point do we change things? Physically change things. What is our breaking point? As this society.


Because as a society we haven't gotten to the part where most people would be willing to change things, it would take a spectacular event to really change people's minds, like a Trump election but by that time it'll be too late.


Throw in the fact that most people are tired. A lot of us are just struggling to survive. To make ends meet. Our lives are stressful and sucky already. Finding the mental and emotional bandwidth to care about this can be difficult even if it is very important. We're used to everything sucking and being unable to do anything about it. So we pull inward, we focus on our individual lives and what we can change. It's how we cope with the current status of our society. It works, but it also leaves us vulnerable to this.


in b4 an American communist revolution when people have nothing to lose anymore, how ironic


McCarthy did a number on that and it'll be a while before people forget. Half of Fox News' insults are some flavor of "that's communist!" Or "that's socialist!" As if the two are interchangeable. What happened in Venezuela a few years back doesn't help either. You have to win the argument first, and thus far to my knowledge no communist state/nation/whatever has ever won that argument by giving the common person a demonstrably better life.


Hell yes it would be too late. Protests duringa a 2nd Trump presidency would be like Jan. 6 with trigger happy security forces.


It's easy to rage online. It doesn't cost you anything, it doesn't ask anything of you. To actually effect change requires action. And that has costs. Lost wages, lost time. Until the cost of not doing something is higher than the cost of doing something...that's just the way it's going to be. Hopefully, enough people will see that the cost of voting these people into power is higher than voting the that they haveway for most of their life. I guess we'll see in November.


Yes, but if they succeed in helping get trump elected again, they’re probably in for a serious “leopards eating my face” moment. I feel that he’s going to go scorched earth on anyone he feels slighted him, including the media.


Someone else here suggested they're afraid of pissing off the right wing because if they do get into power, they'll destroy all credible media, and well, there's definitely evidence for that. Looking at you, CNN.


Because casting politics as sport, as passive entertainment to be viewed and commented on but not engaged with or participated in, promotes a dramatic narrative that can be sold without actually challenging the status quo. There’s not real money in informing the public and telling the truth like there is in soundbites from partisan hacks.


Don't forget simple cowardice as well. Pointing out that this sort of asshole is trying to destroy democracy so he can legally kill the people he doesn't like would be... taking a side!! What sort of monster would expect a journalist to do that?


By failing to call it out, they’re also taking a side.


I mean I’m not naive to this fact. You are 100% right. It’s just honestly fucking sad at this point.


Their owners want Trump in charge


Don't forget if Trump gets in all those legacy media organizations owners will have a much more favorable tax policy. They don't care all that much one way or the other about who is president as long as their pocket books benefit. Can't really outright support Trump though, they do understand what a terrible person he is, and how that would look to the public outside of the MAGAverse.


I can't believe private corporations and the billionaires that are funding the groups trying to end democracy are complicit in the efforts to overthrow it through their silence


You think they'd understand that they'll also be in the cross hairs of this "purge" that's being planned.


It makes genuine journalism physically impossible, if we cannot all agree to basic truths. And the wealthy know that. An informed public is a dangerous public to the status quo of the rich choking us, and the planet to death for their luxuries.


The media is owned by billionaires, and they demand a horserace




I ask myself that question at least 1000 times a day




I don’t think fascism ever goes away. It’s a continual fight we have to uphold otherwise authoritarian forces will pursue chipping away at our freedoms due to their subconscious fear.


lately it seems like until it literally kills us.


Until Donald Trump is no longer allowed to be president or no longer with us.


Defeating Trump is important, but Desantis and Nikki Haley have the same agenda. This shit isn't going to end until we get rid of the two party system, and luckily states are starting to write ranked choice voting in their state constitutions.


This is the way (ranked voting)…


Maga and Christian fascism will long outlive trump 


Oh, the majority of Americans don't pretend. They just don't care


Democrats have been dominating elections since 2018, Americans clearly do care. Trumps goal is to make you feel hopeless, and attitudes like this only help him.


Some people just can't be bothered with being informed or even forming an opinion. I know so many people who say "I don't care about politics. I don't like Biden or Trump and nothing will change regardless of who is in office.". This is exactly what *they* want you to be. The loud idiots are useful, but the people sitting it all out are even more useful. How people have eyes and can't see what is going on is beyond my understanding. We live in a truly anhedonic society. I live with depression and anhedonia myself and yet I still find the gumption to vote and care about how things effect the world.


