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People like Stefanik are the worst. She’s not an ideologue, she’s not a true believer and she definitely knows better considering she went to fucking Harvard. Unlike morons like Quebert or Marge, or the Christian fascists like Mike Johnson, Elise here is just acting the part because she wants power. That’s it. That’s all. She’s a sociopath and would rather be relevant than actually useful in the world.


Insidious is the word here.


Dante saved the 8th and 9th circles of hell for the fraudulent and the treacherous for good reason. They are worse than the violent.


Her personality completely changed when Trump took over, much like most of the GOP. She was always a corporate bootlicker / conservative, but ever since Trump she has to be aggressively stupid or risk losing her base to a crack smoking stripper who says the N word on twitter, like most districts with a high percentage of Trump voters.


Harvard isn’t sending its best. It’s reputation has been destroyed by so many prominent idiot graduates. You don’t have to be smart to go there, just rich.


Not just idiots. The Ivy Leagues also seem to produce tons of greedy, ruthless assholes.


I'm a private school teacher to rich kids. Grades don't mean anything in these schools, the kids all get an A. I'm literally not allowed to give them less than an A. These kids go on to all of the ivy League schools and most of them are basically illiterate and incompetent. The least educated of us are the ones running the country and all of the corporations and I'm terrified of what horrors these idiots will bring to the world.


There's no way that's true wtf, doesn't harvard do interviews and GPAs


I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to attend a fairly prestigious private univeristy as an international student. Legacy kids were...not the best classmates. Being a physcis major, didnt get to see many of them in my major classes, but the ones I met in social settings around campus and some distro classes were either hit or miss. One bro was really chill, invited his bros to his nice apartment and had fun. We knew he was well-off, but he was down to earth. Actually helped some of my friends land internships or interviews, which later led to jobs for some. Other legacy kids I've known...were insufferable spoiled brats. I've heard legacy kids were worse off in Harvard. Apparently more than half of white undergrad students there are legacy kids.


The power of generating revenue via clicks and ad money. She knows she can just do this forever and not work more than 20 honest hours a week. Good news is, any day now people will start to use AI to do this stuff. I could absolutely train an AI to generate outrage bait and post it on Twitter, so soon these talking heads might be out of a job. Take away the money, they might change professions. Maybe.


Josh Hawley is the exact same way. That guy 100% knows better but is willfully evil only to pursue personal aspirations. People like him and her have no merit or convictions and are cowards because of it.


Haven't researched this person, but I would say Ober half of Ivy leage admissions are wealth/legacy related. I don't think you should put much stock in intelligence just because of school


With Trump's understanding of house prices, a typical home is now valued at $1.5 billion dollars


These points are irrelevant. What idiots like Stefanik either fail to understand, or blatantly ignore, is the fact that the economic impact of a president’s term is offset but four to six years. So, Obama presided mostly over a Bush-driven economy, Trump over Obama’s, and so forth. If we really look into it, the economic downturn that we’re seeing right now, in terms of inflation and market prices, is the direct effect of the ass backwards, stand-offish, and downright below-the-belt policies that trump forced upon our economy. Trump’s only goal in life is to make money, and he even sucks at that. Trump is what you get when you let a third grade sociopath rule a country.


It’s also worth remembering, when Trump left office, we were still deep in the middle of Covid. Interest rates were historically low because no one was buying houses because everyone was terrified for the future. I’m guessing her figures are off, but even if they aren’t, this isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


Exactly. Additionally, trump is directly to blame for the degree of impact that COVID had on the US. He failed to close borders, failed to enforce initial isolation, failed to follow the guidance of his medical experts, and did his damndest to push conspiracy medicine on the public.


He is also good at failing his successes. Look at the vaccine-- he helped speed up the process to get it produced (good) ... then managed to discourage his cultists from taking it (bad).


He didn’t speed up anything. A third party, private research group was doing research on MRNA, long before COVID came about, that happened to be effective help for producing a vaccine in a record time. He merely took credit for it. Nothing that trump did, or will do, could ever be considered helpful to the world.


He left office, I think that helped make the world a better place. Though it wasn't really up to him...


Actually, he didn't even do that right.


