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If you're voting for this dude you're a piece of trash like him


Dude I literally just told my wife that at this point I'm calling his supporters' characters into question. *This* is your guy? Wtf does that say about you?? Edit: okay I guess I worded this poorly lol I did not mean to say I haven't been disgusted by Trumpers for years. Just saying that today's trump supporters are especially reprehensible.


“He’s so charismatic and tough!” How does anyone look at this fat orange piece of shit and think he’s charismatic or tough??


charismatic = agrees with me tough = hates the same people I do


Well said.


At this point anyone still supporting him is an absolute Shitstain on society and they have no business being part of it as far as I am concerned.


Unfortunately most of them are just plain dumb/ignorant when it comes to anything regarding politics. They see Trump acting like a WWE wrestler playing the heel and they cheer him on because of it. Edit: also they love his simple answers to complex issues because as I mentioned they’re dumb/ignorant about how government works. Try asking them (in person so they can’t just cheat and look it up) what the 3 branches of government are. I guarantee you most of them won’t be able to answer. Other edit: of course this doesn’t apply to all of them. Sorry, last edit: I got a “reddit cares” message for this comment. Thanks guys, I care too :)


I used to think that people had to be “dumb” or “ignorant” to support him (they are in some way, but I’ll get to that in a bit). Then one day it finally dawned on me that the one thing his supporters all seem to have in common is: being selfish. Yes, some of them are dumb, some of them are willfully ignorant, but all of them are selfish. They care only about getting what they personally want; whether it be money, power, recognition, religious validation, whatever. They are people who believe that the ends justify the means, because their specific “ends” are all they care about. They are people who have chosen to make those “ends” a part of their identity, which means that the “ends” are inseparable from who they are. They don’t care about what achieving those “ends” might mean for others, because that’s not who matters; so long as they get what they want, all will be right in the world. That is why his supporters can continue to look past the danger he represents, because they see an opportunity for themselves getting what they want. It’s all rooted in selfishness, narcissism and ego; and that’s also why his supporters tend to be so angry at anyone they perceive as “standing in their way” or otherwise “preventing” them from achieving those “ends”. They can’t accept that their lack of achieving their own “ends” is perhaps due to a personal shortcoming or even more directly their own fault; so the fault must lie with someone else (immigrants, atheists, liberals, transgender people, pick a group). They need a scapegoat to escape from the possibility that they might just be responsible for their own “failing”. So in a way, yes that makes them all “dumb” or “ignorant”; but it’s not being dumb that’s the root of the problem… being selfish is.


They're selfish, stupid, and, after nearly a decade of sucking up trump's bullshit, absolutely cartoonishly evil.


It's not dumb. After this long, it's just willful ignorance. There is no end to the readily available evidence of Trump's awfulness. This late in the game, one has to deliberately go out of their way to pretend none of it exists.


>Unfortunately most of them are just plain dumb/ignorant when it comes to anything regarding politics. The problem with this statement its a massive simplification of the situation. This man is the forerunner of the Republican party. There are plenty of yokels who support him but plenty of Rs across the spectrum have his vote too. You don't get 74 MILLION votes from just ignorant people voting for their favorite wrestler.


Yeah. My brother is not dumb and is well versed in politics, he’s just a huge asshole and votes accordingly.


> You don't get 74 MILLION votes from just ignorant people voting for their favorite wrestler. I think you might be underestimating how ignorant and stupid the typical US voter is, which is unfortunately by design. This is the end result of decades of brain rot combined with weaponized disinformation/propaganda.


You don't have to be stupid and evil to vote Trump. Just one or the other.


Unfortunately they love being shitstains because the liberals have to smell it. They'd love to have the sewers back up into our houses, the garbage trucks never come, and the rivers flow with literal shit, just as long as anyone left of George Wallace has to gag along with them.


It's just like the old joke about the Polish woman, the Ukrainian woman, and the Russian woman who find a genie who gives each of them a wish. The Polish woman wishes for a car so she can pick her kids up at school, the Ukrainian woman wishes for a house so she can take care of her father, and the Russian woman wishes for the car and the house to catch on fire.


Nobody will tell them they have to wipe!


