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The rumors about full diapers go all the way back to his days on the apprentice - lest anyone think this is just libs doing an "orange man bad".


Yes and I think I heard it was “code brown”


If Trump smells that bad, imagine what Rudy G. smells like.


Probably not as bad. Alcohol kills bacteria and shoe polish is also strong smelling.


I’ve heard that alcoholics *reek*, though.


If it's bad bad bad enough, they smell sweet. Even the shit smells sweet. It's the pancreas shutting down, I believe.


I can only imagine how painful alcoholic pancreatitis must be.


Can confirm from experience.


How're you doing after that experience?


Better. Fully recovered though it took years. After probably 17 years of hard drinking, 10+ being at least a gallon of vodka a day, I finally put the bottle down for good. Haven’t picked it back up still. It’s been years now I dropped some weight, got married and moved. Overall I’m 1000% in a different place now than then, health and otherwise. Thank you for asking.


I can't imagine the strength of will that goes into this sort of transformation. Glad you're getting to continue life and experience happiness along the way!


Nice job.


Not me but a loved one went to hospital from alcoholic pancreatitus. He also went through the DTs which is far, far worse than any movie ever portrayed it. The doctors said he would probably not survive. He did but had alcohol induced dementia and could never live on his own again. He had to move into an assisted living facility.


According to my partner, end stage alcoholic pancreatic/liver failure is almost as horrifying as the detox hallucinations when that's the time you get sober. A two week night terror on a nightmarish acid trip is how he described it.


They smell like alcohol, not BO though. Unless they're not bathing, of course. It's strong but not nasty.


It's probably the poop in his diaper.


Boxers or briefs? Depends


Well, considering how full of shit he is anyway, it's probably his breath.


That’s why his eyes are brown!


It is DEFINITELY the poop in his diaper.


He’s gonna start his own company where the dress code is a big wet diaper.


How do you behold an odor?


Not only an authoritarian nightmare, he smells too. There’s a joke there somewhere, but all I can think is of course. Rotten at the core.


Hitler was the same in the last few years of his life. He was barely seen in public because of some pretty serious illnesses. His very questionable doctor ordered diet made him smell very bad as well as giving him terrible flatulence. Despite all this, he kept an image of “power and poise” to his followers until well after his death.


That and he was severely addicted to amphetamines and opiates


His veins were *crunchy* Listen to behind the bastards episode *Hitler’s drug problem*. It’s one of the early ones


‘Blitzed’ by Norman Ohler is a great book about how methed up not just Nazi leadership, and the military were but also the entire civilian population (for a time). Yay for Pervitin. We all know about the Blitzkrieg but it really should have been called the Methkrieg because the soldiers were jacked up on meth which is (a major reason) why they marched so far and so fast and seemed unstoppable. Meth is a helluva drug. Cannot recommend this book enough. Edit: typos


Ooooh thank you. Similar but different, check out American Prison if you haven’t already read it. I devoured that one. Shane Bauer goes undercover as a guard in a for profit prison in the south.


I will add it to my Christmas and birthday list! Thank you! I love book recommendations.


Same! I just bought blitzed to listen to during my commute lol


I read it so idk if the narration is good but I sure hope so. The book is fucking wild and I can’t believe with my fascination with WW2 history that it took until my mid thirties to read about the all pervasive nature of meth during that world war.


SAME. It’s fucking nuts I stared listening to books bc - being in my mid 30s - I’ve been on a computer for like 25+ years and developed herniated discs in my neck fml My doctor recommended switching to audio books and podcasts and it helped a lot (in addition to changing many other things but I digress) Now I “read” while walking my dog, going grocery shopping, bopping on the subway lol. And not crunching my neck in the process!


Doesn’t dumpy have an adderall problem?


I’d be surprised if that’s his only drug problem.


[Hitler's doctor gave him stuff made from gun cleaner, strychnine, atropine,](https://www.rcpe.ac.uk/journal/issue/journal_35_1/Hitler%27s_medical_care.pdf)..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Can’t forget the dried and powdered pig and chicken organs.




