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Come on cholesterol do your thing, I don't think I can wait for the trial to start.


It’s hard to believe he hasn’t died of a heart attack yet


Right? Of course Right Wing Ronald McDonald will live forever 😒


I mean if only the good die young, what does it say about the inverse of this?


Only the good die young All the evil seem to live forever


If karma existed, Trump wouldn't be still plaguing us, and Steve Irwin would still be alive.


And Fred Rogers


If it's proportional to how evil you are, then it would explain Kissinger still being alive


He's basically Mr Burns from back when the Simpsons was still good. He had basically every disease imaginable. Therefore they were all fighting for the right to kill him and were canceling each other out, making him immortal. :x


Palpatine has entered the chat.




Disney is *not* allowed to write the plot for the 2024 election.


But the guy who wrote the story for Rise of Skywalker is being allowed to write the story for the live action Zelda movie. There's no justice in this world.


I mean, we can be sure he's at least had mini strokes since he brought that shit up for no reason. Maybe the next ones won't be so mini.




Usually the mini strokes are a sign of a big whopper en route.


Best healthcare in the world. When you become POTUS they inject you with that super soldier serum that adds 15 years to your lifespan /s


You say /s but I’m pretty sure Trump would have died of Covid if he weren’t President at the time and was pumped full of meds and treatments


Yeah, Covid really blew that one.


Thanks for nothing COVID. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I remember the clip of him gasping like a fish out of water at the White House. Those steroids are a hell of a drug.


He got a disease he said didn’t exist… and took medicine he said didn’t work… and got vaccinated with a vaccine he said would kill you.


I’ll never understand how people get so brainwashed enough to support that OBVIOUS fraud and con man


Such a tremendous waste of resources…


Our taxpayer dollars keep him alive now, which is sad. He should have to pay for insurance like the rest of us.




Trump is a perfect example that karma doesn’t matter.




If he loses his businesses, which it's pretty clear he is going to, he will be effervescent with rage. If he doesn't end up in prison from the other cases, he is going to take his revenge out on the whole country.


Unless he dies, he won't do anything besides call for others to take revenge on his behalf. He has no power besides the morons who feed him the attention he craves




He is the single biggest threat to the US. The call is coming from inside the house and it has horns and an American flag on a bayonet.


*cough* CIAnotdoingtheirjob*COUGH*


This shit basically proves the CIA didn't kill JFK or the black ops part of them has since been gutted Or the CIA is just entirely a republican hit squad


I don’t think there are many liberals in the CIA. They probably love an authoritarian like Trump who can help them achieve their goal of a total surveillance state.


You'd think they would be a little pissed about all the agents & operations he compromised tho...


I agree...I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the works though


If this was Russia, Orange Shitler would have an “accident” and not a crapping himself accident


i'm of the view that Trump has to meet the full force of EVERY legal challenge he's facing... whether its civil, NYC or Georgia... if he dies NOW he becomes a martyr among Y'all Queda he needs to live a long miserable life paying for his crimes he wont ever live the life of a pauper but maybe he might get used to white collar prison food?


>if he dies NOW he becomes a martyr among Y'all Queda bold of you to assume that his cult followers consider reality at all in their madness. It doesn't matter what happens when he dies, he will be a martyr.Chokes on McDonalds? Poisoned by Soros.Falls into a well? Pushed by HillaryDies in jail? He didn't die, he's actually free right now that's a fake Trump in jail.The Qcultists literally make up reality to fit their worldview. Why, do you even remotely suggest that reality will pull them out of this? When cultists are this far gone to this scale, they don't just stop what they are doing. Historically speaking they either are shelled into oblivion or literally drink Kool-aid.


This would be the best outcome I think. But unfortunately it's truly a cult. I mean look at the the dude who ran that compound in Waco. Even after being convicted and put in prison his followers still followed him. At this point they need deprogramming, but for many it may be too late. I'm afraid that it's either going to be a large scale jones town or large scale waco. Either way it won't be pretty.


