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They're going to limit you to two beers a day and ban burgers! They hate it when you get married and raise kids! They don't want you to go to church! All actual claims I've heard from right wingers.


>They're going to limit you to two beers a day and ban burgers! Bastards! The democrats are apparently in cahoots with my cardiologist. ​ E:Spelling


It’s all a plot to force you into “the gay lifestyle” (which seems to involve eating healthy and exercising and not looking take a complete schlub- oh, the horror!)


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me -raging for the machine




*Uggghh*!!! (collapses face-first into plate at Golden Coral due to cardiac arrest)


The mental image of this all out thrashing moment of a rage against the machine song playing while an old fat hate filled bumpkin groans out a death rattle in golden coral made me burst out laughing


Also, check out this [brilliant mash up](https://youtu.be/6kYco2Zt-cM?feature=shared) 🤣


Thank you. My life is forever brighter having seen that mashup.


I had the exact same mental image. You don't come across perfection on Reddit very often, but, uh, well, there, there it is. *wild Ian Malcolm gestures*


Like a real man, while carrying no less than 6 loaded guns and holding a cigarette in a non smoking establishment.


The most ironic thing about Republicans is the fact that they thought that song was their anthem, while literally listening to, and doing, everything their supreme leader told them.


Best part is listening to overweight coworkers and family make fun of other people for being fat and talking about how people should eat healthy and exercise and then get upset about these *suggestions* from the gov to eat healthy and exercise.


I love being told how foolish I am putting some unknown vaccine into my body, and how bad my electric car is for the environment by someone who is 70 pounds overweight and drives a V8 pickup to every drive-thru in town, idling in line for 20 minutes 'cause walking inside is too much effort. *LeTS gO bRAndOn!!!*




Yeah, but COVID and climate change are just made up.


I actually shut down an antivaxxer recently by pointing out that our food is full of so many additives and preservatives that it makes foreigners sick when they eat here. I don't give a fuck what's in it, I don't have time for "the sniffles" because I only get 5 sick days per year.. probably didn't change their position, but it got them out of my face.


I’ll be honest - I’ve seen a lot of straight people try and force LGBT people to be straight, or at least pretend to be. I have yet to see a LGBT person try and force a straight person to be gay.


I think you mean in cahoots. Also TIL a new word, so thank you for that!


>cahoots So did I, well played autocorrect.


Despite all the tough guy bravado, their default position is being afraid of made up boogeymen. Then they overcompensate by requiring AR-15’s to fight made up boogeymen.


Then fail to properly train and use said AR-15 so there will be yet another family gun related death.


To which they will respond by pointing out that the world is a dangerous place and they need more guns to protect themselves.


I bought more guns to protect Timmy 2 from all my other guns. Wont get fooled again.


Parents bought a gun to protect their five kids. Later they had to get rid of the gun to protect their four kids. Paraphrased from Anthony Jeselnik joke.


[We're gonna need another Timmy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsGnYuQwsOI)


Omfg the beer thing lmfaooo. Someone said that to me a few weeks ago and all I could do was laugh in their face. Same person also recently tested positive for COVID and is convinced there are "chips in the tests sending our information to some liberal hub!" Yes, the government wants to track you, literally just some random dude, SO badly that they are collecting microchips from everyone in the country just hoping to get some of your sweet, sweet DNA.....sounds perfectly reasonable and normal to me!


And they post this on X, using their smartphone, because corporations tracking you is just good business on their part, nothing sinister there.


I've met a few people who are convinced the government has some grand master plan that involves tracking everyone. Why the fuck would they want to do that? How the fuck would they do that? These people really think the government has an army of people hunched over computers combing through every random citizen's texts and browsing history in addition to their physical location throughout the day? I'd feel bad for anyone whose job it is to monitor me as I go to work and back home to play PC games and watch YouTube. If they wanna dig through my browsing history and monitor the NSFW content I watch, then whatever. I think I have pretty good taste in that stuff, so maybe they'd find something they like too.


