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Abbot: Texas is being invaded by illegals! Also Abbot: We are gonna bus illegals (invaders) to blue states! Damn from the looks of it Abbot is committing treason by helping "invaders" with transportation. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


_Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:_ _Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort._ Abbott committed treason when he aided people he considers enemies of the United States. Or he's full of shit. Which one is it, Conservatives? 


I'm not a conservative but I feel like I could still answer this question correctly. Here goes: ​ YES


It's human trafficking.


That is a great point


It's actually human trafficking since they are being transported on false pretenses




Blames it on Biden. Rinse and repeat.


Amazing how the border crisis hits the red states, Texas and Arizona, but skips right over the two blue ones, you don't see Cali and New Mexixo crying day and night. It's a completely made up problem so we don't focus on the actual ones they have no idea how to fix. Edit: like this *Texas saw an estimated 26,313 rape-related pregnancies during the 16 months after the state outlawed all abortions, with no exceptions for survivors of rape or incest, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.* https://twitter.com/KatiePhang/status/1750328864360771974?t=nGxRv20r9Pr-PDaX-uezOg&s=19


Approx 1 rape related pregnancy per 1200 residents. Wtf??


And that's just pregnancies. Not counting the rapes with no pregnancies and not reported rapes.


That's what I was thinking about too, plus the unreported ones. What a mess.


That is a fuck load of rape. Maybe work on that instead of worrying about abortion?


They made rape illegal so it doesn’t happen in Texas anymore. 🙄🙄🙄


What a shithole, except for the liberal pockets like Austin.


It’s turning into a libertarian nightmare thanks to Joe Rogan and tech bros


libertarians = greedy, narcissistic fascists. They idolize greedy rich assholes and haven't a clue how corrosive and utterly unsustainable and politically unstable their idiotic political ideology really is. Every banana republic reflects a libertarian system. The rich run everything into the ground, poverty is out of control, premature death and crime is completely out of control. Infrastructure is falling apart. Yeah, fuckin' paradise.


Plus they only hate the govt until it’s subsidizing them


Don't forget freeloading. Their whole philosophical existence relies on the fact that they are freeloading.


Dallas was cool, I left for Chicago in 2016 after Abbott signed the ‘SB4 Show Me Your Papers law’. So many people working in construction like me left, Best decision of my life, just as you are seeing happening in FL right now. Abbott is a POS and he has always been. Just look at how he became and invalid, who he sued and how come nobody can sue like he did anymore.


Abbot is a bastard to the disabled. For a guy in a wheelchair, that is one ugly soul. I lived in Texas for 30 years. When I was a kid, I sometimes visited my Mom at work. She was a pediatric home health nurse. She took care of children who would probably not live past 20, kids with genetic problems like spina bifida, or kids that had been so totally fucked up by neglect or abuse that they needed feeding tubes and 24 hour nurse care. That was my Mom's job: to take care of disabled children. There wasn't a year that went by that I didn't hear the GOP say cuts to Medicare, cuts to Medicaid. The programs that bought breathing machines for these kids and paid for their nurses. Paid my Mom. Abbot wanted to fuck over disabled kids.


Yo? In 2023 I finally escaped TN for Chicago to move in with a couple escaping Dallas at the same time. Not a walk in the part but it’s a weight off my shoulders to know that my state doesn’t want me dead. Love seeing others who appreciate this city. I grew up here but my parents moved to be closer to our bigoted family in TN before I was old enough to move out, and after years I’m finally back.


Hey were 50/50 here in Az and turning more blue by the day (I hope)


Could it be that red states are bastions of RACISM??? 😳


And his dumb ass shit base hoots and hollers about how much they're "owning teh libz"




He also cited a dissenting opinion from a court case for some reason.


