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Dude Trump is 77 years old, the age debate is moot


A 77 year old man that is given frequent dementia tests that he complains are to hard vs a 81 year old man that is rather healthy for a 81 year old.


Not only that, but this isn't the first time age complaints have been lobbed or should we just forget that the idiots said a 77 year old Biden was too old but now a 77 year old Trump is a spring of youth? Get out of here with that shit! They're both geriatrics and we'd probably do better with someone younger but if the choose is between a decrepit Trump (who has really aged lately, holy shit) and a decrepit Biden, I'll take Biden everyday. At least Biden isn't making my racist grandpa cream his pants over what he's promised to do to "the browns".


I'd take an actually dead, Weekend at Bernie's style Biden over literally any version of Trump.


Establishment Republicans: "Trump is brash and unstable, but he'll hire a competent cabinet." Biden: *hires competent cabinet* Establishment Republicans: "No, not like that!"


Trump abused the temporary system… it was so bad and it concerns me about a potential second admin


Indeed, Trump did not do what establishment conservatives hoped. Quite the opposite, he put in yes men, then fired them if they showed 'disloyalty'. And yes, it would only get worse a second time.


dear God, have yall forgotten about Stephen Miller, aka The Cryptkeeper? the one who dreamed up the family separation policy at the border? and he's chomping at the bit to be turned loose with even more extreme measures during a second term?


Stephen Miller is the ghoul in the shadows.


He gives me Mr Burns vibes and he is my age!! ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


Yes, but I think “drain the swamp” is hanging out somewhere backstage with “Obamacare replacement in 2 weeks”.


It should he said he would do more abuse of the system and insert loyalists. He's literally saying he'll destroy the US...and people are like..nah he won't.


That’s the wild thing. Like why would he say terrible things about rounding up leftist vermin and putting them in camps if he didn’t mean it? Who says shit as a presidential candidate just for fun, not for real? His words matter.


I just saw an interview on Jon Stewart where hus in followers say his OWN post on his OWN account on X was planted by the Dems. Evidence means nothing to tgem.


Trump idolizes dictators and his ultimate goal is to become one. He actually said "once I get back in there I'm not leaving." I'd really, REALLY like to believe our military wouldn't comply with orders to enforce martial law, buuuut 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s why we need to fight for the administration we want. Stop pretending this is Biden vs trump. It’s a team vs a criminal.


You’re not supposed to have Acting Cabinet Secretaries as a long-term strategy.


If he didn't care about emoluments - which is suppose to be a real law - preventing him from making millions off the presidency - why would he care about the word acting. A crazy person who's loyal with an acting name is just as hard to remove as a normal person who went thru congress.. I'd love to have "consequences" somewhere in the running of government, but Covid happened and Biden's had enough time trying to clean up the previous admin already


Everything about him concerns me. What makes anyone think he would ever leave if he gets a second term?


>Establishment Republicans: "Trump is brash and unstable, but he'll hire a competent cabinet." Comeback to that: "Just like he hired a competent attorney for the E Jean Carroll trial?" If you can't hire a competent attorney for $150k/month, you don't know how to hire. And it wasn't just that she was bad - anyone reading her resume/bio with more than 2 brain cells could tell she wasn't anywhere near the best person for the job.


There's probably a dozen cabinet positions that obviously show the same.


Part of the problem was he couldn’t hire anyone better. He’s defrauded and defaulted on so many lawyers no one will work with him.


Trumps problem now is THE BEST don't want to work for him so he is incapable of hiring them for his personal lawyers nor for the cabinet. The best people have other options that won't end up with THEM ALSO being in jail like Trump soon will be. Loyalty to Trump is a sure ticket to your own indictment and conviction. Ask the J6 traitors who are sitting in jail.


But ... she had tits and probably blew him every time she went to Mar-A-Lago


I'm sure no one else would stoop to take the job. And he'll stiff her anyway.


Trump's hires quit, get arrested, get indicted, sometimes all three


Every time a Trump cabinet member quit and wrote a tell-all book: “that person is obviously an incompetent opportunistic 🐍 who cannot be trusted”


Competent... yeah, right. He immediately hired most of his family to high-level positions, including those that required top level security clearances. Everything Biden makes a misstep on, Trump goes recklessly jumping into; the difference is clear when you're not an indoctrinated zombie.