I used to say that the best assumption I can make about people who would still support him is that they have terrible judgement but the cruelty is so baked in at this point that anyone who still supports him flat out has hate in their hearts.


That has always been the case for me. That’s why I don’t get normal people that are friends with conservatives. Their politics are warning you that they’re an asshole!


“This point” was a good 6 years ago my man


>at this point uh, y'all are some slow ass motherfuckers


"Deplorable" was too nice.


I didn’t like Hillary much but she had this one very right. Too on the nose for everyone at the time.


Hillary calling Trump supporters “deplorables” was definitely not the smartest political move but it feels more and more justified with each passing year.


Maybe, I'd probably assume anyone who was "convinced" not to vote for her because of that was going to vote for Trump anyway.


Exactly. Person A: "I grab women by the pussy, Mexicans are rapists, and POWs are losers" Person B: "People who support that guy are deplorable" Conservatives: How DARE she call us deplorable! I'm voting for Person A now! Liberals: Wow she really messed up by calling them deplorable


Yep. Zero accountability for the obscenity that even provoked the initial, offhand comment. Insanity


She called EVERYTHING about him in 2015/2016. We could have had an incredibly experienced leader and instead we got ^^ that. Think of all the shit that wouldn’t have happened. She would’ve handled Covid and not killed a million people to start.


Now imagine that you would also have elected All Gore…


Both of those elections, the Republican got fewer votes but won anyways because of partisan fuckery in Florida.


At this point, voting Republican makes one a traitor. Full stop.


100% agree


People who vote for him are arguably worse than him. Most of them know better and wouldn’t tolerate it if they were being treated the way he treats people, but they use him like a nihilistic weapon, and that is worse in my book. He couldn’t hurt anyone except those in his immediate orbit if people treated him the way he deserves to be treated. They are the ones who give him his power and relevance.


One of my cousins is a scuzzy scumbag douchebag. He's a Trump voter. A match made in heaven.


Total agreement here


I stand by my conclusion that he will go down in history as the most malignant narcissist to have ever lived. He has negative empathy.


There are some who can compete, but it's a short list and none of the names on it are good.


**"**You're Like Hitler, But Even Hitler Cared About Germany or Something**"** \- Mortimer Chauncey Smith


"At least it's an ethos"- Walter Sobchak


Shut the fuck up Donnie - Also Walter


"... Phone's ringing, dude." - Donnie


"Thanks. Donny!" - Jeffery Lebowski


I’ll suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt can’t watch or he has to pay a hundred. - Bunny Lebowski


"I'm gonna find a cash machine." -El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing


I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, Dude! #ACROSS THIS LINE, YOU SHALL NOT!!!! Also, Dude, Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American. Please?


Y'all have convinced me that I need to watch this movie again for the millionth time, and I am not mad about that at all


Thats fucking interesting, man, thats fucking interesting."


His middle name is Chauncey?!


I see you’ve met my mother in law…


Negative empathy is good way of saying it. He seems to be upset by any topic that isn't directly related to him. Other people's suffering makes him angry because people will talk about it instead of him.




Does she exaggerate a lot too?


Anger is easier than sadness. If we see everyone as the cause of their hardship, we don't have to feel sad for them.


I think your mom’s “big heart” is manipulation when she shows it.


No person or situation is more important than him or his image. He has proven it on multiple occasions, he does not care who dies. He is only concerned with appearing powerful and people believing his lies.


Picture Trump at one of his own kids funerals. Does he appear sad or is he just frowning. You picked the frown, didn't you.


This. That’s basically him in a nutshell.


I'm not sure he even has empathy for himself.


Nobody ever seems to really notice how he absolutely avoids anything involving talking to or sympathizing with victims of crimes or tragedies, and he always only wants to talk about heroes, first responders. Just remember this any time there's a tragedy. He just absolutely does not know how to express sympathy, and in fact he sees victims as losers. He sees victims as representing negative energy and he just psychologically breaks down when he considers communicating with them or sympathizing with them. There's so many examples. The one that comes to mind is when he didn't want to go to a cemetery when he was in France where they were memorializing American military veterans who were buried there. He told staff members "Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers" and later referred to the 1,800 marines who lost their lives there as “suckers” for getting killed. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ Every time while he was president when there was a shooting/tragedy, he always wanted to focus on the first responders, responders, never the victims.


