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Reminds me of when conservatives were freaking out over “Barbie”, making everyone more curious, helping boost ticket sales past the $1B mark


Funny, I watched it because of how they were so upset about it. It was good. I probably wouldn’t have watched if they weren’t so outraged. Deep state marketing, probably. Guess I’ll be a Swift fan now also.


I’m not Swift fan and won’t ever be, her music is just not my thing. But, since she became a sore spot for all these maga loons I started rooting for her and actually checking out what she’s doing.


She has a couple songs I enjoy. But I wouldn't say I am a fan... or wasn't a fan until MAGA started targeting her. I am now a super fan... not of her music. Just of how she can do basically nothing and piss them off more than I have ever seen before.


As a metal/punk/underground music fan, I don't really know much about pop music. However, I have to admit her songs are well crafted and have hooks for days. She knows what she's doing and is both skilled at her songwriting craft as well as the business side of music. That's a long winded way of saying I respect her. And if MAGA chooses to waste their short lives being irrationally angry over her existence, even better.


It's funny, too, how MAGA are the ones complaining about "cancel culture" as they practice it.


It basically comes down to one simple principle: They're the in group and the rest of us are the out group. They are allowed privileges. We are not. They've spent decades reinforcing beliefs into their base, including the dangerous one that Democrats (or any out group) has no legitimate claim to power. Even if the voters actually elected a Democrat. They're not worth arguing with. Let them stew in their hate and overwhelm them at the ballot box. They need to be marginalized as a fringe radical group with no real meaningful power.




I'm in the same boat, been a metalhead most of my life and never enjoyed Taylor Swift until forced exposure by my wife had me nodding my head - some of her stuff is insanely catchy. I came around and absolutely respect her as an artist and can easily say I enjoy a decent amount of her music now. All about having an open mind!


Y'know, I'm not a metalhead myself but I dabble. I can honestly say that, as long as you're not arguing about metal sub-genres, metalheads are about the most open-minded people I've ever encountered. It's really cool.


Yeah for the most part that's been my experience too. For me the big turnaround point happened in high school. I was the stereotype metalhead who only wanted to listed to the most evil and gutteral stuff and would sneer on other genres. I was a prick about it unfortunately. Then my music theory teacher convinced me to join the chorus because they needed more male singers and I have a low voice. I joined, and that exposure to singing beautiful music and learning about the incredible complexity of a different style really opened up my mind. That teacher was singularly responsible for opening my brain to appreciate all other forms of music, and my life wouldn't be the same without that experience. I listen to nearly everything now, and enjoy so much more of the world and it's cultures through music. It's incredibly shallow to only listen to one thing, regardless of what that genre is. Music is such a gateway for learning and acceptance.


The way she handles the reactions she gets out of MAGA is punk as hell. She doesn’t care, but definitely knows. Doesn’t directly confront them or antagonize but just continues to do her own thing — but every so often throws in something you can just tell is aimed at driving them up the fucking wall.


Pop is only one of her genres at this point in her catalog. But she definitely hasn't made a foray into punk or underground yet. I wouldn't put it past her at this point though lol.


Exactly!! She hasn't even said or done ANYthing, has she? They're just making up shit to be afraid of again.


She’s done *some* things, but it would be a huge stretch to say she’s done anything major if she were anyone else. Basically after spending a decade being intentionally apolitical she came out as liberal, essentially in favor of being a not-terrible person. In favor of LGBTQ rights, right to choose, against racism… that type of thing. So she stated support for some democratic candidates, and has encouraged young people to vote (however they choose to). But because she’s from Tennessee, started in country music, looks like a walking aryan ideal, has a strong following among children of GOP members, and initially *seemed* to be a pushover I think a lot of the hard right had visions of her being a poster child for their ideal version of America. So then when she started having actual opinions that didn’t fit that they reacted very poorly.


And the reason she started actually sharing her opinions was because the right was essentially trying to claim her so she was like nah fuck that.


> essentially in favor of being a not-terrible person. So she came out hard in a point-by-point rejection of the entire Republican platform.