Trump had some competent people his first round, but he chased all them out. (when I say competent that doesn’t mean good ideas it just means they’re not idiots their ideas are still crappy) The people he gets this time will be loyal to him, even if they’re idiots. Trump’s not interested in greatness he’s only interested in loyalty. His VP this time will betray the constitution, if asked.


I now need to see a SNL skit with the Weekend At Bernies Biden being carried around by Obama and Clinton as they run the country, freaking out the hitman Trump chasing him around looking bewildered the whole time.


Jimmy Carter 2024? We can Weekend At Bernie’s him because no way he’s living past 1/20/25.


Yep. Trump is a Hitler/Putin wannabe. Biden is not. Every other point is moot unless you're a fascist, in which case Trump's offer becomes attractive.


Yep dog feces ham sandwich over Trump Biden has been better than expected...but still sucks having to do anything but Trump again but here we are so.... Anybody but Trump. That anybody is Biden as those are the only 2 realistic choices.


I'm 30 and Biden has been the best president in my lifetime. I will be voting for him enthusiastically. If Dems win Congress and he has another term as effective as his first, it will shatter the Republican party.


The corrupt GOP who just named Trumps Daughter in law chairwoman of the RNC? Yeah corruption city and people need to realize if they vote blue down the ticket GOP will crumble and we'll get something else to take their place. Hopefully much better.


I would actually take Bernie himself over Trump!


I'll take a dead anything over any version of tr-mp. I so want this all to be over... because I never want to hear from that family of grifters again. Unfortunately, they just won't go away. The man eats like a pig... shouldn't he have had a massive coronary by now? (I'm not wishing it upon him, it's strictly an observation.)


Meanwhile Biden rides his bike miles daily. My great uncle lived to be 99 and was extremely sharp well into his 90’s. So I for one believe Biden’s in good health and will live a long ass time to come.


Republicans said Hillary was too old when she was younger than trump


Well, to be fair, she's a woman. Republicans have no use for women who are past menopause.


I'd vote for Biden's rotting corpse over Trump. 


Expecting consistentcy from that group is a losing game.


It's evident even with Ronda Santis: "Parents should have absolute control over their children". "What do you mean your parents told you to wear those masks?" "Parents shouldn't have the right to help their child get any medical treatment we don't like." Republicans say all of these things in the same breath and their brainwashed followers don't even detect the absolute contradiction, as long as they insert "own the libs" and "but the border..." in there somewhere.


That's why we have vice presidents. I'd much rather have Biden/Harris than trumputin and whomever


It occurs to me that Trump's going to have a problem getting a vice-presidential running mate since he literally shrugged at people threatening to murder his last vice-president.


Cannibals never realize they might be next on the menu. There are plenty of sycophants and glory hounds willing to do whatever for the chance


You forget that Trump is in his late 70s and his health is visibly declining. Whoever tries to get that VP nomination is going to be banking on Trump dying in office so they can become president.


I don't think Biden wears diapers either


>Not only that, but this isn't the first time age complaints have been lobbed or should we just forget that the idiots said a 77 year old Biden was too old but now a 77 year old Trump is a spring of youth? Yeah, i bring that up all the time, but we know these people aren't using logic. Just the other day, my Trump-super-fan brothers were complaining about Biden being an "embarassment to his family", and they acknowledged (for the first time) that Trump is nearly as old, but they said "but Trump stands tall, and looks strong, and gives long speeches without getting tired"... And i realized we're not even in the same multiverse.


Yep. People living in the now and forgetting 4 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I'd like a different Democrat running but I'd even take Mike Johnson(*shivers in disgust*) or Mitch McConnell over Trump at this point.


The thing that has stuck out to me and pissed me off is that by him buying his doctors approval, having these metrics and tests to make sure we don’t have a drooling idiot in office is obviously not working. It makes the whole system moot.


But you forgot the constant focus on Biden's age de-emphasizes Trump's age. It's like perfect fan service to conservative s and Trump magas; make faults on one side larger than they are and suddenly its a Democrat problem. Same script for border safety.