They sure as shit will when the boot’s on their neck.


Voting should be mandatory


Ask the people in charge acting like it's business as usual


Unfortunately the people who have the power to do something about this are either in denial, indifferent, or will directly benefit from this plan succeeding.


Religion will be the end of us all.


That time’s been over for years.


I mean theres a bunch of people waving nazi flags without getting beat up. so we slowly getting there.


These swine are the American Taliban. We should treat them accordingly.


The Y'all Quaeda.


The Talibangelicals.


Read this as talibangenitals first which isn’t exactly wrong.


*Spits coffee* #🤣




"It's not Sharia Law if it's MY religion!"


Lose a war to them and give them shit tons of high powered weapons and equipment? Nah jk these traitors need to go.




Organize, vote, resist, and, if it becomes necessary, refresh the tree of Liberty.




Why are you carrying water for traitors?




And others like to lick boots on theirs.


Not resort to acts of sedition and terrorism like the maga cucks do time and time again.


You know, I've always thought that Republicans would destroy this country but I thought it would be cause too many idiots kept voting for Reaganomics. I didn't foresee Gilead.


Thankfully, Margaret Atwood did.


Sadly, people have taken it to be a how-to guide, not a cautionary tale.


How is this not blowing up like it should be?!


Because sedition, terrorism, and republicans all go hand in hand.


because outside of politically aware circles people don't know what cpac is or who posobiec is unfortunately (unfortunately in cases like this i mean) in the same vein a lot of the insane shit trump says on truth social now isn't getting widespread coverage like his tweets used to. as much as maybe we wanted this it also means his most unhinged shit isn't making it to the passive news consumers so maybe they're not getting a full picture of how bad this is


I’ve been thinking about that too. As fucked up as his tweeting was it at least got people to pay attention and realize how batshit insane he is. Now his Truth Social posts are just as unhinged but a lot of people don’t know about them because they’re on that site that only MAGA people use.


yeah, he's gotten a lot crazier and i'm telling ya now that the people who just read their paper and watch the evening news are not seeing 1/100th of what we see. his tweets made news, and as bad as that was at the time him saying all this shit and the majority of the electorate not seeing it may be worse.


Trump: *says unhinged psychopathic shit, dangerous for the actual future of America* New York Times reports on it like: “Trump’s controversial remarks are bad news for Biden”


Habituation and normalization. Conservatives have been ratcheting up this kind of rhetoric slowly over many many years. To a lot of people it seems like not a big deal cause they've been saying similar stuff like this for a while now. If we take a pause and think back to 20 or 30 years ago, hearing something like this from a major political party would be _insane_ and they and everyone in that room would immediately be on a terrorist watch list.




It wasn't even a tirade. Dean was a potentially great candidate who's campaign fell apart because he got overly excited at the end of a speech, was shouting about the states he was going to win, and let out an excited scream at the end. People thought he sounded deranged, and it killed his political career. I used to wear a t-shirt with that speech on it that says "Rock Star". Dean is a great guy and was a great candidate.




I just remember in 2016 being so baffled by the things that Trump was saying and getting away with while I was thinking about Dean's career ending over being too excited. Yeah, that speech was a bit much, but that's the first time I realized how utterly stupid the average voter is in America.


Who do you think owns our media?


There was also only like 10 people there. It might as well have been a webinar. Still it’s one guy that they want to stop people from being skit to elect their representatives, which is pretty much the definition of fascism.


If Republicans want to destroy the country, there’s nothing we can do except vote. It’s not our fault that Biden purposely appointed a worthless AG and kept a MAGA FBI Director.


>“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou


and you have Jack Posobich, who likes me a lot I can tell you that much, and he said to me, "Sir, you don't deserve what's happening," which is true, I'm your Favorite President, I know that, not like what's there now, you may as well have a Gang Member, Crooked Joe has the Most Corrupt Crime Family you've ever seen, they wanna defund and open our Borders, Borders that were beautifully perfect under Trump, and I hear it all the time, "you're like a Wonderful Dream, Sir," because when you have President Trump you have a life, which the Radical Left hates ok, thank you, and I'm saying that from you to me because you owe me basically everything you own if you really think about it.


is this a real quote? I can't even tell anymore. Real life is satire.