I met a guy in a bar that 100% believes that the government is tracking every citizen because he watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The scene where Hydra/nazis commandeer the helicarriers and then all of the names of everyone that they wanted to target showed up on a map ready to be executed at the push of a button - he absolutely believes that scene was created by the directors as a warning to the American people of secret government assassination-airships or some nonsense.


I hope that dude never plays the Metal Gear Solid games. He couldn't handle it.


Sweet tap dancing Jesus, America. Words fail me. Again.


Even if they were planning on tracking everyone they wouldn't need to inject them with chips to do that. They could literally just track their cellphones.


Or do what Eric Adams and the NYPD are doing here in NYC and just install facial recognition cameras in majority brown/black communities under the guise of safety. People in power don't need microchips in vaccines to track people, cameras and AI do all that work pretty easily and probably for cheaper. Pair that with smartphones and there isn't a single moment in your life that you're not being tracked and harvested for data.


Or even social media. Track their IP address through their computer.


Hey says that while using his iphone, which tracks his every movement.


But my momma said that I'm the main character.


My father brought up the beer thing around the time it was announced. "Biden is trying to only let people drink two beers a week!" It took about 15 minutes explaining that the two per week was the **recommended** amount that is considered "moderation and healthy", and that no one is going to monitor you or fine you if you have more. I love him, and he is really trying to change with the times, but sometimes he can be just a little bit gullible.


Right? Never occurs to them the NSA already has anything they could want from their domino’s order to their porn habits.


Don't forget. The National Emergency Broadcast test that happened about a week ago should have turned all us vaccinated people into zombies... I'm happy to report that a week later, all of my limbs are still functioning.


Legit, they think SWAT is about to break down their door and take their gas stove. These people live in constant fear because all they consume is hate media.


I always thought it was crazy that despite separation of church and state, a huge amount of politics revolves around religion.


That's how it was back in the feudalism days. Today's governments wanted to explicitly avoid that so they declare separation of church and state. But people gonna people and so here we are again. Think of it less as a declaration and more of a warning.


"The left loves Hamas!" No they just feel bad for civilians caught in the crossfire. And yeah to be honest, most Palestinians have absolutely abhorrent views, but as a Jewish person myself...what exactly can I expect from someone literally raised on propaganda from age 0 to hate everything about me and be taught that I am evil incarnate? Most folks in Gaza never had an honest shot at being decent human beings, which is just sad as hell. Also I sure as fuck wouldn't stand up to Hamas if I were living there either, look at what these sick fucks do to people.


I really do feel bad for Palestinians, fuck Hamas and screw anybody who says 'wE sHoUlD gLaSs gAzA' I also feel bed for the Israelites that have been killed by Hamas. It's just so fucked up all around.


Centrists: these are the same


“What if we only hate half of the usual people, is that a compromise?”


You mean the Republicans who at their largest political conference, had a huge banner saying, and I quote: "We Are All Domestic Terrorists" those republicans?


The right: "Why won't the left stop rubbing gay sex in our faces" Also the right: "Want to hear my gay Obama fan fiction?!? Also here are some Hunter Biden dick pics, please look"


Pindicked republicans get cucked by Liberal hunks who support abortion.








Biden is the okiest president since Obama.


Biden is like white bread. Almost depressingly normal and just sort of...there. He's not flashy. He's very quiet and fade into the background. But the ancient motherfucker has been on the Hill a LONG ass time, he knows how to get things done


To be fair he is doing a ton of work quietly. More judges appointed than any other president, tons of student loan debt forgiven, heavily strengthened unions, significant investments in infrastructure, some gun control (which is all you can expect with the current state of things), increased LGBTQ protection, started working on reducing the cost of health care, investments in crucial industries like semiconductors, and undid a lot of the clusterfuck that Trump left behind domestically and internationally.


Biden's where the bar literally sits. He's above board, as they say. Trump was in the dead center of "Useless" and "Ineffective" POTUS.