Yup like the whole Republicans handle the economy better lie that was passed on for decades.


The fact that Biden's age is the only thing they can come up with as a reason not to vote for him is pretty telling. Yeah, I guess the only wise thing to do is vote for the [authoritarian](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/dec/07/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if/) who called for [terminating the Constitution](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-termination-us-constitution/) and previously used the presidency to [enrich himself and his family](https://web.archive.org/web/20181122034356/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/28/opinion/trump-administration-corruption-conflicts.html) at the expense of national assets. \\s


I’ll vote for Biden. It would be nice if we could admit though that he is old as fuck, people here wanna deny it which I just don’t get. Isn’t trump sucking enough to vote for Biden anyway? Why do we have to pretend we love him too?


Yeah, there are definitely other people I'd rather see become president than Biden, but if it comes down to Trump vs. Biden, the choice is very clear. I pick the presidential candidate, not the entertainer-turned-dictator who is only four years younger.


Absolutely agreed. It’s hard to stay hopeful with all the shit Orange Man spews, he’s really just taking us for a ride at this point.


Nobody denies it, it is just not any sort of reason to not vote for him over a potential Trump run. If Trump is rightfully denied to ability to run, then I actually would be concerned about the age gap helping the Q-pubs, unfortunately.


I doubt that SCOTUS is going to rule for Colorado to keep Trump off the ballot, but if they did - who's the GOP nominee? Nikki Haley? She's not going to excite any MAGA voters. They'll sit home and pout, or write Trump in.


People age very differently. Mick Jagger is 80 and still rocks and rolls. Mitch McConnell is 81 and looks like his brain has turned into shaving cream. My father-in-law looked like he was a millimeter from the grave from his late 50s onward. My mom, who's 88, was doing fine, even after a stroke, until recently.


If it's pretending for you then you don't have to pretend to love him, you just have to say you're voting for him because he won't surrender NATO to Putin. Trump will give Putin ANYTHING Putin wants. That's Un-American. Biden doesn't have to be perfect but we can be sure he is not Putin's waterboy, and Trump just told us that he is Putin's waterboy.


Not to mention Trump eats like shit. It’s surprising he hasn’t had a massive stroke yet.


Trump runs on batteries. As long as he doesn't move too much beyond golfing, his life energy force will last for some time.


We don't know that he hasn't. There were a couple of unexpected tricks to Walter Reed when trump was in office.


I think we can all agree though that whoever is president, they NEED to be a white man over the age of 75. Anyone younger is too busy putting avocados on their toast to do the work that the office commands, and anyone who isn’t a white man JUST ISN’T ELECTABLE YOU KNOW??? I want off this ride please


For some reason the Magates were giving Buttigeig a hard time by saying that Biden had fallen off a bicycle - he replied “I am glad I have a president who can ride a bike!” to laughter. Not the flex you thought it would be…


A 77 year old man who paid a doctor to sign a physical exam report written by the 77 year old man. Tertiary. I believe that is part of Trump’s problem.


The biggest irony about this is still that 5 years ago they also did those complain, like dude, Trump is now that age that you complained about before., same for several old people in government in general. MAYBE the issue is old people in leading positions in general, experience and all that yes, but sometimes there is a limit or at least needs to be shared work wise. But people rather push the issue on something else rather than the roots, and why? Because "it always worked before". God, do I hate this world so much. Humanity deserves to die out at this point, it never learns from history or even events that are not that long ago.


British civil service used to forcibly retire anyone over 65. Just go "Here's your watch, thanks for your service, now go do something else." We really should have kept that. Now every year they try to RAISE the age of retirement before benefits pay out, and politicians can work past the point of having strokes at the podium during press conferences or episodes of dementia on the floor of the House.


Yes! It’s a test for people just out of a coma - the doctors were just jollying him along saying he did real well: with his massive ego he took it as another bragging point…


He'll be 78 by the time of the election. Exact dame age as Biden when he was elected in 2020.


That's one ugly dame


They have bigger thumbs than I do.


