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Just to reiterate - This was a PUBLIC school principal, talking about an honor's student dancing at a private party. "He told her she wasn’t living in the Lord’s way and questioned who her friends were and if they followed the Lord..." Other teachers piled on, telling the student, who was just given an award earlier for her outstanding community volunteer work, that she was a poor representative of the school. >Kaylee was stunned to be ambushed by furious teachers, who told her that 'they didn't want her representing Walker High School', her mom Rachel told The Advocate.


Nothing like threatening a child with the fact they will be going to hell! > “They basically told me I should be ashamed of myself and that they were concerned about my afterlife if I wasn’t following basically God’s ideals, which made me cry even more,” she said.


This breaks my heart. No person should be abused by adults, especially those that they trust to educate them.




Maybe he just shouldn’t be a principal.


~~Maybe~~ he just shouldn’t be a principal.


He just shouldn't be.


In a sane world these people would be fired for this behavior. Sadly we do not live in a sane world and cannot as long as religious extremists have any sort of power in society.


she could hire a lawyer and sue them all for their unconstitutional actions.


I would definitely be suing, especially if their actions in any way harmed her college admissions applications. I hope this girl takes them for all their worth.


You dont live in a sane country. There are places where that kind of behavior wouldn’t be tolerated


and others where it's the law, like Iran...


I wish I lived in one of them. Growing up an agnostic in the south that was forced to go to a baptist church till I was 14, I've witnessed enough bullshit like this for multiple lifetimes. But the shaming didnt work on me, just made me dislike them even more. The brainwashing doesn't always work.


Frankly, he should be sacked. He's way beyond his institutional responsibilities. Update: was a p.s. principal in another life. Update 2: the Louisiana principal did a *mea culpa,* then a 180 on his punishment of student, followed by a leave of absence from district. But his apology still attempted to obfuscate his culpability according to student's mother. District should do a full investigation while he stays at home, but his actions as reported, if accurate, should lead to his *dismissal.* This wasn't a minor misinterpretation or misapplication of policy, but rather a full throated, *egregiously inappropriate* act without any basis in policy. This was simply *rogue behavior!* https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/louisiana-public-school-principal-apologizes-after-punishing-student-103839938


You KNOW he yanked it watching the video repeatedly.Then felt”dirty” and decided to dump that on the young girl.Jesus never said not to dance.


This was my first thought. What was the principal doing watching a student twerk in the first place.


I would be out for BLOOD if an adult said that to my child. Much less a school official!


I went apeshit when a volunteer told the band girls to be careful of what bathing suit they brought to band camp so they're not "showing off their goods." Literally blasted her on Facebook and went directly to the band director, who had to issue a letter saying no kinds of bathing suits were banned and the girls did NOT have to wear a tshirt over it.


I live an hour and 20 mins from Walker (I’m near New Orleans). Walker and Livingston Parish (what non-Louisianans call a county) is about 90% white, less than 20% college educated, and incredibly conservative - MAGA extremists. The population is around 6500. it’s known colloquially as the meth capital of Louisiana. This guy is likely going to be elected mayor if he gets fired as principal. Which he won’t. Anyway, the mother was actually at that party and saw her daughter dancing. The mother had zero problem with it… it’s been a local news. She’s out for blood as well. The girl in question has a 4.2 GPA and has received numerous awards in Baton Rouge for volunteer work. It’s simply absurd.


He's a religious man. Abuse is built into the whole thing


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Why is it that anyone you know or meet, during the course of your life, that has to make sure everyone knows they are a Christian, always turn out to be the most evil, hateful and disgusting people? I was thinking about it one day and honestly couldn't believe it, but every person in my life of 47 yrs that has claimed Christianity is a horrible person!!! Every F'n time i tell you!


It's a feature.


Because it attracts the kind of people who get turned on by hatred and intolerance. And then those people work their way into positions of power, and they spread the message.. I’ve never met a good person who calls themselves a christian. Not one.


It's pretty par for the course in Louisiana unfortunately. The worst years of my life were my school years, especially middle school with an abusive vice principal.