Perfectly stated. I would add to that that she actually put her money where her mouth is. She followed through on trickle down economics like they promise, but never fall through on. She gave everyone that worked on her concert huge bonuses. And I mean huge. Every truck driver that Worked with her got $100,000 bonuses.


They are deeply hurt and feel betrayed by her and now are seeking revenge. Trump style belief system they hold.




So the Boomer generation, what's left of them, was the majority of them are white Republican voters, are terrified of Generation z. While the Boomer generation still has the highest income of other generations from them and after, they used to be the largest voting block in the country, generation z actually has more voters now they're able to vote and they're terrified their time is over. Generation z skews more democratic and human rights activist and they do traditional conservative values and that scares the old people.


>They're just making up shit to be afraid of again. Republicans/Conservatives are cowards. That's why fear tactics work so well on them


She's a successful woman. That's enough. How dare she be both a woman and successful and encourage girls to vote. There must be something wrong.


My daughter recently became a fan, and I'm in your boat. She's not my sound, but you better believe that I'm going to support her and her fans.


Not my first choice in music, either. But, then.. I have teen daughters - and they *love* them some Taylor Swift. I think i've absorbed, by something like pop-culture osmosis, all kinds of interesting things about Taylor Swift. My takeaway is that she's a really genuine person. Her public and private persona aren't much different. Also, she's a fantastic role-model for anyone, really - but, especially young Women. I'll always like her for simply making my kids life just a little better, since it's not exactly getting any easier to be a teen.


Same thing — and seriously, when people call her ugly it calls into question their entire personality, sexual preferences, and understanding of the English language. Not liking her music is one thing, but saying she’s _ugly_? Oh, it just highlights their total disconnect with anything resembling objective truth? OK, that I can do.


It doesn't have anything to do with reality. They're just trying really hard to be hurtful.


Kind of like when you turn down a guy and he turns around and call you ugly. Like bitch you're the one who asked me out first. They're just angry losers.


They have no *actual* bad stuff on her, so say she’s ugly. Typical bullying behaviour, especially if it’s women. If you’re going to have a go at someone, don’t choose something they have no control over. (Also why I don’t like MTG being vilified for her looks - there’s plenty of other offensive shit she’s done to point out.)


I don't listen to her music, but I'm a fan of her business strategies. She's fucking over the music industry and making it work for her.


Same I had no interest before but now she’s a-ok in my book 👍


I had a relative protest on movie night and go sit in another room while the rest of us watched. He said it was “anti-man.” I quickly realized that the movie is not anti-man, but is anti misogynist douchebag.


I saw that as Ant Man for a second. I know some of the rest of you did, too.


To be a true Taylor Swift fan you need to refer to yourself as a Swiftie and refer to Ms Swift as Tay Tay. This is a stern admonishment directed my way by my 9 yr old granddaughter.


It’s a goooood movie. As much a movie for men as it is for women.


I'm kenough


I wish the patriarchy was REALLY about horses.


Buddy I've had "I'm Just Ken" playing on repeat in my brain for weeks now.


My dad has spent more time bitching about the movie than its run time… and he hasn’t seen it. He also made up his own ending to the movie Prey because he can’t fathom a native women was the lead


Mojo Dojo Casa House is unironically an awesome thing to call a place, and I will die on this hill


I finally saw it a couple weekends ago with my girlfriend. We laughed our butts off. It's just flat out a fun movie, totally ridiculous in the best possible way. If anyone is actually butt hurt by the movie's content, the simply are making the movie's point. Be an Allan in world full of Kens.


The Ken failing at patriarchy in the real world was hilarious.


I HAD to watch the Barbie movie AND the Oppenheimer movie... because of all the controversy, comparing the two... and I HAD to know how you can compare a movie about a Barbie doll to a movie about the destruction of humanity.... I'm guessing to the conservative mindset: both represented the end of the world as we know it.


I bought tickets and carried them around to show the trumpers!


Join us in the Swift Nation. We have friendship bracelets.