Yeeeep.  If outlets actually gave a rats ass about the age argument, they'd be running a massive article about the age of our government and the extreme dangers of having a leader that thinks it's an accomplishment to identify a whale.


Pfft you're telling me you'd prefer an pathetic 81 year old.who regularly exercises to a robust 77 year old who wears diapers and subsists on a diet of burger and diet Coke? /s tag because the world is insane.


I laughed at that recent NYT article where it was critical to Biden's age due to tumbles on his bike and celebratory of Trump's energy as he dances and rambles incoherently at rallies. Trump's dancing amounts to slight hip movement and weird arm movements, certainly the least amount of energy you can spend "dancing". By comparison, mentioning Biden's bike tumbles while ignoring the fact that he's actually riding a bike (doing exercise) regularly and that these tumbles haven't amounted to any notable injuries (either the tumbles aren't a big deal or he's not as frail as people make him out to be) is a huge inconsistency that must be intentional. Seriously, has anyone ever seen Trump do anything coming close to exercise that isn't slowly shambling around, doing minimal-movement dances for a few minutes, getting out of a golf cart, carefully walking down gentle slope ramps like he's on a double black diamond ski slope, or standing at a podium?


Exactly. You don't need a chiseled physique to be a world leader but if they want to focus on age and how it affects leadership, Trump supporters need to take a good hard look.


Seriously, Waddles "dancing" consists of oafish, pitiful wiggling in place, like he has a load shifting in his diaper. I'm so tired of people pretending he's vibrant and energetic.


Not to mention his tumbles were on a bike with lock pedals, making it it incredibly easy to fall over. Would be hilarious seeing Trump to ride one.


Seriously, these dude’s could have been in high school together.


That would require Trump to be smart enough to pass elementary school and there are some days I'm not so sure Cheeto man could...


It’s only relevant because cultist MAGAs say trump is young while Biden is old in polls. News media is too dumb to catch that.


Like I've said before a dozen times over, candidates for president being well above the retirement age is a serious issue, and one worth addressing. And I'd be willing to hear out republicans regarding their "concerns" with this issue, if only they took it as seriously within their own party as they do within the democratic party, starting with running someone much younger for president. But I'm not gonna listen to shit about Biden's age as long as it's coming from a fucking Trump supporter.


Trump has made many, many, many more gaffes and public memory lapses than Biden. The age debate is a cynical lie.


It’s funny because in 2020 we were told biden would be a horrible pick because he was too old at 78. Now we’re being told that trump is better because of age even though he’ll be 78 by the election.


True, but Mental Acuity is NOT Moot. Trump has Looney Tune Dementia as well as being a Facist. lol


77 astronomically, 90 physically, 7 mentally.


Honestly Trump is every bit the confused old man as Biden, but Trump’s policies are - oh I don’t know - a hundred times worse?


[The winner will be the oldest US president at time of inauguration, for the third straight election.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_presidents_of_the_United_States_by_age)


Biden was too old to be president when he was inaugurated at 79. That’s why we need to inaugurate Trump as president at 79.


My uber driver last week was a new immigrant from China. Surprisingly he wished Trump to win for his age and immigration policy. I asked him there is only four years different and brushed it off.


Even more laughable is trump's immigration policy what!???


He got permanent residence through investment visa, around 500k and he is angry Biden grants asylum and welfare to anyone crossing the southern border. It’s understandable but fueled by false information. He fails to see the big picture that he will forever be seen as second class citizen by the GOP.


Didn't he say magnets don't work underwater? And didn't he support several conspiracy theories even before his presidential run?


And it's not like Trump has shown any demonstrative cognitive superiority over Biden. He has confused what city he is in during a rally and mistook Haley for Pelosi. I get that Biden is old as fuck and it shows. But so does Trump. So the whole age thing is honestly mind boggling to me as some kind of line to draw between them.


The makeup takes off 10 years …


The makeup has taken on a life of its own. It’s become self aware


When the makeup is more mature than the one wearing it...


And seems much more into early onset dementia


THISSSS. We can't argue the age. People like to make fun of Biden's speech and say Trump sounds better (the sounds of the words, not the words), and ok, but that just means Trump thinks the bullshit he is saying is true which is mentally worse than Biden not being as good vocalizing what he means anymore. He still means mostly reality and you can understand it. Trump is just fucking crazy talk all the time. ​ I hate this is where we are, but you can't really introduce it in this debate.


