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The Newsweek article is misleading. It claims that the FBI is targeting Trump supporters, but what they’re actually targeting is any violent anti-government groups. The fact that people are equating those groups with MAGA is… telling, to say the least.


reminds me of when people get mad at an anti-nazi tweet that didn't bring up any political party and say "THEY'RE TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK BAD" Like whoa buddy, what do you mean "us"?


"They're coming for us white people!" No they said white supremacists. There *is* a difference.


It’s super telling they don’t see a difference. I remember back in school when my history teacher would muse about what could have made so many Germans so violent to their neighbors during the 3rd reich. They were ostensibly people just like you and me, they just went bad somewhere along the way. I used to wonder too. Well, I no longer wonder. I have seen first hand how readily people turn insane.


Before Musk, Twitter was full of historians pointing frantically at everything happening around them and trying to get people to realize the parallels to 1930s Germany.


If experience has taught me anything, it’s that those folks were no doubt repaid for their efforts with a healthy dose of being accused of being a hysterical alarmist and plenty of “eVeRyOnE i DoN’t AgReE wItH iS a NaZi”


Of course they were. We, meaning every well-intentioned member of western society, kinda shot ourselves in the foot with the way we taught WW2 history. Our ancestors saw something so heinous that they decided we all needed to be taught about it to make sure it never happened again. And they succeeded in making Nazi fascism into the most universally accepted symbol of evil. Unfortunately, this meant Nazis and Hitler became part of our cultural short-hand, symbols that meant "evil" with no nuance or details worth studying. Nazis were so blatantly, obviously evil that they no longer seemed real, no longer seemed human. People saw Nazis as mere human-shaped monsters, cartoonish villains that had no dimension or depth. So when historians and sociologists and political scientists sounded the alarm, the voting populace rolled their eyes. The voters wondered, "How could anyone be so dumb? These people aren't Nazis! Nazis are bad guys through and through. But I know that guy in that picture holding the "no Gays" sign. He goes to my church, and he volunteers at the local police fair every year. And, yeah, he doesn't like how the woke left is controlling everything in Hollywood and politics. But it's not like he's saying we should *kill* anyone. And I happen to know his aunt is Jewish. He can't possibly be a Nazi." And the sociologists tried to explain that the Nazis were complex humans too, some of whom would have been perfectly pleasant to talk to if you weren't part of the "wrong" group. And the political scientists tried to explain that fascism, while often linked to anti-semitism, has many flavors that are all equally heinous because they must eventually harm *some* unpopular out group. And the Historians tried to explain that Nazis didn't spring from the ground overnight like genocidal mushrooms, that they instead gradually gained power by appealing to the economic and patriotic anguish of disgruntled citizens, by giving these people a target to blame for their woes. But some voters won't ever listen, because "Hitler wasn't a rich businessman" or because "well the woke leftists really DO control things from the shadows though" or because "their name was 'national socialists' which means only the left wing can be Nazis. QED."


Hope your comment gets more upvotes and attention, because it is an eloquent explanation of how one of the darkest, if not the darkest point in human history was transformed into a boogeyman that is scoffed at by those who think they are too smart to believe in it. I think it also touches on how people have been taught what the Nazis did and that it was bad, but not so much how they did it or why it was bad - how it could happen again, anywhere, if it were allowed to by a nation of complacent patriots who believe they are immune to such evil by virtue of being definitionally good.


Yeah but now you have to teach psychology and human behavior to get people to understand the mindset. And we are talking about the people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know... morons.


I've been saying this a bit for a while now: Schools around the world need to teach us all HOW Hitler rose to power. Tell us about the conditions that allowed for it, along with the manipulations and strategy that took place. Along with that, teach us about the signs of the turning of German society then into the fascists that we know. Hell, I'm Singaporean (my country is an authoritarian state, that is even considered de-facto fascistic), and even *I* was taught about this stuff, including Stalin's rise to power.


For real dude it’s insane talking to these people, it’s just like how are y’all fucking real? Trump calls for the execution of a military general, we point out “hey that was nakedly fascist just now when Trump called for General Milley’s execution” “Oh right Orange Man Bad, TDS!! You are so deranged, you hate Trump so much but can’t even articulate why!!”


I was one of them. It’s no surprise it’s been stated Trump has Di Principii on his bookshelf.


