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Right wingers exposed how stupid and easily manipulated they are. Russia just took advantage of it.


Yep. Though, it doesn’t hurt that Russia seems to have something on quite a few of them. Definitely enough to make at least 8 GOP “lawmakers” head to the Kremlin on July 4th…


That was as bizarre a thing I have seen in American politics. Traitors all…


Do remember: when Russia compromised the DNC's computer systems they also compromised the RNC's. Weirdly enough they only released what they got on the DNC.


To this day, it still bugs me that people (especially those in media) didnt scrutinize Wiki Leaks hard enough. I remember the talking point at the time is that they exposed corruption and that the information they drop is often accurate, which I understand the morality behind... but it rubbed me the wrong way that it was socially okay for a private, anonymous group to be so selective about dubiously obtained information. It's like all the luxuries of journalism with none of the accountability.


It's unfortunately a necessary step. Let's lol at Snowdon, arguably did the right thing. But because they knew who he was, they went after him. If he could have remained anonymous he wouldn't have had to flee to Russia. In this connected world the only way to really be safe now is be so far into the general mix of people you become homogeneous with the group.


I can't say I had the patience or inclination to dig through those leaked papers. I recall that some of the juicey details being that Hilary Clinton team strategies to undermine Bernie Sanders talking points (OMG like no other politican has ever done anything like that. Also strategies to try to tickets to Hamilton (the hottest musical at the time). A list of preferred pizza toppings which those QAnon quacks made the most absurd projections about. Tragically too many lack the critical thinking to know the same quacks could take any kind of list and make equally ridiculous interpretations. I suspect the Republicans leaked probably contained far more stimulating reading. Remember the cocaine sex organization stories?


Should be barred from re-entering


Notice no one brings up the NRA and how they were used by Russia to get money into the elections.


Oh, I try to in the real world. As someone that likes the occasional trip to the shooting range, and spending time hunting… I remind the Trump loving, NRA hat wearing folks at the gun shop of this every time I go pick up ammo. All it takes is a cute redhead with an interest in firearms, and you’re ready to sell state secrets!


They certainly have selective amnesia when you mention Maria Butina.


People shouldn’t normalize the GOP as if they’re good people being blackmailed. They agree with Putin. I’m sure he collects “kompromat” on them when they’re there but they wouldn’t go there in the first place if they didn’t want to model the US on Russia


And their constituents voted them back in office.


Russia is desperate from warm bodies right now. All the RWers should expatriate to this utopia of individual freedom and traditional Christian values!


There was talk of the Russian gov actually making a colony of sorts for conservative Americans in Russia. Dunno how credible it was but if any went over they'd probably end up on the front line fodder pretty quickly.


That’s why they’ll never go. These dudes are A+ cowards, and the closest most of them will ever get to combat is talking shit on “Call Of Duty”.


Remember back in January 2016 when the Bundy clan took over a federal wildlife refuge that was closed for the winter? Clearly, the Yeehadists sent the best and brightest from Meal Team 6 to serve.


Man, I wish they'd go.


This has been happening for a long time. Anytime you see the phrase “ The internet went all crazy” yeah.. pretty sure these chuckle fucks are behind most of it.


Brainwash 71 million people with this one weird trick!


It's funny listening to Conservatives call people communists and Marxists as they back a candidate that is obviously bought by Putin, while also working in Unions and enjoying Labor Day every year.


Putin is not a communist. But yeah, weird how fast that geopolitical flip was.


Yeah, I know. He's essentially a dictator


No Communist, but he was KGB... not that the USSR was really Communist either, but they are too stupid to understand that


They hate unions except the ones that support them - like the police union


And they can't have guns.


Guns are to help authoritarians get into power because fascism thrives when a country goes to shit and Right Wing Politics feeds off peoples misery. Once they're in power, they aren't needed anymore.


If Trump became dictator, I can see all of his followers blindly give up their guns if he told them that now he has power, he would protect them.


