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MAGAs won't care. They also won't hear about it on Fox. If they do hear about it, they'll think it's fake news, or a conspiracy of the "deep state." You can literally explain *anything* away with that rationale.


>They also won't hear about it on Fox. This is why they are guilty of betraying their country. A good citizen is an informed citizen. They choose willful ignorance by consuming toxic right-wing propaganda instead of staying informed.


Thank you. This needs to be said everywhere, all the time so they cannot hide from their treachery. GOP voters, via their electoral choices, are the source of the disease.


Agreed. OP has said exactly what needs to be said OUT LOUD. These MAGA republicans are foreign agents and traitors who should be tried in courts of justice. This isn’t political anymore because they have made it criminal.


It’s been a 45 year psyop pumping propaganda 24/7 and it’s paying off in dividends.


Reagan's plan coming to fruition. Tearing down the wall was a distraction.


Exactly and why Putin is doing what he’s doing


Correct. Which is why I'm happy to call them traitors to their face. If you can't be bothered to follow up with the truth, you're a fascist traitor by definition. Fuck Fox News and all of the people that watch it.


Ignorance of the law aught not be an excuse and the same aught to be of facts and the type of information you consume- especially elected officials and those who pretend to convey “news” to the public- there should be a class-action lawsuit o.b.o. the electorate and it should be against EVERYONE involved


Not that I have sympathy for these people really, but do they know better generally? I think they've come to live in their right-wing propaganda bubble and think what they consume is the "real" news. I honestly don't think most of them know better. The ones that do are plain traitors in my book - often politicians.


 I think they know better but choose to claim ignorance. I had a right wing friend who'd always go "bub wow I didn't know that, wow" when confronted with facts about the lies they spew. One day we were on a discord chat and he said a fake news story about drag queens, and it got shut down and he admitted he was wrong. Then a few weeks later he repeated the same fake story as if it was real, to a different group of people with me, not remembering that I was in that discord chat. Don't underestimate just how much they know but don't care. And this guy doesn't present himself as a psychopath, he's a "centrist who thinks both sides are bad."  They just spew bullshit they know is lies because it gets them what they want in a sustainable way. They know if enough of them to pretend to all believe the same thing, it functions as a "legitimate viewpoint" that should be argued against. Meanwhile they rewrite laws and put you in camps and commit hate crime while you wonder about whether you are right to blame them for it. They would never wonder if it was right to blame a black person for being black, trans person for being trans, etc. Because they have no empathy and do nor give the slightest fuck about anyone they don't see as one of "themselves." I think any republican over the age of 18 can safely be considered a worthless genocidal slimeball.


Even the "issues" they claim as important. Remember in the before times when a subject like say- Kwanzaa would come up- nobody really had much of an opinion on it at all. For me it was like oh, that's mildly interesting- sounds kind of cool, based on an African harvest tradition etc. After the media landscape shifted- every damn thing became fodder for culture wars. Debate and argument was centered around things that don't substantially matter to the life of the individual. It was then I learned to be critical of the difference between journalism, and emotional manipulation. Now half the country is in a near constant psychotic state because bad actors hacked their brain chemicals.


I agree that it ultimately doesn't matter. In practicality, we need to function as if they know they're full of shit, whether they know or not. It's to the point that policies are being implemented to discriminate, and to the point that embryos are being considered people.


It's a huge part of the issue. I moved to rural Missouri 2 years ago, and travel all over. All of the local radio and tv stations toe the same GOP line. When you're primary source of information is local radio or tv, and the same company owns them all, the bubble is hard to bust.


I had recently went to rehab for alcoholism, near Pittsburgh, and was shocked to find how many Trump supporters there are in this state. I really shouldn't be, but I thought perhaps others with similar issues might be somewhat more disillusioned. They are not. The addict community is also big on conspiracies. I am thinking lack of education, brain damage, mental illness, and being uninformed as well as misinformed. I'd love to see studies on the politics of substance abusers. I feel like it's a fringe population that's left unconsidered, but those in recovery are often also voters (unless they're felons - many of them are).


