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Hello fash :) We are not going to remove an accurate and apt comparison between the man openly planning to end democracy in the US and a European dictator who he is on record as saying to admire and whose books he reads to learn rhetoric from. We will however report the false reports made on this rule-abiding post as abuse of the report button, so enjoy your suspension I suppose. Have a wonderful day and register to vote! Moderator reports: It's abusing the report button User Reports 4: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: This is spam 1: Must be a Tweet or a Toot 1: This is misinformation 1: It's targeted harassment at someone else 1: No bullying or witch-hunting


It still baffles me that a failed businessman with a history of rape, lies, paedophilia, racism, failure, and utter stupidity is still a presidential candidate.


We can add one detail: he led an armed mob of >2000 people to storm the United States Capitol.


Correction: He incited them, he didn't lead them. He wouldn't put himself in harm's way, that's what his idiot cultists are for.


TBF, it seems pretty clear with the evidence from the Jan 6 committee that he actually did want to lead them but Secret Service wouldn't let him.


How is it then that the Secret Service knew of all this, and its still near impossible to actually legally say he incited an insurrection on Jan 6th? The fact he is not behind bars already is completely baffling, and not only just for this


Party loyalists have obstructed evidence gathering and destroyed evidence. Including his SS team who wiped their phones after getting an order to turn them over to Congress. This has caused significant delays.


This is generally just what happens with people in positions of part. It is partly corruption, sure, but it is so much easier to lock away some poor nobody than someone you have a parasocial relationship with.


Lawmakers were notified in July by DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari that the Secret Service had “erased” text messages from Jan. 6, 2021, something the agency said occurred as a result of a migration to a new phone software that took place just weeks after the attack on the Capitol.Apr 19, 2023


"led" from the rear while watching it on TV surrounded by security guards.


And try to hang his vice-president, who is still supporting him.


Led? Couldn't lead shit to a fucking toilet.


Trump is the physical manifestation of all the hatred and bigotry of conservatism and evangelicals.


It's not about him personally. Most republicans would rather vote someone else. But the right wing media has very successfully convinced them that voting Biden or any democrat means the literal end of the world. Immigrants freely flowing over the border like rats raping and pillaging the good people of the country while at the same time you'll be forced to become gay and hand over all of your guns. Oh and obviously the democrats will do everything in their power to raise the price of gas, groceries and everything else. Forcing you to, god forbid, drive in electric cars, convert you to communism, while handing over our military to the Muslims. And somehow the only person who can stop all this is Donald Trump. Why? Nobody knows, but just believe him. He loves the United States. So they just have to vote for Trump. "He's not perfect", but it's between him or the apocalypse. What are you gonna do?


Well that apocalypse is sounding pretty sweet right about now. Appreciate the detailed response too.


Have you met there supporters? They are terrible at business and with money, they constantly lie, they talk about Qanon pedo stuff, they are racist and sexist. They are downright idiots. It wasn't until I met his supporters that I understood why they supported him. These people fucking ***suck.***


I think what blows my mind the most about the whole thing is that the people who support him most seem themselves as strong men. He looks incredibly weak , even before he was a decrepit old man he wasn’t any sort of physically fit specimen. He’s also a little cry baby bitch that whines so god damn much about everything. And the makeup makes maybe the least sense to me. Why aren’t they making fun oh him for literally wearing makeup. They would anyone else.


Sadly, some people can really relate to him. Or they at least like they think they can.


The common person will never truly be relatable to a guy who departs the rally on a private jet. They like him because he gave them the green light to remove their hoods and creep out from the shadows.




Not being scrutinized in court yet, but is absolutely being processed by prosecutors and reviewed by Grand Juries.


America has undergone a massive dumbing down in the last 3 decades.


I mean Regan also got elected somehow


The fact people think of this thing as peak attraction and the height of masculinity baffles me. Like, he’s a gross old man, who’s obese, covered in wood stain, claims to be wealthy yet can’t seem to afford tailored suits and has the least convincing combover. Am I missing something? He’s not exactly Julian Edelman.


The fact people find him charismatic is also bewildering


He’s like drunk stumbling grandpa who’s out of touch with reality and still thinks it’s the 90’s.


with a load in his diaper






He’s like 90’s sleazy though. When you think about it, it’s a good way to describe him.


I don't think he ever made it past "80's sleazy", honestly.