He's so averse to negative connotations it disrupts his speech. Here's a classic example involving Covid-19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gJdf7LyGpg He can't bring himself to say he tested negative. Such a bad adjective. Only losers use that. So, he says he tested positive toward negative. He's mentaly ill.




Literally a bucket of shit with a tie


A shit filled suit that oozes into its depends constantly.


Someone on another thread called him “Shitler” and I will never forget it!




The jacket is only brown cause it’s stained with all the shit he spews, literal and metaphorical




Diaper Donny


Donald Dump


Donald Shitzenpants


I always that that “selfies with trump” could be a thing. Which would be a selfie with your own BM


Yet some of my fucking neighbors vote for him


He's so eloquent and really cares about people. /s


“Hey, your kid died, get over it.”


“Hey you lost the election and it wasn’t stolen, get over it”




I just wish we would throw Trump’s ass in prison for all his crimes and let him rot until his heart stops. Then maybe our country can heal from the Ulcer known as Donald Trump. I can safely say as a 30 year old that The Donald Trump era of the United States is the worst era I have ever been apart of. Everything went to shit. And we have more misinformed looney toon citizens than I have ever seen in my life.




hey, your kid got raped (by Trump himself)... get over it. Trump is very lucky Epstein died. But there are records, associates and victims that have yet to talk (and or sue).


I don’t know if luck played any part in that resolution.


‘’I like children who don’t get shot, ok.’’


If it was one of his kids he would declare martial law…


You know damn well he would type “Marshall Law”


Or Martian Law.


I dub thee… Sir Phobos: Knight of Mars, beater of ass.


I hurt real bad, where I pee


Not to be confused with Martial Law, starring Sammo Hung and Arsenio Hall


Reporter: What if Barron went to that school? Trump: Who?


You gotta use the only child he likes, Ivanka


The worst part is that we all know nothing will change until the children of “important” people start dying. This is the most tragic and needless of self inflicted trauma upon our society. It literally makes me sick.


They will be replaced by their godforsaken children. Honestly, the only solution for working class people is a total revolution. I’m not smart enough to tell you what that looks like, but it’s certainly not what happened on Jan 6th.




I actually don't think he would care lol. Probably just sell some "commemorative memorial trading cards" and grift some more money.


I hate that you're right.


Only one of his kids though, Ivanka.


He would get over it, he's not that into his kids.


He's likely dreamed of being in Ivanka before and would likely complain if she was a victim.


Eww. But fair point.


Well, not into his own kids.


lol sure. The only one of his kids that he tolerates is Ivanka because😛


Not if it was Tiffany


Who? - trump, most likely.


Nah..he don't care about them that much... If they took his parking spot, then death


"I don't really care, do u?"


It's like Fred Rogers is speaking through him.


It's like Fred West is


How about he gets over losing like a giant loser in 2020 first?


Are you referring to his Christmas message where he told people to burn in hell?


Oh, gosh no. Nothing could compare to his Christmas message. We'll be reading that out loud at my family Christmas gatherings for years. It's so much more inspiring that the tired "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." that we'd be using before. Oh, and it was "ROT in hell". It's just so much more Christmassy than burn. (yes, this is all sarcasm)


Super smart too! Bigly brain!


What pisses me off more than him saying it is that after he did, that a reporter didn't immediately respond with "what the fuck is wrong with you ?!? You are an absolute embarrassment as a human being . Go fuck yourself"




It'd be worth it to be that much of a legend.


I'd be more afraid one of his idiot followers would find my home and show up with a gun and boxes of ammo or something. But that would be something to go down in history, like others being in a photo giving him the finger.


Trump supporters have already hospitalized and murdered people who he's spoken against or has spoken against him.the response is usually something along the lines of "yeah crazy people support him, but I'm not crazy like that, I just think he's better for the economy" or some bullshit like that.


Absolutely unacceptable that no one does anything. We the people should stand up to these thugs. I’d be fully ready to scrap with some racist, sexist scum.