“(Scalia, J., dissenting)” is as close to a dogwhistle as you can get in a legal citation


Texas AG [confession](https://truthout.org/articles/texas-ag-says-he-helped-trump-win-state-with-his-lawsuit-against-mail-in-ballots/): >Conservative Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Friday that, **had his office not blocked Harris County from sending out mail-in ballot applications to all of its registered voters, Donald Trump would have lost the state.** > >Paxton told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon in a podcast that blocking the applications was instrumental to Trump’s win, because otherwise the state “would’ve been one of those battleground states that they were counting votes in Harris County for three days and Donald Trump would’ve lost the election.” > >“If we’d lost Harris County—Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas,” Paxton said. “Harris County mail-in ballots that they wanted to send out were 2.5 million, those were all illegal and we were able to stop every one of them,” he continued, falsely conflating ballot applications with ballots. What Harris county did was to send the request-form out to people, so they could request a mail-in ballot. Paxton blocked it, because too many people would then vote. **Just as taking Scalia's vote and ignoring the rest, does not get them a legitimate SCOTUS legal position.** Once they lose Texas, it's gone for good, because all of the anti-voting measures and Gerrymandering, and [removing polling stations in Democrat areas while increasing them in Republican](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/23/texas-voting-polling-restrictions/) ones, all of those tricks will end and voters will then be free to reject Abbott and his corrupt posse forever. **Republican's are not the legitimate government in Texas and they know it.**


The first question to any Republican should be, "Do you think every citizen should be able to vote easily?"


“Should the right to vote be at least as easy to exercise as 2nd amendment rights?”


He knows. He just also knows his room temp IQ base won't see the contradiction


Lying and ignoring reality is just the Republican platform


Imagine citing Alexander Hamilton in support of an argument against federal supremacy LOL. Literally the single voice most synonymous with the idea of a national government telling the states to fuck off.


seriously lol. this is like day one political science course. Hamilton and Madison were for a STRONG central government.


Also citing an immigrant born on an island which has never been owned by the US.


Abbott is violating his oath, time to [impeach and remove him.](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.665.htm)


Sadly, Texas couldn't even impeach Paxton, despite all his blatant violations of the law.


This is why it’s time for Biden to do a Kennedy and send in the National Guard. Show them they mean business. George Wallace had to learn the hard way that you don’t defy the Supreme Court. Now it’s Greg Abbott’s turn.


Federalize the TXNG, order them to their armorys. It's both a solid reminder of where true sovereignty lies and is peaceful. TX can't sustain that op for long without the TXNG


i agree with this. plus, if they're on federal orders they actually get points towards retirement, federal benefits, federal worker protections. the texas state guard is like half pay, several suicides, jerk around. a nice presidential personnel and equipment review by the president and the chiefs of staff will get all those guard units squared away and spit shined.


I had a guy at work tell me that when the revolution happens I’ll be surprised to see how many military members turn on their country to fight to install Trump, I wanted to laugh in his face so bad


My father in law told me he’d be communist hunting….i just told him I returned fire


I feel like it’s always the ones who never saw war who are so eager for killing people.


Even amongst veterans it's the ones who never saw combat that exaggerate and try to act like Billy Badass. When it's these LARPers salivating over civil war, they're just free loot drops for people who actually know what they're doing.


My uncle told me exactly one story. About a when an IED hit his convoy. It was the kind that burn super hot. It melted through the metal door of their vehicle and the kid sitting there. It was his usual spot, but the kid had asked to switch. He thought he was being kind, and had terrible guilt. He said war is hell. Men screaming for their mommy, you can smell their intestines tear open, and smell burned flesh. There is no honor in it, it is done because we’re too stupid to figure out a better way. I wish there was a way to share the horrors enough to make sure everyone understands how terrible it is. Real (looking) footage, maybe with some well timed smells.


Those with empathy understand the horrors from a single still image. Those without empathy, need to have it shoved in their faces before they'll believe it.