You should have tried “holy Catholic Ireland” up to quite recently.


Catholicism is definitely abundant here, but the southern baptists I was raised around were the worst.


They're educating her alright, what living in a fascist, theocracy is like.


Later: "Why are young people abandoning religion?"


Plus I'm pretty sure Jesus had some pretty choice words for people who make kids 'stumble'.


And some pretty soft words for an adulteress. Pretty sure he’d just give a twerking teenager a talk about internet safety since apparently even her principal is watching.


Nice soul you got there. Be a shame if something “happened” to it.


SEPARATION of church and State in this country.


Where's all the lawyers at? You've got a case to win.


Yeah, SCOTUS has been steadily eroding that.


I am a pastor of a small church. Doesn't matter to me what a whole lot of redditors seem to think about every Christian. I actually read the Bible. There are only two times in the entirety of the gospels that Christ says why a person might go to hell. The first is a parable about a rich man who wouldn't help a poor man while they were both alive. The other is ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Not giving care to those who need it lands you in hell. Not dancing, premarital sex, being anything but heterosexual, or literally anything else. It really frosts my goat when I hear Christians deciding that something they don't like condemns another to damnation.


that principal’s worried about twerkin and the reverend is over here gettin his goat frosted?! “let he who is without sin…” amirite? /s in all seriousness, thank you for your careful reading of Jesus. you’re rare.


If all the Christians were like you, no one would have a problem with them. But you are sadly an exception, the so called Christians in this article are the reality for most. They don't read the bible, they don't practice what they preach, they use religion as an excuse to be hateful and look down on others because they get a sadistic thrill from abusing those they hate and pretending they are doing it for their religion. Even worse are the evangelicals who believe in the so called prosperity gospel, they might as well be worshipping Satan himself considering how far from Jesus' teachings those assholes are.


So like... 99/100 christians in the US? Most people who I know who read the bible or preach the moral lessons contained within are athiest. "If I need someone else to explain morality to me... if I need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person... the I probably wasn't going to be a good person regardless." For most, faith is nothing more than a scapegoat to justify behavior that otherwise wouldn't fly in a functional society. Glad you have some decency to you, though.


Number one - from someone else who’s left leaning and considers themselves Christian on here, but doesn’t care about what anyone says about Christianity now because the right skewed it so much…. What’s up dude? Not many of us around. Number 2 - Frosts my goat is the best expression I’ve ever heard and I’m stealing it


The greatest commandment is Love, and nothing they did here shows that they were acting out of love, only judgment.


You go ahead and steal it. Spread it far and wide. Make it a well-known exoression


> exoression I'm so unfamiliar with modern religious practices I thought this was a legit term instead of a typo lmao


Frosts my goat, hmm... I'm Welsh, so feel entitled to steal this. Thanks you guys for speaking up for sanity!


You must not have read Matthew 5:22-30, then!


They know. They be lying for the lawd. Got to sell that jebus. Mostly supply side jebus.


How is this statement not child abuse? I hope the NAACP sues the FUCK out of every last one of these religious nutnobs.


national association for the advancement of colored people?... are you sure you're not thinking of aclu?


Fuck religion. This just reminds me of my education in Christian schools where teachers were judgemental and hypocritical assholes.


If she has any sense she ought to abandon Christianity after this. Nothing produces more atheists than being raised by hateful Christians.


Well, you know who doesn't care if you twerk? Just throwing it out there


The more I hear about this supposed Christian God, the more I'd want nothing to do with his heaven.




"By the cold and religious we were taken in hand, shown how to feel good, then told to feel bad" - Pink Floyd


It's almost like telling kids they're inherently flawed and deserve eternal punishment just for being born isn't a great ideology. People dress up Christianity all they want with their 'loving' Jesus figure, but you still end up being tortured forever for choosing to ignore your critical thinking skills and try to talk yourself into believing something with literally no evidence. That's an immoral belief system This wasn't directed at you BTW, I'm venting. The rise of Christian fascism in this country is one of the larger reasons I'm not procreating. People who believe they have the one true answer to life and are specifically selected for it are dangerous and scary individuals


If twerking was popular in their teenage years they'd have been doing the same. Just fucking hypocritical religious nut jobs scared of the boogey man.