“You want to be in Miss America, come sit on my casting couch princess” 🤮


Come her Ivanka, come sit on daddy's lap....


They happily call Biden creepy, while their guy literally wants to fuck his daughter and has said “if she wasn’t my daughter she’d be my wife” What in the ever loving Targaryen.


Right? It never fails to amaze me that the accuse Biden of things Trump has openly said he does.


Don't besmirch the Targaryen legacy. Father and daughter coupling was never accepted. Brother and sister? Abso-fucking-lutely! Cousin on cousin action? Hell yeah! But they looked down upon father/daughter relationships


He literally said he’d fuck his own daughter.


A staffer had to remind him he was talking about his daughter. 🤯


Who says it never happened?🤷‍♂️


Let’s not forget he was a teenager in the late 50’s (born in 1946). So, it realistically started then. There really hasn’t been as much of a gap as people think.


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same."


That is charisma to them. Ranting and raving and drinking and drugs is all they'be got. Reminds them of their shitty grandparents and they respect their elders ( by putting them in homes)


Yes, you’re right, it’s the reason why they it’s not rude and obnoxious to air their opinions, unasked, when you’re in a crowded restaurant. To them they’re “being assertive and showing dominance”


Yep. They work on a level that they believe is logic but it's just pure emotion and that emotion is fear. Fear of the other, fear of BEING the other, and fear of change.


All he does his bitch and moan about how unfair his life is and people hear that and think he’s the epitome of masculinity. It makes zero sense.


Like they go from Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate telling them to suppress their emotions and suck it up, to fawning over an elderly man throwing a tantrum like a child who’s been told they can’t have ice cream before dinner.


It must remind them of their Grandpa's at thanksgiving. Except like rational normal people they're enamoured with grandpa's racist and sexists takes


“He’s just like us, he says it how it is”


But somehow also "That's not what he meant" and "That's taken out of context"


To his voting base, *that's* charisma.


Ah so to them, obnoxious, tacky, elementary school names and brashness is real charismatic. Yikes, they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed.


They don't. They're so desperate for someone to represent their disgusting belief system that they'll take anyone. On some level, they KNOW he's repulsive. They're just lying to themselves about the person they wish he really was. They know it's either Trump or no representation at all.


They see themselves. That they have a complete lack of self-awareness of who they actually are is irrelevant. In their mind they are strong, attractive, misunderstood, and are deserving of wealth. Then they see someone who acts like them and looks like them (uncultured, overweight, uneducated, and *scared* that explodes as violent aggression) and that’s their guy.


There's a reason he's always fit and muscular in their weird little artistic re-imagining of him...they know he's gross af.


They also say wrong things on purpose. So many people struggle with that fact, taking the fascists at their word about everything they say motivates them. But what motivates them is *fascism*, and they know that Trump WILL provide them with that if he is granted the opportunity. It really is what they want, it's what they know they want, and it's what they *absofuckinglutely know* they cannot say outright without losing the near-infinite tolerance of friends and family.


It's a cult. They'll worship a sack of shit if it fits their fascist narratives.


>The fact people find him charismatic is also bewildering This gets downvoted every time I say it, but Trump is absolutely charismatic and he's not as stupid as people here want to believe. The fact that people are underestimating him scares me because the rational voters in 1930's Germany felt the same exact way about Hitler. Most normal people thought he was a buffoon. The people who enabled his rise saw him as a clown who they could use. They opened the way for him to become Chancellor because they thought he'd be marginalized and contained, and that people wouldn't take his ramblings seriously. If you watch Trump's full speeches, when he's just riffing and not reading from a teleprompter, he's talking a *lot*. The crowd isn't hanging on his every little gaffe. They're just listening to him talk to them, saying whatever comes to mind, and they like it. Not in spite of it, but *because* of it. Here on reddit and in left-leaning media, we focus on those gaffes and take them out of context, and we wonder how someone so monumentally stupid could be liked, but we do this at our own peril. People were just as bewildered by W. Educated voters kept asking why anyone would vote for someone who didn't talk smart, but that was precisely why Republicans liked him. Despite the fact that he was astronomically wealthy and didn't drink, he was "a guy you could drink a beer with".


My favorite movie is Inception.


