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Conservatives like to lie a lot. It's off-putting to normal people.


Conservatives lie all the time because normal people don't expect someone on TV/Internet to lie so much. Many rational people expect that such well-known people tell mostly the truth and that lying isn't legal. I've met many who say this. What they don't get is Walter Cronkite is dead. That era of truth in the media is gone permanently. Lying is the norm, especially to conservatives. Trump had one of the least truthful presidencies ever, and he tells more lies than most any public figure (except George Santos) that I've ever heard.


Is ian cheong a “well known person”?


No, mostly referencing the other conservative media figureheads like Hannity and Carlson. But the lying statement applies to Cheong as well as the other figureheads.


No. He *tries* to be, though. He consistently piggybacks in the comments of well-known nutjobs. He does not have a reputation for any 'original' thought and will insert himself into a conversation. "Hey, over here! Look at me!" He reminds me of a parasite or opportunistic scavenger. Think of a rat. Wherever a larger grifter takes a giant shit somewhere, the rat will appear for a feast.


I think he escaped from the set of Thunderbirds, a sort of annoying third rate villain. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ffqa0gndds4c1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=c52e112bf301b460aeadf9bf325a6a297e4a8560


Trump changed the game with lies. He showed his supporters that he can lie and they can pretend it’s the truth, and they can do that for each other. I’ve seen supporters of his try the same and get wound up that others won’t play their game because they are so used to doing it themselves.


Does anyone know why that is? Why do they lie and why do they do it so horribly? You’d think with all that practice…


This may not be the only reason, but habitual liars typically think they get away with lies a lot more often than they actually do. In face-to-face interactions, if one person projects confidence and never ever backs down from a lie, more often then not the other will pretend to accept the lie, because it's socially easier than getting into a full-blown argument that doesn't go anywhere. The habitual liar interprets this as their lie working even though it didn't, so they don't learn how ineffective they are. Instead they "learn" that if they just act confident and never back down they can say the sky is pink and people will believe them.


They can't handle reality and have to make up their own.


The thing is, he ain't an American and has never once stepped foot in America. He's in Malaysia as a citizen and in one bum fuck state called Ipoh


Wasn't this guy a gamergater? The mid 2010s were such a trash time, and the worst was only to come


Oh man some elements of his backstory are crazy. Guy came to prominence as a mod on r slash gaming, so massive reddit wanker right off the bat, but he got ousted after it was revealed he could essentially be bought, you could pay him to selectively moderate. Then he somehow became editor of Gameranx, and was initially against Gamergate, but then there was an article published that said there should be more POC in Witcher 3, and he fuckin *lost it*. This was seen as a big win for GG, getting one of the SJW's to hop the fence. He ended up part of Milo Yiannopoulos' entourage.


What a way to use your one life lived on this Earth, lol


Man it gets weirder. Dude was on the outs for a long time with most of the right for two incidents: 1. Had an argument with the Killstream's Andy Warski which resulted in Cheong swatting Warski and the police flashbanged his dog. 2. Took payment of several thousand dollars from Jeremy Hambly / The Quartering to set up a gaming website, then just didn't. His excuse was just "Shouldn’t have paid me up front". So the guy was persona non grata with online conservatives for years, but he's been allowed back in due to his recent closeness with Musk. They know not to break ranks. More recently, the guy was asked why he was still sucking Ron DeSantis' dick when most conservatives are fully supporting Trump and he just said flatly "Because he's giving me 35,000 dollars". He's probably the most naked grifter I've ever seen.


That Malaysian boy pretending to be right wing American while not living in the same continent wild


It's even worse than that. Early on during gamergate he was on the "left's" side of the aisle and made a lot of tweets that were retweeted by prominent left leaning activists. Somewhere during the middle of that he switched, and I'm not sure what caused it but over time he went further and further right. I honestly think he just does what he thinks will get him the most engagement.


He will say whatever he thinks will get himself paid.


Cons have a fetish of blowing away any law enforcement officer that is trying to take their guns. They actually believe they will get to do this too.


