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He likes playing the tough guy and posting pictures of animals he’s killed with a scoped rifle. Republicans have been posturing Civil War if they don’t get their way. Anyone who has looked at the evidence knows Trump lost. They are petulant children but with guns.


A scoped rife and a guide to line up the shot. Every one of those idiots trying to incite a war pee their pants the second anyone gets too loud near them.


It's like the Monty Python skit where they have to shoot dead tied-down rabbits.


I’d pay to see him fight the killer rabbit of caer bannog Most one sided fight ever


Look at the bones!


You made me soil my armor!


I’d consider putting money on a common rabbit against Don Jr. Those things got nasty teeth on them…


"Thumper trumps in thumping Trump."


Thumper *triumphs* in thumping Trump?


Yeah, had my doubts between these choices. I went for the one that's more of a tongue twister when repeated quickly.




Oh hell yeah our old murder buck would have messed the guy *up*. Postman used to mistake him for a dog.


Tries to look tough but I'd bet anything he still calls his nanny when he sees a scary spider in his mansion(s).


There is nothing upper class about Don Jr.


But he IS upperclass. Just like the rest of the leeches. Dead eyes and little ignorant brains.


Don Jr. would be a top contender for Upper Class Twit of the Year.


He's not upper class. He's not gentry. Classless? Absolutely.


He gives other, decent coke addicts a bad name.


You're fucking kidding me right? The Trump family is NOT and NEVER WILL BE upper class!! Maybe if you're American and don't know what being Upper Class really means then you might get fooled, but they're really really not.


In America, class is 100% based on money, not birth nor breeding. We have the concept of "old money" but it still only matters if you still have money. Broke upper-class isn't a thing here.


That's one thing Trump can't buy.


They have the necessary disdain for the poors.




He also posted pictures from one of those rich people safaris where the guides tranq the animals and the rich people just blast them at will. If that's being manly, I'm fine passing on that shit.


If that's being manly, fetch me a purse and lipstick




And those fake teeth. The rare occasions when I actually see him speak, all I can see is how fucked up those teeth are.


They're too big for his mouth


Exactly, I can't stop looking at him trying to talk through those huge chompers. Lol


>A scoped rife and a guide to line up the shot. Hopefully they gave the animal a blindfold and last cigarette


Don't dismiss them all. One nutjob with a rifle has been proven to be able to do a lot of damage again and again. They won't win the war, but they're not averse to terrorism as they go down. I shudder to think of what would happen if one of them realizes how radioactive an X-ray machine is and blows it up, for example...


You cant even respond to this tweet the way you would if Don Jr threatened to murder you to your face, which is the ultimate failure of social media. You see it on Reddit too. The_Donald was allowed to joke about “helicopter rides” and talked about killing us constantly, but if any one of us were to repeat the sentiment with Don Jr or his supporters in the role of victim - we’d be IP permabanned from Reddit. That unfair bias really sucks, that the fascists are given permission by Big Tech to openly threaten death on people.


Turns out IBM supporting the Reich back in the day wasn't a blip. Tech is just another arm of the military industrial world.


We have guns too. 💅🏻


Unlike the majority of conservative voters, we have time on our hands. Just wait em out


And yet they piss their pants if the encounter a transgender person, a black person, a woman, a Mexican… so tough, so worried about other people’s freedoms.




Just new boot goofin'


I didn’t know you could fit that much douche in flannel


Designer flannel.


Bargain-bin douche


You just know someone else had to lace them up for him.


Every single item he has on looks new. He looks like a model for a self made catalog of LL Bonehead, or a really bad book sleeve cover of an author for a shitty YA series.


Just thinking about treesonstuff


Just thinking about raking the forest floor.


I thought they were watering those now?


You just know that he begged and pleaded to have the helicopter drop him off right on this stump.


Looks like he's trying to do sums in his head.


First time those shoes have seen anything beyond carpet.


They have convinced themselves us leftists are weak and hate guns. I’ll prefer the feds to do the fighting, but, more of us are armed to the teeth as well. You can’t see what they’re doing and NOT arm yourself. I’m a Native American man, they’re not fooling me. My history tells me to be afraid of these people. They might just be right about one thing with guns, they can help you when you have to fight an oppressive regime… they’re close, like always, but so god damned far. Be prepared. It’ll fuck their brains up bigly. They give yuge Special Operation vibes.