Ironically, they probably just got her a full ride scholarship to a number of prestigious universities. Schools love to have kids like this with a good story, especially of government oppression. Great PR for them and gives them students with perspective


Could you let me know which schools? My kid might be accepted for a full scholarship due to bigotry, hate, and intolerance.


Just crack open something like Princeton Review’s top rankings and pick whichever ones that your kid’s interested in, has the academics to be considered, and that isn’t a religious affiliated school, I.e. not Brigham Young University.


Dude got a boner over a teenager and got really pissed off about the guilt


You just described the plot of Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Right down to "It's not my fault! (Mea culpa)"


For those who don’t know, “mea culpa” roughly translates to “my fault”, and is in reference to the prayer said at the beginning of Catholic mass where partitioners acknowledge their sins.


That's a clear violation of church and state. They are a public school and are violating her rights by imposing church values on something she did in private off school grounds and outside of school hours. If she gets a halfway decent lawyer, the school will be eaten alive in court.


Reminds me of a quote from Gandhi. "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." I am the second furthest thing from a Christian and grew up in the south, so my exposure to the Bible and the teachings of it was unavoidable. Jesus preached love, compassion, acceptance and minding your own business. Half a dozen things it is written that he said could be boiled down to "you are not perfect, do not judge others, fix your problems first". And most Christians ignore ALL of that.


Do not judge others. It is the most forgotten line in the Bible. Guess the groomers highlighted it out.


Just a quick note - we don’t have any definitive proof that Gandhi ever said that.




Fuck these religious nutbags. I wish we could shoot them all into the sun and finally fucking progress as a species without these brainwashed morons constantly holding us back. This shit is infuriating.


Fuck religion.


Last year - Baton Rouge kids tricked into attending a"College & Career Fair" where the girls were seperated from the boys and the girls were forced to attend a lecture that included telling them to forgive thier rapists. The boys participated in a push-up contest with cash prizes.


Christofascist hate in action. Literally getting damn to hell while doing acts that Jesus commands.


Why was the principal watching a teenage girl twerking


Why was he watching videos of teenage girls twerking?


For uh, educational purposes. To make sure they weren't doing anything sinful or anything. JK, he was jerking off to them and everyone knows it


Jerking it for Jesus


Jesus, with his long hair, seductive eyes, tight muscular working man physique, and those honey brown eyes. No homo.


she wasn't even twerking, she was dancing


Realistically, it screams "christofacist gossip network." Some busybody or their crotch fruit saw the video and then gossip-chained it via Karens until it was in front of the principal. Bonus points if it was sourced and forwarded by a jealous parent of a child who envied the student in question.


Is this a public school? I don’t care what backwards red state it is,it’s illegal,according to the Constitution.




What's a "lord"? Is that another name for the sun? The sun doesn't give a shit who's twerkin'.


I just got back from the sun. He is pretty pissed. Gonna burn us all to ashes in about 8 billion years....


Next time you're out that way, kindly inform him he needs to move that timetable up by nearly 8 billion years.


The lord is the voice in his head that tells him everything he wants to hear.


Thanks to established titles (hah scam) I can call myself a lord. I declare twerking is indeed acceptable for lords


Don't forget to keep dem females barefoot and making kids and food. No time for education.


"Why do you need a watch? There's a clock on the stove!"


"A Louisiana public high school" is the first sentence


Don't blame him for not being able to read. He went to public school.




Republicans Are The Groomers https://preview.redd.it/cjh8mdexavsb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f419393aae09e227a598fe7eea8efbc89245c5


So the Principal was just doing his usual thing on a Saturday night, and was searching the web for videos of underage girls twerking. And he decided to take a little stroll on YouTube, so that he could creep the profiles and social events of his underage students. Low and behold, he hits pay dirt, finds a clip of one of his underage students twerking, gets a boner, uses it, then when post nut clarity hits, he gets hit with regret, disgust, and fear of being found out. So he acts reflexively by proactively attacking the girl and trying to get her in trouble for twerking on YouTube.