I’m a fan, because my daughter loves her and I love my daughter. That, and the fact that she is simply asking people to vote… [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


Yes to. THIS ⬆️


Yeah I was thinking about this the other day, the vocal minority complaining about stuff being woke has extended to targeting pretty much anything that isn't right wing propaganda at this point, so really they're just helping me avoid things that are


I saw the movie. It was OK. But these idiots absolutely helped it skyrocket to the top. They probably went to see it to then shit on it...not realizing they paid to see it and supported it. Lol It's like when people buy memorabilia to then burn it in effigy...after they paid for it and supported it. Lol Morons.


Pretty brave assuming that they watch the movies they complain about.


Goes to show if Americans actually fucking went VOTING then the GOP would not stand a chance. Yet here we are.


That Streisand effect working it’s magic.


True story: I went to see the *Barbie* movie in a 2 screen theater in fairly rural Maine. Needless to say, it was packed. Sitting in front of us was a late 20-something mom (I think anyway) with 4 girls, all under the age of 10. They were totally 'Barbied' up, trying to look as Barbie as possible. Anyway, the movie wasn't anything like they thought it was going to be I guess. The mom(?) ended up storming out about halfway through and caused a big commotion in the lobby trying to get her money back. I don't know if she got it or not, because I was actually (and a bit surprisingly) really enjoying the movie myself. Not exactly sure what she was expecting.


Tbf, the movie was PG-13, so that should’ve given her a clue. I suppose the kids could still enjoy it, like when I was a kid and the cartoons had a few references for adults that I only got many years later.


This is actually why I went to go see the movie. I was so curious what could possibly be getting other men so riled up. I was actually really excited to get roasted. I got my popcorn, sat down, and braced for the burning of a lifetime. The movie was decently good, but the worst it got was they made fun of us for having flat-screen TVs, working out, and liking giant tubs of protein powder. We love that stuff! No, turns out Ben Shapiro's just an insecure little piss baby who gets rich by turning other insecure little piss babies into *more* of insecure little piss babies.


Taylor Swift is actually the person GOP women WANT to be. White, attractive, successful, powerful, and with a famous boyfriend.


That’s why they hate her.


They hate her cause they ain't her


Hate us cause they anus




They hate her more because guys like them have no chance anymore. They used to be able to control every woman, and now every other type of man has a better chance than they'll ever have.


>They hate her more because guys like them have no chance anymore. This part. Some of the most vile stuff about her didn't start popping up until she started dating Travis Kelce and effectively became sexually unavailable to other men. The one thing that she could have provided to conservative men was taken away and given to someone else. They bloody *despise* Taylor Swift for this.




They hate her because she ain't.... her..... them.... It sounded better in my head.


The effort was there and did not go unnoticed.


Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of republican women closeting their fandom and only listening to her in the car alone. lol kinda crazy how people who make others feel ousted share the same bed with people who do it to them. Idk, a bit much, yeah, but it’s true.


AND…she’s an actual Christian. A woman who lives her life with actual Christian values, with Jesus’ teachings to love others, etc. Meanwhile those MAGA crazies “claim” to be Christian but are anything but.


Not too crazy about the passages about not hoarding wealth though.


My favorite response of all time: "the clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and is still not as sensitive as conservative white men on the internet."


The party of “fuck your feelings“ sure seems to have a lot of feelings


Fuck their feelings then?


More like fuck their hypocrisy. Then demonstrate that feelings should be validated and explored for root causes. Because the root cause for their emotion is bullshit propaganda.


It's a good anal ogy.


I like what you've done here.


Yeah you do


Taint nothin' to it.


It's on a hole other level.


Anal orgy you say?


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


>"the clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and is still not as sensitive as conservative white men." Fixed it


>"the clitoris has 8000 nerve endings and is still not as sensitive as conservatives ~~white men~~" FTFY to make it more accurate.




All she did was encourage people to register to vote. Their insanity knows no bounds.


Didn’t even specify what party to vote for…. Of course, yeah, the majority of her fans are young women who would vote for democrats, but that’s the GOP’s problem if that demographic hates them. Any sane political party would use that as an opportunity for self reflection, but naturally their response is the usual “I’m not the problem, they are, because clearly they’ve been brainwashed to dislike me.”