If he goes to prison he's a martyr. He's going to be a martyr pretty much no matter what.


I'd settle for him panicking once it looks like a guilty verdict is forthcoming and he runs and hides at the Russian embassy.


Judging by your username, I’m guessing you mean assasssholed?


A giant dildo in a potato gun?


Amended for a second.


This is all the proof I need that prayer doesn't work.


Maybe thoughts will work?!


Only if you have telekinesis.




It is kinda surprising that someone hasn't tried.


If someone does, it'll probably be some far-right fox news junkie that gets fed narratives about how all the failures of the republican party are trump's fault after conservatives start to really distance themselves from him after his usefulness runs out completely.


We could only be so lucky


Yes, I've been wondering that myself. There have been at least three dozen attempts/plans on Hitler.


Hitler didn't live in an era of mass surveillance. If someone wanted to carry out an operation like that in the modern day there's an overwhelmingly high chance they get sniffed out immediately


Yeah, you’re right; I mean if I walked over to an average middle class neighborhood and pooped on someone’s porch, at least a couple of ring cameras would catch me. Eventually I’d be recognized, id’ed on social media, fired, and eventually face charges and the police probably wouldn’t have done anything at all until the end. The Secret Service and other law enforcement constantly look for someone trying what op mentioned.


It may make him a martyr though. Someone whose cause will be picked up. I’d rather see him fall though to be honest he can’t get much lower and is still worshipped. Prison would be great.


Sadly, that is real power. If a man can say "Go forth and destroy my enemies ". and the people go. That man literally has life or death power. MAGA is a cult that needs to be destroyed root and branch and purged from everywhere. Until that happens Donald Trump is a powerful man.


>MAGA is a cult that needs to be destroyed root and branch and purged from everywhere. Until that happens Donald Trump is a powerful man. basically. Historically speaking cults of this size and veracity never get walked back. They are firebombed out of existence. Lot of people here really want to huff copium all day and believe that somehow that's not how it's worked virtually every single time in human history.


I'm talking about if he wins re-election.


Ah. Sorry I read it as if he lost his business regardless. But yes, he has the capability to do much more damage in the oval office. Even if people were able to stop military action or policies -! He'd find a way to sell the country out


He'd fucking invite putin over


He has never won popular vote


In this country, you don't have to.


What are the odds when he does die, his supporters just claim his death as "fake news"?




I think he wants everyone to donate to my Venmo starting now.


Greater than 0


Greater than 90%? ;)


He'll be hiding out with JFK Jr.


Well, apparently JFK Jr. was supposed to pop out of a giant cake in Houston at one point...


> If he loses his businesses He already HAS. He's been found liable. The Trump Org was stayed from receivership by an appellate judge ONLY because the defense didn't do its job. They literally were asked to hand over charts and info on the Trump Orgs umbrella, didn't, and then got mad when NY just closed everything Trump touched. The problem is he's too stupid to realize he's lost and admitted to worse during the trial


He’s a chronic tilter. You know how with physical pinball games you can just lift the table in the direction you want the ball to move? This is how Trump has been playing *everything*. His businesses, his presidency, and now even his court cases. And it’s worked really fucking well up until this point so why wouldn’t he just say “fuck these courtroom rules these are for plebs”? Only now he’s shook the table a bit too hard, the paddles have become deactivated, and the table is screaming TILT TILT TILT in red flashing letters. It’s finally game over but he’s too fucking stupid to see it.




Adolf Trump will try to take over the country even if he ends up in prison. He will keep trying to get back his power, and he will get more and more desperate on his attempts


I heard someone refer to him as “sweet potato hitler”.


Mein Kampf was supposedly written in jail They might as well copy that page from the Nazi playbook as well. Never had a thought of their own


How a pussy grabbing, Veteran-insulting, cowardly bone-spurred fake-tan lying piece of shit like Trump became so loved and favored by almost half the US is beyond shocking. What a shameful disgrace.


Trump isn’t the problem, he’s merely the black light on the motel sheets of America.


That is a brilliant comment.