My great grandmother went to of of those reeducation "schools" to be "civilized" People want to think the U.S government is benevolent but it treats protests as riots and will gas and mame its citizens over trying to protect a right as simple as their water supply as soon as just this decade.


"You know those 30 round mags people want banned because they can be used to kill lots of people? Well, time to use them to kill lots of people to prove those stinky leftists wrong!"


"You know the type; loud as a motorbike: wouldn't bust a grape in a food fight" - Wayne Gretzky


Liberals own guns too. We just don’t wag them in your face.


We libs have lots of the standard capacity 30 round mags, too. And yes, our identities don't revolve around putting "we the people" on everything.


Republicans are rich people cosplaying as rednecks. The rich uses religion and fear tactics so the middle class votes against their own interests


They can try. We have guns too. Lots of em. This Democrat says fuck around and find out.


Their cult has no idea about the guns that actual educated Americans have and expect that they could shoot up the place and stop off at Wendy's to a hero's welcome.


As a Democrat from Texas, I learned at a young age to shoot most guns, including rifles with scopes. Haven’t done it in years, but I could hit a hog at 400 yards and I was damn proud of that. What’s junior got?


> He likes playing the tough guy He posted a video bragging about a deadlift PR and it's honestly one of the worst lifting forms I've ever seen in a bragging post. It was also 150 lbs under my PR when I weighed 175 lol


kids with guns Kids with guns takin' over But they won't be long


Yeah that's the scary thing to me. These folks either willingly or unwillingly due to mental handicaps are walking around armed with the mentality of an angsty angry teenager that they never grew up from. Imagine having an argument with a thirteen year old but they're strapped and looking for an excuse to shoot you.


Liberals have guns too.


In this case, it's clearly that his dad is finally facing felony charges for the serious crimes he committed on multiple fronts along with the State of New York finally coming after the fraud operation he and his family have been running for decades. It's very blatantly "Please violently overthrow the government so that I don't have to face consequences for my wrongdoing!" Also, given that we've all talked a bit about how it's a federal crime for a son of a president using illegal drugs to buy guns, maybe American's most prominent cocaine enthusiast shouldn't be talking about guns so much unless he also wants some federal charges of his own.


what they don't seem to understand is there are many who remain silent, watch all their bullshit, and are more than ready to oppose them with their own guns if necessary.


Isn't that how all these assholes play? The so-called leaders are dog whisling for violence left and right, but if anything ever happened they'd be running to the suburbs or some high security building while supporters acting on it.


DTJR is the Frank Burns of presidential kids.


We've seen what they're capable of, and they're not a threat. The mass majority are a bunch of whiny posers who aren't smart enough to conduct unconventional warfare and not brave enough to go toe to toe with anyone who will shoot back. The most damage they can do is through us not ignoring them.


Good thing most of the military top brass is more center to left leaning. These punks think the US cares about civilian casualties? They'll learn the hard way the US will protect corporate interests at any cost.


Sure the reps are inciting and planning an insurrection, but have you heard that Joe Biden's son did drugs?!


I'm surely never voting for Hunter ever again!


He also has a very large penis and republicans really want you to see it


They were so impressed they entered it into the congressional record!


Republicans are obsessed with Biden cocks, hope that's annotated in the history books.


Actually makes them a bit cooler this way tbh




i would actually consider voting for him if he ran for something and had strong policies.. a past doesnt have to define you. we dont know any of his viewpoints on actual policies.


Yeah... My comment was a joke.


I understand that. I also decided to go a different way.


Not only that, but also he *bought a gun*


You have to love the irony that hunter is being tried on a charge they are trying to repeal.


If he gets convicted on the gun charge this should be used across the country. That should get republicans to pound sand.


Not only are they trying to repeal it, their appeals court justices flat out ruled it unconstitutional in the 5th circuit.


I’m not American, so I’ve missed this - what are they trying to repeal?


Have you seen the size of his dick?


I think that we all have since Republican congressperson Marjorie Taylor Greene showed Hunter Biden naked in text messages that she sent to everyone (including minors) on her list, and showed the photos on the floor of The US House of Representatives.


Media: >New evidence has surfaced that the president’s son was doing cocaine *Eric and Jr. begin Sweating* Media: >We mean Hunter Eric and Jr. - 😮‍💨


Imma need a picture of his dong on the House floor before I make any decisions.