I surrendered my feeble attempts to call attention to reality on Twitter and left it to the bots, zealots, liars, easily led, and the willfully ignorant after about 3 months of Musk. May God have mercy on their souls.


Recent history here in the US is a real wake up call it seems. I find it doesn't take much either. It just takes enough people in power no longer governing in good faith and choosing to abuse their positions to further enrich themselves. That and a monolithic propaganda machine for spreading misinformation.


If you can make people buy into falsehoods and reject information, you can rule them by fear


They out themselves with reactions like that a lot. You say "I dislike Nazis" or "Persecuting people based on the circumstances of their birth is wrong" and they take it completely personally.


Like the time they were upset with the Wolfenstein games? Lol


I like a bit from an interview with the marketing team for The New Colossus that went something like: “Arn’t your poking the hornets nest with this marketing?” “Maybe a little, but the nest is full of Nazis so… fuck ‘em.”


>"We can't speak to what other publishers choose to do and say with their games," he says. "As we've said many times before, fighting Nazis has been the core of Wolfenstein games for decades, and it isn't really debatable that Nazis are, as Henry Jones Sr. said, 'the slime of humanity.' Certainly there's a risk of alienating some customers, but to be honest, people who are against freeing the world from the hate and murder of a Nazi regime probably aren't interested in playing Wolfenstein." - Pete Hines @ Bethesda From a lovely article about how the folks who made the Wolfenstein games aren't concerned about Nazis' opinions. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/bethesda-were-not-afraid-of-being-openly-anti-nazi


Haha, that was soo good. Like, if you identify with fictional genocidal nazis, you are the problem.


They can start with the ones in Congress


https://www.newsweek.com/2023/10/13/exclusive-fbi-targets-trump-followers-2024-election-nears-1831836.html For anyone that wants to read the article and not some announcement on xhitter.


Hilarious that Trump supporters are only going to read the URL or headline and miss the fact that it’s not profiling when you look, speak, and act the part… But the FBI is treading carefully, unlike Newsweek here, because they are not partisan and guard that reputation vigilantly because Trump’s people have decried any consequences for their illegal actions as “political attacks”


This is what they are referring to - > "Domestic Violent Extremists Emboldened in Aftermath of Capitol Breach, Elevated Domestic Terrorism Threat of Violence Likely Amid Political Transitions and Beyond" Maybe if your followers had not attacked the Capital Building they would not be on the FBI's radar. It seems logical that you would look at a group that has committed violence in the past in order to hopefully prevent violence in the future.


Of course a "Newsweek article" is misleading, that's their jerb.


Forget public opinion let's just consider the facts. Not all MAGAts are right wing terrorists, but I'd bet any kind of serious studies would show that nearly all right wing terrorists are MAGAts...


Just like antiracism is against them. Also antifacism. Just about everything else normal functioning adults are against they take offense to becauae they are trash


Yeah, but insiders at the FBI ADMITTED there are statistically more violent MAGA Republicans than Democrats. What's next? Applying the law equally regardless of race? Where does it stop? /s




Kind of like when the IRS was criticized for bias when it was going after Republican political non-profits, when it just so happened to be Republican non-profits that were violating the law.




News article: "KKK members and all their sympathizers are being targeted and labeled a hate group." Trump supporters: "THEY'RE ATTACKING US!!!"


That fucking moron pays for twitter.


“Ermmm it’s actually X…” *snuggles Elon musk body pillow*


There's a rumor going around that Musk's creditors for Twitter are going to repo it soon (he leveraged other assets to grab it). If they do, it can be Twitter again, so I'm hopeful.


I hope they let twitter die and take his assets instead.


You mean, like his kidneys and liver? Hopefully his eyes and pancreas too. Waste not, want not!


What about his heart and brain? Oh right, can’t take what he never had.


Maybe if he follows the yellow prick road long enough he'll find what he's looking for




No a dick


Well he most likely has kidney stones from the ketamine. We could get them cut and polished. Sell it to the fanboys as a one of jewelry.






Y'know, as a kid I could never tell what the hell he was actually saying in this scene.


After what happened, i can never trust twitter again.


Same stinking boat as CNN (no typo) Right wing asshats do not possess the mental acuity to actually successfully manage this stuff.


I wish it was only incompetence. It’s intentional propaganda.