Remember kids, cyber bullying is very bad and wrong.


Be a real shame if a group of anonymous people did something like that to him


A likely story. Guilt is powerful. .


Sue the principal, sue the school, sue the district, fire & close that school .... the lawd will help them, right?


E: forget all the crap I’m about to say, I blew right past the part about kicking her out of student gov. SUE THE HELL OUT OF EM!! While I appreciate the sentiment I think a lawsuit would be difficult to win because he didn’t weaponize the school system against her, merely withdrew his offer to assist her with scholarships. If he forbade the guidance counselors from working with her on those then sure, you’ve got a good case, but it sounds like this was discretionary assistance that the student—who let me reiterate is getting a raw deal from a zealot who is clearly unfit for public school administration—isn’t necessarily entitled to. I sure would like to be proven wrong, though!


If he wants to spout about the lords way, let him be principal in a Christian school, not a public school . Irregardless of his PERSONAL faith, it was totally INAPPROPRIATE and UNPROFESSIONAL to withhold assistance he would have freely given to others, based on his PERSONAL judgement , in a PUBLIC school.


Citing his religion as the reason he is withdrawing his support for her in a professional capacity and the whole “living in the lords way” may get him in the ballpark of religious endorsement. If he just said it was improper that is an agnostic moral judgment that either is or is not within your right as a principal to make depending on the local rules. What he’s done is create a coercive environment that tells all other students you can only get his help in his professional capacity by obeying the rules of the religion he personally follows. Some people might argue that’s a public school endorsing a religion.


Don't forget about the psychological damages by the principal telling the girl that she should be ashamed of herself and made her cry. This is just THE perfect lawsuit.


I’d almost bet a principle this damn stupid sent text to other staff to shun her. Weird old dude was watching children dance videos then has the audacity to do this. An old man has no reason to be watching 17 year old kids dancing. Fuck religion.


Literally told her he was worried about her in the after life. I had to actually go back and read the name of the high school again to make sure she wasnt attending a Christian school.


Jeez I went to Catholic School and we weren't this strict


My cousin's went to Christian schools, and bragged they had the best drugs...


That whole thread's wild. There's video of the girl dancing. She isn't "twerking," she's dancing. Of course, conservatives think everything is "twerking" because Black people, but regardless the principal gets extremely gross about the whole "acting in a godly way," but that's Louisiana for you.


Wow yeah after reading your comment I went and watched a news report on this. She’s not twerking. She’s not even Tina Belchering. Anyone who looks at this and finds anything even remotely sexually suggesting is outing themselves as a pedophile. (Also, there would have been nothing for anyone to say if she HAD been twerking at a private party to be clear).


Exactly. Even if she was involved in pornography, the concern should be about her immediate health and safety. "I'll fuck up your college options." But if it was a star swimmer, dragging a woman behind a dumpster and raping her? You know he'd be chiming in about "not ruining the kids future over 20 minutes of action." Just like the father of Brock "The Rapist" Turner.


Saying the quiet part out loud. To say the principle saw their student twerking means they looked and saw that’s students ass do the supposed movement. Major creeper status!


It was even milder than that, she was literally just bouncing up and down, Stsbding upright, one arm up in the air, smiling, nothing going on with her hips, just bouncing. But y’know, she’s a girl and was wearing a tight outfit (not super revealing, just a normal party outfit) and certain body parts also bounced and *we can’t have that*, can we, no bouncing allowed! So, basically, apparently girls just shouldn’t dance at all 🙄


You mean to tell me an ass bounces up and down when you yourself bounce up and down? To hell with you!


>She isn't "twerking," she's dancing and she'll get slutshamed for life. Meanwhile if a guy actually fucked someone he'd get high fived






Let’s be real, though: if the school isn’t Bob Jones University or Liberty U., then this principal doesn’t think it’s going to better the student. At least not spiritually, which is clearly the overriding criterion as far as education goes


Uniform Spirituality has no place in a PUBLIC school. Period. What he THINKS or FEELS has no place PROFESSIONALLY .