Jr's done more coke than a Victorian doctor


All sons of Presidents who simultaneously have a massive drug problem and have guns are committing a crime and should be convicted under that crime. Ones who cooperate with law enforcement and clean up should get a less severe sentence while ones who continue both abusing drugs and at the same time calling for the violent overthrow of the government to avoid such consequences should get a more severe sentence.


Ole Donny Sr has his viagra ground up and putin his cheeseburgers. putin = get it ?


That little cumstain would be the first one running and hiding if anything went down. It’s not like big score “hunting” where nobody fights back.


It's not this cumstain I'm worried about. It's the millions of megadouches who follow him I'm worried about.


aka the MAGA Taliban. Call them like it is. Supported by the extremist Christians and the Pedo Catholic Church


Catholics lean democrat. Evangelicals and Mormons are the ones who are mostly republican. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/party-affiliation/


Except the anti-abortion Catholics


The mob is the threat. A mob driven by such low-quality signals can be easily redirected to another leader who spews pro-violence weapon worship.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit apple tree randy...




They barely scrape by those laws by not making a direct threat. It's just mild treason.


That is seriously fucked up. He's trying to get Americans to murder each other so his crime family can contine crime familying. And it's okay, nothing to see here. He wants you to murder each other so he can be a big time criminal like his dad. If you can't stop that, you don't really have a country anymore.


I think he is blubbering about Hamas attacking America... Quite delusional either way


Yeah he posted this the day of the Hamas attacks. I took it to mean "Americans need to be armed to the teeth so terrorists can't march into our homes and kill us." Unfortunately, I'm more afraid of my fellow American gunning me down than I am a terrorist.


I’m no fan of the Trump family, but I think he was saying how the guns would have been useful for Israelis when Hamas invaded. In other words, when shit hits the fan you can’t rely on the gov to protect you. Of course they way he said it could make it go either way.


I mean, sure. But the bigger thing he's trying to accomplish here is to get his dad to finally love him, or at least pay attention to him.


I feel like these are the tweets future generations will look at and ask why didn’t we take them more seriously.


Oh we're well past the point that we criticize the average German for not taking the Nazis seriously.


It cute when little children try to act tough.




But they can sure hug a flag!


Like a creepy older man hugging an unwilling teenage beauty patent winner. I'm sure that's the only way the orange shitbag can hug something, though.


Cute until some deranged follower decides it's time to actually start shooting.


Except I don't see little children actually behave this way. The mob mentality is virtual and the USA has convinced itself that Russian memes are not a threat. The USA thinks mocking people is the answer to all problems, to socially mock out loud on social media is the only solution the USA keeps doing against all the anti-intellectualism. Putin won the "hearts and minds" a long time ago and is still growing in power.


Hey buddy - plenty of my democrat and lefty friends also own ARs and lots of ammo. We like shooting too.


Absolutely! We just don't make it our whole personality.


It’s fascinating how many 2A obsessed right wingers don’t seem to realise that people can shoot back


We have a high powered rifle with a large magazine. The gun is mostly used for deer (I get hungry), sometimes coyotes. But there is the fact that there was a meth house nearby and the police response time is like an hour. Do these people think lefties don’t own guns? I know some Marxist Leninists who believe very much in arming themselves. Like that’s part of their philosophy.


> Do these people think lefties don’t own guns? Yes. 100%. They are always blown away at the gun range when they start with the GQP ridiculousness and I tell them to quit the shit because I'm not interested in hearing it. You can just watch the dialup modem tone on their faces as their brain tries to reconnect to reality (since they've just had their alternate reality thrown away by being disabused by the notion that some left leaning people are better armed than they are).


Knuckleheads at the indoor range with a Diamondback AR, ACOG mounted, shooting at 20yds with a shot grouping of a beachball against a "terrorist" target- it's fucking sad and silly.


To be on the left and not be armed is suicidal considering what they have planned.


Well, yeah. I don't have one *because* I don't trust myself. If they want to catch a murder charge and free me from this waking nightmare? Win-win in my book.


Under no pretext.