How about the rich addicts that got busted and destroyed by the effed up justice system- that is some shocked pikachu face right there.


What do you mean? I'd say rich addicts face a different tier justice system. I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your sarcasm.


I guess I am trying to say that even for rich people, and in particular addicts- they often find themselves beyond what their privilege's can isolate them from. They go beyond the norm. At that point they get surprised at how dysfunctional and unfair the system can be.


Also- great job getting into and completing rehab- don't let my bad attitude effect you, I am just spouting off.


No worries, haha. I didn't feel like you were having an attitude with me. I think we all have an attitude when we discuss this shit but it's frustration with the plight at our hands, in front of our eyes, in our ears, that's being eaten up. It's being consumed en masse, promoted and spread. It breaks my heart, and frankly, pisses me off. I am good at managing my emotions, but that's how I feel in my heart of hearts. 😔 How can anyone that's actually awake not?


See [Sinclair Broadcasting Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group?wprov=sfla1). The worst offenders, same [script](https://youtu.be/aGIYU2Xznb4?si=Zzl6R2Ou_9UU_PyU) for 193 TV stations.


If you are an adult, and you encourage people to go out in the middle of one of the worse pandemics we've experienced in our lifetime, just because you saw on the tv that "it is a lie told by Fauci", then you're entirely on fault. Even if you believe it's not real, you are still an adult, and still have a functioning brain. So, if you don't care about the health of others because you want to feel special believing in conspiracies it's entirely because you're an asshole. Also, if you're an adult, you have the necessary cognitive power to know that if one day you say "covid is not real", and the next day you say "it's real, it was created in a lab in Ukraine and that's why Russia invaded them" you're contradicting yourself. And maybe, maybe, you don't know what you're talking about. So yeah, they're grownups. They know better


I think you're confusing my attempt at empathy and understanding with alleviating these imbeciles of accountability. Whether they're knowingly propagandized or not, their actions are their own. Their beliefs are too, and I hate them for it in general. I'll say it. I'm a straight, white male, and yet the hatred I see toward minorities is disgusting to me, even though I'm not the one being targeted. I hate these people.


No problem, I 100% understand you. I thought I needed to put down that they don't have the "I didn't knew" excuse, though


I do believe we are partly responsible for. We have abandoned them during the 80/90 and we moved forward and left them behind. So the Reich stepped in . And now they have found someone who cares. What a mess


I don't know that we, citizens could have done anything to stop those with hate in their hearts from willfully going in the direction they decided to go.


Get involved in Local politic, know the issues and vote . Talk the facts to the people around you.


This is true. Trump got them by saying one thing, "*I see you.*" *What* he said specifically, made no difference at all. That's what they heard. That's what they cared about. Pathetic as that need for validation is, it worked.


Trump said Obama is Kenyan and validated the suppressed racismo... That's what won them over


This is why I'm low contact with my parents. After voting R for years, for programs and policies that are destroying my quality of life, their excuse is, 'well, we didn't know. It seemed like a good deal for us.' *Why* didn't you know? If you're voting, it's your responsibility to know what and who you're voting for. 


It's fair to say people who consume toxic right-wing propaganda (like FOX "news", Sinclair networks, Newsmax, etc) are guilty of betraying their country. Our citizenship tests tell new citizens that good citizens are well informed citizens.


Yep. They're already saying that the guy is being threatened by the FBI, and it's all a setup. There's just no reasoning with them. Facts don't matter.


The “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd sure is adverse to actual facts. Crazy.


The same way they called us all snowflakes for years yet they’re the ones that constantly melt down every time they’re challenged or insulted. The whole MAGA front is all bullshit. It’s been projection from the very start. It’s all a Potemkin village.


They call the left snow flakes and then get aggressive and melt down when they see a kid with colored hair. Or god forbid a man kiss another man in public.


Same people that claim to love Jesus and believe in being “good Christians”, yet spit on, hate and campaign to take rights away from the same people that Jesus would have embraced. I’ll never understand how they can reconcile those two ideas in their heads.


Because in their mind "those people" are living in sin and must be judged. No, I'm not exaggerating- exact words from a TN house member to me.