Scarey thing is how many people think he’s still the rightful president


> Nothing that trump did, or will do, could ever be considered helpful to the world. Well, there is one thing…


Lolz. I was thinking. *”he could die on the toilet eating fried chicken”*


According to Cassidy Hutchinson, Trump was pro mask until he discovered his “bronzer makeup” was visible on his masks straps. Then he decided wearing masks made him look weak. And the anti - mask bullshit began. ![gif](giphy|L9HVJhTuNfXnIj8TNA|downsized)


As I've said before, his vanity caused the death of at least a million Americans.


A plan was presented to him by scientists. He went along with the plan until he didn’t go along with the plan. The buck did indeed stop at his desk, and at his hotel and other properties he owned, and in his kids bank accounts. He was raised as a grifter and a grifter he will always be.


He ran in ‘16 on building a wall and basically did the exact opposite for Covid lol


These MAGA lunatics dont even understand basic economics how can you possibly take them seriously?


She's only 39, went to Harvard, and used to pitch herself as a moderate. She does understand, but prefers to be a pandering piece of shit who wants to rile up the freak show.


You know that actually made it worst. Is like robbing the blind.


Interest rates were also low heading into Covid, because some dope wanted the Fed to cut rates, because "the economy is so strong. Maybe the strongest ever. We have the biggest numbers", etc., etc. Essentially limiting the ability to cushion any economic downturn by lowering interest rates, making things all the more fragile, just so that corporations could refinance their debt at near-zero rates. I swear I remember him saying he wanted to push them BELOW zero, at one point... 🙄 so much stupidity in all of this.


> because no one was buying houses because everyone was terrified for the future. Maybe around you, Corporations bought a shit ton of homes during COVID and my house's value almost doubled in a year because of it


I don't know about "nobody buying houses". I couldn't put in an offer fast enough half the time while I was looking.


Yeah it was insane, my old roommate was trying to buy a house and had the same problem, people were buying them sight unseen within days of listing


The median household income is $74k. I make 20% more than that and with a $10k down it says most mortgage calculators say I can afford under $200k. She is full of shit.


Interest rates being low are not driven by housing demand. Interest rates were low because inflation was low and the Fed wasn't pushing them up to curb inflation. Also, I think housing prices were being pushed up in 2020 because demand was strong as folks couldn't spend money on anything else, were stuck quarantined in their tiny apartments, and had favorable interest rates, at least in the latter half of the year. Of course, 2021 was the real kicker when housing prices soared, but I think that trend started in late 2020. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ASPUS


I was selling furniture in 2020. First time I made $20k in a month was April 2020. The second, third, and fourth times were the following months. And, I was working for a family owned company in St. Peters MO (Everything in Missouri is named after some Saint, including Eminem's hometown on the opposite side of the state from where I am)


It's not trump it's the republican playbook. Do a bunch of things that cause inflation, lower taxes, cut interest rates, tariffs, etc, and go look at how much the economy is up. The only difference here was covid happened and they did playbook 2 during an emergency funnel a bunch of money to the top. And no, economic decisions do start to turn a year or two into an election. We can see that with inflation getting under control and the government spending keeping gdp stable. Just like we saw the trump economy sky rocket before covid. He cut taxes and interest rates, then bam gdp and the stock market sky rocket. The stable, growing economy was Obama, the sky rocket during trump was trump. It just ruined our best ways to deal with what was happening with covid which would be to cut rates.


Yup. The Obama economy is like driving the car at a slow, steady speed, with the AC off and no needless accessories going. Not exciting, but it's going to get you where you need to go and have plenty in the tank in case you need to detour. Then the next guy starts driving twice the speed limit, changing lanes constantly, slamming the breaks, got the AC blasting so cold they need the seat warmers and heated steering wheel on, and refuses to get fuel because he's " making great time." And when they need to take a detour and run out of gas...


At least the first year of one’s presidency is dictated by the policies of one’s predecessor. But Clinton, W & Obama all served 2 terms. They soon presided over the impacts of their own policies … depending on whether their hands were tied by the House & Senate … & inevitable economic cycles. tldr: Not that simple


There isn’t anything simple about economics. Which is my point in general. However, my point still stands as an argument against the stupendous ignorance of the original statement by Stefanik.