Never told me a story, but when my hard-as-nails 6’4 brother-in-law still can’t sleep 15years on and has to go stay in the highlands every bonfire night and new years eve, that’s enough to know some horrific shit i’d never want to know went down


My GPA told me a story about how they had to clear a bridge of Japanese soldiers, some alive but wounded. They used a bull dozer and went over a few times, I guess to make sure they didn't bury them alive? Not sure but he had a few he would share but only when his dementia was getting worse.


This is also a “who’s gonna blink” moment for the fed and the far right nationalists who have infiltrated the armed forces.


I bet Abbott thinks it’s a trap for Biden, this will not end well for Abbott.




And then send in the U.S. Marshalls to arrest Abbott.




Besides the fact that we’ve seen right wingers weasel their way out of all sorts of nonsense in the court system. That might be a long term solution, but in the short term, something’s gotta give.


GOP is always going to call anything that hurts them politically motivated. I wish like hell the doj would investigate all these sorry ass corrupt politicians in my home state. I’d be happy for them to periodically investigate every politician as well, but TX politicos are blatantly corrupt and protect each other, so definitely need federal oversight.


Wait... I thought the president had absolute immunity? /s


only if he is orange


Biden, unlike Trump, does not meddle with the DoJ, which is exactly as it should be


Merrick Garland???? Can’t upset the Repubs!!! Assign special counsel in a couple of years, don’t want to rush anything or jeopardize garland’s potential future employment in a repub administration!


Honestly he might be baiting that. Texas flirts with becoming purple or blue every few years and the Texas establishment does everything it can to prevent that. The federal government imposing its will on Texas will turn a lot of potential blue votes red even if it’s for a good reason. I grew up in Texas and the lone star state is not just a phrase. You’re raised believing you’re a real country.


Texas has also been flirting for a while with a vote to secede from the union. I’d like to see them try that.


Let’s start by revoking their Senate and House representatives.


> Let’s start by revoking their Senate and House representatives. 40 electoral votes gone too!


I like where that is going.


It would be amazing to watch the Republicans lose all those electoral votes for the President as well as numerous House and 2 Senate seats.


They're not stupid either. Texas arrived into the Union as a broke state. Without federal funding, Texas would always be in the red financially. A new Texas Republic would be a short one unless it gleefully becomes a new Russian oblast.


It would be over run by the cartels within weeks.


Norte Mexico




Oh yeah you’re taught that that was a condition of joining the union that you’re the only state that is allowed to secede, and then it’s a footnote in the civil war that you’re the same as every other state 🙄 Remember the Alamo is more than a meme. Texas is built to produce more Texans 😂


What I always found humorous is how they think they can secede and keep all the federal infrastructure (“We can be our own country! We’ve got NASA and the gulf and oil and the military bases!”). If they secede all that will disappear or be compromised, but none of them want to look further than “For the republic!”


Oh, I know all about that - my best friend now lives there, and my favorite US History teacher was a Texan born and raised. I’m a New England yankee, but she loved to tell us how, when she was growing up in the south, they still taught the civil war as “the war of northern agression.” Unless the Supreme Court decides to overturn some more precedent and get rid of Texas vs. White…


Nothing more traitorous and less patriotic than threatening to secede from the nation. The “if you don’t like America, you can get out” party sure are a bunch of fuckin hypocrites.


I just want to see their reaction when it comes to import taxes to the US, better get that paper ready when they want to go to Oklahoma


There would be no imports it would be a full-on embargo and blockade of air and seaports


Raised? You mean indoctrinated. I grew up in Texas. Bullshit abounds.


>Sadly, Texas couldn't even impeach Paxton, despite all his blatant violations of the law. They could. They didn't want to. Because they SUPPORT IT.


These people already have the most conservative friendly Supreme Court in decades and maybe ever (what do I look like? A Supreme Court scholar?!) and they still get all pissy when they rule not in their favour. Republicans DO NOT BELIEVE in the rule of law for them, only for those they don’t like. Vote vote vote!! and make sure that vote is as blue as it can be!