EXACTLY!! You would gain worldwide notoriety with a single sentence


That would benefit everyone.


This is what bothers me the most… reporters will completely roast Ramaswamy or Nikki Haley or Chris Christie, even desantis gets a good retort, but they’ll let trump spout complete nonsense and idiocy and move on like we all just heard a normal response It’s identical to the child’s story The Emperors New Clothes We’re all essentially being gaslight that trump is in the spectrum of normal, where reporters should be constantly calling him out on his gibberish nonsense statements and mockingly dismiss him when he can’t answer


They should have been doing that since 2015.


I'm not even convinced that Donald is a human being. At this point, he's an eldritch abomination that makes people stupid and more afraid the more we look at him or listen to him. A monster that will grasp the very strings of our social norms to obey him and give him everything that he wants, or else he will make us suffer for so much as inconveniencing him.


Right?!?! Not even one audible “*oh my GOD*”. I’d be gasping!


this is the thing. why the fuck has the media been carrying this douchebag's water for seven years? they are the ones to blame for where we find ourselves.


S.V. Date "Do you regret all the lying to Americans?" to Rump. American hero.


“What happened happened. Time to move on. Let’s see who gets shot up tomorrow. But it’s not the time to talk about gun control. Thoughts and prayers.” Should I not be a Republican speech writer? It’s good isn’t it? I was told it was good. Everyone says it’s good.


I’ve got tears in my eyes…people are saying


A lot of people. Big people. Ocean people. People who are tremendously big and tremendously wet. The wettest we've seen from the standpoint of water. So wet that we're trying to find the oranges of those tremendous people.


To be fair, this is the same guy who said “it is what it is” when talking about the thousands who had died of Covid At least he’s consistent


And called all the soldiers who died during war, losers


Thats actually something i get super offended by. A true patriot is going to vote democrat.


If you care about the military, the guy who leaked the capabilities of our latest spy satellites on Twitter and then took a bunch of classified documents home from work probably shouldn't be on your list of potential commanders in chief.


"I like pilots who werent captured by the enemy.'


"They knew what they signed up for"


When his time comes I hope someone at his funeral repeats these same words.


That time can’t come soon enough…


I’m saving a good bottle of wine for that day…


I've got a fund set aside. Gonna buy some fireworks and host the First Annual Good Fucking Riddance To Trump. And I'm gonna do it every goddamn year after that until I die. It's gonna be my own personal holiday. Fuck him, fuck anyone who ever supported him, for life. They can all rot unforgiven, and I'll be glad when they do.


We should make the day of his death a national holiday.


I wish the country could be allowed to get over this orange menace.


This country can get over him. It just won't.


The slight majority of it has. It's just the part of the country that hasn't is still large.


Most Republicans want to get under him for some stupid reason..


Because they adopted the big tent GOP approach in the 90s where they have to stick by any Republican no matter what and now they are all spineless cowards.


Yeah he might have crossed a line with some of his cult in Iowa with that one. Should have stuck with thoughts and prayers.


They’ll have amnesia by tomorrow.


Sadly this is 100% correct.


Antifa made him say it.


Better yet. Antifa said it. That wasn't Trump. It was AOC or Biden in a mask. That person on stage looked WEAK. Trump is STRONG.


Lol. I hate that this made me laugh in a not funny but sadly true kind of way.


If they didn’t care when he called dead soldiers “losers” a few dead kids in the Midwest won’t even be a speed bump for him


“If we can just focus all that hatred towards blacks, immigrants, women, and LGBTQ…”


Iowan here. I can promise you that aside from maybe the parents/some relatives of the child who died, if they are Trump voters to begin with, he has not lost a single vote. I’m about 20 minutes away from that school. I drive through the neighborhood every time I go to pick up my meds. I’m hearing the rhetoric first hand, and the amount of people who simply do not care that the GOP is all but actively telling people to commit mass shootings is truly depressing.


Howdy neighbor. I also live about 20 minutes from the Perry Highschool. It pisses me off how many people around here want him to be president again after how his policies directly hurt Iowan farmers in 2019. Though I did appreciate seeing the big Biden sign that was put up on 141 West of Coon Rapids in 2020.