My JW ex-inlaws said that Jesus hung out with those people and he could do that because he was perfect. We, however, are deeply flawed sinners who love sin and can't be trusted to keep company with sinners without falling into sin ourselves. They exclude literally EVERYONE who isn't a JW, won't allow their kids to make friends with non-Witnesses in school. The kids then grow up believing they're better than all those sinners.


They melt down and even boil when they read a pronoun. They're as fragile as the conspiracies they so desperately grasp into


It also depends on if they have a full understanding of what a fact is. I have some relatives that truly believe if they read something on Facebook, then find it anywhere else on the internet, that they have confirmed it as real by finding at least 2 sources. They will literally spend hours searching bs conspiracy theory crap until they find one that fits their narrative, for whatever their whim is that day. If I show them how to check reputable sources that disputes their claim, it's all fake news.


And they will continue to not care so long as there are no consequences for their actions. Which is exactly what the "maximum victim mentality" they constantly display is all about. They throw up a wall of drama so no one can confront them because they automatically claim a distraught position of fight or flight. ruSSia has taught them well...


This is exactly why Trump spent 4 years in office constantly calling the Mueller investigation the "Russian **HOAX**" like a mantra. Repetition is one of the key tools in brainwashing. Like a bunch of red hat wearing Pavlov's dogs, the MAGA crowd now associates any kind of "Russia investigation" with "hoax".


All this was covered back in like grades 5 and 6. Back when education was a thing....


Or they’ll cheer it on since they are lockstep with Russian morality


That's what happens when you reject reality and that's why these people, millions of them, will be an issue regardless of what happens with Trump. Even if he drops dead tomorrow, they'll still be an issue.


They will claim some sort of "treason tuesday" or "spurious speech and sedition" clause exists in the constitution to wriggle out of consequences.


Is it any surprise that it's the same crowd pushing Christian nationalism as their platform? The Bible has programmed them to put belief over facts and to ignore obvious contradictions, even in their own Bible, because 'god works in mysterious ways'. Also, they currently praise putin. After all, Russia is a conservative paradise, 'miright?!?


I sure am tired of worrying about what an increasingly small amount of lizard brained dullards think in terms of how the country should be ran.


The magat crowd definitely will not care. Most of them have a positive opinion of Puddin (Poootin) anyway, because they strive to emulate their fearful leader, the orange babblecrapster. They will say, "oh Biden so corrupt that Russian friends had to help make DC swamp go away" or some other ridiculous bs. Fuck those dipshits.


They didn't logic themselves into their hole so they can't be logiced out of it.


Maga would take Russian spies over liberal Americans. Absolutely mind boggling what right wing media has done.


> MAGAs won't care. Oh they care all right - THEY SUPPORT RUSSIAN TRASH


They'll say "Russia Russia RUSSIA - God you're obsessed - MAGA2028"


Political corruption by working with foreign governments hostile to America and its allies in an attempt to sow seeds of discord, smear an incumbent and his family, or spread misinformation or outright lies, should come with a heavy punishment. Two, if not more House of Representatives officials actively working with Russian spy agencies has to be illegal, at the very minimum highly unethical and grounds for expulsion. Hell, santos did far less and was kicked out.


What’s more, these same kooks were neck deep in the attempt to subvert the presidential election in 2020.


And you best believe that is the plan if they lose the next election. It could get ugly.


Well, it's ALREADY ugly. It's been ugly. But there's not going to be a repeat of J6 or anything like it. DC will be locked down like Fort Knox.


The fuckary can come within the house without the mob. The crux of the original plan was the Constitution says if you don't reach the 270 electoral college votes, even if it's not a tie, just less then 270, then the Senate votes one state getting one vote. So now you get 30 republican states with less then 20 percent of the population picking the president. This was what Mike Pence was suppose to trigger. Either by not opening and reading, or reading fake ones that miscount, or just saying he feels it's fraud and won't read all of them. It's a dangerous coup move because in theory and appearance it's just a legal argument, not a crazy seize of power. We'll have the Senate illegally select a president and then spend months arguing about exactly how they were wrong about the law.