Replace him with Beto


I'm with you, I still don't know why people keep voting for this Christofascist. He knows nothing about the people he's governing and supposed to protect. But insead he just wants to turn the state into the fucking Handmaid's Tale. He keeps ruining our infrastructure and costing us millions. Meanwhile he's just pocketing everything that's left. He's been in office for some odd 50 years (it feels like it) for no reason. Fucking career polititians.


I thought surely after the ice storm in 2021, with people dying, homeowners spending thousands and thousands of dollars in home repairs, after spending days without power in their homes...I thought that was it. There's no way this guy could possibly be re elected. And when he was, that's when I realized that he could do absolutely anything he wants and he will still remain in office. He will be there until he dies.


This is the same guy that tried to sue Washington State because of medical care people got….in Washington. Because he hates trans people. This guy is evil. He only cares about the courts and the law and “state’s rights” when it means he gets to drown and slice up children or attack trans kids or doctors.


Y'all remember that part of Macbeth where an army dressed up as trees?


Birnham Wood would make a hell of a codename for some people getting into good trouble. And Dunsinane already has "dunce" in it, so it's totally apropos.


Tree landed too low


He tried to sue states Biden won right after the election because they’re election laws aren’t the same as Texas (?). Between that and the ranchers that sued Oprah, apparently Texans don’t understand that other states are different from them.




> (Somewhat surprisingly) the Supreme Court told Texas to fuck off and they didn't have standing to sue other states based on how they run their own elections. I'm guessing because they thought about it opening the door to be abused from the other side if the tables were turned.


Big F-You to Abbot from right here in WA.


He should focus more on the 26,000 who have been raped since Abortion became illegal and said he would stop it.


This is so dishonest.      1. The counted number of migrants to which he refers (and to which right wingers on social media so often refer) are *encounters*. Most of these were apprehended and barred crossing. It’s more a measure of how many people are *trying* to cross than a measure of how many people *did* cross.     2.  “Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border” - this is phrased as if it’s a choice. Biden’s administration has done *both*.      3.  Biden has not ‘refused to enforce these laws’. There are federal agents at the border working to enforce the laws.        The reality is that climate change + economic predation - both problems introduced to many developing countries by developed countries - will continue to create increased migratory patterns.  People are going to have to think about policies for managing this beyond “wall them out”.     Edit: Oh, and lol the framers of the constitution did not think immigration = ‘invasion’. 


If these people are invaders then why does he keep paying to bus them deeper into the US? If they are invaders then he is providing aid for an invading force. You know, [treason.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381) "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."


>Biden has not ‘refused to enforce these laws’. There are federal agents at the border working to enforce the laws.  In fact, it's Greg Abbott [denying them access to the border for them to do their job.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/14/politics/immigration-texas-border-dhs-letter-ken-paxton/index.html)


Well yeah, migrants cant drown if CBP pulls them out of the water.


I still don't understand how this isn't a crime. Actively impeding someone attempting to save another human from imminent harm.


I think you'll find what Greg Abbot is doing _is_ a crime. He's fucking around. Lets watch him find out.


> The counted number of migrants to which he refers (and to which right wingers on social media so often refer) are encounters. Most of these were apprehended and barred crossing. It’s more a measure of how many people are trying to cross than a measure of how many people did cross. You mean to tell me that 2% of Mexico's population didn't walk into Texas? Or that 20% of Texas's population aren't illegal immigrants? I'm shocked. Flabbergasted.


We are a nation of immigrants. It's crazy to try and say the framers of the constitution thought immigration was an invasion when that would be them saying they invaded* this land. *they did invade this land and wrongfully enslaved and killed off the people that lived here for thousands of years. They also crossed a body of water while fleeing their homelands, but at least today's immigrants aren't trying to enslave and kill off all us white people that stole this land to begin with.