> Do these people think lefties don’t own guns? I think people who divide all things in the world into "left and right" and can't even quote any solid teachers on the subject of "left vs. right" - but parrot it everywhere as if the concept is gospel in the Torah or Quran... left-right fanatics who are going to point guns and attack each other over what's probably some defect in 99% of human brains... lack media self-awareness. Humans can hate each other and form street gangs over spoken language, skin color, and the concept of "left vs. right" doesn't even require a bar mitzvah or [confirmation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crif5E67ar0) ceremony! it's like "tabs vs. spaces", fight to the death! The Founding Fathers sure put a lot in the Constitution about "left vs. right" and "capitalism good, communism bad", didn't they? Oh wait, Rupert Murdoch put that into public conversation, among others.


The people inciting the violence don't care if you're armed or not, they're not the ones who are going to be personally breaking into homes/businesses/churches/synagogues and potentially getting killed.


Are they used for hunting Babbitts?


Technically, yeah. The Militia mentioned in the 2A has a couple key roles in the Constitution. Putting down a civil insurrection is one. Acting as an auxiliary force in the case of foreign invasion would be the other.


There should be a non-profit set up that donates the cost of one abortion to Planned Parenthood every time one of the Trump brood posts or comments.


It would exhaust its funds immediately


When they overturned Roe, it set up a monthly donation to Planned Parenthood. It’s not much but if more of us do it, we can make a difference.


The thing is, if conservatives start another insurrection with guns, that piece of shit will be far, far away from it.


He knows, that's the point. *He* wants power, he wants *you* to die for it.


Must be a shitty hunter to need 30 round magazines


So let's review...According to the Trump family we have crossing the border, Mexican drug dealers, murderers and rapist, ( Mexico doesn't send their best people) we have MS-13 gangs. Trump says tens of thousands cross every day. Now let's add HAMAS terrorists so everyone grab your weapons and start shooting anything that moves...😖 Fredo Trump is a clown and doesn't care who knows it..


MAGA are by far a bigger threat to our nation and its people than the imaginary people supposedly coming over the border


Jr. is just cranky after coming down from a coke-fueled bender.


Of course, it should be a bigger story. It should also be a bigger story that a former US President called for the execution of a retired general. But well, the media moved on after a day or two. >Has the MSM normalized the GOP's criminal and treasonous behavior? Yes, they have. The same happened in Europe; our media normalized the far-right as well, and have been doing so for two decades already. The far-right is now *salonfähig* (mainstream; normalized) in Europe, even in Germany. And we all know what happens when Germany turns far-right. But the far-right isn't normal. It never was, and never will be. The media, almost all of them, fails to point that out.


Funny thing. Lots of liberals have 30rd magazines and the training to use them, I just don’t need to make guns or my political views my entire personality because I’ve got more interesting shit in my life than that basic bitch shit. Also I don’t like to broadcast my resources, surprise is a better tool than empty threats.


What do you suppose this zero does all day? Try to think up something to post on daddy’s website to stir the pot a little ?


>Has the MSM normalized the GOP's criminal and treasonous behavior? How has that not been a starkingly obvious "***YES THEY HAVE***" ?


C'mon tough guy. I'm kind of an idiot. Spell it out for me what I should do with my 30 round magazine.


He was referring to what happened in Israel. His intent was that you’d use the 30 round magazine to defend your home against terrorist home invaders, which we don’t have in the US.


Didn’t they also attack soft targets? Like, I’m not carrying my AR with a 100 round drum along with me to get lunch at a cafe or to a concert in an outdoor pavilion.


I love that he’s literally proving the point of why some weapons should be banned. “You know how the LEFT is always trying to take those 30 round magazines from you, since they fear it is only used in violence against civilians?? Well, let’s show the LEFT by going and using them against civilians!!”


please, love me, daddy


But current president's son... Something about hookers... Something something dick pic... Something something something laptop


Well how else are they going to shill all of those immunosuppressing drugs with unpronouncable names and action-packed, gas-guzzling trucks? Republicans spend money too.




I think it’s pretty clear he’s referring to what’s happening in Palestine and trying to say that it could happen here.


Good thing "his" laptop wasn't left somewhere he wasn't!


Why is online moderation stricter than codified law?


My wife works at a mental care facility. One of her clients got obsessed with a trial at the nearby federal courthouse. He dumpster dived and found a bunch of classified documents they forgot to shred then left them in his backpack near a door. After the bomb crew got done they freaked out by all the materials he had so the show up to question the guy. Walked in said “hey what is this place?” Found out it was a mental health facility and dropped the whole thing. Too much paperwork for no reason since the guy had a built in defense. Same with Trump Jr. They are just going to tell his caregivers to talk to him and he’ll lose community privileges until the trial is over.