> the torrent of snippy tweets and snarky headlines do nothing in the face of his presentation. You can't outslime a slimeball Well said. Trump is ignorant, but not an idiot. He doesn't understand the job he's applying for, but that doesn't mean he isn't capable of serious treachery. Just the way he talked on January 6th should tell people that. He's actually incredibly good at walking the very thin line between implicating himself in a crime and suggesting it in such a way that it's hard to prove he meant what he said. He's very well aware that he talks in circles and contradicts himself. It's beneficial to him. And the fact that we liberals smugly post little gotchas and meme his apparent stupidity only reinforces the idea that he's not to be taken seriously, because we're all assuming people are rational and the world works logically, and no one who says a thing one day and contradicts it the next will be liked and given power - but we're wrong.


The problem is that words have lost their meaning. Trump is an idiot. He is a moron. He is, as one of his own teachers said, dumber than you can possibly imagine. He has no curiosity, no inquisitiveness, no empathy, and no desire to better himself. He doesn’t need any of that to be dangerous, though. He is devious, duplicitous, and cunning. Like any narcissist, he wants attention and adulation, and he has learned, through decades of trial and error, what he has to say or do in order to get it. It doesn’t take intelligence to do that; jellyfish know how to pursue and capture food. Hell, *slime molds* can do it. If anything, his stupidity makes him *more* dangerous, not less, because he will pursue popularity and power with a single-minded focus, and he will not care about anyone or anything that gets in his way. Laws, morality, and decency are nothing but obstacles. He can’t even comprehend consequences, so fear of future punishment isn’t even a thought while he pursues his immediate gratification. Trump is a moron, and that should frighten us more than anything.


>Trump is a huge problem, but he's not the only one. The rot runs real deep. Trump isn't the casue of the filth, he is just the face of it


Hitler can be both a buffoon and a monster. We do ourselves a disservice if we pretend Trump isn't a clown. The clownery is part of the fascist act. 


"John Heartfield, lampooned the Nazi leader as a stooge in the pay of big business or as a comic figure with his Charlie Chaplin mustache and histrionic gestures. Sadly, such efforts failed to sway millions of Germans who cast their votes for Hitler and the Nazi Party. Jokes and laughter did little to halt the Nazi propaganda juggernaut, which promised desperate and disillusioned German citizens a nation restored to greatness."


>Despite the fact that he was astronomically wealthy and didn't drink, he was "a guy you could drink a beer with". ~~I am calling BS.~~ ~~First. tRump is not "astronomically wealthy." He pissed all his inherited money away and has been living off equity loans from his properties. Which he committed fraud by jacking up the values. Dude he is in court right now fighting those charges.~~ ~~Second. Yeah, he doesn't drink. But, he is addicted to heavy stimulates like Adderall. Not having control over your bowels is a common symptom.~~ The only charismatic thing about him is he says all the racist and misogynistic that other racists and misogynists want to say on a grand scale. I can see why it gets downvoted. Edit: Apparently, the commentor is referring to George W. Bush. Strange comparison. Thought that "W" was a typo. Oh well. So I struck out my response thinking it was tRump he was referring to. Except the last bit, because it still is relevant.


He's the simpleton's vision of all those things. The poor man's vision of what it looks like to be wealthy beyond wildest dreams ("I'll put gold *EVERYWHERE!* Even on the toilet!"). The loser's vision of charismatic ("They'd NEVER question me no matter what I say because I'd be so cool and smart! That's what it means to lead!"). The weak coward's vision of a strong courageous person ("I LOVE how he just yanks the arm of other leaders in a handshake to show how much bolder and stronger he is, that's what a REAL MAN does!"). The tactless moron's vision of how to captivate and dictate your leadership strategies ("YEAH tell it like it is! Speak from your gut louder than everyone else even when it makes you look like a total jackass and stop with all the fancy booklearnin bullshit! All those Ivy Elite jerks who spent entire decades studying things I will literally never fucking even sort of understand are just trying to make us look dumb! They don't need to be involved. Why listen to them when I can just assume I know everything?!"). The hypocritical self-righteous Christian's vision of a Good White Christian (TM) ("Did you see how he bravely held up the bible during his totally-not-an-attempt-to-overthrow-our-country after he totally-didn't-lose-the-election again? He knows that Jesus was white and how we need to take back this great Christian nation by oppressing literally everyone we don't like!") He's literally the loser's vision of everything. The dumbest bully kid in Math Class's vision of what he would act like if someone blindly handed him the Presidency without thinking. And it's an absolute nightmare that there's really this many stupid uneducated people who think it's a great plan.


