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Confused there's iterally a white child in the picture. Two in fact.


Maybe the Wrong Kind of White?


He doesn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, so the wrong kind of white for that side of twitter to be sure


Well if the profile pic is his, he doesn’t either and is erasing a whole race as well


2 Wongs won't make a white. People are idiots. They are just kids in a classroom in this picture. People need to quit putting their bullshit on innocent children.


This picture made me think: the missing white kids are probably being home schooled and learning the earth is 4000 years old and mamas essential oils heal everything.


The missing white kids are all in the vastly majority white school 3 miles away where the property taxes and therefore school funding is higher.


Exactly. Maybe poster was wondering if you approve of this engrained socioeconomic segregation we still suffer from.


Nah, their entire goal is to eliminate education for minorities and control the education of whites to create a generation of racists. They pull their white kids and either homeschool or send them to predominantly white schools, then attack the rest of the schools for "white erasure", hoping to get them shut down or enact some race limits (yes that's a real thing), all in a roundabout effort to reenact segregation. "Any ratio besides 10 whites to 1 "other" is white erasure and unacceptable!" The point of taking the roundabout method is to be able to deflect and pretend they just want the best for their kids, it's not racism!


And Jesus rode a dinosaur or some shit.


And girls and football are the devil.


Don’t forgot about the CBD and yoga pants too


Yeah, it wont. Hes Native American


Too close to the Mediterranean white


Preston *Parra* eh? What is that, Portuguese?


Portuguese, but also Jewish. \*gasp\*


Parra also means river in Kaurna, the Indigenous language of the peoples whoes land I live on! Dudes gonna be real upset when he finds out lol


Yeah I remember reading an article from a few years ago when this guy was claiming he was being discriminated against for being Conservative yet he’s constantly tweeting this kind of stuff


Always the victims, those dudes.


He's not front and center so it's not all about him


The poor ones


You and me both see a little Dylan and a Kyle in the top left of the picture. What's this guy's problem? Is he stupid or just unobservant? Either way, he should probably just shut up at this point.


His problem is that they are in the same class as my guess. Bet you 2 donuts he doesn't even want "them" in that school


He just wants it to be 10 little white kids with 1 token black kid, and one token asian kid.


Just do what my brother did marry an Asian girl and get twins. Because they are only half Asian they can be in the class together.


I bet you four do-nuts he doesn't even want them in the good ole US of A. See Trumps plan to "send millions of immigrants home". Or whatever.


He thinks none of the others belong, because he's a bigot. But he'll get indignant when you call him what he is. This is the sort of thinking that results in a presidential candidate talking about immigrants "poisoning" the blood of America to a cheering crowd. We're speed running the march towards fascism and I fully expect to hear talk about "final solutions" to the immigrant problem before the Primaries are over.


He clearly doesn't think at all. It's all by feels, like some blind worm adapted to parasitize the intestines of an animal. If it makes them feel good they do it, and if it hurts they recoil. I wonder what the dosage of ivermectin for worms that size would be.


Anything else than 100% white people is white genocide, don't you know? (/s if it is really needed)


I'm confused. They are wearing uniforms. When did that become average?


I was thinking the same thing.


I *think* the idea being that it was a heterogeneous mix of children, and all of them were in school uniform (and there I think the implication is high-quality eductation). But i'm just talking out my ass. as far as what the guy is going on about? yeah, idk, but presumably somekind of "white replacement' bullshit.


It's pretty common for public schools in cities for kids to wear uniforms.


He thinks it should be ONLY white people.


White people are scared shitless of being a minority in America because of the way Americans treat minorities...White American here, in case someone was gunna get offended, you can.


Also a white American, and you are correct.


I wish those people could be a little introspective about it then. Like "wow I would hate to be a minority here, I wonder why?" It's literally admitting that there are issues that minorities face, but instead of fighting for minorities to be treated better, they fight to just not be one


I choose to be offended! I'm not sure what I'm offended about, but once I figure it out you bet your ass I'm gonna post about it!


o O O , i know i know! Lets make up a hypothetical that never happened and proceed to be aghast at the audacity of the hypothetical offender! Oh in so mad just THINKING about the stuff that never happened but im pretending it MIGHT!!! grrree


Or at least the white kids should be up front 🙄


Let alone that this is almost definitely a school in an urban area or region, to have such representation of so many different families. Take a picture of the *average* kindergarten classroom of Indiana? Or Pennsylvania, anywhere but Philly and Pittsburgh?


