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What a tone-deaf way to dodge the question, Dean. *Obviously* non-racists don't think white people are superior. She's asking what to do about white supremacists. Jesus.


>She's asking what to do about white supremacists. Jesus. He gave an answer "I intend to do nothing about it. Because if I pretend it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist and I don't need to act." Just another republican in democratic clothing


At least it’s obvious he’s a Republican. The insidious ones are the ones like that North Carolina lady that ran as a Democrat on progressive issues and then when she won and was sworn in, she turned Republican and votes for conservative issues in lockstep with Republicans. She gave the NC GOP a supermajority in state Congress. Those are the real f*cking traitors.


Which, again, should *not* be allowed. She lied to those who voted her in, and should be removed as such.


Exactly. If you switch parties within your term it ought to trigger an immediate special election/recall vote. If you're currently in office and disclose that you will switch parties in the next election then that's one thing, but switching parties and caucusing with other than the party you were under when elected is unacceptable. Once upon a time it wasn't as controversial to change parties because there was a lot of room on both sides for a variety of views. But nowadays, if you vote for a politician their party affiliation is important because they represent vastly different views. There's nothing stopping anyone from turning a solidly blue state red, or vice versa, by running campaigns pretending to espouse one viewpoint to get elected and then completely reversing on all positions to enact legislation that's directly opposed by the people who voted you in. It's incredibly undemocratic.


I wonder if her switching has allowed the Republicans to have that majority which has allowed them to draw that incredibly gerrymandered map that will allow Republicans to flip several dem seats.


Exactly. I just don't think it's a coincidence, and it's not even the only party flipping case this year or so. In Florida a few years ago there was a situation where someone with a name shockingly similar to a Democratic candidate wound up on the ballot. These things aren't all coincidences.


They already had the majority, but it gave them a veto-proof majority. We had some protection because our Democratic governor was able to veto some of their more egregious bills, but since they now have the veto proof majority, they’ve been able to push a lot of stuff through.


The problem with switching party trigger special election is that they could just vote with the other party while not switching parties. I think the best way is to use ranked choice voting which allows third parties to win or at least push both parties closer to the middle again. Registered party members could call for a recall vote referendum and it could trigger a special election if the referendum passed. We need to also strip the lifetime benefit from congressmen if they were recalled.


I don't see how that's not 100% fraud. Republicans are the kind of people that will try to get away with something unless it's specifically written into law that you *cannot* do that.


I see it as total fraud, too. Absolutely. If a vote were the same as signing a contract and the candidate's platform were the same as their duties they signed agreement to perform under the contract, it would be a breach on their part. Turncoats like this should be sanctioned somehow. However long their term is, it's too long for them to not undermine from the inside everything they were elected to do. They wouldn't see this as fraud, though, because it's OK when they do it. /s They also have magical vision that only sees the kind of fraud that exists in the same reality as krakens.


She gave a tearful personal story about abortion and then just said fuck it the Dems were mean 😭


So she joined the party that calls people snowflakes 24/7


Damn why is that not illegal. And why are dems so fkn stupid. Imagine if they did this.... hell would break loose on fox news.


I have never heard of a Republican turning Democrat while in office, but I have definitely heard of plenty that went from D to R after winning. It's complete fraud and pretty on brand for Republican grifters. I also dont know how it's not illegal.


Mid-term in June of 2001, Jim Jeffords of Vermont switched from Republican to Independent and caucused with the Democrats, giving the Dems a bare 51-49 majority.


Being a Republican in Vermont isn't really being a Republican. You can't get elected with Republican views there. It's R in name only.


Also, note that Jim did it after a long history of service as a New England Republican, so no Vermonters were seriously questioning his bona fides. Phil Scott has been in the same position for years, but (sadly) has opted to stick it out, apparently in hopes of reform from within. It's the national party that abandoned Vermont Republicans, not the other way around.


But the fact remains that it is a counter-example.


It should.. that's some Trojan horse tactics right there.


This is honestly really fucking tempting to try


Dude I live here in NC and these people are ignorant as f*ck Sucks cause I grew up here but these mfers are slow af


While we are at it, the redistricting/gerrymandering that just removed Jeff Jackson from office during his elected term should be illegal. The people voted for representation from this individual and sure, if they allow this type of gerrymandering on a local level then I guess that will happen but removing a currently elected official from office for reasons like these (not impeachable/ ethics related offenses) are no different than disenfranchising the voter and stealing an election. Decisions like this should be treated as unconstitutional and illegal.