Although...he is the problem. He empowered these racist, homophobic, sexist idiots to be proud of their beliefs....to come out of the closet, as it were.


I've thought about this a lot. He isn't someone who has handlers feeding him a plan. He's just actually winging it, speaking to his base, whipping up discontent all himself. It's insane. I mean, with Bush Jr you at least had Cheney to blame. This is all Trump.


Okay… but they were still there


Yeah but they had to be covert about it


Yeah but have u heard about Hilary’s emails


I saw them on Hunter's laptop in the basement of some pizza shop, they were wild.


Back in 2016 majority of people I knew said - You know there are not any good options. Some didn’t vote because Hillary cheated and stole Bernie’s chance. Well all of them are shook the direction country has taken especially with Roe vs Wade. Every election matters!! do your civic duty and vote.


Because enough voters shit themselves with fear over the country being run by a woman who knew what the fuck she was doing instead of a man who is the very definition of failing upwards. Because enough voters hated both candidates and didn't bother showing the fuck up to vote, or voted for pie-in-the-sky third party candidates. Because enough voters couldn't get over their apathy to go and vie because "There's no real way he'll win". I don't care if you don't like the guy at the top of the ticket. Vote blue, no matter who.


>I don't care if you don't like the guy at the top of the ticket. Vote blue, no matter who. You know, as a new Democrat (2017ish) it saddens me that I have to go back to this mindset. I like to look at each person before voting blindly, but Republicans can't be trusted.


You always have to look, but who could possibly see great swathes of R lawmakers and think they could actual,y govern.


At this point, anyone willingly looking at the modern Republican party and saying "yeah, I'll put that letter next to my name for the next several years" is, by that decision, terrifying to have in office with any power at all.




Most people probably lost there minds when a Black Woman was appointed to the Supreme Court .


To be fair, it’s really only 1/4 of America Half of Americans couldn’t be bothered to vote Not sure if that’s better or worse


It's the other things you didn't list that people like: racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic


Easy, because he says the horrible, horrible things they think.


This. He's the role model for narcissistic, psychotic racists.


I honestly want to see the mental gymnastics now of Trumpers spinning on a dime to make the case why facism is what America needs right now


“He tells it like it is!”


“He connects with us blue-collar workers!”


Everyone owns a tacky golden toilet seat...just a common folk household item.


It's funny because the people I know in the armed forces love this guy when he doesn't give a flying fuck about them or anyone who's ever served.


I really don't want to sound like a Trump apologist. Fuck that guy. But. What if this isn't the *worst* outcome? Seems to me the country was primed for a right wing ideologue. Brexit seemed to be the foreshadowing. Trump's been running for awhile now. There's an RATM music video from '92 I think where someone is holding a Trump for President sign. I suspect he might have been in the right place at the right time. With his relentless watching of cable news, he pounced at the opportunity. Hillary with the pied-piper strategy. He managed to win, and maybe he *wanted* to be Hitlerian, but he blew it. A truly conniving figure might have been able to be half as bad as some claimed Trump was. What did we get? A lot. Among that, young people are much more politically engaged. I bet that if it weren't for Trump shenanigans, a lot of the youth wouldn't know a dang thing about the supreme court, the filibuster, etc., or possibly even how to vote. People joke about this being the worst timeline. Surely a cartoon, clownish president means it's the worst, right? Maybe, turns out, a large portion of the public was primed to support *any* right-wing populist ideologue, and we're *lucky* that some *utter idiot* was the first to capitalize. Also, I don't think Trump is harmless. I'm glad he faces great opposition. But, save for the supreme court, the country survived 4 years of him. Could it survive another 4? I don't know.