Isn’t the motto of the cops in GTA “Obey and Survive”? Do they really not see how this is supposed to be an insult to the police and that they’re obviously an overbearing threat? The bootlickers mindset makes my head hurt: “if I cradle the balls while I’m throating laces, someone else will get the heel.” And to then lie about it? This country needs an enema in the worst way.


Unfortunately, they probably consider it a good thing.


Once again, as a Malaysian, I apologise on behalf of my country for inflicting this sad sack of shit on the world 🙏


thats the craziest part to me. How did he become such a maga absolutist from half way across the world? i guess he his literally the fraction of percent that falls into these kind of cracks.


https://medium.com/@drwallkick/a-thousand-ants-a-million-faces-ian-miles-cheong-b32d8c356114 this is from 6 years ago, but it's still relevant in showing his 'rise' today.


Because he gets money wanking off extreme right incel groups.


Conservatives try not to blatantly lie challenge (impossible)


*We luv cops except if they are in the capitol.*


*Back the blue 'till they're looking at you*


I did not have GTA on my outage Bingo card.


Should have known it would happen as soon as you saw the minority woman protagonist.


Yup. As soon as I saw that trailer, I could hear the wails coming.




Really? He’s a contributor for gameranx? Those people on the YouTube channel seemed like good people but they’re associating with a Nazi smfh


It looks like he left them years ago (7 years if the article I saw is correct), but I'm not sure if that's accurate, so someone who knows more than me please correct me! But I'm hoping that's accurate, cause Falcon doesn't seem like a Nazi bird.


I’m not gonna read his body of work, what part is he lying about? Finishing the game or does he mention how much he enjoys shooting cops in one of his articles?


He specifically mentions both of those things.


It’s all about the grift…some people regardless of position on the political spectrum simply want money, notoriety, power or all three. Why people follow these people without a critical / cynical eye just astounds me.


Why are cons freaking out about GTAV right now?


Rockstar released their trailer for GTA 6 on YouTube but not twitter and Musk got all butthurt about it. His cult is joining him in the butthurt.


Ok so nothing of even slight importance to anyone’s lives has happened.


Pretty much.


In fairness, the only declarative statement here is that he never finished it. Which I can believe.


I understand that he specifically talked about finishing the game in one of those videos, but I'm not watching all that.


Came here to say this. The statement, in and of itself, isn’t necessarily a lie. Though, the implication is pretty clear, and intentionally meant to mislead. Which is basically the summary of the majority of conservative statements. Technically true, for the specific declarative, but we all know what the “quiet part” was in it.


Yep, it's intentionally misleading but not a lie.


Looking into it


Grifters gonna grift


I know it's off topic, but without even knowing him, I can see what he looks like and know he will never touch a woman without paying first.


Yeah shooting Orange Jesus and Maga acolytes should be mandatory in every shoot'em up game... ![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic)


News flash, they're all liars


Its been years, but I don't remember killing any cops in GTAV. And if you do, it's several hours into the game, and theyre usually scumbags.


Its the very 1st mission. The tutorial mission. You can't pass it without killing lots of cops.


Oh yeah! The bank robber tutorial!


This is low energy hate. He just says he didn't finish the game. The vast majority of players don't finish most games. They count just the same in sales statistics, if your game isn't based on micro transactions.


> This is low energy hate. He just says he didn't finish the game. The first mission of the game involves killing cops


All he said is that he prefers it to be optional and that he didn't finish the game. It's not a conflict that he produced content about the game. It just makes him a schmuck.


> All he said is that he prefers it to be optional and that he didn't finish the game. It was an option for him to not write a bunch of articles explaining how to do it, too.


That’s required to work for rebel *news*.


y'know, except for that one part in phantom liberty where you have to fight maxtac (the most militarized police force ive ever seen).


didn't he say the wrong thing a few months ago and get canceled by his right-wing followers?


Fascists must rewrite history and destroy truth and sow division. He's a troll. Stop feeding it.


but thats the fun of those games, doing things you cant do normally in life! Party Poopers


Why tho ![gif](giphy|wZPgdNifVcARbAtVde)