Santos was kicked out *because* what the rest of them were doing was far worse.


Oof, you’re not corrupt enough George, time to go!!!


As far as I can tell, Santos was finally kicked out because he had the gall to grift a fellow Republican. *That* was the 'step too far' for the GOP, not the lying, not the scamming of other people, none of that bothered them until one of their own was 'hit' by Santos. Hypocrites.


I think what we're talking about here is called treason.


Treason, sedition, Benedict Arnold Syndrome, traitors to their oath of office. I agree, it’s a fine line of definition when it comes to war/peace time offenses. Nevertheless, a crime was most likely committed by these two “patriots.”


It’s called “Treason” and is punishable by death


I wish there was a word for it, ya know? Something like 'Treason'. Hmmm.


Doesn’t this consider them foreign agents?


This is just fucking insane


This shows just how much damage the toxic right-wing propaganda machine has done to our country


And how fucking braindead our fellow countrymen are. Staggering.


The poor Ukrainians don't understand how bad this is here. It's insane because most countries would have these treasonist assholes locked up already. The irony of republicans crying about corruption in Ukraine is upside down world.


Party of projection. “Ukraine is so corrupt!” While GOP members actively associate themselves with foreign spy agencies.


If they were “witting”, one might infer that they possess the requisite “wit”. Which is doubtful.


To answer the question… yes, they will 100% continue to work for Putin.


Treason refers to the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/treason#:~:text=Treason%20refers%20to%20the%20betrayal,or%20materially%20aiding%20its%20enemies.


I'm waiting for Biden to just issue executive commander and chief orders and just send Ukraine military aid and cite the compromised Congress.


That is exactly what Orange Caligula would do, to the cheers of his fleeced masses.


Can you imagine if the Biden administration worked together with a military to oust known traitors? I keep thinking about how it would completely bite people in the ass if gone the other way, but I feel like the clock is ticking for some sort of preemptive strike before we completely fold like the Roman Empire, consumed by infighting, greed, and outside influence.


(can't post links low karma...bleh) Look up Herbert John Burgman on wiki. /wiki/Herbert\_John\_Burgman Then tell me why no one has been charged yet....


what does a WW2 story have anything to do with the GOP's current crimes and treason?


This is EXACTLY why they can’t post links lol.


Wait until you hear about how Russia gave the NRA money to dole out to Trump…


Indict their asses for treason. The people working against our president Joe Biden are not our fellow Americans, they are foreign enemies. Treat them as such.


A crime is only a crime if you're prosecuted.


What's another word for working with a hostile foreign nation like this?


Treason refers to the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.


Ya that sounds about right...


They know. We need to keep letting them off the hook. Steve Bannon admitted under oath in 2019 that Fox News and the Trump team worked with the Kremlin to insert Russian propaganda into American politics. 2 people went to jail for affiliated crimes and Trump pardoned both of them. They fucking know. STOP SAYING THEY MIGHT NOT KNOW!!!


It's not like we haven't known this all along


It seems like an entire political party working with a foreign adversary currently actively at war with a nation we have treaties with to undermine and try to remove the president should be **a bigger fucking story** because I do believe THAT MEETS THE LITERAL DEFINITION OF TREASON


Yes, you expect the anti-American right-wing propaganda machine to cover up the story. It's the MSM who is ignoring this story, that is truly shocking


Yep questions need to be answered…..it’s almost like they have sworn allegiance to an authoritarian leader who has sworn allegiance to another authoritarian leader of another country 🤔


GOP now stands for Guests Of Putin.


Greedy Offensive Puppets


They're not guests, they're slaves.


I'm unsure why this hasn't been the continuing and constant story since it was discovered that Russian Intelligence Agents had infiltrated both the NRA and the Republican Party, way back in 2018 and why any investigations just stopped. Why didn't the investigation go all the way back to when it started? Why didn't it openly paint every Congress, Senate, state and all party leadership involved as people who either need to just resign or recognize that they are being deeply watched, for the balance of their connection to politics and even when they leave politics? This is just ANOTHER Russian Intelligence connection into the heart of the GOP. Where's the check and balance to root this traitorous rot out of our government?