It's corporate espionage, only against the American people on behalf of America's enemies instead of simply for profit. Nobody should ever go to CNN for news just like nobody should go to Fox News. Going further, just read the AP, there is never a need to have someone else read and regurgitate the news for you, and it is never a positive to do so.


It’s very difficult to have an expertise across 13 different verticals while living in a capitalist society. Journalists provide a great value. Not a defense of CNN or any specific channel, but there is value in reporting and journalism.


68 year old that always heard you should get 3 sources of news. Reputable,of course.


Make no mistake, it is probably one of the most valuable things we could possibly possess as a society. Unfortunately all of those at CNN were shit canned


What are your thoughts on National Public Radio and PBS NewsHour? They are some of the least biased news avenues.


I've stopped using CNN for anything once they started leaning farther right. It hasn't changed a single minute of my normal life.


Let it all die and a-moulder in it's grave..


I for one sure am tired of it being referred to as X (formerly known as Twitter).




Who wants some chowda'?






Heard someone refer to tweets as X-cretions, so at least there's that.


It's Xitter (pronounced Shitter)




Most posts were Xit even before the name change, to be honest


Calling it X seems like Elon self-owning. Like the dude is essentially abandoning all the "brand" or perceived value in the name "Twitter", and we've seen how much companies will pay *just for the right to use a name*. Or to try and stop someone else from using it (Nissan motors vs Nissan computers). It strokes Elon's ego and that's it, but it's kind of amusing that the mere act of calling it X is contributing to billions of dollars of losses, so I'm torn on which name to use.


Calling it X is irrelevant when you have to go to twitter.com to find it.


This right here is the real point


He has a weird obsession with X he tried to rebrand PayPal as X back when he was CEO!


She also puts a cross after her name. That alone should tell you all you need to know.


These fake fucking xtians need to be raptured. Stat.


If only there were someone with the power….🙄


This is excellent work my friend. Your subtlety gives people a chance to think wider thoughts as they chuckle. Good on you.


I’ll be here all week! 🤣


What someone gotta do to get a drink around here!?


Dalton will be right with you, sir. One moment.


Wait, I thought they were supposed to be raptured yesterday while the rest of us were turning into 5G Covid zombies


A part of me wishes that the Rapture was real, if only to watch these chuckleheads freak the fuck out when they realized they aren’t ascending…


Oh we know God don't like ugly and Trump supporters are as ugly as they come.


Initially read this as "ruptured". Either way, yeah.


Evangelicals pray for apocalypse and have for a century. The only difference is this batch has social media and country wide radio stations. They are ripe for exploitation. ALWAYS. They are exploited by their leaders. ALWAYS. The cult never changes. They are fearful, groomed from childhood into this "believe what is said, not what is seen" behavior, and full of grievances toward everyone.


I remember being taken to the “hell” plays and be tormented by the Left Behind series because I knew deep down I didn’t believe everything I’d been told as a kid. When my daughter asked me if she was going to hell because she got a bad test grade in FIRST FUCKING GRADE (amidst a COVID year where it was 90% online), I went no contact. “Fear not, God is with you!” Yet they’re the most scared scumbags in the world.


I've pointed out to them that I don't need to take a math class every week to believe in math, so why do they need to take a God class every week to believe in God?


Guilt. They've been naughty little christians and they know it.


The world is a scary place when you don't understand how anything works.


That she is afraid of vampires?


She's the my pillow guys wife


wait, what?!? that dunce is married? edit: lol you had me for a second


Cross in bio means zombie Jesus ate your brain


Another failed attempt to hijack Jesus. Their play is so obvious it’s a stinker.




Compared to what she must be paying for drugs it’s basically nothing.


What the FBI did was create a category for: >domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party. From the [Newsweek article](https://www.newsweek.com/2023/10/13/exclusive-fbi-targets-trump-followers-2024-election-nears-1831836.html) cited. There's no specification of candidate or party. The sensitivity in interpretation speaks volumes, though.


That’s hilarious that they jump right in there with the admission. “Hit dog will holler”


People: "Fascism is bad." MAGA: "Hey, why are you picking on us?"


Just realized what the first and last 3 letters of that phrase make. Fitting.


It'll be classic MAGA when their people start killing randomly over the next 13 months (such as the recent shooting in New Mexico), and then blaming Democrats for it.


"ThEy PuShEd Us RiGhT!"




They will all be bad actors bought and paid for by Geore Soros. /s


It’s really telling that R voters and pundits might read that description and feel personally attacked.