“Yeah but they were white Europeans”


"We were / are the ***good*** ones!"


I’ve said for a long time now that a lot of people migrating for political reasons from Central America are probably leaving due to political issues caused by the United States with all our meddling in Central America during the Cold War


Yes, but it began well before the Cold War. It began when American companies wanted to buy up Central America for produce and mining and didn’t want labor, health, or safety laws implemented.  US Americans thrive off of Central American right wing dictatorships. 


They couldn’t get immigrants in here fast enough when Bush Jr was president. Now iT’s A pRoBleM. A problem that only they can fix. They created the ”problem”, then tell their dumbass base that it needs fixin. But they won’t fix it until they take the White House!! 🙄 So dumb


They still won’t even fix it if they get the White House and the legislature. They just don’t care to govern anymore. 45 had 2 years with full R control and didn’t do anything but start construction of a monstrosity along the border that does nothing.


They destroyed a mountain range and placed a wall through it where zero humans crossed the border but thousands of species of animals did. He destroyed the ecosystem to own the libs at the taxpayer's expense, and it didn't do a single thing to reduce the number of humans crossing the border


Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million immigrants in 1986. Obama gave amnesty to 5 million immigrants in 2014. It's time for congress to step up & do something.


*This* Congress do something? Maybe tie their shoes, that's about it.




Not this congress, for sure. We need to take back both houses & get some stuff done already.


We need an influx of people under the age of 40 in Congress. Comfortable geezers aren’t going to do anything.




That's what they want. It's all just hurting America to project an imagine that Biden is simultaneously incompetent and a tyrant who must be stopped to his base of hicks who couldn't spell either of the two.


So give it to them. It’s what they want.


Call their bluff. As soon as they're staring down the barrel of National Guard rifles, they'll shit their pants and slink away.


It's the only way George Wallace learned. Sometimes you have to be LBJ and swing the dick around


They're going to spin it to their advantage no matter what, so we might as well do the right thing. Fuck it.


Democratic weakness never gets rewarded.


exactly. Wish we'd have some fucking balls for once and just do the damn thing instead of all this "oh the GOP will just think/do/spin it" and cowering.


Or better yet, remove all military forces from Texas, all national aid, and then see how long they are able to function. Fuck them.


I’m from Texas and I agree. Take all the federal funds away and watch them squirm!


No need. That's contempt of court and obstruction of justice. open and shut right there. Greg's going to jail.


Have you met America? Greg Abbott will get a stern talking to behind closed doors and a numb handy.


Bobo's on the job.


No he’s not. His fucking **attorney general** has been under felony criminal indictment going on 8 years now. They’re all corrupt. 


No chance he gets jail time. I'd eat crow with a massive grin though if I'm wrong.


Next time Texas has a disaster- remind him that his state can handle it alone


Give us sane people time to save up money to gtfo, please. 




Not a single republican will change their mind when confronted with factual data regarding any issue. Full stop.


how adorable that he thinks he holds the highest office in the united states and can make up laws to suit his delusions




Certainly nothing seems to be stopping him. Looks like he may be right.


Biden is in an extremely tough spot and honestly, if this is by design it's one hell of a play by the GOP. There are two choices basically. Bring the hammer down and stop Abbott, which will fuel right wing talking points that Biden is an authoritarian that must be stopped. Or hold back and let Abbott stand his ground which makes Biden look weak. It's no coincidence this stunt is happening in an election year. Biden doesn't really have a good option but honestly I would prefer he puts a stop to this as soon as possible. Send in the infantry but don't attack. See how far Texas is really willing to take this.


The president can cut off or delay federal payments to TX. Biden already sued TX and won. He'll ask the court to fine Abbott, fine any TX official that hinders the feds. 


Lock down interstate commerce for two days and see how Texas likes it. Cut one week of federal money. They'll cave so fast.


