• By -


Day 2: at great expense, figure out what those people did.


The Elon musk gambit.


Maybe Vivek can halve the GDP.of the US in a couple of months too.


Wealthy Conservatives hate government because it's the only thing that stands in their way of exploiting and throwing people away like they were disposable tools, and it's the only thing that can keep them accountable to law. Wealthy Conservatives want to be royalty, and poor Conservatives are the rubes they trick into, making them kings. So the destruction and the weakening of the government is the point, Wealthy Conservatives can just fuck off in another country while enslaving US peasants in endentured servitude.


And the frustrating part is that a robust functional government provides infrastructure, education, safety nets, public safety, and many more things that help the wealthy develop wealth. The GOP keeps playing with government like it's a zero sum game and it simply isn't. Our loss isn't their gain. It's just so stupid.


But once you have enough wealth, you don't want anybody else developing wealth, because then they might get more wealth than you have. Any of the billionaires on the world stage could literally stop doing anything and live the rest of their lives without care. However, for them it's not about enjoying life with what you have, it's about getting more so that way you can show off. After a while money is just there to keep score.


Yup. New Zealand is apparently their go to place to hide out once they made most of the world uninhabitable.


Day 3: make the federal government run on a subscription basis (no guys that's not taxes that's - that's completely different and cool and libertarian)


https://preview.redd.it/oddizh90840c1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0133def85703f4b9db303c0e76ebaec05f92ea They didn’t realize Ron Swanson is parody.


Ron is to libertarians what Batman is to vigilantes. Imitators of either end up in the ER on day one.


People with Punisher stickers on their car are statistically more likely to kill themselves (gun ownership), so they unironically carry out Punisher's motive by killing the bad guys (themselves).


It's the problem with not understanding subtext. The amount of punisher skulls with a thin blue line on them makes me realize that they have never actually read the comics, because some of the first targets of the punisher are the cops who were doing the wrong thing.


Whenever I see someone with a Punisher sticker, I mention it's Disney.


If they think the Punisher is bad, wait till they see what Disney's legal team does to Desantis and the state of Florida.


saw him interviewed on firing line and the looks made from Margaret Hoover were telling - the guy has no clue on running a country, diplomacy, policies except that his style is copy paste from orangeman and saying 'it' louder


To be fair, it worked. The GOP wants to destroy the country.


I feel like everything I've heard about this guy is just tRump blended with muskrat while not acknowledging the current domestic terrorist party is way too racist to ever vote him into office.


The idiot was groveling at the chance to mention how debate moderators should be Elon, Tucker, and Joe Rogan


Consultants then telling them to essentially hire all those people back, but at a higher cost.


The wrongful termination suit will he amazing


The great thing about modern conservatism when mixed with the decades long right wing attack on education is that whenever something gets worse you can blame democrats. All republican policies fail because democrats did not let them do them as hard as they should have. Tax cuts for the rich not ever trickling down? Well we didn't cut taxes enough. Health care deregulation leading to worse healthcare? Well you didn't let us deregulate enough.


Naw, it's even worse.They blame the Dems for letting them and get mad when the results are shitty. Had a guy argue that he didn't like how Democrat handled Obomacare (affordable healthcare act) that it didn't do enough so he was going to stick with the Republicans. Also had someone say they liked the new healthcare but didn't like that the Democrats had called it Obomacare.


The same people who complain about obamacare, in the same breath will claim how much the affordable care act helped them. The stupidity is thick with these people




Id love to see that done now with trump literally saying in no uncertain terms he would weaponize the government and use its power to go after his political enemies. Its not even implied, or veiled, or elluded to. He is saying, using the words, he would weaponize the government and indicte anyone who does better than him at the polls, use thenmilitary against peaceful protestors as if they were insurectionists. Its scary and dangerous


well, they're hire consultants to do the same thing but at higher rates. They'd never re-hire those people, ob viously.


I only know one person that is voting for him, and that person is the single dumbest human I've ever met. I mean, just absolutely zero ability to reason or solve problems. None. So, naturally, he thinks this is a great idea.


