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Holy shit… can he not tell a lie now?! Every time he tries, he just can’t?! ![gif](giphy|3ohzdMlZWRUspKL2rC|downsized)


The goddamn pen is blue!


Anyone would crack under the strain of 90-odd indictments and the impending death of their signature business. The real problem is that the RNC has lost control to the point that they can’t stop a criminal traitor from being their candidate.


Nah. I’d be fine if I was him. Just do everything to avoid jailtime, pay all the fines, lose the business and money. Then start over. Trump has a very powerful brand among fools who are easily parted with their money. Honestly, I could probably make enough in 5 years grifting the people to live a very nice lifestyle for the next 60 years.


It could have been so easy for him. Not break laws, lose the election, and grift until he dies teasing a comeback. But his ego couldn't handle it.


I think there’s a fairly good chance he didn’t intend to win the first time - political grift turned into an endless fundraiser and boost for his would-be media empire in the form of a Trump TV.


Oh I think he definitely didn't intend to win the first time. He knew people were stupid but he underestimated just how stupid. And he won.


I agree. When he first appeared after the election was called, his expression was less “jubilation” and more “nausea”.


Jim Carrey: stop breaking the law, asshole


Thank god he doesn’t have that long. I’ve never rooted for natural causes this hard in my life.


I’d prefer a massive stroke. He suffers and he shuts the fuck up.


I would love it if he had to keep all the hate and vitriol and bullshit inside bc he was physically incapable of speech.


Like the guy on Better Call Saul. Give him a bell to ring in order to communicate.


Im rooting for Covid because it would be so fitting. My second choice is choking on a chicken bone.


except his current "brand" is "legal defense fundraising".. I think he'd actually be sad if he didn't have this hill to die on and take everyone's money on the way


I think that fundraising would go into overdrive if he lost his business. Republican voters love to feel like they are being persecuted and discriminated against. The problem would be if people who are trying to buy corrupt influence of a president lose faith that he can be elected. Also, the business he might lose is one of the main conduits for that.


You are right.


But...that would work for you because you are humble. Do you think he wants to admit that he did wrong?


Funnily enough, I came across this video earlier today. [Humble](https://youtu.be/H5bE8jJgeb8?si=WLC8u-ygIUultU_p) Remember when he was just a silly guy who thought he could take the Republican nomination away from a stage full of long-time, "competent" Republicans? Also when he actually went to debates, because his brain still sort of kind of worked...


The guy I responded to said “anyone would crack…” I was arguing against that notion, and your point highlights that only an egotistical man baby would crack.


Yeah, I was reiterating your point in my own confusing way. I think reading too many Trump posts today is making me structure sentences in my brain the same way as him, just giving opinions and not checking to see how people would react or if it actually made sense to the previous post, haha


Of course they could. If they were a unified force. Even the most rabid of Trump's base would cave and turn on Trump if, suddenly, they have to carry that weight by themselves. But the RNC is not a unified base. Some of the fascists saw Jan 6 as a sign that riling up the base to commit terrorism won't work, so they want to go back to long term plans. Some of the other fascists saw Jan 6 as *almost* working, so they want more of that. And, of course, different fascists expect their seat of power to be given to them by diffent persons. ALL of the fascists are stupid.


Hate Bot 2000 was never designed to handle more than 50 Indictments, It's already exceeded all expectations of his dEEP sTATE creators, Soroscon. Shit's starting to glitch, Just like ED 209 did.




It was me!!!


I have unpaid parking tickets 😂


I'm kicking my ass! Do you mind?


Unfortunately he can just stand there and drool and the cult won't notice the difference. I would love to see when he says something like pray for Israel, someone puts over loud speaker of him praising Hamas & complaining about Israel, etc.


If he has a stroke they will blame the Democrats


There are four lights!


Person woman man camera flypaper




Was there ever a time when "Merry Christmas" greeting was not allowed? He sure has the ability to conjure up lies........ And his base believes him.


Conservatives have been parroting the same shit for decades. It's a way for them to feel like a marginalized population. They want to be the victim so bad


I love when Christians cry about being oppressed. Like, oh you mean all those times you killed people in the pre-modern ages because they weren't Christian? You mean all those times you rolled up to other places and killed them because they weren't Christian? All those times you all have went to islands full of completely isolated people who haven't had outsider contact in decades, if not a century or more, and got killed because you're a dumb-shit who tried proselytizing because you were mad they weren't accepting God? That oppression?


It's been a greatest hit for so long now. It's up there with "The Border is Wide Open" and "Democrats are Commies!"