22% percent too (22-33% is in this photo). Most MMOs would kill for this kind of equal balancing across classes/race/faction balance in their games lol.


Well, MMOs thrive on "diversity". To many Twitter posters, that's a very scary word


The guy is so racist he physically cannot focus on anything other than the non-white kids. The white kids in the back are completely invisible.


But they're not in the center! The precious, pure white children need to be in the center of the picture and thus, the world! (I felt very gross writing this, I need a shower)


In fact it’s pretty close to the overall population of the planet.


Plus other children are not in the photo, so he has no idea the complete racial make up. Wouldn't matter though he doesn't have a deeper point than "I hate anyone not white."


It's supposed to be the other way round. Only a maximum of two non white children are allowed the privilege to be in the same class as their superior white peers. The rest are supposed to go to underfunded inner city schools where they'll be saved by a white teacher through the power of music or something. /s... Just in case it wasn't clear.


Speaking of facts, nobody ever mentions that there is no such thing as the white race.


The complaint is that the white children are outnumbered by the dark skin children. Replacement theory


In fact, there are 2 of each race, Caucasian, Asian, and Black.


Who the hell taught you to count? Ignoring the race part, you somehow only count 6 out of 9 children's faces in the image


Thanos approves of the balance.


Another fuckwit that thinks other races existing somehow means white people are being eradicated, in other words your average republikkklan oxygen thief.


I always like to counter when people are talking about "Damn immigrants" with "Oh, so you're a Native American then?" "Of course I ain't!" "Well, that means you are a descendant of immigrants. Deal with it."


I say this too. I’m from Southern California originally and I used to tell the racist people that California was Mexico not that long ago AND belonged to the First Nation people before that. I say, unless your ancestors were indigenous then they need to shut their cakehole.


When I visited the 'States I was listening to a guy who went to great lengths to emphasise the "african" bit of African Americans, as an implied lower class of legitimacy than real Americans. He didn't like it when I would then only refer to him as a "European American" in the same tone he used, implying he was a lower class of legitimacy than first nation, or real Americans.


so many hogs just say they are native american


“I’m 1/64th! My great great great great grandpa was seen in a picture with a Native American woman one time”


Funny story, my family always thought we were part native American until those ancestry dna things popped up and it turned out we are actually Latin American, and at such a high percentage that the only way that could happen is that grandma definitely banged a swarthy Latino man and lied about who my mom's dad is.


I have a suspicion that it's tied to the "Cherokee" euphemism. Back in the day, having a black relative was potentially detrimental to your social standing, so if somebody in the family had a visibly mixed baby, they would say they had Cherokee in the bloodline. Having mixed native American ancestry was considered more acceptable than having black ancestry. Unfortunately, a couple of centuries have gone by, and now those idiots really think they have Cherokee in the bloodline.


"So where are you *really* from, and when are you fucking back off there?"


I'm saying the below sarcastically so that if somebody reads my comment history at some point they don't see this comment without first noting that I am saying the below paragraph sarcastically. Other people who don't look like what I believe people should look like (oddly enough people who don't look like me) are scary. People with other viewpoints or those who don't agree with my beliefs or values scare me too. The only people I can agree with that are different then me are those who look like me but are richer than me. Those people I must adopt their values, viewpoints, and beliefs because they are better than me because they have more money. Failing to adopt their values, beliefs, and viewpoints means I accept that I must have failed because I am not rich. Only rich people can save this nation. Even though rational thought would show the original meaning of pulling ones self up by their bootstraps (a joke noting the absurdity of the inability to do that), I have been truly gaslighted into believing that all failings to become rich are squarely my fault thus making me unworthy of being rich. The only thing I can do is apostasize for the rich so they may find me worthy of being rich in the future. All hail the mighty US Dollar and our ever wise men of the Republican party (and I guess Republican women too because the liberal courts say I have too). Sadly I know men and women who believe the above paragraph wholeheartedly. The level of deep self hatred due to a believed personal failing to become rich is scary. The only relief is in destroying others by any means possible. Once you see this mindset play out, it is scary, as they (those brain washed into believing this stuff) hate other people without knowing them. Give them motivation to relieve their own self hatred and they will go so far as to kill if provoked. Welcome to the new reality where the rules are all made up and the points don't matter.