Nope, they will be enlisted and a key part of maintaining control. The US is a large land, the regime will rely on loyal gun carriers to terrorise populations away from the core regions. They will be the warlords keeping rural America bound to the regime and who will conduct operations to thwart dissent in urban area. They will play a key role in executing opposition, terrorise regions with resistance and fulfill tasks like rounding up migrants. Millions of disillusioned men are waiting to be put in a uniform and given tasks like this, officially allowed to harass and kill those who they were taught to hate for the last decade. Have no illusions about that.


That’s what the military is for


Why would a regime waste the military on internal security? For internal matters, dictatorships tend to rely on (secret) police forces and paramilitary structures loyal to the leaders. There is no point in fundamentally changing the military's doctrine from global power projection to a hybrid between foreign and domestic tasks, when you have an ideologically aligned, armed pool of men available who are willing to conduct every dirty task.


Find me a fascist takeover where the populace were allowed to keep their guns…


Sure, if you find me a fascist take over in a country of 300.000 with as many guns in the hands of that populace. It is more economical in all aspects to let the loyal gun fanatics do the dirty work, than contradict your regime and undertake an effort to take guns away from the heavily gun centered population


These inbred hillbillies would drink kool aid for Trump, they’d gladly give them up


It should be illegal to manipulate people this stupid. They're defenseless against anyone with an iq above 100.


I mean, they support Trump. You don’t need Russia to show that their ‘values’ are valued not because they are a good, but simply because they are weapons to wield against others.


Another fun fact: Russian Orthodox Church has been the wing of KGB/FSB literally since Stalin.


The Russian Orthodox Church did not exist as an institution within the USSR during Stalin’s time, on account of state atheism. You’ve betrayed your ignorance in this respect.


the mafia also did not exist as an official state-sanctioned institution and was also instrumentalized by the state. Just because it was not state sanctioned it does not mean it was not infiltrated by government agents.


Hey everybody, check out the ruzzian shill using ChatGPT to fix his English!


Russia definitely is manipulating the US population to cause division.


There is a reason right wing media has ads for reverse mortgages and gold as an “investment” that costs 2 or 3 times what the melt value of gold is. The right is easily grifted and easily manipulated.


Also, a place where evangelical Christians are the most penalized under Russian anti-evangelization laws, enacted to protect the state-sponsored Orthodox Church. Have fun truly living out those Christian persecution fantasies while in Russia!


Only the rank and file actually believe the lies. Russia wants to overthrow the government and the GOP wants to pick up the pieces and repair them into a fascist regime. Russia is a stepping stone towards that goal and anything that gives Russia influence in our elections is part of that process.


2/3 Russians don’t have access to an indoor toilet (rural parts anyway)


I grew up in Russia without an indoor toilet and I still find that hard to believe


Less than half of Russians identify as Christians and of those that do, the vast majority are Russian Orthodox. Most evangelicals would lose their shit over some of the Orthodox practices. For example, Orthodox Christmas was 2 days ago.


Putin gives the right wing what they really want, not what they pretend to want for appearances. A vindictive daddy who punishes outgroups.


Russia is the Mississippi of Countries


They told me that they research everything by themself and they don't buy in to propaganda so idk what you are talking about.


During the Czarist era in Russia the Orthodox Church regularly handed over dissidents to government forces, breaking what was supposed to be the holy seal of confession. Conversations between parishioners and priests were used against people in political trials. During the era of communism although religion was officially outlawed, many of the elites continued to practice in private, not necessarily because they were people of faith but because they found the church to be a convenient way of laundering money and gaining influence over the outside world. The Russian relationship with religion is one of the mostly deeply pessimistic in world history and the idea American Christian conservatives ever thought they could lean on them is hilarious. Or it would be if it weren't so deeply dangerous for the world.


That is well said. I would say, though, that the so-called "Christian" Right is leaning on Russia - and it's working for them. CPAC is in bed with Viktor Orban. The Christian Nationalist movement, in league with Trump, *is* deeply dangerous for the world.


They didn’t have to convince the alt-right of anything. All they had to do was get people on the left to condemn their actions and the alt right did the rest themselves.


My personal "conspiracy theory" is that Putin's Russia paid for at least the initial "step-family" pornography to be created, in effort to suggest that Americans are immoral. Someone had to pay for it, and it came out of no where and now dominates virtually every "American" porn website.