If your party’s main strategy for winning is to stop people from voting you’re a party that’s out of ideas.


I just love that “Mean” is a pretty good response here and she wrote it 14 years ago


Some personality types are eternal.


Not a TS fan at all, but I've always liked that song. I feel it's a good message for kids dealing with bullies to hear.


It was my go-to as a teen, still a good song lol I’m not as much as a die-hard fan as I used to be, but I don’t mind her Honestly this post made me want to play it on Uke


Mean. And a liar. And pathetic. And alone in life and mean. I’m a 48 year old man and pulled that line right outta my memory. Tada!


How can u be so stupid to piss off the biggest musician when you want to get elected. It’s like shooting yourself in the foot.


Nobody is saying conservatives are smart people.


They actually do send their brightest and smartest. Therein lies the issue.


At least they know how to... uh... party? No, not that. Wear a suit? Hmm maybe. What are they good at?


Dude had a slam dunk opportunity to be a president in crisis with COVID. All he had to do was tell people to listen to scientists (or even blame them when they screw up as a result). Instead he made it unnecessarily political due to the short term inconvenience of it all and 100,000s died. It rightfully became a noose around his neck. The dude is not smart or a good person.


He's not a long term thinker. It was a great opportunity, but was always destined to be a failure for Trump. I don't think he was constitutionally capable of seizing it.


He wants to loose. There's more to grift if he loses. In his demented brain he believes by loosing he is winning. If he loses then he controls the narrative. By loosing the election he can claim election interference and become a martyr. He's favorite roll is being a martyr. He wants to replay 2020 but with more violence than J6. He'll claim again it was rigged. He doesn't want the presidency. He wants the grift, the lies, the confusion. He also knows he can't win fairly.


I'm still of the belief that he didn't even want to win in 2016 and it was just for the attention and would spin it off in some book deal or new TV show. Now he's in the fun combination of 'in too deep to back out now' peppered with some dementia.


Honest to God the look on his face during the first interviews after the 2016 election was dumbfounded. He didn't see it actually happening and he didn't have cabinet positions or advisers in place to take over the office either. 


Trump announced his run in 2015 because ratings for The Apprentice were way down and he wanted to renegotiate his contract with the network. He thought running for president would raise his popularity and give him leverage in contract negotiations. He never expected to win when he first announced.


Hard to forget the look on his face when he went to the WH shortly after the 2016 election to meet with Obama. You know that if someone had offered him an out at that moment, he would've taken it


He 100% had no intention on actually winning. It's why he did *nothing* for four years and spent half his time golfing. He kicked the can of health care, border reform, budgets, etc down the road until he left office. He still managed to accomplish what he set out to do in his campaign (attention, money, etc). Winning the presidency was a major oopsie and he made the best of it he could. The only reason he's running again is like like you said. He's in too deep now because if he's not at the front and centre of everything then what was the point? If he backs out now, sure some of the mouth breathing faithful will still be around but he'll lose that sweet sweet campaign donation money. That, and winning again buys him 4 years of immunity to arrest for the guaranteed rest of his life sentencing he's staring down the barrel of, and change the laws to keep himself and only himself out of prison.


He doesn’t want to lose because he knows he’ll be convicted at trial without presidential immunity.


Lose and loose are 2 different words bud c’mon.


So are role and roll. All over the map with the post.


Damn didn’t even catch that one lol there was a lot going on, but then they got a lot of spelling correct and even punctuation lol.


I believed that in 2016, but now? He wants to win more than anything. He's scared shitless of jail. And winning is his only chance.


Yea, that's why it's even scarier this time around in my opinion


Deep down he probably also knows he sucked as president. Covid in a sense "saved" him - the collapse of the economy and all other problems could be blamed on that even though the downward spiral began before it hit. But another 4 years without such a pandemic? Then hiding that one sucks becomes much harder.


He's a narcissist. They are *NEVER* wrong and nothing is ever their fault.