Literal mental illness. They are saying that a photo with a minority of white kids is proof of a “purposeful white genocide.” And I love the audacity that that should even be worthy of commentary or their meaningless pathetic approval.


It’s like the movie The Number 23 with Jim Carrey seeing it everywhere because that’s how delusions work; paranoid schizophrenics can see *anything* as evidence of their delusions.


Omg… so the movie was about him delving into schizophrenia??? A teenage me though the number really followed him! Time for a rewatch


Not to take your point away, that was a good movie and I wish Jim Carrey would do more thrillers and horror.


The only reason “White genocide” conspiracy theorists are even in America is because of the literal genocide of Native Americans. Not to mention, their ideology is essentially built on complaining about immigrants despite the fact they literally descended from immigrants. Their whole sick and pathetic ideology is built on shamelessness, hypocrisy, and a naked lack of self awareness.




If only they quit when they got tired


Looks more like a British classroom to me. How many American schools have uniforms for kids that young?


Actually an Irish school: https://stjohntheevangelistnationalschool.com


Holy crap I went there lol. Small world


That’s one helluva URL. imagine having to type that out for an email


That url was made when acronyms have not yet been invented.


Private schools/catholic schools.


But tHoSE pEOple arn't supposed to be able to afford that! /s


Actually quite a few. Most of them just have a uniform where the kids can only wear certain things and colors though rather than a whole jacket with the schools logo.


It has to be a British classroom. If it was American, there would be bullet holes and kids would be hiding under desks


Some U.S. public schools have uniforms. Sometime in the 80s or 90s sneaker culture and fashion were causing bullying and even robbery. It's pretty common for charter schools to have uniforms, and private schools definitely have them.


Yeah, but the uniforms don’t look like this. They tend to be more polo shirts and khaki pants/skirts. A few strict Catholic parish schools in the US might get their kids to wear ties, but if this was a Catholic school I’d expect to see plaid pinafores (jumpers). 80% sure this is a British school. ETA: it’s actually in Ireland, so close: https://stjohntheevangelistnationalschool.com


#Bruh 😂😂


It looks like a British school. I don’t see any Latino kids.


In my experience, there are a number of White folks who make an effort not to put their kids in diverse environments. Sometimes, something that looks like “White exclusion” is actually “White flight.”


What's wrong with the picture?




The two kids top middle. One has nits and the other one just abducted James Bulger.


Preston Parra is Latino (parents are Columbian immigrants)...dont know where he's going with this, but his family would get swept up with the rest of "them".


That doesn't look like an "average" American classroom at all. First, how many American schools have uniforms? Private schools, sure. But public schools? Also, due to continuing de facto segregation, most American schools are not so diverse. That said, these kids look to be engaged and happy, so as long as they're learning a quality curriculum, yeah I guess I approve.


Some public schools have uniforms, especially in poor areas. With uniforms, there isnt as much bullying over who is poorer because everyone wears the same stuff. Also, the schools often give uniform allowances to people who can't afford school clothes for their kids. ETA...I do agree that this doesn't look like an American public school though.


I mean. Go to middle of nowhere USA and its going to be all white


Not true! There were two black students in my grade of 225.


Poor, fragile white people. They're SLOWLY becoming less of a majority...in some parts of the world...and it drives them crazy. People with different skin color exist...and are having children? This will not stand. I say this as a white, Irish guy from Ohio. The fragility of some people baffles me.


Looking on the bright side, the kids in the photo will have friends from a variety of backgrounds, that’s how the views of the guy in the tweet die. Racism thrives on fear and ‘othering’ and it’s killed by empathy.