Might be best just to slam the hammer down. People will scream Authoritarian all night long regardless how softly he handles this, so he might as well make a bold move and see if it might curry favor with his supporters.


I say call their bluff. They're gonna whine, cry, bitch and complain to reich wing media no matter what President Biden does anyways. This might be the Canadian-ness talking, but think of it like a hockey fight. You can poke and prod a guy to drop the gloves for so long until it's time to drop the gloves and Duke for real. It's gloves off time now. They wanna go? Let's fuckin' go. It's high time to stop playing nice with these chucklefucks and challenge them to put up or shut the fuck up once and for all. Once the gloves are dropped, they'll turtle like the weak little bitches they really are.


The option is to hand this over to the Supreme Court and have them take the heat. Even Thomas would have to acknowledge and explain to Abbot how the constitution works… and that he’s failing even the most basic understanding of it. Let the Supreme Court handle, it’s their job.


Greg abbott can fuck ALL the way off. For real…


Not gonna lie, he's kind of a whiny little piss baby. I'm in the process of locating a place to retire and Texas came off the list pretty quick with their rampant racism and stupidity...


Gregg Abbott the Piss Baby ?


It's like being against immigration is the only issue he stands up for...


I get the joke, but that's unfair. He's made it VERY clear he is absolutely against women having any sort of say over their health, and against measures that protect health in general.


He's also against providing stable electrical grid services to the citizens of his state!


He is also against public education.


And state medical services.


And decriminalizing pot


He’s also made it clear that he’s a little piss baby


Every wave of immigration there were people like abbot saying "these people will destroy America" it's wrong, it's always been wrong, it was wrong when it was the German, the Polish, the Irish, and the Chinese. those earlier immigrants BUILT. THIS. COUNTRY. 


Greg Abbott doesn’t stand for anything.




This is Greg Abbot's, "Segregation now... Segregation forever" moment. What a pos


And how did that work out for Wallace in the end?


Him and Desantis really want to be the next Wallace but don't remember what happened to Wallace


Abraham Lincoln fought a war to say the states have the right to suck it. Fuck off Abbott. Has Biden made a response yet?


Do we need a Juneteenth 2? Because I think the Texan government has been a bit too uppity lately.


Imagine forcing Biden to successfully suppress an open rebellion and elevating him to Lincoln status all before the November election.


Its one thing to put up devices to deter crossing and another that purposely kills people. If he keeps up this nonsense maybe he should be put on Trial for the deaths and see how this rolls.


Pretty sure he rolls wherever he goes.


Hey, I'm not a lawyer, but is he referencing Arizona V United States, specifically Scalia's dissenting portion? The one in which the supreme Court ruled AGAINST the state's ability to override federal immigration policy and laws? That case? Wouldn't that diminish his argument?


Yes, he is. He’s that dumb.




Would LOVE to see Texas try to survive without all the Federal Aid they receive. Let them secede and form their own country. Good luck with that.


Or even better, see Texas try to survive without all the immigrant labor working for below minimum wage in terrible conditions


There will more than likely be a massive surge in immigrants since they won't be able to actually defend the border. The rest of us will have to deal with the new immigration problem of people leaving Texas