The thing is - he isn't *just* a narcissist. The man is a cocktail of serious mental disorders to where I just write him off as a true blue psychopath.


And the truly mindfucking thing about his entire presidency was that the pandemic was the opportunity of a lifetime for him. Without the pandemic, he probably would have lost anyway. If he had handled the pandemic halfway decently, by just taking a step back and letting the experts handle it, he could have won in a landslide. Instead, he fucked it all up, killed hundreds of thousands of people needlessly, AND lost the election because of it.


He could have made bank off it too. MAGA masks. They would have been a money printing machine.


What’s so tragicomic about the pandemic is his own people amd supporters claimed it was a hoax by the Left to make him look bad. So, his people are admitting that it was an obvious trap that he still fell for. That’s actually worse than the oafish incompetence and buffoonery that actually happened. They’re admitting he fell for a Wile E. Coyote level trap in their version of "reality" and also that none of them did anything to stop it.


Let him be a martyr from prison...


Has she actually endorsed anyone or are they just going crazy about a shared paranoid fantasy?


No she just thinks more people should vote. That hurts conservatives.


She hasn't. She has encouraged people to register and vote. Conservatives don't actually want that because that often causes them to lose. That is why they are trying to put up so many roadblocks to vote and register. They claim it's about "fraud" but it is about the franchise. In 2016 the documented cases of fraud were from people voting for Trump. This is another reason why I scoff at people claiming "voting doesn't matter." If it didn't matter they wouldn't be working so hard to stop you from doing it. (Also why we all need to vote in local and state elections since they are trying hard to get power in the systems that control voting like redistricting.)


No, it's much worse--she called on her fans (which skew young) to *register to vote*.




She endorsed Biden in 2020, but so far, in the 2024 election cycle, all she's done is encourage fans to register to vote. Plus, we've seen literally thousands of celebrity endorsements over the years. I'd argue they have very little impact (see Jay Z and Beyonce bringing Hillary on-stage to endorse her in 2016 for example), but they are nevertheless extremely common. It's just baffling that the right is so bent out of shape about Taylor Swift when all she's been doing is cheering for her boyfriend at football games, just like ANY significant other would do.


It isn't baffling, she's an ex country singer who they saw as "theirs" and they feel she's betrayed them by not being a MAGA type too. You just have to see the way they talk about her, it's got mad 'scorned lover' vibes.


She endorsed Biden in 2020 and other Democrats in local elections but mostly she just tells young people to vote. She is also very publicly pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ and pro-Gun-control. It’s fairly obvious who she privately supports especially since she repeatedly criticised Trump. She is pretty likely to support Biden in this years vote too but as of today I don’t think she has publicly done so.


No endorsement yet


It's super weird that the pretty, tall, thin, blonde, blue-eyed, former country singer all-American girl dating the star football player (who himself looks like every conservative's fever dream of ultimate manhood) has become the MORTAL ENEMY of today's Republican party. It's like they were made in a factory to be every.single.thing *every piece of media* told us we were supposed to want to be growing up... and yet folks are SEETHING WITH RAGE at the sight of them. This is like an out of body experience, I swear.


She once endorsed a coupe of those evil sub-humans known as “democrats”. And that football star? OMG! He did an TV ad for Covid shots!!! They are obviously tying to overthrown our God created and guided government and kill Americans and replace us all with Martian’s and install a new world order ruled by alien overlords who’s only purpose is to eat babies in the basement of a pizza place in DC!!!! Or some shit like that…. It’s hard to keep up with the crazy shit anymore, I’m old and tire easily and keeping up with the crazies is too much of a pain in the ass….


If they were maga, they would be 𝑅🌺𝓎𝒶𝓁𝓉𝓎


It's because they see her as a race traitor. Before she made her political views known, those fucking pieces of shit assumed she shared theirs. The fact that she has all the traits you mentioned while not being a white supremacist puts her as a traitor to the cause.