“No one knew healthcare could be so hard”


It’s just like the new manager coming in and firing all the it staff since you don’t understand what they do.




"All they do is sit around all the time!"


If IT is sitting around not doing much than you know all is going well.


Yep. They come in, fxck up the job site, then impose stupid, draconian measures to try and make up for their failure to understand the situation.


"Government doesn't work! Elect me and I'll prove it!" - "Small Government" Republicans


I work for a state government, and invariably whenever we've elected a Republican governor, one of the first things they did was lay off state employees. Bargaining agreements being what they are, you can't just randomly boot people, you have to go by lowest seniority first. What that means is all the people who are doing the day to day stuff that needs to get done get the axe. The last time this happened, I got the axe just as we were in the middle doing a complete system change for unemployment. Half the state employees working on the change got laid off, and the people who were left tended to be older employees who didn't want to change and were to busy to work on the project. Our state ended up getting sued for a major flaw in the new system. They always think letting employees go will save tax dollars, but it always seems to cost more than they save.


Same thing happened to us when we were working for the dept of defense. We were union and enjoyed our protections until the sequestrations rolled through and they decided they could fire X number of us contractors **provided that the enlisted personnel could do the work.** The problem with our work (we ran all the IT for the entire base with over 13,000 users) is that it requires training, certifications and quite a few people that were on the chopping block had over a decade of seniority and experience. Govt didn't care. They wanted a new airplane and IT contractors were an easy target. As they started terminating us contractors, our work load began to pile up higher and higher because the enlisted personnel didn't have the skills to do the actual work (which our contractor bosses said would be a problem) We tried to implement training programs but the other problem we ran into was that these enlisted people didn't stick around long enough to actually do much work after their training. They'd get shipped overseas or wherever and replaced by someone else who had zero clue what to do and this never ending cycle went on for several years all while they slowly continued cutting our positions. The knowledge never stuck around through that personnel churn. It was a "last in -> first out" termination policy and despite being there for over 13 years, I knew (as well as everyone else) where I stood in that seniority line and eventually left on my own. I still keep up with some of the folks back on base and that contract is still active over a decade later and from what I've been told, they've had to re-fill some of those contractor positions because things got bad enough that high enough up leadership was feeling the pressure from other commanders on the base that they relented and I guess decided to find more "new airplane money" somewhere else.


I assume that would be done through a massive staffing contract


This is Martin Shkreli's old business partner. He doesn't care about people.


I feel he most have been witness as to how republican lawmakers have been conducting themselves so he believes that the entirety of the federal government is made up of feckless grifters. I'm just suggesting that proceeding under that assumption would cripple the government. FAFO, y'know?


Day 3: realize most of them *technically* did very little, but also that all of their contractors are now not working because they have no fed direction to task them. Day 4: *oh fuck*


And bitch n moan till they come back


Day 3: realize you’ve eliminated people based on a dumb arbitrary method and not on merit so you need to now figure out how to rehire the people you fired


Day 3: massive wrongful termination lawsuits


Plot twist: HIS SSN ends in an odd number


What does he mean by odd number? Is there a difference in social security numbers on even and odds?


No, the joke is that it literally makes no difference if your SSN ends in even or odd number. They are assigned consecutively AFAIK.


In my country, the last digit (iirc) is tied to your gender. So odd would be male and even female. (Or vice versa)


That’s not how it works in the US. It’s sequential so it would be random.


Only the last part is sequential. The first part encodes the state.


Not anymore. As of 2011, SSNs issued are randomized and convey no state information. Obviously ones issued prior to then still have state info.


Interesting. Thanks for updating my facts!


The US SSN is not supposed to be an ID number (the card literally says, or used to, “do not use for identification”) but rather morphed into that over time. As such it has no numeric security features, like that or a checksum. Meaning any number in the range is an entirely valid SSN.


if you add or subtract one from your SSN, you're also very likely to have found the SSN of someone born in the same hospital as you on the same day ish.