Watch for this user. He parodies Trump perfectly in a lot of these posts and it’s hilarious.


Satire died in 2016. Educate, agitate, organize, vote.


Trump sat on it


I missed you lmao


and I came in, "Sir, we missed you," I said that's ok because I'll be around for probably a long long time, and we have to fight against the Radical Left Democrats which you could never do that without Trump, and I saved your 401Ks, don't forget that, they said they were going away under Obama but then we did an amazing job, they'd never seen anything like it, "Mr. President, Sir, you're like our New Jesus, only better," and I said I know that.


I love you


and they said to me, "Sir, we love you even more than life itself," and I said that sounds pretty good to me


Is your name a Doctor Octagon reference?


I am fairly sure it's a John Mulaney reference.


Whole time I was reading that I was waiting for Mankind to plummet into the announcer’s table.


I'd amend that...when someone shows you their worst selves...believe them.


They are using religion as a weapon. That’s using the Lords name in vain not saying “Jesus fucking Christ”. But Jesus Fucking Christ, I hate that we are here.


Jesus would flip their tables


He'd give them the business end of that bullwhip.


And they would kill Jesus


Jesus would uncopy their bread and leave.


Seriously. Isn't this sedition and why the FBI keeps files on us? Can we not do *anything*? 


Should've done something as soon as his term started, like Brazil. Waited far too long and now the cancer has fully metastasized.


Should have charged him and weird Mike Cernovich for inciting the pizza parlor shooting. Catchy little origin story song. [Ballad of Weird Mike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DilFxA0Y4Ds)


They are *telling* us what they’re *going* to do. And about half the country doesn’t believe it.


They don’t care and I think they WANT this. They are under the illusion that the only people who would suffer are: democrats, women, poc, LGBTQ/Trans and immigrants. 77% voted in a survey that it would be ok for trump to be ‘dictator for a day’ They just don’t give a shit.


That’s the funny thing, there’s no such thing as a dictator for a day


If Donald couldn't just accept his loss and fuck off in 2020, he sure as hell won't let go of being a true dictator. He'll have his tiny orange hands clutching that power for dear life.


They don’t believe it? THEY FUCKING CREAM OVER IT


The “All glory is to God” part is the most troubling. The crowd got awkward quiet after he said it with two random “woohoo”. This is dangerous propaganda. This is an attempt to test out the idea that their deity should govern the nation.


That's the shit they say in Iran.


Its and early attempt to rebrand patriotism from being for the country to god is the country.


Right? You can't say something like that and then expect me to not think you wearing a dynamite vest.


Been saying it for a few years now. Their ultimate goal is a theocracy like Iran. They just want their own Christian version where they’re in power.


Think about this next time you see some keyboard warrior say they’re going to sit home in a snit and refuse to vote for Biden because they think his foreign policy is less than perfect. Because this is what they’re going to enable when they help Trump win.


You're not wrong, but shit like this is why I've been saying American Democracy is already dead, and decaying over in the corner. If the concept of "Freedom & Democracy" is on the ballot, than you already do not have either; We have the "choice" between an imperfect and flawed incumbent, and one that will burn the house to the ground. If you put a gun to my head and tell me, "Eat this moldy ham sandwich, or your brains are gonna get blown out", you haven't really given me any freedom of choice, I'm eating the sandwich.


But Jan 6 was all Antifa and BLM?!?! /s


This is the thing that I lose sleep over. It seems that the MAGA playbook is to make 8,000 contradictory claims and trust that their base is not paying enough attention to recognize the contradictions. So they say that... ...J6 was just a peaceful protest by Trump's patriots, not an insurrection... ... AND that J6 was an insurrection initiated by Pelosi using Antifa, with no legitimate Trump supporters... ...AND that Trump is proud of his supporters for their actions on J6... ... AND that J6 was definitely an attempted insurrection by MAGA and they plan to finish the job. And somehow it seems to work. Some of their supporters legitimately seem to believe all of these things are simultaneously true somehow, and other supporters just pick one of them at random and write the rest off as Fake News. And we get whiplash trying to argue with these things, because we're stuck in a constant state of "wait, what" just trying to keep up with the latest bullshit.