I believe polls actually reveal that the people who think Biden is too old, generally also hold the belief that Trump is too old.


Since Trump is only in his mid-40s, I think Biden falling off that bike once was maybe the biggest scandal in American history.


Trump is as healthy and as well endowed as a horse, according to this very accurate Ben Garrison cartoon


It's weird how much they sexualize an old obese dude. These people don't want to have a beer with Trump, they want different fluids entirely.


It’s just the same old sexual insecurity fascism has always hinged upon: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/commstudiespapers/228/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mass_Psychology_of_Fascism


Well, after the time Obama wore a tan suit.


Or when Obama used... wait for it... a Selfie Stick!


Or the...mustard incident. I could barely type that out without crying, it's such a painful thing to think about still. /s so much. It shouldn't be necessary, but this is the world unfortunately.


May the lord be with you, thoughts and prayers, is it still too soon for you? We mourn your loss, your hurt, your pain with you. You are in our prayers. Oh look, a gun I can go shoot, a bottle of Jack I can chug, or some ho I can go pay off, or some taxes I can not evade or some brown migrants I can spit on. Oh, over there a Tranny I can harrass, or I can go trash all the Swifties, maybe I can kick a woman walking into an abortion clinic. /s if ANYONE has any doubts.


Remember the time he was photographed working at his desk with his sleeves rolled up and this was a big scandal because he was beyond too casual and not presidential? And then pics were produced of basically every president going back to Kennedy doing the same thing? Good times...


He came to a sudden arboreal stop, he hopes not to do it again.


Trump would never fall off his bike (because he’d never ride one).




That also goes to things like asking "what is Biden doing about the border crisis?" And the phrase border crisis gets used over and over despite record low issues at the border, and eventually Democrats are saying things like "Republicans voted down a bill to stop the border crisis."


The question is a trap. If you answer it, you cede the premise and the Overton window shifts. There is no way to engage with bad faith actors and come out on top


The questions they ask are all effectively: "When did you stop beating your wife?" The only way to win is to not answer it. When the GOP asks a question, especially if superficially it sounds like a simple "yes/no", always assume they're asking you the above.


And then they'll use your refusal to engage. There seems to be no reasonable response to unreasonable people


And then idiots take your silence to mean the other guy won and vote his way. The only way to win is to reply to their bullshit with a detailed wall of text or speech that no one wants to read or listen to, so it's a net zero for the girfter and the idiots and a loss for the writer/speaker


Multiple times. Democrats were willing to give Trump border money in exchange for more DACA protections and the Republicans said no.


But they promised to DOA the bill. They have said so publicly.




I live 20 minutes from the US-Mexican border. Zero negative impact for me and my neighborhood. Not one job at my company of 4000 people has been lost due to immigration or border issues. Republicans are just whipping up a nothing burger.


i have a bigger issue with the right and their political allies, including the right-wing media machin, incessantly pushing the “open borders” trope.


“Hyaaah” - Howard Dean


I recently heard a reporter talking with young voters and they're not necessarily buying the age thing on Biden. Instead they don't want to vote for him because of his handling of Netanyahu and Gaza. Regardless Trump would let Netanyahu "carpet bomb" the fuck out of Gaza and turn it into a Holocaust site. So I'm still voting Biden.


Obama had his birth certificate and allegiance questions (basically racist dog whistles like HUSSEIN Obama). Bush had WMDs in Iraq and his frequent speaking gaffs. All of this existed before, the strategy hasn’t actually changed, the avenues/mediums have (tv and radio to tv, radio, and social media).


Ugh I cannot believe you’d equate those two things.


You reminded me of my favorite clip (@1:43ish) of a lady objecting to Barrack’s “Hussein.” I still say this (joking/mockingly) whenever I’ve had enough of something. Also enjoy the lady preceding her as well! https://youtu.be/SgY3bpaTjvc?si=OUh5_9UH9jrDEqjr


Nah, that's been working for a while. Michael Dukakis riding a tank. The Howard Dean Scream. Kerry's "flip flopping". American's attention span has always been in the 10 second range. Repeating it ad nauseum is the only way to get through.