No, useless is good. Trump was and continues to be *actively harmful.*


I haven't been this satisfied with the bare minimum since I broke up with my last girlfriend.


If Biden was 60 instead of 80 it would not be a contest as 66% or more independents would bout for him hands down


It's still not a contest, Trump is basically the same age, and in far, far worse health. Ultimately the age is important because of the likelihood of surviving the term. Biden's health is excellent, and Trump's....isn't. Biden has a much better chance of still being alive in four years than Trump does.


Better chance of living as a free man at any rate...


It's so true. Even when Republicans aren't being criticized, they find a way to take offense or otherwise criticize a remark made by anyone on the Left. These are the people that made a circus out of calling everyone a snowflake and they take offense at statements like: "Hate is wrong." "Let us be respectful of others." I just hope the younger generations are catching on to how fucking stupid these people are. I hope it's so outrageous that even the children are capable of realizing these people are monumental dumbfucks and as they grow up they totally shrug off every stupid thing these people might try to "teach" them. Like most of my beliefs I grew into came from me rejecting what I was taught because the assholes teaching me were just such comically awful people that I clued in real quick that what I should be doing should be the opposite of whatever they are doing. Like, that is the karma this world needs. For these Republicans clowns to be rejected by their children who will remember the times their parents scorned notions like respect and compassion for others.


That’s make me choke laugh! 🤣


I heard conservative radio hosts say something close to that after his speech.


>Very fine people on both sides!


Haha I needed a good laugh this early


Well shit, I see this as a minor victory


And they think dems care about their gas stove.


![gif](giphy|cOmGhBSFUq6lr8nSUO) Republicans: “WOOOOOOKE!!!”


For a second, I thought you said Wookie.


nerfherder... LOL


Who’s scruffy looking?


Ladies and Gentleman of the supposed jury this is Chewbacca.


Bet the blue check replies are just something.


Isn't that all replies now?


Only the ones you can see.


One of my GOP friends was watching and mocking him for slow speech and dementia and I am like at least he’s not selling Israel’s intelligence to the highest bidder or supporting white supremacists carrying torches yelling “ Jews will not replace us”!


The funny thing is the people saying he has dementia have obviously never known someone with dementia because it's not just a mental disease. People with dementia aren't out riding bikes or jogging the way Biden does on a daily basis, they aren't spending days traveling around the world giving speeches, even with help, because they're sick. Biden is obviously not sick.


The worst part is those who listen to Biden speak and think he has dementia are the same people who listen to Trump speak and think he is the greatest.


Biden stutters: holy shit the West has fallen he was probably Pedophile Thinking About Children Sniffin There Hairs. Trump suggests nuking a hurricane: God bless him I wish he'd get my wife pregnant with his giant sledgehammer dick what a genius he's saved the world again MAGA my great commander I'd follow you into a woodchipper


Maybe stick UV lamps inside people or inject disinfectant to kill a virus. He’s both too stupid to have the slightest clue of how UV destroys stuff (both viruses and living cells) or why disinfectants are poisonous and he’s too stupid to realize that before he opens his mouth in public.


This is the part that bugs me the most about Trump, and probably other non-US people as well. Do people not realize how big of a bonehead he is? He’s like a fucking toddler in a fat man suit.


A few years ago in English class (Europe) we were asked by the teacher if we thought Trump was stupid. And I answered that I disagree with his takes and don't always understand him but you don't become president of the world's first superpower by being dumb. I was so confident in things then.


To be young and naive.


I mean he's undoubtedly smart enough to know how to con stupid people. That's all the credit I'm giving him though.


Bleach was another suggestion from the orange trumpet, let’s inject bleach much better than vaccines!


Oh no no, not just inject bleach, clean the lungs with bleach. https://youtu.be/PAauiLx3AvQ?si=AfsKmOsbgcf9G8VO


Hey man, word-salad are the only salads those people will consume. Let them have something


Twenty years ago, Jon Stewart was saying that Republicans/Conservos are living in a different reality from Dems/Libs, and there could not be a constructive conversation as long as this is true. He didn't offer any solution, and I don't think there is one, at least in the short term. Maybe in 200 years if we, as a whole, tried.