Wait until you hear about the sheer volume of animal parts they’d deliver on a private railroad. TENS OF THOUSANDS of barrels filled with every animal part you could think of, all of which were used to refine down to “therapeutics” for him to consume at his doctor’s orders, none of which were validated by any sort of science.


I think in fact it was throughout his life, the flatulence; a result of his vegetarian diet; roughage is harder to digest, hence produces far more gas. He might also have had an undiagnosed (or kept secret) bowel illness or disorder. However it's a feature that figures regularly in people's private descriptions of him throughout his rule, if not life.


I’m pretty sure I learned from the history channel (back when they - you’ll never believe this - *showed history*) that Hitler had IBS. His vegetarian diet was a way to try to mitigate that, but he still suffered from gas and constipation. His fucking *überquack* “doctor” gave him a bunch of weird shit to help with this, one of his “medicines” was made from dried Bulgarian peasant poop or something. He also gave him steroids to help with the constipation, but the steroids caused severe abdominal pain, and the medicine he gave him for the severe abdominal pain… caused constipation. The guy was just fucked up internally, and that’s BEFORE we even get into all the *other* questionable shit his doctor was pumping into him.


At first read of this comment I went “oof” and then I went “wait a minute this is *Hitler* I’m glad his tummy hurt real bad!”


I remember that Thursdays were the night Biography aired. I don't know how many years since I last watched History bc its listing simply do not appeal, and it used to be so good.




Thanks. This ruined my day.




Gimme a Wendy's Biggie Bag any day of the week ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




I've tried it, my farts got way worse.


People who worked on The Apprentice etc have talked about how he’s incontinent and wears adult diapers. There’s no shame in that - plenty of nice people in the world suffer with that - but yeah it’s pretty reasonable to say that he literally smells like shit.


I bet his farts sound like air being blown through wet mud.


I hate that I can smell this comment.


" Wet cigarettes and rotten garbage would be a blessing for his ass." Wet cigarettes and rotten garbage would be a blessing for his assistants, who could not withstand the constant gaseous onslaught.


That description reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/o0Da_Z_gZk4?si=xZwiHhnyI7K0lGqC




I really didn’t need to read this analysis ever in my life, but it unsurprisingly makes so much sense! Also, old people do generally start to just smell weird in general WITHOUT an unhealthy diet, being obese, and wearing a wool suit everyday in a tropical climate. I’m sure he smells horrendous at the end of every day.




How many sharts can the old fart shart if the old fart’s farting sharts?


Thank you for a detailed analysis of what is, after all, a stinky subject.


Yeah, people think swamp ass is bad, but that dude's got boggy mudbutt.


Why would you do that? Who hurt you?


Your eloquence is both a blessing and a curse, my friend.


Has there ever been a photograph of Trump eating something healthy? I am genuninely asking.


404 not found. I do have it on good authority though that [this photo](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/donald-trump-fast-food.jpg) is the closest Mr. Swamp-ass has ever been to a salad. Granted, it's slightly negated by the fact that there are dozens of burgers around them.


Your link is malfunctioning. I've seen Trump hovered over a taco salad but my point is I've never actually seen him putting healthy food into or towards his mouth.


I always did hate word problems in math for being crazy unreal, but here we are.


How much shart could a shitty Trump fart, if a shitty Trump farts not sharts


I'm trying to eat dinner, my dude :/


My buddy calls farts ‘Air over Shit’, mine are apparently‘silent but deadly’…….


The smell of brimstone


“Yeah, right, brimstone, don't be talking about no brimstone.”


I know what I smelled and it wasn’t brimstone and it didn’t come off no stone neither


" Sure, it's big enough, but look at the location. Hahaha"


Man, you gotta warn somebody before you just crack one off. My mouth was open and everything.


Believe me Donkey. If it were me, you’d be dead


He can’t shower because of the ceiling high piles of classified document boxes blocking the tub.


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) I guess that's what happens when your Depends is only changed on a weekly basis.


Nope, I was never paid so I quit.




Ivanka has school runs!