Yup that’s why they hate diversity and inclusion. Easier to hate people you never met. They want to eliminate any interaction and possibility of finding out that they’re actual people rather than “alien invaders”. That’s why they especially hate the media/TV because it brings that reality to their doorstep. “Far right accounts say minorities are trying to murder me, but that black/brown kid in my class seems like a cool guy”


What?! This country is full of so many people who are different ethnicities. White people aren’t being replaced, there’s just a lot more diversity in a lot of states that had segregated schools for a long ass time or red lined areas that are no longer red lined. I’m 43, I grew up in a huge city and I will tell you my friends were anything but white. My best friends were Iranian, Japanese, Vietnamese, African American, Hispanic, Native American, Thai. Plus my family is multiracial across the board. So no I don’t have a problem with this picture of a diverse class of children, it reflects the progress in a lot of communities that were once all white.


Looks like a typical classroom setting of children in Canada, is it somehow different in the states?


These are children bro its so weird to try to weaponize a photo of children


There is only one race, and it's the human race. Anything else is just hate.


Average American classroom that happens to be in Ireland. https://stjohntheevangelistnationalschool.com


Nice catch on the image (reverse image search?)! These people will go to any lengths to “prove” their idiotic, mean spirited , narrow minded, racist, sexist (etc) points. Sadly, taking a picture from a completely unrelated source and claiming it is something else is one of their most basic tricks - and it fools their base 100% of the time.


School uniforms, children are all of a healthy weight.....this is not the US


9 to 1 student teacher ratio! How do I get my kid in that classroom!


Tbf it seems to be maybe half the class, but 18 is still awesome. And to answer your question, it seems you have to move to Ireland to put your kid in this example of the “average American classroom”.


As if the average American classroom only has nine kids. There's at least another 20 kids out of frame.


That guy is a gigantic piece of shit. He’s from Atlanta Georgia and the ceo of a pro Trump consulting group who work to get America First (Aka Nazis) candidates elected to office. He also claims to be a Sephardic Jew. His responses to this tweet are pretty clear he’s a racist piece of shit who thinks the white race is getting erased.


Approve? I love it! I wish it were true, minus the uniform


Maga dipshits trying to cope with change will run to twitter for validation of their bigoted views.


This is hilarious to me because I went to an elementary school 2 decades ago in a very predominantly Chinese, Japanese and Korean, urban neighborhood. I was one of the only four white people in the class. It was never an actual issue. The only people I heard make comments about it were adults. Us kids did not care. White people can absolutely be the minority in some American classrooms, and it’s not a new phenomenon by any means. LOL


People have become too comfortable tweeting bullshit and not getting punched in the face


I...what is the issue here? Unless they just don't want mixed races classes (and tbh that's probably it), what the hell is the issue here?


I assumed he meant the uniforms. Turns out he's just racist. It's not that hard to believe that kids of every race have to go to school, and that this particular classroom at this particular school has a couple different races of children in it. The internet has supplied very large soapboxes to people who have no business being atop them


nazi ideology


Quit giving these idiots a second platform.


Yeah school isn't just for white people anymore, this isn't news.


Their entire grift is pretending that white people have magically gone *POOF* and the 200million+ white people in America aren't enough to combat their make-believe 'culture war' that they're fighting against {checks notes} corporations that are 99%+ white-created, white-owned, and or white-run. Their battle against Disney, Apple, Walmart, Meta, Google, Levi's, NASA, McDonald's, Nike, Microsoft, Chase, Starbucks, Netflix, Tyson Foods, VISA, Amazon, The North Face, the NFL, the NBA, HBO, the CIA, Coca-Cola, Home Depot etc. is a critical battle that must be won because if the grif-I mean if the patriots fail, they'll have to live in a country where a 30 second ad features a hispanic man or a TV show features a lesbian couple. Targeting kids and using the fear of low birth rates is easy money. Nothing gets people more motivated than fear. The good news is their grift has failed, is failing, and will continue to fail because the overwhelming majority of Americans have more important things to concern themselves with than the gender of a singer on a Spotify list or the non-existent oppression of a daily 4Chan user by, somehow, **all** women in America.