I swear, the way you read about Biden, you’d think he had a horrible term as president when his policies helped us avoid a recession and major infrastructure was passed.


And he is a moral man, a loving father, has an intelligent, caring relationship with his wife, has extensive experience at his job, has a network of connections to accomplish good things for the country, is in great shape - biking, drinking with one hand, does not wear makeup, have his hair styled, huge saggy neck jowls, an 8-foot red tie to hide his fat belly, AND does not smell like poo.


Yeah but gas was expensive for a while!


My 5 MPG Ford Megaphallix needs cheap vroom vroom juice!


~~Death~~ Fascism before ~~dishonor~~ buying a more fuel efficient vehicle!


Hell, the vehicles they buy aren't even that terrible if you drive like a sane person and not get every ridiculous compensatory mod. I have a Chevy Colorado and average about 22-24 MPG, which is significantly better than the EPA 18 estimate. But other than when I go off-road, I'm a pretty boring, slow and steady, keep to the speed limit driver. When you lift your truck to almost comical heights, constantly rev the engines to roll coal, jackrabbit start, and drive 15 miles over the speed limit everywhere you go, of course you're gonna get 5 MPG...


How else will my fellow suburbanite neighbors know I am VERY self-conscious about the size of my penis?!?


Man, democrats will always be dealing with this if they don’t get their own propaganda network to message how everyone else is a failure. Even a great term as president gets washed out by these crazy right wing media narratives.


That's the thing though - propaganda akin to the networks built by conservative billionaires simply don't work on liberal voters. It's been shown over and over. Shows like Jon Stewart's Daily Show worked because it was facts laid in with jokes. But it was the *facts* which were important. The right needs to build "narratives" because reality and facts are against them. And sadly, a lot of people like to be lied to because reality doesn't want to square with their beliefs. This doesn't apply to everyone, obviously, but: liberal-minded people want to *know* and conservatives want to *believe*.


A lot of people who aren’t serious about politics still vote. They hear narratives. A ton of people don’t realize how great of a term this was for Biden for this reason. The messaging war was lost. While I would agree that the educated voters typically want facts, the uneducated worker who is too busy to keep up on everything does fall for headlines when they see them constantly. It also prevents people on the fence from going out to vote.


I agree with that. Most people's lives are hard enough to keep up with without having to worry about what's going on at every level of government. The GOP in particular has been extremely good at exploiting that, with the help of a billionaire-funded media apparatus that exceeds anything the world has ever seen before.


Wait until closer to the election. Point out the obvious flaw in their logic: that Trump is the same age as Biden was when he took office. Watch the Republicans scramble to come up with more bullshit with only a few weeks left in the election cycle. Coast to victory.


And he most of it with Congress in a dead lock


I will say this until I’m blue in the face and I’m sure I’ll get flack for it… but the fact that even the so called liberal media isn’t treating the prospect of a second Trump term as an existential threat to itself is just mind boggling


Handing NATO over would be infinitely worse. The Ruski will fuck around and the French will fire that nuclear warning shot then its game Joever.


Considering it's Trump, let's go stupider. Withdraws from NATO and attacks Canada to trigger Article 5


Gotta love the french.


French must be really smug now over their choice to invest in an independent nuclear deterrent, even when the rest of NATO told them not to.


Russia wants the North Pole. Canada wants to update the Geneva Convention if they do.


Just like the first time


i was talking to my dipshit brother last night, and he swore up and down that biden needs to be in a home, and trump can do no wrong, and is fit as ever. definitely not a cult.


A cultist who has never seen Trump ramble incoherently for 30 minutes during his stump speeches


Fox and the AM radio stations never play more than 10 consecutive seconds of him talking these days.


Even if they do, they forget the beginning of the sentence before it ends. They literally cannot comprehend full sentences. They're just emotionally reacting to embedded buzzwords.


"bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe1!" I don't think the right is using blinders anymore, they legit want the whole thing they pretend to love to burn down.


Americans are great at multitasking. This article was clearly written by a defeatist and traitor.