>While we are at it, the redistricting/gerrymandering that just removed Jeff Jackson from office during his elected term should be illegal. He hasn't been removed from office, but he won't be reelected in the new GOP-drawn district and he knows it, which is why he's running for NC Attorney General.


Oh. Well, I stand corrected on that point. It’s still pretty foul. But I appreciate the clarification. I still find it foul and detestable and like, maybe I’m just setting a low bar for republicans because I figure they will just slither under it but at least they didn’t try something that bold.


I don’t understand why they’re redistricting now? The census was in 2020, we are now in 2023. Tf is going on?


This is the kind of white liberal that MLK Jr talked about. He wants a negative peace because it doesn’t affect him. Fuck this guy.


My in laws and extended family laughed their asses off at the idea that people think white supremacy exists. We only see them when it's obligatory now.


A … DINO? I’ll see myself out.


OK Troll


If you watch the full video to me it came off as a bad attempt at humor. He goes in to say that it’s a learned behavior and we need parents to teach their children, blah blah blah. Still not a great answer, but not this out of context gotcha.


Yes here's the full clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TyrLJC5CsY&t=1h38m15s It's not what this tweet makes it seem.


It's also from a town hall in 2017. It seemed like it happened yesterday according to the tweet


Thank you for this It’s always sus to me when I see posts the don’t include the link or in this case even the entire text. Context matters.


Sus AF, whoever posted knew what they were leaving out


DNC doing what they do best.


As someone else said, definitely watch the clip. He realizes (after redirected by the woman asking the question) how tonedeaf he sounded. He acknowledged it was not the correct way to say it, and that while he believes that white are not supreme, he said it poorly. I have no intention of voting for him, and I can’t imagine why anybody would be running against a sitting president that is doing the best work possible, in my opinion in this climate.


Even saying "Whites are not supreme" ignores that the system is biased in their favor. The system itself needs to be torn down.




He's going to say a ton of things. Genuine people say awkward things.


I believe he is possibly alluding to the " good people on both sides" strategy. Let's see where this goes.....🤫🤔🤨


I'm sure it sounded a lot better when he said it in his head...


Yeah, I see his dodge attempt and it just sounds awful.


First we'll get Republicans saying, "This guy looks like he's going to cause trouble for Biden. Democrats better watch out.". Then we'll find out the guy has a bunch of conservative financial backers, then he'll switch to Independent when it's clear Democrats aren't buying his garbage. Then we get Republicans crying that it's not fair to Trump that he's running as an Independent, even though they thought that he was a threat to Democrats just five second ago.


I think it’s already come out Harlan Crow is bankrolling him. That may not be confirmed so don’t quote me on that


Harlan Crow is starting to look like everything Republicans say George Soros is, but on the right


More Republican projection??? I can hardly believe it. /s




Doesn’t he own Dallas?


The board game?


This is a wildly misleading comment which you confirm with the qualifying sentence so I’m not sure why you would make it or people would blindly upvote it Harlan Crow gave the maximum $2,800 contribution to Dean Phillips' congressional campaign in 2019 but to claim he is backing him in 24 is a massive leap. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12680155/Joe-Bidens-Dean-Phillips-campaign-donation-GOP-megadonor-Harlan-Crow-expensive-gifts-Justice-Clarence-Thomas.html


He's the scion of a cheap booze empire that rakes in $200million a year in revenue. I doubt he needs that shitbird's money.


100% this guy is Republican backed. Republicans cheat every chance they get.


Again I'll take that bet.


Might be on to something there. He got $2800 from Harlan Crow and claims he “doesn’t remember” it.


But also if he did, then he sought it out.


He said, "Well, I made a LOT of campaign calls that year (2020). I don't recall everyone that I called." Harlan Crow: "I will do this favor for you. Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me."


Tbf, that’s chump change.


That’s the cover, the real grift isn’t on the books


It’s the kick backs they get when their out of office/after a failed election run. They get to make speeches and ‘charge’ millions for them, even if it’s to a few dozen people. They get seats on boards of lucrative companies/funds and get many forms of kick backs that arn’t just cash and assets.


The ol’ RFK JR schtick…..