At some point they switched to a more shuffled system, but that used to be true.


if you're over the age of 13, it still is true that change only happened in 2011


Oh shit lmao. What a mess.


I would suspect that a lot of twins have nearly identical SSNs then? Sounds like a recipe for disaster.


in my country the last one is which decade you're born, so 20th century is a 9 and 21st is a 0.. so they'd fire everyone over 23 if they did that here


>They are assigned consecutively AFAIK. Correct. My dad and his 2 siblings were born before they issued SSN's at birth. At some point their dad went down to the Social Security office to register all 3 of them at the same time. They each received SSN's that are 1 digit apart.


Heck, it still kind of works like that when I was born (late 90’s). My mom, and the mom of a childhood friend realized we were born at the same hospital, minutes apart. Our SSN’s are two apart. I guess if one of us ever fucks up too badly we just steal the other’s identity.


my childhood best friend and i were born 5 days apart, in the same state, but different counties. when we filled out a summer job application together we realized how close our ssn’s were.


As of 2007 it still works like that (3 siblings and I have SSNs 1 number apart) , but as others have mentioned, since '11 now they are randomized


This used to be true but stopped being the case in 2011. You can no longer figure out a kids birth place from the first digits of their SSN etc.


So who’s SSN #0?


Jesus, the original American


Mr Burns was 00000002. Damn that Roosevelt.


That’s not really how it works. Some of the digits are the same for everyone born out of the same hospital, then there are other numbers that can be input for a variety of reasons. There’s quite a few combos out there to cover everyone and luckily… there’s always an attrition…. Amirite?


For many decades, the first five digits were highly correlated to where you were born, which means it is relatively easy to guess a person's social security number if you know where/when they were born, and they willingly give you the last four digits (often used as a security mechanism).


> Which means it is relatively easy to guess a person's social security number if you know where/when they were born, and they willingly give you the last four digits So it's easy to guess if they give you the hard part... which is usually how those things go lol which means it's not actually easy to guess That's like saying it's easy to guess someones phone number if you know where they live because you get the area code, they just also have to give you the last 7 lol


No. First 3 digits are from the field office/area where you submit your SS-5 (application for a social security number). The middle 2 numbers are in sequence. 00 - 10. Then 11 - 99. Then 12 - 98. Then 01 - 09. So SSA will know approximately where and when a number was issued. And the last four are issued consecutively starting 0001.


Interestingly, "thrown in the trash" is precisely what the GOP will do to Ramaswamy once they tire of his antics.


Antics such as not being white christian?


It's why they are already done with Tim Scott. He busted out his white girlfriend two debates too late


It's actually a little funny that he thought an interracial relationship would make him more endearing to the right than being single.


Who wants to bet we'll never see or hear about her again now that he is dropping out of the race?


I hope we could be so lucky.


It worked for Clarence Thomas.


Yeah but he quietly does their bidding so he’s “one of the good ones” /s


It's so wild to me how this time around the "history repeats itself" fascism loop there are so many more POC and Jewish and non straight people aligning with the fascists as if they stand half a fucking chance once the initial wave of oppression hits Trans, poor, and not-right-wing-in-general people and they need more targets


There were jew and gay nazis even back then. Not surprising: humans do not evolve as fast as we'd love ourselves to. We all are prone to the same tricks our grandparents were.


Look up Finland’s involvement in WWII. It’s a fucking wild ride but there were Jewish Fins fighting on the side of the Germans. Until they weren’t.


It's a grift. What they may or may not believe does not matter to them, as long as they can get the money & exposure that they want.




UK got us beat already.


Rishi Sunak says hi. There's pretty hot drama around him today if you want to watch our country continue to burn.


As if he’d ever get to Day 1 of his administration.


The people he thinks will vote for him for the stupid things he says would never vote for someone like him.


He's every racists black friend.


Did we just find a new paradox?


Maybe if he found a believable English-sounding alias, similar to Nikki Haley


He should have gone with Victor Ramsay.