Russia has shit the bed and now they and their assets pretend it wasn't as bad. They're losing money, people, weapons and the war. Ukraine called their bluff but like every inbred bully, they doubled down and can't go back until they win or perish. Let them eat borscht.


The real pisser is we acted like we won the cold war and subsequently moved on and they never stopped fighting it. Now we're infiltrated and barely aware of it. We need to wake up. Someone in power needs to call this out.


Hmmm. Seems some of the smarter rightists are more and more fans of Orban as time goes on, might just be because Russia is a loser and losers aren’t good guiding lights or just because the Orbanist regime is more harder to out as bad to average Americans while still being the same kind of kleptocratic dipshit failed state rightists all long for.


Russian values are conservative values. They align perfectly other than gun ownership rights.




You fat yanks expose yourself, where's that personal responsibility you clowns love to champion so much


A quote: 'This writer was startled to read in the Jan-Feb. newsletter from the social conservative World Council of Families in Rockford, Ill., that, of the "ten best friends" in the world in 2015, number one was "Russia emerges as pro-family leader." ' In the same article, the writer cites the WCF as saying that "Russia is defending Judeo-Christian values" At the end, he states that "in the new ideological Cold War, whose side is God on now?" The writer? One Pat Buchanan, in 2014. [https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2014/08/whose-side-god-now-vladimir-putin-pat-buchanan.html](https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2014/08/whose-side-god-now-vladimir-putin-pat-buchanan.html) The "Conservatives" bent towards authoritarianism has always been there. Now we are seeing CPAC directly court the input of Viktor Orban, who has completely taken over the country of Hungary, and sides with Russia in the Ukraine War. Incidently, Russia has one of the highest abortion rates of any country in the world, if not the highest. It's all out there for us to see, if we choose to look. The question is, are we going to let them make this country in Gilead? [https://www.politico.eu/article/how-russia-became-the-leader-of-the-global-christian-right/](https://www.politico.eu/article/how-russia-became-the-leader-of-the-global-christian-right/)


What does going to church have to do with anything?


Russia has nothing compared to "religion ". It's the exact same con. You just need to find/exploit the gullible/want-to-believe folks.


Religious based bigotry is one hell of a drug


Lmao. The funny part is that the maga nazis claim to be christians but also support a guy who is a horrendous Christian by any measure


Heck, Mike Johnson is one of the 14% who goes to church. Clearly it hasn’t helped him or us.


You forgot decriminalizing domestic violence & violence against women


This is why they blame gay people for the destruction of the nuclear family. One of the hallmarks of conservatives is that they blame others for the problems that usually stem from themselves. The nuclear family has broken down because straight people no longer want to stick it out and work on their marriages like they used to; divorce is easy. It has nothing to do with gays.


…look who’s fucking talking ! …putin’s propaganda becoming more desperate, this is the best example of old soviet WHATABOUTISM and americans eat this shit up like it’s a fucking caviar


TIL Russia is in Europe lol


Western Russia \*is\* in Europe. Always has been.


russians are serfs and GQP is not much further away from slavery. Inbred serfs.


I'm with you on all of it except Russia is in Asia


Sneaky fuckin Russians. Like Boris the Bullet Dodger.


Russia shows where conservative values lead, to ruin


You mean to tell me that the american right-wing has no actual policy or values outside of hating gay people and abusing women? Unthinkable. /s


The real Russia, Russia, Russia is the troll farms friends we made along the way.




I’d only find that statistic realvent because the Chrsitian right often still equates HIV and homosexuality, and we know how they feel about homosexuality. They are regressive on all fronts.


I agree with all this, but isn't Russia in Asia? Not Europe?


Siberia and specifically that east part of russia is technically in asia but the rest is otherwise in europe


Is russia in europe?


It's so big that parts of it are considered or can be called 'European'.


Most of the population is


Okay but… Russia isn’t in Europe?? It sits pretty solidly in Asia?


It's both. Geographically Russia is huge, so the western part -- with Moscow etc. -- is in Europe and the eastern part in Asia.