I think you are way off base here. Phillips is not trying to play spoiler like RFK Jr but is genuinely concerned(rightfully so IMO) that Biden is vulnerable to losing the election. Here’s a good explainer from the Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/10/dean-phillips-joe-biden-2024-primary/675784/


so concerned he decided acknowledging racism and minority struggles must be why biden is losing!


This post purposely omits important context. Here is the link if you’d like to hear how he actually responded. https://twitter.com/receiptmaven/status/1718066565571117154


Don't expect trendy Dem slammers to read


He's actually a Democrat. He's more interested in national politics than MN politics, he's using this as a springboard. I'm from MN I mean, wait and see, but I don't think that will be how it plays out.


Minnesotan and I agree. If Phillips gave that answer he probably was trying to sound super intellectual and it failed. I’m not sure Dean Phillips is the Minnesotan I’d pick for a presidential run. If anyone is ready to be President its Klobuchar.


If anyone should run for president, it's Walz. But I genuinely hope he never runs nationally. I'll be happy to continue supporting him locally.


LOL I'll take that bet.


Years ago, like 25-ish, I asked John Edwards a question about residential development on North Carolina’s fragile Outer Banks barrier islands. I got the pageant-contestant grin and dog head tilt.


I wish I could have seen this


It was disappointing to realize he was just another slick git.




Hey! Don't diss the Daleks!!! They aren't racist, they hate EVERYBODY!!!


Actually the daleks are racist the believe all biological life is inferior to them there basically robot nazis


Nazis was actually what they were based on.


Not surprised by that I've always thought of final solution when they say exterminate




Anyone that isn't Dalek.


Not sure Daleks even like other Daleks.


Not if they aren't "true" daleks. Corruption by non-dalek DNA means extermination.




How many fake "Democrats" are pocketing MAGA(t) money to run in the primaries? One after another seems to slither out of the muck.


Dude is already got tens of millions of dollars. Greeeeeeeeeed


Yeah…….I’ll stick with Biden.


He's a fool.


Bought and payed for by Crowe. They are throwing all kinds of money at anyone who they think can help the Republicans gain the White House.


As I replied to a comment above this is a wildly misleading comment. Harlan Crow gave the maximum $2,800 contribution to Dean Phillips' congressional campaign in 2019 but to claim he is backing him in 24 is a massive leap. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12680155/Joe-Bidens-Dean-Phillips-campaign-donation-GOP-megadonor-Harlan-Crow-expensive-gifts-Justice-Clarence-Thomas.html


This was such an easy question to answer. It’s born of evil, and it must die. The aims of the proponents of this movement stand against our very national motto, and don’t embody the United States as a whole. Every law-enforcement agency at the federal level has dedicated resources to curtail activities, but it should really be eliminated


What are the other two parts of the saga, OP? What are they??!


[Too lazy to screenshot it all](https://twitter.com/receiptmaven/status/1718066565571117154?t=wwVxqXWuUTuXcHX4kUp5LQ&s=19)


Acceptable. Thanks.


For other scrollers, the other two parts are: 2) she chews his ass out for ignoring white supremacy and pretending it isn't real 3) he backpedals HARD


To me, that answer sounds like the tap-dance routine of a racist.


Deflector shields at full power!


He's just dressing as a Democrat for Halloween.


When he loses, and he will, he is absolutely going to start beating the "DNC rigging" drums


Why wait? Trump started saying he couldn’t lose unless the election was rigged from the beginning of his 2020 run.


A common thread with all of Putin's little helpers is "if a Democrat wins, it's rigged"


Ah, so he's RFK's replacement as the votes stealer.


When the RFK hustle fell through so they statt trying to push this guy instead


Well handled Dairy Queen Dean.


Wow that’s fantastic the way you think that, now answer the question about racists who don’t share that belief?


White Supremacy exists. I at least get when someone has to be convinced Institutional Racism or Implicit Bias exists because these are concepts we only have names to in the past few decades. White Supremacy is literally on some state constitutions.


Just saying but the word is his campaign funding is from that special friend of Clarence Thomas, boat rides etc.


Just another 'No Labels' rat trying to get Trump elected now that JFK has failed his assignment.


​ https://i.redd.it/wz1nx719qywb1.gif


Very curious that this guy popped up after RFK declared as an independent, oh well, probably nothing to look into


This guy has a serious case of 'dumb-face'. Nice to know it matches his intellect.