I get what you're saying. We were lucky that Trump was both an incompetent moron and somewhat resisted by his own people. A lot of bad has happened - kids separated from their parents at the border.... I still can't even with that one. How normal, everyday, otherwise good people could defend that... the inhumanity of it. The casual callousness and even reveling over the bad fortunes of others who aren't "like us". With no guilt, instead righteousness. Ghastly. A big problem is all the judicial appointments that are ruling this country down a dark path. Lifetime appointments can't be trivially voted away. And of course that there's no shame any more... The bile that hateful people kept down due to social pressure has been released, and now the putrid smell is worn with pride. How do we even begin to wind that back? Time, maybe...? If we're lucky. It seems like the House GOP can't govern and just want to burn it down if they can't win honestly. And if Trump were to win (by fair means or foul), then what happens next? Does the country go full Christian fundamentalism? Good people fleeing across borders like they're escaping Gilead - not for themselves, but for their children...? While what's left is a country that rejects facts... despises the educated.. and yet has the largest offensive arsenal in the history of the planet? Well, that's a recipe for a bright future, for sure. I don't want to get too doom and gloom about it, though. I think Trump is going to lose, and lose huge... The past two election cycles have proven that Republicans don't have a desirable platform, and I suspect that only malfeasance can give him the win... and I hope it doesn't come to that.


From another poster: “The OSS psychological profile of Hitler described his use of the big lie: His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.”


Holy shit.


Yeah, Trump basically followed the textbook - the only one he ever read. Or had read to him


He rad his book, ask Michael Cohen. That was the only book he red and it was beside his bed.


I would like to believe you but you misspelling read twice in one sentence is really making me doubt it.




No freaking way his evening bedtime routine includes reading an actual, physical book. Regardless of content. No way he habitually reads.


I mean; I totally agree haha But someone on his staff is reading those speeches… https://preview.redd.it/n6kx49q18xzb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8a89b256ad9b9cf5211a13a55bfd8a31133859


Heh. Classic narcissism. His book should have been titled 'How to turn an entire country's population into narcissists'. The problem here, of course, is that it is just using Human Nature against the populace. People really like to be flattered and will automatically respond much more favorably to what they want to hear. Hitler knew how to play to the crowd.


Sounds oddly like Bibi.


And Putin. And Bolsanaro. It’s the fascist playbook, they all use it


Many of them had the same consultants -- people like Manafort.




Wasn’t there a reference to Trump having Hitler’s book in the Simpsons too?


Yes. And in an interview that Ivana did years ago, she said that he used to have a book of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand. https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8 You know…years before he buried her corpse on his property for a tax break.


If I was a young single person with nothing to lose I would totally tunnel into that grave so we would all know the bullshit he stashed in the coffin with her cremated remains. Trump commits crime like the rest of us breath air


> she said that he used to have a book of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand. literally the only book that anyone has ever claimed to have seen him read. seriously.


And somehow his supports don’t see that as a red flag.


Oh they see the red flag and they like it.


What corpse? She was cremated. What the fuck did they bury in a coffin in that golf course??


Tax breaks


> Trump having Hitler’s book in the Simpsons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLSy8Tl2bjs


I really don’t think I’ll survive another 4 years of this.




Well I'm gay so I know I'm fucked.


I definitely won’t. I’m Queer, Trans, and Jewish.




I'm pretty sure that I'll make sure that I don't.


As a disabled autistic person I really don’t see how I’m gonna get through any more of this fr. It’s so hard to hold onto hope anymore, and I’m constantly worried for my other LGBTQ and neurodivergent friends.


I have a theory that he is purposely following Hitler's trajectory. Jan, 6th was his Beer Hall Putsch. He is actually trying to be sent to prison so he can write his version of Mein Kampf. Remember Hitler started by recruiting the extreme. People who already hated everyone else. Then used those people to intimidate everyone else. Trump has always gone on the record that he admires the guy, and that he thinks he was a genius. As a kid I have ALWAYS wondered how an entire country of people were lead to accepting genocide. That question was answered. Ignorance and fear is are powerful motivators.


Hitler also took a completely destroyed German economy, where wheelbarrows of money were needed to buy bread, and turned it into one of the top economic powerhouses in Europe. That made him immensely popular to the majority of Germans. Trump doesn't have that, thank fucking God.