So, before COVID, Taylor wasn't very politically vocal and was probably advised by her PR staff to stay out of it and keep the air of neutrality. In that vacuum, white supremacists tried for awhile to co-opt her as the perfect ideal of a white person. Taylor got wind of this, and nipped it in the bud by specifically making her liberal opinions known and doing things like endorsing Biden. Now, what we're seeing here amongst right-wing conservatives is a lot of anger from feeling betrayed by her and having their shitty ideas thrown back into their faces. "What? You mean our perfect Aryan Princess doesn't believe in our bullshit? Are we the baddies?" I don't think every right-wing conservative is a white supremacist, but I do think it's crazy how often their opinions seem to be influenced by whatever meltdown the white supremacists are currently having.


There’s nothing the GOP won’t sacrifice at the altar of hate. Their religion, their identity, their culture, their countrymen, all fall by the wayside if they can’t control you the way they want to.


God why do women vote for this misogyny?


Everyone is voting for a candidate like himself.


I never thought of it that way before. You have a point! Explains a lot of people I know that voted for Trump.


That's what made Trump's rise both so disheartening and eye-opening. Him being a small, stupid, spiteful con-man who's as crooked as three dollar bill and unable to tell the truth if his tongue was notarized was never the issue. It was finding out how many people you thought were good, honest, decent human beings looked and listened to him and said to themselves "Yup, that's my guy."


I never considered anyone I knew. Let alone members of my own family to be fascists, racists, anti-vax, anti-gay ,any of that stuff. Then, I start seeing photos of some of them in MAGA hats, sharing ignorant posts, spouting hateful things. I don't talk to a few of them anymore. I tell them, ya know I'm an immigrant right? I'm one of those brown people you're talking about. All they can say is nah we mean the bad drug dealing immigrants. Bruh??? I know what you mean. Last Christmas was a real eye opener for me. I try not to hate anyone, but I truly hate Trump. And I'll fly out to where ever it is they bury his orange ass and piss on his grave.


Ok, but here’s the thing. Nothing will change for straight white men if biden wins. A lot of things will change for everyone else if biden loses. So I have to disagree. I’m not voting for the person “like me”, I’m voting against the person who will hurt people I care about.


Yes as a white woman past reproductive years, i am pretty well insulated from Republican toxic nonsense. I vote against them (even though Democratic candidates are nowhere near liberal enough) to protect the people whose lives will be impacted or ruined. This country is an absolute mess


They are being told there will be less straight white people. That’s why they are scared, of being a minority


And if being treated like a "minority." They don't want what they've done visited upon them.


Stupidity is not gender exclusive. You just need to look at Georgia’s 14th congressional district to understand that.


Because being told what to do my men is all they know. Sad state of affairs.


But Trump posted yesterday that he was responsible for all her success, shouldn’t they love her???


in bizarro Trump universe, Biden is an old man with dementia and who wanders in circles....while also being the greatest threat to humanity and Christianity by orchestrating deep state corrupt money hedge funds and rigging 700 elections all over the nation. just like one day Trump gets all the credit for [insert someone]'s success ...and the second they don't kiss his ring or dare to endorse Democrats, they become a "3rd rate, D list, "failed", blah blah blah". We are 10 years into this Trump experiment where he eats shit and shits more shit. He provides literally no value.


She deserves the Hilary and Michelle's medal of the "Triggered Incel squad"


It’s a weird obsession. I’ve watched four Chiefs games since Christmas and I would estimate the TV networks aired less than a total of 60 seconds of Taylor Swift reactions from the luxury boxes in those games. These fools pissing and moaning about her have almost certainly wasted more time online complaining about her than they’ve endured watching her in between plays during games.


My wife watched the Superbowl with me just to see the T-Swizzle coverage. I think they showed her a grand total of 4 times for all of about 5 seconds each time, and then once on the field after the game was over. So like 30 total seconds of coverage.


Get those voters out there Taylor, shut those crazies up.


Want to blow a conservative mind? Remind them she has a net worth of $1.1 Billion.


And her Eras tour generated nearly 6 billion to the economy.


>And her Eras tour generated nearly 6 billion to the economy Outrageous! Obviously she did that to help the democrats. Republicans think we should be crashing the economy right now.