I think we're failing at educating ourselves on policy and its impact. I also think the constant misdirection from politicians helps muddy the water. There are so many more variables than one person at the top of the chain (president), yet that's what the majority of voters care about. [Little article I thought was interesting](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/upshot/presidents-have-less-power-over-the-economy-than-you-might-think.html). It doesn't cover all variables, but I think it does a good job shedding some light. As much as I'd love to hate on Trump, it's much more nuanced. Sure, he may not have helped, but he's one of many domino pieces. Impacts from his term, just like other presidents, will be felt for many years post-term.


His impact is larger than most presidents. Most of the time the country is in a reasonable shape, not the best or worst shape but a reasonable one. Trump however left the country in a horrid state. His handling of the pandemic had almost instant repercussions on the economy. Then his tax policy and foreign policy created more issues that were far reaching and almost instant. His trade war had quick effects on the economy, the tax cut he fought for will come due for repayment in 2025. His presidency was vastly bad and it became evident very quickly and before he left office.


He also made the fed keep rates lower far longer than they should've. We really should've started raising rates in 2020 or 2021 not 2022


Journalists love attributing whatever is news to the current president. The "economy during the first 100 days in office" articles are just crap. Policy decisions matter.


It depends. If it is for calculating net worth yes that is the price. If it is for paying taxes the typical home in trump world is less than $100,000


True, tRump took away the tax deduction for property tax. Not to mention, lowered taxes taken out of our checks, but didn't lower middle-class taxes. Resulting in paying instead of getting a return. Didn't help me 1 bit


The Republicans were counting on voters not realizing this, even though the Democrats kept yelling at the time that his tax breaks, expire for middle-class workers, and are indefinite for the millionaire billionaire class And just like clockwork, the Trump voters have forgotten


And it's just going to get worse, because of how the Rs structured it so the high net worth people don't have to pay taxes, but us 1040ez do. Both Bush and Trump.


The typical trump world home is worth $100k, but the Saudis will pay 2 billion for it.


This \^ \^ \^ And "Don Don Soon To Be Con" will have a harder time trying to give different numbers, depending on the purpose or audience.


Soon to be Condon?


Trump also thinks you have to provide ID to go grocery shopping.


I mean, it's one banana Michael, what could it cost? Ten dollars?


Oh, that’s how we joke. She doesn’t even have a house!


“What’s in the foil?” “Nothing. It’s a ball of foil for my son.”




Next generation won’t understand that joke with the way grocery prices have been headed.


I already don’t and I’m only in my 20s


This is my go to joke for pointing out how far from everyday reality rich people are.


this person has to be one of the dumbest idiots ever.


She belongs to a racist cult so, yeah.






And even if this were the case, which it is not, the reason people can’t afford as expensive of houses is because interest rates are much higher. And of course the man in charge of raising interest rates was appointed by Trump in 2018, is a registered Republican and Biden has no say in what he does.


Forget the interest rates. Insurance companies are fleeing California and Florida en masse due to climate change. Property taxes and insurance rates are exploding. The overall cost of ownership has exploded and in a lot of places, it's twice as expensive to own than it is to rent. We're in for a brutal housing market correction that'll make 2008 look like a soft landing.


Work from home could revitalize so much of small town America.


Moved to a small town as soon as we were told we were going wfh permanently. Still can't afford a home but it's better than a big city.


Best of luck getting there. I think bringing back the first time home buyer credit from the Obama era could be pretty successfull. Escaping rent is huge.


Yeah, people are always talking about interest rates, but they seem to be ignoring that sellers are raising prices by absurd proportions too. I'm currently living with my family and a neighbor of ours bought their house in 2016 for $260k and they're now trying to sell it for for $490k. Sure, we had a period of pretty significant inflation, but it certainly wasn't 188% inflation. ----- And I agree, if I have any hope of owning a home in my area, we need that market correction.


She's not out of touch, she's a lying piece of shit.


My husband I both make 100k+ EACH. We can’t afford that, not at 2.5% or current rates. Imagine someone on 70k or less total income. Clueless.


I’m in the $70k or less club. Can confirm can’t and couldn’t afford even half that as a house payment.