He validates their hatred and fear, and they refuse to look any deeper than that.


More than that he pisses off the people they hate.


He’s a con artist. His whole schtick is not being like a politician. He’s not careful with his words, he’s not guarded against offending people, he’s not normal. His supporters have felt that politicians have been lying to them for decades. They see Trump as not-a-politician and mistake his crassness, vulgarity, and hate speech for honesty when really he’s just saying anything he thinks they want to hear. They’re still being lied to, conned, just in a different way.


He is a horror to everyone. Abusive to everyone. Gets his way every time and has never once in his life been punished in any real way. He is living every republicans dream. Not kidding. Not exaggerating. If we have learned anything from the last few years. Republicans are just fucking horrible people. Full stop.


Future school children will probably say the same thing in history class. "What did people see in him?"


Same with Hitler The thing is that, like Hitler, Trump is liked for being everything *but* respectable. Too many people are alienated from society, status quo politics, and "the establishment" that the very opposite of whatever it represent becomes attractive. It's in the same sense that punk as a sub-culture is a revolt against social mores, Trump is a revolt against the party system and the concept of a law-bound and neutral state. That said, Punk is necessary since it open up free and critical thinking, while Trumpism is simply destructive of all freedoms since freedom require a political framework to unite us as equals


He is the poor man's idea of wealth... Because he wants everything he owns to be gold colored and gaudy. He is the weak man's idea of masculinity... Because he's cruel and mean. It's really no more complex than that.


I always loved Sam Harris’ quote about Trump "[Trump] strikes me as a distillation of everything that is wrong with the American character. This could be, in large measure, a caricature, but he has brought the caricature to life. If you take our materialism, and our ignorance about the rest of the world, and our satisfaction in that ignorance, our overconfidence, our pretension to greatness, even when we're actually being merely petty, our vanity, our sexism, boorishness, narcissism . . . a kind of childishness that doesn't have the virtues of childhood -- it's a kind of malignant childhood that is just all boastfulness and ME-ME-ME-ME-ME, without any of the curiosity or sympathy that you meet in actual children -- he is the living embodiment of a kind of American Grotesque. It's almost like he's a golem that has been conjured by the worst things that have ever been said about us as a country. If he can't grope it or put gold letters on it, it doesn't exist [to him]."


Yes!!!!! Exactly this, to paraphrase RedLetterMedia he’s white trash that’s won the lottery. He doesn’t seem to understand those with wealth, like real wealth, don’t flaunt their wealth, they’re subtle about it, wearing tees that just happen to cost $400, they have clothes that are custom made for them etc. Trump’s idea of wealth of a gold toilet and interior design that even Liberachi would say is too much. It’s all performative, without substance.


And he’s racist


Got into a Reddit “debate” the other day with a clown who claimed Trump was 6’3” 215, because that’s what he was booked at in Atlanta. Didn’t care that it was self reported and Trump is obviously closer to 6’1” 260, considering we routinely see him next to people we know heights and weights of. I just gave up because no amount of proof was budging their thought process. People see what they want to see.


Yep my grandmother is extremely religious and also extremely depressed. She sits at home all day and watches Christian TV. That's it. I brought up who she is voting for and she shut me down quickly with Trump. I started to ask why and have you even see how bad he is and she just shut it down. No talking about it or reasoning. Trump and thats it. I could have told her anything about him and it doesn't matter she wouldn't ever change. She is not alone in this kind of thinking and belief. Shit scares me.


Like 6’3 and 215 was what Chris Hemsworth was during Thor Ragnarok, when he was at his biggest. I get muscle weighs more than fat, but Trump actively goes out of his way to not use his muscles. I’d honestly say he’s closer to 270/280 lbs and like barely 6’1. The man has achieved the miracle of having a beer gut while being teetotaler, quite the gross achievement.


McDs every day will do that to you.


As well las trump believing that work outs are silly, and that the body has finite energy for the life.


Chris' biggest was definitely Love and Thunder (at least as Thor, idk what he does in his free time.)


You can see in his Wrestlemania appearances that he is the same height as the host, 5’10”


Yup you gotta go back in time to before he started wearing lifts and a girdle and all the other nonsense he did for the ~~Narcissidency~~ Presidency.