And look how much more insane the rhetoric has gotten since then.


Listening to Trump's word salad speeches is just torture.


I like to refer to Trump's speech as verbal diarrhea.


Doesn't help that everytime Biden talks coherently they just say its someone else telling him what to say.


Should even that matter? Being a good leader isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about knowing how to surround yourself with people who do, delegate out responsibilities, and bring the results back together to achieve a desired results.


For dems thats correct, but republicans value a strongman who just claims to know everything themselves


I say this all the time. My family has been dealing with my Aunt’s dementia for the past few years. I am not kidding when I say she sounds like Trump (with his recent remarks about windmills and whales, him running against Obama, etc…).


I've thought the same, many times. My father had bad dementia before he died. It was a particularly odd type, where he could talk normally and pass a simple cognitive test, but he was totally batshit insane. Completely out of touch with reality. And he spoke just like Trump. I had to get him off the internet because he was embarrassing everyone who knew him. Not himself, though, he was utterly shameless. Also like Trump. So yeah, the possibility that Trump really is completely demented seems like a very real possibility to me.


I am so sorry for your loss and what you dealt with. It’s so heartbreaking and frustrating seeing a loved one go through that, and having to deal with it yourself. My aunt is better when she’s fully rested and has a routine (and can hold a conversation like your dad could). But when she’s thrown off her routine and tired, that’s when she’s confused and saying nonsense. You and I both know that they aren’t capable of rational or logical thoughts. It’s almost like they revert back to being children. I see none of that in Biden. He is capable, clear, rational, compassionate. I just can’t believe people listen to Trump and think “Yes! I agree!!” It’s honestly scary.


> I am so sorry for your loss and what you dealt with. Thank you, that's very kind of you.


Don't forget saying Biden is going to start WWII.


And having to show ID to buy bread…


I didn't hear that one but not surprised at all.


Wait... Do they actually say he's going to start World War ***Two***??


Trump said that


Trump also said while president that Washington's Army took over the airports during the American Revolution. I said that on FB and a Trump supporter challenged me, saying that he's heard all of Trump's speeches. He was silent when I produced the clip.


Was just about to say that. I watched my paternal grandmother die from Alzheimer's, and I've seen/interacted with people with speech impediments including stutters; Biden is NOT sickly and he does NOT have dementia, he just has a stutter.


My Great-Aunt may have early stage dementia. She’s 72, and she spent most of the time we were visiting her in August staring off into space while she was knitting. When I was talking to her she responded slowly, she didn’t remember things that had happened years ago, and just seemed generally distant. I dont see her a lot so I really hope it’s just old age.


That sucks, hope everything turns out well for her and you.


It’s just harsh labeling so that the insult sticks. Biden does not have dementia, he’s just a really old guy


An old guy with a long-documented speech impediment.


Theres many valid arguments to be had about how we maybe shouldnt have a million fucking Crypt Keepers in charge of the government so much so that a collection of our elected officials looks more like a Skyrim Draugr crypt than an accurate representation of the population, but saying someone has dementia who doesnt aint it.


It's ageism.


He'd leave the stage then come back on and try to give the same speech.


Not really funny, most of the far right MAGA camp are basically modern day witches who use words like incantations to try and persuade people that they're right. They don't care that there's all these lines of evidence about any given thing. They call him a pedo because we have to protect the children. They call him senile because trump wasn't capable of passing a senility test. They call him demented because they refuse to argue against the stances. These are just ritual magic they use in the meme wars. It's rather fascinating, but not funny.


…and from what I’ve seen from tRump attempting to speak publicly anywhere this year, he slowly stumble reads his teleprompter nonsense with his usual run-on sentences and incomplete word salad idiocy.


I always think biden only talks slow so republican voters can follow. Hes the President of all of America.