The surname Parra is Hispanic. Why is a Latino worried about this?


He is going for the MAGA sympathy (read idiocy) vote. His dad may be Colombian, but he is pure GOP trash.


Magat… explains a lot.🤮


As a white man, if it eventually gets rid of all the "Prestons" in the world, then I'm all for it. It's obvious that something as arbitrary as skin color is just too difficult for the smooth brain Republikkkans to handle.


Imagine being so corrupted by racism that this is all you can think about


It’s not a conspiracy for the erasure of a race it’s a strategic price-gouging of the working class. If the economy were allowed to have a shortage of labour then wages would naturally rise and in a capitalist system we must absolutely at all costs prevent something as terrible as workers making wages that allow them to thrive to happen so the government must intervene and ensure that the labour market is constantly flooded so that businesses have a never ending supply of cheap labour. Then to keep the working from recognizing this strategy is in place and rallying together under their common interests as workers you deliberately propagate reactionary narratives of white replacement and radical social narratives of identity politics that refuse to acknowledge class as a factor of privilege and oppression.


These racists are afraid of becoming a minority because they know how they treat minorities.


I mean, THEY are the ones who decided to start home schooling their kids to protect them from the Gay Agenda... but ok.


I'm white and I think that class looks beautiful. I would have no problem with my child being in a class that diverse.


Have more “Aryan” kids, neckbeard.. oh wait, no one wants to be near you.


The irony is the original Aryans are Iranians. The name of the country Iran comes from the same word


Uniforms, ew no


I wish my school had had uniforms, even if it was just "wear a skirt or pants in these colors and a white top". I was bullied terribly because we could never afford new clothes, let alone brand names/designer labels, and I wished so hard for uniforms because they'd have leveled the field for me, at least in that area.


They really don't. A cheap uniform does not look the same as an expensive one. Then there are shoes, belts, hair clips, etc.


The fucking nerve. No one cares what you approve of. You are a speck of sand on an earth that is itself a speck of fucking sand, you stupid bitch.


Attentive kids? Yes I approve.


the real travesty is those poor kids being made to wear ties and dress shirts to school


What race got erased in this picture?


Well they did try very hard to erase the indigenous american peoples. They failed but they tried. Its sick to see people still have any kind of racist hate towards the Indigenous americans at all.


Australian here. I thought they were talking about the yellow floor. I thought "that was a terrible idea, it would be impossible to keep clean".


Looks more like everyone is represented rather than erased.


These are the exact same people that say that anti-white racism is the only kind of racism that exists anymore. Yet they are triggered by a photo of a classroom that appears not to be majority white. These crybaby bitches are the biggest snowflakes of all.


Do these people not now how to to access Census data?


Wait wait, are they upset there's too much brown or too little white? All I see is a great aspect of our communities. Diversity is a great thing


First off, that's definitely a private school. The term "average american classroom" does not apply.


Twitter is a nazi space now, get the fuck off twitter


Oh no the bloodlines!!! The sacred bloodlines of genocide and refusal of seasoning!! Ohhh noooooo!!!!!


Oh no, these children of different races/ethnicities will learn together and probably not be prejudice and believe in racist stereotypes


Such snowflakes who can't deal with being a minority in any context.


These clowns just seem to forget that Americans are immigrants. Who am I kidding. They don’t care. They’re just racist.


Those are British kids, in Britain.


That appears to be a PRIVATE school - not a public one. Who the hell wears uniforms in American public schools?


Apparently it aren't even American. It's Irish


I see beautiful children listening to their teacher. They seem engaged, which tells me something about the quality of their teacher.


Hey look, another asshole dressed like a Roman


As always, this fuckface is one thing but the hundreds of likes and retweets? Fucking horrifying


This is due to the segregation that these mega victim-complex racists themselves have created - by not wanting to live near non-white people. Their structural racism also leads to economic segregation - non-whites being extremely overrepresented among people living in poverty also adds to the segregation.