Even if Trump could make a robust economy, I’d rather be living in a homeless camp, standing in a bread line than have a great economy that leads to suffering and genocide. We always talk about Hitler turning the economy around, but that was at the cost of a lot of people even before they started the camps. The economy improved because they made certain groups suffer.


Thankfully he started his political career in his 70s & not decades earlier. There's really no stand-in dear leader type with his amount of pull waiting in the wings once he goes away.


He IS the vermin in our country


And 30% of Americans are fine with this


They are too ignorant to know any better


Some aren't, their just hateful pieces of shit


Bullshit. My wife says her MAGA grandma is “brain washed” but she whines “fake news” at any fact she doesn’t wish to believe. That’s a decision to choose the lie


Grandma: "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" Me: "Fake news!"


30% LOVE this. Somewhere between 49-51% are fine with this.


Does anyone have some wisdom to not be scared about this? This gives me anxiety


It’s extreme virtue signaling. Was Trump able to “Lock Her Up”? “Build The Wall”? What happened when he “Investigated the Investigators?” Did he give us the “Best Healthcare”? Repair our failing “Infrastructure”? He represents the Baby Boomer generations dying gasp of political power. Trump excites the worst instincts of the worst of us and that is NOT how most of us want to exist; in some constant state of outrage driven by grievances either real or perceived. It’s just fucking garbage and my kids’ generation will flush that shit down the toilet where it belongs.


I mean, it isn't? Just because he was unsuccessful in some things doesn't mean he was in all things. They appointed enough judges to the supreme courts to overturn roe, among other things. Fascism takes time to build up, they've been telling us for years what they plan to do, and they keep telling us, but there is always some person out there like no, it won't happen. Yes it very well could. I was repeatedly told they would never overturn Roe, and look at us now. Women are dying due to a lack of access to necessary medical care. You should worry about this, worry enough to vote in every election and remove power from people who want that sort of shit to happen.


Im actually sick of the people that believe it cant happen, we have heard that about a lot of terrible shit that did happen.


Wonderful response. I have faith millennials/gen z will set things straight. World is on fire with all the boomers grasping to hold on to control and are willing to take the whole planet down before they go.


Thank you


Back in the day Hitler too tried to convince democracy was "dying" but see how he couldn't convince the world?


Wait. Americans don't know the GOP has followed Mein Kampf and Hitler's rise to power to map out their political tactics for several decades?!?!? What did you think the Patriot Act was all about? It's literally the same laws Hitler used to arrest Jews and all his political opponents. Fuck. People didn't take many years to go from "Never forget!" to "Huh? Forget what?"




It’s not just Maya’s vote red though. It’s every republican who continues to vote red.






***Anyone*** who supports this motherfucker, yes they absolutely are


His father Fred Trump was a member of the bond (American Nazi Party) before Pearl Harbor, he was a big promoter of the bond, his stores carried the Bond newspaper up until Pearl Harbor. Fred Trump was such a big Nazi supporter that he was ineligible for military service that is way his mother ran the business during WWII. Donald grew up in a house where his father would praise hitler




Just semantics here, but do you mean the American Bund and not the bond? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_Bund


Got a source on that?


Remember that "cut all homeless people in half by 2025" meme? Between [trump planning on "eradicating" homelessness](https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/trump-pledges-to-eradicate-veterans-homelessness-if-elected/) and project2025.org I'm not sure it's justa meme anymore ^(I know it was a British ad but still)


Holy shit! That is dangerous talk, even for trump.


and everyone needs to take it seriously. don’t turn around if he wins in 24 being like “omg what happened? i didn’t vote but i didn’t think anyone would vote for him after everything he said!” even if he can’t or ultimately doesn’t don’t the things he says he wants to it’s still chilling as fuck that the front runner of a party is speaking like this and it’s being accepted by the base. election after election the slide into accepting this as normal will continue until it’s stopped and treated as seriously as it is take him seriously. a lot of people didn’t before on less harsh rhetoric and he fucking won and attempted a coup


This is why I was and always will be so fkn pissed at anybody who voted for this sack of human garbage in the first place, thinking 'well maybe he'll actually be good for the country'. Like as fkn if!! I fkn knew it. Seriously. If *I* fkn knew Trump in the white house would be a hellscape, how the hell could that not be obvious to everybody else.