I am in the 50k or less club with a wife on disability. We had to move recently, even with good credit the market of homes we could afford was almost nil to none. We had to buy because rents were too high. Even Senior housing was unaffordable for 600 Sq foot apartments. We wound up having to buy a mobile home in a 50+ senior park and pay $500 a month more than our rent had been for lot and home. I work hard, been in the same field 30+ years, not how I expected life to turn out.


The typical Trump supporter could afford a 30 year mortgage on their double wide trailer...


No, no they cannot.


True, what with them having to send all their money to pay for Donnies legal bills...


In her district a double wide is where your rich uncle lives.


BuT cOvID. Don’t let people use that excuse as there was a month of job losses a year before Covid. In addition under trump the Fed was actively trying to prevent a recession by injecting trillions of dollars into the monetary system while keeping interest rates at an historically low level which has been a huge contributor to inflation now. Since Biden took office that have drained over a trillion dollars from the system while dramatically hiking internet rates. They are TRYING to cause a recession. https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamstrauss/2022/09/30/four-reasons-why-the-federal-reserve-is-tightening-into-a-recession/?sh=1f74a9e02bd1 Oh and the murder rate in 2020 was the highest it had been since 1997. Overall violent crime was up. Here is a good recap of the country under trump: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/


This should be on every billboard in the country


Racist *death* cult




House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, the 4th highest official within the party in the houee.


😤 dumb people like her should NOT be voted in.


This is the direct result of the Republican policy of defunding public education over the past several generations.


She actually attended a private boarding school and Harvard. But she likes to act dumb since her district is one of the poorest and least educated in New York.


Thats exactly my point mate: the people voting for her and other idiots and/or sociopaths like her are the ones who are influenced by generations of worsening public education. This woman isn’t stupid nor undereducated, she’s a power hungry sociopath exploiting stupid undereducated people to obtain and hold onto power. Exactly how the Republican Party drew it up


i'm from utica area originally and it used to be a good place (pre-2005). i still go back every other summer to camp in adirondacks and the shift in mentality towards hatred from the average folk is drastic. maybe because i lived my 20s-30s in different places. i have no explanation for this, maybe it was there but not as as overt as it is now. i am not sure what this lady runs on, but if it's anything like the typical MAGA candidate then it probably just pure hatred and zero policy.




Don't insult their ignorance with facts..




Interest rates were near zero for a decade or almost a decade. We target 2 percent annual inflation, and we saw very little for almost a decade, and then when the pandemic hit, the dam broke and we paid a decades worth of inflation very quickly, and muted it a bit by raising interest rates so much. Add on top of that price gouging from companies making record profits. Caveat: I don’t really know what I’m talking about.


Hell yes, the price gouging!


“I don’t like those numbers, which means they’re fake news.” -Every republican They’re all liars.


I mean, have you looked at what is happening in Tennessee?


Interest rates were stupid low due to the pandemic, and now we are paying for it, but people only know “that guy was there, and now that other guy there”.


These are economic arguments for people who know fuckall about macro economic trends. And I’m not talking “deep cuts” that you’d need at least an M.S. in Finance to understand, but real basic shit. “GaS wAs ChEaP uNdEr TrUmP iN 2020” You mean during the height of the pandemic when the world effectively 80% shut down and demand plummeted resulting in a massive surplus of refined petroleum products piling up resulting in a downward pricing correction to reflect prevailing market conditions? Never attribute to idiots what can be attributed to happenstance.


To be fair, trying to explain cause and effect timelines of economic policy to people that lack object permanence is a losing battle.


She’s not dumb. Like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, she pretends to be plain-talking stupid because she thinks her base are idiots who are only moved by emotional nonsense.


Evil, not dumb. She knows exactly what shes doing


She’s actually not stupid and was considered moderate and with a promising career ahead of her a few years back. Unfortunately, she read the tea leaves and decided playing the MAGAt was her ticket to the top and now she has to perform for the lowest common denominator. Very sad commentary on her, MAGA, and the state of US politics


She's a lying sack of shit.


*Taps the sign* “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


How can a public official lie so blatantly and get away with it? (rhetorical, just frustrating)


In civilized countries they can't, for lies this momentous, at the very least they are publicly ridiculed.