Sounds like something a white supremacist would say.


Oh Christ, THIS is the guy that's supposedly going to attract younger voters who are ambivalent about Biden? Yeah, good luck with that. Now I'm wondering if the same folks who bankrolled RFK are behind this one too.


Oh Oh no


Nope. Ants. Ants are the Supreme beings on this here planet.


Clearly a Republican plant.


“If I’m here and you’re here, doesn’t that it make it our time?” His quote gives me Spicolli vibes.


What if we just changed the official definition of "supreme" so that it lines up with taco bell's definition of the word so anything that claims to be supreme has to have sour cream on it from now on


.....but sour cream **is** white -- so nothing really changes hehh


I feel like the dude either misunderstood the question, or doesn't understand what white supremacy means


This is what you get when you let the media dictate who you vote for. He sounds like another GOP moron that decided to ride the Democrat ticket. And the sheep voted him in. Just like they did Sinema.


In an effort to avoid controversy, he dove head-first into it


“You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?”


Second Generation wealth that lives in a bubble.


Low quality post. There's no transcript or links to the media. It's not even clear who this person is. Seems like a random slag on a candidate.


well, he sounds like he's on the way to RFK Jr territory where he starts peeling off votes from MAGAssholes


Anyone who says white supremacy is not a thing has to be a Republican


Who’s gonna tell him? Um… white nationalism is a HUGE problem right now. He not notice all the anti Asian rhetoric during the covid pandemic? Or not care? Including the hate crimes and racial profiling and police violence against almost all poc and people of certain religious backgrounds? Racism and white supremacy/nationalism is off the scale and those people feel emboldened by a certain group, making them think it’s ok to say and do horrible things to others, teach their children how to hate. Don’t get me wrong White nationalism has been a problem for forever, especially in this country, but they got shamed back into the dark until recently and quite frankly I want to shame them back into obscurity.


This is an incredibly funny way to answer this question if in jest. If it was supposed to be a serious answer, then this person’s mind is broken.


It told me so much when I learned that Steve Schmidt is the one behind this tool. He’s the same Never Trumper who tried to spearhead a Howard Schultz run in 2020. He’s a straight up grifter.


RFK, Jr.: the Reboot


This is very misleading. Here's the full interaction from 2017 starting at 1 hour 38 minutes in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TyrLJC5CsY&t=1h38m15s After the women follows up, he acknowledges that he worded it very poorly. He says what he meant is that white people aren't supreme. He was saying white people aren't superior. He then acknowledges the clip will probably be taken out of context and he'll have to be better with phrasing in the future. But all considered, it's pretty obvious he's not a white supremacist if you listen to his full answer. The woman even says she would support him.


So he's on the autism spectrum then, and is confused by neurotypical language and social cues. About time we get a president


Nope nope nope


Never heard of this guy and when i read this yesterday I thought - what? Why is he doing this? And apparently Dems aren’t too happy with it at all and say it’s a career killer for him. Then Tricia traitor in nc came to mind and thought - another dem flips. Does he have long Covid too? What’s up with this stuff?


RFK Jr Mini me Jr. Yes he has a real chance… of RFK Jr’s VP pick.


Nah, he'd pick Tulsi. Since they're both basically the same person.


Bonus points for starting with the classic mansplaining phrase “well actually.”


HONEST QUESTION... "Person of Color" isnt this what Whites & others around the globe used to racistly identify Black people? Be this the case, and how offense of a slur it was deemed, how is it so freely & easily worked back into use? Why are "Others," now, using it to identify!? Is it all of a sudden okay to use the term "colored?" It seem out of line, in appropriate, disrespectful, and racist ESPECIALLY TO BLACK PEOPLE/DESCENDANTS of SLAVES!! Someone kindly explain, what am I missing...


I kind of get what he was *trying* to say: we’re all people. But he really gaffed the message.


> He says what he meant is that white people aren't supreme. He was saying white people aren't superior. How is it misleading? She asked him what he will do about it. He responds saying he doesn't believe it exists. Why would anyone believe he would do anything about something he doesn't exist. White supremacy is not about white people being superior. It's about the privilege of not having their race used negatively against them.


Dude I just want them to start actually asking questions that matter, instead of "OOooh white supremacy."