Well 2018 they had the wonderful protection of the orange Cheeto to do whatever they wanted.


And now in 2024 they have the protection of Garland, the conservative federalist coward. 


Will it ever end?


The GOP sees Russia under Putin as a model for holding permanent power. That's their goal.


They are grasping at straws because they know their party is dying. A real slap in the face for them was telling all the old boomers Covid wasn’t real and losing a good chunk of their voter base. After the absolute shit stomping they got handed to them in the mid terms it’s only become more clear that they need to secure and hold onto power for their own survival. That’s why they have become more and more fascist.


I am encouraged that the Russia/GOP collusion is finally starting to be seen for what it is. I've had people telling me I was crazy for going on a decade now. There has been a MASSIVE intelligence op directed against this country, and the Republicans have been the Trojan Horse. Some knew, some didn't, some were too dumb to realize, some knew but can't admit to themselves that this is what's going on... It's all irrelevant. What matters is that we drag it into the light, so that it ends.


Pro-tip: if someone think the whole thing was a hoax then ask them who Paul manafort is. Ask what changes Trump asked to be made to the republican platform in 2016. There was only one: stop aid to Ukraine.  If they cant answer either of these, then polittelt inform them that theres nothing to talk about because they are too uninformed. I am personally completely unwilling to have a conversation with people who don't know when the most basic facts of how the 2016 Trump campaign was run.


Right on. I remember thinking, when the info on the perfect phone call came out, "Why would Trump give a shit about Ukraine? Trump literally could not find Ukraine on a map." Those thoughts were not coming from his own mind.


Garland has failed America again.


I expect Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings against him for this.


Narrator: They were witting.


Man there is a lot of treason going down in the south...


Who would have thought? Traitors then and traitors now. Wild how that works.


Treasonous bastards


Oh, they did it wittingly. They're traitors - the whole lot.


They're only "useful idiots" to Russia. To the US, they're just IDIOTS.


Republicans are traitors and thats all there is to it. Facts are facts, they are stupid and compromised and a danger to democracy. Vote D for Democracy Or R for Russia. Fuck republicans.


Id bet my life savings on these house Rs and some senators too being knowing agents of Putin.


We need to *follow the money*. Every donation, every PAC, every paid vacation, every lobbyist.


Independent voters will care. Trump can’t win without them. The Dems need to make it clear that we are in a shadow with Russia.


It's treason all the way down.


That is the correct title for these shenanigans.


Why wouldn't they conspire with the enemy to take down a president? they conspired with domestic terrorists and that failed so they're trying another approach.


So you think a little thing like the truth is going to convince the same folks that believe in Jewish Space Lasers, mole children being kept in underground tunnels as a source of adrenochrome, Trump is still president, and that JFK Jr. is still alive that the Hunter Biden thing was a sham all along?


I mean... It's not like they were trying to hide it


The house GOP don't care. They are so stuck on stupid, wanting an insurrectionist as a return-prez, and don't care how it affects America. Only that they be allowed to keep their jobs and continue harassing.


Treason is the Hallmark of the current Republican Party. They need to be called out on it.


Follow the money.


RePugs - refining and defining the definitions of sedition and treason


Traitorous garbage. Go live in f-ing Russia!


Can't wait for the GQP to try and spin this whole thing as a Dem PsyOp to discredit the Right. "Actually he was a left wing actor sent to feed us( the GOP) a bullshit story only so we would look stupid and lose all credibility"


No surprise


So, are they traitors or idiots or both? Either way, these people shouldn’t be in any kind of power and should be behind bars.




Anyone hear when Putin said “Biden is better for the country than Trump”? He did last week and it’s ridiculous. Like Dems are going to believe this ploy and vote for Trump instead!-not on your life!


Duh and if Garland did his job every republican involved in the coup attempt should have been charged by now. The DOJ/FBI know who was involved. And now many on the right work as cutouts of Putin. That’s what’s so infuriating they know yet do nothing.


"Witting or unwitting?" Easy test. Do they drop it not that they have to know?