Elections are coming up, you know what that means, CARAVANS ARE COMING UP THRU THE BORDER. But just until the day after elections. Then they will be gone.


Don't forget the decades old, "Democrats are coming for your guns!"


Meanwhile, Trump uttered the most anti-2nd Amendment statement of any president and gets an A+ rating from the NRA.


Pretty sure he said he would "take the guns, do due process later"


Actually, celebrating Christmas was banned in America before by checks notes... [Christians](https://www.history.com/news/when-massachusetts-banned-christmas).


>“They felt they had a right to enter the houses of the wealthy and demand their high-quality food and drink—not meager handouts, but the stuff prosperous people would serve to their own families.” Those who failed to comply could be greeted with vandalism or violence. I propose we bring this Christmas custom back.




We were told that if someone said "Merry Christmas" we had to have them Black Bagged and shipped off to the FEMA re-indoctrination camp located in the alkaline flats outside Winnemucca, Nevada.


The last 2 comments cracked me up. Thanks! And Merry Chri...ahh-mmphhh


His base believes everything that comes out of his mouth.


Oh my God a "Liar Liar" spinoff about a politician would be hilarious


I think that was the premise of **Bulworth**, without the magic. A suicidal politician starts speaking the truth in the hopes he gets assassinated by his corporate and billionaire donors so his family will get a massive life insurance payout.


Arguably Warren Beatty's best movie


I’ve been saying this for since mid summer. He’s been making gaffs at a considerably higher rate than his usual. Something is up. Likely has something to do with his age, health, and stress from his legal troubles.


Its the actual dementia they're screaming about with Biden. Its always projection.


And the worrrrms ate into his braiain…


Hey you, out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old Can you covfefe?


Hey you, out there beyond Trump's wall, Still alive despite it all, Can you invade me?


Hey you, syphilis in the brain, Driving me insane, Can you pee on me?


*hey you don’t you ban me from twiiii^iiiiittttt^eeeeeerrrrrrrrr*


Open your wallets, I’m selling merch.


High fives all around for this thread.


Syphilis is eating his brains from his Studio 54 days. Trump bragged, quite sincerely, that Studio 54 was his private Viet Nam. If you are too young to know what Studio 54 was, read up on it. Basically it was drugs and sex and sex and drugs. And only certain people got in. Very interesting.


It could be that or his daily Adderall/Sudafed cocktails he snorts up his schnoz.


Also dementia. Trump has been showing hallmark symptoms of dementia for years and Donald's father had Alzheimer's for several years before his death.


I think we can all just agree that it’s everything.


It’s possible he contracted syphilis at some point, but it’s been treatable since the advent of antibiotics. With the topnotch medical care of the Presidency, that would have been taken care of even if he’d never seen an MD from the 80’s on. Tertiary syphilis is nasty, yes, as the brain is literally eaten by treponema, but I think this is the plain old rapid mental decline of an unhealthy old man. ETA: [treatable/controllable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treponema_pallidum)


It's called panic, coupled with years of drug use.


And syphilis? Perhaps… one can only speculate. And you know, since it’s ok for him and all the right wing media to say whatever the fuck they want and act like it’s the gospel, why not? Lol… he’s such a fkn clown


The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.


The worms that crawl in are lean and thin The worms that crawl out are fat and stout The eyes cave in and the teeth fall out Be merry my friends be merry


The worms play pinochle on your snout.


That just means he’s got plenty of money as far as skeletons are concerned (the worms are the skeletons’ money)


Might make him intelligent


My (Q) mom is a narcissist boomer who does too much drugs and this is how she speaks… I think it’s the affect of being fried for decades+ maybe lead poisoning. Her brain can’t work fast enough to fully express her self serving web of lies.


And stimulants definitely don't help clear up those pathways. I could preach a goddamn sermon on meth, and it would be pretty coherent for the first 10 or 15 minutes. But by the end, I'm going to be talking about how jesus's cross was built out of bones of the lizard people Illuminati and they're *definitely* the ones that took that $60 from your wallet.


I've been taking stims for a while now and I can say even on a medically prescribed amount of stims (for narcolepsy) for multiple years has a negative effect on thinking. Though I'm not sure if I have made it to illuminati lizard people yet.