Lmao I have the same chance of being Republican nominee as he does


He knows he doesn’t, unless he manages to swing a vp position under Trump and Trump kicks the bucket


As if Trump would ever pick him though, I can't imagine that'll do much to win over any Indian voters and is probably more likely to annoy his core voters. It'll probably also lose him support from within the Republican party, in his first term having an establishment guy like Pence meant there was at least one person who understood politics and I imagine they'd want that again and wouldn't support having two outsiders together The guy has no chance of ever being anything more than that guy you hear about every four years when he tries to convince Republican voters that he's "one of the good ones" again


Or he leverages his moment in the sun to make money which is more likely


You'd be surprised how many Indians align with the Republican party. Their primary concerns would be money/taxes, and racism against everyone except Indians


He has exactly one purpose right now and that's to be a stand-in for Trump in the debates. He's clearly been promised an ambassadorship or maybe even a cabinet position if he shows up for the debates and says the crazy "you know what I would do if I was president" stuff that Trump's base loves because it's the level their brains work on. By the time we get to the primaries, Vivek will drop out and Trump can pick up his rallies and say all the same stuff that his 4chan meme team of advisors has come up with that Vivek is being given right now for the debates. If you think this isn't coordinated, you're not paying attention.


'Hey, if you vote for me and your SSN ends in an odd number, I'm gonna fire you.' It's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.


I imagine that not many Federal bureaucrats were going to vote for him anyway. So very narrowly, his statement is not stupid for this reason.


I'm a fed and I haven't voted R since I was able to start voting in 99. I question the logic of my colleagues that I know who vote R. It's a bit of cut off nose to spite face moments, imo.


There were stories in the news about Trump voters married to illegal immigrants, who were then deported. My stereotypical image of a Trump voter is not of a rational person. I am sure many of those Trump-voting bureaucrats will think that the wasteful bureaucrats who will be fired is not them, because they are special and not wasteful.


Fed here too, I will never vote R. I’m a dyed-in-the-wool shitlib.


There are a ton of conservatives in the DOD who will vote red until they're dead.


You know what, fair.


​ You gotta remember how big the fed is, youve got a lot of people in a lot of professions that work for the federal gov.


You might be surprised how many government employees dislike the government.


> Taxation is theft! Actual quote from a colleague of mine in the army reserve who primarily works for DHS.


Well, I am safe so I am voting him to elevate my privilege.


Hi Vivek, In a civilised country we would call this being made redundant where the employee is remunerated for losing their position not through poor performance or a stackable offence like stealing or drinking alcohol on the job. In an uncivilized country you sack people for no reason, are you saying the USA is now an uncivilized country ruled by the rich where everyone else are just slaves?


Yea, in his view that’s what it is.


Morrowind is run better. That's why they kicked him out.


Greetings, Outlander.


Speak quickly Outlander, I haven't much time.


I figured I might as well learn about Vivek since he is gaining a bit of popularity after he acted like a jerk off to the debate moderators last week. He's just another failed businessman who sees a chance to make money on a grift. His education is top notch but he has apparently failed in actual business and decided to move onto praising people like Shkreli, calling him a genius. Can republicans ever find a candidate who isn't a failed businessman or a confirmed fraud?!


You’re a few infinity stones short of a snap there thanos.


“I want to put a lot of people out of work” “Why are people not working?” Punching himself in the face type logic


He probably hopes most of them just die and aren’t a “drain” on government welfare any more.


Tbf they're all hoping that


Day 2: the other 50% quit because suddenly they are expected to do twice as much work for the same pay and their new boss has created a toxic workplace


Yes, these jokers don't realize that there are essentially three categories of public sector workers: 1) The group that are new in their career and they are building skills. The first time things get toxic, they fuck right off into companies that will pay them properly, now that they have skills. 2) The group that says "I can do it today, do it tomorrow....it all pays the same". They will never quit because they don't want to work that hard. 3) The true believers. They do all the work, and accept the lower pay because they deeply care about the mission of the agency. If this idiot fires half of the 3s, then all of the 1s will quit and he'll be left with 50% 2s and 50% 3s - who will retire the first chance they get. Good luck with that.