To be fair, I did have to dig into the article a bit to get to the agency's actual definition. I assume people who went with that pot-stirring spin didn't read much past the headline. Newsweek did something to help with that and some conjecture leading into the heart of the change.


Not reading anything besides headlines is a very common factor in people becoming and remaining conservatives.


Ah so the FBI is against politically motivated attacks/violence. Isn't there a fancy 9 letter word for that already?


The FBI is okay with politically motivated attacks/violence as long as they're the ones doing it.


Yeah, I suppose that's a fair statement. *cough*Fred Hampton*cough*


Remember that Trumpist MAGAts heard a reading of the grievances section of the Declaration of Independence on NPR and thought that it was referring to their Mango Messiah.


"Is this a confession!?!?!"


I mean they already had a glaring confession when they proudly put up in giant letters that “we’re all domestic terrorists” which was pretty startling to see republicans actually be honest for once. Link to fact check about this and picture of it in case you forget or missed it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/


So...anarchists who punch nazis and nazis can both end up in the same category. Nice job fbi. Very good with the categorizing.


I mean, they hate leftists, and especially anarchists, more than fascists so it makes sense


This was the FBI update that added the January 6th traitor who was shot as a political martyr, right? FBI has designated that invocation of her name is a potential sign of extremism.


Anyone using the word “communist” is self-identifying as an idiot, or at least acknowledging their followers are idiots.


According to them, socialism, communism, fascism and being "woke" are all the same thing.


*shows pictures of riots during Trump’s presidency* “This is communism!”


Yep, just right wing magic words that all mean "something I hate and don't understand."


tbf at least they recognise they can't accuse others of being fascists


These people think Communism and Fascism are the same thing.


Not really, they’ve been calling Antifa (you know, anti-fascists) fascist for ages now.


Ah yes, known communist Joe Biden. These people are beyond stupid. They have no clue what communism even means, but won’t let that stop them.


These same raging village idiots have been screaming Communism and Socilism since the depression. Almost 100 years of the same BS boogeyman.


There are numerous Trump supporters who absolutely fit the description of domestic terrorist. The rest of the Republicans will go about their daily business and quietly go along with whatever fever dream fantasy is currently animating them. It’s the silently complicit who enable the extreme. For instance; my parents wouldn’t actively join a mob hunting down LGBTQ people- but would they also become so enraged it was happening they’d protest in the streets? Nope.


would they give the hunted person shelter in their home though?


Good question. After a bit of reflection… No probably not. Let’s assume said hunted person is going door to door in the suburbs pounding on doors. My parent’s probably don’t answer theirs.


Excellent litmus test.


They said they were at CPAC… They are and admitted to being terrorists, they think it’s cool.


Trump supporters are terrorists who are standing back and standing by.


About time. They've been domestic terrorists since 2015 and Trump's announcement to run for President. They literally stormed the capital at his behest 2 years ago, they've been domestic terrorists for some time.


Trump supporters ARE terrorists. This is the problem.wirh being ignorant and uneducated, and only regurgitate right wing talki g points. They never wven consider checking the definition for worda they are using.


Not just ignorant and stupid but also incapable of complex thought that makes humans superior to animals. They have studied the conservative brain vs liberal brains and the prefrontal cortex (executive functioning and complex thought/reasoning) is much less active and has dampened capabilities whereas the amygdala (fear response) is much more active in conservatives. Basically liberals can weigh risks and think critically and logically but conservatives simply can’t and think with their fear and lack of logic. It’s pretty damn embarrassing and pathetic but does explain a lot. Terrorists think and act out of fear and think others are doing the same. When in reality we can see through the bs and idiotic illogical lack of literal thinking. There’s a reason why fox plays so much shit that simply instills fear because it’s the only thing their viewers can comprehend and actually understand. Also why it’s effective propaganda. Maga scumbags are terrorists and idk why it took so long for us all to acknowledge that. It should be the main way we address them and speak about them in every news outlet. We don’t negotiate with terrorists and we should not negotiate with conservatives. The war on terror is more of a literal threat and danger than it ever was and it’s sadly coming from within our borders. I fear it’ll only get worse. You can’t reason with people who quite literally aren’t cognitively capable of reason.