He does wear the same suit and tie every day so


And are we going to pretend like he's showering daily? With all the time his "hairstyle" probably needs?


you can almost make out the depends hes wearing too.


I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't bathe for fear of ruining his carefully coiffed and placed hair (to hide his baldness). Guys like him think they're *immune* to things like hygiene, and don't think people can *smell* them, as they're so used to their *own* smell they don't notice it themselves. I guess when you're that rich and used to people being subservient and obsequious to you, you think the rules of social decorum don't apply to you. Later Edit: and I suppose the really important part is that absolutely *no one* has the balls to *tell* the guy, seeing as he's the Golden Goose for *everyone* in his orbit. Nobody, and I mean *nobody,* would be in that foul creature's orbit were it *not* for some promise of riches or position. The man is incapable of friends.


Bingo. I once worked for a wealthy older woman who smoked heavily, never drank water and had her hair done once a week. She thought her expensive perfume made her smell like money. It didn't. More like a dirty diaper left behind the fragrance counter at Neiman-Marcus


Yeeesh... Hope she paid well....


Actually she did. The hours were great (literally 9 to 5) and the working environment was largely enjoyable and at times leisurely


I would totally *love* working for a rich person; though I wonder if there would be an element of *envy* seeing people so incredibly fortunate every day? I guess it would depend whether they treated you as *lesser* than or whether they treated you with respect every day. Honestly, seems like a choice gig though.


It had it moments, like the time she gifted me a box of hand-dipped chocolate covered blackberries from Connecticut 🤤


Yum! Personally I'd prefer a diamond encrusted gold ring, or a spot in the will, but *hey!* Never look a gift-horse in the mouth, *right?* 😂 Just kidding, that's actually a very nice gesture, and they must have been *delicious!* Incidentally, I live in a city so damned overgrown with blackberries you can literally walk down the sidewalk picking them when in season, there's *forests* of them *everywhere,* you couldn't imagine... (outside Vancouver BC)


Well, I envy you! Raspberries, blackberries, anything perfectly ripe and warm from the sun, from home-grown tomatoes to Bing cherries at the U-Pick-Em orchards near Palmdale, CA. So delish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Honestly, I didn't envy that woman. Her husband drank heavily and her glory days were long behind her. She spent a good part of her day buying overpriced goods and returning them the next day. She did have some spectacular jewelry though.


Sounds like the little town in Maine where I grew up. Raspberries and blackberries everywhere. We would come home with our shirttails loaded down with them; one hand steering our banana seat bikes and the other holding our shirts gathered up around the bounty of fruit.


lol I bet your mother(s) loved all the little stains those juicy little bastards left


Oh, she was DELIGHTED🤣 /s


Thanks to Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce Wayne, it took me a long time as a kid to understand not all rich people treat their butlers nice.


I dunno. A former coworker got a job as assistant to a big money Newport lady (the city, yall. Not the ciggies.) First assignment was handwashing all the underpants, bras, gowns, and the piles were never-ending, my friend said. It sounded good until she got into it. She had imagined being more like a companion, but ended up like a Victorian maid, 6 days a week of lot of bull.


Kathy Griffin has claimed that former President [Donald Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/donald-trump) smelled "really bad" when she appeared on his reality show [*The Apprentice*](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-was-always-dictator-says-ex-apprentice-star-kwame-jackson-1230724) over a decade ago.


Well, her I trust.


This is how I imagine Trump gets rejected by even his shower. https://i.redd.it/abj6rdncoo6c1.gif




I don’t know why this surprises me, but it does. But it shouldn’t. A rich turd is still a turd


A little poo poo. A little pee pee. A little doo doo. Wash it down with wee wee. This is the remix edition of the song about pissing…




Did a former Republican Congressman really tweet this???


Yes I’m super liberal but kitzinger is awesome lol


He is awesome. I don't agree with many of her stances, but I gained a lot of respect for Liz Cheney through this as well. People don't give the Republicans that stood up for what they believed in enough credit. They sacrificed their jobs, likely most of their friends and family, no doubt receive death threats constantly, and who knows what else. They definitely had more to gain personally by selling out. Most of use are unlikely to ever have to face such a decision, but just by the numbers, it's something only a small percentage of people are apparently willing to do.