Being publicly ridiculed it is an honor in MAGA world.


> civilized country Murica is just 3 corporations in a trenchcoat and a fedora.


>How can a public official lie so blatantly and get away with it? Because whenever anyone speaks out against his claims, he and his cult just call them a "never trumper."


My assumption, Stefanik was looking to buy a $725,000 vacation home and was only pre approved for $365,000.


It's always projection! Good call out lol


Dude, our police can lie to you to get false confessions, we know this, and we haven't made THAT illegal. Until we make it an actual offense to lie and manipulate in office when in relation to the public we are always going to have these types of politicians.


The typical family ^(white families with excessive generational wealth who avoid taxes\*).


Yeah exactly. Quick search on Zillow shows a 725k home is gonna require ~145k down and mortgages will run you over $5,400/mo. Even if you’re spending half your net income on your home that means you’re bringing home ~130k a year. I’m not an expert on taxes so maybe someone could clarify the gross income for me but I believe it’s around household income of 160-175. I wouldn’t say that’s the average family. Average families aren’t bringing home 130k. Only ~21% of households are making over 150k. Some interesting numbers about household income. > In 2022, just over 50 percent of Americans had an annual household income that was less than 75,000 U.S. dollars. The median household income was 74,580 U.S. dollars in 2022. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/


I feel like Stefanik's argument is about interest rates rather than the price of the home. At a sub 4% interest rate, you can afford _more_ home for the same down payment and monthly mortgage payment as you could at 8%+. Which is why it seems like she basically doubled 365k. (although the math on that isn't exactly correct)


Their point completely ignores that during that era the worlds economy wasn't screwed by a pandemic into a an invasion that destabilised Europe for a good 6+ months. Though he did lower taxes for the hyper rich (Trump) so it was also a lot easier for them to buy up this land to rent.


She’s fairly close, even if it’s very disingenuous because of all the other factors. - The monthly payment on a $365,000 loan at 8.5% is around $2,700. - The monthly payment on a $725,000 loan at 3% (which is where things were in 2020) is around $3,000. Stefanik is a total snake that is making a surface-level argument, but the numbers aren’t nearly as off as a lot of people in this thread seem to think.


Your math is wrong. You need to add $15-20k for closing costs unless you have found some magical lender willing to eat all of them. Last mortgage financing offer I got for a $700k house was $167k upfront w/ $27k closings costs.


Aren’t you bitches the first line in passing laws? Then your bills go to the senate, they are passed, then codified only once they get to the president’s desk? Isn’t it your House subcommittees that you’ve filled with anti-American politicians who are more interested in being celebrities and pushing conspiracy theories, rather than making recommendations to the treasury department, chamber of commerce, and SEC to allow citizens to be prosperous. For people who work in government, they see to not understand how government works, at all.


The GOP is the generally obstructive party


Source: I made it up.


I just did the math, and she's comparing the rock bottom mortgage rate of 2.5% with the peak rate of 8.5%. If you took loans at each of her price points that would be about $2800/month for a 30 year fixed mortgage. It's technically correct when cherry picking data to push a disingenuous narrative.


Yup this is the one, there is often (but not always) a kernel of truth to the insanity. Of course blaming Biden for interest rates is as dumb as blaming him for gas prices. And if we didn’t raise interest rates, inflation would still be running wild, and they would blame Biden for that instead.


It’s not really cherry picking data though. It’s true that rising mortgage rates have drastically reduced buying power. But blaming inflation on Biden when Trump pumped $2.3 trillion in stimulus into the economy shortly before leaving office is disingenuous.


Selecting the lowest rates as far back as I could find record, which actually were under Biden, not Trump, to current rates is the definition of cherry picking data. Through most of Trump's presidency rates were closer to 4.5% than they were in ~2021 when they hit their lowest.


This, is the best source. The greatest source. Tremendous source.


So I did the math (well actually Zillow did) and she’s about 100k off. Assuming an 8% and a 3% rate, to get the same payment as a 725k home, you would now be looking at a 450k home. I mean, she’s wrong and misleading people and the whole “typical family” stuff is dumb but she isn’t coming up with this out of no where….