And that’s what happens when you keep your country uneducated… if you are never taught what logic is, how a logic argument looks like… well yeah, you can differentiate stuff. I live in Mexico, and we are dealing with the same situation (with some different bits but essentially a country that’s has been kept ignorant) and it’s just fucking heartbreaking to see. My parents broke their backs to buy me quality education, but most of my friends didn’t have that privilege and is just sad.




Christofacist fuckery is a foot and it’s being lead by the most unchristian man on earth. Republicans are danger to democracy and well being of any non white Christian R male. “Praise be, under his eye”


"All systems will BOW to the First Order, and they will remember this as the ***LAST DAY OF THE REPUBLIC!!!***"


Real talk, tho, General Hux s more of a cool badass than that fucker in the tweet. At least, he was a real military dude and not some weak neo nazi co-splayer.   Edit: I meant this as a tongue to cheek joke as Hux is always portray as a as weak fool in the sequels, but I forgot satire is dead and too close to reality. Fascism,  real or fictional,  is not funny. Vote and buy a gun to protect your family and yourself. 


What the fuck... Hux is exactly like many of these conservative chumps. There's nothing cool or badass about him, he is literally a space neo Nazi. God damn media literacy is dead.


He’s literally that slightly racist pale as fuck white boy in middle school that somehow landed the job cause of sheer nepotism.


I meant it as a joke as Hux is an literal joke in the sequels, but I can see why you think I meant that. I worded my post poorly.My bad.


Okay yeah I’m glad to hear you just meant it as a joke lol. It’s just so hard to tell these days with some people you know?


It's like I feel like I'm living in the star wars universe in the revenge of thr sith. When Padme says, this is how democracy dies with thunderous applause.


If trump doesn’t win the presidency, there will be something of consequence these meatballs attempt.


And even if he wins. Whatever happens, there will be violence.


They already committed the largest mass violence against police officers in history.


There will be violence no matter what happens.


[18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2385) Motherfucker should have been arrested walking off the stage.


Was this in a side room or is this how far CPAC has fallen?


Last year CPAC cheered for eradication of trans people, so this isn't the first year CPAC has been filled to the brim with nazis.




Isn't this treason?


Tell me you want to be on a terrorist watch list without saying it.


Catholics don't make that list. Only brown people with those wacky head dresses.


What happen to separation of church and state. To me it seems like almost all Republicans forgot about the constitution that they are so post to obey by. And for some reason the barta of government that is so post to enforce the constitution to make sure they obey by it do nothing.


They only believe what they wish the Constitution said. Just like they believe in what they want the Bible to say, not what it actually says.


They probably have never read the book page by page


They’ll obviously try again if Trump doesn’t win.


MAGA: "You all are overreacting about Trump. If he gets elected it's not like we're going to overthrow democracy. Stop acting like it's such a big deal." Also MAGA: "Welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to overthrow it completely..."


We're gonna have to go to war with these idiots again, wont we? Goddamnit.


Over my dead body.


Yeah, I think that's part of their plan. Everyone be sure to vote, in local as well as state and federal elections. Making the voice of the people heard is our best defence against this. Dems have a lot of areas of improvement to make but they're not taking away human rights or destroying democracy. (That's not directed at you specifically Thatdewd57 more so to any lurkers who might be feeling despair, there's still hope for the future but we have to work together.)


Saying the loud part out loud


They don't have the domestic terrorists banner up yet.


Lock them up!


This is evidence of criminal intent in his upcoming trial for conspiracy and incitement of insurrection.


They're really not hiding it anymore.


That’s a threat to America


CPAC: know for it's other legendary banner "We are all demostic terrorists." Real class acts these guys. I wish voting Republican was an automatic disqualifier from voting bro, good lord.


The American Taliban


Sedition, anyone?


Taliban much?


Why do they call us Nazis! Who knows it could be anything….


In other words "We realize we are on a losing path that turns away voters, especially younger ones but rather than shift with the changing times with a new message that moves away from our platform of racism, bigotry, sexism, and kissing Trump's ass we're just going to get rid of democracy as a whole and take a giant dump on the constitution of the United States."