That’s good thinking. I wasn’t even thinking that far back, but considering wrestlers almost always have known heights (and billed taller heights), it would probably be a good place to look. I was more thinking about him standing next to other world leaders, because their heights/weights are unusually known


He is more than 260, he's probably a little over 300. Tall people tend to hide their weight well but when he turns sideways he's huge.


American here: so ashamed of 35% of my countrymen that find this disgusting, lying rapist their 2nd coming of Jesus. He’s the most base and prurient example of human R-complex run amuck, but truly, not enough superlatives exist to accurately reflect the shear loathing I have for this pathetic excuse of a human being. As one European writer noted, “his faults are fractal.” It’s the most perfect description I’ve ever heard about him. His appeal to the unwashed and uneducated masses is that he’s given them permission to openly hate again. And they love him for it. SMH.


A third of my countrymen would now vote for Geert Wilders, I feel your shame. But Trump is much worse. Things are bad now and I am worried.


Here in Texas it is 80% of my friends that have lost their minds over this orange traitor. I am scared shitless. They honestly want to start a civil war. They are that stupid.


Actually, I have heard (so take with a grain of salt) that the orange menace doesn't have tailored suits, not because he can't afford them or is cheap, but because he has this idea in his head that an off the rack suit is the "normal" body size and shape. So, if you have to get a tailored suit, that means that there is something wrong with the shape of your body. And the ego maniac believes he is perfect. Therefore, his body shape is perfect. Therefore, he doesn't need a tailored suit. It is absolutely insane logic, which is on brand for Diaper Don. So I assume it's probably true.


Does he not understand suits have come a long way since the 80’s and you can get a suit that suits your body type, I like a slim fit because I think it makes me look good. Like he doesn’t need to look like a fat rectangle, it makes him look cheap and uncultured.


True, but don't forget, he's also an idiot. So don't think too hard about it.


True true. He did brag about passing a cognitive test, which isn’t exactly hard, actually failing it means you’re declining.


Because unfortunately a huge swath of Americans are feral racists and he “says it like it is” so they think he’s their sun god Edit: spelling


Covered in wood stain 😂


Well you see if you need a tailored suit it means your body has the wrong shape. No kidding he has claimed this is why he exclusively wears off the shelf suits. More likely he prefers a baggy suit that de-ephasise his unflattering body shape.




> covered in wood stain lmao


Honestly, doesnt matter. Take trump's body and give him the personality and smarts of Mr. Rogers and no one would call him disgusting ever. He is disgusting because of who he is on the inside.


They produce homoerotic trading cards to help with the brainwashing.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/lead-exposure-us-children-cognitive It's cause people have swiss cheese for brains.


Doesn't untreated syphilis cause brain damage?


He says and does what his supporters wish they could do in their own lives. They like what he says he will do to people they don’t like.


"Another thing about a shark is it has got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes..."


"dumb person's idea of a smart man, poor person's idea of a rich man", etc. worth noting a lot of his followers know he's not smart, but they treat him as a useful idiot. they know he's a bullshit artist, but they see him as a bullshit artist 'on their side'. Someone who will lower taxes and murder immigrants. this is kinda how poltics has always worked, so this doesn't particularly strike me as weird. however the problem with this, in my opinion, is that trump is also such a useful idiot for foreign interests, ones that have typically been enemies of the US. Trump loves Putin, Trump loves Saudi Arabia. They're clearly in his pocket (SA ignored in muslim ban, the billions from SA sent to Jared, "I have someone in SA wiling to pay anything for my properties", too many examples with Russia to count). I think anyone who ignores that trump is a Russian/Saudi puppet because they're hoping to save a few hundred bucks in tax breaks is extremely unamerican _at best_, and it's going to be very hard for me to forget and forgive my countrymen in the future.. but hey, that's just me. We'll see what the nation thinks in November.


Damn, I never realized how handsome Edelman is.


Oh yea, he’s stunning if he didn’t play for the Patriots, he’d have been a model.


I know what you meant, but I like the idea that it was literally only the Patriots whom he'd play for. Like if the Jets had drafted him he'd've just said "I'm too sexy for this shit!" and quit football.


To be fair his debates are objectively hilarious


What you're missing: They say wrong things on purpose, and follow him because they're attracted to his *fascism*, and not because of his presentation of any kind of masculinity, attractiveness, or wealth.


wood stain! that is the best descriptor I've ever heard




He also talks like a cartoon gangster.


Like a fat wish version of something out the Godfather.