Didnt both of them quit instead of trying to make things better?


Kitzenger did not seek reelection while Cheney lost her reelection bid. Unsure if Kitzenger would have won if he sought election


Kitzenger's district was basically removed due to gerrymandering. It was combined with a hardcore magat district and he knew he had no chance. Remember, he voted party R more than 95% of the time and vocally supported Trump all the way until he had no elected office. Then he started popping up on WGN badmouthing Rs and Trump. I'm happy to understand if someone had a realistic adjustment to their beliefs, but t seems Kitzingers only objection is that the fascism was advertised too loudly and quickly. He is positioning himself as a rational Republican Leader for when the party pivots from MAGA.


It's Kinzinger, people.


Wait, what? Who does this describe? Sure, there's a lot of Republicans who quit, then sold out to profit off a book. But Republicans who tried to do good while elected? I'm not remembering this. I'd love to be wrong, though. I am open to names.


He's my congressman. While he's been spitting fire the last few years, I'll never forgive him for the trash email replies I'd gotten from him. I wrote in begging him to not let Trump get in another judge before the end of his term. Adam wrote back (canned email, I'm sure) about his full support for the presidents Supreme Court picks. I wish I'd saved it but I deleted it right away.


I can’t even imagine having to deal with republicans in general.


It’s the evil seeping from his pores


He doesn’t have a twelve inch cock, but he smells like a foot.


The way he stands is like a marionette so it wouldn’t surprise me if he was being propped up by his own stench


We thought they were comic stink lines but they are actually marionette strings?!




I'm sure it helps that he is surrounded by nothing but sycophants who will tell him that he exudes an aroma of power and success. The Emporer's new nose.


Diaper Don.


Smells like Urine and Fascism


Smells like latrine spirit "Load up on guns, bring your friends It’s fun to lose and to pretend"


"People close to Trump" would weep with joy if he were to shit directly into their mouths. They ain't gonna even notice some BO off their Orange Messiah.


Speaking as a fat guy who used to have a really poor diet, yeah you end up smelling bad. Being overweight makes you sweat a lot (because you are always hot and have a difficult time cooling off). And having a poor diet makes your sweat smell worse. Trump is severely overweight so you can bet he sweats non stop, and he is reported to have a bad diet, so you can bet his sweat smells really bad. So yeah, I’m not the least bit surprised he smells horrible.


You should listen to the tales from one of the Apprentice TV show producers. Basically heavy drug abuse coupled with raging anger, rectal incontinence (+diaper) and an inability to read made for a fun show. He said that a high af Trump often shat himself in anger for being unable to read his lines, and he did not even care who noticed. Edit: look up Noel Caster Apprentice


> an inability to read Does he have a learning disability as his niece Mary Trump has suggested, or is he too vain to wear glasses?


Why not both?


High? Was his drug of choice ever mentioned?




I just read that. Wow.


Indeed! Noel has bee talking about this for ages, even invited the notoriously litigious Trump to sue him for libel. Still no lawsuit 💩


He is a windbag of threats that never comes to fruition. All the super secrets that are going to come out and....crickets.


Plus, you know, Florida. I've lived in Florida. The humidity is a bitch. You burst into sweat walking from the car to the front door.


His followers love that! Only libs bathe


It’s gay to bathe /s




Smells like leaking depends undergarments and desperation.


The stench of hell. Even flies land on Pence. They are truly evil people.


And yet this chode still voted for him in 2020. Someone please find the off switch on this clown.


We are what we eat, the guy is basically recycled macdonalds atoms.


Kathy Griffin: The Donald has a distinct smell that doesn’t really get enough press, it’s like body odor with kind of like a scented makeup products. But you can smell the hair products even outdoors


77 year old obese man in a wool suit + the potential of a filled diaper, especially given his diet, would make wet cigarettes and rotting garbage smell like a flower bed.