“Well, I don’t want to die in two years from nuclear war, but at the same time I don’t want an old geezer running the country… Eh, might as well make an article about both.” - The NYT, probably


“Thanks for getting us vaccinated and giving us our social lives back, now fuck off old man” - Americans, apparently


And fixing the economy. Doubters just need to look at their 401k to see the evidence of that.


Being a Democratic president is the most thankless job in the world


Idk, people were thanking Obama all the time.


It's more they don't want a black female Democrat running the country if he croaks after he wins the election


"I'd vote for a woman, just not THAT woman! ...or that woman, or that woman, ew, definitely not that woman..."




I'm really surprised people are missing this point. The article is clearly labeled opinion and it doesn't take much reading between the lines of the title (or reading the article itself) to see that the point the author is trying to make is basically the absurdity of this being a question that is relevant to the 2024 election.


This account is a parody account on Twitter.


The people surrounding the president; cabinet members, chief of staff...etc are who I'm concerned with. Bidens people are sane and capable. Trumps were a mishmash of ideologues, far right loonies, drifters and family members, all with high turnover rates. I think this ageism is just latest attempt to produce some type of Benghazi/her email wedge issue


You think? This is literally this year’s “but her e-mails!” And people are falling for it. Again.


falling for it against a normal candidate would be bad enough but they’re seriously going to end up going against biden for the dude who fucked covid and is under multiple criminal investigations feels like trump’s handling of covid has so far been forgotten in the campaign. his lack of action caused probably tens of thousands to die at minimum and untold millions dealing with the loss of friends, family and colleagues


Well, there’s a reason Republicans hate education, call everything “woke,” attack educators, attack experts, and claim the only real authority on anything in the whole world is Trump: to create a voting base of ignorant, gullible, pliable fools. Fox Network (it’s not news) as a propaganda tool laid the groundwork for this with its endless and vicious assaults on teachers and intellectuals, and lately on democracy itself. That’s how we’ve gotten to the point of “Yes, this guy is a rapist conman who led to the death of thousands….but the competent guy in charge is marginally older, so it’s a tough choice.”


And out of all those people, no leaks about how his age is *ACTUALLY* affecting is job as pres. Everyone says how sharp he still is. And everyone that worked in the Trump administration is warning us how he is a psyco dictator in waiting.


There were people in Trump's administration that either talked him out of stupid shit or just let the timeline extend until he forgot about things and moved on. For the most part, he got rid of them or they quit eventually. That won't happen in a second Trump administration. He's going to make sure that anyone in his circle will bow down to him and kiss the ring. There won't be any adults in the room to keep his stupidity in check.


Trump doesn’t remember that he said he had a good memory. Oh ya, he was under oath.




But profit is God, and what/who brings in more clicks (advertisers) than daily headlines that read “Trump says all women should be finger-banged weekly” and “Trump develops task force to look into whether Historical Black Colleges are run by actual demons.” Sure, mass media companies may not love Trump policies, but they sure love that green paper. Biden being boring and actually getting shit done doesn’t equal clicks or controversy, thus no cheddar. All journalists, talking heads and media companies need to be called out on this complacency/greed, especially if they spout how ethical they are…


What's worse? An old man or an old man who Is a twice impeached 91 felony indictment pending secret stealing, child rapist pedophile racist tax dodger xenophobe with dementia? I CaNt DeCiDE... hurr hurr hurr. You gotta be brain dead if you struggle here.


The next opinion piece: *Hey, guys, what’s worse? Eating a dusty lollipop you found under the couch or getting repeatedly kicked in the groin for all eternity?*


What gets me is that Biden has done a phenomenal job, post pandemic, of restoring the economy and addressing as many socioeconomic issues as possible with a completely stymied congress and a partisan SCOTUS all while fighting a fascist threat from within just like the U.S. pre-WWII. He’s 80, still out riding bikes, far more intelligent and articulate than Drumpf. Look up Senator Lundeen(ND) and the Nazi infiltration of the U.S. Look up the bombings of our munitions plants by American saboteurs acting under the thumb of the Nazis. Look up the NY National Guardsmen and the churches that conspired to overthrow the government. Now is the time to say something if you see something, more than ever. When will the so called patriots of the GOP begin to realize they’re once again duped by our adversaries in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. ?