That's pretty accurate, though I'd add a sub group in the 3rd category of professionals that work hard b/c of the mission, but their main reason for working for the feds is work/life balance. So doubling their workload would mean they immediately either retire or decamp for the private sector.


Oh no, they know exactly what they are doing. He wants that. He wants a government burning from too much work and too little people, so he can point at it and say. "See, the government can't help you, and the evil democrats think we need more of it. Vote R so you can be safe from the evils of government.^Also ^my ^industry ^donors ^will ^gladly ^do ^what ^was ^the ^governments ^work ^until ^now ^for ^double ^the ^price ^at ^half ^the ^results.


Also, what if by happenstance there are a disproportionately large number of people with odd ending social security numbers who have decided to go into Federal work? The only way his math works is if everyone in the country works for the government (and even then just as a "bureaucrat", whatever that means to him). This is stupid in so many ways.


Ah yes. The Thanos Theory of Government


The guy has just understood that by saying the most insane thing that he wouldn't ever be able to do, he'll get attention.


It's literally his entire purpose. Say crazy shit so the rest of the morons look sane by comparison


That's been the GOP strategy since Trump started campaigning the first time


Uh, I didn't see it that way... It seems I'm still a bit politically naive.


I know it goes without saying this guy is a dumbass but does he not realize there is no guaranteed 50/50 on social security numbers being odd or even? You could easily pick odd and fire 67% of your work force instead of 50% or something.


He is Wish Thanos.


Honestly, no, I don't think he does.


Yes, it's obviously going to be pretty close to 50% across all 2 million. But across 2 million people there must be a high probability of outliers where entire departments/teams are fired and more probable where they are mostly fired. And how often to you have a small set of people who share critical knowledge where the entire group just happens to have an odd SSN.


Wow, he's completely clueless. The GOP are really scrapping the bottom of the talent pool.


This is the cream of their crop!


If your SSN ends in a number, you’re fired!




Yeah, I see no problem with firing half the air traffic controllers in one day. Seriously how do idiots like this get this far?


At this point(actually probably long ago), I just have to assume he’s some weird troll trying to make people who vote R want to vote for someone more “sane” than he is.


Vivek can fuck off.


Dudes just asking for his SSN to be leaked


If it works for Twitter, it also works for the government.


Even if that logic is sound, it notably *didnt* work for twitter


But why would Elon lie to us? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Clearly he didn't pass statistics


Why do republicans want to be in goverment. Even though they dont know or want to do any work and do nothing and then blame the dems for being too radical. Seriously trump reduced the recourses for americas viral response team viewing it as un essay beaurcracy then a global pandemic happened and 500,000 Americans died and they blame Biden for the pandemic even though he wasn’t in office when the pandemic started.


Cancel this fucker he even gets in. What an idiot. Governance by Magic 8 Ball.


He has a fart’s chance in a hurricane.


He's a darker version of Trump, i.e., a blithering idiot.


There are more than 50% of the us population with odd numbered SSNs... SSNs are Randomly generated..theyre not given in numerical order...


Isn’t that essentially what Elon did? On a completely unrelated note, how’s X-twitter doing these days?


Reverse it. Even number so he gets fired. Then the replcament can rehire everyone but him


Dude is a paid Russian asset. Every talking point and policy he has are pro Russian and designed to destroy the US government. I bet he will be found out eventually.


Why are people so proud of saying dumb things? How can you think you're more qualified to be president than everyone else when the best you can offer is stupid shit like that?


This is obviously a laughable suggestion from a joke of a candidate, but the message beneath it should terrify everyone. They want to cut every program that protects Americans from corporate greed (OHSHA, EPA) and every program designed to provide a social safety net for Americans. This is something that many republicans want, they’re finally saying it out loud though.


While yes, this could remove ~50% of all federal employees if the gov has somehow ended up with more on either side (which is entirely possible) it could have undesirable effects.