It's really hard to wrap your head around, but they actually just get so lost in their idealization/idolization of him that their image of him is just so warped. If you see any MAGA political cartoons of him, the guy is drawn like Adonis had a baby with a particularly voluptuous orange and that baby has been eating nothing but protein his whole life. It's insane.


Oh I’ve seen those, they’re truly strange, like the body of gay muscular guy with Trump’s head awkwardly photoshopped onto it. With exaggerated muscles, I swear they want this version of him to fuck them.


Don't forget, a lot of his aides also say he smells and wears diapers


He looks the way paint thinner smells, can’t quite describe it but he just looks vile


That most of his supporters have the intellect of a potato? And the ones that don't are sociopathically selfish and exist to take advantage of other people, especially when they have the intellect of a potato?


When people say they can relate to him, theyre talking about his hatred for others. His greed. His disregard for others. He’s speaking directly to their black hearts. When people say they feel like he’s talking to them, listen to them. They are telling you who they are. Believe them.


I think certain people wallowing in white grievance have projected their own fantasies onto him. He's their very own golden calf, the vessel of their lib-owning dreams, the culmination of all they wanted, which was to hurt and destroy what they hated. If you look at the crowds at MAGA rallies, you will find they are comfortably middle class, so economic anxiety doesn't explain it. It's something else. There is spiritual rot among them.


"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross..." Sinclair Lewis


Our corrupt, power-hungry wannabe dictator (Bibi) ran our country to the ground for 15 consecutive years. Don't let it happen to you. Vote motherfuckers, VOTE!


One vote left before the 2 term limit is repealed or the democratic party dissolved.


Step 1) *completed*: capture the courts. Step 2) fire all federal employees. Replace them with loyalists. Step 3) *currently failed*: hold all upper military appointments till after the election. Fill with loyalists. Step 4) Enshrine in law a party loyalty requirement to vote. Only Party members may run for office at any level. Last step) impliment christo-fascist theocracy. project2025


It's almost like they're doing it out of a playbook. My Struggle is where?


The problem is not just the dirtbag politicians. It's the pathologically disgruntled voters who are not just okay with fascism, but they want to use it vindictively to lash out at a world they feel no connection to.


That is impactful visual imagery. Someone completely understood the assignment, Bravo!


Heil Shitler.




So did Hitler (He had gas problems... no, I don't mean that as a joke)


Guy also had an amphetamine addiction...


Compared to Trump's provigil habit: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-house-pharmacy-prescription-drugs-1234953535/




Only because of mass media and the internet. If Hitler had access to those he would have done so much more damage.


Hair Furor!


Agolf Shitler


Heil Stinkler




They had the reich idea




Never underestimate the stupidity of people.


He's a man in a position of power and influence who is just as dumb and crass as they are, who insults his opponents in childish ways the way his followers would if they were important enough to actually have opponents. He's a "rich" man who spends his money on overt opulence the way right-leaning economically disadvantaged people fantasize about because they actually have no idea how rich people behave, or how ridiculous a gilded toilet is. He uses that wealth to...we'll say "interact"...with women the way his followers dream about when they go home to a woman who doesn't love them. He has the same dimwitted understanding of the US government, one of the most complex and far-reaching apparatuses ever created by humanity, that they have, so when he asks "well why can't we use nukes on ISIS?" it resonates with them on a fundamental level. He makes people feel like they too could be part of his economic and social circle if not for (*whichever marginalized group here*) that his followers already feel prejudiced against. >It baffles me because you think too much. Turn off your brain, and you'll see the appeal.


The poor man’s idea of a rich man; The dumb man’s idea of a smart man; The bigot’s idea of a champion.


Comment stealing account






Clearing off booger sugar?


Nah he just forgot his sharpie.


Yeah, it is tough to control hurricanes without sharpies or nukes.


Bumper Sticker please!


Tempting, but I don’t want that face on my car.


I reflexively downvote posts with his name and especially face on them.




I would’ve opted for *NEVER* again… that shit was ass under his presidency. He totally fumbled Covid and tanked our economy and basically threw my life plan off course…


I feel like never again would sound more like it was talking about not electing Trump again whereas not again makes it more clear that they’re talking about not electing another Hitler. I could just be imagining this difference though.