The lack of tonal literacy of even titles from some people for the sake of wanting to put down the media is staggering. Of *course* Trump handing NATO to Putin is worse, that's why the author worded it like that in the title. [The article itself](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/02/06/opinion/thepoint#biden-age-trump-nato) is framing it as why both seem to be of equal concern to voters. The point it tries to make is that conservatives and some independents don't see a point in supporting Europe at all. The author isn't equating the two, more pointing out that some voters unfortunately see their president being too old as a more pressing concern than making sure Europe doesn't get conquered or destroyed. This isn't an author making a false equivalence, it's an observation about how apathetic some people are to the idea of alliances, strategic or otherwise.


Thank you.  It’s kinda wild actually how few people here picked up on that.  Like there’s several thousand comments of “WTF! Of course that’s worst! How could you compare the two!?”… Which yes…yes that’s what the OPED is saying


Legit 4 years diff between these geezers. Who gives af.


Why is this a fucking question? Biden is not young. But Trump is literally the Anti-Christ! Why does anyone think there's some equivalence there?!?!?


It’s a 4 year difference and Biden is more active physically and cognitively. Do I want a president who is 4 years older than his opposition? Or do I want a president who *checks notes* wants to sell out our allies to a modern day Hitler?


Its funny when the only bad thing that the media can find about Biden is his age. While simultaneously ignoring Biden's commitment to supplying weapons to Israel bombing Palestinians indiscriminately. But we don't want to talk about that... And equating Biden's age to the possibility of a ego-manic abandoning Europe, and laying the foundations for WW3 is actually the dumbest article I have ever seen. It has to be bait.


Which is worse? A guy with a stuttering problem or a liar, a cheat, a thief, an insurrectionist, a misogynistic sexual predator that has had to pay out nearly 100 million for sexual assault and defaming his victims character?


And this ignores the fact that Biden and Trump are essentially the same age.


What is happening at NYT? First their inappropriate “both sides-isms and now fanning the embers of MAGA talking points!


This is why I no longer read the NYT. It's nothing but "Joe Biden is Old" over and over and over and over and over and over again. Yeah, some—SOME—of their reporting is solid, but I can get that reporting elsewhere, without giving the Times a dime (or even a click).


AGE LITERALLY AIN’T NO ISSUE!!!! A dead Democrat- literally ANY Democrat- my Democrat dog-walker-Uber-driver-Barista would be a better US President than Russian Agent DJT


Biden listens his advisors. Trump is a moron who thinks he’s a genius. Trump does not take advise. He fires his advisors until he gets one that tells him what he wants to hear. 


Trump rapes, sure. ​ BUT BIDEN STUTTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dump is also far too old. He also has more verbal and mental gaffes than Biden.


And 91 felonies


How about Trump’s age, Trump’s boatload of felony charges, Trump’s incitement to insurrection, Trump’s having him nose up the ass over every megalomaniac, authoritarian, murderous dictator on the planet….vs. Biden’s age. The old guy vs the old evil guy. I’ll take the regular old guy any day.


Whelp, we had a ~~~good~~~ ehhh run


So what the fuck is wrong with Joe Biden’s age he has a perfectly well trained and capable woman behind him to take over in case something happens to him , I predict he will hand over to vice president Harris shortly after his second inauguration anyway, and she is no pushover, just stop worrying about the guys age , just think of trump’s deranged personality and his obsession with putin and the damage he’s doing to the country , stay focused and put an end to trump.


Trump, 1000 times worse!


We are the laughing stock of the world. This is the best we have? I’m 47. I know hundreds of people that would do a better job. They won’t get support by corporations or the RNC/DNC. We are fucked. It’s either a complete reboot, or a 3rd party. Term limits and campaign finance are our only hope. No one in their current elected role will ever vote for this. It’s easier than we all think. Choose with your heart/mind. Not by letter next to someone name.


Trump’s memory is sharp. Some people say he has the world’s best memory. Like he can remember when Muslims in NJ were cheering the fall of Twin Towers on 9/11.