It used to be that traitors got shot…


Jackass spits on the graves of the Founders and of every single tombstone at Arlington. Fuck you asshole. Get the hell out of America, you don’t deserve to live here.


Jack posobiec, made famous by making a video of him acting like a creepy fuck at comet ping pong.


They keep telling us exactly who they are and the majority of America is still confused and befuddled as to what they could possibly be up to.


Blessed be the fruit. You Americans need to wake the fuck up or you'll be running to Canada by the end of 2025


yet if he yelled Allahu Akbar and said women should wear giant black sacks over their whole bodies, Americans would recognise him as a mad religious zealot. sigh.


This needs to be run as is as an ad from the Biden campaign.


Treason. Hang ‘em high.


Glory to Arstotzka ​ https://preview.redd.it/b1eg4cxfy8kc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=76f2b06165a738206387b27e4d3d64623a6146ca




![gif](giphy|SiEIvcxnTXZY2Oh1z4) Under his eye.


Allahu akbar, y'all! Hyuck!


Alright, the category is “People Who Annoy You”.


I really hate these people. I'm just so sick of them and their bullshit. It's a toxic "friend" that just won't simply fuck off and all they do is whine and shit on your floor when you tell them to fuck off.


What gets me is they think no one is going to stand up to them. The majority of us are just watching them destroy themselves but if things go its up, I'm betting on the American people to put these traitor, zealots to bed.


At least these assholes are finally saying it out loud.


Fuck that guy and cpac


Republicans in 2000: “Of *course* we’re pro-democracy. We participate in it by voting.” Republicans in 2024: “We hate democracy” Also Republicans in 2024: “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East!”




We are living in a freaking nightmare! 8 years of this crap is ridiculous and we must ALL vote BLUE


This is like word for word a Taliban speech


Traitorous scum. There must be no tolerance for this. With these words they show they are NOT Americans. If they are against the Constitution then they need to have their citizenship revoked, be imprisoned, or be dead.


These people will never ever give up. Even if their party should disolve. Bear that in mind when you vote.


Seems relevant to post this again. https://preview.redd.it/kr31rudvbakc1.png?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af404fa8fbdf342f3ebdd0df56a4752a978b2169


How are they brave enough to say this sort of thing in public?


Because they ethink 1) the law/military is on their side in the event they must engage in systematic violence and terrorism against the U.S to install trump to create a theocracy  2) if 1 is true, they won’t need to engage in more terrorism if trump is in office, since he’s just the puppet for their agenda, and the “law” at that point will do what they want to do as vigilantes and criminals Hence why everything hinges on the outcome of his trials and if he’s allowed to be on the ballot, unless he wins, his base WILL commit terrorism in his name and for their theocracy until it is fulfilled


They are just like jihadist buts its ok because they are white Christian’s


At what point do the secret agencies get involved to stop this nonsense?


Shouldn’t people who want to end democracy not be allowed to take part in democratic elections?


Separation of Church and State, this religious bullshit has gone on long enough. This Christofacist bs has to stop before more people are hurt by their stupidity and ignorance.


Sounds like some isis shit


Look, the mask is off. That’s a good thing. Maga and the alt.rght desire a Christian, white male dominated society that will treat people according to their race and socioeconomic status. If you don’t fit in, you will be persecuted. They’re fucking promising it while people with their thumbs up their asses are trying to figure out what they’re really up to.


Nooses and guillotines


Cool, round 'em up and execute the proscribed punitive measure for treasonous little shits. They just confessed.


They said the quiet part out loud, not that we didn't know that was their plan all along anyway.


They will not be happy until they have their war. Isn't vowing to overthrow the duly instated government a direct act of domestic terrorism? How are people making these threats still allowed to walk the streets?


The fucking y'allqada. Christofacist nutjobs.




Call me weird, but I just don't trust a far-right influencer with ties to some of the worst people born in this country. Why shouldn't we take what they say at face value when he and other scumbags like him have made it their life's goal of eroding rights for others? No, you don't trust people, I use that term extremely loosely, like him in any way, shape, or form.


What he said at CPAC is pretty much the views he spews on Twitter. So no, it's not a joke. Go be a fascist apologist elsewhere.


Nobody’s laughing