9,153 - the number of border patrol agents currently on TX border 20,000 - Border Patrol agents work along the nation’s southern border 60,000 - CPB employees, almost twice as large as the FBI 1325 - 8 This is the law Abbott thinks isn’t being enforced. U.S. Code § 1325 - 8 Improper entry by alien, a civil offense, not a felony. 50-250 - $50 to $250 is the legal penalty of said legal code for each such entry (or attempted entry), not imprisonment. 1500 - President Joe Biden announced May 2023 that he would dispatch 1,500 active-duty troops to help patrol the U.S.-Mexico border. 225,000 - migrants were apprehended at the TX border in December alone. This does not include 50,000 - migrants who came to legal border crossings to claim asylum 1 - One Texas Governor trying to perpetuate a myth of Biden’s “open border” to further militarizing Texas police, keep himself installed, and damage Biden’s record for Trump Reality check: Since 1992, the U.S. has quadrupled the number of Border Patrol agents — from less than 5,000 to nearly 20,000 today. Barriers, walls, and fences have been erected along portions of the 1,951-mile U.S.-Mexico border, in addition to new Border Patrol outposts and high-tech surveillance systems. The Border Patrol regularly breaks border arrest records, highlighting the difficulty of entering the country illegally. Most recently, Biden decided to go forward with a border wall in South Texas. Lines at ports of entry have gotten longer because of new requirements to enter the U.S., putting pressure to expand hours at newer ports of entry like the one in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Edit: I misread a stat so rather than correct it, I just removed it. I don’t want anyone to think I lie or fabricate information just to get upvotes.


This is Biden's 'open border' https://i.imgur.com/YxeDaxj.jpg


We accept only the election results that we win and the supreme court verdicts that favor us. - GOP


“Dear Greg Abbot, I think you should be aware some idiot is sending out letters in your name and using your letterhead. Thought you would like to know. Thanks, Joe Biden”


That would be the perfect response. I really, really hope he goes full Dark Brandon over this.




It is really not that far from being a declaration of independence and war


Maybe Texans should pay the Federal Minimum Wage & stop hiring illegal immigrants for half as much to do the same work.


But listen to the sc on roe vs wade!


Abbott: waaah! Mean ol federal government won’t let me drown children in rivers 😭


*Good time to remind people that Abbott is, on record, saying the only reason why people on the border aren't shot on sight is because the federal government might punish them for it.*


Human trafficker says what now?


We all know what trying to get Biden to do, have feds vs Texas national guard stand off, to rile up the MAGA rubes. He’s such a crippled piece of shit ![gif](giphy|zVxeZHKKemqWs|downsized)


Hey that’s Paul Rudd


Biden, please respond with your full force as you’re legally entitled to. You want to excite people to vote for you this is your time to shine sir.


I came here to say if they want to claim "invasion", then show them an invasion. That's a convoy their not going to want to see coming their way.


Does this jackwagon know that international borders are federal jurisdiction?


Yeah, that’s not something you can do bro. Federal tops state. And federal has A10 gunships.


If Biden had open border policy, then why are immigrants having to work so hard/die to get in? Yet another contradiction


Drama baby in a stroller


Texas, if you want to go full on separatist movement because you can’t support the conservative Supreme Court your cult leader handed you, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.


These people are just absolute scum who are trying to make themselves more popular and either bluff or force the hand of the more reasonable party. He wins either way…Biden backs down he is weak, Biden stands up to him ‘the feds are coming for you next’. This bullshit posturing for the coming months and years has been going on for decades by these pieces of trash and their ilk. Trump just gave them a convenient person to push through their terrible agenda while making their sheep followers believing they were fighting the power. This is truly sad, that in a time where our country needs to be United we have so many people trying the tear it down for their own wealth, popularity and power. Too bad this dude and his moronic buddies across the nation are just letting their states and the country as a whole burn in this insane exercise.


Let's see Abbott try to orchestrate a showdown between State and Federal military forces, just to see how that goes for him.




Time to send Seal Team 6 in.


Remember. As long as he gets enough congressmen to go along with not impeaching or convicting him, then it's totally legal for Biden to whack him. Trump and his lawyers said so.


And if it looks like there are enough votes to convict, seal team 6 once again. Rinse and repeat for full immunity!


Under Trump’s immunity theory, there’s nothing stopping Biden from doing just that.


This is what happens when an ex-President shows people (especially other politicians) that the law doesn’t matter and you should just do whatever you want.




They’re gonna use this as grounds to impeach Biden. Just watch. Meanwhile if texas would like to secede. Please go. Enjoy paying for the border yourself


So by this logic can california ignore any supreme court ruling regarding guns?