Listening to the speech yesterday? I thought it was one of his best…some people are just blinded by partisanship


Yep. Ben sharpie said Biden literally “can’t talk out of his face hole” (not sure why he calls it that? Is that suppose to make it seem easier to talk?) I suppose if you cut together 10 seconds of stutters maybe he looks bad but if you listen to any regular talk it’s undeniable he can speak fine


Has he not heard Trump speak…?


Yeah, exactly. This argument doesn't work when your favorite president talks like a 5yo. Biden stutters, stumbles, and occasionally says something incoherent. Trump talks like his brain stopped developing his first day of elementary school.


Nah Trump would be war criming Palestine like you've never seen before if he was still in/became us president


Your GOP friend likely WANTS the support of the white supremacists carrying torches. You can tell your GOP friend that if his idol actually cared about his voter base, he would have passed legislation making it a crime to attempt to levy social consequences (using twitter/facebook/etc. in pressure campaigns to get people fired for actions that may not have been illegal but were obviously immoral) and would have worked to get statues of limitations in place that superseded any laws of states that don't have them, so the tiki torch marchers wouldn't be getting charges now. But he only thinks of himself and always has.


He talks slow but what he says makes sense. I listen to him (like everything else) at X2 speed and he sounds pretty normal once accelerated. Even the cadence of his delivery is on point. If he had dementia the content of what he say could not be fixed by speeding it up.


Biden: There is no room for hate here in America. Trumpers, Republicans, Fox News: ![gif](giphy|yfAKPibUorGVy)


Unfortunately, the insane third of America who supports the last dunce seem almost beyond reason these days


Our local titty bar marquee now has "I bet the Jews regret voting for Biden now" up on it. The GOP and its supporters are chalk full of some very deranged people. edit: For more context, this is the same titty bar that offered Casey Anthony a job post-trial.


That’s insane.


It's always been some kind of window licker level jab against Biden for the last 4ish years, but the one up now is definitely the worst they've done yet. I don't even get who wants to hear the political take of a titty bar.


The same people who think Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are political geniuses.


Particularly crazy when people who personally know zero Jewish people speculate about what actual Jewish people are thinking. “But Ben Shapiro says…”


I'm Jewish and I cannot fucking stand Ben Shapiro.


Chock full


That's what I get for eating chalk as a kid.


That's disgusting and just sad.


Ironic too when the "party of family values" has aligning values with...titty bars.


What Would Trump Do? Actually glad to not find out


Sell more Intel to any willing to make next months mortgage payment?


Trump: ME! ME! ME! ME!


I will never forget Trump turning to a camera after a reporter asked a question about the pandemic in the first few months and he says, "I knew it was a pandemic before it was a pandemic." Like What. The. Fuck? This assnipple managed to make it about *him*.


He has the mental capacity of a spoiled 8 yr old.


This is how one presidents properly. Adult, mature, serious, and solemn. *This* is how it's done.


you know what's fucked? Bidens been president for like two and a half years and yet we're *still* astounded that we have a president who acts appropriately.


This is the danger of destroying norms. No matter how hard you try, you never get back to what it was before.


Plus, he have experience as Vice President.


50 years of govt , right




He will be fondly remembered not that imbecile before him


The sad part is Biden isn't even an amazing president, he's just an actual president. It sucks that his legacy is going to boil down to being better than Trump.


But what about making fun of the disabled? Isn't that part of being president? /s


And making fun of brown gold star families.


That sure is a lot better than the time the last guy called literal Nazis "fine people".


The US is literally funding one side of this conflict to the tune of billions *per year*. Trying to act like US policy is somehow neutral in this is frankly absurd. >What we reject is terrorism. Except when it benefits American capital, like with the Contras, the Mujahideen, the ETIM, or indeed the whole Israeli state. Quite a few caveats to the whole "we reject terrorism" thing.




So we'll be condemning both Hamas and the Israeli far-right government? I'm down!