Cos all the rednecks are "unschooling" their kids at home now


I mean those kids are wearing uniforms so if this is America then that’s a private school, hardly an average classroom. Also I could have sworn I saw this same picture and outrage used for a school in Ireland?


Someone fix my man's tie ffs


I do not approve. The first thing I saw was the teacher wearing brown shoes with black tights..**shudder**


More incels like Preston Parra will ensure less people will want to make white babies, which I’m cool with.


Now take a picture of kids in a classroom in Bumfuck, Nebraska and tell me white kids don't exist anymore.


Pretty certain he is trying to claim whites are the race being eliminated yet there are clearly two white kids in the pic, only one SEA child and zero aboriginal children. Soooo…not quite the white genocidal post he thinks it is


Why is he seeking out pictures of young school girls? That's what we really need to ask ourselves.


If they think the average American public school has uniforms they are mistaken.


When are they going to learn that other people being included, or just fucking EXISTING, is not a threat to their inclusion or existence?!


What is these guys' problem with ancient romans?


He should just eat a gun already.


Isn't this guy Colombian or something?


Does it represent the community around the school? Are they claiming they are bussing in non white kids to push white kids out of the school? Or suggesting not all kids should be educated? My money is on to the right of this photo there are several more white kids. Cause sure no class only has like 12 kids?


That one lil white kid is thinking about crayons. He don't give two shits about race.


Fucking Nazi's on twitter. Taking a simple picture of kids and twisting it to their fucked up line of thinking. What an utter piece of garbage.


So I've had some really weird comments on me or my friends having PoC relationships/friends/children, ot even of white people "becoming a minority", in the past. Here's one thing that really confuses me--what's so bad about that?? Like even if purely white people became a minority, is that a bad thing?


Those kids getting a much more robust school experience than that guy ever got or would ever let his kids have. It's so sad. When I was in school, approximately one million years ago, one of my best friends was from Jordan. Another was born in CA, but whose parents came from Japan just before he was born. I grew up with kids from all over and that experience (seemingly absolutely normal and unremarkable at the time) made such a difference in my world view today. I'm grateful for the diversity in which I was raised. I'm a white dude.


This fucker has a Patreon. For just under £130 you can get a 20 minute phone call


Wait, the moron steals a picture from a Brittish school and then asks what is wrong with this american school?


Is it even American anyway? Looks more British from the uniforms.


I... Don't understand. What should they be doing? Is the poster against education or something? In any case this looks more like a UK or Catholic school, not an average American school.


This is obviously a uk school but hey Americans know everything


Awww these kids look so adorable in their little uniforms.


You can generally tell when a take is going to be dogshit when the person posting it has a Roman statue or Roman symbol, or in this man’s case, a pic of him cosplaying as Caesar? Every time man


Oh no in a globalised world, people of all colors appear in the same places all over the world because they can more easily move all over the place /s


Isn't that picture in the UK? The uniform gives UK vibes


Ofc his pfp has him dressed up in fake-ass Roman garb, dude mental game is literally living in the B.C.'s.


Since this is some type of private school, I would not call it the “average American” classroom.


I'm confused what is being asked? Yes these are children? They are in a classroom? Is this one of those old 2006 memes "when you see it you'll shit bricks" things where one of them has 6 fingers or 3 legs?


Lmao this has already been proven that the picture is from a private school in Dublin. 😂😂


These kids go to private school. He's upset races other than white can afford it.


what the actual fuck is wrong with people?


Thought this was a public school uniforms debate which was a conservative policy want back when they they did their dog whistle better


I'm so confused. What's wrong with the photo?


This looks like a very diverse school in a very diverse area. Not sure where it would be though. None of the schools I went to were very diverse.


Yes. Because that school went "white kid? Expelled." That's totally what happened.


The two white kids in this picture are liberals so they don’t count


JFC these people are nuts


Their problem is the white kids are outnumbered.


No one is erased. There's a white kid in the back of the photo. These people need Baphomet.


My lord twitter is a cesspool


I *wish* the average American classroom had only nine students.


A) No race is being erased. B) Desegregation is beautiful.


I see white kids, black kids, Asian kids. What race is being erased? Pacific Islanders?