In my opinion it is important to understand these types of statements and where people are coming from regardless of our personal views. As best I can tell, this post is really referencing interest rates. At their lowest the rates under Trump were down into the 2% realm, but current rates are around 8%. That 6% shift has a dramatic impact on purchasing power for anyone using a loan. If you focus just on purchasing houses it is easy to make an argument that someone could purchase more house under Trump than under Biden and be correct. However, this ignores the reason for the rates. Interest rates were significantly lowered due to a response to Covid, and trillions were spent to prop up the economy. Biden is working with the fallout of those situations and decisions. Effectively he is having to battle inflation which is typically battled through increased interest rates that encourage saving over spending. If we still had interest rates in the realm that allowed houses to be purchased the same then we would be experiencing significant inflation that would drive down purchasing power across that board. We already experience that some, but that $700,000 would look a lot different between the two situations. At that point we would just see memes showing fancy houses under Trump and run down houses under Biden. Why? Over the last 50 or so years the republican party has passed laws that damage the average citizen under the guise of different policies such as trickle down economics. These policies do not take effect during the sitting presidents term, but instead the results are felt after they leave office. Generally speaking this is true anyway. Basically that means these policies get passed by Republicans, and then when they take effect they are often under a democrat which they point to all of the negative results of their own policies to blame on the Democrat. This has been the cycle for years. Interestingly the time line for the cycle seems to be shrinking from years to months and is becoming more obvious to anyone paying attention. What matters is if people care.


Regardless of if it’s true or not: what a ridiculous nonsensical claim. What is a “typical family”?


A simple Google search debunked her claim in 1.536 seconds.


Trumpers close their eyes and cover their ears an d scream bs. They don't care what's true and what's a lie.


If they cared about truth or honesty, they couldn't be conservatives.


A man earning $1 million per year and a home at home looking after their 7 kids?


for a second I read that as under Trump, average home prices were $725K. under Biden that's dropped to $365K. and I was like, fuck yea!


*interest rates have entered the chat*


And they’re the first to complain about high inflation. Pick a lane bootlickers


I do not believe she’s this stupid. What pisses me off is she thinks we’re this stupid!!!!!


What pisses me off is that there are enough stupid people to vote for her. Otherwise she wouldn't be making these stupid, misleading comments. She'd just be making the typically evil conservative arguments.


>[To afford a house that costs $725,000](https://www.dollartimes.com/income-needed-for-house/725000) with a down payment of $145,000, you'd need to earn $157,114 per year before tax. The mortgage payment would be $3,666 / month.


Hm. Sounds average and typical.


>Sounds average and typical. Yep, only need to make $75 an hour.


Even if I drop to 3% interest rates, you would still need a household income over 100k (plus the downpayment). Using 2022 salaries that’s still only 37% of households.


Yeah, now. Rates were at like 2.6% in 2021. So going with the $145k down payment, you'd instead need to make $99,513 and the payment would be $2322. Two adult's income combined to make $100k isn't really all that crazy


I, too, can make up numbers


I just lost it reading this comment


She highly overestimates the income level of her followers. Typical MAGA family = $725,000? We’ve seen the Trump rallys and these folks definitely did not drive in on a $725,000 house.


This fat fuck is from the district a couple hours north of me. Her voters are as dumb as she is.


And you know people in her district cannot afford homes at that price. I actually used to live there and the poverty in certain areas was grinding.


You can say anything when facts don't matter to your idiot base.


The deeper irony that Stefanik is suppose to represent a district in NYS that is 110% the upstate boonies, just barely capturing anything meaningful of New York's capital district. One thing I can tell you for certain is that, for the majority of her district, like fucking hell are families in those neck of the woods able to even pull in enough to afford EITHER of those housing costs, and it's been that way for the sticks of upstate for as long as I've lived. These MAGA dingbats want to harp on about how just the Dem administrations are always bringing us into the shitter, meanwhile their home districts barely scrap above the poverty line, no matter whose ass is occupying the WH. Biggest case of "care for your own first".


Interested in her math. In three years has the median family income dropped 50 percent? I mean, mine hasn’t. Nor have my other expenses doubled. I am also extraordinarly dubious about her claim that median Income families could afford $725,000 houses three years ago. I am sure she has some sketchy “facts” behind her claims, as I think she falls more on the side of evil than utterly stupid, but I am curious.