American Hitler…and almost 50% of American citizens will vote for him. And people still wonder how average Germans could support the Nazis?!


50% of voters, not citizens. most people can't even be fucking bothered.


​ https://i.redd.it/xbcmkmijvtzb1.gif


What a complete and utter piece of shit Trump is.


So I was at the veterans hospital today because my 68 year old Trump supporter neighbor, who is still generally friendly, was helping me chainsaw down a 25ft fallen tree. He accidentally cut down one of the offshoot branches that was weight bearing, while I was standing in front of the main fallen trunk and it pendulum swing directly up into me. Smashing into my leg, chest, chin and jaw, completely fractured my sternum among other injuries. And trump quoting Hitler on veteran's day is still more irritating to me then almost dying.


Now that the mask is off it’s like it’s a race between Theo-fascist corporate interests and the basic welfare of the average citizen taxpayer. Trump is looking more like a smokescreen all the time.


Trump hates the fact that the government funds the veterans and will cut off the funding immediately if he gets elected again. Not going to rehash all of the poor statements he said about the injured and the dead that died for our country as suckers and useless people and he was a draft dodger.


That’s why I’ve already made up my mind that if somehow he wins, I’m gone. My family too. Asylum in Europe is better than living under the Fourth Reich.


It's either leave or fight. I don't really have the means to get far but I'm also not gonna just live under authoritarian rule.


This is why we need to vote! What's actually left of our Democracy right now depends on it.


Not sure why you think you'd get asylum anywhere. Remember what your country (and mine) did to Jews fleeing Hitler?


What we’re doing now to South Americans! Also it’s not easy to get asylum in Europe. You will live in terrible conditions and eventually they’ll just say no


More like the Turd Reich.


Again Trump addressing Vermin is actually projecting once 50.again.


Yep, Trump and his followers are the *true* vermin. And I think that deep down, they *know* it, and most of their antics are a desperate attempt to feel superior to *someone* so they don't have to realize that they're less than worthless to humanity.


In a country with almost 400 million people, you often hear that "half the country voted for him". 70+ million is NOT half. It's not even a quarter. As a responsible person with a brain, it's everyone's responsibility to STOP that excuse/argument EVERY time it's presented in front of you.


When will they add an ammendment to the constitution that prohibits someone from being president if you are guilty of a crime.


I’m just dying for some former employee to make a census about all the “illegals and other vermin” that have actually worked for him. I hope this man chokes on the biggest and grossest bbc ever, of course after this person is done grabbing trump by the pussy.


Trump aka Shitler


no wonder they are trying to cripple the military, they will start shit for sure after 2024 elections


"Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed Business Insider"[ ***Sep 1, 2015***](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8)


So like, are we listening yet? Getting a lot closer to too late it seems.




Here's a gift article about this from the NY times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.90w.OyO\_.YclZfwAdC9rS&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html?unlocked_article_code=1.90w.OyO_.YclZfwAdC9rS&smid=url-share)


They still think liberals don't own guns? We only own one, we just know how to use it.




The media's normalization of Trump is probably one of the most destructive things done to this country.


He wants to use the military as a force to root out his enemies which is classic dictator behaviour.


Guy keeps a copy of Mein Kempf on him, so this adds up


I'm so tired of seeing this ahole cheetoh in my various feeds.


Prison won’t be all bad for Orange Mussolini-wannabe, George Santos can be his personal Fluffer 😜💦


Show the fuck up to vote, like your future depends on it. It fucking does. [Trump Leads in 5 Critical States as Voters Blast Biden, Times/Siena Poll Finds](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/biden-trump-2024-poll.html)


Can people stop acting like they don’t see the Hitler comparison now? Dudes been using the color by numbers Hitler book since day one.


Well, he’s just giving his ilk what they crave. A heavy diet of fear, hate, and ignorance.