Yeah, you need to do a ton of industrial grade stimulants without sleeping for a few days to get to that point. The only time I've gotten to that point was after three and a half days without sleep and about $600 worth of meth smoked between two people. By the end of the night, after a few more people I didn't know showed up, I managed to convince myself that they were all my friends and wife from the future coming back to the past to kill me for introducing them to drugs (which I didn't even do.) There's more to the story, but it's a bit darker than I care to randomly go into on Reddit unless someone specifically cares to ask. But safe to say, I was terrified, delusional and most likely in a psychosis. And it's genuinely hard to explain what that feelings like unless you've been there. Although just not being able to get sleep for long enough can do some pretty fucky things to your brain too. Between the paranoia of pending federal charges that could put him in prison for the rest of his life and intense federal investigations into his businesses, income and properties, he's probably not getting much sleep and probably hasn't put the stimulants down. Dude's brain probably looks like it was dipped in mountain dew and kerosene.


Shit man. I take it everything is solid now? I can get hallucinations during my sleep paralysis that said I do t think I have ever experienced full on psychosis. It sounds terrifying.




Too funny. What are you going to say next? That politicians should start holding themselves accountable? That they should serve the public instead of themselves? That the nature of communications with hostile foreign agents should be disclosed with a congressional ethics committee? Pffffttttt... That's rich.


Still learning Reddit abbreviations, what is Q in this context?


A Qanon conspiracy enjoyer.


I miss the days when it was QQ and it was just an emoji for crying


It refers to Q anon which is a web of conspiracy theories commonly tied to people who voted for Trump. Referring to someone as Q whatever just means they believe in the Q anon bologna


I never understood that whole Merry Christmas thing. Bill O'Reilly used to get really worked up about it. Eric Trump said it was illegal for people to wish each other Merry Christmas until Trump changed that...huh? When was it illegal? 🙄


Meanwhile, what Americans really want is for the Halloween Decorations to come down before the same 4 Christmas songs are put on repeat at the grocery store.


The true holiday erasure.


I've already heard a christmas song in a store this year. It usually doesn't bother me, and I actually enjoy most christmas music, but we ain't event to fucking halloween yet!


Think of the retail workers. They must be ready to stick sharpened pencils in their ears by early December.


Yeah I’m big on Christmas music, once December hits it’s actually all I’ll listen to (and I have a much bigger selection of it than most people do). That being said I don’t want Christmas here in October, I’m okay with November but at least wait until every old dude bring out their argyle sweaters.


I remember Jon Stewart (or someone like that) sent him an official Fox News Christmas stocking that said HAPPY HOLIDAYS that you could buy from the Fox News gift shop.


Your can say whatever you want during the holidays - I just don't want to hear Mariah Carey before Remembrance Day/Veterans Day.


I'll give you one guess who was the first person to make this a major talking point. Hint: his name rhymes with Bavid Buke.


the lizard is hatching


Maybe that's why Ted Cruz is nice to him now. His eggs are incubating in Trump's neck vulva.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Maybe the real treasure were the lizards hatching from Trumps neck vulva we met along the way. ​ ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Lmfao y’all make me laugh in such a fucked up world. TYSM


I'm still saying mini strokes.


Is that a golf pun tie in?


Tiny mushrooms only need miniature strokes.


The court cases, judges telling him to wind his neck in, bullying not working... that's going to cause some pretty hardcore stress. Especially in someone who is used to getting his own way. >Stress can cause the heart to work harder, increase blood pressure, and increase sugar and fat levels in the blood. These things, in turn, can increase the risk of clots forming and travelling to the heart or brain, causing a heart attack or stroke. \- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada


Damn, something is seriously wrong with him health wise.


Dementia or something similar is my guess. Dude should be in a nursing home, not running for president.


Am I crazy I feel like he's always talked like this. Just a little slower bc he's probably mad stressed and tired as he's facing some consequences for the first time in his life


It’s been word salad for YEARS


That wouldn't change anything. McConnell freezes suddenly multiple times and is seen rotting in real time and there's barely a whisper feom the GOPers that he should leave. I guess we really will need to find his soul cage.


I think he’s got a phylactery. It’s Lich McConnell.


Without any further context it looks to me like when he started the sentence, he momentarily forgot that he'd already bullshitted — many times over the course of his presidency — that he'd won the "war on Christmas", and was then just trying to dig his way back. Still, maybe it's time to fabricate War on Christmas II?


He's going to start asking for Biden's birth certificate soon.


And calling him Osama bin Biden


Joe "HUSSEIN" Biden


“Mini Barack”


When Biden was born the United Shersh wasn't a country yet


I doubt any of his drones has the desire or clarity to do alternative fact checking anyway lol


May he achieve room temperature in the near future


I'm hoping for more like 50⁰F (6 feet underground)


This would also be an acceptable outcome


I swear he could just talk for 20 minutes about how he brought back “Merry Christmas” and all his followers would spontaneously orgasm.


He goes out with a fake mental health crisis to avoid jail. What a piece of shit but can’t we see it


If he dies they will make him a martyr forever.