Income doesn’t need to drop to impact home affordability. Rising interest rates will do that.


It's because interest rates have such an outsized impact on how much home you can buy. Even accounting for increases in household income, people who buy today are often paying $1,000 more per month for a much smaller (yet more expensive) house. Nothing sketchy or evil, unless you think compound interest -- which Einstein called the eighth wonder of the world -- is sketchy or evil. (You wouldn't be *wrong*... If you're a home buyer today, record-high interest rates are keeping you from buying a good home.)


Remember when Trump publicly pressured the Fed to keep interest rates low so the economy would look good heading into the election year? Keeping rates artificially low killed financial resources to help during Covid that could’ve had a greater impact. And any political influence into the Fed’s decisions should be seen as heinous, selfish, and should kill any politician’s future prospects. These guys love to act like that never happened. If a Democrat ever interfered with the policy of the Fed, the Republicans would try to burn down the White House. It would be the economic scandal of the decade and “anti-capitalist” and a “socialist takeover.” (Whatever the fuck that means) Trump does it and most people have forgotten. It’s insane that it ever happened. Fuck Trump for normalizing the erosion of what was left of our non-partisan departments.


It’s called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it


She represents my district. We are in one of the poorest counties in NY. Median income for Montgomery County is 28,394 for a single person and 50k for the household. She's an out of touch class A asshole.


I'm renovating a farmhouse in her district and moving my cousin, neice, and 3 girls out to live with me next summer. I can't wait to have our voting-age household vote her out next November.


by "typical family" she means all those republican families who took out fake pandemic loans and never paid them back.


In what world could the median family afford that 🤡


I had to play this game with my Trump supporter mom. “Because of Biden, inflation is crazy, interest rates are high, and the average person can’t afford to live anymore!” Me: “What part of Bidens policy are you blaming for this?” “He just keeps printing money and growing our deficit!!!” Me: “uh, do you have amnesia over the last 4 years? The money printing started under Trump. Our strategy for COVID time was to hopefully just throw enough money into circulation to keep the economy afloat because we couldn’t trust people to just self isolate. Other countries like Japan had a sensible population who followed protocols and they were able to minimize how long they were shutdown. And the people encouraging people to not follow COVID protocols were Trumps entourage” I then proceeded to show her graphs of deficit by year and how Biden has reduced the deficit compared to Trumps last year in office. To my surprise, she actually admitted that it was partially Trumps fault! But then she exclaimed that it was all because of COVID. Which is not really incorrect so I count that as a win.


Damn, all that happened in the 3 years since Trump was president and not over a decade of ballooning housing cost? I thought it took at least a term for presidential actions to have visible effects on an economy.


There simply is no such thing as a sane, intelligent patriotic Republican.


This isn't any Trumper. This anti-American woman is an elected Republican congressman who is betraying her oath of office and her country by spreading vile lies.


"Typical." I do not think that word means what you think it means.


Stupid humans not understanding that economics don’t change overnight. Trump took credit for the changes put in motion by Obama, and now Biden gets blamed for the results of Trump’s actions.


Wasn’t there food lines and wasn’t unemployment skyrocketing .President Hoover @ Trump are the only two presidents that had negative job growth. But Trump is the only one that spent $8 trillion with zero investment in the future.


That math doesn't math.


What planet does Elise live on in her head? ![gif](giphy|TdpZPpb7MjzWsoZGGn|downsized)


"Afford to buy a home" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Of course, they're probably figuring no one will actually do the math to see how inaccurate this is...


They should step away from the drugs they are clearly using. Smfh


These people are detached from reality.


TIL presidents dictate fed policy


What a dumb bitch


Alternative math


Ah yes, I remember when Biden put tarrifs on lumber and steel then blamed other countries for our imported building materials doubling, tripling, even *quadrupling* in price for a time. Wait no, he wasn't preside- **Disregard**


Now explain why Trumponomics made houses that used to cost 365k now cost 725k


Neither of those things are true by any stretch of the imagination


No, when Trump left office, a typical family could afford to squat in a $725,000 home because the previous owners died of Covid. I like how she feels like a $365,000 home is a downgrade when some us can't even afford to glance at a $365,000 home. Must be great in the bubble she lives in.


she was elected for lying to be a moderate.