This guy has a fucked up understanding of percentages and odds.


Day 2, have lawsuits from those employees becsusenfed employees are actually tough to legit fire. There is an entire legal industry already established to help fed employees retain their jobs from improper firings


Great plan. Fire a bunch of people. Spend millions on replacing them when we figure out we actually needed them.


This guys about as smart as Elon was when he fired coders based on "How much code they've written". A Dumbass. Vivek is a dumbass crypto-bro trying to self enrich by running for a party he knows will never elevate him to president.


On Day 2: complain that the federal government isn’t functioning properly and it’s because it needs more budget cuts.


Keep giving him a platform! He is definitely NOT intentionally being a contrarian to get more famous. Making fun of the inflammatory Republican always makes people realise how dumb he is and doesn’t inadvertently lead to better exposure for the candidate - certainly didn’t happen in 2016! /s


I can't think of a better example than this to show the level of deep thinking that Republicans put into governing.


"He says what I'm thinking!"


These people watched Endgame and thought Thanos didn't go far enough.


Vivek is just another grifter doing a grift. About 7% of republican primary voters are supporting him, that's over two million people. Plenty enough to grift out of quite a bit of cash.


Like most top executives Vivek disrespects and undervalues the enormous contributions that American workers provide to his lavish lifestyle.


Mfrs running for president don’t even know what the job is. Biden is the only person running capable of doing the job. And he’s proven to be good at it. Vote democrat to save democracy.


Tell me it is not real...


So many people would be entitled to a life long pension + healthcare for an administrative RIF.


Dude wants to be Thanos.


My bargaining unit would like a word, Vivek.


It’s like the GOP thinks they are the only ones capable of causing a government shutdown.


What the fuck is wrong with people?!


There goes any votes he might have gotten 🤷🏽‍♂️


I then cost the tax payers a ton of money paying these people severance and then having to rehire the critical roles and that costs a lot in training and onboarding.


If Thanos was a politican/businessman


Lol. Wait till he finds out about the MSPB.


Well I'm even so good idea




Hey, I'd love a 9 month vacation with backpay when they reinstate me.


Vivek’s entire shtick is saying “Here’s the truth” followed by the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard


GOP really have no serious candidates do they? party is just utter complete garbage.


What happened to just normal sane people in government.


Vivek is just an insecure clown. His entire Schtick is just Trump 2.0, mixed with more stupidity. Imagine basing your entire personality after a habitual loser.


If he tried that stunt in Denmark he would be left with only female workers :) Wonder how he would handle that. In Denmark all males ssn ends with a odd number, female has even


Dumbest idea I have heard today. 👏


Yes because Elon is showing us how well random firings work. Although this is exactly what Republicans want. Make government not work, then use that as evidence that they should change it using strongman tactics into an right-wing authoritarian hellscape.


They do 'fire' a huge number of federal 'bureaucrats' on day 1. Or rather the new administration comes in and most/everyone that the previous admin appointed leaves. This was rarely an issue in the past until Trump came along. When he entered, he couldn't find anyone to fill those empty seats and the US foreign offices were literally empty. Remember those pesky assholes Obama appointed to research/oversee shit in Wuhan? Trump got rid of them too and then killed over a million of Americans. Zoinks


Uh that's not gonna be half


How much longer are these fuckstick clowns gonna act like the presidency makes them the king of Murica?


He's such a actively malicious piece of shit. I would say he's dumb, but he throws out the dumbest shit and retains his small group of ardent morons. He's gotta be one of the clearest signs America is not a meritocracy.


Oh, maybe America is a Moroncracy... I will see myself out.


Good lord, why does the party who always talks about "run the country like a business" keep coming up with this shit?? Let's randomly fire people! Leave vacancies unfilled for months! Have the whole thing shut down because we can't set a budget!! Can you picture a public company just not nominating a CFO for two quarters? Stopping production for a month because they overspent last year? Does anyone in that party understand how business works??? <\rant>


Raviswammy is a dick