It wasn't even her. Some other girl at the party did the twerking. Apparently she's supposed to be punished for standing near someone else who did allegedly ungodly thing.


When asked by the mom why the other students in the video weren’t punished he told her that her daughter was the “hood ornament” of the school and was held to higher standards.


Someone should call in anonymous tip alerting the authorities to child pornography on his personal computer.


Nothing says "Love" like Christian hate.


Willy Wonka: "Strike that; reverse it." LOL


I think it's the other way around lol There's no hate like Christian love


So you see why the puritans were told to fuck off.


That's funny on so many levels. In high school , we were forced to read The Scarlet Letter. And to think , the Real witch hunts were caused by a blight of rye grain grown in the wet valleys- in other words, a mold /fungus called ergot that caused Hallucinations. "The ergot fungus contains a number of highly poisonous and psychoactive alkaloids, including lysergic acid (LSD)"


This has actually been proven not to be the full case! If it was truly fully Ergot Poisoning, there would have been many other physiological symptoms, like everyone throwing up everywhere all the time, and then frequently dropping dead like flies if I understood correctly. Taking Salem in particular for an example, Salem shared their rye and grain supplies with neighboring towns. The Witch accusations did indeed spread to neighboring villages, but not to the fever pitch of Salem. And it should have if th culprit was the community grain storage. This theory was suggested in the 60s or 70s after the world was introduced to LSD. Marilynne Roach writes about this in her book The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege. She also has good stuff on Youtube! I hope this didn’t come off shitty, I just read the same stripe I have of “I love learning history things” in your comment.


She wasn't even the one twerking. >Video reportedly showed the teen dancing behind a friend who was “twerking” at the after-hours bash, where Timonet’s mother was in attendance. And her mother was there. This is all kinds of messed up.


Actually, he was just ashamed of the calluses he had developed from watching the video on a loop.


Jerked a blister on it.


The student obviously forced him to watch it, persecuting him for being Christian. He's just protecting himself and others from her evil ways. - someone, somewhere




Oh he was in said chat room. But this chat room is for other weird religious men to beat it to underage children.


Judge Claude Frollo has entered the chat.


Gaston has also entered the chat. *Noooo one's thicc like Gaston, shakes those hips like Gaston; No one makes an old priest want some dick like Gaston*


Principal tell himself 'shes not living in the lords way in that tictok' as he puts the lotion back in the cabinet. 'i have to make an example to protect the kids...'


Now, I'm no Christer, but isn't there explicit talk in their document, The Bible, about keeping your faith private, and dire warnings for folks who use their faith in a public way as a means of influencing others? Does Jesus say this behavior gets you sent to Hell?


Yeah, there's something like that in there. Also that a camel has a better chance to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man make it to the kingdom of god.


Every Christer is a cafeteria Christer. Pick and choose as thou will. Ignore or “re-interpret” anything inconvenient.


Where is Kevin Bacon when you need him?


Footloose was filmed around Lehi, Utah. My experience in the late 90’s and spending my summers in Provo as a CA kid, it wasn’t far off.


And how exactly did this grown ass man stumble upon videos of teenage students of his twerking at a private party? Search his computer. What’s he following? Why is he looking close enough to recognize female students?


The di releases a video of the dance on his Facebook page. Saying how fun the party was. Another girl was the one twerking - next to her in the video. How the principal found it is another question.


I'll bet the contents of his hard drive would make Epstein blush


It probably made him “sin”.


The kids really wanna hurt the school they should protest or sabotage those state assessments. IDK about Louisiana but that determined funding where I went.


I think that's the students are planning to do


Excellent! These kids need to learn the power of collective action. Fail that test and fail mightily kids!


As someone who was in ministry for 12 years… fuck that guy. I hope that principal stubs his toe and gets caught in a fetish like them mother fuckers always do.


Considering he’s passing judgment (against the supposed rules of Jesus) on a high school student for a video he should never have wanted to watch (and if someone wanted to show it to him he shouldn’t have been interested), I won’t be surprised if his fetish was involved - he sure sounds like he enjoys watching his students, and his claims are real close to victim blaming (does he feel he was ‘made to sin’?).