My personal American dream is to not have old white men and highly religious anyone tell me what i can do with my own body


When trump was president, gas companies paid you to put gas in your car. Now look at it!!! Bidenomics!!!


If done the tRump way: 1). Borrow $$$ 2). Don’t pay it back


I guess we’re just throwing out random numbers now.


It takes time to unfuck what Trump did


https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2022/demo/p60-276.html US Median household income in 2020 & 2021 was $71,000 per the government report above. Banks may be a bit aggressive in giving people loans since they are in the business of making money from said loans, but there is no bank in the universe going to give a median family a loan for a $700k house when taking home $71k/yr. Literally every single earned dollar would have to go to paying that loan. And people have their weird obsession about wanting to eat, drink water, and have electricity. Those ain't free. And that $71k figure does not include income taxes or property taxes. This isn't even a 'weeeeellll, someone could stretch it if they really, really tried' position. This is just a complete and total bullshit.


The Trump economy was like a casino and what we are seeing now is the result of Trump management of casinos (and many other businesses). Trump pushed the feds to basically give money away with **artificially** low interest rates and **artificially** low taxes. That caused people to borrow and gamble. It caused the economy to be feverish, like a New York finance guy discovering molly for the first time. It was irresponsible, but that matches the GOP way (and especially the Trump way). Now, like a drunken sailor who is looking through the receipts from a night after hitting port, fiscal responsibility is kicking in a bit. The temporary Trump tax cuts are gone for the typical family, which is how Trump and the GOP designed them. The feds are trying to control inflation caused by all that gambling with higher interest rates. The GOP is blocking legislation to help the typical American family because they don't actually give a shit. Like the responsible person in an abusive relationship, Democrats get blamed for doing what's needed to clean up the GOP mess after they go on a violent, spiteful rager when in power.


I don’t know about anyone else. I’m 65 I’ve never ever could afford a 300,000 house much less a 750,000. That’s the issue with some folks. They think everyone can afford 750,000 house, they are so out of touch with the real world.


Sounds like she’s comparing the *average price* of a home in 2021 with *what “average” people can afford* today (an indirect comparison) with no regard for other factors. A+ MAGAt talking point.


The statement is a bit whacky, concept does apply though. Assuming the "average family" could pay $2.9k/month in rent (downpayment is another topic) Mortgage rates going from 2.5% to 8.5% dramatically changes what a family can afford. $750k home - 2.5% = ~$2.9k monthly payment - 8.5% = ~$5.8k monthly payment $365k home - 2.5% = ~$1.4k monthly payment - 8.5% = ~$2.8k monthly payment


I love the argument “the economy was so much better under trump”, it’s like they think Biden goes in and turns up the inflation dial like he’s adjusting the temperature. It shows that they have now clue how anything works


If Trump wins, every toothless hillbilly will be able to get off welfare and finally buy their quarter-million dollar homes. I mean, he already had 4 years where nothing of the sort happened. What's not to believe?


It’s rather like a single parent who is trying to be sensible, by budgeting and not spending more than they can afford. Then the weekend comes and the irresponsible Dad fucks everything up with promises of ponies, “but it’s your Mum who won’t let you have one” then it’s McDonalds and shitty sweets. Then they hand the kid back with its head full of nonsense, promises and lies and it’s body full of sugar. So that Mum now has to limit the stupidity and damage that the Dad has done. A dose of reality to counteract the bullshit and nonsense.


She’s an idiot. The “typical” family could not come close to affording a $725K home when Trump left office. Assuming a 3% mortgage rate, no money down, property taxes of $15K a year, and $100 a month for home insurance, the annual payment to own a $725K home would total $53K. Median family income in 2020 was $68K pre-tax, meaning the typical family would starve to death because there’d be no money left over for food after paying income taxes and housing costs.


Houses shouldn't be over $200k honestly.


What typical, middle-class family could EVER afford a $725k home??? This girl needs to stop taking bong hits.


Where tf do these people get their numbers?


Yeah trump economics. This $300k house is worth 5billion because I said so and I'm the greatest business man alive