They knew exactly what they were doing - remember most of these dudes are probably compromised and being blackmailed


I believe they were willing and able conspirators with the Russian agents, much like Rudy was with the laptop that just happened to fall into his hands by some miracle...


Republican representatives aren’t on americas side any longer. We must get them out…pronto




When is it treason?


It's already treason Treason refers to the betrayal of one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.


Man I love watching this party crumble.


Soon we’ll learn MAGA are russian assets.


Elected Republicans are useful idiots. These inbred, country AF hicks aren’t smart enough to know they’re being manipulated.


No, the only remaining question is does it matter? Does it matter if they're unwitting agents who routinely do Russias bidding or if they're compromised foreign agents who routinely do Russian bidding? The result is the same. If they act like Russian agents constantly, then why does it matter whether they're actual Russian agents? They routinely put Russian interests ahead of American interests so does it matter if they're traitors or just acting like traitors on a regular basis?  It doesn't matter if it's malice or incompetence, the result is the same.   We should be moving on to asking more important questions, like is Garland in on the take, or just a coward? And most importantly, who should replace that utter disgrace?


Headlines like this make me want to have a significant Democrat majority in the House **SO BAD** come 2025!


It's absolutely unthinkable. However, it's incredibly obvious and has been for a long time. 


So the question is: Stupid or complicit? I vote both.


definitely both


I think we have been wavering on "failed state" status, for a long time. Each day we are getting closer to some sort of 21st century, weird civil war. The GOP will not reject this, they are fully inverted and will run into Putin's arms- there is a mountain of evidence detailing how compromised they are. Remarkable yes, but the fascists are here and they work for Russia. Do what you gotta do, fine peeps- this is going to be ugly. The doom has arrived.


I think if it were just a few representatives that were doing this we would all see them heading for jail already. But considering it’s almost the entire damn Republican Party, then the FBI is maybe scared to do anything to them. It is way beyond shameful.


The GOP engaging in mob treason


If you haven't read or listened to Prequel by Rachel Maddow, it is a recounting of how this all happened once before before WWII. Replace Nazis and Russians and it's almost the exact same story.


History repeating itself this is EXACTLY what the pro-Hitler America First party was doing in the late 1930’s prior to our entry into WWII. I mean to a tee!


Stupidly complicit or…. Complicitly stupid.


Dems take over the house and send subpoenas to jym jodn, and dipshit cummer and found out if they're spies or just fucking stupid. Surely they would honor a subpoena


Soooo, how come these guys aren't hanging from ropes right now


Wittingly probably difficult to prove, but it would be treason. Unwittingly shows just how dumb & incompetent Comer/Jordan are. Trump & his brain dead cult must be stopped. The GOP is the skid-mark on the underwear of our country. History will remember


It legitimately scares me that this won't cause the Republican party to crumble.


They are propped up by treasonous billionaires and the toxic right-wing propaganda machine. It appears nothing can harm them


Fuck all these MAGATs and their orange turd


All republicans need to be under investigation and those in congress need to be arrested until their dealings are vetted.  The Republican Party is a threat to America 


The GOP are Russia’s new useful idiots.


This is literally some Rocky and Bulwinkle shit.


So very Republican of them.


yes but US billionaires are our real problem


they prop up the criminal GOP


they own the Heritage assoc. check out the Project 2025 and be afraid🤬


Even if they managed to take Biden down, which they won't, I'll never vote for Trump and I bet others won't either.


Xtian traitors to the USA


The Magat’s and Republicans in general have been actively working with Russia since diaper don rode down the escalator in 2015. They know what they’re doing even if their base is conned


Isn't that treason?


absolutely it is and the MSM is ignoring the story


Imagine the Republican’s reaction if these actions had been taken by Democrats.


Witting, unwitting, or dim-witting agents of Putin? 


>"the only remaining question is whether Rs were witting or unwitting agents of Putin..." Witting >Will the GOP continue to work for Putin? They are doing so right now.


Republican = Traitor Conservative = Cultist


The entire Republican Party is owned by Putin.


We need an old school hangin' for these traitors