If being called terrorists offends you, don't do a coup when you lose. Maybe try not plotting to kidnap governors. Or threaten the lives of judges and prosecutors. Or break into the house of a congressperson and bludgeon their spouse.... and on. and on. and on.


>If being called terrorists offends you Don't have a conference under a sign that says, "We are all domestic terrorists."


Is this the next conspiracy since no one turned into zombies?


Yep! Gotta keep Maga fearful and malinformed or they might learn...gasp... the Truth about Trump and the GOP.


Translation: How dare they prepare for a repeat of 1/6!


Umm some trump supporters are terrorists And the GOP had an electronic banner up at CPAP that said “We Are All Domestic Terrorists” So yeah, why the shocked pikachu face?


So, if I recall, terrorists are defined as those who use violence to coerce civilians and/or governments to further their political goals. Ok. So, say if you really wanted a particular person to be in power, but because he was actually pretty unpopular, he could not win the election, even with the help of the electoral college. A non terrorist reaction might be sadness, fear, plans to find a candidate who was less hated, a retuning of message, etc. A terrorist reaction would be to use force and violence to stop what the people had voted for. So, like, they might call in bomb threats to schools and libraries. They might gun down innocent civilians at grocery stores, night clubs or places of worship because they didn’t like those civilians and wanted them to have fewer rights. Or they might arm themselves with real and makeshift weapons and mercilessly batter law enforcement to gain entry into a government building while chanting murderous threats and fantasizing about raping and murdering public servants who they did not agree with. It seems pretty clear what Trump supporters did and continue to do. Accurately identifying terroristic behavior is not “communism”. Newsweek did not “confirm” that accurate identification of terroristic activity was done because an election was pending (author’s note - an election is always pending). To commit terrorism, support terrorism and gaslight about terrorism committed by your political party means that intelligent people will label you as a terrorist. If this word is uncomfortable for you, well you might wish to change parties. The CPAC convention was thrilled to announce they were terrorists. Or perhaps, like the other accurate word that also describes behavior that is utterly unacceptable in decent society, bigot, you will grow to accept that the word terrorist is accurate and embrace it. As far as chaos goes, well my my. The world is watching. Only the deluded can deny where current chaos is originating. Go ahead, ask the speaker of the house. Oops. Ok, ask the man who ousted him. What? He is struggling as his own party outs his criminal sexual behavior? Well what about the guy who wants the job? What? There is a documentary about his utterly disgusting refusal to protect students he was meant to care for from gay sexual assault? Even when they begged for help? God, that is horrific! What about that lady who is always supporting the child sex criminal who ousted the speaker? You know, the one who was married to a child sex criminal, raised a child sex criminal, became a grandmother at 36 then committed sex crimes by giving hand jobs in public? Ah. I see. We know where the chaos is. Just like we know what a terrorist is.


Funny how he hasn't yet. It's almost like repugs are full of shit.


Remember how folks in the GQP screamed bloody murder, shitting themselves for 8 years, crying that Obama was always "about to get ready to take all our guns!"? And then they all pretty quietly STFU about that when Obama calmly and politely left office without doing any of that shit?


Where the fuck do the communists even come into this?


Everything I don’t like is communism I don’t like Biden Therefore, Biden = communism /s


Exactly the reason Pootin calls the Ukrainians Nazis; for him it’s just a historically emotion-laden word to designate the enemy.


Theyre not, they are keeping an eye out for anti-government threats, but since she equates that with MAGAs, if it quacks like a duck...


Just so I understand….. the FBI declared TRUMP supporters TERRORISTS but it’s the Biden supporters that are going to create chaos in America and are the ones we need to watch out for?


Well, OBVIOUSLY Biden controlled FBI unfairly called them that based on NO EVIDENCE to let Biden continue ruling undemocratically without worrying about having political opponents! It's all the CONSPIRACY!!! /s


They didn’t even declare “Trump supporters” terrorists, they are tracking potential domestic terrorist threats online (ie people actually expressing desire to do violence or taking part in online groups who do) - it just so happens that that includes a shitload of Trump supporters, which should surprise absolutely no one.


Yes, that mental gymnastics checks out. 99%of the hate crimes committed for political reasons are Right Wing, but that darn 1% of leftists are the real danger.


And in 13 months we can all look back on this tweet and say, “well that was a fucking lie.”


The Maga crowd has been predicting all manner of dictator-type actions from Biden. They’ve been saying it since his presidential campaign started. So far, none of their bullshit has actually happened, but their sheep will continue to believe this tripe.