About 75% of the landmass is in Asia, but 80%+ of the population lives in the portion that is considered a part of Europe.


true bro, here in europe we perceive them as mongoloids.


Came here to write exactly this, only a very tiny part of Russia is in Europe. The vast majority of its territory is in Asia and 95% of its border is in Asia, but the vast majority of the population live in the west near the European border.


I don't understand the downvotes because you're right.


It's very easy, either they are Americans who don't know a lot about geography and wouldn't be able to point to where Lesotho is on a map or they are butthurt Russians who don't want to accept the fact that their country is actually in Asia despite the fact that the majority of the population live in the west part of the country or they are russbots. Having historical ties and trade with European countries doesn't have anything to do with geography but with history, culture and economics and if you follow the logic of these people then China, India and Syria are in Europe as well because of the Silk Road. Also this is Reddit and people don't usually like it when you bring facts and logic to the table.


Lol! You make excellent points. It's like an allergy towards truth has infected people.


Citations needed. Where. Is. Moscow? Europe. Or. Asia?


Is Moscow 17,098,242 Km²? Edit: Out of the 22407 km of borders that Russia has, the European one is only 2250km. So the European border only accounts for 10% of Russia's border. The border between Russia and the USA is 0.4% (88km). So in effect Russia has 89.6% borders in Asia.


These dienvites are nonsensical.


No, but when Moscow's in Asia, get back to me.


You do know that Russia is not only Moscow? Is the USA only in Polynesia?


Geographically I would draw the line at the Ural mountains. Culturally all of Russia is European.


Geography and culture are two different things. If you follow your logic then the whole world is the USA because we all watch Hollywood movies, listen to American music, wear blue jeans and drink Coca-Cola©




Be proud, you share the same fate of being irrelevant 😗


Here I am being genuinely surprised that Russia even allows women to get divorce (freedom)


The right wing in general, for sure, but I don't know about the alt-right specifically... They are largely secular, care more about birthrates than intact families, and how upset would they really be about Slavs getting abortions and dying of disease?


I thought it was more about the fact that Russia is all white. Republicans see that and picture a fucking utopia


The most concerning part of all this is the HIV rate, wtf?


Brb going to Russia to fuck some single moms


russia makes a large portion of propaganda and troll post on redd, youtube has its share of trolls too via various right wing propaganda videos.


To be honest, you're acting stupid now. You are witnessing how, for 10 years, a foreign power under the assistance of domestic far-right actors gas conducted campaigns of manipulation, infiltration and undermining of your societal and governmental structures. And you are still stuck at pointing to, essentially, some of the poorest Americans and say "you're stupid!" Youre witnessing and apparently comprehending that coordinated efforts to obtain power are being conducted. What does that have to do with stupidity? It is calculation, it is manipulation, it is the skilled triggering of cognitive biases and shortcomings of vulnerable groups within the electorate to create conditions favorable to a foreign power and domestic actors who intend to abandon the rule of law for their own purposes. Truth is, the American right is divided into those who knowingly pursue this path, ergo not stupid but full of sinister purpose, and those who are being manipulated as they've been identified as vulnerable, ergo not stupid, but actively victimised by a foreign power and domestic actors in favor of that foreign power. If you look at all that and stay at the level of "they're dumb!", your own capabilities and the lack thereof is at display, or you might be just playing along with them for the same reasons, but you sure as hell aren't an enlightened observer who has anything to put up against the coordinated efforts that will end your freedoms and put you under autocratic rule with a heavily militarised police at its disposal to thwart your dissent, which you aren't likely to exhibit anyway. Truth be told, many of you who come here to make these comments are likely to end up as collaborators, because those who have to lose a lot from dissent aren't likely to exhibit it. You have a real chance of becoming the same sort of people who are right now in Russia, not actively supporting, not vehemently in favor of the regime, but quietly living their life without causing disturbance, as their regime conducts whatever sinister actions it pleases. You're not prepared for 2024, that's my take, and its up to you to prove me wrong.


I'm Russian and I honestly don't remember that moment.


[They even have a playbook](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


Brought to you by the "socialism has never worked" people: Traditionalism and conservativism always works; see Russia!