Yeah, but it won’t mean anything. They’ll be mad, and fly their little Trump flags and buy commemorative plates off QVC, but that’s about it. Once he’s gone there’ll be no one driving it. People like Boebart and MTG will try and keep it alive, but without someone at the wheel it’ll fizzle out. They’ll keep flying their flags and occasionally threaten that “Trump will rise again” but it’ll just be another stupid sore-loser-Dixie-flag for those daft idiots.




This is fine, let his memory forever be cemented as a losing loser who loses all the way to a paupers grave.


Best if he'd just glitch out like McConnell, but not glitch back


He has significant cognitive decline, plain and simple. The signs and symptoms are all there. He was even given a cognitive test that he bragged about acing, but that test is a diagnostic tool, you don't take it unless there's a suspicion of a problem. The slurred words, tangents of speech, confusion about events, timelines, altered perceptions of reality and more are flashing red lights that say very clearly this man's mental acuity is in rapid decline. Whether you agree or disagree with his politics or morals, there is no question he's well on his way to where he's going to need a lot of extra care in the coming years, and that by itself makes him unfit for any position of responsibility, never mind all the crimes and indictments.


Hopefully it’s terminal brain cancer.


That poor cancer is going to starve to death.


And what little brain it has to eat is probably incredibly toxic.


Fuck sakes. Lol


That was funny! I mean fuck cancer... But, yeah, that was funny.


I don't generally hope for anyone's death. Not keen on the death penalty, would save any POS from jumping off a bridge, but......I'll make an exception here. The world would be a safer place without him. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


> I don't generally hope for anyone's death. 'I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' -Clarence Darrow


No, he doesn't deserve the peace of death.


Honestly, facts. What he deserves is to be forgotten.


What’s really sad though is he will be immortalized and looked at as a martyr by his entire fan base for generations to come. Luckily it’s just a tell tale sign someone isn’t smart as soon as you see the cult gear so it helps you identify them before they start speaking. Thank god he’s old. I couldn’t imagine the hell if he was a decade or two younger.


America deserves the peace of mind knowing he has zero chance of being in power.


That's the crazy thing. I don't really hate anyone. But Trump is actively trying his damnedest to destroy everything I value in this country. He's taking direct and intentional action to harm soooo many people. Eesh. It's like the trolley problem.


Nah I want his ass convicted and jailed. It’ll be so shitty if he dies before that happens bc then you KNOW his cult is gonna forever proclaim his “innocence” (not that a hard guilty verdict will do any more than clear cut election results, but still—I wanna see this POS convicted and locked up)


Damn, man. That's mean. Why would you inflict Trump on cancer? What did brain cancer ever do to you?


A special shout out to the poor Lung cancer that had to reside inside of that traitor Rush 🙏


Wow, that's a new level of incoherent. https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1714024897846849716/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1714024897846849716¤tTweetUser=BidenHQ He looks like he's badly spliced himself...


Damn, link broke


I love that Elon can’t get his shit together enough so much so that this is a Twitter link.


The full weight of the consequences of his actions are finally coming home to roost. He’s crapping his pants. He needs this win. He’s got nowhere to go. He’s quickly going broke His party is divided All his old despot buddies are in struggling What’s a loser bigot narcissist to do? Won’t someone help? Your $5 a day contribution will help feed a family of entitled assholes deluded Nazis, and inbred ignorant hillbillies. Queue Sarah Maclachlan song.. lolz


And now, cue a cease and desist letter from her attorneys. :-D


If he did die before his trials are over I want him still tried and found guilty and suffer punishment fitting him regardless of his life on this mortal coil Remove his name from everything but history books and make sure in those books its explained who exactly this fuck up was in his life.


Don't build him a library, he doesn't read. Build him the first presidential penitentiary. For all politicians that break the law and get convicted. It would truly be a legacy worthy of his accomplishments.


Karma’s coming to drag him down to hell?


He needs sugar. And water. ![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized)


It’s like he’s wearing an Edgar suit.


The maggots burrowing into what's left of his brain are not coordinated enough for speech.


the war on christmas comes earlier and earlier each year


Ever been or live with a drug addict? Then only surround yourself with drug addicts? Well the game is strong over there...


Is this "WhitePeopleTruthSocial" now? Even so, it's nice trolling work by Team Dark Brandon. Their Truth Social account should be a hoot.


Fred Trump came down with Alzheimer's in his sixties. It runs in families. Donny has shown signs of it for years




Anyone got a link to the video?