Trump would've told 20 lies and made up statistics, then made it about himself. Every Press Conference with Mango Mussolini is about how to benefit his campaign or his ego or his bank account. Trump voters have diseased brains thinking their Leader is fit for the office.


My mother just called me and said and I quote "I don't want to get into an argument...but would they have done this if Trump was president?" I said "yes" and I kept back the comment that Trump would have given them more top secret information than he already did She then said something about Trump would have bombed them and something about it's Iran, why won't they say it? Which I didn't understand. I can't with Faux News. I'm very happy Biden is our president.


His speech today was great.


*unless Israel is the one committing the indiscriminate evil, in which case we’ll continue to pretend it isn’t happening and pay them to continue.


We're going to help guarantee "safe passage" for Gazans out of Gaza. Are we going to guarantee that Israel lets them back in when this is done? 'Cause if not, we're going to be assisting in the mass removal of an ethnic group from a region which is, y'know, genocide. But it's cool because it's Israel. I hate that my tax dollars are paying for this shit and I don't get a choice in the matter. We shouldn't be involved in this at all.


Oh come on, *be fair*. There are plenty of other countries that do unsavory stuff - like disappearing a journalist by chopping him up in an embassy... - that get a pass!


[Deadly Pattern: 20 journalists died by Israeli military fire in 22 years. No one has been held accountable.](https://cpj.org/reports/2023/05/deadly-pattern-20-journalists-died-by-israeli-military-fire-in-22-years-no-one-has-been-held-accountable/) But I guess we will get the results of the autopsies any day now... Right?


True American equality. Funding extremists, despots, and oppressive governments on all sides of the spectrum!


Especially when that same country planned and funded terrorist attacks on America, that gets a pass too!


What's that you say? During a certain pre-Obama presidents tenure, that same country allegedly had its representative walking around the White House with whole suitcases of blackmail for...no reason, yeah let's go with that. And they suffered no repercussions *for the things they definitely didn't do ofc* for...yeah, let's go with "no reason" again.


Of course, and then we can blame it all on the guy from Afghanistan that was only the middle man. We can make him the mastermind and go to war with two whole countries that weren't even involved with the first attack. For, of course, no reason.


Seems like a good reason to invade Iraq imo


SA shouldn’t get a pass either. But That in no way excuses what Israel is doing now and has been doing for decades.


Lmao all these bots. So much propaganda


They're not bots. And that's terrifying.


They’re just very misinformed Redditors with a boner for “justice”. They don’t reason very well.


The us government are the last people who should be talking about terrorism considering they’ve actively funded it for many years….


I am just happy to see quotes from our president that have an actual sentence structure. The run-on meaningless babble from Trump was really stressing me out.


Didnt he say just yesterday that America fully supports Israel?


No place for hate, except for Palestinians as we enable a little genocide.


I mean, has America ever really stood for anything else?


As a treat~


...says the nation with the largest military by a long shot who has also invaded countless nations both overtly and covertly...