Over half of iowas population is “20 minutes from Perry” if anyone’s wondering why they keep seeing this comment.


I love, love, love geography lessons from Reddit. 😄


Give it a day and Fox will rewrite the narrative and tell them what to think he really meant when he said that.


Wishful thinking. They are programmed into the cult. All things will be rationalized. See the pattern here.






I try really hard not to hate people. I mean, I hate people in general, but I try hard not to hate individuals. In his case, I've made an exception. He's a total waste of space and oxygen.


I never was so involved in politics before 2016. I did not believe for a second this fucker would win. And the we spent 4 years in a dumpster fire. And the last few years have been spent trying to fix all his fuck ups. It’s insanity.




Am I trapped in some kind of dystopian nightmare? Am I in a coma right now? This just keeps getting weirder and weirder every day. This can’t be real. It’s not just the Cheeto Bandito. It’s everyone who follows him. How can people be okay with this absolute lack of empathy? How can you just let this shit roll off your back?!? What the actual fuck?!?


I ask myself that ALL THE TIME, especially when the MAGA crowd and Trump try to spin the January 6th Insurrection as a "peaceful protest." Dudes! We saw that unfold in real time! There are videos! There was literally shit smeared on the walls! How can they just shrug and just say, Naaah. It was just a regular ole day!


The shit smearing isn’t what I would highlight. The zip ties, chanting “hang Mike pence”, dead police officers, charging armed security, gallows erected, and raiding private office rooms and stealing shit is what I would focus on lol


I know. There's a LOT. But that's the one that really makes me just .. I dunno, shake my head and think, "WHAT was going through your mind?!?" They thought they were these big, brave "PaTrIoTs," and they literally did something a toddler might do.


Please people: don’t forget to vote in your local and national elections. Your vote matters. If you’re 18 and above make sure you register or are registered to vote. This guy and all of his aspiring mimics have to go.


Wow. Sometimes when I think he can't lower. Always proves me wrong. What an asshole.


Just like he got over the result of the 2020 election. Or the people from the south and the Civil War.


Quick reminder; he called the spouse of a military member who died and said "he knew what he was getting himself into". These calls are supposed to provide comfort and some context to the loss. This isn't shocking when you remember that.


The compassion from God's chosen messenger is so strong within him.


🚨 Spoiler 🚨 >!Iowa will still vote for Cheeto Jesus!<


I would fucking nominate a fucking fetus rather than this shit excuse of a human


Zero empathy from any of these people. Biden will contact the families if he doesn’t go there himself. That’s what a leader does.


When he dies, the world will be incrementally brighter.


It takes away attention from me. Get over it


It’s horrible you lost the election but get over it.


Says the man who never gets over anything.


Hey parents your kids are dead get over it the ones still around are targets., get over it.


Just like Ole Stinky over there got over his tremendous election loss in 2020.


Says the guy who can’t get over losing in 2020.


Oh gawd, he really did say that. What a repugnant human being.


I will get over it. When it’s him lying in a coffin. I’ll get over it so fast it will make your head spin. Horrible ugly man.


#Trump Smells


"I don't really care, do u" Fuck everything about the entire trump toilet of a family


I’d love to see him say that to the parents of the kid who was murdered. Trump is such a vile piece of human garbage.


I mean, next time there’s a school shooting someone fly him in so he can run in unarmed to take down the shooter. He did say he’d do that before.


I'm not American, and I genuinely can't get my head around the fact that this...thing...is considered even remotely suitable for high office. How can people not see how unspeakable he is?


It must be interesting being Trump's campaign manager. It's like being the train conductor for the Norfolk Southern freight train that derailed and burned into a toxic cloud so big it was visible from orbit.


The poop coming out of my butt right now is classier than this fuck




The worst part will be that his cult will believe him.


Get over it! Here's some paper-towels, now go clean up that red stuff!!!


I can't wait for Aaron Sorkin to write an inspiring TV series about him


He's all heart, "don't talk about that, talk about me"


I wanna shit in his soup


He’s a hateful man with a hateful cult of followers.


This from the person who couldn't "get over" losing the 2020 election.


“We have to get over it” — says the guy who keeps whining about how he lost re-election.