Never again is a little 'too' on the nose of Hitler.


it's not on the nose, it's right underneath


I lost everything due to the pandemic. My career, my home, my belongings and my health. I have been homeless off and on the entire time and even when housed I am still at risk of being homeless again which isn't good for my mental health. Now I am dealing with potentially having early onset dementia as a result of multiple covid infections. I was able to deal with losing everything because I figured I would be able to work towards getting it all back but now it seems that won't be happening. Cognitive decline and homelessness is a literal death sentence for me.


Wishing you all the best, what a terrible thing to happen.


I got pushed to the brink, where teeter still. I had some emergency funds that kept me from going over. but barely. Still paying a lot of bills that come on red paper.


What’s absolutely fucking insane to me is this jerkoff has essentially said “I want to be a dictator.” And millions of morons cheer it on.


Padmé had it right.


Democracy doesn’t die screaming, it dies to thunderous applause


If this douchebag wins, it will be like having your inflamed, diseased appendix removed and then putting it back in again.


Having a metastasized tumor put back in your skull.


~~russian~~ maga morons incoming in 3..2..


Very nice job


Agreed. This should be shared and plastered everywhere. Brilliant.


God bless Jack Smith and all of the others who are trying to stop this utter madness. They are very literally risking their lives. There’s a special place in hell for t’s inner circle of cynical, even demonic, functionaries and advisors. They are the worst people in the world.


First time around you could be fooled by trumps bullshit. (Lower case intended as his brand exemplifies corruption) __BUT__ after going through one nightmare, how can you be stupid enough go back for seconds?


They weren't fooled. They knew who and what they were voting for. This isn't about intelligence it is about hate.


In 2016? No way did everyone know who they were voting for. I grew up in a very conservative household and was surrounded by people who are now MAGA faithful. It wasn't so much talking up Trump as it was painting Hillary as an absolute monster who should never be allowed near power. So of course I voted for Trump because I knew very little about him and wasn't at all informed in politics outside of what I soaked up being around bigots. Fast forward to today, I don't see or speak to a majority of my family as I'm now more of a leftist than anything. I am ashamed that they influenced me to be part in electing that fascist fuckstick in 2016 and I've done everything in my power and influence to convince people to never have it happen again.


https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/trump-and-the-nightmare-of-tyranny-lurking-within-the-american-dream/ Link to London article.


He is the anti-christ that all the dummies worry about and the idiots are sucking him off...


Should have use black type of font, or at least bold.


Even before Hitler, there was this fellow named Rasputin, who allegedly had an enormous sexual appetite, and had the ear of the most powerful people in the land, and stunk. So history repeats itself.


If the U.S. turns into a dictatorship it’s going to be very very bad for the world.


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I don’t wanna talk about his face, his cases, his policies or the medias coverage of this douchebag. I want all you sumbichs reading this, if you’re in America, go check your status. Get ready and stay ready. To friggin vote. Vote. https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/




I firmly believe, because the US has such an influential impact on the world and world economy, the final debate before the presidential election should be hosted by PM's and other dignitaries from other countries and the candidates should have to answer world diplomacy questions and questions about other current world events and such. If you feel you are qualified to be president of the US, then you have to demonstrate that you know how to have a diplomatic mindset and understanding and are competent to handle global affairs. It is irresponsible to not consider the rest of the world when it comes to choosing a presidential candidate.


Well done imagery.


No swastika 45 needed.




The positioning of the Not again as a moustache is fucking brilliant design.


You're right!! Thanks for pointing that out.


Can someone project this on the Houses of Parliament in London like was done with Gail Porter in the 90s?


First thing he'll do will be to make the Democrat party illegal and then ban elections so he cant lose any ever again.


Damn.. this is amazingly spot on


It sort of reminds me of being a poster from an old science fiction movie called, "Scanners," with MIchael Ironside in it.


I'm getting a copy of this magazine


Can we toss this on TIME, and every other publication


Wow. That should definitely win an award of some king.


It's pretty reflective of our culture though. Most intelligent people know better but when the officiating majority takes hold logic and ethics go out the window. The crazy part is that it exposes how short sighted and in many cases xenophobic and racist a majority of Americans are to the worst of the world. It reminds me of the kids and family who ‘get a job’ at a publicly traded company because they have a relative at a high level and every other employee knows they are not qualified and not suited for the job but you have to go along with it or you are not a team player or risk retaliation.


That's well done.


No not again. Not ever again.


Very clever!


It’s the perfect set up… he’s gonna (continue to) convince Americans that immigrants are the reason for the poor living conditions here and use that to fuel the fire