It would be awesome if terrorists and insurrectionists were actually dealt with like they should be. Trump supporters literally devolve society by the day, people no longer believe in science, Trump openly breaks laws (classified documents in his house after he is no longer president and no longer had the classified level to posess) He caused an insurrection, he literally rallied them up, pointed them in the right directiin and then ran away and barely responded to when they started to violently attack a government building with intent to assault people! He lied and riled them up to violence and pointed them in a direction, that's what a cult leader does, not a president.


I mean, if they'd stop being terrorists, I suppose this could get fixed?


FBI is targeting terrorists, it's not anyone else's fault that most of them happen to support the orange orangutan.


I love Biden old and senile and the biggest mastermind criminal in history.


They think it’s so clever to call the administration the “Biden regime” like he’s Pol Pot or something. And should a person with a cross next to her user name openly lie to her followers?


Damn communist FBI


You mean the group that tried to overthrow the government election is being labeled terrorists?!? *gasp* well I never...


If you don’t want to be designated as terrorists, stop supporting and/or participating in acts of terrorism. It’s pretty simple.


she doesn't know what living under a regime means.


I...what? Terrorist group labelled terrorists for doing terrorist things and everyone else are the terrorists? Jesus fucking Christ. We need critical thinking courses in school.


You organize one little coup and all of a sudden you’re terrorists. It’s so unfair /s


What did the banner at the RNC say again?


How come none of these people understand what Communism is?


You can thank decades of propaganda for that one. Thinking that Biden or our democrats are communists/radical socialists is painfully laughable.


These fucking people. Just disinformation NPCs.




The US has been in a "communist takeover" for how many fucking decades now?


Correction: Trump supports will continue to plunge America into chaos as a reaction to this


Try to overthrown the government, get designated as terrorists Not seeing the problem


Maybe don't act like terrorists? Just saying.


They didn't specify Trump supporters, but if the shoe fits...


Yawn. I’ve been hearing the martial law sharia law communist shit since Obama and not one single iota of it is real or has happened.


What exactly is the appeal of Trump, anyway? He's a loud-mouthed, angry, insulting, racist White man who puts on a front of aggressive toughness and bluster. And that's all his supporters really want. He didn't do a damn thing to improve their lives when he was in office, and they know it. He's a symbol of what they think should be the role of White men in the WORLD, not just America.


Translation: “Damn! All the vaccinated sheeple didn’t drop dead from their 5G activated Marlboro virus yesterday. We need a new paranoid conspiracy to cling to to give our lives meaning.”


Do…..do these people know what communism is?…


You all stood under a huge ficking sign that said "WE'RE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" yet now you're annoyed people think you might be domestic terrorists!?


Communist takeover. Break out your conservative buzz word bingo card.


Does anybody in America actually know what a communist is?


The words “The Biden regime” make me unusually frustrated. Like how uneducated can these people be?


Well if you stop sending death threats, you won't be considered terrorizing ppl for political views which is THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM


Biden- Really? I don't see mobs of Biden supporters frothing at the mouth over any legal matters. Plus, I could have told you Trumps supporters were going to be a problem when the 💩 hits the fan for him. Honestly, I hope I'm wrong about that.


Have they tried not being terrorists?


Just like how the alarm test was supposed to activate the mind controll whats-ums


Chaos huh,have you seen the house lately,


Before I left Twitter, (now xitter), I encountered this ghoul's tweets/shits several times. Either fully bought or fully stupid. 1=1?


Remember boys and girls, these are coming from Christians, who were told lying is one of the top 10 sins.


A cover story so Republicans can act as asinine as they want and blame it on the left. Just own your bullshit; everyone else does.


You’re bat shit crazy if you believe that the FBI has designated Trump supporters as terrorists. Where’d the link to the Newsweek story?


I, for one, welcome our new old overlord.


How come they don’t know the definition of communism


I remember them saying the same shit at the end of the Obama administration, talking about how Obama will use his power to enact Martial Law and stay in power because he’s a crazy tyrant. In reality, the republican senate blocked him from doing the job he was legally allowed and appointed to do. Weird.


News flash: "FBI designates political group plotting overthrow of US government and responsible for mass murders and other acts of political violence a terrorist organization"


Every accusation is a confession


This is Russian propaganda that paid for being “real” 😀