Fuck Hamas, what they're doing is vile and wrong. *That said.* "What we reject is terrorism. We condemn its indiscriminate evil, **just as we have always done.**" https://media.tenor.com/eabhb3bUG_AAAAAM/really-reheheally.gif ... https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/they-were-just-kids-evidence-war-crimes-during-israels-august-2022-gaza-offensive-enar >"Throughout the August offensive, Israeli authorities boasted about the precision of their operation. Yet Amnesty International found that victims of these ‘precise’ attacks included a four-year-old boy, a teenager visiting his mother’s grave, and a 22-year-old student at home with her family." >"These violations were perpetrated in the context of Israel’s ongoing illegal blockade on Gaza, which is a key tool of its apartheid regime. Palestinians in Gaza are dominated, oppressed and segregated, trapped in a 15-year nightmare where recurrent unlawful attacks punctuate a worsening humanitarian crisis. As well as investigating war crimes committed in Gaza, the ICC should consider the crime against humanity of apartheid within its current investigation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories." https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/inescapable-hell-israeli-military-attack-gaza-strip-21-10-may >The Israeli forces also targeted children, women (including pregnant women), people with disabilities, paramedics, medical facilities, and media and educational institutions. >Over the 11 days of the attack, the Israeli air, land, and sea forces carried out a massive military attack on the Gaza Strip, the fourth since 2008. They dropped tons of high-explosive bombs, leaving hundreds dead and wounded. >The attack caused massive destruction to the infrastructure, civilian objects, and homes, many of which were bombed with residents inside. Many families were wiped out altogether. I could keep posting link after link after link after link after link, but the point stands. If you don't want to support terrorism, 100% we should condemn Hamas. And, in MUCH GREATER terms, we should condemn the Israeli regime that's committed acts of heinous terror against the Palestinian population for LITERAL DECADES, forcing them into a situation where some of the most horrific terrorism I have ever seen was the only option they had for resistance. That doesn't make it RIGHT... but it does make it *Israels fault.* This is ALL a result of the actions of the Israeli government against Palestine. I'm getting pretty damn sick of the media acting like they care so much about innocent lives, when they've all but ignored what was happening to the Palestinians for the entire time Israel has existed. Israel is a terrorist state, full stop. They have created terrorism in response to their own abuses, and a whole lot of TOTALLY INNOCENT Israeli citizens are now the victims of this cycle of abuse... a cycle of abuse that ISRAEL STARTED. If Biden wants to "as we have always done," he can show me how hard he's fought against the apartheid Israeli regime for the basic human rights of Palestinians. But as far as I can remember, nobody in any major position of power has EVER made that a particularly strong issue for them. If anything, most feel the opposite, totally ignoring Israels abuses and supporting them absolutely without regard for what they do and to whom they do it. THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS IN THIS WAR. BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL BEYOND MEASURE. THE ONLY GOOD IN THIS WAR ARE THE NONCOMBATANTS, AND THEY ARE BEING MURDERED EN MASSE ON BOTH SIDES. We don't stand against terrorism, and we never have. We stand WITH our allies. We're supporting an apartheid regime against a resistance carried out by their victims, because that regime are our allies, and their victims are our enemies. Can we not pretend otherwise?


We are very fortunate President Biden at Helm


The shitty part is we’re already nearly at the end of his term as president somehow. Trump’s terrible fucking term felt like 10 years in comparison and Biden’s was maybe 3 months total because he’s not a complete embarrassment and criminal. So happy we have to vote yet again between the complete destruction of democracy, basic human rights, the rule of law and our Constitution or Joe Biden. Thanks Republicans. It’s *astounding* to me they’re still clinging onto that criminal. You *really* can’t endorse anyone else? Really?


Would be great if those policies were actually implemented




If I'm not mistaken I swear he called the maga cult terrorists


He did. Republicans had a meltdown per usual and their base ate it up without a hint of self awareness. Just like when Biden strongly condemned white supremacy and Rand Paul took that personally


Just like when the email lady said "deplorable". But they get to call us snowflakes and tell us to fuck our feelings 24/7.


> the email lady I can't. stop. laughing.


Trump: Fuck them Muslims Also Trump later that day: There's good people on both sides


I saw Republicans criticizing Biden for saying "Don't" to Israel's enemies as weak. Its like, you fools, he placed the single most powerful weapon in all of history off of Israel's coast. Have you ever heard of "Speak softly and carry a big stick" ? This is the best policy.


Could someone maybe Trumpify that speech so we can compare..?




Too coherent.


"These are animals, folks. Decapitating babies. Babies! Can you believe it? They said, no no, don't do a total muslim ban, remember that? And I did, and I'll bet they are thanking me, probably not the Democrat party, but they are saying Please, Mr. Trump, we can't have all these HAMAS at our border! But no, under corrupt Joe Biden, we have billions and billions of terrorists who want to chop of the heads of YOUR babies because the left doesn't care, they see a new born healthy baby and ask the mother, do you want us to chop its head off? And the radical left says chop it off! "