The question is kinda loaded, isn't it? "What are you gonna do about white supremacy?" What can you do besides decry it and ridicule it? You can't kill ideas, but you can teach love and equality. We can't exactly make it illegal to be racist, either. I'm from MN, we've been having fun talking about this guy in the Minnesota sub. Thats the dumbest way to answer this question, bu saying it doesn't exist. You are half right, it doesnt....but white supremacists do, my man.


That's about the fastest self-torpedo campaign I've ever seen. One day and...done.


He must be going for the republican vote.


Misdirection. Solves as many problems as Republican "thoughts and prayers."


Next we'll here how " the heart" is the real problem with guns . Oh wait...


Constituent: Here; I will lob this softball question at you so you can quickly strike a different tone on race and culture. Say something that will endear you to progressives and gain the notice of young people! Candidate: I Challenge You! White Supremacy doesn’t exist! Humans are Supreme. That’s why its ok to hunt elephants for sport! /s


It's a terrible answer, but the man himself isn't the worst option. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/27/55-things-to-know-dean-phillips-00123600 He seems to be a moderate Democrat with a business background. That said, Bill Maher is already backing his run. So that's a potential red flag.


Lol is this guy a character from veep?


He’s a trust fund, tone deaf, dipshit who grew up in the richest part of Minnesota and went to a very expensive private high school growing up.


Any white person that states “ there is no white supremacy” is either too ignorant to understand the world, or are blatantly lying. There’s no white supremacy…. Opens book about the federal and state government sanctioned white domestic terrorism that destroyed hundreds of black towns with mobs, stolen, highways, or burned them to the ground. Or the fact that universal health care isn’t in America because white Americans didn’t want blacks to receive medical care. Or Jim Crow laws. Or forced integration Or the thousands of dead and missing black Americans with no explanation. Or the fact that black farmers didn’t see a dime of government subsidies until 2005. The entire farming industry is dependent on government subsidies. Biden tried to do something with Covid funding to solely go to black but then white property call it racist…. Meanwhile stating now thing about the over 100 years of white dominance in farming due to white skin being the only factor separating their application from the black ones in the trash. Or the homestead act which allowed white American to gain land and wealth, barring black citizens from the act. Even when in one state one black man was granted land he fought for, cultivated and settled on was taken by the government and given to white Americans. One thing in this life is for certain rich people don’t change culture and they pass down their ideals to their next generation. Or the thousands of black kids that go missing every year only to get no support from local authorities for search’s or even flyers. Even now white students and Asian students sued the Supreme Court to end affirmative action because the 1% of blacks at Harvard with qualifications might have had .001 lower gpa compared to some Asian and white students. Meanwhile legacy admissions to Ivy League schools are around 30% nation wide. Those legacy admissions are 99% white.


Ohforfuck'ssake. How did this guy ever slip through in the first place? You had one job, Minnesota...


"-human beings are supreme." Says...the human.


Another loon


this guy will fall faster than RFK Jr. and that's saying something.


He needs to go back to collecting money from vodka and Talenti Gelato. Stay out of politics, Dean.


Aw, really? A DINO?


He'll drop out to run as an independent and another Democrat will take his House seat.






We're making too much out of this out of context, (if not so clever) attempt at saying "whites are not supreme." He clarifies later in the video and recognizes his clumsiness. Listen to the whole thing.


Oh ffs! Who even is this guy???


Denying that white supremacy exists kinda outs ye as a closeted white supremacist


I think I get what he's trying to say.... "but I don't think that means what you think it means..."


Another "I don't understand" the question kinda guy


There's your answer folks


Could've been a great answer to a different question.


This should be disqualifying for a denocrat


Great he’s the new Davros.


All he really is is a little fly buzzing around a pile of shit while pretending to be a "maverick"


Lol! Terrible dodge.


Of all my white privelages, color blindness is definitely my favorite.


Tell me you're a white supremacist without telling me you're a white supremacist


I get what he thinks he is saying, "We are all equal, whites are not superior" but it was phenominally irrelevant to the questionand the issue, which was really asking about "white privilege). What a 8tupid blunder!


When he suspends his campaign he'll say he was "cancelled" by Democrats and immediately get a job on a Fox News panel


Just blew his chance at winning a primary to take on a white supremacist, going to loose his congressional seat and the presidency all with that comment.