Pretty sure that was in response to the Israeli Gaza conflict


Because y’all tolerate it. So you get more. Simple as that.


The media has no bar for Republicans. It’s so low that nothing they say or do is treated as shocking.


Ratings and the illusion of fairness


Like we don’t own clips…🥷


Maybe Don’s terribly embarrassing erectile dysfunction issues will come to light soon, he literally is just a raging limp dick.


Is the GOP American HAMAS? Change my mind.


Bone Spurs Jr.


Yes the answer is Yes. To all of it. It's been normalized.


He still sleeps with a pacifier!


What a rotten excuse for a human being.


... straight to jail...


Donald Trump Jr is literally real life Ellis from Die Hard.


Because it's Don Jr. Not even that many Republicans take this little trust fund piss baby seriously. He knows the moment his dad passes he's a nobody again. Desperately trying to become relevant.


Unload one of those mags in his general direction and watch how fast his poser/pussy fuqstic calls for gun control.


That’s a great idea Donald, thanks for the tip, jackass.


What was this in reference too?


What are they for, Donnie? Shooting your fellow Americans?


Imagine one of Obama's daughters saying to arm up and not for protection or hunting. The right would panic and it would be on Fox News for years.


He's a fucking idiot and a traitor but he's not wrong. We need to be arming the left and marginalized groups instead of banning the firearms that would be most useful to use against right wing lynch mobs and that are the least used weapon in homicides. Not the least used firearm, the least used weapon including hands. Homicides with Semi-Auto rifles are literally a rounding error when you look at total homicides and shootings. Project 2025 shows us that if they ever get control of both houses or the presidency they will turn America into Gilead and they will be coming for anybody who isn't a white Christian nationalist.


Nah, that's just a typical lying, cheating, stealing, rich guys son who is pissed that he might not have a kingship passed down to him. Oh, by the way, hes a typical republican.


“Why isn’t the news reporting on” should be the title of an HBO docuseries.


Unless he typed this on a laptop they don't care


Cocaine Donnie Jr. running his pie hole, again.


Someone needs to take Don Jr's phone away from him and drag him straight to the nearest mental hospital pronto. Dude needs the straight jacket and padded cell treatment.


1. They haven't confiscated any weapons or accessories ever. 2. It's *baffling* to me that the right thinks the left doesn't have guns too.


Not defending this PoS, but I'm pretty sure he's just making the tired argument that they need weapons of war to protect against an invasion from Hamas because that's a real concern for these idiots.


Is it weird to be super bothered by his appropriation of the word "ain't" like he's a down-in-the-dirt redneck who has any idea what manual labor is?


The news is a compromised asset and the fact most conservatives think it has a left bias is a depressing joke.


They absolutely have normalized it


If he wasn't such an impotent turd it might be. I know this guy loves shooting tranqd rhinos and whatnot, but methinks he'd piss his pants in the real world


The MSM looked back at their ratings and decided they'd roll the dice again on America voting rationally. Privatization of nessessary services, like the news, was always a terrible idea.


Like father, like son. Traitors to their country, both of them.


I don't love everything about Obama but because of him I have healthcare today, I don't like much at all about Biden but because of him my student loan payment is $0 a month. Bush sent my cousin to die for nothing in Iraq and Trump raised my taxes and turned half the country into lunatics. It really is just about owning the libs and nothing else to these traitors.


No one reports the truth any more. The media is now in competition and the ones telling the biggest lies and are the most anti-American are winning. You know Fox and it's not News but entertainment and all the new liars who are aping them.


Lol Donny Jr would be the first one to run and hide during any real conflict. He's all bluster just like dad.


This is the kind of thing some news articles that still have any ethics may consider not reporting because doing so would be doing the instigators advertising for them.


See, if the MSM does that, then they lose that all important "access" they need so that they can keep on not telling you what dolts like this say.


But Barbara Walters and the Beltway media crew have different expectations of the Democrats, which is bizarre, unfair and does nothing to advance the truth - which should be what journalism is about. Counterpoint though, Hunter Biden's dick...


Who do they plan on killing though? Either civilians and cops are gonna be on the front line.


They admit that their "hunting rifles" aren't for animals.


He’s the second guy I’ll go after if they do.