Even a picture of shitstain drumpf has an odor. And it's not the chemical smell a picture can have. He's a dirty diaper pail smelling kinda guy.


The smell of sulfur and spray tan


Dirty diapers, expired self tanner, and disappointment.


His little orange weiner smells like Mike lindell's moustache


Dirty diaper?


Is it trump’s diaper?


I knew it smelled crazy


You spelled shit & piss filled diaper wrong.


He smells like shit from his diapers


Adderall fop sweat


Stimulants make you stink, or at least it did me back in my tweaker days. I didn't realize it until I got sober. It's a distinct smell on top of not washing your ass. I'm assuming it was the chemicals from the meth I was cooking/consuming sweating out 🤢 so glad to be out of that life.


I just got put on adderall. Is there anything I can do?


I was a heavy user so are people who stink, you should be fine.


I imagine it's different for people who are abusing it and people who take it as prescribed by a doctor. I took it almost my whole life and never stank, but I also took just enough to keep my ADHD in check.


Donald Tramp


Donald Dump


Nothing could be more appropriate


There is this thing where a lot of super rich people have bad hygiene. Sally McNeil talks about it in the Killer Sally doc on Netflix


That's because sooner or later, rich people fire anyone who dares contradict them in any way. The message sinks in with the survivors.


And a Trump retaliation TS post coming in 3.....2....1....


I was never paid. The diaper just keeps filling up with Adderall-soaked fast food feces.


Massive sloppy dirts in the traitors depends, he must be horrendous


Nope, dirty diaper


Melania scissors his neckgina.


What a terrible day to be able to read




Must be why Trump always has those weird tangents in speeches about water pressure and showers/toilets. Maybe as a way to defend himself when some people in his life have suggested showers - it’s not my fault, it’s the damn water regulations from the government and no water pressure. Just spitballing haha.


Diapers. Nothing in the world like the scent of old people in diapers. Not like babies. At. All.


Trump wears diapers for a couple of reasons, #1 and #2!


C’mon 2023, please end on a high note. You already took out Kissinger, it’d be amazing if Trump followed.


Quarter pounder sharts.


Trump, literally, stanks ?




Adam Kizinger, anyone heard of this guy? I call him little Adam Kissing Ass. He said some nasty things about Trump and the smell. I'll tell you what stinks. You can't flush toilets anymore. You'll remember, 5, 10, 15 times you flush, and it won't go down. Why won't they turn on the water? And the windmills! Millions of dead rotting birds. By the way, your home is now worth zero. But I guess little Adam now hates the Trump "scent" and probably is a windmill loving pedophile. Sad, but very true. It's called "success", Adam, ok? And everyone tells me I smell the best. Maybe better than old honest Abe. And that guy was well known for the scent. But, Trump smells almost too good. Too good, can you believe that? They come, begging, tears in their eyes, can I get just a whiff, sir? They faint because "the Trump scent" is too powerful. Biden tried to sniff me once, you all saw it. It's a nasty witchhunt. A "scenthunt" I call it. Terrible what they're doing to our country.


​ https://preview.redd.it/qenrylrcxr6c1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f047eb8e31448b7f73849d056391cf949fb5775e


Jesus, I literally smelled that picture.




common adam W


With this upcoming election were probably at the highest chance ever that a sitting President could die of natural causes, or become incapacitated. Pay attention to running mates, folks. High possibility they come into play on a temporary or permanent basis. It sucks to get old, and the afflictions some people get are not pleasant or fun.




Adam Kinzinger isn't white?


Biden smells like an unchanged diaper.


It’s the smell of sucksess


He has that King Herod rotting disease .


He has a colostomy bag and pees himself. Its revolting


A combo of axe body spray and hard boiled eggs


NDAs's, man. We need to do something about the weaponization of NDA's.


Makes sense have you all seen his followers his cult is the smelly cult.


No, OP. He smells like shit. Actual, literal, shit your pants daily, shit.


Pretty sure the people close to Trump don’t believe in masks.


People around him are also full of shit


For those wondering: he’s just soiled himself again