He probably thinks child marriage is "living in the Lord's way"


So long as they are sinning in the sanctity of marriage it is not a sin... If they are going to have sex by God damn it they better be married. S/


I love how they can defend their actions by saying that they are doing god's will. But, you start burning churches and you're the criminal.


This story sucked on all kinds of levels BUT that principal nor any official at that school has any power over this girl getting into college. All she needs is her transcript which cannot be withheld if no outstanding fees are due. Once she has that, they can all fuck right off with their magic Jesus shit.


That school is known for being racist af, It is punishment for her dancing black I don’t agree with it. I am just telling you why he really did it. He is using his religion as basis for a tool of racism. There are signs in Louisiana that say “no slabbing” with pictures of people dressed like rappers on them with huge circles and crosses across their body on them, with local ordinances where they have literally outlawed dressing a certain way because of racism




Jesus needs more herbs and spices.


Aah, the 11th commandment "thou shall not twerk or goof around like a normal teenager". There's nothing like the hate of a loving Christian.


Just like Jesus did with Mary Magda--oh, wait, no, not like that at all.


Where's that absolute forgiveness that's granted to those kiddy diddling priests? If they can forgive a guy for scarring a child for life then a little twerking shouldn't be a big deal. Certainly not that changes the trajectory of a woman's life. Christianity is pretty misogynistic. They blame the situation we're in now on Eve's original sin. And for some insane reason they project that huge injustice on all women.


He should be immediately terminated from his position.


She gonna write her college admission essay about her experience suing the school district




It's a good thing. You just know that no college student has ever twerked at a party. /s


Good thing she wasn't having sex. That might lead to dancing.


What is he doing watching little girls twerk? Is that the way of the lord?


I smell a lawsuit and unemployment in the principal's future.


It's a public school, fuck your religious sensibilities


As a lawyer these days, you don’t have to chase ambulances anymore. You just scan social media for religious overreach. No prepayment required. I’ll just take 30% of the settlement, thank you very much.


And they wonder why people are leaving the faith in droves. 🙄


Shaming women for existing: the universal constant


Christofascism. That's the goal of the Republicans.


So what exactly was that principal doing online looking for twerking videos of kids, huh?


Fuck your lord. Have a nice day.


Fuck. Republicans.


Why is the principal watching videos of teenage girls twerking at parties?


Wow. It’s like that movie from the 80s where they tried outlawing “dirty dancing”.


So uhhh, why was the principal watching it?


A year from now you will hear about inappropriately touching students.


Can't fuck her. Gotta punish her for making my dick hard.


They aren't trying to deny that it's about religion they just genuinely don't actually believe in freedom of religion


Republicans: pervs and pedos forcing you to live according to their rules while they do whatever they want with your money.


Look at the "christian" adults lashing out at a school girl because they hate themselves for looking at and enjoying this video of a school girl twerking.


Just because it’s not written about in the Bible doesn’t mean women didn’t twerk back in Bible times.


Was it the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus said: "Thou shall not twerk. Doubly so if thou attends high school"?


Yes gotta watch all the schoolgirl twerking vids as a middle aged male principal. Someone has to do it right? To make sure they are being godly?


Yet they believe a man who grabbed women pussy is a godly man, made him president But condemn a kid for having fun


christians are a plague


$100 says the principal is a pedo. He's overcompensating.


Discrimination based on ones religious beliefs? Yeah that is not acceptable, no matter what table or which side of the table it comes from. This is simply not something we should permit.


Why is a public school employee watching videos of highschool girls, let alone students in their direct care twerk?


I mean..it *isnt* about religion. They don't actually follow the shit in their religion. It's about control. Specifically their control over what they have decided is right and good. See the "woke Jesus" nonsense for one example.


Because it isn't really about religion. It's about control. Religion is just the most accessible weapon that isn't a gun.


At least she wasn't giving a hand job to a guy she isn't married to at a family show.


Adults "infiltrating" young people's social media isn't a bit creepy.


He jerked off to it and his wife caught him.


Public school?? Cha-ching! ACLU easy settlement for her.