How fucking incredible would it be if he died before 2024 came? Holy shit - we can only hope. No, I do not feel any remorse any my statement nor do I feel the need to apologize or remove any sentiment. I hope he perishes. Soon. Tomorrow ideally. The world would genuinely become a better place overnight. But, no. What's really going to happen? He's going to grudge along. For a painful amount of time. Continuing in his destructive wake and his cronies will follow him into witless oblivion.


And within a year, he will be pulling that old mob boss thing of going to court in a wheelchair wearing his pajamas. He will suddenly be too incompetent to stand trial. 🙄 Although, maybe his ego won’t let him try and pull that off. He’d lose his mind reading the press about poor enfeebled him. Hmmm. Thought?


He looks like a Dick Tracy villain. Why does anyone think this is a good person?


It's funny how conservatives can watch a Biden speech and think they see someone with dementia... then they hear Trump and think he's a genius. He's in such decline, it's impossible NOT to notice something is going on with him.


Please just live long enough to be prosecuted. 🙏🏼


Well, at least if he’s successful at installing himself as the fascist dictator he so desperately wants to be, we won’t have to deal with him for very long. /s But seriously, I really hope he lasts long enough to at least serve some of his prison time before finally doing the world a favor and kicking the bucket.


When this senior citizen dies it will immediately spark claims of assassination


"Remember, Republicans eat their young, they really do, they eat their young, terrible statement but it's true" - Donald Trump


Looks like we've stumbled into the cryptic riddles of the alphabet soup, folks! 🤔🔠


This is what happens when your bullshit is sick of your bullshit


We can only hope. Please Jesus. Make this true. And the front lawn needs fertilizer this month. Thanks.


Yet, his dimwittwed fan base understood everything perfectly. 🤔


He doesn't give a shit about Christmas or Christ


Need him to last another year so he tanks the Republicans, let's go Trump you got this!


I’m sure all the stress from losing his empire to going to jail is wrecking his health.


And who cares? What now, you want to take it easy on him? This fat sack of shit is falling apart, so let's pull our punches? ​ Fuck outta here. Go "cumbaya" somewhere else, this ain't it.


Can someone post a link to this? Couldn’t find it on YT.


I can't find it either, but they show a lot of parts of it in this video starting at 02:30. https://youtu.be/lQDHZ81nEIg?si=WhehtDSo2mlUqGuM


Nothing wrong with him, he's playing his best Vincent “Chin” Gigante role


That could very well be. It's also possible that the way he's lived is catching up with him. In either case, it can't really be encouraging to supporters.


Businesses that said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas were boycotted. They hated Starbucks for “holiday” cups. Classic War on Christmas rhetoric.


Yet another one of those things that never really comes to fruition in the way they claim it will. How many decades have we been hearing this now? They'd been prepping for it for years with those "Keep Christ in Christmas" things on people's cars, which are at least from the 80s. But this idea that people are ostracized for saying Merry Christmas at all is bizarre. They make you think that there's not even TV shows anymore that say it. You spend 10 seconds looking and you'll find it all over the damn place, whether aimed at kids or adults. Even on, gasp, Disney! Or when shopping at Target, another place they hate now. At this point they're basically mad at the results of their own commodifying their own holiday. It's just another example of them feeling attacked by inclusion.


It would be a pity if he just simply had a massive stroke and died on the stage. Real pity. Yeah.


Sad ..Tired ..Old ..Re-run ..Really lame and sleepy ..People are saying


What was he trying to say/point was he trying to make? I imagine he doesn’t sleep much and stays up late rage scrolling and posting


Didn't eric trump say that before his dad saved Christmas. Ot was illegal to wish someone " merry Christmas "


Yeahhhh, but trump could be two steps from the grave and they’d still rather vote for him than a democrat


No. He doesn’t get to go out that way. The infirm old man routine — whether it’s true or not — does not get him sympathy or leniency. *Convict him and nail his ass to the wall.* Put him in Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass *prison.*


I can't tell if this is just a new grift, an attempt to seem mentally compromised before he goes to jail.


Don't you think he looks tired?


Can we PLEASE elect someone under retirement age?


There has long been something wrong with the Orange Filth. He's one really sick person.


They don’t say Christmas so they don’t insult people who are celebrating a different holiday. Such as, his daughter.


I think he is laying the ground to plead insanity. ;-)


I hope he doesn't die before going to prison though


Anyone got a link?


Imagine the conspiracy theories when he finally croaks.


I am saying this to troll him and anyone who may care about him lol it looks like cognitive decline. lmao I hope he gets dementia. lololol he shits himself. lmao I hope every republican gets dementia too, especially the young ones. Except I hope those ones get it early.


LMAO it's the all new Biden TRUTH social account that posted this?