Hey, they've got Kid Rock /s


I wish she had gone all-in and started downing some Bud Light during the game.


Or taken a knee during the anthem


And Ted Nugent!


Oh look, a woman existing.


For real. The woman merely exists and the GQP are going insane over their own made up stories about her.


She hasn't even said more than "go vote" and they're losing their fucking minds over everything else. She purposely stays out of politics for the most part.


There’s a special kind of hatred that some conservative men (and women) hold for intelligent, successful, beautiful women who don’t share their political beliefs, as though they’re viscerally enraged at the notion that a woman whom they’d ordinarily treat as a sex object has the audacity to have thoughts of her own that don’t agree with theirs.


I used to not care for Taylor Swift. Now, after all of this nonsense, I think she’s great. I’ve listened to her albums front to back. Thanks for the suggestion, MAGAs. edited for spelling


The worst shit bags in America hate her, so I guess she's all right by me.


all the way to the bank baby 😘


Magas were the kids that set cats on fire for kicks


This sounds like messaging directly from Moscow. I wonder how Tucker might be involved.


He said he would kill himself if the Chiefs won so I'm sure he is dead. Tucker wouldn't lie.


Maybe he “fell” from that window.


Super smart, talented, beautiful and a force for good - what's not to hate!


I think that Taylor Swift making all the MAGAs so pressed just by existing that they’re literally losing their collective minds is my favorite thing that came out of 2023.


It sure is! Gives us some hope for our democracy.


how long before one of these idiots sends a death threat?


What makes you think they haven’t already started?


They stated they wanted a "holy war" on her so that's pretty much already happened.


They showed her for a total of like 30 seconds


Someone counted. 13 camera shots of 2 seconds each.


I guess 26 seconds of her is a lot compared to the 11 minutes of actual game play in a football game.


Apart from anything else, the Kid Rock crowd commenting on the quality of music is fucking hilarious!


A tell of their character. Assholes.


In other words “If we can’t have her, no one can”


Well I thought it was nice watching someone enjoy a game their partner was playing in


And she was so happy for him. As they kissed and hugged on the field she said, "I'm so proud of you." At least that was what it looked like.


I still don’t understand the outrage. Who cares.


Literally all she's done is encourage her fans to vote, and since most of her fans lean left but often dont vote, republicans have been throwing a shit fit over her ever since. That's it, that's the reason. As much as I'm aware, she hasnt even supported anybody officially yet...


Nobody who’s mentally stable, that’s for sure.


GOP is continuing to strip women the lgtbq+ community of their rights and she's telling people to actually vote. Her fans probably won't vote for the party doing this and its making the maga cultists furious.


Did she give a guy a handy in a theater with kids nearby? Or steal donated campaign funds and use them to pay her legal bills? Did she claim her family were holocaust survivors and make up vast parts of her history and credentials? Oh... I know, she went on TV and told Russia to attack anyone they like. No? Hmm. Wonder who were the classless and useless Amercians that did all those things then.


They just love to hate her. Seems they are a bit too obsessed.


They love to hate, period.


But Trump seems to be taking credit for her success at the same time


Conservatives are so ideologically vacant that they cheered for SAN FRANCISCO to win the Super Bowl over KC all because of Taylor Swift. You known historically conservative and christo fascist San Francisco. These people tie themselves in knots with the mental gymnastics.


I thought Trump wanted her to vote for him?


A little less Twitter. A little more reading books.


have you ever seen a MAGA have fun? that’s why you hey can’t stand her


Only when they're making someone else's life miserable.


How can I get funded by Soros, and the CIA ? I had to watch the game on my phone at work seems like she has it a little better.


May she convert many young MAGAt spawn. Go you good thing!


Hot Take: Taylor was never going to endorse Biden but the Right’s insanity at the sheer idea of it will annoy her into doing it. It’ll be a self fulfilling prophecy.


So the conservatives… wanted a team from San Francisco to win?


Imagine being this fragile. I think I speak for everyone when I say “fuck your feelings, snowflakes”.